The Asiatic One Horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Unicornis) IN INDIA AND NEPAL - Ecology Management and Conservation Strategies

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(Rhinoceros unicornis) IN INDIA AND NEPAL –




Morphological Features of Indian Rhinoceros
Ecological Aspect
Behavioral Aspect
Legal Status
Conservational Implications
Past and Present Distribution
Status of Rhino Areas in India and Nepal
Rhino Reintroduction Programme in India and Nepal
Action Plans for Rhino Conservation in India and Nepal
Declaration of IUCN - Asian Rhino Specialist Group (AsRSG), Meeting held in
Kaziranga NP, Assam, 1999
Declaration of IUCN - Asian Rhino Specialist Group (AsRSG), Meeting held in
Kaziranga NP, Assam, 2007
The Asiatic one-horned Rhinoceros/ Greater Indian One-horned Rhinoceros
(Rhinoceros unicornis) is perhaps the most endangered species of Indian mega
fauna and one of the five remaining species of rhinoceros of an approximately 30
genera that once roamed the world (Nowak and Paradiso, 1883). Rhinoceroses
first appeared in the late Eocene period. The oldest Indian rhinoceros like species
was Brontops robustus, but the genus Rhinoceros may be traced back to the
Pliocene period in northern India, and fossilized remains show that these animals
were dwellers of riversides and marshes. In India, the rhinoceros has an old and
traditional-linked history. The representation of the rhinoceros ichnographically
or its mention in written accounts has been reviewed by a number of authors
including Yule and Burnell (1903), Ali(1927), Ettinghausen (1950), Rao (1957) and
Rookmaaker (1982). Although most of these quote sixteenth and seventeenth
century accounts by medieval authors and other secondhand information’s, the
accounts by Al Beruni and Ibn Batuta, two historians and scholars of the same
period, are among the more authentic and details one. Akbar the third Mughal
emperor of India (1542-1605), records the existence of rhinoceros near Sambhal in
Uttar Pradesh (Jarrat, 1949). Another Mughal emperor, Jahangir, records them in
his memoirs as inhabiting Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh.

Table.1. Fossil remains of Asiatic One-horned Rhinoceros

Country Site Era Reported by

India Ganganagar, Raj 3500-400BC Banerjee and

India Langhnaj,Guj Pre-Pottery Chakravoorty,1973
India Lake Kanevel, Guj phase Zuener,1952., Lutton-
India Siwalik Hills 8000-1200BC Brock,1965
Miocene-Lower Momin et al., (1973)
Baker and Durand (1836),
India Mirzapur, UP Falconer and Cautely (1847),
India Banda, UP Not Known Falconer(1868),

India Chirand, Bihar Not Known Lydekkar(1876)
India Madras, Tamil c.1700BC Cockburn(1883)
India Nadu Not known Cockburn(1883)
Gokak,Belgaum, Not known Nath (1976)
Kar 2500-1500BC Lydekkar(1880)
Harappa c.300BC Foote (1874)
Mohenjo Daro Prashad(1936)
Pakistan Marshall (1931)

(Source: WWF- Traffic India Publication-1996)

A large number of miniature paintings and other objects depicting rhinoceroses

were made in India between 1500 and 1650 and a famous miniature painting of
circa 1600, showing Emperor Jahangir hunting rhinoceroses. Although animals
are easily recognizable as Greater One-horned Rhinoceros, all three Asian
rhinoceros once inhabited the Indian subcontinent. The Javan Rhinoceros
(Rhinoceros sondaicus) and Sumartran Rhinoceros (Diceros sumatrensis) become
extinct in India in the early part of this century and the Greater One-horned
Rhinoceros is therefore now the only rhinoceros species left in the wild in the
country Dey (1999) and Menon (1996).


The Asiatic Rhino averages 170-180 cm (5 ft 10 inch to 6 feet) at the shoulders
with a girth of 335 cm (11 ft) behind the withers and weigh around 2 tons. The
Great Indian Rhino has a single horn of averages 35 – 40 cm length. The skin of
this massive creature is divided into great shields by heavy folds before and
behind the shoulders and in front of the thighs. The fold in front of the shoulders
not continued right across the back, a distinctive character of this rhinoceros. On
the flanks, shoulders, and hindquarters, the skin is studded with masses of
rounded tubercles. With its grotesque build, long boat-shaped head, its folds of

armour, and its tuberculated hide, the animal looks like a monster of some bygone
age (Prater, 1948).

A record specimen of Indian Rhino horn exhibited in the British Museum had a
length of almost 62 cm and a base circumference of almost same. The so called
Rhino horn is not a horn at all. A typical horn consists of a core of bone covered
by a sheath of Keratin (Fibrous protein). The presence of a keratin sheath
distinguishes from antler and real horns, when fully developed consist of entirely
of bone. The horn of the rhino is not a true horn because it does not have a core of
bone. Instead of it’s a compact mass of keratin fibers, not fixed to the skull and
resting epidermally on a bony cushion. There are numerous instances of rhinos
losing their horns and being replaced by new one. The average weight of an
Indian rhino horn is around 750 gms. In International markets of far east price of
one kilogram of powered horn cost around 40,000 US dollar. Such high price lures
and proves to be the strongest incentive for poaching (Dutta, 1991).

Table.2. Growth Pattern of horn in Asiatic One Horned Rhinoceros

Age of Rhinoceros Measurements
At Birth No Protuberance
6 months 1.1 to 1.65 cm
1 Year 3.3 to 5.5 cm
2 Year 6.6 – 8.8 cm, Basal circumference 17.6 to
22 cm
3 Year 8.8 – 13.2 cm, Basal circumference 17.6
to 44 cm
3-20 Year 19.8 to 22 cm, fully mature horn
25 – 30 Years Reduction in height due to wear and
(Source: Ghosh, 1993)

In the case of the Indian rhino identifying a male and female in the wilderness is
difficult when animal is in the grasslands. But in the open area if carefully
observed than on the basis of genital, collar folds and shape of the head can
identify male and female. In case of males collar folds and head is massive as
compared to female rhinos. In females the skull is slightly thinner, the base of the
horn is narrower and the horn is slimmer. However for sub adult rhino and calf
such determination is impossible without physical examination (Dutta, 1991).

Basically, Indian one-horned rhinoceros is a grazer or grass eater. It also browses
on certain herb, shrub species, and small tree species and fruits fallen on the
ground. Rhinos are associated with the water bodies by using it for feeding,
wallowing and resting. It is an adherent of wallowing (remain immersed in mud
or stagnant water) during the hotter part of the day to lower its body temperature
and also to relief from ectoparasites. Rhinos feed on number hydrophytes like
Trappa spp, Hygrorhyzia, Water lily, Nymph, Vallisnaria and its roots. It has been
observed that after burning of grassland within a week rhino feed on half burned
sward of grasses with dry pith and also lick the ash on the ground (Sinha and
Sawarkar, 1991).

The area which an animal normally occupies during the course of grazing, mating
and rearing young ones is called its home range. A male usually have larger home
range as compared to female and female accompanying young ones. The size of
home ranges also depends upon the size of the available habitat, the nature of
vegetation, the number of animals in a particular area. On an average roughly 10
hectares of area used by the individual rhino which differs is area specific
depending on the availability of the habitat which also shared by other rhinos.

Once the mating took place it takes 16- 18 months as gestation period and gives
birth to single calf. Usually mother rhino keep her calf away from other rhino and

is very aggressive. This period is crucial to new born calf when it can be killed by
a tiger.

There are number of causes of mortality among adult rhinos are internal infection
and hemorrhagic septicemia, female rhino attacked by male rhino and aborted,
injured due to accident and paralyzed, stressful abortion and infection, anthrax
and rabbies. In case of calf mortality premature death due to abortion, tiger
predation, lung congestion and pneumonia, killed by dominating male rhino,
internal infection and enteritis are the main cause of death (Sinha and Sawarkar,

The Great Indian One horned Rhino is solitary in nature with brief association of
male to female during mating and get separated. Calf stays with its mother for
atleast four years. From time to time rhino meet with each other in the common
ground like grazing areas and during mud bath in the water bodies and stays
together without showing any aggression. It has been observed in Kaziranga NP
when 32 rhino were wallowing in a small pool of water and were tolerant to each
other (Dutta, 1991, Deb Roy. per comm., 1999). In Dudhwa NP, 9 rhinos were seen
together in water body comprising adult females with their calves and the
dominating male. But no aggression seen among them but females keeping
distance from male and keeping eye on the movement (Sinha and Sawarkar,

Mating in rhino is initiated by female rhino running around potential breeding

male by making loud sound and frequently squirting urine. During this female
rhino pushes the male rhino. Male rhino chases female rhino for hours till female
rhino get exhausted and stays in one place and mating took place. If another
potential male is nearby than severe fight between two took place and on number
occasion it become fatal and another male can loose its horn. In Dudhwa NP, one
of the two fighting male lost its horn and become submissive and died in 1988. On

some occasion died because of internal injuries and infection like haemorrygeic
septicemia. It has been also observed that female rhino mated while
accompanying her 4 year calf. Later calf gets separated from mother. Among
rhinos sexual maturity starts at the age of 7 years in males and 5 years in females.
It has been recorded in 3 cases among reintroduced rhino population in Dudhwa
NP that female rhino mated within an age of 7 years were aborted (Sinha et al,

Mother always tries to keep away her calf from the male. It has been also
observed that on number of occasion dominating male of the area accompanying
young calf while its mother was busy in grazing. The moment mother becomes
conscious of presence of male near her calf it chased away the male. Male calf
when separated from mother usually made company with another male but keep
its self away from dominating male of the area. Tolerance between female to
female is more as compared among males. Communication between rhinos is
through audible and ultrasonic sound in varied frequencies. Rhino can identify
each other by sniffing the pedal gland secretion left behind on the path ways.

Since tiger and rhinos share the same habitat of flood plan. Tiger became the main
predator and the young calves within 6 months to one year of age are more prone.
It has been observed that when mother rhino carelessly grazing calf usually move
around and the tiger gets enough time to catch the calf and drag it away. Female
always try to chase away tiger as far as possible. During this chase mother rhino
lost contact with her calf and it has been observed that tiger gets enough time to
kill the calf.

Legal Status
The first attempt to conserve the rhino in Assam came through Assam Forest
Regulation 1891 and subsequently through Assam Rhinoceros Prevention Act
1915 upgraded in 1954 as Assam Rhinoceros Act. 1954. In 1908 a reserve was
created in Brahmputra basin for protection of rhino which was subsequently as a

game sanctuary in 1915 and renamed as Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary in 1950.
This was upgraded in the year 1974 to a National Park. Other Sanctuaries were
also notified in the meantime.

In Bengal the initial control for Rhino conservation came through Indian Forest
Act 1927 followed by the Bengal Rhinoceros Preservation Act 1932. Jaldapara
game sanctuary was created in 1941 which was subsequently renamed as
Jaldapara Sanctuary in 1976 and extended further in 1990. Gorumara Wildlife
Sanctuary was created in 1949. This was subsequently extended and upgraded to
a National Park in 1994.

The Wildlife (Protection Act 1972), which is applicable all over India, except
Jammu & Kashmir, currently provides protection to Rhino and its habitat. In this
Act Rhinoceros has been placed under Schedule - I (Part-I) which provides
complete protection to the species in India (Dey, 1999).

At present the natural rhino population is mainly restricted in the reserves in
Assam and West Bengal in India and Royal Chitwan National Park in Nepal. Two
major existing rhino population are in Kaziranga NP (2084), Assam and The Royal
Chitwan NP (408), Nepal. The remaining rhino population with the exception of
that in Manas NP and Orang WLS with doubtful existence till 2008. In 2010-11, a
total of 11 rhinos include 3 rhinos raised on the rescue centre near Kaziranga NP
were translocated to Manas Tiger Reserve. This also includes a population of 64
rhinos in Pobitora WLS, Assam, wandering widely in surrounding agricultural
areas and time to time poaching cases are reported.

The distribution of rhino in North Bengal used to extend up to Buxa Forest even
up to 1950’s. However, with the gradual loss of corridors between the grassland,
forest and conversion of the PA’s into isolated, island habitats surrounded by the
tea gardens, habitations and agriculture. The species became restricted in two

PA’s namely Jaldapara WLS with125 rhinos and in Gorumara WLS with 35 rhinos

Despite of the protective measures and dedication of filed managers and field
staff to protect the persecution of this animal continues due to rising price of
Indian rhino horn in the International markets especially in the Far - East
countries for preparing oriental medicines. In Kaziranga NP from 1983-89, a total
of 235 rhinos and mass killing in Manas NP, rhinos, were killed by the poachers
for horns. New ways of poaching rhinos by electrocution in Kaziranga NP and
Pobitora WLS, Assam and using pesticide in Jaldapara WLS in West Bengal.
These examples are illustrative of the present threats to the rhinos and problems
faced by the field staff and in number of cases field guards and officer were killed
during encounters with the poachers.

By considering the current highly restricted distribution with poaching pressure,

habitat specificity and in consideration to the scattered small population, it
become imperative to reintroduce the species in suitable habitats in its former
range of distribution as one of the measures to be adopted for the long term
survival of this species. IUCN Rhino specialist group and Rhino Sub- Committee
of the Indian Board of Wildlife (IBWL) recommended the establishment of an
additional rhino population in India. The Dudhwa NP fulfilled all the criteria
required for the reintroduction among the various sites surveyed in India by a
panel of experts. Thus, Dudhwa NP becomes the first and currently the only site
of reintroduction of the rhinos in India during 1984-85. Another reintroduced
rhino population exist are in The Royal Bardia NP and Sukhlaphanta WLS in
Nepal and reintroduction of rhinos took place from 1986 to 2004.


Once Indian One-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) roamed over the
Indus, Gangetic to Brahamputra flood plains of the Indian sub- continent. In the

relics of Mohenjo-Daro era, some rhino seals were found which are preserved in
the Indian National Museum, New Delhi. The records say that the invading
Emperor Timor hunted and killed many rhinos on the frontier of Kashmir in AD
1398 and there are evidences that rhino existed in parts of the west of
subcontinent as far northwest as Peshawar till 16th Century. Babur, the founder of
Mughal Empire in India in his famous memoirs – the Baburnamah described how
he hunted rhino in bush country near the Indus as late as 1519 AD.

Out of three species of rhino that roamed over the Indo-Gangetic and
Brahamaputra floodplains, two species namely Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros
sondaicus) which was once “fairly common” in the Sundarbans became extinct in
India about 1900 AD and Sumatran Rhino (Didermoceus sumatrensis) disappeared
from the Lushai hills of Assam in about 1935.

The only species of Asiatic Rhinoceros that exists in Indian subcontinent is the
Great Indian One-Horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). The Rhinoceros
unicornis were once widely distributed throughout Indo-Gangetic and
Brahmaputra floodplains of the subcontinent.

The causes of disappearance of Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros from several
locations of its former range of distribution and decline of population were
primarily the following:
- Destruction and fragmentation of Rhino habitat primarily for extension of
- Hunting of Rhino for sports during Mughal period and early days of
British Rule in India
- Poaching of Rhino for horns and other parts attributed to have magical
medicinal values
It will be interesting to note that in Assam Col. Pollock a Military Engineer
engaged in lying of roads in Brahmaputra Valley almost shot a Rhino or a Wild
Buffalo for breakfast every day. A sportsman in Bengal Dooars, possibly an

English Planter fires about 100 shots at a number of Rhinoceros in a day, killing
five and seriously wounding more than twenty five. Maharaja Nirpendra
Narayan of Coochbehar shot 208 Rhinoceros from 1871 to 1907.

The Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros also would undoubtly have ceased to
exist, but for the strict protection given to it when its population fell to a very low
level at the beginning of this century. Even though there is no precise
documentation regarding the population of Rhino that existed in India at the turn
of the century, its population was believed to be around 100 in the beginning of
the current century. Being roughly 50 to 60 in Assam and 40-50 in West Bengal. At
present the Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros has total population of about
2500 animals in the world, that too only in India and Nepal. In India, currently its
population is restricted to four natural populations in Assam viz Kaziranga,
Manas, Orang (Rajiv Gandhi WLS) and Pobitora, two natural populations in West
Bengal viz Jaldapara and Gorumara and one re-introduced population in
Dudhwa NP and one migratory population in Katerniaghat in Uttar Pradesh.
There are few Rhino exist in Bhutan adjacent to Manas Tiger Reserve, Assam.

In Nepal, the three rhino populations are in Royal Chitwan NP, Royal Bardia N.P
and Sulkhlaphanta WLS. The Rhino of Royal Chitwan N.P. is a natural population
while Royal Bardia NP and Sukhlaphanta WLS have the re-introduced
population. The Kaziranga National Park in Assam (India) has the highest
population of Rhino (2084) and Pobitora WLS (84 rhinos in 16 sq km area)
followed by Royal Chitwan N.P. in Nepal (408 rhinos) in 2010.

There is no precise documentation regarding the population of Indian rhino that
existed in India at the turn of the century, its population was believed to be
around 100 in the beginning of the current century being roughly 50 to 60 in
Assam and 40 to 50 in Bengal. The population in West Bengal rose to about 90
around mid 60’s and the same in Assam to about 1500 in 1999. Maximum
poaching of Rhino took place in West Bengal during the period 1968 to 1972,
when 32 Rhinoceros was poached. In 1986 Rhino population in West Bengal came
down to 22. Maximum poaching of Rhino in Assam took place in the year when
about 70 Rhinos were killed by poachers. Since then there has been gradual rise in
Rhino population in West Bengal which reported to be around 160 in 2010 and the
India’s population of rhino currently stand to about 2867 rhinos including
reintroduced rhino population in Dudhwa NP (30), and the migratory rhino
population at Katerniaghat WLS, Uttar Pradesh (2010).

Table. 3: Rhino Population in India and Nepal (2010)
Country State PA Estimated
India Assam • Kaziranga NP 2084
• Manas WLS 7

• Orang WLS 68

• Pobitara WLS 84

West Bengal • Jaldapara WLS 125

• Gorumara NP 35
U.P. • Dudhwa TR* 30
• Katerniaghat WLS 4-6
Nepal • Royal Bardia NP 20
• Royal Chitwan NP 408
Total 2867
Source: Report on the Regional Meeting for India and Nepal of the IUCN/SSC Asian Rhino
specialist Group, Kaziranga, Assam, India, 5-7 March 2007 and from official documents

Rhino Areas in India and Nepal

Rhino Areas in India

1. Kaziranga National Park, Assam
The Kaziranga National Park in bounded by the Brahmaputra River on the North
and verdant hills of Karbi Anglong on the South, conjures up visions of animals,
birds, flowers and vast rolling expanses of wild grasslands. Kaziranga is unique
among Indian Wildlife habitats in that no visitors fails to see its most important
resident, Rhino and Wild Buffalo, even if he makes but a single trip into it. Besides
he will come across many animals and avifauna too.

The Park is of rough oval shape, approximately 50 km (31 miles) long and 16 km
(10 miles) wide at his broadest point, and of 430 sqkm (166 sq miles) area.
Recently additional area has been included in the National Park area covering

total area becomes 860 sq km. It lies on the south bank of the Brahmaputra, and its
south side boundary follows for the most part the Mori Difaloo River which is
close and parallel to National Highway No.37, the main arterial highway in
Assam. Two other rivers, Difaloo and Bhengrai, flow through it, and a number of
small streams originating in the Karbi Anglong Hills drain into these rivers or the
beels. The whole area is one of vast swamps interspersed with great expanses of
high, coarse grasses, often collectively called elephant grass around 5 m high or
more, open forest, waterways, beel and reed beds. A feature of many of the beels
is the excessive growth of the water-hyacinth, a plant exotic to the Park but
introduced into it for some unknown reason. South of the highway are the Karbi
Anglong Hills rising to 122o m (4000 ft) which have a special significance to the
park, as the wildlife seek refuge on the hills when virtually the whole park
becomes inundated by the flood waters of the Brahmputra and the other rivers
during the monsoon. Much wildlife is lost at this time.

Some of the conservation values of Kaziranga National Park:

a). The world largest population of Indian One horned Rhinoceros 2084
rhinos(65% of the total world rhino Population).
b).The world largest population of wild Buffalo (50% of total world population)
and Eastern swamp deer (65% of world population).
c). The largest non disturbed and representative area of Brahmputra
valley flood plains grassland and forest with associated large herbivores,
waterfowl and wetland values (including turtles, dolphins).
d) Significant population of tigers and elephants.
e). Transitional and successional examples of grassland to forest and flood plain to
hill evergreen forest communities.
f). Considerable research education and recreation value.

Anthropogenic Pressure:
The Rhino bearing are mostly devoid of human settlement but these areas are
subjected to tremendous biotic pressures mainly in the form of cattle grazing,
collection of grasses, fuel wood, forest produce as food and timber for housing.
Prohibitions of cattle grazing in this area are one of very important aspect as this
may lead to spread of contagious diseases like Anthrax, Foot and Mouth,
Rinderpest etc. In areas like Pobitora WLS, grazing pressure is tremendously high
as the Sanctuary area is too small surrounded by human habitations and more
than 3000 cattle’s use to graze inside the Sanctuary daily. About one third of
Pobitoras rhino tend to stray out during night and about 75 % poaching took
place outside the sanctuary boundary. This biotic interference has created
problems in the other rhino bearing areas.

Degradation of Habitat:
As a result of heavy grazing not only have the habitat attributes been adversely
affected but an ecological process of invasion of weeds is also occurring. In the
long run, this will create forage problem for the rhino well as other herbivores.
Siltataion of water bodies in the rhino bearing areas is also another major
problem. Siltationin the rhino bearing areas, particularly in Kaziranga National
Park, Orang and Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary are becoming prominent since last
two decades. The water bodies in these areas are gradually silted up causing
reduction of short grassy areas which is vital foraging sites for rhinos.

Floods are always considered to be a dreaded period for Kaziranga National Park
and its animal life but since last decade the increasing level of multiwave flood is
really threatening the future of the park and not only the rhino. Due to various
reasons, much deforestation in the upper catchments area of the Brahmaputra, the
intensity of the flood is continuously on the rise. During the flood period most of
the animals including the rhinos have to migrate or move from the park and take

shelter on the adjacent high grounds in the Karbi Anglong Hills or wherever they
may find proper shelter. These areas are populated and protection of the animal
during the period of migration from and back to park becomes an uphill task as
enforcement network is almost non-existent in such areas. Many animals,
especially the deer and particularly the young, old and infirm lose their lives by
drowning, poaching or run over by vehicular traffic on the highway.

Flood is also necessary and beneficial for maintaining the ecology and forests and
though it has some adverse effect. The gradual rising of the water level and quick
recession is undoubtedly beneficial but floods of severe intensity which submerge
the entire park for a prolonged period deprive the animals from food and shelter.

The river Brahmaputra along the Northern boundary is well known for bank
erosion as also huge accretion that is caused by depositing of silt during annual
floods. These accretions gradually get established in the form of large and small
islands and are colonized by grass thus forming ideal rhino habitat. But the land
in the National Park is also eroded by flood and has already been reduced
considerably, especially during the last three decades. The present are of the park,
taking into account, the erosion as well as accretion, during a period of thirty
years, as computed from the analysis of remote sensing data is 408 sq km. On the
other hand the population of all the meghaherbivores hae increases in manifolds
during the same period. Therefore, to attain the goal of progressive increase in the
population of rhino as well as other species. It is essential that additional area
included in the park by way of finalization of the proposal for six additional areas
to Kaziranga National Park which are pending for a protracted period due to
legal, administrative and financial reasons.

