Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
Montoya II, M. (2021). Making a Montoya II, M. (2021). Making a Montoya II, M. (2021). Making a
stand [Learning Activity Sheet]. stand [Learning Activity Sheet]. stand [Learning Activity Sheet].
Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education
D. Presenting By choosing one from the By choosing one from the options By choosing one from the
examples/instanc options presented, you have presented, you have already options presented, you have
es of the new already made a stand. Making a made a stand. Making a stand is already made a stand. Making a
lesson/Motivation stand is an important skill we all an important skill we all need to stand is an important skill we all
need to do. This means do. This means defending our need to do. This means
defending our beliefs, our beliefs, our choices, and our defending our beliefs, our
choices, and our rights. rights. choices, and our rights.
E. Discussing An opinion tells what a person An opinion tells what a person An opinion tells what a person
new concepts thinks about something. It thinks about something. It cannot thinks about something. It
and practicing cannot be described as true or be described as true or false. cannot be described as true or
new skills No. 1 false. Opinions are also neither Opinions are also neither right false. Opinions are also neither
right nor wrong because these nor wrong because these are right nor wrong because these
are merely views, judgments, or merely views, judgments, or are merely views, judgments, or
beliefs. Face shields must also beliefs. Face shields must also beliefs. Face shields must also
be worn in school, at work, and be worn in school, at work, and in be worn in school, at work, and
in public places in addition to public places in addition to in public places in addition to
facemasks. Do you think facemasks. Do you think facemasks. Do you think
everyone will have the same everyone will have the same everyone will have the same
opinion about this? Can you say opinion about this? Can you say opinion about this? Can you say
that this is true or false? Right or that this is true or false? Right or
that this is true or false? Right or
wrong? If you see that there are wrong? If you see that there are wrong? If you see that there are
answers which agree with the answers which agree with the answers which agree with the
statement and also answers that statement and also answers that statement and also answers that
disagree with it, you can be sure disagree with it, you can be sure disagree with it, you can be sure
that what was said is just an that what was said is just an that what was said is just an
opinion. That is why making a opinion. That is why making a opinion. That is why making a
stand is an important skill we all stand is an important skill we allstand is an important skill we all
need to do to defend and need to do to defend and respect need to do to defend and
respect our beliefs, decisions, our beliefs, decisions, and rights.
respect our beliefs, decisions,
and rights. and rights.
F. Discussing Making a stand means having a Making a stand means having a Making a stand means having a
new concepts firm or strong position about a firm or strong position about a firm or strong position about a
and practicing certain issue with evidence to certain issue with evidence to certain issue with evidence to
new skills No. 2 support it. A stand may vary support it. A stand may vary from support it. A stand may vary
from one person to another. one person to another. Moreover, from one person to another.
Moreover, in contradicting in contradicting ideas, it is Moreover, in contradicting ideas,
ideas, it is important to value important to value and respect it is important to value and
and respect different opinions. different opinions. respect different opinions.
G. Developing Directions: Study the following Directions: Decide your position Directions: Read an excerpt
Mastery (Leads to pictures. These pictures are all on the following issues by from an article answer the
Formative related to the in-person classes. checking your chosen stand's following questions.
Assessment) Copy and fill in this table in your box and providing your reason in
notebook. the box. In-person classes remain the
‘best option’ for basic education:
Pictu Desc Agre Why DepED
res riptio e or ? Stateme In Favor Against “Citing the “undisputable fact”
n Disa nt that in-person learning
gree Exampl / remains the best option for
1. Volu e: basic education based on
ntary Wearing studies, the Department of
weari of Education (DepED) is all set
ng Facema for the return to full face-to-
face sk face in all public schools…
mask I favor wearing a mask and Meanwhile, DepED expressed
insid face shield to protect myself hope that parents or guardians
e the from contacting the COVID-19 of private school learners
class virus. “would not miss the
room 1. . abundance of scientific studies
2. Man Regular available on the advantages of
dator classes in-person classes over online
y starting learning.”
vacci at 10am
ne Reason 1. What is the article about?
for 2. .
learn Schedul
ers ed use 2. What is in-person classes?
aged of
5-11 gadgets
years and the
old 3. Do you agree that in-person
classes are more effective than
online classes? Why?
H. Finding A place that supposed to A place that supposed to provide A place that supposed to
Practical provide a haven and new a haven and new opportunities to provide a haven and new
Application of opportunities to people of all people of all walks of life. The opportunities to people of all
Concepts and walks of life. The beauty of beauty of taking a stand is that it walks of life. The beauty of
Skills in Daily taking a stand is that it lets lets people that can stand up taking a stand is that it lets
Lives people that can stand up advocate on the behalf of those people that can stand up
advocate on the behalf of those that cannot stand up for advocate on the behalf of those
that cannot stand up for themselves. How are you going that cannot stand up for
themselves. How are you going to stand up for what you believe themselves. How are you going
to stand up for what you believe in and advocate for? to stand up for what you believe
in and advocate for? in and advocate for?
I. Making How to make a stand? How to make a stand? What are the things to consider
Generalization when making a stand?
and Abstraction
J. Evaluating Directions: Should kids be Directions: Provide your stand on Directions: Make a reflection on
Learning allowed to have their own the given article below by why it is necessary to give
smartphones? Give your completing the table. respect to the opinion of others
opinion, give a piece of and on how they make a stand
evidence to support your Coronavirus on it.
opinion, then write your stand. By the World Health Organization
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) ___________________
is an infectious disease caused ___________________
by a newly discovered ___________________
coronavirus. Most people ___________________
infected with the COVID-19 virus
will experience mild to moderate
respiratory illness and recover
Opinion: without requiring special
treatment. Older people and
those with underlying medical
Evidence: problems like cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, chronic
respiratory disease, and cancer
Make a stand: are more likely to develop serious
illness. The best way to prevent
and slow down transmission is to
be well informed about the
COVID-19 virus, the disease it
causes, and how it spreads.
Protect yourself and others from
infection by washing your hands
or using an alcohol-based rub
frequently and not touching your
face. The COVID-19 virus
spreads primarily through
droplets of saliva or discharge
from the nose when an infected
person coughs or sneezes, so it
is important that you also practice
respiratory etiquette (for
example, by coughing into a
flexed elbow). To prevent
infection and to slow
transmission of COVID-19, do
the following:
• Wash your hands regularly with
soap and water or clean them
with an alcoholbased hand rub.
• Maintain at least a 1-meter
distance between you and people
coughing or sneezing.
• Avoid touching your face.
• Cover your mouth and nose
when coughing or sneezing.
• Stay home if you feel unwell. •
Refrain from smoking and other
activities that weaken the lungs.
• Practice physical distancing by
avoiding unnecessary travel and
staying away from large groups
of people. Source: “Corona
Virus,” World Health
Organization, December 30,
K. Additional
activities for
application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and
expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose
and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson
because the learners because the learners because the learners
VI. Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the
REFLECTIONS teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process when
incorporating incorporating incorporating
A. No. of learner
who earned 80%
B .No. of learner
who scored below
80% ( needs
C. No. of learners
who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No of learner
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why?
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal
/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share w/other