GPU Architecture: National Tsing-Hua University 2017, Summer Semester

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GPU Architecture

National Tsing-Hua University

2017, Summer Semester
 Thread execution
 Execution model
 Warp
 Warp Divergence

 Memory hierarchy

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 2

Execution Model
Software Hardware
Threads are executed by scalar
Thread Scalar processor
Thread blocks are executed on SM
Several concurrent thread block
can reside on one SM
Thread block Stream Processor (SM)

A kernel is launched as a grid of

thread blocks
Grid GPU device
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 3
Thread Execution
 CUDA threads are grouped into blocks
 All threads of the same block are executed in an SM
 SMs have shared memories, where threads within a
block can communicate
 The entire threads of a block must be executed
completely before there is space to schedule another
thread block
 Hardware schedules thread blocks onto available
 No guarantee of order of execution
 If an SM has more resources, the hardware can
schedule more blocks
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 4
 Inside the SM, threads are launched in
groups of 32, called warps
 Warps share the control part (warp scheduler)
 At any time, only one warp is executed per SM
 Threads in a warp will be executing the same
instruction (SIMD)
 In other words …
 Threads in a wrap execute physically in parallel
 Warps and blocks execute logically in parallel
 Kernel needs to sync threads within a block
 For Fermi:
 Maximum number of active blocks per SM is 8
 Maximum number of active warps per SM is 48
 Maximum number of active threads per SM is
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 5
Warp Scheduler
 SM hardware implements zero-
overhead Warp scheduling
 Warps whose next instruction has its
operands ready for consumption are eligible
SM multithreaded
for execution
Warp scheduler  Wraps are switched when memory stalls
 Eligible Warps are selected for execution on
time prioritized scheduling
warp 8 instruction 11  All threads in a Warp execute the same
instruction when selected
warp 1 instruction 42

warp 3 instruction 95
warp 8 instruction 12

warp 3 instruction 96
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 6
Warp Divergence
 What if different threads in a warp need to do different things:
 Including any flow control instruction (if, switch, do, for, while)
Inside a warp
} else {
 Different execution paths
within a warp are serialized
 Predicated instructions which are
carried out only if logical flag is true
 All threads compute the logical predicate and
two predicated instructions/statements
 Potential large lost of performance
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 7
Avoid Diverging in a Warp
 Example with divergence:
if (threadIdx.x > 2) {...}
else {...}
 Branch granularity < warp size

 Example without divergence:

if (threadIdx.x / WARP_SIZE > 2) {...}
else {...}
 Different warps can execute different code with no
impact on performance
 Branch granularity is a whole multiple of warp size
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 8
Example: Divergent Iteration
__global__ void per_thread_sum
(int *indices, float *data, float *sums){
// number of loop iterations is
// data dependent
int i = threadIdx.x
for(int j=indices[i];j<indices[i+1]; j++){
sum += data[j];
sums[i] = sum;

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 9

Iteration Divergence
 A single thread can drag a whole warp with it
for a long time
 Know your data patterns
 If data is unpredictable, try to flatten peaks by
letting threads work on multiple data items

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 10

Unroll the for-loop
 Unroll the statements can reduce the branches
and increase the pipeline
 Example:
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
a = a + i;
 Unrolled 3 times
for (i=0;i<n;i+=3) {
a = a + i;
a = a + i+1;
a = a + i+2;
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 11
#pragma unroll
 The #pragma unroll directive can be used to
control unrolling of any given loop.
 must be placed immediately before the loop and
only applies to that loop
 Example:
#pragma unroll 5
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
 the loop will be unrolled 5 times.
 The compiler will also insert code to ensure correctness
 #pragma unroll 1 will prevent the compiler
from ever unrolling a loop.
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 12
Atomic Operations
 Occasionally, an application may need threads to
update a counter in shared or global memory
__shared__ int count;
if (……) count++;
 Synchronization problem: if two (or more) threads
execute this statement at the same time
 Solution: use atomic instructions supported by GPU
 addition / subtraction
 max / min
 increment / decrement
 compare-and-swap
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 13
Example: Histogram
/* Determine frequency of colors in a picture
colors have already been converted into ints. Each
thread looks at one pixel and increments a counter

