Mann-Assessment-Of-Swallowing-Ability - Scoring Sheet
Mann-Assessment-Of-Swallowing-Ability - Scoring Sheet
Mann-Assessment-Of-Swallowing-Ability - Scoring Sheet
5 8 10
Alertness no response to
difficult to rouse fluctuates alert
2 5 8 10
Cooperation no cooperation reluctant fluctuating cooperation cooperative
6 8
2 4 follows simple follows ordinary 10
Auditory comprehension no response to occasional motor response if cued conversation with conversation with NAD
speech repetition little difficulty
2 4 8
6 10
Respiration chest infection coarse basal crepitations fine basal crepitations sputum upper airway chest clear
suctioning chest physiotherapy other condition
1 3 5
Respiratory rate (for swallow) no independent some control/uncoordinated able to control breath rate for swallow
2 3 4
1 5
Dysphasia unable to assess no functional speech expresses self in limited manner mild difficulty finding NAD
sounds/single words short phrases/words words or expressing ideas
2 3
1 speech accurate after trial 5
Dyspraxia unable to assess groping/inaccurate/partial speech crude/defective in and error, minor searching NAD
or irrelevant responses accuracy or speed on command movements
3 4
1 2 5
Dysarthria unable to assess speech unintelligible speech intelligible but slow with occasional NAD
obviously defective hesitation or slurring
1 2 3 4 5
Saliva gross drool some drool consistently drooling at times frothy/expectorated NAD
1 3 4
2 5
Lip seal no closure incomplete seal unilaterally weak mild impairment NAD
unable to assess poor maintenance occasional leakage
2 4 6 8 10
Tongue movement no movement minimal movement incomplete movement mild impairment in range full ROM
2 5 8 10
Tongue strength gross weakness unilateral weakness minimal weakness NAD
2 5 8 10
Tongue coordination no movement gross incoordination mild incoordination NAD
unable to assess
4 6 8
2 10
Oral preparation unable to examine no bolus formation minimal chew thrust lip or tongue seal NAD
no attempt gravity assisted bolus escape
1 2 3 4
Gag no gag absent unilaterally diminished unilaterally diminished bilaterally hyperreflexive
2 4 8
6 slight asymmetry 10
Palate no spread or minimal movement unilaterally weak NAD
elevation nasal regurgitation/air escape mobile
2 5 10
Bolus clearance no clearance some clearance/residue significant clearance/ fully cleared
minimal residue
2 4 6 8 10
Oral transit no movement delay > 10 sec delay > 5 sec delay > 1 sec NAD
1 3 5
Cough reflex none observed/unable to assess weak reflexive cough NAD
2 5 8 10
Voluntary cough no attempt/ attempt inadequate attempt bovine NAD
unable to assess
2 8
aphonic 4 6 10
Voice wet/gurgling hoarse mild impairment NAD
unable to assess slight huskiness
1 5 10
Trache trache/cuffed trache/fenestrated no trache
2 5 laryngeal elevation 10
Pharyngeal phase no swallow pooling/gurgling mildly restricted immediate laryngeal elevation
unable to assess laryngeal elevation incomplete slow initiation clearance of material
incomplete clearance
1 5 10
Pharyngeal response not coping/gurgling cough before/during/after swallow NAD
NBM thick vitamized oddslot diet
Diet recommendations risk too great modified soft soft normal
Fluid recommendation NBM thick fluid (batter) thick (honey) thick (nectar) normal
Total =
Additional Problems:
Date: Signature:
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