UTU Syllabus MBA 3rd and 4th Semester 2
UTU Syllabus MBA 3rd and 4th Semester 2
UTU Syllabus MBA 3rd and 4th Semester 2
Uttrakhand Technical University SYLLABUS MBA -III & IV SEMESTER Semester-III Select one group as major specialisation & one subject for minor specialisation out of group(s) so specified for major specialisation. MBA 301 Strategic Management 100 marks MBA 302 International Business 100 marks MBA 303 ) 100 marks MBA 304 ) Four papers Three from one major group 100 marks MBA 305 ) and one from another Minor group 100 marks MBA 306 ) 100 marks MBA 307 ) Summer Training Report and Seminar based on ) Summer Training Report (50 marks each) 100 marks MBA 308 ) Seminar and Vice voce (50 marks each) 100 marks A-Marketing Management Group MBA 303 MBA 303 MBA 303 M M M 1Consumer Behaviour 2Marketing Research 3Marketing of Service
B- Human Resource Management Group MBA 304 MBA 304 MBA 304 H - 1Industrial Relation H 2Counseling Skills for Managers H 3Social Security and Labour Welfare
C- Financial Management Group MBA 305 MBA 305 MBA 305 F - 1Security Analysis and Portfolio management F 2Financial Institution and Markets F 3Working Capital Management
D- Information Technology Group MBA 306 MBA 306 MBA 306 IT - 1Data Base Management System IT 2Computer Architecture and Operating System IT 3 Visual Basic
E- International Business Group MBA 307 MBA 307 MBA 307 IB - 1International Marketing Management IB 2 International Trade Procedure & Documentation IB 3International Marketing Logistics
F- Coo-perative management Group ( To be decided by Institute of Cooperative Management) Semester-IV Select one group as major specialisation & one subject as minor specialisation o ut of group(s) so specified for major specialisation. MBA 401 Corporate legal Environment 100 marks MBA 402 Project Management & Entrepreneurship 100 marks MBA 403 Project Report /Dissertation 100 marks MBA 404 Viva on Dissertation 100 marks MBA 405 ) 100 marks MBA 406 ) Three papers Two from one major group 100 marks MBA 407 ) and one from another Minor Group 100 marks MBA 408 ) Vice voce 100 marks A-Marketing Management Group) MBA 404 MBA 404 M M 1- Marketing Communication & Advertising 100 marks 2- Sales & Distribution Management 100 marks
B- Human Resource Management Group MBA 405 H 2 Human Resource Planning And Development 100 marks MBA 405 H 3 Organizational Change & Intervention Strategies 100 marks C- Financial Management Group MBA 406 MBA 406 F F 1 2 Cost Accounting 100 marks International Financial Management 100 marks
D- Information technology Group MBA 407 MBA 407 E IT IT 1 2 Internet Application 100 marks System Analysis and Design 100 marks
International Business Group IB IB 1 2 Multinatio nal Financial Management 100 marks Import/ Export Management 100 marks
UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, DEHRADUN SYLLABUS -THIRD SEMESTER There are both compulsory and elective papers in this Semester. Papers 301 and 3 02 are compulsory for all students and for elective papers the students shall have to choose Four papers: - Three from one of the Major specialization group and one from another Minor specialization grou p mentioned below. Compulsory Papers 301 - Strategic Management Objective The objective is to develop an understanding of the concept of corporate strateg y formulation, implementation and its evaluation. Course Contents i. Introduction to Business Policy and Strategic Management, Nature, Meaning and Sc ope, Importance of Business Policy and Strategic Management. ii. Corporate Planning, Concept of planning, Planning Process, Types of Planning, St rategic Planning, Strategic Decision Making, Mission, Objective and Goals. iii. Corporate Strategy, Formulation of Strategy, Factors responsible for Shaping the Strategy, Different Types of Strategy, Environmental Analysis, Internal and External Envir onment of a Firm, Need for Environmental Analysis, Techniques for Environmental Analysis, Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP). iv. Corporate Appraisal and Its Significance, Assessment of Internal Capabilities, C ompany Situation Analysis, Strategy and Competitive Advantages, Matching Strategies, Fu nctional Strategy and Operational Strategy. v. Implementing Strategy, Organization Structure, Culture, Commitment and Leadershi p, Business Unit Strategy, Portfolio Analysis, BCG and other Portfolio Models. vi. Strategic Alternatives, Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment, International Strate gy variation, Diversification and Mergers, Strategic Alliances. Strategic Choice Process, Cont rol and Evaluation Process. vii. Strategy in the Global Environment, Implementing Strategic Change-Politics, Powe r and Conflict. viii.