Poaching of rhinos has been the major threat to the Kaziranga National Park and
will continue to do so as the superstitious belief regarding the aphrodisiac and

medicinal values attributed to the rhino horn persists. It has been observed and
experienced that the intensity of poaching increased mainly due to escalation in
high value of the horn consequent to imposing ban on its trade. The last sale of
rhino horn took place in Assam took place during 1978 and though tenders were
invitedduring1980 but sale was stopped. That marked the beginning of greater
intensity of poaching in Kaziranga National Park as well as other rhino inhabited
areas. However, in recent past the onslaught of poachers in Kaziranga had been
contained to considerable extent.

Though the poaching of rhino is not a recent phenomenon but the pressure on
poaching has increased in manifolds. Primary reason for poaching is for its horn
which fetches high price in the international markets. The rhino has become the
target of the organized professional poachers supported by National and
International smugglers. Containing poaching has thus become an extremely a
hard task. The poachers continually change their poaching techniques to outwit
the anti poaching staff of forest department. Though the age old practice of pit
poaching is still continuing but electrocution method and use of sophisticated fire
arms sometimes fitted with silencer are also used frequently. Moreover, the
incident of poaching takes place any time of the day and night.

Table. 4. Showing numbers of rhino killed in Kaziranga NP due to different

Year Population Poaching Natural Death Total Mortality
1965 18
1966 5
1967 12
1968 10
1969 8
1970 2
1971 8

1980 939 11 58 69
1981 24 39 63
1982 25 48 73
1983 37 46 83
1984 1080 24 50 78
1985 41 37 81
1986 41 38 83
1987 24 41 64
1988 24 105 129
1989 44 54 98
1990 35 57 92
1991 1129 23 79 102
1992 49 66 115
1993 1164 40 58 98
1994 14 37 51
1995 1200 27 53 80
1996 20 52 72
1997 12 48 60
1998 8 87 95
1999 1552
2001 8
2002 4
2003 3
2004 (June) 1700+ 4
2007 1855 NA NA NA
2010 2084 NA NA NA

Crop Raiding:
The animal depredation on crop and property and occasional cattle lifting by
large predator cause considerable hardship to the poor people who reside on the
fringe of the National Park. These people depend on their crops fro living and
most work their land with plough animals. When their crops are destroyed by
animals or their plough animals killed by predators, their economy is shattered.
Antagonism towards wildlife is a natural reaction. No amount of preaching and
education on conservation can retrieve the situation. Thus is essential for the
Department to provide some material help of these people through compensation
for crop losses and loss of livestock because of animal predation.

Fiscal Deficit:
Though the current infrastructure of Kaziranga National Park to counter the
menace of poaching is inadequate but the field personnel’s have exhibited
remarkable vigilance to minimize poaching incidents. The budgetary allocations
for maintenance and creation of infrastructure for anti-poaching are inadequate to
fulfill even the minimum requirements. Consequently, it might result in
profoundly determental impact on the management of Kaziranga National Park
in the long run.


Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary is situated 50 km east of Guwahati on the southern
bank of the river Brahmaputra in the district Morigaon, Assam. It was originally a
grazing reserve till 1971 providing grazing facilities to the surrounding villages
together with permanent Buffalo and cattle camps all around. Finally in 1971, two
areas covering an area of 1,584.62 hect was updated into reserve forest by Govt
notification no. For/Sett/542/65/54dated 8.11.1971. Due to increase in rhino
population Pobitora Reserve Forest was declared as Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary
in 1987. In 1998, by considering the increase in rhino population an area of 38.84
sq km added to this sanctuary. Entire Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary is surrounded

by crop fields and high tension wire passing through which helps poachers to kill

The climate of the Pobitora WLS can treated as Sub-tropical monsoon type with
three distinct seasons. The dry mild winter which experience occasional showers
from Nov to Mid February. This period has an average maximum temperature of
20 0 C and average minimum temperature of 9 0 C. The humidity at time is 40%.
This is followed by a humid and windy summer from mid Feb to May with
maximum temperature of 35 C and minimum of 12 0 C. The better part of this
period experiences rains. The rainy season from May to September experiences an
average rainfall of 2000mm. This period is both hot and humid. The maximum
average temperature round 25 0 C and humidity is above 95%. The entire area is
part of the Brahmaputra flood plains. Being low-lying it is subject to annual
floods. The soil is termed as fertile clay- loam with silt. The Garanga beel and
Haduk beel are the perennial sources of water in the sanctuary. The shallow
nallahas also scattered all around the sanctuary which feed both the perennial
rivers. Due to floods during monsoon wetlands are silted.

Floral and Faunal diversity in Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary

The vegetation of the sanctuary is classified in three distinguished forest type.
1). Eastern wet alluvial grassland
2). Barringtonia swamp forest
3). Low alluvial savannah (Salmania- albizzia) woodland

Due to excessive grazing for the years in side the sanctuary in some areas growth
of the grasses are stunted and formed a open land. The intensity of grazing
becomes highest during the winter season. An area of one sq km was electrically
fenced in 1990 for release of Manipur brow antler deer (Cerves eldi-eldi) at the
heart of the sanctuary. As a result of protection from grazing, better growth of
grasses and profuse regeneration of Albeggia procera (Koroi) commonly seen in
this area. A narrow belt of woodland covers the southern side of the sanctuary

along the bank of Garanga beel. Land use in Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary as
a). Woodland -13.09 %
b). Grassland- 72.25%
c). Waterloggedareas-10.61%
d). Swampy area – 4.05 %

The following species are commonly found in the Sanctuary.

Common tree species are: Albezia procera, Salamania malabaricum, Baringtonia
acutenguia, strabler asper, Sterculia vilosa, Triwia mediflora, Casca fistula, Tetramilis
mudiflora, Legestromea flosregance, Ugenia spp, Ficus spp, Lenea grandis, Toona ciliate

Common grasses of this area are:

Erianthus ravanae, Saccharum elephantus, Imperata cylindrical, Pollinia ciliate,
Phraqagmites kakra, Saccharum munja, Arundo dank, Cynodon dactylon,
Lapomea repetans, Enhydra fluctuans, etc.
Pobitora W.L. Sanctuary is already included in the world map for the highest
density of Rhino population. Apart from Rhino the other mammals recorded are:
1. Common leopard
2. Jungle Cat
3. Fishing cat
4. Leopard cat
5. Wild boar
6. Large India civet cat
7. Small Indian civet cat
8. Common fox
9. Jackal
10. Rufous tailed hare
11. Chinese pangolin
12. Feral buffalo

13. Flying fox
14. Short nosed fruit bat
15. Rhesus Macaque (visitors)
16. Barking deer (visitors)
17. Grey mask shrew
18. Common house rat
19. Three striped squirrel
20. Small Indian mongoose
21. Crab eating mongoose
22. Smooth Indian otter

Apart from mammal, so far 36 spp of fish and eight species of fresh water turtle
and terrapin were check- listed.

Pobitora W.L. Sanctuary is a bird’s paradise. So far 214 species of birds were check
listed. The water fowl census has been carried out for last 9 years continuously. 1st
year we have counter more than 20,000 birds inside the sanctuary.

Rhino population in Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam

Pobitora was declared as Reserved Forest in the year 1971 with only 8 rhinos was
counted. Initially after proper management inputs provided along with protection
rhino population slowly reached to 85in 2004 which is supposed to be highest
rhino population in the world in an area of 16sq km. In 1987, scientifically
management of grassland was carried out in Pobitora as well as in other rhino
areas like Kaziranga NP and Orang Wildlife Sanctuary which showed positive
results in the development of grasslands.

Table. 5. Census Figure of rhino in Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary
Year Number of Rhinos
1971 8
1987 54
1993 56
1995 68
1999 74
2010 84
In a span of 30 years the rhino population in Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary
increased from 8 to 84. The area under present management is only 16sq km the
rest of the area yet to be handover to forest department.

Table.6. Poaching cases of Rhino in Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary

Year Bullet Pit Electrocution Poison Total
1987 - 2 2
1988 3 3
1989 2 2 4
1990 2 2
1991 1 1
1992 1 2 3
1993 4 4
1994 2 1 1 4
1995 2 2
1996 1 4 5
1997 3
1998 3 1
1999-2010 NA NA NA NA NA

Poaching is still a major problem but from 1998 due to over all protective
measures and facilities provided has curbed the problem up to an extent.

Currently Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary is facing number of problems which are
as follows:
a). Excessive livestock grazing
b). Siltation
c). Flood
d). Encroachments
e). Fragmentation
f). Poaching
Due to over population of rhino which is around 30-40 rhinos stray out from the
sanctuary and most of the time spent in the crop field. Especially during winter
months most of the rhinos of Pabitora stray out of the Sanctuary and move out
into Mongoldoi, Panbari, Kurua, Jagi road, Amsoi, Dharamtul covering an area of
100sq kms.Flood is another major threat to the Rhino population. Since Pabitora
WLS have no highlands in side sanctuary and flood cause’s major health
problems to the animals. In the year 1998this area faced worst flood condition and
during this two rhino calves died. Due to flood almost all the lakes, nalas were
heavily silted causing water scarcity during winter and summer months. Rhinos
in search of water and food go out of the sanctuary in the neighboring areas and
stay in the crop fields. Poacher gets proper opportunity and enough time to kill
rhinos when rhino stays in the crop fields.

Encroachment is also a major problem in this area. Approximately 300 Bighas of

land was encroached by local people. The entire matter is sub judice at Guwahati
High Court.

Fragmentation is also a major problem to the Rhino population. Due to large scale
settlement of human population in adjacent areas all the migration routes are no
more exist which restrict the gene flow and all the rhinos belong to single

Livestock grazing is one of the severe and bringing an adverse impact on the
sanctuary. Around 50% of the total grass lands have been degraded due to over
grazing by livestock’s. In few areas grasses reached a height of 20-30 cms in the
restricted area of this Sanctuary. During the last flood entire sanctuary was
submerged for 45 days under water and entire sanctuary was badly affected
specially its grassland areas.

Orang Wildlife Sanctuary

Orang National Park lies between 2630’ N – 26 40’N and 92 15’ E – 92 30’ E.
Archeological remains give evidence of a Shiva Temple proving existence of
human settlement. The area was abandoned, perhaps due to some epidemic
(Talukdar and Sharma, 1995). It was first declared as a Game Reserve within an
area of 80.54 sq km in 1951. The area was an abandoned village where 26 man
made ponds are still exists. Some of the areas were covered with various species
of grasses, which lured different types of wild animals including the rhinos. It was
later upgraded to a Wildlife Sanctuaryin1985 within an area of 75.6 sq km.
Another 3.12 sq km was added to the Sanctuary in 1991. By considering the
importance of the area declared as National Park in April 1999 with in a total area
of 78.81 sq km.

The southern part of the park has the natural barrier of the Brahmaputra River.
The park is situated at the alluvial flood plans of the Brahmaputra River and most
of its area is seasonally flooded by the Brahmaputra and its tributaries the
Dhansiri and Pachnoi. The average annual rain fall is 3000 mm. The annual
average minimum and maximum temperatures are 7 C and 32 C respectively, and
the humidity ranges from 66 to 95 percent. The altitude ranges between 30 to 80 m
above sea level.

About 50 percent of the area (36.45sq km) of the National Park is grassland and
12.6 percent (9.53sq km) is swamp. The Other parts of the Park has mixed
deciduous forest comprising natural forest patches of 1.98 sq km (2.60 %) and

planted forest patches of 9.83sq km (13.60 %). It also has a river island with in an
area of 9.04 sq km (11.95 %).The park has pure grassland with association of
Themeda villosa, Arundo donax, Phragmites karka, Erianthus ravannae, Aluda mutica

The natural forest is mainly composed of Sterculia villosa, Melia azadiratchta, Toona
ciliate, Dysoxylum binectariferum, Albizia procera, Callicarppa arborea etc. The planted
forest patches are mainly composed of Dalbergia sisso, Bombax cieba, Acacia catechu,
Gmelina arborea, Anthroceraecphallus kadamba, Tectona grandis (Nath and
Chowdhury, 1994).

Orang National Park is rich in faunal diversity and the Indian rhino is the
dominant species in this area. Other species sharing the habitat are Bengal Tiger,
Asiatic Elephant, Hog deer, Wild boar, Civet cat, Leopard cat Hare and
Porcupine. Fish fauna comprise of Labeo rohita, Labeo bata, Labeo nandina,
Heteropneutes fossilis, Calisa faciatus, Clarius batracus, Channa striatus, Channa
punctatus, Channa marulius, Catla catla, Pmphipnous cusshia, Mystus seenghala,
Mystus vittatus, Notoptreus notopterous, Ompok pabo and Wallogo attu.

Rhino Population in Orang National Park

Orang National Park provides an ideal habitat for the rhinos. Census carried out
in 1991 shows an increasing trend over the 1985census. It is a great concern that
due to number poaching cases has increased and rhino population came down in
1999. The 1999 census showed a more than 50 % reduction in the population of
rhinos over the previous census.

Table. 7. The census figures from1985 to 1999 are as follows:

Year Total Number of Rhino
1985 65
1991 97
1999 46
2010 68

Poaching of rhino in Orang National Park
The main threat to the rhinos in Orang National Park is heavy poaching activity.
The mortality among rhino due to poaching from 1983 to 1994 was 41. But
mortality of rhinos due to poaching between 1995 to 1999 was about 35. Poachers
take full advantage of poor protection system in the National Park and rhinos
stray out of the park during night hours for raiding crop fields and get killed by
the poachers. The National Park is surrounded on three sides by number of
villages and this makes the park more vulnerable to poaching. The poachers used
to take shelter not only in the villages, but also in the riverine islands of the
Brahmaputra River. The poachers are mostly outsiders who hire local people as
guides and take full advantage of the weak surveillance of the park. Nowadays,
poachers use sophisticated fire arms fitted with silencer to kill rhinos. The
National Park has an established network of antipoaching camps spreading all
over the National Park. Altogether there are 21 such field camps spreading all
over the area which give effective protection. But during monsoon such
temporary thatch hut and regular supply of food stuff is the major problem.
Eventhogh, considering the current situation there is need of more such camps
with latest fire arms and more staff to check the poaching.

Table. 8. Number of cases of rhino death due to natural cause and poached 1980
to 2004 in Orang National Park
Year Natural death Poaching Total
1980 2 3 5
1981 3 2 5
1982 8 5 13
1983 9 4 13
1984 7 3 10
1985 1 8 9
1986 1 3 4
1987 3 4 7
1988 2 5 7
1989 3 3 6
1990 1 - 1

1991 2 1 3
1992 3 2 5
1993 2 1 3
1994 4 6 10
1995 8 9 17
1996 4 10 14
1997 3 11 14
1998 3 12 15

Main Threats
The protection measures in Orang National Park have to be improved further and
it has been realized that the National Park needs more forest staff, arm and
ammunition and other infra- structures to be more effective anti- poaching
initiatives. Poaching of rhinos and encroachment are the main threats to the
National Park. Some of the NGOS are working in this area helping in many ways.

Different methods used by the poachers to kill rhino are as Follows:

Altogether, six methods are reported to be used by the poachers in Rhino areas of
India and Nepal. Out of this use of noose trap by using steel wire is used rarely
and on only two occasions first in Manas NP, Assam. Both noose and spearing for
rhino poaching are reported in Chitawan NP, Nepal. Most common method is by
using silencer fitted in automatic rifle to kill rhinos without making any sound.
Methods used are:
1. Shooting with the help of fitted silencer in automatic or semi automatic rifle
2. Use of Poison in pumpkin
3. Electrocution
4. Trapping in pit hole
5. Spearing (Few cases reported)
6. With help of noose made of steel wire (Few cases reported)
(Source of Assam section: Shri S. Doley, IFS, Chief conservator of forest, Forest Department of
Assam AND Shri. B.S. Bonal, IFS, Former Director, Kaziranga NP, Shri Talukdar, ACF, Forest
Department, Assam, presented in IUCN- AsRSG meeting, Kaziranga NP, 1999)

Bist (1994) has elaborately compiled valuable information on the past and present
distribution of the Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros in North Bengal. Other
than the existing areas in Jaldapara WLS and Gorumara NP, rhinos were
historically found in the Sunderbans and the district of Malda (Banerjee, 1966:
Ghosh, 1991 and Gupta, 1958). The rhino population between Sankosh and Rydak
moved freely between Assam and West Bengal with two overlapping sub-
population. The Buxa sub-population in the forest of Bholka Reserve in the
current Buxa Tiger Reserve and another in the Garodhat area in the Cooch Behar
district were confined to the forests and grasslands.

Similarly, during the early 1900s rhino population existed in the Torsa flood
plains in the neighbouring areas of Chilapata Reserve and Jaldapara, currently
known as the Jaldapara WLS. The rhinos of these areas from time to time ranged
to the neighbouring areas of Bhutri forest of Buxa and Cooch Behar. It is also
reported that Patlakhawa rhino sub-population ranged further upto Pundibari
near Cooch Behar.

The existing rhino in Gorumara NP is a nucleus population. In the past, rhinos

were distributed across the forest of upper Tondu, lower Tondu and between
Diana- Jaldaka Rivers. Rhinos further moved upto Indo-Bhutan border in the
North and Myanaguri area in the East.

During the last 150 years, due to drastic change in the land use pattern consequent
to the phenomenal rise in the human, livestock and expansion of agricultural
field and tea gardens. The rhino population was fragmented and confined to
small habitat pockets, later declared as Protected Areas. It is estimated that the
original area of rhino distribution was reduced one eighth of its range (Banerjee,

Between 1871 to 1905, the Maharaja of Cooch Behar recorded presence of rhinos
between rivers Sankosh and Rydak including the forests of Rydak and Bholka.
Currently there are no forests left in this area. Once this region was the main rhino
hunting ground for the Maharaja of Cooch Behar. The Garohat rhinoceros
population in Cooch Behar district and the population between Rivers Sankosh
and Rydak appears to have been extirpated due to hunting and land use change
during the 1930s and 1970s, respectively (Bist,1994). Between 1877 to 1897, the
Maharaja of Cooch Behar is supposed to have killed more than one hundred
rhinos in these areas. In 1886 alone a total of 18 rhinos were hunted and during
the period 1977 to 1904, in a single hunting expedition of the Maharaja, 28 rhinos
were killed, atleast 13 injured and another 14 rhinos were seen. While the rhino
disappeared from this area by 1970s, none was recorded in the recent years in the
forest of Buxa. The trend over the years is presented in the table.

Table. 9. Rhino population in Buxa Area

S.No Year Population Trend
1 1948-49 Few Rhinos
2 1949-50 “
3 1952-53 Presence found
4 1953-54 “
5 1954-55 “
6 1956-57 “
7 1957-58 “
8 1958 “
9 1958-59 10
10 1966-67 Presence found
11 1967-68 “
12 1968 & After No Rhinos reported
(Source: Bist, 1994)

The Torsa rhino population was mainly distributed along the Torsa River flood
plain in the tract of high grasslands up to the foot hills of Bhutan including the
Patlakhava Reserve. In the area now the Jaldapara WLS and its neighbouring
areas a total of 14 rhinos were sighted between 1892-1904 and one rhino was
killed by Maharaja of Cooch Behar around the Chilapata forest. Fawcus (1943)
reported nearly 200 rhinos in the Jaldapara and Patlakhava areas. It is also
reported that rhinos from Jaldapara ranged as far to the forest of Patlakhava till
late 1985. Rao (1959) recorded the presence of rhinos in the Khairbari, Bhutri, Sal
Kumar, Basti and Moiradanga till 1954. Records indicate that till the year 1982
rhinos were being sighted in the forest of Nimati in Buxa Tiger Reserve. Table
presents the trend of rhino population in the Jaldapara area.

Table. 10. Rhino population in Jaldapra WLS and in near by area

S.NO Year Population Trend
1 1920 Approx 200 including Patalkhova
2 1930 80
3 1932 40-50
4 1935-36 In good number
5 1936-37 56 including Panabari
6 1940-41 Increasing
7 1947-48 “
8 1949-50 “
9 1950-51 “
10 1951-52 “
11 1952-53 “
12 1953-54 30-56
13 1954-55 “
14 1957 50
15 1958-59 65
16 1964 72

17 1965-66 72
18 1966-67 76
19 1968-69 75
20 1973-74 21
21 1975 23
22 1978 19
23 1980 22
24 1986 14
25 1988 24
26 1989 27
27 1993 33
28 1996 42
29 1997 42
30 1999 55
31 2000 54
32 2002 74
33 2010 125

In the Gorumara area rhino population in 1920 was reported to be around 12,
Fawcus (1943). Gorumara WLS (now a National Park) was set up in 1949 covering
an area of 9 sq km, although rhinos were sighted in the lower Tondu, Upper
Tondu, Nagarakanta and in the flood plains of River Jaldaka and Diana. Rhinos
were also sighted outside the reserve area in the grasslands, and in the Hiljhora
forest till 1950s and in Chapramari and Diana ranges till 1980s. In March 1989, one
female rhino strayed up to the Bangla Desh border and was later brought back.
Another female rhino strayed out to the Mahananda Sanctuary and died in 1992.
The rhino population trend in the Gorumara NP area given in the table.

Table. 11. Rhino population in Gorumara NP
S.NO Year Population Trend
1 1920 12
2 1936-37 4-5
3 1940 12
4 1950-51 Increasing
5 1951-52 “
6 1952-53 Seen
7 1954 3
8 1954-55 Few
9 1955-56 3
10 1956-57 5
12 1958 4
13 1958-59 7
14 1965 8
15 1965-66 14
16 1967-68 10
17 1968-69 Present
18 1971-72 12
19 1972-73 13
20 1973-74 7
21 1978 7
22 1986 8
23 1989 8
24 1993 12
25 1996 14
26 1997 14
27 1999 19
28 2000 19
29 2002 22
30 2010 35
(Rhino census source: Chief Wildlife Warden Office, Department of Forest, West Bengal)

Rhino and other wildlife population estimation in Jaldapara WLS and
Gorumara NP also followed in other Protected Areas
Population estimation was conducted in a systematic manner between 1964
to1966 and during one of the operations in 1966 Juan Spillet had also participated.
The entire sanctuary was divided into small segments or blocks and each was
assigned to one party consisting of an elephant,’ Mahout’, enumerator and a
forest guard who helped in conducting direct counts on sighting animals.
Different landmark such as river boundary, fire lines and any other prominent
features were used to divide the sanctuary in small blocks and also to track
locations. A party moved systematically in a zigzag manner across their assigned
blocks to count the animals by direct sighting. Although there were chances of
missing some of the animals the method was consistent and provided a relatively
reliable index of abundance of animals in a particular area. A large size animals
like the rhino had a much smaller chance of missing detection. In 1966, the census
method was slightly modified. A party in its assigned block started its survey
from the southern block boundary and worked between 6 AM to 12 Noon. Spillet
(1966) observed that a prior to the 1966 census, only the number of each species
were recorded. But in 1966 census attempts were made to classify the tally into
sex and age classes like adult male, adult female, and young/ calf. If sex of any
rhino could not be identified for certain then it was classified as un-sexed or sex
unidentified individual.

