The Determinant Factors of E-Commerce Usage Behavior During Flash Sale Program
The Determinant Factors of E-Commerce Usage Behavior During Flash Sale Program
The Determinant Factors of E-Commerce Usage Behavior During Flash Sale Program
Abstract—The research objective is to analyze the transactions, the Indonesians’ online purchase behavior
determinant factors of the purchase intention during a also increases.
flash sale program. It is conducted from October 2018 Around 2014, electronic commerce began to develop
to January 2019. The researchers apply a quantitative
approach. The sampling technique is snowball sampling. rapidly in Indonesia. Some e-commerce names like
The survey data are collected from 210 respondents Bhinneka, Lazada, Tokopedia, Blibli, Bukalapak, and
who shop online in Indonesia using questionnaires. The others started to advertise a lot through advertising
data are examined using Structural Equation Modelling media on TV, the Internet, and others to get people
(SEM) with AMOS ver. 25. The research results indi- to buy online. The products sold on an e-commerce
cate that the effect of perceived usefulness, information
quality, and web quality on purchase intention are website are various, such as fashion products, elec-
mediated by attitude. The flash sale program has a tronic devices, beauty care, household appliances, and
moderating impact on purchase intention. The effect of transportation tickets.
perceived ease of use and trust in the purchase intention E-commerce is business, technology, society, and
mediated by attitude is not significant. The R-squared the ability to buy and sell goods and services via
value of attitude on e-commerce is 0.527, and purchase
intention is 0.369. These research results are important the Internet. It involves the process of ordering goods
for e-commerce management to understand the essential and services, as well as shipping to consumers. E-
factors of purchase intention during a flash sale program. commerce was introduced 40 years ago and until now
continues to grow with new technology, innovation,
Index Terms—Purchase Intention, Perceived Ease of and thousands of businesses entering the online market
Use, Information Quality, Web Quality, Flash Sale Pro- every year. The main goal is to provide comfort, safety,
gram and experience to consumers [3]. In the context of
electronics, e-commerce is the production, distribution,
I. I NTRODUCTION marketing, sale, or delivery of goods and services by
electronic means [4].
Cite this article as: A. M. Sundjaja, G. V. Arisanto, and S. Fatimah, “The Determinant Factors of
E-Commerce Usage Behavior During Flash Sale Program”, CommIT (Communication & Information
Technology) Journal 14(2), 65–72, 2020.
Cite this article as: A. M. Sundjaja, G. V. Arisanto, and S. Fatimah, “The Determinant Factors of
E-Commerce Usage Behavior During Flash Sale Program”, CommIT (Communication & Information
Technology) Journal 14(2), 65–72, 2020.
Question N % Question N %
Gender E-Commerce Purchase Frequency
Male 87 41 ≥ 3 times/week 8 4
Female 123 59 < 3 times/week 51 24
Age < 3 times/month 71 34
13 – 20 54 26 ≥ 3 times/month 42 20
21 – 30 123 59 ≥ 3 times/year 19 9
31 – 40 20 9 < 3 times/year 19 9
> 40 13 6 E-Commerce Purchase Value
Education < Rp100,000.00 16 8
Junior High School 5 3 < Rp450,000.00 144 68
Senior High School 114 54 < Rp1,000,000.00 37 18
Diploma/Undergraduate 58 27 ≥ Rp1,000,000.00 13 6
Master Degree 24 12 E-Commerce Platform
Doctoral Degree 9 4 Tokopedia 180 85.7
Occupation Shopee 171 81.4
Student 120 57 Lazada 128 60.9
Housewife 7 3 Bukalapak 79 37.6
Entrepreneur 13 6 36 17.1
Employee 70 34 21 10
N= 210 respondents.
