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AWS Q C X 2 93 = 0784265 0504523

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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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AWS QC*2 9 3 m 0784265 0 5 0 4 5 2 4 3T5 m

Keywords -Welding inspector specialist, welding AWS QC2-93

inspection, inspector certification

Recommended Practice for the

Training, Qualification and Certification
of Welding Inspector Specialist and
Welding Inspector Assistant

Supersedes AWS QC2-80

Prepared by
AWS Qualification and Certification Committee

Under the Direction of

AWS Education and Certification Council

Approved by
AWS Board of Directors

This recommended practice defines the requirements and program for an employer (company) to certify Welding
Inspector Specialists (WIS) and Assistants (WIA). The certification program is developed and controlled by an
employer and is limited to its employees. The certification of (WE) requires documentation of experience, training and
satisfactory completion of an examination. The examination tests the (WIS’s) knowledge of welding processes, welding
procedures, welder qualification, destructive testing, nondestructive testing, terms, definitions, symbols, reports,
records, safety and responsibilities,

American Welding Society

550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Statement on Use of AWS Standards

All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American
Welding Society are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the rules of the
American National Standards Institute. When AWS standards are either incorporated in, or made part of, documents
that are included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other governmental bodies, their
provisions carry the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must be
approved by the governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become a part of those laws and
regulations. In all cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes the
AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWS
standard must be by agreement between the contracting parties.

International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-410-8

American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O.Box 351040,Miami, Florida 33135

O 1993 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

Note: The primary purpose of AWS is to serve and benefit its members. To this end, AWS provides a forum for the
exchange, consideration, and discussion of ideas and proposals that are relevant to the welding industry and the
consensus of which forms the basis for these standards. By providing such a forum, AWS does not assume any duties to
which a user of these standards may be required to adhere, By publishing this standard, the American Welding Society
does not insure anyone using the information it contains against any liability arising from that use. Publication of a
standard by the American Welding Society does not carry with it any right to make, use, or sell any patented items.
Users of the information in this standard should make an independent investigation of the validity of that information for
their particular use and the patent status of any item referred to herein,

With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS standards may be rendered.
However, such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular individuals giving them. These
individuals do not speak on behalf of AWS, nor do these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opinions or
interpretations of AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an official

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS Qualification and Certification Committee. It must be
reviewed every five years and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations,
additions, or deletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are requested and should be
addressed to: Director, Qualification and Certification Department, AWS Headquarters. Such comments will receive
careful consideration by the AWS Qualification and Certification Committee and the author of the comments will be
informed of the Committee’s response to the comments. Guests are invited to attend all meetings of the AWS
Qualification and Certification Committee to express their comments verbally. Procedures for appeal of an adverse
decision concerning all such comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the Qualification and Certification
Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O.
Box 351040,Miami, Florida 33135.

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AWS QC82 9 3 0784265 0504526 178

AWS Qualification and Certification Committee

R. E. Blasidell, Chairman The Pritchard Corporation

C. E. Pepper, 1st Vice Chairman Oak Ridge Nat’l Laboratory
J. F. Harris, 2nd Vice Chairman Centerior Energy
L. P. Connor, Secretary American Welding Society
E. M.Beck* Law Engineering Incorporated
W.F.Benke Ford Motor Sterlin Plant
E, R. Bohnart Miller Electric Manufacturing Company
H. Chapman Consultant
H.F. Clark II Fluor Daniel, Incorporated
A. L. Collin Consulting Engineer
P.R. Evans B&W Nuclear Service Company
H.W.Goser Stupp Bros. Bridge and Iron Company
W.L. Green* Retired, Ohio State University
J. E. Greer Moraine Valley Community College
M.L. Houle* Consultant
W.H. Kennedy Canadian Welding Bureau
R. E. Long Consultant
S.P.Martin General Dynamics Land Systems
A. L. Petroskì Valmet Paper Machinery
R. R. Picard ASEA Brown Boveri
S.L. Raymond National Training Fund
T.Schlafly* AISC
s. w.Scott Westinghouse Hanford Company
R. M.Simons Washington Public Supply System
W. F. Urbick Welding Management Consultants
R. F. Waite Consultant
R. K. Wiswesser Welder Training and Testing Institute
F, G. Ddaurier, Ex-Oficio American Welding Society
D. W.Dickinson, Ex Oficio Ohio State University
J. C.Papritan, Ex-Officio Ohio State University

* Advisor


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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AWS 6!C*i<2 93 m 0784265 0504527 004 m

AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors (QCE)