Same procedure is followed during wildlife including rhino population

estimation exercise in West Bengal, Assam in India and Nepal.

Rhino population trend in Jaldapara WLS and Gorumara NP

The mammalian population dynamics is directly related to the habitat conditions
which include availability of forage, forage quality, presence of competitors,
presence of predators, poaching pressure and other factors which affect the
population growth. It is important to know the population trend in terms of
number, sex and age classes. For comparison such parameters are necessary

across all past census operations to assess how and for what reasons a population
behaved in particular manner.

In the earlier census operation reflected only the rhino numbers. Similarly in some
years the census operation was not carried out. In Jaldapara WLS, the year 1975
onwards a regular exercise for population estimation has been carried out while
in Gorumara NP from the year 1954 onwards, classified census figures are
available(Table.10 and 11 ).

The published records of the rhino population in Jaldapara WLS and Gorumara
NP were used to calculate the overall population trend of rhinos during the last 68
years from 1930 to 1996. To ascertain the more recent population trend the period
between 1980 to 1996, was chosen and separate calculations were made. This was
considered necessary since in the earlier population estimates the procedure was
not clear, raising the possibility of adding inconsistency to the data.

While calculating the rhino population trend the year of 1930 was not included
since the estimation in this particular year included three different rhino sub-
populations of neighbouring areas.

From 1930 to 1996, rhino population trend in Jaldapara WLS shows marked
variations in different years and in some years population figures are not clearly
mentioned which forms a discontinuity. In 1930, around 80 rhinos (Shebbeere and
Ray, 1950) were reported from this area which later on fluctuated between 30 to
75 rhinos between 1932 to 1969. There was a sharp decline in the rhino population
from 1973 onwards and in 1986 only 14 rhinos were left in the Jaldapara WLS.
From 1968 to 1986 around 63 rhinos died which caused a sharp decline in the
rhino population. In the last 10 years rhino population in Jaldapara has increased
to 42 rhinos.

The population of the Jaldapara rhinos from 1930 to 1969, showed an annual
growth rate of 0.0030 (95 % CI+_ 0.0015). Between 1973 to 1996 rhino population
was growing at the rate of 0.0260 per year (95 % CI+ 0.0067). Rhino population
figures are not available from 1970 to 1972. Rhino population has declined from 75
individuals in 1968-69 to 21 individuals in 1973-74. Rhino population growth rate
was separately calculated for the period 1980 to 1996, a span of 16 years to even
out inconsistencies. It was found that the population was growing at the rate of
0.042 (95 % CI + 0.031). The overall rhino population growth rate from 1930 to
1996 shows -0.0222(95 % CI + 0.039).

The rise in rhino population to 42 rhinos in recent years in the Jaldapara WLS is
mainly due to rigorous vigil, patrolling and protective measures undertaken by
the hard working and dedicated team of officers and staff, who risked life and
limb in line of duty. The number of poaching cases has significantly been reduced.

In Gorumara NP, rhino population from 1920 to 1996 fluctuated between 12-15
rhinos. During 1952-54 only 3 rhinos were reported in this area indicating a
marked decline in the population. Table. 13 gives the over all rhino population
trend in the Goumara NP and adjacent areas.

Between 1920 to 1968 there appear have been to be some procedural

inconsistencies. For the purpose of calculation the inconsistent data was excluded.
Records from 1968 to 1996 were taken into consideration. During the period of
1971 to 1974 there was a sharp decline in the rhino population which reportedly
had gone down to 7 and the mortality was 11 rhino because of various reasons.
The population growth rate in Gorumara NP in the years from 1968 to 1996 was
0.0079(95 %+ 0.012).

Table. 12 and Table. 13 present an overall picture of the rhino population

structure, sex and age class details respectively for Jaldapara WLS and Gorumara
NP. In Gorumara NP, the sex ratio of the rhino population from 1954 to 1996 was

estimated using the data set under table. Unsexed animals were not included in
the analysis. The sex ratio was found to be 0.395(95 % CI+0.077) male per female
in Gorumara NP for the period 1968 to 1996, while in the Jaldapara WLS the sex
ratio for the period of 1975 to 1996 was 0.694(95 % CI+0.133) male per female.
Based on the data available for Jaldapara during 1980 to 1996 it was found that sex
ratio for adult rhinos worked to 0.402(95 % CI+0.36) male per female and the calf
to adult female ratio was 0.441 (95 % CI+0.058). The data of 1992 was left out of
the calculation.

Table.12. Rhino Population structure in Jaldapara WLS (1975-2004)

Year Male Female Unsexed Calves Total
1975 7 7 4 5 23
1978 5 7 4 3 19
1980 5 7 6 4 22
1988 9 11 - 4 24
1989 9 13 - 5 27
1992 8 12 - 13 33
1993 4 7 2 11 26
1996 9 18 2 8 42*
1999 53
2002 74
2010 125
* Including one female sub-adult and four unknown sex excluding male rhino
translocated from Guwahati Zoo, Assam.

Population of Rhino in West Bengal during 2002 Census


Adult Male 17 Nos.
Adult Female 11 Nos.
Adult sex unknown 2 Nos.
Sub Adult Male 6 Nos.
Sub Adult Female 2 Nos.
Sub Adult sex unknown 2 Nos.
Female with Male Calf 16 Nos.
Female with Female Calf 4 Nos.
Unknown Calf 14 Nos.

Total 74 Nos.

Table. 13. Rhino population structure in Gorumara NP (1954 – 2004)

Year Male Female Unsexed Calves Total
1954 1 1 - 1 3
1965-66 - - 8 2 10
1968-69 - - 8 2 10
1978 1 3 3 1 8
1989 4 7 - 1 12
1993 4 7 - 4 15
1996 2 6 - 7 15
1999 19
2002 6 11 - 5 23
2010 35

Birth and Mortality

Based on the data available from 1986 to 1996 0n the birth of rhino calves in
Gorumara and Jaldapara the birth rate was calculated. The calculation for the

rhino population in Gorumara is based on some inconsistent data. The calf to
female ratio was 0.349(95 % CI+ 0.111) and calf to female ratio was 0.509 (95%

In the wild it is always difficult to timely locate a newly calf. In a study conducted
in Dudhwa NP, UP the reintroduced population in 1984-85. Rhinos are confined
to an area of 27 sq km which is power fenced. Regular monitoring is done till
today and to located individual rhino on daily basis. Currently rhino population
is total 18 rhino in the year 2004 from a founder population 0f 5 rhino comprise of
one male and four adult females. The over all birth rate was one calf per female
per 2.4 years. Official record of mortality is presented in Tables.18 and 19.

Laurie (1978) reported death of seven rhino calves below one year age and one
calve below 2 years, during his study period of 3 years in The Royal Chitwan NP.
He also found that the main cause of death was poaching (calf accompanying
cow), other causes includes tiger predation and intra specific fight between sub-
dominant male and dominating male. In case of Dudhwa 3 cases of abortion and
12 cases of calf mortality were recorded from1987 to 2004 (Sinha

Table. 14. Birth and Mortality in Rhino calves in Jaldapara WLS

Year Birth Death
1988 3 -
1989 2 -
1990 2 -
1991 3 -
1992 2 -
1993 3 1

Table.15. Rhino calves birth and mortality in Gorumara NP
Year Birth Death
1988 1 -
1989 - -
1990 1 -
1991 1 -
1992 1 -
1993 1 -
1994 NA
1995 NA

Adult mortality is mainly due to poaching, old age, disease, intraspeific fight or
by accidents. Table.16 and Table.17. show the mortality in rhinos in Jaldapara
WLS and Gorumara NP. In Jaldapara WLS, reportedly poachers used guns for
killing rhinos. Since 1993 the poachers have switched over to poisoning the rhinos
as has been reported by Martin (1992) in Royal Chitwan NP, Nepal. Two such
cases (one sub adult male and one female) of death due to poisoning were
detected in December 1992 and March 1996 in Jaldapara WLS.

Table. 16. Mortality cases of rhinos in Jaldapara WLS

Year Number of cases
1930-31 50
1932 40-50
1935-36 1
1936-37 1
1940-41 2
1948-49 2
1949-50 4
1950-51 1
1954 3

1955-56 4
1957-58 2
1967-68 1
1968-72 30
1972-73 6
1973-80 9
1981 2
1982 3
1983 4
1984 6
1985 2
1986 1
1987 1
1991 1
1992 2
1993 1
1994 2
1995 3
1996 3
1997 2
1998 2
1999 2
2000 2
2001 3
2002 5
2003 2
2004 (July 2004) 2

Table. 17. Mortality cases of rhinos in Gorumara NP
Year Number of cases
1950-51 3
1952 2
1954-55 1
1968-72 4
1981 1
1983 2
1984 1
1989 1
1990 1
1992 1
1993 NA

(West Bengal Section Source: Shri A.K.Raha IFS, Former Conservator of forests Wildlife, Forest
Department, West Bengal, presented in AsRSG meeting in Kaziranga NP,1999)

Rhino Mortality in Jaldapara WLS and Gorumara NP, West Bengal (1999 -2004)
Date No of Place of occurrence Description Cause of Remarks
Cases death
23.01.1999 1 Jaldapara-5 Comptt., Female Attacked by
Jaldapara WLS Rhino,
18.05.1999 2 MB-6 Comptt., Kodal Male, adult Poaching
Busty, Jaldapara WLS
02.08.2000 3 Torsa River, Jaldapara Male Natural
WLS Death
24.09.2000 4 MB-5 Comptt., Male Poaching
Jaldapara WLS
06.09.2001 5 Siltorsa Comptt., Male, adult Natural
Jaldapara WLS Death
25.09.2001 6 Baradabri Comptt.-6, Male, adult Poaching
Jaldapara WLS

06.11.2001 7 Chilapata, Male, adult Disease,
Jaldapara(East) Range, Natural
Jaldapara WLS Death
17.03.2002 8 Malangi-3, Male, adult Disease, Captive
Jaldapara(East) Range, Natural Rhino
Jaldapara WLS Death Madhu
08.04.2002 9 Sissamara, Chilapata-1, Female, Disease,
Jaldapara (East) Range, adult Natural
Jaldapara WLS Death
28.06.2002 10 Sissamara, Chilapata-1, Sub-adult Disease,
Jaldapara (East) Range, Natural
Jaldapara WLS Death
17.07.2002 11 Sissamara, Chilapata-2, Female, Fighting
Jaldapara (East) Range, sub-adult with other
Jaldapara WLS animal,
15.12.2002 12 Malangi, Jaldapara Male, calf Natural
(East) Range, Jaldapara Death
08.03.2003 13 Jaldapara-3 Comptt., Female, Disease,
East Range, Jaldapara adult Natural
WLS Death
04.10.2003 14 Torsa-3 Comptt., Male, adult Inter-
Jaldapara WLS fighting,
04.03.2004 15 Dhupjhora-I, Gorumara Female, Disease,
NP adult Natural
15.06.2004 16 Gorumara NP 16 Female Disease,

(Source: Chief Wildlife Warden Office, Department of Forest, West Bengal)

The Dudhwa NP is located in the Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Its Northern boundary is
the International border between India and Nepal. Historically, the North Kheri
Forest lies between 28 18 N and 28 42 N latitudes and 80 28 E and 80 57 E
longitudes. The Mohana River flowing along the Indo-Nepal border constitutes
the Northern boundary of the Park while the Southern Boundary of the Park is
demarked by River Suheli.

Historically, forest areas which constitute today’s Dudhwa NP and Tiger Reserve
was brought an area of 303 sq km under the control of the State Government in
1861 after the visit of Sir D. Brandis in 1860. In Kheri district all the Sal and
miscellaneous forests and grasslands in Khairigarh Pargana, between Mohana
and Suheli Rivers were included in the North Kheri Forest Division.

This area is well known for tiger and other game species and equally well known
for timber of Sal Shorea robusta. During the post independence period
encroachment on forest lands and poaching continued and alarming degradation
of forest and viable decline of wildlife, the Sonaripur Wildlife Sanctuary
comprising 15.7 sq km was created in 1955 to specifically protect the Swamp deer
Cervus duvaceli duvaceli. The area was too small and later enlarged to 212 sq km
and renamed as the Dudhwa Wildlife Sanctuary in 1968. In 1977, by including
further additional areas the Dudhwa National Park was created over 490 sq km.
The nearby Kishanpur Sanctuary of 200 sq km extent along with the Dudhwa NP
was brought under control of the Management of Project Tiger in 1988 as the
Dudhwa Tiger Reserve. Currently in 2003, Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary is also
included in the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve. The total area of 884.90 sq km of the
Dudhwa Tiger Reserve is distributed as:

1. Core Zone: 490.29 Sq km

2. Buffer Zone: 190.03 sq km

3. Kishanpur Sanctuary: 203.41 sq km (Satellite core area) Currently included in
Dudhwa NP/TR
4. Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary: 551. 64 sq km (Satellite core area)

The main objective of creation of National and Tiger Reserve was to preserve and
conserve one of the rarest deer species, the Swamp deer (Cervus duvaecli duvaceli).
Swamp deer are endemic to the Indian Sub-continent and probably is the last
home of this sub-species. It is worth to mention here that Swamp deer is the state
animal of Uttar Pradesh.

Dudhwa NP/TR is rich in its biodiversity in terms of Floral and Faunal Diversity
and shows presence of 77 species of grass and grass like plants, 179 species of
aquatic plants, 75 species of Trees, 21 species of shrubs and 17 species of Climbers.
Based on the structure and composition, the major communities are: (1) Northern
Tropical Semi-Evergreen Forest (2). North Indian Moist deciduous Forests (3).
Alluvial Plain Sal Forest (4). Western Light Alluvial Forest (5). Riparian Forest (6).
Moist Sal Forest (7). Moist Savannah (8). Tall Wet grasslands (9). Intermediate
level grasslands (10). Short grasslands (11). Plantations of eucalyptus species,
Teak, Tectona grandis, Semal, Bombax ceiba, Khair, Acacia catechu, Shisham,
Dalbergia latifolia, Eucalyptus and teak are an exotic and not native of this area.
There are atleast 24 species of plants are of conservation importance.

Funal Diversity is rich in this area comprise of 40 species of mammals, 292 species
of Birds,25 species of reptiles, 3 species of amphibians, and 20 species fishes were
recorded. Of these, 11 species of mammals, 6 species of Birds and 5 species of
reptiles are in endangered list. During the last hundred odd years, the Wild
buffalo Bubalus bubalis and the one horned rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis have
disappeared from the Uttar Pradesh terai. Rhinoceros was reintroduced in
Dudhwa NP in 1984-85. These animals were translocated from Assam and Nepal.

Rhino Re-Introduction Area (RRA) in Dudhwa NP /Tiger Reserve
Approximately 90 sq. km of grassland area under Dudhwa Tiger reserve is
located on its South – West portion along river Suheli. It is a 15 km long tract,
which is suitable as rhino habitat. About 50 percent of this area is subject to
seasonal flooding and an area of about 560 ha is permanently swampy and water
logged. The Rhino Sub-Committee of the Wildlife Status Evaluation Committee of
the IBWL felt that the area was highly suitable. A small area of about 25 sq. km.
was enclosed by energized fencing called as Rhino Re-introduction Area (RRA)
was selected for re-introducing rhinos. This comprised the entire Kakraha Block
and a part of Chhota Palia Block falling under the jurisdiction of South Sonaripur
Range. The RRA has a total of eleven water-bodies (taals) namely Kakraha Taal,
Bara Puraina, Chhota Puraina, Bhandar, Bar Godha, Chhedia, Chaitua, Amha,
Bela, Kurmunia and Kaimahia. First seven are permanent whereas the last four
get dried during summers and water is augmented by pumping water from wells.
The chain of water bodies lay along the Damar Sal and grassland ecotone. The
lakes and streams, Andhra and Chabakwa represent remnant flows of the old
courses of river Suheli. During monsoon, major portion of the grassland inside
RRA remains flooded and water currents can be seen in the two streams and
across the chain of swamps while the other areas have up to four feet of standing
water. The area of 25 sq. km comprises Damar Sal forest – 20 percent and
grasslands - 80 percent with fringe forest. Initially entire area was enclosed with a
three strand energized fence. A 9 km stretch of the RRA forming park boundary
along river Suheli was additionally protected against accidental escapes by
construction of an elephant proof trench (3.0mX 2.0mX 1.5m) equally effective for

The RRA habitat is a mix of tall grassland, short grassland, marshy grassland and
woodland. The extent of each type is presented in the following table.18:

SL. No. Vegetation Type Area (in ha)

1 Tall grassland 343
2 Short grassland 807
3 Marshy grassland 563
4 Water-bodies (Aquatic vegetation) 107
5 Fringe and Riparian 107
6 Woodland 584

The floral diversity in this area and in the park is immense. Current
documentation indicates presence of 75 species of trees, 21 species of shrubs, 17
species of climbers, 77 species of grasses and 179 species of aquatic plants. There
are atleast 24 species of plants of conservation importance.

Map of Dudhwa Tiger Reserve

The main tree species are Sal (Shorea robusta), Asna (Terminalia tomentosa), Shisham
(Delbergia sissoo), Bahera (Terminalia belerica), Teak (Tectona grandis), Eucalyptus
spp, Khair (Accacia catechu), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Kydia calicyna, Mitrangyna
parviflora, Emblica officinalis, Phyllanthus reticulates, Aegle marmelos, Kusum
(Schleichera oleosa), Ficus spp, Semul (Bombex cieba) ect. The main grass species
occurring in this area are Ulla (Bothrichloa intermedia), Meyari (Imperata cylindrica),
Kaans (Saccharum spontaneum), Munja (Saccharum munja), Retwa (Sclerostachya
fusca), Cymbopogon flexuosus, Desmostachya bippinata, Themeda spp, Vetiveria
zizanioides, Narenga porphyrocoma etc. Reed grasses such as Arundo donax and
Narkul (Phragmites karka) are distributed around water bodies and swamps.

Some of the aquatic plants like Hydrilla verticillata, Vallisneria spirolis, Hygroryza
aristata, Nymph spp, Water lily spp and Potamogeton spp are commonly found in the
water bodies.

The RRA has a network of roads and can be approached from outside from 3
sides, namely Base Camp, Chhota Palia and Salukapur where gates have been
provided in the power fence. There are two main roads inside the fence-while one
travels straight from Salukapur to Base Camp, the other run along the Southern
perimeter fence joining the main road at either end. As these roads remain
unserviceable for long period during and after monsoon, an additional road from
Salukapur to Kakraha was made in 1997-98. A feeder road links the central main
road and the peripheral road. At Salukapur the staff is housed in conventional
quarters. At Base Camp log huts have been built on top of high piles for housing
the staff. This is a special requirement as the area remains under water for
prolonged periods during monsoon. There are four watchtowers inside the RRA.
While three are located around Kakraha swamp, one is at Kaimahia. All are
wooden structures. These serve as animal observation posts and fire watchtowers.
After opening up of the area for tourism, these towers are being used by tourists.
But the condition of these towers is very bad and need immediate repair.

The RRA provides a good habitat for a range of animals like Tiger, Leopard,
Elephant, Swamp Deer, Sambar, Spotted Deer, Hog Deer, Barking Deer, Hispid
Hare, Bengal Florican, and Swamp Partridge. During field visits hispid hare
pellets and tiger pug marks were observed. A pair of Bengal Florican was also
sighted during this visit inside the RRA and in other grassland areas in Dudhwa.


(This figure shows different habitat types inside RRA)

Habitat types inside Rhino Reintroduction Area

The Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary is situated on the Indo-Nepal border in
Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh. It represents the Terai-Bhabhar Bio-
Geographic Sub-Division of Upper Gangetic Plains. Owing to great vegetation
diversity the area is a mosaic of diverse habitat. The most interesting feature of
the Sanctuary is the regular movement of Great Indian one horned Rhinoceros
(Rhinoceros unicornis) reintroduced in Royal Bardia NP, Nepal.

Forest areas which constitute the Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary Division were
brought under the control of British Government in 1856 and their management
was initiated in 1861 under Avadh Forest Rules. Between 1883 and 1908 these
forests were declared as reserve forests and their area was 462.65 sq km. After
Zamindri abolition some more forests were added on to the forests of the division.
Thus, between 1967 and 1994 a total 88.99 sq km of forests were added to the
division and these were called new reserves. The scientific management of the
forests was started in 1893 when the first working plan was prepared by

The importance of the area from the view point of wildlife was well recognized
and it had many famous shooting blocks which attracted Tiger hunters from far
off places. After the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 came into force, the hunting
was banned and in 1976 and 400.09 sq km area of the division was declared as
wildlife Sanctuary. However, the territorial forest division (West Bahraich forest
Division). Finally in April 1997, the west Bharaich Forest Division was converted
into Wildlife Division and aptly named as Katerniaaghat Wildlife Division. The
area of the division is 551.64 sq km of which 400.09 sq km is sanctuary and rest is
reserved forests. The reserved forests are contiguous to the sanctuary and along it
form one ecological unit.

The Katerniaghat Wildlife Division is located in the Nanpara Tehsil of district

Bahraich and most of its area is situated on the Indo-Nepal border. It lies between

27 55 N and 28 24 N latitudes and 81 02 E and 81 25 E longitudes. The
Katerniaghat Sanctuary is situated between 28 06 N and 28 24 N latitude and 81
02 E and 81 19 longitudes.

The total area of 55164.13 hac of the Wildlife Division is distributed as follows:
1. Sanctuary - 40009.35 ha
2. Reserved Forests – 15154.78 ha

For management and administrative purpose the area is divided into six ranges as
in the Table 19.

S. No. Name of Range Area(in ha)

1 Katerniaghat 20987.37
2 Nishangarha 10791.07
3 Dharmpur 4922.64
4 Murtiha 4963.41
5 Kakraha 7219.22
6 Motipur 6280.42

The area of Katerniaghat, Nishangarha, Dharmpur and Murtiha ranges which

constitutes the Girijapuri sub-division is 41664.49 ha, out of which 40009.35 ha is
the sanctuary. The Motipur and Kakraha ranges are outside the Sanctuary. The
Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary represents the Terai-Bhabhar Bio-geographic Sub
division of Upper Gangetic plains.

The vegetation of the Katarniaghat Sanctuary varies from dense moist terai Sal
forests to large open grassland. The vegetation close to Girwa River and its
tributaries is characterized by the presence of very dense cane brakes. According

to the Champion and Seth's classification the forest of this area belong to the
following forest types:

Northern Moist Deciduous Sal Forests

Northern Dry Plains Sal Forests
Northern Dry Deciduous Mixed Forests
Tropical Seasonal Swamp Forest
Low Alluvial Savannah
Moist Sal Savannah Forests

There are 95 species of trees, 57 shrubs and small trees, 28 species of grasses in
Katarniaghat WLS. The main tress species are Shorea robusta, Terminalia tomentosa,
Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia catachu, Syzigium cumini, Sclioichera oleosa, Bombex cieba,
Adina cardifolia, Aegle marmelos etc. The main grass species are Saccharum
spontaneum, Saccharum munja, Bahrichola intermedia etc.