Based on the frequency of shopping on e-commerce can choose three answers. Table I presents the profile
sites, most respondents shop less than 3 times per and behavior of respondents who shop through e-
month (34% or 71 respondents). The results are fol- commerce during the flash sale program.
lowed by more than or equal to 3 times per month
(20% or 42 respondents), less than 3 times per week The researchers conduct the missing value test. It
(24% or 51 respondents), less than 3 times per month examines the incomplete data from the data collection
(9% or 19 respondents), more than or equal to 3 times process. Based on the filled questionnaire results, the
per year (9% or 19 respondents), and more than or data are complete because the questionnaire designed
equal to 3 times per week (4% or 8 respondents). using Google Forms has added the function of the
For the spending on e-commerce sites, 16 respondents validation field that must not be empty. Next, the
have spent less than Rp100,000.00 on e-commerce researchers test the normality to determine whether the
sites (8%). Then, 144 respondents spend less than data are normally distributed or not. Research using
Rp450,000.00 (68%), and 37 respondents use less than questionnaires can be tested parametrically to analyze
Rp1,000,000.00 (18%) on e-commerce sites. About consumers’ opinions using a Likert scale. The sample
6% or 13 respondents have average spending of more used in the research is below 300 so that normality tests
than or equal to Rp1,000,000.00. According to the can be done by evaluating the distribution of skewness
most commonly used e-commerce, the top three e- and kurtosis [31]. Table II shows the skewness and
commerces are Tokopedia (85.7%), Shopee (81.4%), kurtosis value of all variables. If the z-score has a
and Lazada (60.9%). In this question, the respondents range outside of -3.29 and +3.29 with an alpha level
of 0.05, the data distribution is considered abnormal.
Cite this article as: A. M. Sundjaja, G. V. Arisanto, and S. Fatimah, “The Determinant Factors of
E-Commerce Usage Behavior During Flash Sale Program”, CommIT (Communication & Information
Technology) Journal 14(2), 65–72, 2020.
TABLE IV reliable.
Then, Table III shows the mean, standardized load-
Covariance M.I Par Change ing, average variance extracted, and construct relia-
E1 (PEOU 1) – E2 4.067 0.022
bility of each indicator and variable. In the research,
(PEOU 2) the cut-off value is 0.6 for factor analysis and 0.5 for
E4 (PU 1) – E6 (PU 6.859 -0.042
the average variance extracted. Therefore, the indica-
E16 (ATT 1) – E18 8.910 -0.058 tors already accurately measure the perceived ease of
(ATT 3)
use, perceived usefulness, trust, information quality,
M.I= modification indices
web quality, attitude, and purchase intention on e-
commerce. For testing the reliability, the cut-off value
for construct reliability is 0.8. All variables have CR
The researchers can conclude that the data are normally values above 0.8, so that the variables are reliable.
distributed. Next, the researchers investigate the measurement
For the pre-test, the questionnaires are distributed model using the goodness-of-fit indices. The results
to 30 respondents. The results of the questionnaire of goodness-of-fit indices show the model is fairly fit:
are examined using SPPS. Using Bivariate Correlation, χ2 = 229.346, χ2 /d.f = 1.365; GFI = 0.910; AGFI =
researchers test the validity of all indicators in each 0.876; NFI = 0.930; CFI = 0.980; RMSEA = 0.042;
variable. Moreover, the researchers calculate Cron- and TLI = 0.975. The researchers refine the model
bach’s alpha by using SPPS to test the reliability of using modification indices by adding three correlations
the research instrument. Reliability for each factor is between indicators of perceived ease of use (PEOU) 1
calculated using the coefficient of α, with a value of and 2, indicators of perceived usefulness (PU) 1 and
0.937 [13]. Based on Table II, the data are valid and 3, and indicators of attitude (ATT) 1 and 3. Table IV
Cite this article as: A. M. Sundjaja, G. V. Arisanto, and S. Fatimah, “The Determinant Factors of
E-Commerce Usage Behavior During Flash Sale Program”, CommIT (Communication & Information
Technology) Journal 14(2), 65–72, 2020.
Cite this article as: A. M. Sundjaja, G. V. Arisanto, and S. Fatimah, “The Determinant Factors of
E-Commerce Usage Behavior During Flash Sale Program”, CommIT (Communication & Information
Technology) Journal 14(2), 65–72, 2020.
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