Pedoman Penskoran PTS Bahasa Inggris (K13) Xi

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Jember, 21 Maret 2023
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Penyusun : Nurhayati, S.Pd
Bentuk Soal : Uraian
Kurikulum : K 2013 Penelaah : Panitia Ujian

No Butir Soal Kunci Jawaban Skor Bobot

Change the active sentence into passive Music concert has been finished by
sentence! Blackpink in Jakarta.

1. Blackpink has finished music

concert in Jakarta.
(Present Perfect Tense)


2. 2. Taehyung eats waffle, Japchae, Waffle, Japchae, Popcorn, Pizza, Burger, and 10
Popcorn, Pizza, Burger, and apple apple ice cream is eaten by Taehyung. 10
ice cream. (Simple Present Tense)

3. Make a sentence using first If it rains, I will stay at home 10

conditional or conditional
he will lend me his motorbike If I do not
sentences type 1
argue with my father
3. If ....................,…
she will not pass the literature test If she
will……………………… does not read the novel

4. 4. ......will..................,if.................. If it rains, I will stay at home 10

he will lend me his motorbike If I do not
argue with my father 10

she will not pass the literature test If she

does not read the novel

5. Read the text and answer the Factual Report or Report text. 5 10

Platypus is a semi aquatic mammal from

East to North Australia including
Tazmania. Platypus is one of species of
mono dream and the five extreme
species. Platypus is also the one and only
mammal that lays eggs instead of giving
birth. They lay eggs instead of giving birth
because it can make them live young.
Platypus have a flat body and tail and are
all covered with dense brown fur to keep
them warm. They have webbed feet and
large robbery nets. They use their tail for
No Butir Soal Kunci Jawaban Skor Bobot

story joy.

Platypus are species that are close to

ducks and they are mammals. Their
weights are varieties around 0.7 to 2.4 kg
and males are larger than females. Male
total length averages to 50 cm while the
female major approximately 45 cm.
Platypus has an average temperature of
32 degrees Celsius and typical of the
placental mammals.

5. What is the type of the text


6. 6. What does the text talk about? It talks about Platypus. 5 10

7. 7. What is the main idea of the It is the weight and length of the 10
second paragraph? platypus.

8. Read the text and answer the It started in the 1940’s. 10 10


Fast food nowadays is considered

as a normal eating
venture. People are not just eating
out on special occasions or
weekends anymore. It means that
all the time they mostly eat fast
foods. However is fast food good
for health?
Fast food has its popularity in the
1940’s. Within a few years, fast-
food operations popped up
everywhere. With the compelling
rise in fast-food restaurants since
the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise
in obesity and cancer during that
same time period.
Fast food is highly processed with
a wide array of additives.To
ensure fast food’s low cost, the
fast food products are made with
highly-processed ingredients to
give it selflife, to hold consistency,
and to enhance flavor. Fast food
is altered from its original healthy
It is not the calories in fast food
which damage health and
waistline. It is the chemical
additives such as aspartame and
MSG (monosodium glutamate).
Studies show that the chemical
additives lead to weight and
disease issues.
So, there is absolutely no nutrition
in fastfood. Fast food simply feeds
No Butir Soal Kunci Jawaban Skor Bobot

hunger and craving.

8. When did people start to
enjoy fast food?
9. 9. Why is fast food always Because fast food contains additive 15
associated with obesity and other substances such as aspartame and MSG
diseases? which make people tend to consume fast
food instead of nutrient food.

10. 10. What can be concluded Consuming fast food in your daily basis 15
from the text? is not good. Besides the lack of nutrient,
fast food also contains additive

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