The faunal diversity of sanctuary is very high. The Girwa River, being a large
snow fed river adds greatly to the faunal diversity of the area. About 40 species of
mammals are found in this sanctuary. Tiger and Leopard are the important
carnivores of the area. The other carnivores are Jungle Cat, Fishing Cat, Leopard
Cat, Ratel, Jackal, Indian Fox, and Palm Civet. Area has five species of Deer
namely Chital, Hog Deer, Sambar, Barking deer and the highly endangered,
Swamp Deer. There may be strong possibility of existence of endangered
Caprolagus hispidus and Huberopsis bengalansis. The area has a small population of
black buck and Nilgai.

According to the wildlife census held in May 1997 there are 37 Tiger, 6 Leopard,
5341 chital, 77 Swamp Deer, 185 Sambar, 212 Hog deer, 281 Barking Deer, 12
Black Buck.

Due to reservoir and joining places of several rivers many areas remains water
logged throughout the year and attracts large number of migratory waterfowl and
other water birds. There are approximately 300 birds species in this area. There
are at least 100 species of fishes found in river Girwa. Gangatic Dolphins,
Ghariyal, Muggar and smooth Indian Otter are the other aquatic members in

Kauriyala and Girwa are two major rivers, which flow through the sanctuary
area. The river Kauriyala flow on the northern boundary of Katerniaghat range.
River Girwa flows through the Katarniaghat range from east to west and split it in
to two equal parts. The two rivers join at a point outside the park about 2 kms
upstream of Girjapur Barrage. Thereafter the river is known as the Ghaghara.
The Barrage has a great impact on the surrounding vegetation in KWLS.
Mailanala and Gandhela nala are two tributaries of river Girwa. There are few
other nalas, which finally joins to either one of the two major rivers of the area.

Land use Pattern in this area

There are two major land use in and around Katarniaghat WLS, Forestry and
agriculture. Agriculture is the main occupation but people are also dependent on
forest for their various needs. The average land holding is very small (0.66 ha.).
Many people are landless, either cultivate the land of other farmers or work as
agricultural labourers.

The agricultural pattern in the area close to Kheri district is very similar to the
agricultural pattern around DNP and Corridors forests. But agricultural pattern
inside the park and towards the Nepal border is slightly different. Here area
under paddy (27.8%) cultivation is higher than the others. The other major crops
are Rai (22.24%), wheat (14.83%), Maize (13.9%) and Turmeric (11.59%). Area
under sugarcane cultivation is very less and only restricted in few area

southwestern side of the park. The time for sowing and harvesting of different
crop is similar to the area around corridors between DNP and KWLS.

Movement of Rhinos from the Royal Bardia NP, Nepal to Katarniaghat WLS,
Katarniaghat WLS has three rhinos, dispersed from the Royal Bardia National
Park, Nepal in 1989. These rhino inhibit the island on the river Girwa and also the
swampy areas close to it. Their movement is only restricted to Katarniaghat range
of Katarniaghat WLS. Out of these three rhinos two moves in the northern half of
the Katarniaghat range, areas north to the river Girwa. They moves in
Bharthapur beli and adjoining area under compartment No. 1C and 1A of beat
No. 1, Badi beli and chotti beli under compartment 4A of Sadar beat and
compartment No 1 B of beat No 1. From compartment No 1A they goes to
compartment No 2A and to compartment No 2B. They some times even go to
Bharthapur village and do crop raiding during rainy season. The movement’s
records collected from forest department, of the period between Sep 97 to Feb 99,
revels that the movement of these two rhino is more in Compartment No 1C, 1A
and 4A (53 % of locations) of beat No 1 and sadar beat than the compartment No
2A and 2B (44.7% of locations) of beat No 2 .

Table.20. Movement of Rhino in Katarniaghat range of Katarniaghat WLS.

Location of 2 Rhinos staying Location of 1 Rhino south
north to river Girwa staying south to river Girwa
Compartment Locations % Compartment Locations
1C+1A+4C 117 53.92
2A+2B 97 44.20 6B+6A 72
5B 3 1.38
Total 217 100

The major portion of 1A, 1B, 1C and 4A compartments are covered by grasslands
and swampy with woodlands very few. 2A and 2B compartments of beat No2
have dense mixed forests with dense cane breaks.

Another one rhino stay in Sissam beli (compartment 6B), an island in the river
Girwa in the eastern portion of Katarniaghat range close to Indo-Nepal border.
His movement is confined to the southern side of the river Girwa. Sissam beli is
situated in block 6B of Bichia beat of Katarniaghat range. This rhino moves in the
area of compartment 6B and 6A of katarniaghat and the adjoining area of Nepal
near Dhanora Tal. During paddy and wheat crop season he also does crop
raiding in Amba bardia and other nearby villages of Katarniaghat range close to
sissam beli. Sissam beli has mixed forest dominated by Dalbergia sissoo.

The area near 6B and 6A is on the corridor route of rhino from Nepal. River
Girwa enters the parks near Compartment No 6B. Rhinos, elephants and some
times use river Girwa and forest patches along it from royal Bardia to
katarniaghat by tigers as corridor while movement from one park to other.
During rainy season both elephants and rhinos from Bardia use to come to
Katarniaghat or nearby areas and do crop raiding in Amba Bardia or other
villages. Some stray movements of rhino from Bardia to Dharmapur range
through Nishangarha range have been recorded.

Potential habitat for Rhinos in and around Katerniaghat WLS, UP

Approximately 3814.2 ha area in the heart of sanctuary is under Central State
Farm, which was given on lease during 1975-77. Out of this total, 3300 ha, areas
are of compartment No 1B and 2B of Dharmapur block under Nishangarha range
and rest other are part of compartment No 5A and 4A of Bichia and Sadar beat
under Katarniaghat range. The area close to state form in Katarniaghat range is
grassland and swampy. The area of central state farm, falling under Dharmapur
block of Nishangarha range could be a unique habitat for the rhino. The
southwestern portions of the farm are marshy and have water logged throughout

the year. The other area is grassland with large number of palatable species. The
portion where the agricultural activity is going on, grasses growing very fast even
after exposure of more than 25 years of continuous cultivation. The whole area is
basically a grassland and very fertile and a good habitat for rhino.

The area under Central State Farm was given for 25 years of lease, going to end in
the year 2000-2004. Forest department is trying to take back the whole area for
further habitat development.

Immediate threat
There are many human induced threats for Rhino and other wildlife including
flora and fauna. These are as follows:

Approximately 30 km of eastern and northern boundary of park share boundary
with Nepal, across which free movement is permitted. Several people across the
border are involved in gang poaching of various wild animals. They even
penetrate the area and come inside the park for poaching. On the other side of the
border there is no forest and due to involvement of the Nepal's army in to forest
management, now people has concentrated themselves for illegal activity on
Indian side. As there is no restriction on movement they are taking advantage of

Except these people residing inside or on the fringe of park in the Indian side are
suspected to be involved in poaching activity. Few records of poaching by farm
staffs have been also recorded. Though, poaching cases is now going down due
to effort taken by park staffs, it is essential to curb it completely.

Timber felling
Large number of people from Nepal is involved in felling of trees from park.
These people take advantage of the International border and free mobility across

it and extract timber from sanctuary area. As these people are totally dependent
on Indian forest for their requirements this becomes a grave problem for the park.
Large-scale unemployment and poverty are major drawbacks, which is fuelling
these activities.

People inside the park are also involved in large scale of timber extraction. It has
been observed during our study period in Katarniaghat area, the Range Officer of
Katarniaghat captured two trucks full of illegal timber from the Nishangarha
Range Forest.

Cattle grazing
There are 9 villages inside the park and many more on the fringe from both
Indian and Nepal side. The cattle from these villages graze inside the park area
and are fully dependent on it. The most important thing is that the cattle density
in the area is very high and most of them are either dry or non-working. Grazing
was officially permitted inside park up to 1991 on nominal payment basis. Even
though grazing was banned subsequently; it has continued, as the staff of the P.A.
has made no particular effort to stop it.

Crop depredation
Crop damage in and around the park area is general problem for people. The
animals involved in crop depredation are Elephants, Rhinos, Chital, Wild Boar
and Nilgai. Crop depredation cases by elephants, Chital and Wild Boar is very
high as compares to others. Elephants are responsible for paddy crop damage
during rainy season. Elephants enter from Royal Bardia during rainy season. At
present there are three elephants in the park area. Rhino from park and from
Royal Bardia are also involved in crop depredation but in very small scale.

Pressure due to Central State Farm

Large amount of pesticide and fertilizer use in farm is a great threat to the park.
These are also going to the water system through runoff and can badly affect the

aquatic animals and water birds for which park are famous. Except these the use
of large amount of crackers to deter the wild herbivores from crop raiding is also
dangerous practice.

There are lots of other problems in the park. Fuel wood collections, grass cutting
from park area are the other biotic problems and a threat to the park. The Dam on
river Ghaghara has also severely damaged the park and still a big threat for it.
During monsoon large area of forests comes under water, which affects the
vegetation. It is also a big hurdle in corridor route from KWLS to DNP.

Militancy Problem
In our neighbouring friendly country in the current situation particularly in
Bordering areas of Dudhwa NP and Katerniaghat WLS problem of this kind has
recently developed. Numbers of paramilitary forces agencies are regularly
monitoring the entire area to check infiltration in Indian side. On many occasion
people from other side take shelter in forest area and local people are worst
affected as well as the forest staff. Expecting that in near future this problem will
be solved at Government level talks. Now a day the problem has changed and
situation has been calm down in 2011.


Currently Rhinos are found in the three Protected Areas in Nepal. Rhino were
tranlocated to Royal Bardia NP and Royal Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve from the
Royal Chitwan National Park under Reintroduction Programme from 1986 to
2001. The Royal Chitwan NP is the main strong hold for rhinos in Nepal and
found before the reintroduction took place in two protected areas.


The rapid and spread in human population has meant the gradual elimination of
many large mammals from their historical range in the pat, the principal reason
being loss of habitat. Wildlife habitat deteriorated so rapidly in the last few

decades that Nepal witnessed a colossal loss in its wildlife especially large
mammals such as elephants, tigers, Gangetic dolphin and snow leopards. The
conservation of forests for agriculture, hydroelectric projects, and encroachment
from human-related developments have constricted and fragmented wildlife
habitat, and threatened the life support systems of many species.

The rhinos are of special conservation interest because of their role in the
maintenance of Terai biodiversity as their phylogeny, ecology, and nutritional
energetic have evolved around the grassland ecosystem. The one-horned
rhinoceros is the second largest of the five extinct species which was once
widespread on thee Indian sub-continent. As a result of habitat destruction and
hunting for the much valued horn, there are fewer than 2000 individuals,
restricted almost entirely to eight small protected areas in Assam and West Bengal
of India, Nepal and Bhutan. Nepal has by far the second largest remaining
population of the one-horned rhino. Therefore, the long –term future of the rhino
in Nepal lies within protected areas but these protected areas are increasingly
interrupted by human activities and development programs.

Status of rhino population in Royal Chitwan NP, Nepal

The Chitwan rhino population declined from an estimated 1000 animals in 1950 to
60-80 animals by 1962 when land clearing was followed by malaria eradication
and heavy poaching. Strict protection reversed this decline. Investigations
revealed that the population had increased to 270-310 individuals by 1975 with 73
(32.3%) adult females, 45(19.9%) adult males, 48(21.2%) sub-adult and 60(26.6%)
calves. After 25 years of protection, the Royal Chitwan National Park now
supports a viable population of 500-600 rhinos at a growth rate of 3.7 %. The
increase in rhino number since the late 1960s demonstrates that populations can
rebound vigorously when provided with sufficient habitat and protection.

Unfortunately due to insurgency and mass poaching rhino population in all the
rhino areas drastically came down. In Chitwan NP rhino population estimated

recently was 408 and in Bardiya NP around 20 rhinos and in Sukhlaphanta WLS is
7 left are reintroduced rhino population.

Chitwan rhinos provide an example of a population that almost went extinct

while still carrying high genetic diversity. Eric Dinerstein and Gary Mc Cracken
suggest that high heterozygosity is a consequence of the large population size
prior to 1950 and long generation time on average. The genetic bottle neck
occurred only recently. The present rhinos have retained 90% of the
heterozygosity of the original population going back 1400 A.D. Given the
accelerating rate of extinction, threatened species like R. unicornis, which were,
until recently, common and widespread, may yet retain a substantial proportion
of their original heterozygosity.

Studies in the past have suggested that the Chitwan rhino population will
continue to grow to a size exceeding 600 rhinos. Several large tracts of grasslands,
suitable to maintain high densities of rhinos, are currently under utilized which
could have been the result of harassment by cattle herders occupying these areas.
The north-east population in Chitwan is indicative of a large herbivore population
still in the expansion phase as the population has increased by 86 animals (48.9%)
between 1975-88 with an average annual rate of increase of 3.76% /Year. In
contrast, the West population has increase by only 22% since 1975 for a mean
annual rate of increase of 1.7%/year. In the eastern part of the park, poaching may
have artificially reduced rhino densities. However, some of these grasslands are
bordered by Sal forest, a habitat offering little forage for rhinos and other large
ungulates. It is doubtful if these areas will support increase number of dispersing
sub-adults and non-breeding adults.

Increased number of rhinos is apparent within blocks of the suitable rhino
habitats in Chitwan. Rhinos occurred in highest densities along the flood plain
grasslands and riverine forests bordering the Rapti, Narayani, Reu, Dhungre and

Icharni Rivers suggesting riverine grasslands as the single most critical habitat
dominated by $-6 meter high Saccharum spontaneum. These grasslands are
interspersed with patches of riverine forest which together account only 30% of
the Parks 932 sq km. In contrast, the vast Sal forest (Shorea robust), an evergreen
association on well-drained slopes, covering 70% of the Park, are rarely used.
Rhino densities were positively correlated with the present of the block covered
by Saccharum spontaneum grassland, along stream banks. Saccharum is
fundamental as it exceeds 50% of the rhino diet each month. Saccharum
spontaneum is unique among the common tall perennial grasses because a plant
sprouts soon after cutting, grazing or inundation by floods whereas other does
not sprout again after manipulations. Such dominance depends on annual habitat
disturbance by monsoon floods. Monsoon floods deposits silt on the S.spontaneum
grasslands bordering major rivers and, after receding, create favorable
germination sites for seeds of this tall grass. Floods have probably always
frequent phenomenon in this ecosystem because of the steep mountain chain to
the north and heavy precipitation concentrated in a 4 month wet season. Large
herbivores which feed heavily in these dense near monotypic stands would be
expected to reach high local densities.

Avoidance of heat stress, nutritional requirements, and predator densities

constrain habitat selection in large ungulates. Rhinos average 8 hrs/d wallows or
streams during August and September, the period of peak daily relative
humidity. Wallowing occur for at least one hour /day in everyday in wallows
except in the months of December and January.

Thus, open water is crucial for rhinos most of the year.

Agriculture in former rhino habitat has resulted in serious crop depredation.
However, past studies suggest that high densities were not related to the
proximity of agriculture fields as densities in grasslands away from croplands
exceeds of equaled to those densities in blocks bordered by croplands. However,
densities in the eastern block, where rhino habitat are comparatively small,

fluctuated seasonally with the ripening of rice, corn, wheat, and lentils grown in
the adjacent fields.


Royal Bardia National Park is situated about 585 km west of Kathmandu in the
southwestern terai of Nepal between 28 15 to 28 40 N and 80 10 to 80 50 E. The
park contains almost half of the Bardia District of about 968 sq kms. It has a core
area of 968 sq km and buffer area of 327 sq km. It was established in 1969 as a
Royal Hunting Reserve. Later in 1976 declared as Royal Karnali Reserve within an
area of 348 sq km. It was renamed as The Royal Bardia Wildlife Reserve in the
year of 1982 and was extended to include the Babai River Valley in 1984. It was
declared as National Park in 1989.

The River Girwa, a branch of River Karnali (In Indian side this River named as
Kauiala) forms the western boundary of the Park and the crest of the Churian
Range Siwalik Hills demarcates the Northern limits. Physiographically the park
has following distinct regions- Siwalik and Bhabar area. The alluvial flat lands the
riverine flood plains. It has its unique importance due to presence of the
reintroduced population of Rhino.

According to Champion and Seth's (1968) classification forest of Bardia belong to
"Moist Semi-deciduous Forests" in the Bhabar. Dinerstein (1979a) classified the
vegetation in to six major vegetation type, which latter modified to seven by
Jnawali and Wegge (1993). These include four main forest types along with three
type of grassland.

Sal Forests
Khair-sissoo Forests
Moist Riverine Forests
Mixed hardwood Forests

Wooded Grassland
Phanta, and
Floodplain Grassland

Area under Sal forest has higher percentage than the others (Ghimire, 1997). The
Khaire-sissoo forest is composed of Dalbergia sissoo with Acacia catechu as
associate. A moist riverine forest has species like Syzigium cumini, Ficus racemosa,
Mallotus phillipinensis. In mixed hardwood Garuga pinnata, Bombox ceiba, Adina
cordifolia and Mitragyna parviflora are the main species. Open grassland is called
Phanta. Imperata cylindrica, Saccharum spontaneum and Vetiveria zizanioides are
common species in these grasslands.

The park shelters some of the world's most endangered species. There are at least
39 mammalian species and approximately 400 bird species. Tiger, Leopard, Sloth
bear, Elephant, Rhino, Swamp Deer, Spotted Deer, Hog Deer, Barking Deer,
Sambar, Wild boar and Nilgai are the main large mammalian species.

Among aquatic fauna Mugger (Crocodylusd palustris), River Dolphin, Gharial

crocodile (Gavialis gangeticus), Otter (Lutra perspicillata), turtles etc. are important

Climate and Hydrology

The climate is sub-tropical. The area has three distinct seasons, Dry (from Feb to
mid June), Monsoon (mid June to late September) and winter (from late
September to January). The mean annual precipitation is 1200mm to 1800
(Ghimire, 1997). The dry season is hot and temperature reaches up to 40°c and
during winter season the temperature drops down to 4-5°c.

There are two major rivers namely, Karnali and Babai which form the water
system of the area. The river Girwa, an eastern branch of river Karnali forms the

western boundary of the park. It is the habitat of the last possible viable
population of Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica) in Nepal.

The Local People

There are 17 villages in the buffer zone of park. The total human populations of
these villages are more than 90 thousand. The population density of buffer zone
is 249.86 person/sq. Km., higher than the population density in the terai region of
mid far Western region (118 person/sq. km) and also higher than the whole terai
region of Nepal (221 persons/sq. km) reported by Ghimire, 1997.

Tharu is the main tribe of the area. Economy of the area is totally agriculture
based and 90 percent people are dependent on it. Rest 10 percent people work as
labourer in sector other than agriculture or are involved in trade.

Current Land Use Pattern

A recent study of Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur,
Kathmandu (Ghimire, 1997), on the land use pattern of the Royal Bardia National
park through remote sensing shows that, the area under forest in core zone is
more than 92 %, though it is only 49.42 % in the buffer zone . There is no
agricultural land in the cone zone but in buffer zone 41.48 % area are under

Forest and agriculture is the main land use. Most of the farmers have small land
holding. Large numbers of people are land less, work as labourers.

Paddy is the major crop of the area. Wheat, maize, mussore, mustered and sugar
cane are the other important crop of the area.

The Rhino reintroduction Programme in Royal Bardia National Park

To safe guard the species against natural calamities and to establish a new viable
breeding population, a small sub-population based on individuals translocated

from Chitwan was established in the Royal Bardia National Park (Jnawali and
Wegge, 1993). The first batch of 13 rhinos was introduced in the year 1986
(Mishra and Dinerstein, 1987). After a gap of few years again in 1991, 25 rhinos
were reintroduced in the same area. The rhino were introduced in the flood
plains of river Karnali and in Babai river valley. So total 38 rhino were introduced
in park among them 10 were male and 28 adult female. Today the total
population of rhino in Bardia is 50 animals. The mean annual rate of increment is
2.43 %.

Till today 29 calves born in Royal Bardia, out of which only 21 could survive rest 8
died, hence survival rate of calf is 72.41 %. Since 1986, 13 adult deaths have been
recorded, out of which 9 or 69.23 % (5 male and 4 female) occurred due to
poaching and rest 4 or 30.77 (3 male and 1 female) due to natural death.

Between 1986 to March 2001, a total of 63 rhinos were translocated from Chitwan
NP to Bardia WLS and 6 rhinos to Sukhla Phanta WLS.

This year again 4 adult males are introduced in the park. In 1989 three rhinos
from Royal Bardia dispersed to the Katarniaghat Wildlife sanctuary, India and
became permanent member of this park. They never return to Bardia.

The rhino in Bardia moves in flood plain of River Karnali and in Babai River
Valley area. But during rainy season they some time comes near Katarniaghat
WLS along River Girwa and also enter the park area or cultivation land close to it.
Such crop raiding cases in Ambia Bardia village of Katarniaghat has been
recorded several times.

Major threat to Park and Rhino

Poaching Problem
Poaching is a big problem for Rhino and for park's other animal also. Since 1986,
from the date of introduction of 63 rhinos, poachers have killed 9 rhino.

Organized way of poaching cases has been recorded from the park. The moment
when rhino goes outside of park in open area or in cropland they are in the high
risk of being poached, particularly when they go towards the Indo-Nepal border.

Now the park authority has established two ant-poaching groups with the help of
WWF. The anti-poaching group is headed by a Park Ranger and comprises of one
senior game Scot along with four games Scot and three field level informer.
Nepal army is also helping the park authority in curbing poaching. Since the
establishment of anti-poaching group the poaching cases has been came down.

Anthropogenic Pressures
The buffer zone of park and other area around park has large number of human
population. Particularly in the buffer zone there are more than 90 thousand
people are residing. The people are fully dependent on park for their fuel wood
requirement, cattle grazing and for other purposes. The total livestock population
in the buffer zone is 142825 and its population density is 265.60 cattle/sq. Km.
Cattle’s are dependent on grazing inside the park, which is exerting large amount
of pressure.

Except this many people are also involved in illegal felling of timber. There are
many more other management problems related to the human dimension around

Corridor between Katarniaghat WLS and Royal Bardia NP

Important Corridors
The main corridor (Corridor-G) between Bardia and Katarniaghat are along the
Girwa River. The rhino entry takes place through this route only. They generally
enter in Katerniaghat WLS from this route either near Dhanora Tal area, slightly
southeast of river Girwa or near Ambia Bardia village. Some times rhino also
enter near Maila nala area, on the north to river Girwa traveling through this
route only. Elephants and tiger also use the same route while coming from Royal

Bardia. From this route entry takes place in block 2B, 6B and 6A area of
Katerniaghat range on the eastern boundary.

The second corridor (Corridor-K) link is through Kauriala River on the northern
tip of the sanctuary. But this corridor is not in use by Rhino. Even elephant does
not use it frequently. This corridor is completely open at several places and is
under encroachment.

The corridor along the Girwa River is still a viable corridor and it needs attention
for habitat improvement.