Case Analysis and Class Room Discussion on Different cases by adopting Group Dis cussion and Presentation Method. Suggested Readings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Thompson and Strickland - Strategic Management Concept and Stress Ansoff, H Igor - Corporate Strategy Charles W L Hill and G R Jones- Strategic Management Theory Azhar Kazmi - Business Policy Thomos L Wheelen and J D Hunger- Strategic Management Hamel G and Prahalad C K -Competing for the Future
Objective The objective is to Impart knowledge and skill of analysis of operational proces ses of business between two or more nations. Course Contents i. International Business- an Overview, Types of International Business-The Externa l Environment, The Economic & Political Environment, The Human culture Environment , Influence on Trade and Invest Patterns. ii. Recent World Trade and Foreign Investment trends, Balance of Payments Accounts a nd Macroeconomic Management Theories and Institutions, approaches to international business. iii. Trade & Investment Determination of Trading Partners Independence, Interdependen ce and Dependence. iv. World Financial Environment, Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements, Tariff a nd NonTariff Barriers, WTO, Regional Blocks, International Marketing Decisions-Mode of Entry, Marketing Mix Decision for International Business. v. Foreign Exchange Market, Offshore Financial Centers, International Banks, Non Ba nking Financial Service Firms, Stock Markets. Foreign exchange regulation. vi. Global Competitiveness, Export Management, Licensing Joint Venture Technology an d Global Competition, Quality Control and Pre-Shipment Inspection, Role of Clearing and F orwarding Agents, Shipment of Export Cargo, Excise and Customer Clearance, Shipping System and Freight Structure. vii. Quality control and pre shipment inspection, role of clearing and forwarding age nts, shipment of export cargo, excise and custom clearance, shipping system and freight struct ure. viii. Export and Import Documents, Export Incentives, Export Promotion Schemes with sp ecial reference to India. And Challenges in International Business. Export Trading Com paniesTopology of ETC s, The Service Life Cycle, Structure, Process. Export Finance Faci lities, Procedures for Export Finance, Foreign Exchange regulations and Formalities, Ban k
Documents, Letter of Credit, Role and Schemes of EUGC and Commercial Banks, Fore ign Exchange Regulations. Suggested Readings Chales W.L Hill - International Business John, F - International Business Strategy and Administration Lal Snajay -Multinationals, Technology and Exports Robinson D Richard - International Business Management Bhalla V.K.& Sivramu- International Business Environment and Business Govindrajan- Mastering Global Business K Ashwathapa -International Business Environment Devil and sundram International Business
Major Specialization Groups - A, B, C, D, E, F (Three papers from one of the Maj or Specialization Group and one paper from another Minor Specialization Group menti oned below) Marketing Management Group 303-M-1 Consumer Behavior Course Contents i. Introduction-Nature and Scope of Consumer Behavior, Importance of Study of Consu mer Behavior, types of Buying Behavior, Consumer Behavior Research. ii. Macro-Social Factors-Social and Cultural Environment of Consumer-Economic, Demographic, Cultural, Sub-Cultural and Cross Cultural Influences, Social Class and Social Stratification, Segmentation and its Validity. iii. Micro-Social Factors- Social Groups and Norms, Reference Groups, Organizations a nd Family Influences, Family Buying Behavior. iv. Psychological Factors-Personality, Self Concept, Attitude, Change in Attitude an d its Measurement. v. Information Processing-Perception, Learning, Communication Information Processin g, Diffusion of Innovation, Cognitive Process of Decision Making and Choice. vi. Consumer Satisfaction-mechanism of Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction, Re peated Buying, brand and Shifting Loyalty, Opinion Leadership, Complaint Behavior. vii. The Process of Consumer Decision Making, Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior, Mo dels of Consumer Behavior-Introduction and their need, Howard and Sheth Model, Engel, Ko llat and Blackwell Model, Kerby model, Nicosia Model. viii. Institutional Buying Behavior. ix. Changing retail landscape and its effect on consumer behaviour. Suggested Readings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Zaltam and Wallendrof- Consumer Behaviour Engel, Blackwell Edition -Consumer Behaviour Mellout, Douglas W.Tr - Consumer Behaviour London and Della Bitta- Consumer Behaviour Schiffman and Kanuk -Consumer Behaviour Blackwell , miniard , enjul Consumer Behaviour
303-M-2-Marketing Research Course Contents i. Market Research- Introduction, Definition, Importance, Scope and Limitations of Market Research, Objectives, Types of Research, Planning and Designing Research. ii. Secondary and Primary Data Collection-Introduction to Secondary Data Source and their Types, Methods of Data Collection, Data Preparation- Validation, Editing, Coding , Tabulation and Cross Tabulation of Data, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Hypothesis Testi ng, Univariate and Bivariate Data Analysis. Multivariate Data Analysis. iii. Sampling and Questionnaire Design and Construction- Introduction to Sampling, Sa mpling Process, Sampling Designs, Sample Size, Application of Sampling, Steps involved in Questionnaire Construction, Questionnaire Designs, Attitude Measurement, Types o f Scales for Attitude Measurement. iv. Application of Marketing Research, Product Research, Utility of Market Research to Brand Positioning and Market Segmentation Analysis, Distribution Research, Advertising and sales Promotion Research, Sales Control Research, Financial Research and Strategic Pla nning. v. Presentation and Follow- Through-Role of the Report, Type of Reports, Contents o f the reports, Personal Presentation of the Report, Follow-through. vi. Organization of Marketing Research Department, marketing Research Agencies, Type s and Functions of Marketing Research Agencies, Ethical Issues of Marketing Research. Suggested Readings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Agrawal-Marketing Research Boyd West Fall - Marketing Research- Text and Cases D A Aader and G S Dey-Marketing Research Weiers -Marketing Research Malhotra -Marketing Research Chrchill -Marketing Research- Methodological foundation Tull and Hawkins-Marketing Research
Thomson Pub.
