Observation Notes: Teacher's Name

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Observation Notes

Teacher's Name Lesson Topic / Skill / Framework Level & Number of Students

Francisco Saborío Listening / PDP Low Beginner (10)

Observer’s Name Date Time

Iván Suazo March 23rd, 2023

Lesson Plan Feedback

Congratulations on completing your first PDP lesson. You submitted your lesson plan on time. I made comments and did a check-in using
WhatsApp. Some suggestions were made in relation to the support language, adding more description on what students were doing in the
lesson, and adding specific time and steps for each task in the lesson. We also had an exchange of written messages and recorded messages
in WhatsApp to make ideas clear on what you were working on when adapting the text and making changes to different tasks in the lesson.

General comments from trainer 

Congratulations again on teaching your first listening PDP lesson! It was great to see how all the activities in the lesson helped the students
to reach the objective. You did a great job scaffolding tasks. The scaffolding in the During stage was one of the many highlights of this lesson.
I also enjoyed how you created opportunities for students to participate. For instance, you called on students to participate. Everyone was
involved in your lesson. The students had the chance to focus on understanding less specific to more specific information from the text
progressively. This gave them the chance to practice different listening comprehension skills, like skimming and scanning. Also, they always
had a task to do while listening, which gave them the chance to know what exactly they needed to focus on as they had a clear purpose to
listen. Setting a task for the students to do while listening is very important to make sure they know what to focus on and what type of
listening/reading comprehension strategies they need to use each time.

One puzzle I have is related to playing the text twice for the first two during stage tasks. I noticed that after the audio stopped, you asked
students a question and then you told them to listen to the audio again without further instructions or reason why they were listening to the
audio again and complete the same task. I think there might always be a reason why we’re asking students to listen to the text. What was the
reason for the second time listening? One thing you might take into account next time is to check what they got from the first listening and
then play it again asking them to focus on what is missing to complete the task. This will bring some accomplishment and focus.

In relation to PDP, the students had the chance to successfully go through all the stages of the lesson. Congratulations on a full and
Observation Notes
successful PDP lesson!

Action points for next practice teaching

● Check the cycle of your tasks and make sure you find a way to show students what they’ll be doing at the different sections of that cycle.
● Model tasks before sending Ss to breakout rooms so they know what you’re expecting them to do. You can include students in your modeling.
● Keep working on increasing student talking time when checking answers for questions or a task is completed.


I am wondering/thinking… I am offering…
I notice… Interpretations (what helped/hindered
student learning ) and / or
Time (specific and measurable possible
(Description of student and teacher Generalizations (Inside or outside
action plans/suggestions/questions
actions or words) theory about what helps/hinders
for exploration)

T. greests Ss and tells them they’ll practice

more listening using body language.
T. shows a slide with the word Gift.
T. asks Ss if they know what gift is
It’s a great strategy to call on Ss to get how
T. shows another slide with some pics.
much they know about the topic of the class
7:35 t. says the pics are gifts
and elicit what they do on Father’s Day. This
T. ask Ss what they do on Father’s Day
seems to be working.
T. calls on Yorleny. She said she doesn't
remember what reloj is and t-shirt blue.
T. calls on different Ss to share how they
celebrate Father’s Day.

7:42 T. shows a slide with some pics to I’m wondering how much they’re getting out
practice the pronunciation of the support of the meaning and additional info or
language. questions.
Observation Notes
T. pronounces a word and shows a pic.
t. shows the pics again one by one with the
names of the language under each of the
T. says each word and Ss repeat it
T. shows another slide with the pics and a
definition for each one.
T- provides additional information for
each of the words.
T. tells Ss he’ll read a sentence and Ss will
identify which word he’s talking about.
T. reads the sentences and S say the
number of the pic related to the support

T. tells Ss they’ll listen to an audio and One thought around this is to check
they´ll answer some questions. I’m wondering if Ss have any question about instructions and give space between each
T. shows a slide with two questions. the content in the questions and if they know chunk. You can check understanding
T. asks Ss to listen to the conversation to what they’ll be doing while listening and every few chunks, depending on how long
answer the question. after the audio stops. the instructions are.
When the audio stops, T. asks Ss to
7:50 answer the questions. I like the idea of playing the audio again
T. shows the slide again. after checking that not everyone got the
T. calls on each Ss to check the answer. same answer.
T. says some Ss have different answers
from each other. Again, what are Ss doing while listening and
T. tells Ss they’ll listen to the audio again after the audio stops.
to check their answer.
Observation Notes
T. shows a different slide with the
following task.
I’m wondering why you’re making decisions
T. gives instructions to organize ideas in
to play the audio the second time. What’s
the audio.
your intention of doing this? How aware are
T. says he’ll send the image to their
they about why they’re listening to the audio
WhatsApp group for them to look at them
while listening to the audio. One thought around this is to show written
After the audio stops, T. tells Ss they’ll instructions and show and tell Ss what to
I’m wondering what else we can do to make
listen to the audio again. do. Modeling is another idea.
sure Ss know what they’re expected to do in
T. tells Ss they’ll go to BO rooms to share
BO rooms.
their answers.
In a BO room LIseth and Stephanie are
trying to match the pics. Liseth thinks the
task is complicated. She said la alcancia is
number 4.

T. checks the answer with the Ss.

T. asks which one was the first event,
second, next and last one.
I’m wondering if this was included in the
T. calls on someSs to organize the events
instructions, write a number next to each
in the audio
letter of each picture.
T. writes the number next to the letter of
each picture.

8:13 T. shows a different slide with 4 questions I’m wondering why instructions are given in One idea I have is to give instructions at
to be answered while listening to the audio chunks, one after the first chunk is once using the task cycle described above.
again. completed. Ss listened to the audio, then You can use chunks to check
T. asks CCQs. Are you listening to the they were told they’ll share answers in BO understanding.
audio? Why are you listening? rooms.
T. plays the audio.
when the audio stops, teacher shows the
Observation Notes
slide and asks the to join BO rooms to
share answers.
T. shares the questions in WhatsApp.

in a BO room, Ss are reading the

questions, translating into Spanish and
answering the questions.

Once back i the large group, T. asks Ss to

check the answers.
T. asks the first question.
Eli answers the first one. One idea is to ask one student to read a
T. reads the second question. question, another one to answer and
Rafael answers the second one I’m wondering how you can create more another one to check the answer.
T. reads the third question room for student’s talking time.
T. asks Bety to answer and she says no.
T. reads the last question.
Liseth answers the question.

T. introduces the last activity of the night.

T. tells Ss they’ll be in BO rooms having a
T. shares the pic in WhatsApp
How does the T know Ssare clear and ready
7:22 In a BO room, Ss were talking about gifts
to complete a task in BO room?
they’re buying.
Rafael said he’s buying a dress for
Eli said she’ll buy flowers.
Observation Notes

Observation Notes

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