Status of Corridor
The forest along this corridor (corridor-G) is very narrow sometimes only 1.5 to 2
km wide. The vegetation in this corridor is of Sal, mixed forest and riverine
forest. As this corridor forest is linked with Bardia and KWLS, it is a shelter of
various types of ungulates. There are various types of human pressure along the
corridor. The forest towards the Nepal side has been cleared by the people and
converted in to the cultivation land. The settlers in the transborder are mainly
retired army personals of Nepal, who has completely destroyed the forest at
almost all places along the border. Large number of human habitations is there in
corridor areas. Livestock grazing, encroachments are the major threat to the
corridor. Among the other threats, illegal timber cutting, firewood collection,
fodder extraction are important.

The second corridor (Corridor-K) along the Kauriala River is in more degraded
condition. The other problem with this corridor is that to follow this route the
rhino has to cross the Girwa River in the Royal Bardia and they have to also cross
the open croplands. That's why they do not take risk and they do not come easily.

The agriculture is the main land use in the corridor area. Paddy is the major crop
of the area. The other crops are wheat, maize, mustered etc.

Proposed planning possibilities
Corridors linking
Western terai currently having two isolated reintroduced rhino population and
three members dispersed from one of them. Their future survival depends on
various co-related aspects. It is essential to have accessibility to more area and a
free movement across these parks. This is only possible when corridors will be
viable and will provide fearless, smooth passage to wild animals. Linking these
populations will play an important role in future rhino conservation.

As today corridors between these parks are in highly degraded states and even
abandoned by the wild animals, it became essential to reduce the pressure and
make it viable. The corridors between Dudhwa National Park and Katarniaghat
Wildlife Sanctuary are under grave problem of encroachment and various biotic
pressures. Most of the area has been encroached for agriculture and settlements.
The recovery of encroached forestland and rehabilitation within a time frame is
essential to make these corridors viable. It has to handle very carefully and with
the involvement of local people and all concern authority. Ecodevelopment
activity will help in easing the various biotic pressures. At the same time
protection of forest and habitat improvement through community involvement
will be a great help.

Though Corridor No.1 between DNP and KWLS is highly degraded and have
large area under encroachment, then also it will be easier to make it viable than
the Corridor No.2. Corridor No.2 has complete gap at one place, an area of 6-7
km filled with agriculture land and settlements. Another problem in this corridor
is of water logging in an area of 7 km width, due to backwater of dam and river
Ghaghara, which separate it from Katarnighat WLS.

Corridor between Katarniaghat and Royal Bardia is almost in the same condition.
The only viable link, along the river Girwa is also under various human induced
threats. Encroachments, habitat degradation, cattle grazing are the common

problem like everywhere, but poaching is the grave problem in this area. Another
link through river Kauriala has its large number of difficulties and is not being
used. So attention should be given on the corridor along river Girwa for habitat
improvement and for protection to forest and for a safer passage.

There is still option to save the Basanta forest patch in the Nepal side and to fill a
gap of 500 meter between Basanta forest and Dudhwa NP forest. This can be a
effective viable corridor and wild animals can easily move through this stretch.
Regular monitoring and protection this stretch should on first the priority.

Anti poaching steps

Poaching is a serious threat everywhere in park area and in corridors. But in
corridor, particularly between Katarniaghat and Royal Bardia the chances of
animal being poached are very high. To curb the poaching Royal Bardia has
already established an anti-poaching squared, which has shown fruitful result in
recent years. On the same line the Katarniaghat WLS and DNP authority should
also develop strategies to curb the poaching in and around the park. To reduce
the poaching pressure on international border and in corridor, the Katarniaghat
and RBNP authority should work in co-ordination.

Monitoring of animal for various purposes is very important task for future.
Animal should be monitor for their movement pattern, habitat utilization,
breeding status and general health. A proper census should be conducted every
year to know the actual situation of demography. Information should also gather
on adult and calf mortality and the reason behind it. The other problems in all
these area are almost common, except few. All the problems should be dealt with
proper care.

(Source of Bardia NP Section: Dr Satya Priya Sinha and Dr A.K.Singh, 1999,

Report submitted to WWF-India)




In WWF-Asian Rhino Action Planning Workshop held at Ho Chi Minch City,
Vietnam held on 1-6 December 1998, five major threats are habitat degradation-
prime issue; small population, poaching, habitat conservation and conflict were
identified for western terai region. Later during IUCN/SSC-Asian Rhino
Specialist Group regional meeting for India and Nepal, held between 21-27,
February 1999 at Kaziranga NP, Assam. Delegates and members of ASRSG from
India, Nepal, USA, Malaysia, Indonesia, Netherlands, and UK took part in this
meeting and finally agreed that priority should be on the funding of the rhino
conservation for the in Financial Aspects In in-situ conservation activities
reinforce to anti-poaching, habitat management, Its improvement and buffer zone
management with proper planning to encourage ecodevelopment activities. To
get more support at state level Government, ASRGS should have more interfaces.
To strengthen the current inelegance system adequate funding should be
arranged and provided to most of the rhino areas. Group reaffirms that rhino
population should be viable of minimally 2500 in at least 10 populations of
minimally 100 each and a Meta population of 500 individual. Formations of a
technical advisory group comprising representative from all major rhino areas in
India and Nepal. To get more recognition and support for rhino conservation,
ARSG recommended that at Government level should establish a “PROJECT
RHINO” similar to other species. To make it further successful in the rhino
conservation in in-situ conditions in India and Nepal, members felt that at
Government level in both the countries with the help of International funding
could make more efforts in this direction.

A Conservation Action Plan on Asian Rhinos by IUCN/SSC Asian Rhino
Specialist Group (1997), the emphasis of this action plan is to consider what
needs to be done to preserve the species in perpetuity. Thus, the main objectives
that should govern immediate conservation actions are detailed along with
specific recommendations derived from these objectives. Application of these
recommendations is considered separately for India and Nepal.

With the objectives are as follows:

1. To develop and maintain a total wild population of at least 3,000 rhinos.
2. To maintain these rhinos in the following major protected areas in the current
range oft the species: Kaziranga, Manas, Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary
(Orang WLS), Pobitora, Jaldapara and Dudhwa in India; Chitwan and Bardia
in Nepal.
3. To expand the number of rhinos in other protected areas also when and where
4. To respond to threats to viable populations in the wild adequately.
5. To maintain a captive of long-term viability to guard against any unforeseen
extinction of the wild population.
6. To continue efforts to close down the trade in rhino products.
7. To develop public support for conservation through eco-development and
awareness programme.

Action Plan of IUCN/SSC/RSG on Indian (Great One-Horned) Rhinoceros in

India and Nepal, recommends following:
1. Concentrate efforts on areas in which reasonably viable wild populations
(100 rhinos) in the wild can be developed and maintained:
Kaziranga, Manas, Orang WL (RGWLS), Pobitora, Jaldapara, Dudhwa in
India; Chitwan and Bardia in Nepal.
Such efforts should include habitat improvement, area extension, anti-
poaching measures, training of staff, public education campaigns, research
and eco-development.

2. Calculate the financial resources currently available and those additionally
required providing adequate protection for these populations. Develop
project proposals for submission to donors for additional financial support.
3. Assess the value to the conservation of the species of the small remnant
population of rhinos, e.g. Gorumara NP, North Bengal through better
information on current status and cost-benefit analysis of increased
protection and management in such areas.
4. Continue efforts to establish other wild populations elsewhere in India and
Nepal through translocations. But such translocations should be limited to
Sanctuaries where the carrying capacity exceeds 100 rhinos. It is
recommended that there be follow-up surveillance to measure the success
of the translocations.
5. Expand the captive population mainly through propagation of rhinos
already in Zoos by transfer of animals, where required, from western Zoos.
6. Encourage wildlife officials and their governments in India and Nepal to
participate more fully in the activities of the IUCN/SSC Asian Rhino
Specialist Group (AsRSG).
7. Continue measures to prevent illegal trade in rhino products from leaving
India and Nepal for markets abroad.

The Norms of the IUCN’S Species Survival Commission (SSC) and Rhino Re-
Introduction Specialist Group (RSG) & Asian Rhino Specialist Group (AsRSG),
on Re-Introduction of Rhinoceros into its former range of distribution are as

The re-introduction of a species in its former range of distribution, with all factors
in favor, is an accepted practice in the wildlife management, especially relevant in
context to species like the rhino which is habitat specific and have a restricted
range of distribution at present.

According to IUCN Species Survival Commission and Re-Introduction Specialist
Group (SSC/RSG) defines “Re-Introduction as the International movement of an
organism into a part of its native range from which it has disappeared or become
extinct in historic times as a result of human activities.“

Five criteria are to be followed before starting rhino reintroduction programme:

(1) Reintroduction is the release of animals or plant of a species into an area in
which it was indigenous before extermination by human activities.
Reintroductions are particularly useful where a species has become extinct
due to human persecution, over-collection, over harvesting or habitat
(2) Reintroduction should only take place where the original causes of extinction
have been removed or are in the process of being dealt with.
(3) Reintroduction should only take place where the habitat requirements of the
species are satisfied. This means that that where species to be reintroduced
become extinct in an area because of habitat change or where significant
deterioration has occurred in the habitat since the extinction, the species
should not be reintroduced unless measures have been taken to reconstitute
the habitat to state suitable for the species.
(4) The Basic Programme for Re-Introduction Consists of:
(i) A Feasibility Study
(ii) A Preparation Phase
(iii) Release Phase
(iv) Follow Up Phase: Study and Monitoring of Re-Introduced Animals on
regular basis which includes,
(a) Study of the ecology of the species should reassess the relationship,
the species had with the habitat into which reintroduction is to take
place, and assess the extent that the habitat has changed since the
extinction of the species. The change in the species should also
taken into account, they have been captive bred or cultivated, and

allowance made for any change liable to affect the ability of the
animal or plant to re-adapt to its traditional Habit/habitat.
(b) The attitude of local people must take into account. The
reintroduction of a species that was persecuted by over hunted or
over collected is propose, an education and interpretative
programme or other inducement should be used to improve their
attitude to the introduction, if it is unfavorable, before
reintroduction take place.
(5) The animals or plant involved in the reintroduction must be of the close
available race or type to the original stock and preferably be the same race as
that previously occurring in the area.


Rhino Reintroduction Programme in Dudhwa National Park /Tiger Reserve, in
2010, is going to celebrate its 25 years of successful reintroduction in the field of
wildlife conservation and more appropriate species reintroduction, its
conservation & protection. For the first time in India reintroduction of rhinos from
Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam and The Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal,
rhinos reintroduced into former range of its distribution in Dudhwa NP took
place in two phases in 1984 and 1985. Last rhino in terai area in Pilibhit district
which close to Dudhwa NP was killed in 1878.

Once Indian One-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) roamed over the

Indus, Gangetic to Brahmaputra flood plains of the Indian sub- continent. In the
relics of Mohenjo-Daro era, some rhino seals were found which are preserved in
the Indian National Museum, New Delhi. The records say that the invading
Emperor Timor hunted and killed many rhinos on the frontier of Kashmir in AD
1398 and there are evidences that rhino existed in parts of the west of
subcontinent as far northwest as Peshawar till 16th Century. Babur, the founder of

Mughal Empire in India in his famous memoirs – the Baburnamah described how
he hunted rhino in bush country near the Indus as late as 1519 AD.

Out of three species of rhino that roamed over the Indo-Gangetic and
Brahamaputra floodplains, two species namely Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros
sondaicus) which was once “fairly common” in the Sundarbans became extinct in
India about 1900 AD and Sumatran Rhino (Didermoceus sumatrensis) disappeared
from the Lushai hills of Assam in about 1935.

The only species of Asiatic Rhinoceros that exists in Indian subcontinent is the
Great Indian One-Horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). The Rhinoceros
unicornis were once widely distributed throughout Indo-Gangetic and
Brahmaputra floodplains of the subcontinent.

The causes of disappearance of Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros from several
locations of its former range of distribution and decline of population were
primarily the following:
- Destruction and fragmentation of Rhino habitat primarily for extension of
- Hunting of Rhino for sports during Mughal period and early days of
British Rule in India
- Poaching of Rhino for horns and other parts attributed to have magical
medicinal values

It will be interesting to note that in Assam Col. Pollock a Military Engineer

engaged in lying of roads in Brahmaputra Valley almost shot a Rhino or a Wild
Buffalo for breakfast every day. A sportsman in Bengal Dooars, possibly an
English Planter fires about 100 shots at a number of Rhinoceros in a day, killing
five and seriously wounding more than twenty five. Maharaja Nirpendra
Narayan of Coochbehar shot 208 Rhinoceros between 1871 to 1907.

The Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros also would undoubtly have ceased to
exist, but for the strict protection given to it when its population fell to a very low
level at the beginning of this century. Even though there is no precise
documentation regarding the population of Rhino that existed in India at the turn
of the century, its population was believed to be around 100 in the beginning of
the current century. Being roughly 50 to 60 in Assam and 40-50 in West Bengal. At
present the Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros has total population of about
2500 animals in the world, that too only in India and Nepal. In India, currently its
population is restricted to four natural populations in Assam viz Kaziranga,
Manas, Orang (Rajiv Gandhi WLS) and Pabitora, two natural populations in West
Bengal viz Jaldapara and Gorumara and one re-introduced population in
Dudhwa NP and one migratory population in Katerniaghat in Uttar Pradesh.
There are few Rhino exist in Bhutan adjacent to Manas Tiger Reserve, Assam.

In Nepal, the three rhino populations are in Royal Chitwan NP, Royal Bardia N.P
and Sulkhlaphanta WLS. The Rhino of Royal Chitwan N.P. is a natural population
while Royal Bardia NP and Sukhlaphanta WLS have the re-introduced
population. The Kaziranga National Park in Assam (India) has the highest
population of Rhino (about 1800+) and Pabitora WLS (85 rhinos in 16 sq km area)
followed by Royal Chitwan N.P, Nepal with approximately 408 rhinos.

In 1979, the Asian Rhino Specialist Group of IUCN Species Survival Commission
emphasized the need for continuous efforts in protection and monitoring of the
species and “to establish additional viable population in suitable areas, preferably
in the former distributional range of the rhino”. Thus, on the basis of this logic the
IUCN Rhino Specialist Group and the Rhino sub-committee of the Indian Board
of Wildlife (IBWL) recommended the establishment of additional Rhino
population in India and the Rhinos were re-introduced in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve,
U.P. in the year 1984 and then in 1985 in two batches.

Selection of Dudhwa Tiger Reserve for Rhino Re-introduction
Following up on the recommendation of the Asian Rhino specialist group, the
wildlife status evaluation committee of the Indian Board of Wildlife appointed a
sub committee to consider alternative areas for establishing a rhino population by
translocation in suitable habitats. This sub committee considered the ecological
requirements of potential areas for the re-introduction of Indian rhinoceros and
established the following criteria:
• Diversity of Habitat, including flooded grasslands with a variety of food
• Ample shade and water bodies for wallowing and drinking especially in the
hot season.
• Protection from all forms of human disturbance and harassment, including
pollution, poaching and the introduction of disease via domestic stock. It is
equally important that conflict with cultivation adjacent to areas of re-
introduction be avoided, especially in view of rhino’s liking for crops such as
paddy and sugarcane.
• Translocation to an area which are not yet inhabited by rhinos, but the area
falls under the former range of rhino distribution in the past

On the basis of above criteria, possible alternative habitat suggested were

Dudhwa National Park (U.P.), Jaldapara (W.B.), Champaran (Bihar), Intaki in
Nagaland and Lalighabri Sanctuary of Arunachal Pradesh. Among these various
areas considered by this Sub-Committee, Dudhwa National Park was thought to
be the most promising which met all the above-mentioned criteria.

• Dudhwa National Park was found to be the most suitable because of the
significant similarities to habitats of Kaziranga National Park. Dudhwa
National Park contains diversity of habitat, including flooded grasslands with
a variety of food plants and ample shade and water for wallowing and
• Adequate protection is available in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve because of its status
National Park and later as Tiger Reserve.
• The area is a portion of the historic range of the rhino. The last one having shot
in 1878 in Pilibhit district, which is close to the Dudhwa National Park.

Prof. Schenkel confirmed the suitability; the then chairperson of Asian Rhino
Specialist Group and Prof. Schenkel observed, “Dudhwa is the area most suitable for
establishing a new local population of Indian rhinoceros. The area is protected, large
enough and contain suitable habitat” and this was further supported by the
vegetation survey conducted by Dr. Hazra and his team of Botanist from
Botanical Survey of India and revealed the presence of several food species of
Rhino that were common to Dudhwa, Kaziranga and Manas National Park. These
Grasses 10 species
Herbs and climbers 6 species
Hydrophytes 6 species
Shrubs and under shrubs 7 species
Trees 12 species
Rhinos generally prefer grasses like Saccharum spp., Cynodon dactylon, Arundo
donax, Polytoca digitata, Hygroryza aristata, Vetiveria zizanioides, Imperata cylindrica,
Themeda spp., Chrysopogen aciculatus, Puspalidum flavilum, Narenga porphyrocoma,
Phragmites karka, etc.

The preferred sedges like Cyperus spp.and herbs, shrubs and saplings of species
like Polygonum plebelium, Ageratum conyzoides, Erigeron spp., Artemesia nilagirica,

Eupatorium odoratum, Solanun spp., Colebrookia oppositifolia, Murraya koenigii, Trewia
nudiflora, Litsaea spp., Premna sp., etc.

They also prefer aquatic plants like Hydrilla verticillata, Vallisneria spirolis,
Hygroryza aristata, Potamogeton sp. and Trapa sp. etc. It is estimated that the rhino
population in Kaziranga takes about 77% grasses and 23% herbs and shrubs.
Wide range of materials eaten by rhinos suggests that the animal is not very
specific in its choice. However, majority of above mentioned food plants are
available in the Dudhwa National Park (Hazra and Shukla, 1982).

The U.P. Forest Department came forward with an area of approximately 90km2
in the southwest part of the park (South Sonaripur and Bellarian ranges). It was
estimated an area of 90 sq. km. could support an ultimate maximum number of
90 rhinos considering one rhino per sq. km. (Sale and Singh, 1987). In addition
there are other areas of good rhino habitat in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve. In order to
prevent released rhinos from wandering out of Dudhwa into adjacent cultivation
and to assist their initial establishment in optimal habitat, a 27 sq. km. area was
enclosed by a stranded electric fence. A 9 km critical section near the park
boundary was additionally protected against accidental escape by construction of
rhino and elephant proof trench outside the electric fence. Holding stockades for
the new arrivals were built within the fences zone, and Dudhwa field staff was
sent to Assam for training in rhino management.

Finally, re-introduction of Rhino in Dudhwa took place in two phases – one in

1984 and another in 1985. The Rhino Re-introduction in India could become
possible due to the keen interest of the former Prime Minister of India, Smt.
Indira Gandhi and her full support to the rhino re-introduction programme.

Map 1. Showing Two Rhino Areas in Dudhwa NP/TR

The 1984 translocation from Assam

Early in 1984 a group of about 10 rhinos living outside Pobitora Wild Life
Sanctuary in Assam was selected by the Assam Forest Department for the capture
operation. The fact that these rhinos were causing considerable damage to
cultivated crops and proving difficult to protect adequately provided enhanced
justification for the translocation experiment. This remains a mystery that why the
translocation of rhinos were done from Pabitora WLS because one of the main
reasons of translocation and creation of another viable breeding population was to
reduce the high density of rhino from Kaziranga National Park and to prevent
rhino population from natural calamities. Between 11 and 21 March 1984, six
animals were captured by drug immobilization. Anyway, these six animals were
crated, revived, transported to stockades a few kilometers from the capture area
and released. After release animals were encouraged to wallow and in most cases
satisfactory feeding was established within two to three days. A team of
veterinarians rendered necessary health care, mostly consisting of treatment of
superficial lacerations received during the capture. The first animal captured,
large male, escaped from its stockade during the night.

On 30th March, the five remaining animals (a sub-adult, two elderly females, a
young adult and one older male) were crated, driven in trucks to Guwahati

Airport and headed into Aeroflot 1l76 cargo aircraft chartered by the Government
of India. Three of the animals were lightly sedated prior to loading and they all
remained calm during the two and a half hour flight from Guwahti to New Delhi.
After food and water at Delhi Airport, the rhinos were driven through the night to
Dudhwa National Park, where they were uncrated into individual stockades. One
female died due to stressful abortion after 11 days but the remaining four settled
well; three were released from the stockades on 20 April 1984 and the large male
was released on 9 May, after being fitted with radio collar. Another female died
on July 31 1984 after a bid to tranquilize her to treat a wound. Thus, there left only
three rhinos, one female and two males

The 1985 translocation from Nepal

To establish a rigorous breeding nucleus of rhinos in Dudhwa, it was decided to
introduce more stock from a different population. The collaboration of the
Majesty’s Government of Nepal was obtained in the exchange of four adult
female rhinos, from the Royal Chitwan National Park, for 16 domesticated Indian
elephants. By selecting only females, the reproductive potential in Dudhwa would
be more than doubled and eventual mating of these animals with the totally
unrelated Assam males would ensure maximum genetic vigor. Capture took place
on 28-31 March 1985. All four female rhinos, estimated to be between 5 and 7
years old, were immobilized and sledged into crates, which they were revived.
They were immediately driven 720 km to Dudhwa and all withstood the 24-hour
journey. They were released into the wild after a week.


Of the total of nine rhinos translocate to Dudhwa Tiger Reserve seven survived in
excellent health and these consisted of the young female and both the males of
1984 translocation from Assam, and all four young females of the 1985 from
Nepal. Thus, these seven rhinos constituted the seed population of rhinos at
Dudhwa National Park. In 1988, one adult male from Assam died after fought
with another dominant male. Again in 1991, a female, from Nepal died due

internal infection and abortion. She also lost her male calf in 1993 killed by the
dominating male. The present rhino population of total 30 rhino comprise of 25
calves of different age and 5 rhinos of founder population (2010).

The first evidence of breeding in the re-introduced population was detected in the
form of remains of a newly born calf in a patch of tall grass in August 1987. There
were no signs of predation; hence it may have been a case of premature birth or
any such natural circumstances. The first successful calving occurred in early
1989. Three more calves followed this in the same year. The breeding success
followed then and the seed population of 5 has increased to 30, November,2010.

As discussed earlier, all individuals of the Dudhwa bred population are sired by
single male rhino. There is no other unrelated male currently and all the mating of
Dudhwa bred population is taking place between close relatives. This is certainly
a very discouraging reality.

The original target was aimed at releasing 30 rhinos, but due to financial and
administrative constraints only 10 could be released from 1984 to 1992.Four out of
these ten have died and another one from the Kanpur Zoo had been sent back to
its origin. So, breeding started with one male and four females. In the past 20
years of breeding, a total of 28 calves were born out of which 16 are surviving.
There had been 4-recorded cases of abortions and a total of 12 calves died because
of various reasons. It clearly shows that mortality among calves found to be 42.85
percent while 57.15 percent in case of calf survival. The population size as of now
stands at 30 (November, 2010). It is also expected that within 6 months at least 4 -6
calves are going to born and add to the current population.