R.M.Sìmons, Chairman Washington Public Supply System

J. H.Balch National Pipeline Welding Sch601
R.H.Clarbour Ariington Structural Steel Company Incorporated
S.l? Fugate Fought and Company, Incorporated
L. G. Kvìàahl Ingails Shipbuilding
R,D. Messer Exxon Chemical
R.K Wiswesser Welder Training and Testing Institute
J. H.Zìrnhelt Charcas international Incorporated


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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AWS QC*Z 93 m 0784265 0504528 T 4 0 m

(This Foreword is not a part of AWS QC2-93, Recommended Practice for the Training, Qualìficatìon and
Certificationof WeldingInspector Specialist and WeldingInspectorAssistant, but is included for information purposes
The purpose of welding inspection is to determine that a welded product meets the requirements of a specific code,
standard, specification or contract. These documents usually contain reference to a specific code, standard or
specification, and detailed drawings that outline general and specific requirements for the work. The welding insppctor
must be thoroughly familiar with the welding processes used, welding procedures, welder qualifications, materials and
limitations of weld testing; and must be able to read drawings, keep records, make reports and make responsible
For weld inspection to be effective, it must be performed in a manner that is consistent with the specification
requirements and the technical and ethical principles. The employer must accept the burden of responsibility of training,
testing, qualifying and certifying employees in accordance with an established written practice.
Comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome. They should be sent in writing to the Secretary, AWS
Qualification and Certification Committee, American Welding Society, 550 N.W.LeJepne Road, P.O.Box 351040,
Miami, FL 33135.
Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may be obtained by sending a request, in
writing, to the Director of Qualification and Certification Department, American Welding Society. A formal replay will
be issued after it has been reviewed by the appropriate personnel following established procedures.

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AWS d C * 2 93 = 0784265 0504529 987 =

Table of Contents
Pago No .
Personnel ....................................................... ....................................................................................... 1...11

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. V
1. Scope ................................................................ ............................................................................................ 1

. 8 -

2 . Levels of Qualification ................................................................................................................................. 1

2.1 Welding inspector Specialist (WIS) ..................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Welding Inspector Assistant (WIA) ..................... ;............................................................................... 1
3. Terms and Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 1
4. Function ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 . Education and Experience ..................... :...................................................................................................... 2
5.1 WIS Candidate .................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 WIA Candidate ................................................................................................................................... 2
6. Written Practice ........................................................................................................................................... 2
7. Physical Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 3
7.1 Performance ........................................................................................................................................ 3
7.2 Vision Requirement ................................................................................ i ............................................ 3
8. Training ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
9. Examination Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 3
9.1 Proficiency Examination ..................................................................................................................... 3
9.2 WIS Examination ................................................................................................................................ 3
9.3 WIA Examination ............................................................................................................................... 3
1O. Certification ................................................................................................................................................. 4
11 . Code of Ethics .............................................................................................................................................. 4
11.1 Responsibility to the Public ................................................................................................................. 4
11.2 Conflict of Interest .............................................................................................................................. 4
11.3 Unauthorized Practice ......................................................................................................................... 4
12. Revocation of Certification ........................................................................................................................... 4
13. Reinstatement ............................................................................................................................................... 5
14. Recertification .............................................................................................................................................. 5
15. Termination .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Appendix A - Guidelines for Recommended Training Course for Welding Inspector Specialist or
Welding Inspector Assistant ......................................................................................................... 7
Appendix B -Recommended Form for VisualAcuity Record ............................................................................. 9


COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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AWS Q C X 2 93 M 0784265 0504530 b T 9

Recommended Practice for the Training,

Qualification, and Certification of Welding Inspector
Specialist and Welding Inspector Assistant

1. Scope WIS in performing the WIS’s defined duties. The WIA

shall perform inspection duties under the supervision of
1.1 This recommended practice establishes the mini-
a WIS.
mum requirements for the employer training, qualifica-
tion and certification of the Welding Inspector Specialist 2.3 The WIS and WIA will not be subject to examina-
and Welding Inspector Assistant. The employer is re- tion and certification by AWS. The WIS and WIA are
sponsible for the training, testing, examination and certi- not acceptable candidates for reciprocity as CWI or
fication of the inspectors. CAW1 in accordance with AWS QCl.
1.2 This recommended practice has been developed by
AWS to aid employers in identifying the basic factors in 3. Terms and Definitions
training, qualifying and certifying personnel performing
welding inspection for a specific company or project. The terms included in this recommended practice are
as defined in ANSVAWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms
1.3 In developing the written practice (see Art. 6.0),the

and Definitions, and as defined below.