303-M-3-Marketing of Services Course Contents i. The Nature of Services Marketing-Introduction, Definition and Characteristics of Services, Classification of Services, Evolution of Services marketing, Importance of Servi ces Marketing in Indian Economy. ii. The Services Marketing Mix- Importance of 7 Ps in Services Marketing. iii. The Service Marketing- The People Component, Services and the Importance of the People Component, Using People to Differentiate Services, Internal Marketing, Employee Motivation and Implication for Service Delivery. iv. Physical Evidence and Services Process- Essential and Peripheral Physical Eviden ce, Nature of the Service Process, Customer Participation in Service Process, managing Evidenc e and Process. v. Consumer Behaviour for Services. vi. Services Market Segmentation, Competitive Differentiation of Services, Positioni ng of Services. vii. Services Pricing Decisions- Approaches to Pricing Services-Cost Based, Competiti on Based, Demand Based, Factors Affection Pricing. viii. Distribution of Services Decisions-Distribution Channels, Channel Design Decisio n, Factors Affecting Channel Decisions. ix. Service Promotion Decisions- Importance of Promotion in Services, Advertising, P ersonal Selling, Publicity and Sales Promotion. x. Managing Services Quality-Dimensions of Service Quality, Tools for Achieving Ser vice Quality, Consumer Perception of Service Quality. Suggested Readings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Philip Kotler and Paul N Bloom- Marketing Professional Services Lovelock - Service Marketing Adrian Payne - The Essence of Service Marketing Rathmell - Marketing in Service Sector
B- Human Resource Management Group 303-H-1 Industrial Relation Course Contents (i) Meaning scope and importance of Industrial relation. Major participants in Indus trial relations; Characteristics of Industrial relation system in India. (ii) Trade Union Management in India-Growth Problem, Recent Trends, and Future of tra de Unionism in India. (iii) Trade Union in India-Concept , Objectives, Structure and Function. Trade Union A ct 1926. Major Problems and Issues- Employers Organization in India. (iv) Worker Participation in Management-Meaning and Objective of WPM and Factor influencing in WPM. Workers Participation in Management in India An overview. (v) Industrial Disputes-Nature and Causes, Machinery provided for investigation, pre vention and settlement of Industrial Disputes. Industrial Disputes Act 1947. Review and Appraisal. (vi) Collective Bargaining-Concept Features, Types and Process, Pre requisites for su ccess of collective bargaining. Status of Collective Bargaining in India. (vii) Grievance Handling and Employees Discipline Approaches, Procedures National Commission on Labour and Its Recommendation on Various Aspects of Industrial Rel ation In India. Suggested Readings: 1. Singh B.P Chhabra, T.N., Tanneja P.L. - Personal Management and Industrial Re lation 2. Abrham H. Maslow - Motivation and Personality 3. Agnihotri V - Industrial Relation in India. 4. Prasad Lallan- Personal Management and Industrial Relation 5. Dvar Rustam S - Personal Management and Industrial Relation
303-H-2-Counseling Skills for Managers Objective The objective of the course is to develop basic skills among students to interpe dently handle a wide range of Employees Counseling and Performance Counseling. Course Contents i. Emergence and growth of Counseling Services. Counseling Process and Application of Counseling to Organization and Personal Situation with focus on Performance Coun seling. Approaches to Counseling. ii. Counselors-Client Relationship. Understanding Client s Behavior. Developing and termination a Counseling Relationship and Follow Up. Assessing Client s Problem. S pecial Problems in Counseling. iii. Counselor s Attitudes. Skills of Counseling. Counseling Strategies. Counseling Str ategies. Counseling Therapies-Insight Oriented Therapy. Behavior Therapy and Group Theory . iv. Communication and Persuasion. Communication Strategies and Reference Group and t heir Role in Understanding Client s Problem. v. Motivation and Inventive Requirement of Productivity. Role of Counseling in Unde rstanding of Low Productivity of Indian Workers. Need of Counseling Cell in the Organizati on. Application of Counseling to Organizational Situations with a focus on Performan ce Counseling. Suggested Readings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Corner L S, Guide Hackney H- The Professional Counselor s Process to Helping McLennan, Nigel - Counseling for Managers Moursund J - The Process of Counseling and Theory Flippo, Edwin B - Principles of Personnel Management Janase - Interpersonal Skills in Business Munra C A - Counseling- A Skills Approach Lussiar - Human Relations in Organization Corner L S et.el- The Professional Counselor Guide to Helping Patterson The counselling Process
303-H-3-Social Security and Labour Welfare Course Contents i. Social Security- Concept and Philosophy, Abolition of Bonded and Child Labour, G overnment Policy for Social Security and Social Insurance, ILO, Its Role, Functioning and Contributions. ii. Workmen s Compensation Act, 1923. iii. Employee s State Insurance Act, 1848 iv. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 v. Minimum Wages Act vi. Payment of Bonus Act vii. Payment of Wages Act Suggested Readings 1. Mullick - Labour Laws 2. Mimoria, C B and Memoris, S - Industrial Labour, Social Security and Industrial Peace in India 3. Sinha, G P - Industrial Relation and Labour Legislation in India 4. Zahiruddin - Labour Welfare Laws 5. Saharay H K - Industrial and Labour Laws of India 6. Srivastava S C - Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
C- Financial Management Group 305-F-1-Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Course Contents i. Principles of Investment-Investment Objectives and Constraints, Fixed and Variab le Return, Securities-Shares, Debentures, Government Securities, Derivatives, Commercial Pa pers, Different Modes of Investment and Investment Consideration. ii. Security Evaluation- Security Evaluation Model, Fundamental Analysis- Economic, Company and Industry Analysis, Technical Analysis and Random Walk Hypothesis, Efficient Market Hypothesis Forms and Tests. iii. The Risk-Return Framework, Types of Risk, Risk Evaluation, Hedging and Speculati on Calculation of Return, Valuation of Fixed Income Investments and Equity shares. iv. Meaning and Importance of Stock Exchanges- Important Provisions Relating to Func tioning of Stock Exchanges under Securities Regulation and Control Act. Latest Development in Securities Market, Control and SEBI Guidelines. v. Concept of Portfolio- Need, Types of Diversification, Elements of Portfolio Mana gement, Determining the Expected Risk and Return on Portfolio, Sharpe Model-Significance of B in Portfolio, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Portfolio Inve stment Strategy, Risk Management Strategy, Determining Optical Portfolio, Performance E valuation, Portfolio Revision Techniques, Bond, Equity Portfolio Insurance. vi. International Diversification, Risk in International Investment, International I nvestment Strategy, Return Forecasts, Portfolio Management Services, SEBI Guidelines for P ortfolio Managers. Suggested Readings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Apte, PG - International Financial Management Haugen Robert H- Modern Investment Theory Fisher, DM, Jordon, RJ - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Sharpe William - Investments Bhalla, V K -Investment Management Frank reilly & K C Brown Investment analysis and portfolio management. Dr. S M Tariq Zaffer Strategic Finance
