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Name of student: Abdullah Amin

Registration no: MAF 223002
Semester: 1
Assignment no: 2
Submitted to: Mr. Khurram Shahzad

OCTOBER 24, 2022

Question no 1

Draw 10 Models on Variables of your interest

Model no 1
Journal Name: IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
Year of publication: 2019

Effect of Accounting Information System on Financial Performance of Firms: A Review of


Accounting Financial Financial

information management performance
(x) decision (M)

system (w)

Future research:
Accounting information system had been widely used by many organizations to automate and
integrate their business operations, efficiency and competitive advantages.
This review focuses on the effect of accounting information system (AIS) on financial
performance of firms. A good number of studies examine the impact of accounting information
system on the general performance of firms and not the financial performance. To this end,
more research can be carried out on this subject to address these issues.
Model no 2
Journal Name: Wiley
Year of publication: 2020
Article name: Corporate social responsibility and financial performance of companies: The
puzzle of concepts, definitions and assessment methods

CSR Competitive Financial

advantage performance


Future research:
The paper has limitations and further research is necessary for the establishment of uniform
CSR assessment tools and indicators to measures CSR performance of the company. Just having
uniformly set indicators system to measure CSR performance it is possible to assess the link
between CSR and financial results of the companies.
Though analysis of the linkages between CSR and various financial performance indicators can
provide for contradicting results and the time frame of assessment is very important the main
obstacles for defining firm relationships between CSR and financial performance of companies
is the lack of uniformly agreed CSR assessment tools.

Model no 3
Journal Name: Journal of Agriculture Economics
Year of publication: 2019
Article name: Risk aversion level influence on farmer’s decision to participate in crop
insurance: A review

Subsidy on the cost Farmers’ decision for High output in farming

of insurance by investment in insurance (M) (y)
government (x)

Pests, Weather, Long

Production Cycle (w)

Future research: There is a limitation in this study. This study discusses RAL but has not linked it
to the possibility of adverse selection. In order to do that, it would be necessary to add new
variables, such as the existence of irrigation, and to expand the study area.
Further studies need to be carried out in this field, in particular with reference to the possibility
of adverse selection or even moral hazards in agricultural insurance in developing countries.

Model no 4
Journal Name: Journal of financial planning review
Year of publication: 2021

Financial Literacy (x) Financial behavior (M) Decision making (y)

Digital Financial Service (w)

Future research: The framework outlined in this paper also has important implications for other
key stakeholders such as policymakers and non-profit organizations that are looking for
guidance in how to (re)design effective FL programs and initiatives that include “digital” FL to
bridge digital divides so that no one is left behind.

Model no 5
Journal Name: MDPI
Year of publication: 2019
Article name: Effects of Financial Education and Financial Literacy on Creative
Entrepreneurship: A Worldwide Research

Education (x) Financial Creative
Decision (M) entrepreneurship (y)
Financial literacy
Global research ability

Future research: It is obvious that the financial literacy of citizens in developing countries is a
social indicator, which will imply in the future, with appropriate measures, the impact of work
and family policies on women’s employment. It must also happen in developed countries, since
financial education is a common tool.
This study focuses on articles published in scientific journals. In future researches it would be
interesting to include in the analysis other documents, such as books or conference documents.
These should reflect a complementary view of this topic of research.

Model no 6

Journal Name: Wiley

Year of publication: 2019

Article name: Financial literacy and financial resilience: Evidence from around the world

Government Credit Products Financial Risk (y)

financial service (x) (M)

Financial Literacy (w)

Policy makers should address gaps in financial knowledge and consumer protections. One
important step could be designing national strategies for financial literacy. Promoting financial
education in school seems also important, in particular to promote financial literacy among the
Workplace financial education could be a way to promote financial literacy among the adult
population. Governments and businesses should take note of the emerging literature on these
topics, as financial inclusion becomes a bigger part of the development policy agenda and as
digital financial products proliferate.

Model no 7

Journal Name: Journal of Economics and Innovative Technologies

Year of publication: 2020
Article name Theoretical aspects of organizational behavior and corporate culture

Corporate Governance Organization behavior M Organization Performance y

Employees Creativity w

Future research:
High-performance organization has a number of characteristics that need to be identified and
described in order to build on their basis a generalized model that can be adapted in each
specific organization in order to optimize existing and new strategic goals and plans.
Model no 8

Journal Name: Elsevier Journal of Business Research

Year of publication: 2020
Article name: Does the financial crisis change the effect of financing on investment? Evidence
from private SMEs

Financial Firm
of private
crisis performance

Internal and
Future research:
Our study also did not examine (because of a lack of data) the specific characteristics of private
firms before the crisis that made them more (or less) committed to keeping investing during the
crisis. This could be relevant for policy makers to see where best to intervene to sustain
business investment.
Another limitation of the study comes from its focus on one country and therefore our
hesitancy in generalizing the applicability of the results to other countries. However, we believe
that our findings would be applicable to European private SMEs that operate in a bank-based
financial system.
Although collecting data on private enterprises can be a colossal task, future research using
cross-country data would yield interesting results.

Model no 9
Journal Name: Springer: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Year of publication: 2020
Article name: The relationship between corporate social responsibility, environmental
investments and financial performance: evidence from manufacturing companies

Corporate Internal and external Financial
social environmental performance
responsibility investments

Prevention and
detection cost

Future research:
This research work extends the current body of knowledge in the area, particularly in human
social responsibility by focusing on environmental investment variables such as global
workforce and local communities. Application of a wider set of longitudinal data as well as
broader industry coverage would provide a better result for environmental investments

Model no 10

Journal Name: Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Production

Year of publication: 2019
Article name: Sustainability strategy as a moderator in the relationship between
Digital business strategy and financial performance

strategy Financial
Managerial performance

system (w)
Future research: There are some limitations in this study, which provide more opportunities for
extensive research in this context. Because this research was conducted among Finnish SMEs
during a specific time, considering data for a single country and a specific period might threaten
the generalizability of the study and cause issues related to cross-sectional data, respectively.
However, these limitations open up the opportunity to conduct the research in other countries, as
well as to validate it with longitudinal data and compare the acquired and available results. Next,
conducting survey-based research with single respondents and managerial perceptions might
have caused bias in this study. However, these issues were mitigated according to several
justifications, including different statistical and common method variance tests.
Additionally, because the questions in this study were mainly related to facts and companies’
perceptions rather than psychological issues, there might be no difference between the
managerial perceptions and the actual results. Nevertheless, collecting data from other resources
and using more than one respondent from each company could be an option for further research.

Model 11: Synthesis Of Above Models:

Global research ability


Corporate Finance and Firm performance

social management
responsibility decisions

CSHR performance
Internal and
Company external
budget environmental

Model 12: My Proposal

Corporate performance

Environmental IT

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