The problems of in-breeding as well as desired response to the stochastic

eventuality need be addressed. These are rooted in genetic variability as well as in

numbers. These need to be overcome with further restocking from large
populations. The original number of 30, though not a magic number needs to be
considered. These could be from Nepal or Assam and all need to be from the wild
that are not ‘nuisance’ animals habituated to crop raiding.

Intra Specific Fight

Right from the beginning, there has been a serious intra-specific fight between
males as well as between male and female. As a consequence of such fights, one of
the two males of the first group got killed. Another male from Kanpur Zoo was
seriously injured by the dominant male from Assam and finally had to be sent
back. Owing perhaps to this very reason, ‘Narayani’ a female from Nepal is
presently staying outside the fenced area. ‘Narayani’ even gave birth to her last
calf in a sugarcane field in Bela Kalan village about 4 km from the RRA.

As suggested by experts, it is necessary to enhance the fenced area to include

more of swamps, wallowing grounds, grasslands and upland forest habitats to
prevent intra-specific fights. Sinha and Sawarkar have suggested extending the
area to include Gupti Phanta area including Road No 60 leading towards
Belraiyen. They have further suggested creation of artificial wallows to cause
more extensive utilization of the habitat and also to help reduce intra-specific

Straying Out of Rhinos

From last two years, some rhinos, especially Narayani have started straying out of
the park. A rapid survey in the villages Bela Kalan, Bela Tapar and Gulra Tanda
and an interaction with forest staff of Gulra Chowki indicated that there have
been 11-recorded cases of straying out of rhinos. There had been crop damage but
no other damage has been reported. It is quite interesting and disturbing too that
‘Narayani’, that lives outside the fenced area gave birth to a calf during October
2001 in a sugarcane field in Bela Kalan village about 4 km away from the RRA.

Although, the problem now is not of very serious dimension from depredation
point of view, trend is not very good for the rhino re-introduction programme.
Since in most cases, only one individual is straying out, that too during her
pregnancy, chances are that it is a part of her strategy to avoid Bankey. But it has
to be seen as the calf grows. Till now as reported five rhinos were seen straying
out of the fence area. But they also come back after some weeks.

Whatever may be the reason, the fact that the PA management is not in a position
to maintain the 9 km elephant proof trench is disheartening. The trench has to be
maintained at all costs if the programme has to be a success.

Alternative site at Bhadi Tal in Belraiyen range has been selected and fencing
work is expected to start. This new site may prove helpful in providing home to
such animals.

Resource Crunch
The park management faces a lot of difficulties in procuring money for taking up
the following activities on a regular manner:
• Fence maintenance
• Wages to fence watchers
• Maintaining elephants for rhino monitoring and recent need for
Apart from ongoing activities, large sums are needed to create and maintain a 9
km long elephant proof trench as prescribed by the Rhino Sub Committee at the
beginning of the project. Such a trench is extremely important to check straying
out of rhinos that may even lead to poaching. Additional money would be
required to procure elephants for monitoring and for tourism purposes. This
again is a vicious circle, as it would require recurring expenditure on maintenance
of elephants. Such recurring expenditure is to be anticipated in advance and
sources ensured.

Tourism inside the Rhino Area
Park authorities have opened the RRA for tourism from December 2001. Earlier
this area was supposed to be a restricted zone and no body was allowed to enter
the RRA. When the RRA was opened for tourism, there were four elephants
engaged for monitoring duties. Unfortunately, because of bad health one female
elephant died in February 2002 and another is too weak to stand. These
monitoring elephants are kept on long duty hours in locating rhinos. The same
elephants are used to make number of trips for the tourist in rhino shows. This
practice should be discontinued or reduced to three days per week. There is also a
need of regular checking of amount of prescribed food provided to individual
elephants and health care measures by the veterinary officer and other officer

Poaching Threat
At present the park management in very much alert, patrolling duty is being done
religiously and rhinos stray out in rare cases only, so poaching does not seem to
be a problem. But, its possibility remains as other animals are being poached.

Biotic Pressure
Villages like Bela Kalan, Bela Tapar, Gulra Tanda etc. are located near Southern
fringe of the power fence. People from these villages, at times, venture into the
RRA for collection of thatch grass, fodder and at times fuel wood and for fishing
in the swamps. The addition of the southern buffer has helped in reducing the
problem to some extent. It has been observed that in the past the theft of fence
wire was directed at preparing snares by local poachers to snare deer found in the
RRA. Daily monitoring of entire length of fence and monitoring rhinos with the
help of riding elephants has contained to a low level but it remains a constant

Lack of Veterinary Facility
There is a sanctioned post of a veterinarian in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve, but no one
has joined considering the current salary scale and bleak promotional prospects.
Veterinary doctors are called from Chandan Chowki or sometimes from Palia
when required. From time to time Veterinary officer and Veterinary scientist from
Lucknow Zoo and Indian Veterinary Institute, Izzatnagar, Bareilly visit this area.
Due to these reasons it is difficult to get timely medication. On many occasions
doctors are not available or not well versed with the wild animal in providing the
correct doses. It is very difficult to ensure appropriate health care of the camp
elephants and rhinos without having proper veterinary care facilities in the
existing conditions.

• Procure a few (in the ratio 1 male to 3 females) males and females from the
wild or wild captive rhinos.
• In all future re-introductions, only sub-adult individuals in the same age
group should be brought, as there are lesser chances of casualty and they
adopt better in new conditions. Moreover, by having males of same age
group there may be lesser possibility of over dominance by one individual.
• Development Bhadhital Area as alternative rhino area in Dudhwa N.P.
• Maintain ‘Rhino Proof Trench’ on the Southern side of the RRA.
• Restricted Rhino watch to 4 days per week within the RRA until necessary
infrastructure facilities are properly developed
• Procure additional riding elephants (4 for daily monitoring and 2 elephants
for tourists).
• Long-term studies on Grassland Management, habitat use by different
large and small mammals and regular monitoring of population of highly
endangered species like Tiger, Swamp deer, Bengal Florican and Hispid
hare. This is only possible by creating a permanent research and
monitoring station at Salukapur funded by National and International
Funding as an independent body. This will attract not only Indian Scientist

and from abroad to work in this area. Such long-term studies and
monitoring will not only help in the future management of rhinos but in
the habitat management as a whole.
• State Forest Department must allow the revenue generated from tourism
activities should be re-cycled in the developmental activities and
maintenance of infrastructures of the park and welfare of the forest staff.
This will also help in generating more revenue.
• Since getting funds is one of the major concerns, Park authority with the
consent of State Forest Department can create a registered Wildlife Welfare
Society or Foundation to be looked after by Deputy Director of the Park.
This society/foundation should be allowed to accept donation and funds
from different funding individuals and agencies for different conservation
activities and welfare of the staff of the Tiger Reserve. Currently Gir
Welfare Society in Gir National Park, Gujarat and Tiger foundation Society
in Madhya Pradesh are running successfully.

Table.2. Calving pattern in founder female rhinos of Dudhwa.NP (1987-2010)

No Rhino Age in Age at 1st Age at Age at Age at Age at Age at
Name 2010 calf 2nd 3rd calf 4th 5th calf 6th
calf calf
1. Swambara 30year 9 11 14 18 24
Born (1980) 12.10.89, 10.8.91 7.10.94 6.8.98 29.7.04
died on Male Female died on
7.1.90 28.8.02

2. Hemrani 29 8 11 16 21 26
Born (1981) year 2.2.89 5.8.92 19.10.97 6.8.02 13.9.07
Female Female Female Male Male

3. Naraini 30 year 7 9 12 19 21 24
Born(1980) 1987 died 1.6.89 31.7.92 21.11.9 27.8.01 31.9.04
Female Male 9 died Died
on on
10.1.20 12.1.06
4. Pabitri 30 year 11 15 17 27
Born (1980) 4.8.91 died 21.9.95 2.10.97 14.9.07
on died on Male Male
11.1.2000 21.1.96 Kartik

5. Rapti (1980 ---- 9
(died in 1991) Male calf
died on

Table.3 .Calving pattern in female rhinos born in Dudhwa.NP (1989-2010)

No Rhino Age in Age at 1st Age at Age at Age at Age at Age at
Name 2010 calf 2nd 3rd calf 4th 5th calf 6th
calf calf
1. Rajshree 18 year 7.8 mo 12.9 15 yr
H-2 12.6.99 14.9.07 Calf
(1992 killed by Male born
Born) tiger on in
29.2.2000 2010
2. Suheli N-2 21 year 5.5 8.3 13.5 16.7
(1989 11.1.94 17.9.97 1.11.02 14.3.05
Born) died on Female Male
3. Hemvati 9 year -
4. Rajrani 21 10.9 12.9 15.5 17.8
H-1 2.1.99 died 1.11.01 30.7.04 7.10.
(1989 on Female died 2006
Born) 28.10.99 Hemvati on
5. Vijayshree 13 year 9.5 12.9 13 yrs
H-3 21.5.06 Mated Calf
(1997 Male with born
born) Banke on in
10-12 2010
6. Rajeswari 16 8.9 11.3 13.9
S-3 7.9.2002 9.3.2005 16.9.07
(1994 died on
Born) 24.12.2002

Table.4. Adult male rhinos in Dudhwa NP/TR
S. Rhino Name Probable birth Age on 2010
No. year (in years)
1 Banke (Founder male) 1977 33
2 Bheemsen 1991 19
3 Kartik 1997 13
4 Nakul 1992 17
5 Sahdev 2002 7

In Nutshell:
1. Total males: 9 males born in Dudhwa NPand one male of founder population
Banke age 33 years still mating with his own offspring of third generation.
2. Total females: 16
3. 4 calves of different age sex yet to be determine
In 2010 total rhino population of Dudhwa NP is 30 rhinos.
4. In 1984-86 total rhino reintroduced: 7 females and 2 males out of this on
different year 3 females and one male died because of number of reasons and in
1988 total rhino population was 4 females and one male. After 25 year rhino born
in Dudhwa reached to 25 claves and 5 rhinos of founder population. In all total
rhino population reached to 30 rhinos.


View of Bhadhi Taal area - Proposed New Rhino Area inside Dudhwa NP/TR

The Great Indian One-horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) was once widely
distributed from Hindukush Mountain Range (Pakistan) to Myanmar and also all
along the flood plains of Ganges River. In the last 200 years over-hunting,
fragmentation of habitat by clearing forest for cultivation, desperate land use for
agriculture, extension of tea gardens, reclamation of grasslands and swamps for
fulfilling the basic needs of expanding livestock and human population and
uncontrolled fires are the major causes of elimination of Indian Rhinoceros from
most of its former range of distribution. The last Rhino in Uttar Pradesh was shot
in the Pilibhit district adjacent to the Dudhwa National Park in 1878. At present
the Indian Rhinoceros population of around 2200 is restricted to protected areas in
Assam, West Bengal and Nepal. The Kaziranga National Park in Assam has 2084
Rhinos and the Royal Chitwan NP in Nepal has 408. By considering the highly
restricted distribution with poaching pressure, habitat specificity and considering
the scattered small population, it becomes imperative to re-introduce the species
in suitable habitats in its former range of distribution as one of the measures to be
adopted for the long-term survival of this species. The IUCN Rhino Specialist
Group and the Rhino Sub-committee of the Indian Board of Wildlife (IBWL)
recommended the establishment of an additional Rhino population in India.


Of the various areas considered by the sub-committee, Dudhwa National Park
was thought to be the most promising because similarities of the habitat to that of
Kaziranga National Park, the fact that the Rhinos have been recorded in this area
till the last century and the adequacy of the protection available. The suitability
was confirmed by Prof. Schenkel, Chairperson of Asian Rhino Specialist Group
and was further supported by the vegetation studies by the Botanical Survey of
India, which revealed the presence of various preferred species of rhino.

The reintroduction of Rhino in Dudhwa took place in two phases. The first phase
in 1984, in which five Rhinos comprising 2 males and 3 females were captured,

and translocated to Dudhwa from Pobitora WLS, Assam. These animals were
released in Rhino Reintroduction Area (RRA) in specially constructed stockades
for health care and for experiencing electric fence before final release into the
main fenced area of RRA. Of these five animals, one female died of stressful
abortion before she could be released. The first batch of animals was released in
Dudhwa on 20.04.1984. The large male was held back until the others had settled
and released after radio-collaring a few days later. Another female died on July
31, 1984 after a bid to tranquilize her to treat a wound. With only one female and
two males left, an urgent need was felt to translocate some more Rhinos. The
collaboration of the Govt. of Nepal was obtained in the exchange of four young
female rhinos for sixteen elephants. The rhinos captured from near Royal Chitwan
National Park arrived in Dudhwa in April 1985. Thus these seven rhinos, two
males and five females made up the seed population of rhinos.

The first evidence of breeding in the reintroduced population was detected under
unfortunate circumstances when remains of a newly born calf were discovered in
a patch of tall grass in August 1987. The first successful calving occurred in 1989.
Four more calves followed this in the same year. Unfortunately, in 1991, out of
five female rhino one adult female died of stressful abortion after fighting and
chasing by Male rhino Banke to save her male calf. Later her calf was also killed in
1992.The breeding success followed then and the seed population of 5 has since
increased to 23 with total number of rhinos to 28 which also includes one male
and four females of founder members. In the current rhino population there are
total 10 adult females in an age group of 8-29 years and among adult males total
number is 5 males in an age group of 6 to 32 years. Rest of 17 calves’ falls in an age
group of couple of months to 5 years.

All the rhinos are kept in an area of 25 sq. km. encircled by a power fence. The
five stranded outer fence, the inner partitioning three-stranded mini fence of 1993-
94 and the additional fence created in 1997 are serviced by staff and labour. Main
rhino monitoring centre is based at Salukapur and staff with elephants at Base-

camp to carryout rhino monitoring from other side. Two energizers based at these
places for power of the fence. In 2009, location of fence in Salukapur side to earlier
entrance gate has been slightly shifted right in the middle of the un-asphalted
road. Now patrolling elephants directly enter into the rhino fence area from
Salukapur. Every day, four riding elephants were used to locate all the rhinos,
seldom were all the rhinos sighted everyday due to poor sighting in the tall
grassland condition. Except for a short period after the burning of grasslands
when most of the rhinos were located. Rhinos were also sighted on foot, using a
motorcycle and from machan tops. All the adult rhinos are identified individually
by recording different physical traits and name has been given to individual

3. Need to Establish a Separate Rhino Population inside Dudhwa NP

(i). Genetic Variability and to check Inbreeding
Initially, the original objective was aimed at releasing 30 rhinos in Dudhwa
National Park. The precise reason why this was not carried out after release of
two batches is both financial and administrative. However, due to breeding the
number has increased from six to twenty two with total number of 28 rhinos
which includes the 6 rhinos of founder population.

In the beginning out of the seven seed population, only two were male named
Raju and Bankey. Initially, Raju had asserted his dominance but with passage of
time Bankey became dominate and killed Raju in one of their regular fights in
October 1988. During 1991 an attempt was made to counter the anticipated
problem of inbreeding by introducing a male, named Rohit, from Kanpur Zoo. He
was repeatedly attacked by Bankey and severely injured. This animal had to be
taken out, treated and returned to the zoo after it had recovered. The existing
rhino population in RRA has two more adult males but they are unable to assert
themselves in front of the dominant male Bankey. Bankey continues to be the
dominant male even today. All the calves born till today are progeny of this
dominant male – Bankey. Because all these calves surviving now are born after

1989, there is little chance of mating with Raju who died in 1988. In absence of any
other male even the sexually mature daughters are mating with their father. The
two adult males, though unable to assert are also the progenies of same rhino
Bankey and if in the future they will mate with the females, same type of genes
will be transmitted to the next generation. If this situation prevails for few
successive generations, it may cause inbreeding depression, which is a threat for
genetic viability. So, there is an urgent need to introduce some other male with
different genetic base. And keeping in view the past experiences with Bankey’s
behaviour newly translocate male rhinos should be kept in the rhino area of
Bhadhi Taal - Churella Sector to avoid the chance of fighting among them. And
hence, there is an urgent need of enlarging rhino habitat (Sinha, 1991 and 1999).

(ii). To Reduce conflict amongst males in existing RRA

Earlier in 1986, Bankey has driven one of the two adult males in existing
population out from the main fence on several occasions and finally another male
lost its horn and became submissive. Therefore, separate contiguous mini fence
has been created to provide safe heaven to one of these animals. The two males
are often seen parading on their respective sides of the common section of the
fence and even functional fence also are unable to restrict the rhinos from fighting.
Thus, there is an urgent need to create another rhino habitat (Sinha, 1991).

Male claves born in rhino area are now mature enough to breed but are driven out
by the founder male Banke. Although the founder male is loosing its dominance
but it is still active in breeding and from time to time drive the young males out of
the fence. But due to lack of escape space inside the existing rhino area male
rhinos usually go out of the fence area or shifting the area frequently to avoid any
direct conflict. It is therefore possible that some of the fully mature male rhino are
straying out side the rhino area in nearby areas.

(iii). Use of the Rhino Reintroduction Area (RRA) by migratory elephants
Another problem, which is going to be a major problem unless until
precautionary measures are taken in maintaining the fence intact, is the presence
and movement of migratory herd of wild elephants in Dudhwa National Park.
Till 1992, usually elephants of 4-35 in a group used to migrate from Pilibhit forest
to Kishapur WLS to Sathiana Forest Range and then to Banke Taal. These
elephants till the sugar cane was available in fringe cultivation adjacent to rhino
area, used to raid during late evening hours then come back to Salukapur and
shared the sugar cane provided to riding elephants and go back to Banke Taal
grassland or Bhadhi Taal area. Occasionally, they tried to go inside the rhino area
due to inactive fence. These elephants make two groups one with females and
calves and another is exclusively males of different age. In the recent past group
size has also increased in number over 60 elephants in single herd. Usually males
of different ages are daring enough to bend the fence pole and come inside the
rhino area and stay for days and go out. During this period they can be a threat to
riding elephants with visitors or Patrolling team..

These herds also visit the Bhadhi Taal and Churella area and precaution should be
taken because after completion of fence these herds will try to push poles from
different side to enter the area. There is need to erect latest designed electric fence
made against the elephant’s attacks by pushing and bending of fence poles.
Another important factor is for the safety of the people working in around fences
area patrolling party and protection staffs along with riding elephant have to stay
near by should be given protection by erecting a separate fenced area to avoid any
unwanted incidences. Usually elephants go in search of food and salt to such
camps and raid during late nights.

(iv). Increasing Population in the existing RRA

Increasing population of rhino in the existing area is also a major problem. The
current rhino population is 28 rhinos in 25 sq km of RRA which is a fenced area.
Either a new area can be selected for rhino translocation in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve

or the enclosure should be removed. In case of the removal of the enclosures,
there are chances of crop depredation by rhinos in the adjoining areas, which is
very close to the southern boundary of the Rhino Re-introduction Area (RRA).
Recently four rhinos went outside the RRA and are regularly raiding the
croplands. The rhinos also killed two villagers. In response to these situations, it is
better to keep the rhinos in enclosure. And hence, there is a need to select some
new area inside the Dudhwa National Park. In the light of above facts, in 1991,
there was a recommendation for the urgency of creating another viable breeding
population of rhino in Dudhwa National Park and proposed Bhadhi-Churella
Taal sector in Belraya Range of Dudhwa National Park.

I. Priorities in the selection of rhinos for introduction in the New Rhino Area-
Bhadhi Taal – Churella Sector in Belraya Range of Dudhwa NP

Priority Options:
(i) Rhinos straying outside the existing Rhino Reintroduction Area
It has been observed that from time to time rhinos stray out of the rhino area.
These rhinos cause crop damage in the neighbouring cultivation. During daytime
they take shelter in the buffer forests. Efforts have been made to push these rhinos
inside the fence with the help of riding elephants but efforts were futile. On many
occasion female with calf tried to attack the elephants and people on foot. Earlier
the female rhino has been killed a villager in the buffer forested area. Therefore it
is essential to translocate these animals as early as possible after the installation of
fencing around Bhadhi Taal area. Migratory herd of elephants enter the rhino
area by pushing fence pole which damages the fence and makes escape routes for
rhinos. There are possibility that some of the rhinos can go out of rhino area when
fence is open and unnoticed in those areas where approach is not easy especially
during the monsoon months and for some days fence is non-functional.

(ii) Rhinos from Existing Population in Dudhwa NP
Translocation of young males and females from the existing population to a
newly fenced satellite area so as to provide immediate relief from infighting
between the dominant and young males and inbreeding. The area identified is
well drained out suitable grassland for Rhinos and is physically separated from
the existing RRA so as to minimize the operational difficulties and intra specific
conflict situations arising out of operational failures of the fence.

(iii) Translocation of rhinos from Katerniaghat WLS

Since 1989, 3 to 5 rhinos from Bardia NP regularly move to Katerniaghat WLS and
also breed. In view of their security and safety these rhinos can be translocated to
Bhadhital area along with few rhino from existing rhino area of Dudhwa NP to
maintain genetic vigour.This should be done with consent of Nepal authorities
and common understanding.

(iv) Wild rhinos from other population with in the country or from Nepal
Wild rhinos can be procured from Jaldapara WLS and Gorumara NP, West
Bengal. Other alternative is to procure rhinos from Royal Bardia NP or Royal
Chitwan NP, Nepal. Matter can be pursued at the Government level and such a
effort would incur more time and expenses.

II. Hiring Experts for Rhino Immobilization, Translocation Operation of

Rhinos into the New Rhino Area
In the case of mega herbivore immobilization, its translocation and shifting of
animal in to the new area needs special skill and expertise. Total cost of the entire
translocation operation has been included in the proposed budget of the project.
The amount will cover all the operation cost which includes hiring charges of
experts, travel cost, per diem, transportation, Immobilization, labour involved
and building of stockade or mini fence before release of the rhinos into the main

5. Policy Statement about Future Plans for Rhinos in Dudhwa NP
As per the final recommendations of the Rhino Sub-committee of the Wildlife
Status Evaluation Committee of IBWL (1980) in the Translocation of Great India
Rhinoceros in Dudhwa National Park:
1. The U.P. Forest Department had proposed an area of approximately 90 sq kms
in the southwest part of the park (South Sonaripur and South Bellarian
Ranges): as providing most suitable rhino habitat. It includes a 15 km long
tract of grassland on the southern boundary of the park bordering the Suheli
River. Fifty percent of the area is subject to seasonal floods and an area of 560
hectares is permanently swampy and water logged. The Committee felt that
area was highly suitable. A disadvantage of the area proposed is that an
adjacent to the southern boundary of the park (Suheli River), which lack of
buffer zone and outside of which is an area of dense human occupation and
cultivation. There is thus a danger of rhinos wandering across the river and
causing damage to cultivation and possibly to human life.
2. In order to prevent rhinos from wandering across the park boundary from the
proposed release area, a rhino-proof barrier should be erected parallel to the
right bank of the Suheli river from the point where the Dudhwa/South
Sonaripur inter-range bordering joins the southern park boundary to a point
on the park boundary south of Salukapur FRH. The distance is approximately
11 km. The type of barrier erected initially as experimental. Size of the trench
will be 2X2X1 m the outer slope being brick lined to prevent scouring. 60 m
sections of the trench will be alternated with 15 m sections of iron fencing so as
to avoid water flow in these trenches turning it into ‘Nullah’. Regular
maintenance of the trench will be necessary.
3. An initial release should consist of six young adult animals (2 males: 4
4. Further release in Dudhwa should be planned based on the experience with
the initial six animals. A total release of up to 30 about over 5 years, in the
South Sonaripur /South Bellarain Range is recommended. The area of 90 sq
km proposed as suitable for rhinos are able to accommodate a maximum 90

animals but clearly rhinos must leave space for future population growth by
reproduction. A limiting factor might prove to be the availability of funds for
further fencing of the southern boundary depending on which type barrier
eventually proves to be most suitable.
5. IUCN, Species Survival Commission, Asian Rhino Specialist Group in their,
February, 1999, conference at Kaziranga National Park considered rhino
population to be viable if their minimum number is 2500 in the wild in atleast
10 population, each of minimum 100 rhinos in each sites. With the present
pace of growth in the population this figure will be achieved in 25 years. Till
that period present electric fence is to be expended and maintained.
6. As the boundary of the park conjoins agriculture and human habitation almost
all over, man animal conflict with respect to the rhino is invariable, the
moment electric fence is removed. In order to avoid such conflict it is
advisable to construct trench cum fence this will prevent not only rhino but
also almost all the wild animals straying out side Dudhwa National Park.
Resources for this purpose will be gathered either internal funding or with the
help of other funding agencies in the field conservation particularly wildlife.