305-F-2-Financial Institutions and Markets Course Contents i. Financial System- Introduction, Components, Structure, Features of Indian Financ ial System, Deficiencies and Recent Developments. ii. Major Indian Financial Institutions- IDBI, IFCI, ICICI, IRCI, SGC s and SIDC s-Manag ement, Working, Operations and Performance and Recent Developments. iii. Investment BankersUTI, LIC, GIC and Mutual Funds and Their Role, Investment Policy, Performance and Recent Developments. iv. Non-Banking Financial CompaniesObjectives, Functioning, Regulations, and Recent Developments. v. Role of Commercial banks in Industrial Finance. Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks. vi. Financial Markets-Concepts, Nature, Features, Functions, Structure Types, Ro le of Financial Markets in Economic Development vii. New Issue MarketsNature, Features, Functions, Methods of New Issues, Underwriting, Arrangements and recent Developments, SEBI Guidelines. viii.Secondary MarketsNature, Features Functions, Role of Stock Markets, Stock Exchanges, OTCEI, NSE, Recent Development and SEBI Guidelines. Suggested Readings 1. Khan M Y - Indian Financial Theory and Practice 2. Goldsmith, R W - Financial Institutions 3. Srivastava, R M- Management of Indian Financial Institutions 4. Harbert, Dougall E and Jack Gaumnitz- Capital Markets and Institutions 5. Avadhani V A -Marketing of Financial Services 6. Desai Vasant -The Indian Financial System and Development
305-F-3-Working Capital Management Course Contents i. Working Capital-Nature, Components, Types, Function, Determinants and Significan ce, Including Product Life Cycle and Operating Cycle Method. ii. Working Capital Policies. iii. Management of Cash, Motives for Holding Cash, Significance, Cash Planning a nd Budgeting, Management of Cash Collection, Disbursement of Cash, Cash Management Models. iv. Management of Marketable Securities, Purpose of Holding Securities, Determin ants. v. Receivable Management-Nature, Significance, Credit Standards, Evaluating the Cre dit Worthiness of a Customer. vi. Management of Inventory- Purpose for Holding Inventory, Components, Cost-Ben efits Analysis, Inventory Management Techniques. vii. Management of Current Liabilities- Sundry Creditors, Bills Payable, Conting encies. viii.Financing of Working Capital- Short- Term Sources, Long-Term Sources, Infla tion and Working Capital, Mechanics Of Working Capital Financing in India, Bank Lending, Control of Working Capital. Suggested Readings 1. Smith, K V - Management of Working Capital 2. Agarwal , J D - Working Capital Management 3. Mehta, D R and Englewood Cliffs N J - Working Capital Management 4. Scherr - Modern Working Capital Manageme nt-Text 5. Dr. S M Tariq Zaffer Strategic Finance
D- Information Technology Group 306-IT-1- Data Base Management System Unit -1 An overview of Database Management System, Database System Vs File System, Datab ase system concepts and architecture, data models schema and instances, data independence a nd data base language and interfaces, Data definitions language, DML, Overall Database Struct ure. Unit -2 ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram, mapping constraints, keys, Concepts of Super Key, candidate key, primary key, Generalization, aggregation, reduction of an ER diag rams to tables, extended ER model, relationships of higher degree. Unit -3 Components of DBMS Data Models in Databases, Relational Data Base Management Sys tem Relational Algebra, Data Models based on Implementation, Traditional Set Operato rs, Union, Special Relational Operators, election, Relational Database model, Integrity constraints : entity integrity, referential integrity, Keys constraints, Domain constraints, relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple and domain calculus. Unit -4 Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL, Advantages of SQL, SQL data types a nd literals, Types of SQL commands, SQL operators and their procedure, Tables, views and indexes, Q ueries and sub queries, Aggregate functions, Insert, update and delete operations, Joins, Union s, Intersection, Minus, Cursors in SQL. Unit -5 Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, third normal forms. Role of Database Administrator, Transactions, Database Recovery. SUGGESTED READINGS : 1) Bipin D Desai An introduction to Database System
2) C J Date -Introduction to Database System 3) Korth and Sillberschatz 4) Pratt Database System Concepts
306-IT-2-Computer Architecture and Operating System Unit -1 Overview of Computer Architecture, Introduction to Parallel computing; Paralleli sm in Uniprocessor Systems, Parallel computer structures, Architectural Classification schemes, par allel processing applications. Unit -2 RISC and CISC Architeture, Need of Operating System, Types of Operating System. Unit -3 Process concept, Process scheduling, Cooperating processes Unit -4 Memory Management-Logical and Physical Address Space, Swapping, Contiguous Alloc ation and Non-Continuous Allocation. Unit -5 File Management -File systems, secondary Storage Structure, File concept, access methods, directory implementation, Efficiency and performance, recovery SUGGESTED READINGS : 1) Galvin Operating System Concepts Operating System Advanced computer Architecture Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
2) MilenKovic 3) Parthosarthy
305-IT-3-Visual Basic/ Data Communication Network Unit -1 Introduction to VB, Environment of VB, properties, Managing data, working with c ontrols : textboxes, buttons, labels etc., variables, controlling program flow. Unit -2 Control Constructs : if-else, while, select cases etc. Inbuilt functions, User d efined functions, arrays, Files, procedures. Unit -3 Advanced System Defined Controls : Timer, Frame, Status Bar, Picture, Image List , Progress Bar etc. Unit -4 Design UI Applications : Showing and Hiding forms, Basic form events, Menu creat ion, Handling MDI parent/child forms, navigation through forms, connectivity with Database. Unit -5 Project Development. SUGGESTED READINGS : 1) Teach yourself Visual Basic -6 in 21 days 2) Brain Seler and Jeff Spolts 3) Mostasavi Using Visual Basic 6