employer shall review the detailed recommendations
presented herein and should incorporate them into the Certification. A written statement or document attest-
practice. ing that an individual has met the standards as estab-
lished for those particular functions.
1.4 An AWS Certified Welding Inspector or Certified
Associate Welding Inspector may perform the duties of Certifying Agency. The employer of the person being
the WIS or WIA, respectively, without qualification and certified.
certification under this recommended practice.
Certifying Official. The employee of the company is
designated to certify inspectors and revoke certification.
2. Levels of Qualification Employer. The corporate, private or public entity which
employs personnel for compensation.
There are two levels of welding inspector certification
defined in this document. These are Welding Inspector Owner. The person or entity which will become the
Specialist (WIS) and Welding InspectorAssistant (WU). possessor or the designated engineer responsible for the

construction of weldments erected or fabricated under a

2.1 Welding Inspector Specialist (WIS). A Welding
I code, standard or specification.
I Inspector Specialist is an individual who has been trained,
qualified and certified by the employer as meeting the Qualification. Demonstrated skill, training, knowledge
I requirements of the employer’s welding examination and experience required for personnel to properly per-
program. form duties of a specific job.
2.2 Welding Inspector Assistant (WIA). Welding In- Recommended Practice. Guidelines utilized in devel-
spector Assistant is an individual who has been trained, oping a written practice establishing uniform procedures
qualified and certified by the employer as meeting the for training, qualification and certification of WIS and
requirements of the employer’s program to assist the WIA.

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AWS QC*2 9 3 0784265 050453L 535

Training. The program developed to impart the knowl- year’s experience in the fabrication industry working to a
edge and skills necessary for qualification and work code or standard. This experience shall be documented
performance. by transcripts or letters of reference.
Written Practice. A document prepared by the em- The candidate shall have the following
ployer to specify methods, requirements, examination, education and experience:
records, certifying official, etc., for a company’s weld- (1) Eighth grade level schooling with no less than
ing inspection personnel certification program. ten year’s experience in welding functions defined in
Art. 5.1.2
(2) A maximum of two years of post high school
4. Function education may be substituted for an equal number of
In establishing a program, the employer shall state in years of the required five year’s experience, provided the
the written practice specific functions to be carried out studies are directly related to and of the function defined
by the inspectors. The items in Appendix A shall be in Art. 5.1.2
incorporated in the written practice. The company Post high school education is defined as the
methods for accomplishing each duty shall be defined.
The specific functions of the WIS and the WIA shall be
defined in the written practice. (a) Associate or higher degree in engineering,
engineering technology, physics or sciences
(b) Engineering/technical school courses’ success-
5. Education and Experience fully completed in a curriculum that can be (or could
have been) applied to (1) above
5.1 WIS Candidate. The following are minimum (c) Trade/vocational school courses’ in a curricu-
requirements for each candidate who is to be considered lum related to welding that can be (or could have been)
for WIS. applied to (a) above
5.1.1 The candidate shall be a high school graduate or 5.2 W U Candidate. The following are minimum
hold an approved general equivalency diploma. requirements for each candidate for WLA:
5.1.2 The candidate shall be employed no less than 5.2.1 The candidate shall hold a high school or an
two years with the employer and have two year’s experi- approved general equivalency diploma.
ence in an occupational function that has direct relation-
ship to weldments fabricated to a code, standard or 5.2.2 The candidate shall have at least six month’s
specification and directly involved in one or more of the experience in an occupational function that has a direct
following: relationship to weldments fabricated to a code or standard
(see Art. 5.1.2).
(1) Design. Preparation of plans and drawings for
weldment construction 5.23 Alternativesto Art. 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 for a combina-
(2) Production. ,Planning and control of welding tion of educationand experiencemay be applied according
operations such as procedures, equipment, materials or to the following:
personnel involved in weldment fabrication The candidate shall have an eighth grade level
(3) Construction. Performance as a welder, fitter schooling with no less than five year’s experience in
or other function in the fabrication or erection of welding functions defined in Art. 5.1.2.
(4) Inspection. Detection and measurement of weld
discontinuities or verification of fabrication requirements 6. Written Practice
(5) Repair. Repair of weldments
6.1 The employer shall establish a written practice for
5.1.3 The candidate shall submit written documenta- the administration of personnel training, qualification,
tion that he meets the requirements of Art. 5.1.1 and certification and job functions for welding inspectors.
5.1.2 or the alternatives listed in Art. 5.1.4.
5.1.4 Alternatives to Art. 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 for a combina-
tion of education and experiencemay be applied according
to the following. 1. Courses in a curriculum means courses within a body of
courses offered toward a degree, or can be applied to a degree Experience. A candidate may be em- in (1) above. Successfully completed courses of number of
ployed less than two years by the employer and have five hours earned is necessary.