In early 1980’s , The Rhino Subcommittee of Indian Board for Wildlife (IBWL) had
identified the Bhadhi - Churella sector in Belraya Range as one of the possible
sites for re-introduction of rhino in their original recommendation. Feasibility
study with regard to the habitat availability for the re-introduction of rhino in
Dudhwa was carried out by the Botanical Survey of India (Hajra, 1980), and Sinha
and Sawarkar (1991), Sinha, (2003). Detailed survey of the vegetation of
Dudhwa special reference to Bhadhi Taal area in relation to the rhinos feeding
ecology. The detailed study clearly established a number of floral elements
common to Dudhwa National Park and Kaziranga both of which are excellent
rhino habitats.

The Bhadhi – Churella Taal area identified by Sawarkar and Sinha (1991) was also
recommended in the management plan of Dudhwa NP by Dey (2001) and Mishra
and Tewari (2002), for the creation of a satellite rhino population. In 2003 and
again in 2009, the area was surveyed for its habitat suitability and found fit for
rehabilitation of Rhinos. A detailed vegetation study in proposed rhino area in
Bhadhi – Churella Sector was carried out by Sinha (2003). In 2002-2003
erection of power fence and poles was started around Bhadhi Taal - Churella
sector but due to some reasons could not be completed. The area to be power
fenced in the Bhadhi Taal –Churella Taal sector was on the basis of number of
animals in the population to be translocated. Currently the area supports
migratory herd of elephant, swamp deer, sambar, spotted deer, hog deer, barking
deer, otters and large number of migratory and resident birds along with tigers.

The advantage of the area selected is that it is in the central location of Belraya
Range. There is no danger of rhino wandering in the human habitation and
cultivation in case of failure of power fence. While in case of existing rhino re-
introduced area, it is adjacent to the southern boundary of the park, with dense
human settlements and cultivation. Bhadhi-Churella sector is centrally located
and sufficient forested area is available in northern part and demarcated by
Mohana River as the international boundary with Nepal.

The habitat requirement of Rhinos, the Bhadhi –Churella Taal sector fulfills the
basic need like adequate forage availability, wallowing, shade of woodland for
resting and calving and for free movement. The area comprises of Sal and Mixed
forests (2,416.36 ha), Grassland (1,203.68 ha) and Wetland/ Swamp (129.00 ha),
which fulfill the need of rhino, and is one of the prime rhino area in
Dudhwa.NP.The proposed rhino area of Bhadhi-Churella sector will comprise of
25 kms long fencing enclosing an area of 3036.72 hac as rhino area.The location
map of Bhadi-Churaila sector is enclosed (Map.1.)

Block/ Comp. Sal Forest Grassland (ha) Wetland/Swamps
(ha) (Ha)
Bhadhi -1a,b 189.39 - -
Bhadhi-2 180.09 - -
Bhadhi-3a,b (part) 369.47 300.00 -
Bhadhi-3c 4.86 354.88 105.00
Bhadhi-6a 88.63 9.31 -
Bhadhi-6b - 53.83 -
Bhadhi-7 a,b 346.81 4.36
Laudaria-1 a,b 466.61 40.06 -
Laudaria-2 (part) 35.39 15.0 -
Laudaria-3a,b 294.21 346.00 24.00
Laudaria-4 (part) 9.72 20.30 -
Laudaria-5 128.69 25.4 -
Laudaria-6 182.51 40.42 -
TOTAL 2,416.38 1,203.68 129.00
(Source: Management Plan of Dudwa TR by Rupak Dey (2001)

Total Fenced Area - Approx 3036.72 hac or 30.367 sqkms. Total length of the
fence – Approx 25 Kms

7. Construction of Heavy duty Stockade

Before releasing the translocated animals into the main fence, Animals are kept in
stockade for at least for 2-3 weeks till the animal gets acclimatized with number of
factors provided with least human disturbances. Total area inside the individual
stockade unit should be 54 sq m, female with calf then area should be increased.
Details are given in the figures. In this particular period animal cool down after a
stress period and get established.

The big confined wooden cage / enclosure on the ground should be provided
with small water ditch and container with fresh water. Regularly locally available
fodder grass, sugar cane and bersene should be provided. Since animal do not
have prior experiences of electric shock of a fence or might have forgotten the
earlier experience. It is advisable have to have an electric fence around stockade.
So when animal is released from stockade it should experience the shock.
Otherwise direct release into the main fence will not be effective and animal will
break the fence and go away repeating the same story.

Map.1. Dudhwa NP & Proposed Rhino area (in Red Color)

(Scale 1 cm: 250 m)
Map.2. Showing demarcation of proposed Rhino Area in Bhadhi - Churella Taal
Sector in Belraya Range of Dudhwa National Park

Besides fencing the area by erecting rhino and elephant proof fence, maintenance
of existing roads, elephant shed; check post & barracks needs to be constructed for
the monitoring staff. The Rhino Monitoring Station is proposed at Chhanganala.
After the translocation of Rhinos monitoring of individual animal will be carried
out till the translocated animals get established in the proposed RRA in Bhadhi -
Churella Taal area. The total Costing of the current project is given in the Table.1.

The creation of the Bhadhi satellite area for the Rhinos will reduce the prevailing
conflict situation among the males and severe inbreeding in the existing
population. Moreover, intensive management efforts to be applied for Rhinos are
bound to benefit the existing take-off population of the highly endangered
Swamp Deer in the area. The all round increase in the status of protection of the
area will help to proliferate other endangered wildlife such as Hispid Hare and
Bengal Florican. These expectations are based on the observations recorded in the
main RRA. This area will also ready to receive fresh batch of Rhinos. Moreover,
there exists a viable connectivity between the existing and proposed RRAs
through the grasslands of Bankey Taal and Rehta sector. Thus the two
populations can also be joined in due course of time when the Rhino population
increases by extending the fenced areas and only possible if the railway line is
dismantled in near future which is the major barrier between two potential rhino

Table.5. Proposed Budget (Five year project to be regularize with Rhino Project of
Dudhwa NP for further funding)
Rs.) 1& 2 year
1. Installation of the rhino 25 km Approx 3 75,00,000.00 -
& elephant proof fence (Five to 4 lac per (Calculated @
(Includes GI poles, strand) Km 3 lac per Km)
heavy coated GI wires,
Energizers, Solar panel,
Batteries, Installation
charge etc.)**
2. Ground leveling and L.S. - 2,00,000.00 -
clearing of ground for
fence installation
3. Construction of Gates to 06 20,000.00 1,20,000.00 -
enter the fenced area per gate

4. Construction of 02 4,00,000.00 8,00,000.00 -
Elephant shed per shed
5 Construction of Forest LS - 15,00,000.00 -
Guard chowkies,
Barrack, Kitchen etc. for
forest guards, Mahouts,
Chara-cutters and Fence
6. Salary/wages of 04 5000.00 per 4,80,000.00 2,40,000
Mahouts for 24 months* month
7. Salary/wages of Chara- 04 3000.00 per 2,80,000.00 1,40,000
cutters for 24 months * month
8. Salary/wages of fence 10 3000.00 per 7,20,000.00 3,60,000
watchers for 24 months* month
9. Cost of translocation of L.S - 15,50,000.00 -
Rhinos from different
locations including
hiring experts
10. Purchase of Arms and L.S - 3,00,000.00 -
11. Purchase of four LS 5 lac per 20,00,000.00 -
departmental elephants elephant
12. Alignment of roads for L.S 2.5 lac per 5,00,000.00 2,50,000
patrolling inside and year for 2
outside the rhino fence years
13. Trench inside & outside L.S - 10.50,000.00 -
the fence
14. Deepings of water L.S - 10,00,000.00 -
15. Construction of heavy L.S 5 Unit 8,00,000.00 _
duty Stockade fenced/
16 Habitat and grassland L.S Inside the 6,00,000.00 3,00,000
management fenced area
17. Research project on 3 year Rs 29,90,000.00 10,20,000
Monitoring of 19,70,000

rehabilitated rhinos : for first
1. Project Coordinator year, for
(1) second and
2. Field Biologist (1) third year
3. Field Assistant (1) Rs
for each
TOTAL RUPEES (Two crore and twenty three 2,23,90,000.00 23,10,000
lac and ninety thousands only)
* Later inducted as per the official rules and scale

Table.6.Year-wise proposed budget

S.No. First & Second Third Fourth year Fifth Year
year(In Rs) year
1 2,26,,00,000.00 23,10,000 12,90,000* 12,90,000


Reintroduction of mega herbivore from exiting population into its former range of
distribution is being practiced long back in African countries. In India, for the first
time Indian one horned rhinos were brought from Pobitara Wildlife Sanctuary,
Assam and The Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal in two batches in 1984 &
1985 in Dudhwa National Park. A total of nine rhinos were tranlocated. The
current rhino population is twenty one from a five founder populations comprise
of one male and four females. In last couple of years due to various reasons five
rhino are strayed out of the main rhino fence. This has been already mentioned in
our report on twenty years of rhino reintroduction in Dudhwa National Park.
Main task is to recapture the straying rhinos back into newly erected fence
adjacent to main Rhino area in Dudhwa National Park. Considering the problems
of crop raiding by rhinos and more severe problem is the number of cases of
human death due to rhino attack and injuries. This may increase in future and is
an urgent need to tranlocate back these rhinos. Otherwise in retaliation villager
can take an unwanted step which is against the conservation plans of rhinos. Till
the Bhadhital new rhino area is ready the captured rhino will be kept in the
erected fenced area.

Before any translocation operation needs a phase manner preparations for a

successful operation are as follows:
1. Planning & Preparatory Phase
2. Training Phase
3. Operational Phase


In this phase a detail action has to be discussed and planned, its requirements and
how to proceed. A detailed ground work has be completed depending on the
resource availability and current need.

(I). Formation of Teams with designated Task
A. First team which comprise of team leader operate the entire operation,
Darting person, veterinary person, People help to restrict the animal in the
field along with elephants and Mahouts during capturing of the animal
B. Second team will comprise of atleast 15-20 people to assist during down
loading of tranquilized rhino into the crate and safe transport to the site. Since
it is a team work and during such operation number of people is needed.
C. Third team will be ready at the site of release of animal in the Stockade inside
the fenced area.

(II). Availability of Darting Equipments

1. For a safer side keeping ready two to three set of darting equipments along
with the doses. This will help during darting of rhino in the field. Keeping 2-3
set of darting guns always increases the probability of darting of animal than
keeping a single gun and takes longer period with uncertainty. For this
exercise 4 persons have of be trained under an expert and possibly experts
should be involved in this operation.

(III). Drug Used for Immobilization

The drug combination was Immobilon L.A. (Reckitts and Colman Pharmaceutical
Division, Hull, England). This consists of Etorphine hydrochloride 2.45 mg and
Acepromezine maleate B, Vet C 10 mg in each ml. The drug was delivered by the
syringe projectile intramuscular as far as possible. The effects of Immobilon were
reversed by the intravenous injection of an equal quantity of Revivon L.A
containing Diprenorphine hydrochloride 3 mg per ml.

One advantage of Etorphine is that being extremely potent (10,000 times the
potency of Morphine) only small quantities are required. This makes particularly
suitable for delivery by a syringe projectile system, where a lighter dart has more
stable flight characteristic than a heavier one, assisting accurate placement at the
target site. The case with which the effect of Etorphine can be reversed using

Diprenorphine is another reason for the choice of this drug. A further feature is
that it has a wide safety margin, reducing the possibility of over dose.

Immobilon L.A. is extremely dangerous if accidentally injected into humans or
even absorbed through skin and great care must be exercised in its use. The best
antidote in cases of accidental administration to man is NARCAN (Winthrop
Lab, Surbiton, UK) which is a naloxone hydrochloride 0.4 mg/ml. A human kit
containing vials of this drug and a suitable syringe for injection was carried at all
times in the field. One serious problem with the use of etorphine in India is that
neither of the human antidotes is available in the country (the second choice
antidote is Lethidrone). It is therefore vitally important the Narcan of Lethidrone
be imported along with the immobilon, the use of which should be not be
contemplated under any circumstances unless one of the human antidotes is to

(IV). Prior Preparations at the site of release

a. Fencing of release site
Proper fencing around selected area by considering the availability of fodder
grass, Woodland as shade and water body depend on the number of animals
translocted area span must be considered.

b. Construction of Heavy duty Stockade

Before releasing the translocated animals into the main fence. Animals are kept in
wooden made stockade for atleast for 2-3 weeks till animal get acclimated with
number of factors provided with least human disturbances. Total area inside the
individual stockade unit should be 54 sq m. If female with calf than area should
be increased. Details are given in the figures. In this particular period animal cool
down after a stress period and get established. The big confined wooden cage /
enclosure on the ground should be provided with small water ditch and container
with fresh water. Regularly locally available fodder grass, sugar cane and bersene

should be provided. Since animal do not have prior experiences of electric shock
of a fence or might have forgotten the earlier experience if animal is too long was
way from such situation is advisable have a electric fence around stockade. So
when animal is released from stockade should experience the shock. Otherwise
direct release into the main fence will not be effective and animal will break the
fence and go away repeating the same story. Main reason is that since the stray
animal repeatedly harassed by the people in the crop fields and animal has to
shift one place to another to hide itself. Due to all these reasons animal
behaviorally changes towards the human presence and severely distressed.

c. Construction of Sledge
It is often impossible to get a truck to the immobilization site due to steep
slopes, uneven or swampy ground, thick ground cover in sugar cane field and
in thick jungle. In such cases an interim transport phase is necessary wherein
the still immobilized rhino is moved from its resting place to the waiting crate
and truck from 50 m to few km away. For this initial journey the rhino is
placed on a sledge (King, 1969) which is then pulled by elephants or a vehicle
to the site where the animal will be transferred to a Crate.

The sledge should be very strongly constructed as the weight of a over 1 to 2.4
tons of rhino places enormous strains on the structure as it is dragged over
rough terrain. It should have sufficient clearance to avoid smaller boulders,
vegetation cover and stumps to facilitate loading of the rhino onto it. Length
should be slightly longer than a large rhino and 360 cm was found to
satisfactory. Width of the sledge should be such as to comfortably
accommodate a rhino lying on its side (an also be capable of being inserted
into the crate to facilitate loading) and 160 cm was found satisfactory. Strong
towing hooks should be fixed at both ends of the sledge to enable it to be
pulled in either direction, which is important when maneuvering it into
position. Runners should likewise be tapered at both ends and steel shod to
reduce drag and damage by stones. Handle of both sides of the sledge
facilitate shifting it into position alongside the rhino by hand and also provide
anchorages for ropes used to secure the rhino to the sledge when loaded.
Nylon ropes should not be used for this purpose as they may cause burns on
the skin.

As soon as full immobilization is confirmed, the sledge is brought into
position beside the back of the recumbent rhino, whose legs are roped
together as a precaution against partial revival and attempts to gain its
feet during handling. A disciplined and experienced team of 15-20
people is required to maneuver the rhino on to the sledge. In these trails
great care must be taken with the rhino’s head which should be held
out in a natural position by a couple of men while loading takes place.
Kinking of the neck may impede breathing and /or circulation to the
head. The eyes, which are open, should be constantly covered with a
cloth or clean gunny bag to prevent damage by dust or bright sun light
throughout the time the rhino is immobilized.
Once the rhino is in a natural position on its side on the sledge, it
should be secured by ropes passing transversely across its body and

Loading of Sledge
Elephants are the best source for dragging the sledge in dense jungles or over
extremely uneven ground. On flat, fairly even tractor, jeep and in adverse
condition people can drag the sledge but not advisable because needs large
number people and time is the limiting factor on this moment.

d. Construction of Cage / Crate
The crate should be extremely robust construction as a rhino makes persistent
attempts to destroy it after revival. Internal dimensions recommended are 370 cm
long, 170 cm wide and 240 cm high. Side timber should be planed smooth to

prevent them from scratching the rhino, as it is jolted around during travel. It
should have a drop door in runners at ends, allowing manipulation of the rhino in
the crate from the front or back and enabling it to exit from the crate forwards, on
arrival at its destination. Details are given in the diagrams.

e. Loading of Crate
Because of the impossibility of lifting a loaded crate onto a truck in the field, it is
necessary to load the rhino into the crate while it is roped to the truck. In order to
facilitate this difficult operation it is desirable to lower the rear of the truck into
the ground to bring the floor of the crate to a level near that of the sledge.

If it is impossible to dig a ramp into the ground, it is necessary to have a short

wooded ramp available to bridge the gap between the sledge and the crate. As
nearly as possible, sledge and crate should be horizontal and the sledge should be
correctly aligned with the crate to facilitate loading of the rhino.

Once the rhino is safely in the crate, its legs should be untied and the Revivon
injection administered. The crate door(s) should then be quickly closed and the
secured with bolts in anticipation of the animal reviving with couple of minutes of
the Revivon injection.

Precaution should be taken if sledge is kept inside the crate because during
transportation period by jerk and use of break sledge can push back ward. This
can be fatal and break the crate door or damage it. In view of this to intact the
sledge into crate. Sledge should be tied firmly from trucks driver side properly
with help of strong thick wire. So during transportation sledge become intact
inside the crate. Otherwise removal of sledge during transferring animal with the
help of conveyor belt is the only alternative to avoid any mishappeining. This has
been already tried during our current rhino operation near Sitapur area.

Gap between planks in all the four side should be least as possible and all the four
side should be covered by gunny bag cloth. So animal should not see the
surrounding specially the people around.

f. Unloading of Crate to destination site

The crate containing the rhino is best removed from the truck by using a crane. If
a crane is not available, a ramp may be dug into the ground near to the door of the
holding accommodation. After the truck has been reversed into the ramp, men or
elephants may be used to push the crate from the truck to the door of the holding
pen using poles as rollers.

Once the front door of the crate is aligned to the door of the pen, both these doors
should be opened and the rhino allowed walking out of the crate of its own, even
if this takes time. As soon as the rhino is in the pen, the pen should be closed and
crate is removed or reloaded onto truck for a further operation.

2. Training Phase
This one the important part before going to the operational site.
Designated team member should practice in the field in a scheduled period of
time. Since after immobilization is completed the animal has to be revived within
45 minutes to one hour depend on the reflections of animal. In this short span of
time available animal has to be locating first and shift the animal with help of
sledge to load into the crate before its revival. Here time and swift action is the
major factor to be completed within the prescribed time.

3. Operational Phase
Before reaching the operation site a list of equipments and other items should be
check properly and again checked after reaching there and briefing to different
teams. If possible at-least four to six mobile hand set should be distributed to
individual team leader. This can be used during the immobilization operation
over elephants and keep regular contact with the individual persons on the
elephant as well as the loading team which stays away from the site.

4. Monitoring of translocated animals
Just after the translocation of fresh batch of rhinos into the new area animals are
supposed to monitor on daily basis to monitor its activities closely. The main
reason is to observe the reaction of rehabilitated rhinos translocated in a new area.
Earlier in Rhino Reintroduction Area in Dudhwa NP when rhinos were
translocated rhino were monitored on daily basis to study the habitat use,
behavior studies and health conditions. It provides regular data collected on
different aspect on daily basis and have 25 years of regular data which usually not
available elsewhere. Once the animals get acclimatized it start breeding which is
healthy sign because animal do not breed under stress condition if not properly
get settled into a new year. In such circumstances management input is needed
and also to find out the reason.

Observations on the immobilization of rhino in Sitapur area on 2nd November,

2004 (Team Members : Mr.S.P.Chowdhury and Dilip Chakraborty, West Bengal
Forest Department, Dr SP Sinha and Mr PP Singh, IFS, Deputy Director Dudhwa
NP/TR 2004)

1. Sex of Rhino : Male

2. Approx Age : +12
3. Length 1.15 meter
4. Horn Size: 5.5 Inch
5. Height of rhino: 5 feet
6. Horn Base Circumference: 16 inches

Physiological Parameters noted in different time:

1. 12.34 noon: Male rhino was darted by using 2.5 ml of Immobilon

2. 12.38 noon : Immobilized Rhino was located
3. 12.49 noon
Respiration Rate: 6 per minute

Pulse Rate: 56 per minute
Body Temperature: 100 F
4. 1.05 noon:
Pulse rate: 56 per minute
Respiration rate: 8 per minute
5. 1.09 pm:
Pulse rate: 56 per minute
Respiration rate: 6 per minute
7. 1.20 pm:
Pulse rate: 56 per minute
Respiration rate: 3 per minute
Body Temperature: 102 F
8. 1.35 pm: Same as Above
Cardiac Stimulant injected (Decdem-8ml)
8. 2.06 pm :
Revivon Injected
9. 2.09: Rhino Stand on feet dashed back the door and ran out of the crate
On 11 Jan, 2005

Same rhino reached near Moradabad-Kashipur road in Abdullah Village.

Around 4:25 rhino was sighted and immobilsed and within 10 minutes it was on
the ground. Immediately with help of sledge and conveyer belt drag to the
loading site. At 6:15pm it was finally loaded into the truck safely. Revivon was
given to interveniousely and water spread over head and animal immediately
responded. Since animal was badly injured and need proper treatment was send
to Kanpur zoo on the same night. It covered nearly 500 km from Lakhmipur Kheri
near Dudhwa NP.Uttar Pradesh to Sitapur- Shajhanpur- Bareilly- Kashpipur-
Rampur and finally reached Moradabad.

Citation and Source:
Preliminary Report on Drug Immobilization and Transport of the Great India
Rhinoceros by Dr.J.B.Sale, FAO Consultant & Technical Adviser to Govt of India:
In India’s Rhino Reintroduction Programme, Department of Environment Govt of


1. Zonation and zone plans
The entire sanctuary is divided into 3 management zones namely.,
A. Wilderness Zone,
B.Habitat improvement Zone,
C.Eco-tourism Zone

This is necessary in order to ensure that some of the strategies of management,

which are mutually exclusive, are well separated in the spatial frame and other
strategies which are mutually compatible may be implemented in the overlapping
zones. Clear identification of such zones in the sanctuary help in simplifying
operations by the field level staff and reducing possibility of skewed achievement
of certain objectives at the cost of other.