E- International Business Group 307-IB-1-International Marketing Management Course Contents i. The Marketing Concept and Its Extension to International Marketing, Internationa l Marketing Tasks, Nature of International Marketing. ii. Selection of Foreign Markets, The Concept of International Marketing Mix, Implem entation of Marketing Strategies and Seven Ps, Organization and Control for International Ma rketing. iii. Analysis of International Marketing Environment and Identifying Foreign Mar kets-Political Considerations and Governme ntal Influences, Cultural and Social Dynamics, Econo mic Development and Geographical Conditions, Dynamics of Competitive Environment, Le gal, Regulatory and Financial Influences. iv. International Market Segmentation, Market Entry and Operation StrategiesExport, Joint Ventures, Direct Investment, Strategic Alliances, Multinational Operations. v. International Product Policies, Strategic Considerations in Making Product Decis ions, Alternative Strategies in Multi-National Product Planning, Methodology in Making Product Decision for International Markets. vi. International Pricing Decisions, Price Escalation, International Transfer Pr icing, Factors Influencing the Pricing decisions for International Markets, Export pricing and Differential pricing. vii. International Distribution System and Logistics, International Marketing Ch annel Decisions, Importance and Scope of Channel decisions, Nature of International Distribution Channels, Factors Influencing Channel Decisions. Suggested Readings 1. Leighton - International Marketing 2. Scravanavel P - International Marketing 3. Kotler, Armstrong - Principles of Marketing 4. Keegan - Managing Global Marketing 5. Franklin R Root - International Marketing 6. Foss and Caleore - International Marketing
307-IB-2-International Trade Procedures Documentation Course Contents i. Export Documentation, Information, Export Contract, Foreign exchange Regulations , Quality Control and Pre-Shipment Inspection. ii. Export Trade Control, Cargo Insurance, Commercial Practice, Central Excise Clear ance, Customs Clearance of Export Cargo, Export by Post Parcel and By Air. iii. Roll of Clearing and Forwarding Agents, Shipment of Export Cargo, Export Cr edit, Export Credit Guarantee and Policies, Exchange Rates and Forwarding Exchange Cover, Fin ance of Export on Deferred Payment Term, Duty Draw back. iv. Import Licensing Policy, Actual User Licensing, Replenishment Licensing, Cas h Assistance, Advance and Impart Licensing, Import/Export Pass Book, Capital Goods Licensing. v. Trading Houses, Central Sales Tax Exemption on Exports, Canalization, GSP Certif icate of Origin, Customs Clearance of Import Cargo, Documents prescribed by Importing Cou ntries, Standard Export Documents. Suggested Readings 1. A C Mittal - Export Management in India 2. M I Mahajan- Export Procedures and Documentation 3. Anita Kumari - Export Incentives 4. Hanbook Bublished on Imoort Export Procedures By Min. Of Commerce
307-IB-3-International Marketing Logistics Course Contents i. Marketing Logistics System, Concept, Objectives and Scope, System elements, Impo rtance and relevance to Export Marketing Management, General Structure for Shipping Ind ustry, Liner Operations and Tramp Operations, World Sea Borne Trade and World Shipping. ii. The Conference System, Freight Structure and Practice, Co-ordination, Role of In termediaries, Forwarding and Clearing Agents, Freight Brokers Stevedores, Shipping Agents. iii. All India Shipper Council, Shippers Association and FIB and Carious Standin g Committees Set Up for Resolving Shippers Problems. iv. UN Convention on Code of Cond uct for Liner Shipping Conferences, Chartering Principles and Practices, Containerization Concept, Operation of the System, Container Frei ghting, Inland Container Depot. v. Ports and Overseas Marketing Logistics, Role of Ports, Warehousing, Internationa l Air Transport and PDN Approach to Export Distribution. vi. Carriage of Goods- Legal Aspects, Evaluation and Use of Various Transportati on System, Port System and Sub-System, Analysis of Typical Bottlenecks in The Logistic System. Suggested Readings 1. T A S Balagopal - Export management 2. Kapoor ND - Commercial Law
309(i)-Summer Training Report - 50 marks After Completion of the compulsory training in designated organization each stud ent shall prepare a training report on the pattern finalized in consultation with the Teacher in-cha rge of the training. A copy of the report shall be submitted to the Teacher concerned, which shall be e valuated by the teacher concerned. 309(ii)-Seminar based on Summer Training Report - 50 marks Each Student shall present a seminar, which shall be based on the training and t he training report. The objective is to understand the benefits and gains to the student due to compulso ry training and enable the student to express his understanding about the functioning of out side world especially as to what extent the concept of management taught him were relevant and are helpful in the real world in the real situation. 310-Viva-Voce -100 marks At the end of the semester each student will have to face an interview wherein h is of her knowledge and skill acquired during the course shall b e examined. The Internal Expert and the External Expert shall conduct the viva-voce jointly. Feedback from the External Expert about the students shall be obtained from the point of vies of preparing students for placement Interviews.
UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, DEHRADUN Fourth Semester Ther are compulsory and elective papers in this semester, papers 401,402,403 are compulsory and under elective papers the students shall have to choose three papers from alread y selected group two from, the selected major specialization group and one from selected minor specia lization group. Compulsory Papers 401- Corporate Legal Environment. Objective: The objective is to provide knowledge about important business laws r elevant to Business and Corporate World. Course Contents i) Meaning and Importance of Business Laws. Laws and business managers. Governme nt and business relationships in India. ii) Indian contract Act, 1872- Definitions. Characteristics, Essentials of Valid Con tractDetailed Exposure to the Provisions. Discharge of Performance of contact. Conseq uences of Breach of Contract. iii) Types of Contract Indemnity , Guarantee, contingent, Bailment, Pledge, Agenc y. iv) Negotiable Instrument Act-Meaning and Types of Different Negotiable Instrume nt and the Provision Applicable to them. v) Sales of Goods Act. vi) Indian Arbitration Act. vii) Indian Partnership Act. viii) Indian Companies Act, 1956-Definitions, characteristics ,Types and Formati on of a Company. Shares Debentures, Borrowing Powers, Provision Relating to Company Liquidation. ix) Company Management-Directors, Managing Director, Their Appointment, Qualificatio n, duties Rights, Liabilities, Position, Remuneration, and Removal. Company Meeting s and Proceedings. Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement. Suggested Readings 1) Kuchal M C -Mercantile Law
2) Kapoor N D -Mercantile Law 3) Singh Avatar -Company Law 4) Jain J D -Indian contract Act.