__global__ void hist(int* color, int* bin){

int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x *
int c = colors[i];
atomicAdd(&bin[c], 1);

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 14

Example: Global Min/Max
__global__ void global_max(int* values,
int* gl_max){
int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x *
int val = values[i];

 Not very fast for data in shared memory

 Only slightly slower for data in device memory

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 15

 Thread execution
 Memory hierarchy
 Register & Local memory
 Shared memory
 Global & Constant memory

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 16

GPU Memory Hierarchy
 Registers
 Read/write per-thread
 Low latency & High BW

 Shared memory
 Read/write per-block
 Similar to register performance

 Global/Local memory (DRAM)

 Global is per-grid & Local is per-thread
 High latency & Low BW
 Not cached (Local Memory)

 Constant memory
 Read only per-grid
 Cached Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 17
Memory Access
 A store writes a line to L1
 If evicted, that line is written to L2
 The line could also be evicted from L2 and written to DRAM (global mem.)
 A load requests the line from L1
 If a hit, operation is complete
 If a miss, then requests the line from L2
If a miss, then requests the line from DRAM (global memory)
 Only GPU threads can access local memory addresses

On chip

Off chip

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 18

 Register consumes zero extra clock cycles per
instruction, except
 Register read-after-write dependencies (24 cycles) and
 Register memory bank conflicts

 Register spilling
 Max number of register per threads is 63
 Local memory is used if the register limit is met
 Array variables always are allocated in
local memory (DRAM)
 Max amount of local memory per thread is 512K

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 19

Register Pressure
 Too few threads
 can’t hide pipeline / memory access latency
 Too many threads
 register pressure
 Limited number of registers among concurrent threads
 Limited shared memory among concurrent blocks

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 20

Local Memory
 Name refers to memory where registers and other
thread-data is spilled
 Usually when one runs out of SM resources
 “Local” because each thread has its own private area
 Details:
 Not really a “memory” – bytes are stored in global
memory (DRAM)
 Differences from global memory:
 Addressing is resolved by the compiler
 Stores are cached in L1

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 21

__device__ void distance(int m, int n, int *V){
int i, j, k;
int a[10], b[10], c[10];

 Variables i, j, k, a, b, c are called “local variables”.

 It is likely that variable i, j, k are stored in registers, and
variable a, b, c are stored in “local memory” (off-chip DRAM).
 Compiler decides which memory space to use.
 Registers aren’t indexable, so arrays have to be placed in local
 If not enough registers, local memory will be used.

 Only allowed static array!!  No int a[m];

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 22
 Thread execution
 Memory hierarchy
 Register & Local memory
 Shared memory
 Global & Constant memory
 Occupancy

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 23

Shared Memory
 Programmable cache!!
 Almost as fast as registers
 Scope: shared by all the threads in a block.
 The threads in the same block can communicate with each
other through the shared memory.
 Threads in different blocks can only communicate with each
other through global memory.
 Size: at most 48K per block
 On Fermi/Kepler GPU, shared memory and L1 cache use the
same memory hardware (64K). Programmers can decide the
ratio of shared memory and L1 cache:
 The ratio (shared:L1) can be (3:1) or (1:1) or (1:3).
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 24
General Strategy
1. Load data from global memory to shared
2. Process data in the shared memory
3. Write data back from shared memory to
global memory Blocks