2. Conservation of Biodiversity
The wilderness zone, with no habitat manipulation activities and no outside
interference, will be maintained primarily for the conservation of biodiversity,
and to represent all the bio-geographic sub-zones of this sanctuary. Both the PA’s
lie in the bio-geographical zone (7b Lower Gangetic plain).

3. Control of Poaching of Rhino and other species and illicit felling of Timber
To achieve the above objectives, the strategy will be mainly building up
protection network, developing infrastructure for better implementation of the
rules and regulations, building up information network and building other State
plan schemes. However, there is problem of procurement of cartridges as these

are normally supplied from ammunition factory at Khadki, Pune and such
supplies are not forthcoming.

4. Strengthen wireless network

The erstwhile Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary, comprising as area of 116 sq km is
having a well connected wireless network of frequencies. All the range head
quarters, beat and most of the camps are provided with either fixed stations or
mobile phones or walkie talkies.

5. Establishment of intelligence network for collecting information and

provision of secret fund
The success of any protection job depends on the quality of information gathered
by the management. At present the Assistant Wildlife Warden, the range officers
and beat officers collect information through their personal level networks and
informers. Since there is no such mechanism in the forest department for
collection of information professionally, in most of the cases the information
collection system becomes highly personalized and its effectiveness depends
upon the initiative taken by the official concerned.

The mechanism of information gathering can become effective only when there is
a specific provision for the same under the rules and when there is provision to
buy information. Like in the police, customs, BSF and other enforcement agencies.
Forest department should also have provision for operating a secret fund by the
divisional forest officer to facilitate purchasing information regularly from the
informers. The secret fund will be operated by the divisional forest officer from
this fund will not be sent to AG, West Bengal along with the amount disbursed
will accompany the accounts. This is required in order to maintain the secrecy of
the source of information and to safe guard the lives of the persons supplying
information. The power of divisional forest officer to operate such secret fund
may be kept restricted to Rs 50,000 per year and the original vouchers will be

retained by the divisional forest officer confidentially which may be subject to
audit verification on specific request.

Similarly, the system of paying rewards to informers for providing valuable

information which has lead to seizure/ confiscation of illegal wildlife products
and arrested of persons involved in such illegal activities, will facilities the flow of
valuable information from the field / villages and other sources to the sanctuary

6. Coordination amongst various law enforcement agencies

Since poaching is always associated with the inter-state and or International
smuggling of the poached product, a regular coordination between various
enforcement agencies like BSF, Railway police, Customs, Director of revenue,
Intelligence, Police etc. For this purpose a coordinating body comprising the
divisional forest officer, Astt wildlife warden and representative of various
enforcement agencies should be constituted. The divisional forest officer will be
the convener of such coordinating body and the coordination meeting will be held
at least once in every six months for sharing of vital information and to ensure
further coordination amongst the field level staff working in the field level.

7. Incentive and rewards to staff

At present there is a provision for reward under the existing forest manual but the
same is not sufficient to tackle the menace of poaching in the present day context.
A proposal had been submitted by the Chief Wildlife Warden, West Bengal for
approval. An immediate sanction of the scheme is required to ensure speedy flow
of information on poaching / poachers and also to motivate the staff in taking risk
while apprehending offenders.

8. Publicity, nature education and awareness generation

Dissemination of information on the objectives of management of the sanctuary to
the local people as well as to all others is extremely important towards the efforts

of conservation of biodiversity and prevention of poaching. Such publicity and
awareness can be generated by various ways and means.

9. Strategy for conservation and sustainable growth of rhino and other wild
animal population

A. Habitat Improvement
Jaldpara Wildlife Sanctuary and Gorumara NP are the only two rhino habitats
of the State and the Great Indian One-Horned Rhinoceros is the key- stone species
of these Pas. The other associated species of the Pas are elephants, Gaur, Tiger,
different species of deer, wild boar and a large number of species of birds,
reptiles, amphibians and insects. Hence any habitat development activity should
primarily aim at developing the habitat for rhino while, at the same time,
preserving the habitat and the food base of other species as well. Since the food
chain in any ecosystem is highly complicated and any large scale manipulation of
the ecosystem may set in an irreversible process of degradation. One has to be
extremely careful while carrying out habitat manipulation activities for the
purpose of development.

10. Over wood removal and fodder plantation

Since rhino prefers riverine grassland and savannah grassland for food and
shelter, controlling the invasion of grassland by the pioneer tree species is an
important strategy for development of rhino habitat. Since the sanctuary has a
comparatively small area as ideal rhino habitat and since the rhinos have to be
kept restricted within the sanctuary areas, the process of over wood removal
followed by artificial regeneration for maintaining grassland habitat is an
extremely important component of management.

11. Plantation of Indigenous Grasses
Some of the prescribed important guidelines are:
1. Plantation areas include the over wood removal areas as well as forest
blanks/degraded grassland.
2. Cleaning of weeds/climbers and control burning of the same should be done
during December and January.
3. Eradication of weeds and burning of the debris should be done immediately
before starting of soil work in the month of May.
4. Local and indigenous fodder species like Saccharum species, Nal, Khagra,
Bhutagrass, Banspati, and Purundi should be planted. No exotic grass species will
be planted anywhere.
5. No fodder plantation should be raised in forest areas which are close to the
periphery/boundary of the sanctuary.

12. Weed eradication and climber cutting

Weeds and climbers are acute problems in Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary and
Gorumara NP. The most common and proliferating weeds are Leea spp., Cassia
tora, Mikania spp., Eupatorium spp., Lantana camera and Clerondendron
bengalensis. Prolific growth of fern is also a special feature in Jaldapara as it
assumes the form of weed and sometimes surprises the growth of grass.
However, fern is not considered as weed since it plays an extremely important
role in maintenance of swampy habitat. Among the fern spp like Christella
dentate, Diplazium esculentum and ampilopteris prolifers are common. Removal
of fern spp should not be taken up in the sanctuary under weed eradication

13. Control burning of old grass plantation for natural regeneration of

The fodder grass plantation, which were earlier raised in Jaldapara Wildlife
Sanctuary, as well as the coarse fodder grass areas also start losing their
importance as foraging areas since the rhinos do not prefer coarse and old

Dhadda grasses as fodder. All such older plantation and natural grassland with
good stem density should be gradually taken up for cut back operations to be
followed by control burning to facilitate regeneration of young shoots.

14. Control of wildfire

Accidental and man-made wild fire is common in Jaldapara WLS and Gorumara
NP. Some of the strategies proposed are follows:
1. Existing fire line should be maintained and works completed by January and
before the dry season set in.
2. During the dry period extensive patrolling should be taken up especially
around the fringe areas where fires are set in by the graziers.
3. Efforts should be made through the eco-development committees to impress
upon the fringe villagers the fringe villagers against creation of man-made fires.

15. Control of grazing by livestock of fringe villages

Grazing poses great threat to the habitat. A total of 32 fringe villages and 4 forest
villages around Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary contain around 70,000 cattle. More
over, nine tea gardens situated in the fringe area contain large number of cattle
ranging between 12000 to 15000 belongs to local inhabitants. Domestic livestock
from the fringe villages not only competes with the wild herbivores for food, they
also spread diseases like Anthrax and foot and mouth disease among wild
animals which can cause death.

Strategies planned to curb the problems by:

1. Extensive patrolling along the boundary and fringe including the prone areas.
2. Regular immunization of domestic cattle in the fringe villages against FMD,
Anthrax and other deadly diseases.
3. Replacement of low yield variety of breed by high yield variety.
4. Involvement of local to check the illegal grazing inside the WLS.
5. Formation of milk producer cooperative in the fringe villages.

16. Construction of water harvesting / recharging structures
Four cement concrete rectangular weir structures constructed on two perennial
streams flowing through Harindangar Char under JP-5 compartment during 1995-
96, have yielded excellent result in creating shallow stretches of wetlands and
perennially inundating appreciable quantum of dry lands of Haridanger Char.
Such inundation has been effective in suppressing thatch and lemon grasses
colonizing in these areas and has facilitated regeneration of Typha, Dhadda and
other palatable grass species.

Since such measures are most cost effective methods to improve soil moisture
regime in the drier uplands of Harindangear Char, 20 such structures should be
constructed in series, after proper contour survey of Harindangar Char. So as to
create long stretches of shallow water pools along the existing perennial streams.
Two such structures should be constructed per year and it should start from
southern part of Harindangar Char and then proceed upstream towards northern

17. Proposal to Reduce Man-Animal Conflict

1. The entire forest boundary having interface with the villages. In the Jaldapara
East, Jaldapara West and North ranges will be erected with power fence and these
should be regularly maintained. Such fencing is required for Gorumara also
without blocking the elephant movement route.
2. The local EDCs should be involved in maintenance of the fencings.
3. The villages in the other forest fringe areas may be encouraged to go for
cultivation of Non-edible cash crops.
4. Awareness generation programme should be carried out with the help of EDCs
for conservation of wild animals which occasionally stray out of the sanctuary.

18. Irregular shape of the sanctuary leading to large interface
The following strategies are proposed to resolve the problems:
1. By erecting power fence all along the exposed boundary of the sanctuary,
barring through which elephants move in and out of the sanctuary during their
normal migration.
2. Encourage social fencing around the sanctuary through the eco-development
3. Generate awareness amongst the fringe villagers with regards to wildlife
conservation and importance of the sanctuary.
4. Step up family welfare measures in the villages adjoining the sanctuary.
5. Take up literacy drive amongst the fringe villagers.

19. Transboundary Problems

The problem is concentrated mostly in Titi-1 and Joygaon-1, 2 Blocks of the
Sanctuary adjoining the Bhutan Border.

20. Reintroduction Programme

Due to intra- species fighting will force some of the rhinos to move out of the
sanctuary boundary. Since Chilapata Range of Cooch Behar Division and Nimati
Range of Buxa Tiger Reserve are separated by a narrow corridor, it will be
worthwhile to consider reintroduction of rhino in Buxa Tiger Reserve as third
sub-population similar to rhino reintroduction programme of Dudhwa National
Park. Uttar Pradesh

Rhino Action Plan for Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal

The strategies of rhino conservation in Nepal are to ensure log-term viability of
the one-horned rhino throughout its range, while minimizing conflict with
people. Such objectives have to be achieved while continued increase in human
population, economic influence of development on natural areas, and the need for
land for agriculture and settlement.

It will not be possible to save Nepal’s every rhino in terms of physical protection,
but losses can be kept to a minimum if economic development plans take into
account the needs of threatened wildlife species, and panning for conservation
takes into consideration the needs of local people. Conservation of the rhino
depends on the political will and concerted action of the government and people.
Without political will and commitment, application of the conservation
recommendations outlined here will be difficult although they are based on sound
ecological, economic, and cultural arguments.

1. Habitat Improvement
a. Considering the rate of increasing in the rhino population in the Royal Chitwan
National Park, it is apparent that the rhino population is likely to increase with
the availability of the suitable rhino habitats and protection. Various studies
suggest that at present, the rhino habitat in the RCNP is under utilized. However,
the grazing pressure from the livestock’s has rendered many ideal habitats
literally unsuitable for rhinos.
b. Habitat improvement through weed elimination and plantation with
indigenous grass species preferred by rhinos.
c. Uprooting of the weed and trees species or regular grass cutting so as to
suppress their growth is likely to improve the rhino habitat.
Maintenance of fire line to avoid wild and man made forest and grassland fires.
d. Improvement of wetlands through desolation, control on invasion by
undesirable aquatic plants and regular removal of water hyacinth are important.

2. Rehabilitation of villages and development of rhino Habitat

1. Relocation of Padampur village elsewhere and development of a suitable
habitat for rhinos
2. Rhinos also inhabit forest area outside the RCNP, particularly, the Tikauli
forest. This forest area also needs to be managed and protected for the rhino
conservation. It is preferable that this forest area is included in the park with the
gazettement rather than just making this as buffer zone.

3. Translocation and Reintroduction of rhinos
A. Thirty eight rhinos were translocated from the Royal Chitwan National Park to
the Royal Bardia National Park in 1986-88 and 1991. It will be too early to infer
that the translocated rhinos in the RBNP have adapted to the new environment,
however, there are some indication that he population is doing well. Considering
the historical range of rhino (all throughout Gangetic plain) possibility of
translocating some individuals to other protected area need to be explored. How
ever, there are only two protected areas, namely Royal Bardia National Park
(RBNP) and Royal Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve (RSWLR) that can sustain the
reintroduced rhino population. There is need to study in detail in the above
mentioned protected areas and to find out the solution of crop damage problem.
B. Most of the rhino are located in the northern part of RCNP and considering the
habitat in the southern part rhino can be translocated in this part. But for that
people around should take into confidence to know the consequences of such
translocation. Considering the closeness of Madi with Indian boundary. There is
need of regular surveillance and monitoring is required.

4. Strengthening anti- poaching capability

A. Considering the spurting poaching activity, an anti-poaching unit has been
constituted with the support from WWF and International Trust for Nature
Conservation. The strategy of the unit is to work in close collaboration with local
people who work as secret informants to the park management in order to
apprehend the poachers. Arrest of a number poacher arrested indicates that this
system is working very well in curbing the poaching.

B. The Park awards to the villages informants up to the amount of RS 50,000 and
the penalties rhino poaching are 5 to 15 years of imprisonment with a fine of Rs
50,000 to 1, 00,000. Despite of such severe penalties and efforts occasional
poaching are still reported. This indicates that only law alone is not sufficient in
curbing the poaching of endangered wildlife species. Cooperation of local people
living adjacent to the protected areas is the key to achieving success in such

issues. The recent amendment of Buffer Zone Act to channel 30 to 50 % of the park
revenue in the local development may develop some positive attitude in the local

It is also necessary to explore the possibility of imposing trade restriction and

surveillance at the major custom post in Nepal. CITES implementation workshops
should be held frequently to make various agencies such as police, customs,
forest, local administration, journalist, local inhabitant to help in implementing
the effective trade as per the CITES regulations. Transboundary collaboration to
implement CITES regulation with neighbouring countries will provide additional
opportunity to curb poaching activities and the illegal trade of endangered

5. Loan to International agencies for scientific studies

Rhino has always been in high demand in zoos and research stations of several
countries. A number of rhino were provided agencies in the past.

CITES regulations should be followed. Funding support, if any, arising from such
exchange should be strictly applied to the rhino conservation efforts. The recovery
process of such loan should be clearly defined before the exchange is ever made.
This is still a very sensitive issue and therefore, every precaution should be
observed so as to avoid controversy.

6. Population Monitoring
To transpire a scientific basis for rhino conservation and management a long term
monitoring program should be initiated to assess numbers, population trend,
ecological requirements, carrying capacity, and people/ rhino conflicts. Rhino
census similar to count rhino 94 is suggested in every 5 years to assess the
population trend and status.

7. Carrying Capacity
A study to assess the rhino carrying capacity of the park should be conducted.
Since the establishment of the RCNP, 109 rhino death have been reported. Natural
death constituted about 80 % of the total death and 20% from poaching in last 18
years (1973-1991). Recently frequency of injured and rate of crop damage are on
the rise. This is possibly because the present rhino population is beyond the
carrying capacity. Some studies suggest that the rhino habitat in the RCNP at
present in under utilized. It is argued that the high injury rate and crop damage at
present is as a result of displacement of rhino by the livestock. Livestock grazing
in the rhino habitat in the park has become widespread.

8. Conservation Education
Conservation awareness programme needs to be actively launched in the area in
cooperation with the local NGOs and institutions and various other relevant
organizations. Conservation education through radio, TV, Audio-visual
arrangement at the local level, poster, papers, bill-boards, visitor’s center etc.,
needs to be activated. CITES status of rhino, fines and punishment, rewards to the
informer and other relevant information’s should be furnished simultaneously to
the local people.

9. Income generation activities

Cooperation from the local can be realized only when they see the direct benefit
from the existence of the park and protection of wildlife. Most of the local people
in the surrounding areas are subsistence farmers. They can not think of
conservation of wildlife if their life sustaining system is disrupted. At local people
are realizing very little benefit directly from the tourism in the parks. They should
be trained in hotel/lodge management, tour operators, and nature guide to accrue
the benefit from tourism to them. If this can happen, they will put all their efforts
in sustaining the income source i.e. protection of wildlife.

Increase in living slandered of the local people will lead to reduction in pressure
in the parks from several means. For example, fire wood consumption will be
reduced, number of livestock’s will be reduced, and more over, they will be
conscious about nature conservation.
10. Funds for Orphanage Center
It has been noticed that on an average every year the park has been raising one or
two rescued orphan rhino calf from the wild. Such calves are either abandoned by
the mother or injured by the predators. Although, this is incidental, regular fund
needed to be for necessary care and raising of such orphans in an orphanage

11. Training
To increase the efficiency of the park personnel in rhino conservation, specific
training such as habitat improvement, population monitoring, anti-poaching,
conservation education and extension, orphan rearing etc are necessary.

12. National and International Corridors

As it is not realistic now to establish new, sufficiently large protected areas,
exploration to determine existing habitat corridors should be investigated
between protected areas. Existing habitat corridors may facilities range extension
and migration later between protected areas. Land use planning should recognize
such vital corridors and routes, and protect them from incompatible forms of
development and settlement. Maintenance of critical habitats in such areas will
minimize conflicts between rhinos and people. It will also prevent the isolation of
groups and improve the genetic viability of the overall population.

International cooperation is required where corridors and routes cross frontiers. It

is particular that such areas not disrupted, or very serious conflict between rhinos
and people may result. The frequent movement of rhinos from Royal Bardia
National Park, Nepal to India and rhinos from Dudhwa National Park, India into
Nepal corroborates such conservation action.

1. The integrity of the present reserves containing one-horned rhinos should be
maintained and their areas extended where possible to cover seasonal
movements. This will require a net work of well managed flood plain grasslands
and carefully designed multi-use zones, aimed at meeting the needs of local
people without jeopardizing wildlife resources.

2. The ecological relationship between river flows, ground water level and
grassland maintenance with a specific focus that will increase landscape diversity
and grassland biomass production, shall be determined with development of a
detailed long term program to monitor the ecological system of the Park. The
grassland areas bordering the Rapti River and the water required to maintain its
diversity are vital for rhino conservation. This plan should also identify the
pesticides used in the area and elaborate on their potential toxicity.

3. Resources should be provided to strengthen anti-poaching measure. This is

especially important as slaughter of rhinos will damage the genetic composition
of the rhino population.

4. Core rhino habitats should be given both legal and long term physical
protection. Enlargement of existing protected, and the creation of buffer zones
should be employed where possible.

5. Eco-development projects to meet the needs of the human population around

key rhino areas are highly desirable to relieve the pressure on forests. Emphasis in
Project design should be place on passive rhino management features. These can
include minor modification in infrastructure, either to facilitate or block rhino
movements, and the creation of buffer zones to separate production areas and
pastures refuges.

6. It is highly desirable that both India and Nepal cooperate in protecting and
managing rhinos that move across their common frontier. Establishment of a link
will not only safeguard transient rhinos but also has a potential to monitoring
poaching activities.

7. A long term monitoring program to asses’ numbers, population trends,

ecological requirements, movements, and people/rhino conflict should be put
into effect to provide a scientific basis to evaluate the nature and extent of habitat
encroachment and poaching in the protected areas. The result be the basis for
recommendations for improving the management of these reserves and the rhinos
in them.

The Royal Chitwan National Park was established in 1973 primarily to protect the
rhino population in Nepal. Until recently this park was last strong hold of rhino in
Nepal. With the adequate protection and conservation measures, the rhino
population has rebounded to about 500 individuals in the park. The park is likely
to loose its fame in the world if the rhino population dwindles. Habitat
improvement and rehabilitation, conservation education campaign, strengthening
the anti-poaching unit, population monitoring are urgently needed to support the
increasing rhino population. Strong conservation commitment (both political and
technical) is required for the long term survival of the rhino in the RCNP.

Estimated Budget for rhino conservation (in US$, 000)

Habitat improvement: 200
Translocation/ Reintroduction studies: 20
Translocation of 40 rhino: 100
Strengthening anti-poaching unit: 500
Population monitoring and census: 50
Conservation education: 50
Income generation activities: 55

Funds for orphanage center: 25
Training: 100
Total funding needed: 1,050,000 USD

Rehabilitation of prime rhino habitats

Relocation of Padampur and Ram-Mauri Bhata Village: 1,000,000 USD
(Source: DR.T.M.Maskey, Director General, Department of National Parks &
Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC), HMG, Kathmandu, Nepal. Conservation action
plan presented and distribute to members, in IUCN- AsRSG Meeting held in 1999
in Kaziranga NP, Assam)

Recommendations of IUCN - Asian Rhino Specialist Group (AsRSG/SSC) on

Rhino Conservation in India and Nepal, Meeting held in Kaziranga NP, Assam,
1. The primary priority of funding of rhino conservation is in – situ activities,
especially anti-poaching and habitat management combined with eco-
2. The AsRSG should have more interfaces with the rhino range state Government
at appropriate level, so that rhino conservation receives continuing and increasing
3. The intelligence gathering system for rhino conservation is inadequate. External
funds should be used to support the intelligence gathering till an effective
Government system is developed.
4. The AsRSG will sponsor a technical management Advisory Group comprising
representatives from all major rhino areas in India and Nepal.
5. The group reaffirmed that there should be a viable population of rhinoceros
unicornis of minimally 2500 in at least 10 populations of minimally 100 each, with
an ultimate objective of Meta population of 5000 individuals.

6. To develop more recognition and support for rhino conservation the AsRSG
recommends that the Government of India establishes A PROJECT RHINO, similar
to those develop for tiger and elephant.
7. The Governments of India and Nepal are already providing considerable funds
to conserve the rhino and their habitats have been successful in in-situ
conservation. Because of demographic pressure, to carry this success into the next
millennium the efforts of the Governments of India and Nepal should be
augmented with International Funds.
8. Conservation success achieved in India and Nepal in case of the rhino has been
possible due to extraordinary dedication and commitment of the field staff. The
service conditions of these field staff who are the guardians of the worlds heritage
requires to be adequately upgraded commensurate with their selfless struggle.
(Source: Proceeding of IUCN/SSC, Asian Rhino Specialist Group meeting,
Kaziranga NP, Assam, 1999)

Conclusion of Asian Rhino Specialist Group (AsRSG/SSC) on Rhino Conservation

in India and Nepal, Meeting held in Kaziranga NP, Assam, March 5-7, 2007
The Asian Rhino Specialist Group (AsRSG) organized a 3 day workshop in
Kaziranga NP, Assam, India,5-7 March,2007. The aim of the meeting was to:
* Share ideas and discuss the present status of Asiatic one-horned rhinoceros as
well as trans-boundary rhino conservation strategies,
* Share experiences on the Rhinoceros Translocation Programme in Nepal and
* share information on the successful rhino conservation programme in Kaziranga
National Park, Assam, India, and
* Prioritize issues to prepare regional Rhino Action Plan for South Asia.


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