402- Project Management and Entrepreneurship Objective The objective is to provide adequate knowladge to the students for setting up of projects and their successful implementation. Course Contents i) Project Management Nature, Scope, Process Elements, Significance and Emergenc e of Projects. Project Planning, Developing Project Models through Simulation. ii) Ii) Location of Project Site, Working Conditions Development Plans of the Go vernment and the Local Bodies, Elements and Factors Affecting Locational Decisions. Analy sis of Infrastructure, Labour, Raw Material, Transport and Other Factors. iii) Selection of the Product or Service, Market Research, Product Appraisal, Pr oduct Design, Factors Affecting the Selection Decision, Packaging and Other considrations, Cho ice of Technology, Choice of Process, Feasibility, Effects on Environment, Pollution co ntrol, government and Local Bodies Regulation. Economic Analysis of the Projects, Regio nal an Social Implications. iv) Project financing , Sources of finance , Raising Capital from Market, Financ ial Institutions, Raising Foreign Exchange, Government Regulation. Cost of Capital, Cost Benefit A nalysis , Cash flow Analysis. Project Scheduling , Monitoring and contract Management, P roject Appraisal, Contract Project Review. Definition , Classification , Nature and Importance of Enter v) Enterpreneurship preneurship and Enterpreneurs. Concept of Enterpreneurship, Enterpreneurial Environment , Gr owth of Enterpreneurs. Enterpreneur VS Professional Managers , Enterpreneurial Developme nt, Development of Women Enterpreneurs. vi) Role of Government and financial Institution in Enterpreneurship Development ., Sources of finance, Institutionalize finance to Enterpreneurs, role of Technical Consult ancy Organisation in Developing Enterpreneurs. vii) Governmental Policies Governing Enterpreneurship, Problems of Enterpreneurs hip. Suggested Reading 1) 2) 3) 4) Bhavesh M Patel - Project Management SS Khanka - Enterpreneurship Development Prasana Chandra - Project Management P C K Rao - Project Management and Control
403-Project Report Dissertation Objective to give a first hand exposure to the students on management related pr oblems and to enable them to develop problem solving skill with the help of problem solving tec hniqu es and by using primary and secondary information. Each students is expected to carry out a small but original study under the supe rvision of a disignated internal faculty member on a real management problem with respect to the issue related to trade , business , commerce, industry and finance, corporate governance and the incidental or allied areas connected thereto. On completion of the study the student shall submit a project report in the form of dissertation to their supervisor whio shall certify the dissertation and one cop y of dissertation in tern shall be forworded to the university addressed to the registrar for evaluation p urpose. the project report disertation shall be evaluated by the external ejxpert appointed by the universi ty on the same line as the examinor and [paper setter are appointed.
404 (M1)-Marketing Communication and Advertising Course Contents: (i) Communication Process- Nature of Communication Process and its Different Ele ments , Obstacle in Communcation Priocess, Role of xCommuncation Process in perception, Learning and Attitude Change. (ii) Communication process in Marketing- Importance and Application of Communica tion porocess relevent to them, Communication process in corporate image building , Advertisin g and Consumer psychology. (iii) Planning for market communication- strategic analysis for market communica tion, communication objectives, market segmentation, target group and target person, b rand positioning. (iv) Advertisement and their types, Importance of advertising in modern marketin g, different types of advertising , Advertising decision. (v) Message and Copy, Message strategy, Message design, Elements of Advertising copy, Developing effective Advertising copy, Creative and Visualization in Advertising, Method of creative Development. (vi) Media Planning-Comparative study of different advertising media, media choi ce, media schedulng and budgetting for advertising, Evaluation of advertising effectivenme ss, Pre Testing and ost testing Techniques. (vii) Regulation of Advertising- Advertising Department and its Organisation, Ad vertsiing Agencioes and Their Organisation s and Functions. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wright , Winter and Zeiglas - Advertising Managemetn Dunn and Barban - Advertising -its Role in Modern Marketing Mahendra Mohan- Advertisng Management Aaker Myers and Batra -Advertsiijg Management Kenneth F Runyen - Advertising
404-M-2 Sales and Distribution Management Course Contents: (i) Basic Concept -* Selling Function, Types of Selling and Emerging Dimensions, Direct Selling, Institution selling, TeleMarketing, Sampling , Follow the customer and other con cepts. (ii)Theories of Selling- Canned Approach AIDA Model, Right Set of circumstance T heory, Buying Formula Theory, Behavioural equation theory, (iii) Process of Effective selling, Prospecting, Preapproach Presentation and de monstration, Handling Objections, Closing the sales, Post sales activities, Quality of successful sale s person. (iv) Sales Management- Importance, scope, and function opf sales management, org anising for sales, sales planning, market potential analysis, sales forecasting, Fixing sales objec tives, Territory Allocation, Sales Quota, Participative Sales Planning and Behavioural Considerat ion. (v) Sales Force Management, - Sales Force Planning , Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Placement of sales person, Compensation and incentive to sales pers on, Motivation and leadership for sales, Evaluation of sales performance. (vi) Sales Control- MIS for sales , Report and Document used in sales ma nagemen t, Budgetory Control in sales, Sales variance analysis, Sales Expanses Control. (vii) Distribution netqwork- Various distribution channel and their comparaticve studies, channel design decision, channel management - Selection and Motivation. evaluation contr ol of cvhannel member, channel conflict management. (viii) Physical distribution management- Importance and Decision areas, Logistic and Inner Distribution Management Suggested Reading 1. Russel Beachand Brukirf- Selling 2. Still, Cundiff and Govani - Sales Management 3. K Patel - Sales Management 4. JOhnson , Kirtz and Schueing - Sales Management Confierd - Salesmanship- Practice and Problems
