Latihan 1
Latihan 1
Latihan 1
2.1 The e.m.f. at a thermocouple junction is 645 µV at the steam point, 3375 µV at the zinc point
and 9149 µV at the silver point. Given that the e.m.f.–temperature relationship is of the form
E(T ) = a1T + a2T 2 + a3T 3 (T in °C), find a1, a2 and a3.
2.2 The resistance R(θ ) of a thermistor at temperature θ K is given by R(θ ) = α exp( β/θ ). Given
that the resistance at the ice point (θ = 273.15 K) is 9.00 kΩ and the resistance at the steam
point is 0.50 kΩ, find the resistance at 25 °C.
2.3 A displacement sensor has an input range of 0.0 to 3.0 cm and a standard supply voltage
VS = 0.5 volts. Using the calibration results given in the table, estimate:
2.4 A liquid level sensor has an input range of 0 to 15 cm. Use the calibration results given in the
table to estimate the maximum hysteresis as a percentage of f.s.d.
Level h cm 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0
Output volts h increasing 0.00 0.35 1.42 2.40 3.43 4.35 5.61 6.50 7.77 8.85 10.2
Output volts h decreasing 0.14 1.25 2.32 3.55 4.43 5.70 6.78 7.80 8.87 9.65 10.2
2.5 A repeatability test on a vortex flowmeter yielded the following 35 values of frequency
corresponding to a constant flow rate of 1.4 × 10−2 m3 s−1: 208.6; 208.3; 208.7; 208.5; 208.8;
207.6; 208.9; 209.1; 208.2; 208.4; 208.1; 209.2; 209.6; 208.6; 208.5; 207.4; 210.2; 209.2; 208.7;
208.4; 207.7; 208.9; 208.7; 208.0; 209.0; 208.1; 209.3; 208.2; 208.6; 209.4; 207.6; 208.1; 208.8;
209.2; 209.7 Hz.
(a) Using equal intervals of width 0.5 Hz, plot a histogram of probability density values.
(b) Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the data.
(c) Sketch a normal probability density function with the mean and standard deviation
calculated in (b) on the histogram drawn in (a).
2.6 A platinum resistance sensor is used to interpolate between the triple point of water (0 °C),
the boiling point of water (100 °C) and the freezing point of zinc (419.6 °C). The corre-
sponding resistance values are 100.0 Ω, 138.5 Ω and 253.7 Ω. The algebraic form of the inter-
polation equation is:
RT = R0(1 + α T + βT 2 )
where RT Ω = resistance at T °C
R0 Ω = resistance at 0 °C
α, β = constants.
Find the numerical form of the interpolation equation.
2.7 The following results were obtained when a pressure transducer was tested in a laboratory under
the following conditions:
I Ambient temperature 20 °C, supply voltage 10 V (standard)
II Ambient temperature 20 °C, supply voltage 12 V
III Ambient temperature 25 °C, supply voltage 10 V
Input (barg) 0 2 4 6 8 10
Output (mA)
I 4 7.2 10.4 13.6 16.8 20
II 4 8.4 12.8 17.2 21.6 28
III 6 9.2 12.4 15.6 18.8 22
(a) Determine the values of KM, KI, a and K associated with the generalised model equa-
tion O = (K + KM IM)I + a + KI II .
(b) Predict an output value when the input is 5 barg, VS = 12 V and ambient temperature
is 25 °C.
Basic problems
2.8 A force sensor has an output range of 1 to 5 V corresponding to an input range of 0 to
2 × 105 N. Find the equation of the ideal straight line.
2.9 A differential pressure transmitter has an input range of 0 to 2 × 104 Pa and an output range
of 4 to 20 mA. Find the equation to the ideal straight line.
2.10 A non-linear pressure sensor has an input range of 0 to 10 bar and an output range of 0 to
5 V. The output voltage at 4 bar is 2.20 V. Calculate the non-linearity in volts and as a
percentage of span.
2.11 A non-linear temperature sensor has an input range of 0 to 400 °C and an output range of 0 to
20 mV. The output signal at 100 °C is 4.5 mV. Find the non-linearity at 100 °C in millivolts
and as a percentage of span.
2.12 A thermocouple used between 0 and 500 °C has the following input–output characteristics:
2.16 An analogue-to-digital converter has an input range of 0 to 5 V. Calculate the resolution error
both as a voltage and as a percentage of f.s.d. if the output digital signal is:
(a) 8-bit binary
(b) 16-bit binary.
2.17 A level transducer has an output range of 0 to 10 V. For a 3 metre level, the output voltage
for a falling level is 3.05 V and for a rising level 2.95 V. Find the hysteresis as a percentage
of span.