Shared memory

Global memory

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 25

APSP Parallel Implementation Revisit
 Use n*n threads.
 Each updates the shortest path of one pair vertices
 Use global memory to store the matrix D.
__global__ void FW_APSP(int k, int D[n][n]) {
int i = threadIdx.x;
int j = threadIdx.y; 6 global
if (D[i][j]>D [i][k]+D[k][j]) memory
D[i][j]= D[i][k]+D[k][j]; access
int main() { ...
dim3 threadsPerBlock(n, n);
for (int k = 0; k<n, k++)
FW_APSP<<<1, threadsPerBlock >>>(k, D);
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 26
Using Shared Memory
 This way of using shared memory is called dynamic
allocation of shared memory, whose size is specified in
the kernel launcher.
FW_APSP<<<1,n*n, n*n*sizeof(int)>>>(…);
 The third parameter is the size of shared memory.
extern __shared__ int S[][];
__global__ void FW_APSP(int k, int D[n][n]) {
int i = threadIdx.x;
int j = threadIdx.y;
S[i][j]=D[i][j]; // move data to shared memory
__syncthreads(); ONLY 2
// do computation global mem
if (S[i][j]>S[i][k]+S[k][j]) access
D[i][j]= S[i][k]+S[k][j];
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 27
Limit of Dynamic Allocation
 If you have multiple extern declaration of shared:
extern __shared__ float As[];
extern __shared__ float Bs[];
this will lead to As pointing to the same address as Bs.
 Solution: keep As and Bs inside the 1D-array.
extern __shared__ float smem[];
 Need to do the memory management yourself
 When calling kernel, launch it with size of sAs+sBs, where
sAs and sBs are the size of As and Bs respectively.
 When indexing elements in As, use smem[0:sAs-1];
when indexing elements in Bs, use smem[sAs:sAs+sBs].
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 28
Static Shared Memory Allocation
 If the size of shared memory is known in compilation
time, shared memory can be allocated statically.
__global__ void FW_APSP(int k, int D[][]){
__shared__ int DS[10*10];
} Must know
n=10 at
compile time

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 29

 Thread execution
 Memory hierarchy
 Register & Local memory
 Shared memory
 Global & Constant memory

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 30

Global Memory in Kernel
 Through the kernel launcher arguments
 Need to use cudaMalloc to allocate memory
and use cudaMemcpy to set their values.
 This method is what we used in previous

cudaMemcpy( void *dst, const void

*src, size_t count, enum
cudaMemcpyKind kind)

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 31

Constant Memory
 Same usage and scope as the global memory
 Read only
 Using variable qualifier __constant__
Ex: __constant__ int data[32];
 Each SM has its own constant memory
 For Fermi, the constant memory on each SM is of
size 64K, and has a separated cache, of size 8K.

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 32

CUDA Variables within a Kernel
Variable declaration Memory Scope Lifetime
int var Register Thread Thread
int array_var[10] Local Thread Thread
__shared__ int shared_var Shared Block Block
__device__ int global_var Global Grid App
__constant__ int constant_var Constant Grid App

 Scalar variables without qualifier reside in a register

 Compiler will spill to thread local memory
 Array variables without qualifier reside in thread-
local memory

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 33

Memory Speed
Variable declaration Memory Speed
int var Register 1x
int array_var[10] Local 100x
__shared__ int shared_var Shared 1x
__device__ int global_var Global 100x
__constant__ int constant_var Constant 1x

 Scalar variables reside in fast, on-chip registers

 Shared variables reside in fast, on-chip memories
 Thread-local arrays & global variables reside in
uncached off-chip memory
 Constant variables reside in cached off-chip memory
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 34
Memory Scale
Variable declaration Total no. of Visible by no. of
variables threads
int var 100,000 1
int array_var[10] 100,000 1
__shared__ int shared_var 100 100
__device__ int global_var 1 100,000
__constant__ int constant_var 1 100,000

 100Ks per-thread variables, R/W by 1 thread

 100s shared variables, each R/W by 100s of threads
 Global variable is R/W by 100Ks threads
 1 constant variable is readable by 100Ks threads
Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 35
 NVIDIA CUDA Library Documentation
 NVIDIA CUDA Warps and Occupancy
 Heterogeneous computing course slides from Prof.
Che-Rung Lee

Parallel Programming – NTHU LSA Lab 36

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