B- Human Resource Management group 405-H-1 Human Resource Planning and Development Course Contents (i) Human Resource Planning overview-Role of Human Resource Planning in the cont ext of Human Resource Management, Definition, Objectibve, Framework, Components of Human reso urce planning , Organisation Philosophy as related to the Human Resource Planning. (ii) Manpoower forecasting-Necessity, Problems, Management of Cadre Structurin a n organizaion Stock and Flow model, Push and Pull Model, Markov Chain Model, Correlation Model , Benefit of forecasting, Downsizing and its implication. (iii) JOb Analysis, Job Discription and Job specification-Concept , need and Imp ortance, Method of Job Analysis Functional Job Analysis, Job elements Methods, Flieshman Job Analys is System, Positional Analysis JOb Discription and Job Specification. (iv) Recruitment and Selection of Hman resource-Recruitment Selection Vacancy ch aracteristics and effect on job choice non compansatory and compansatory decision process in job c hoice, Factor influencing job recruitment effort, effect of personal policies in recruitment s ources, different methods of recruitment, selection method and standards, type of selection methodssteps i n selection process. (v) Peerformance Appraisal-definition and Uses, Objectives, Appraisal System-Fea tures and Limitations, Uses and abuses Performance Appraisal Methods, Self Appraisal Peer Appraisal, frequency of appraisal, Performance, Counselling and Feedback, Potential Apprais al, Monitoring and Review of Appraisal System, Linkage with other systems. (vi) Employee Development- work role of employee Manager and Executives, Organis ation characteristics Influencing employees development, Approach to employee developm ent, current issues in employee development, managing workforce diversity, sucess planing. (vii) career Management - concept, necessity, career development Model, Career P lanning System and its components, career counselling, career pathing role of employees Manager and Company in career planning, career plteauting, Duel Caree Paths, Balancing Work and Family, Coping with Job Loss Retirement. Suggested Readings 1. David A Cenzo and Stephen P Robin- Personal Human Resource Management 2. Liod L Byar and Leslie W Rue - Human Resource Management 3. R.K. Malhotra -Huiman Resource Managemetn
405-H2 - ORganisational Change and Interventaion Strategies Course Contents (i) Concept of Managing change- the practice of organisational change-Factors in fluencing organisational change, organisational culture and change, Managing resistance to change, effective implementation of change. (ii) Diagnosis and Intervention- Organisational Diagnosis-An Overview, diagnosis methods, intervention in organisation chang, evaluation of organisation change programme. (iii) Model of Organisational change- some model of change, causes of failure of changes, organisation changes and process consultation, Manager and the change, Internal and external agent of change. (iv) Introduction to organisation development-overview of organisational develop ment , definition , values, assumption and benifits of organisational development. (v) Theory and Management of organisational Development -Foundation of organisat ional development , Managing organisational development process. (vi) Organisational Interventions- An overview, Team intervention, Inter group a nd third party Peace Making intervention, comprehensive intervention, training Experiences. (vii) Key consideration and Issues-Ethical standard in organisational developmen t, the future of organisational development. Suggested Readings: 1. Uma Sekran- Organisational Behaviour 2. French And Bell - Organisation development 3.Stephen Robbin - Organisational Behaviour 4. Abad Ahmed at el- Developijg effective Organisations. 5. Husesy - How to make Organisation change 6. French WH and Bell- Organisational Developmen Theory Practive and Research choicee,
C- Financial Management Group (406 F-1) Cost Accounting Course Content: i) Introduction Cost, Costing, cost Accounting, Relationship of Financial accoun ting and Cost Accounting. ii) Classification of Cost, different Concepts relating to cost and cost account ing, Element of cost, meterial, purchases, store route, labour remuneration and incentives. iii) Unit or output Costing- Meaning, objectives and Importance and methods of determ ination of unit cost, cost sheet, statement of cost & profit and production account. Job or contract Costing-Meaning objectives and Importance, preparation of contract account. Diff erence between unit costing and job costing. iv) Process costing meaning, objectives and Importance, prepartion of Process accoun t, operating costing-meaning, objective and Importance, calculation of operating co st. v) Standard Costing-Meaning, objective and Importance, types of standards, limitati on of standard costing, variance analysis, material labour and overhead varience. Merg inal costing-meaning, objectives and Importance, limitation of marginal costing, cont ribution, break even analysis,P/V ratio, margin of safety, key factor. Marginal costing an d decision making. vi) Budgetry control Meaning meaning and characteristic of budgetary control, advanta ges and limitation of budgetary control budget. Suggested readings 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) RR Gupta - Advance accounting C T Horngren- Cost Accounting M N Arora - Cost Accounting J C Katyal - cost Accounting Chalos -Managing cost in today s Mfg. Env.
406 F-2 International financial Management: Course content: I) Introduction-objective, functions of international financial management, deci sion variables- currency exchange rates, balance of payments, international restructu ring and political risk, international monetary system, the foreign exchange market. II) Long term international investment decisionsmotives strategies and behavioural considration for long term investment decision. Justification of direct forign i nvestment, phases of puctctuating foreign markets, product cycle theory, international dive rsification. III) Issues in foreign investment analysis, choice of framework for analysis, ev aluation of international investment proposals- discounted cash flow ana lysis, the adjusted present value approach, political risk analysis. External investment decision- measuring total return from foreign investment, benefits of foreign equity, bond investment, optimal in ternational asset allocation. IV) Short term investment decisions-domestic vs international working capital ma nagement, international cash management, cash positioning, cash mobilization, hedging stra tegy, intra corporate transfer of funds, transfer pricing, management, international receiva bles management, international inventory management. V) International financing decisions, euromoney and euro bond markets. VI) Growth of the eurodollar market, instruments in international markets, inter national equity markets, new financial instruments. VII) International risks and the cost of capital nature of exposure and risk, exc hange rates, interest rates, infaltion rates and exposure, financial risk and the cosst of ca pital. Political risk and the cost of capital, balance ofpayments. Financial swaps. Suggested readings: 1) 2) 3) 4) Apte p g -international financial management Keith pilbeam - international finance Llevi m d - international finance Singh p -investment management
D- Information Technology Group 407 -IT-1 Internet Applications Course content: Unit -1 Introduction to Internet Programming : Client-Server model, browsers, Protocols, Creating World Wide web pages : HTML, headers, Body, html tags, tables, test graphics, sounds, building forms, text field and value, size, html buttons, radio, checkboxes, selection list etc. Unit -2 HTML programming using VBScript, variables, arrays, procedures, conditions, Loop ing. HTML programming with Java Script, variables, procedures, validations, animations, Ja vascript objects. Unit -3 Introduction to Java, Characteristics of Java, Java application programming, cla sses and objects. Packages, Java Libraries, Inheritance, Interface. Unit -4 Web programming with Java :Applets, Applet parameter passing, class variables, m ethods, Events and Event model, Basic I/O, Exception Handling, Database connectivity. Unit -5 Project Development. SUGGESTED READINGS : 1) Java Complete Ref 2.0 2) Core Java -1 3) Ivan Baros-Advanced concepts in Java 4) Holzner.S. HTML Black Book
407 IT-2 System Analysis and Design Course content: Unit -1 The System Concept, Characteristics of Systems , Physical and abstract System, O pen and closed System, Business Systems Concepts, Categories and elements of Information System s, Using Systems approach for problem solving and information systems design Determining the scop e and structure of a system. Unit -2 System Life Cycle Development: Interviewing and Questionnaires, observation, Rec ognition of needFeasibility Study, Analysis, Design, Implementation. Models of System Developmen t Life Cycle. Role of System Analyst- Academic and Personal Qualifications Structured system A nalysis. Unit -3 System Planning and Initial Investigation :Information Gathering, Tools for Stru ctured Analysis (DFDs, Data Dictionary, Decision Tree and Structured English), Feasibility Study , Cost/Benefit Analysis. Unit -4 Structured System Design: Process and stages of system design, Logical and physi cal Design, Major Development Activities, Processing controls and data validation, Studies of desi gn tools, Application Architecture and Modeling, Database Design, Output Design and Prototyping, Input Design and Prototyping, User Interface Design. Unit -5 Case studies for SDLC implementation. (Min 2 case studies) SUGGESTED READINGS : 1) Satringer System Analysis and Design
2) Shelly : system Analysis and Design 3) Jalota, Pankaj 4) Pressman An integrated approach to Software Engg.
Software Engineering
E International Business Group 408 IB-1 Multinational financial Management Course Content: i) Nature and Scope of International financial Management, Finance function in Inte rnational Business, environment for decision making Developments in International financia l Sustem, Monetary ssytem Management of foreign Exchange risk. ii) Multinational Corporations- Its Rationale , Goal and Constraint, Project Financi ng, including International borrowing, international fund remitences, iii) Multinational capital budgetting- Foreign Investment Decision, International Diversification, Political risk management, cost of capital and capital structur e, working capital management and foreign trade, tax planning. iv) International dimension of accounting and financial reporting practices, Interna tional accounting standards and practices and its position in India, Translation of for eign currency into account, accounting for the international / multinational corporation. v) International financing decision, EURO money and EURO bond market. Suggested Readings 1. Eiterman D.K. and Stone Hill AI- Multinational Business Finance 2. Hanning Pigott and Scott - International Financial Management 3. Gerhard G, Mueller-International Accounting
Export Management
(i) Import Management in a developing economy, Objectives of Import Policy, Types of Import Licences, Foreign Exchange Budgetting, Global Procurement, Conceptual Framework, Methods of Import Procurement, and Import Procurement planning at corporate level, identifying sources of supply, supplier identification, selecti on and evaluation. (ii) Import Financing Purchase price analysis-, canalisation of import, and import un der counter trade, market research for import procurement monitoring and followup of contracts. (iii) Buying of technology , import procedure in India, custom clearance of importaed cargo, custom valuation of imported cargo, import documentation, material management fo r projects , procurement under World Bank Project. (iv) Export Management- Concept and Scope , Form of Organisation, Export Marketing Environment, Export Planning, Organising for Export, Organisation chart, Buildin g a team, Executive Action, and Management Control. (v) Barriers and Bottleneck in export with sopecific reference to India Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. TAS Balagopal- Export Managemetn B.S. Rathore - Export Marketinjg P. Kumar and AK Gosh- Export Management Ronald R. - Intrernational Purchasing
410- Vica-voce 100-marks At the end of the Semester each student will have to face an Interview wherein h is or her knowledge and skill acquired during the course shall be examined. The viva voce shall be c onducted jointly by the Internal Expert and the External Expert. The Viva-voce shall on the pattern of p rofessional Interviews so as to gear up the students for facing the placemnet Intervies. The feed back of the External Expert shall be utilized for short listing of the candidates to be sponsored to differe nt Organizations for Placement Interviews. In this Semester, therefore, the External Expert shall be such persons having Industry of Corporate World Back Ground.