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

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AWS Q C M 2 93 0784265 0504532 47L

6.2 The written practice shall include topics, subjects 8.3 The training program shall include sufficient exam-
and training related to the inspection of weldments fabri- ination to assure that the necessary skiils have been
cated to a code, standard or specification as applied by learned and can be demonstrated.
the employer.
6.3 The written practice shall define the company offi-
cial who is authorized to certify inspectors or revoke
9. Examination Requirements
certification.If an auditing committee is established, the 9.1 Proficiency Examination. The employer shall ex-
company official responsible for certification shall be amine the candidates or inspectors periodically to deter-
the chairmen of the auditing committee. mine the employee’s abilities in the inspection program.
The examinations shall incorporate check points or
proficiency demonstration to verify that the employee
possesses the ability to perform specific inspection and
7. Physical Requirements interpret results. All examinations and results shall be a
permanent part of the inspector’s record.
7.1 Performance. Candidates must be physically able
to safely perform the activities as required or specified 9.2 WiS Examination
by the ëmployer*The functions to be performed by an
9.2.1 The employer shall stnichrea test consisting of
inspector are defined in the employer’s written practice.
three parts as defined below. Candidates shall meet the
7.2 Vision Requirement. Each inspector shall perform vision acuity requirement and achieve the minimum
the following: passing score for each of the three tests. Additional
pointson one test cannot be credited to another test to
7.2.1 An eye examination shall be passed, with or
raise the score.
without corrective lenses to prove (1) near vision acuity
on Snellen English or equivalent, at twelve inches, and 9.2.2 An open-book test shall be given on the require-
(2) far vision perception test for 20/40, or better. ments of a code or standard consisting - of at least 32
questions and requiring a minimum passing score of
7.2.2 A color perception test for redigreen and blue/
yellow differentiation shall be taken.
9.23 A test on fundamental welding principles shall
Note: It is the employer’s responsibility to determine
be given. This test shall include welding processes, NDE
and enforce the need for any color perception require-
methods, mechanical properties of materials and duties
ments. However, the examination must be performed
of the inspector. This test shall consist of at least 75
and documented on the inspector’s record.
questions and require a minimum passing score of 72%.
7.23 The eye examination shall be administered by
9.2.4 A test on practical applications of welding in-
an optometrist, medical doctor, registered nurse, certi- spection shall be given. This test shall include knowl-
fied physician’s assistant or certified ASNT Level III
edge on topics such as weld discontinuities,welding and
personnel no more than seven months prior to the date of
NDE symbols, welding procedures and inspection of
the inspector’s certification or recertification.
actual samples for acceptance or rejection. This test will
7.2.4 The eye examination results shall be docu- consist of 32 questions-and requirë a minimum passing
mented on a form that can be understood by non- score of 72%.

-one hour.
9.3 W U Examination
8. ’Raining 93.1 The employer shall structure a test consisting of
l 8.1 Candidates (WIS or WIA) to be considered for qual- two parts as defined below. Candidates shall meet the
ification and certification shall complete sufficient orga- vision acuity requirement and achieve the minimum
nized training to become thoroughly familiar with the passing score for each of the two tests. Additional points
II principles and practices of welding inspection applicable on one test cannot be credited to another test to raise the
to the practice to be used and the products to be inspected, score.
‘I including the inspection tools and equipment.
9.3.2 A test on fundamental welding principles shall
8.2 A recommended training course outline of subjects be given. This test shall include welding processes, NDE
is provided in Appendix A. methods, mechanical properties of materials and duties

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AWS QC*Z 93 0784265 0504533 308

of the inspector. This test shall consist of at least 60 Accordingly,

questions and require a minimum passing score of 72%. (1) The WIS and WIA shall undertake and perform
9.3.3 A test on practical applications of welding in- assignments only when qualified by training, experience
spection shall be given. This test shall include knowl- and capability. Credentials shall be shown upon request.
edge on topics such as weld discontinuities, welding and (2) The WIS and WIA shall be completely objective,
NDE symbols, welding procedures and inspection of thorough, and factual in any written report, statement of
actual samples for acceptance or rejection. This test will testimony of the work and include all relevant or perti-
consist of 25 questions and require a minimum passing nent testimony in such communication.
score of 72%. (3) The WIS and WIA shall sign only for work that
the WIS or WiA has inspected or for work over which
9.3.4 Recommended duration for the tests are: Funda- the WIS has personal knowledge through direct
mentals - one hour, Practical - one-half hour. supervision.
(4) The WIS and WIA shall neither associate with nor
knowingly participate in a fraudulent or dishonestventure.
10. Certification 11.2 Conflict of Interest
10.1 At the option of the employer, an outside agency 11.2.1 The WIS and WIA shall avoid conflict of in-
may be engaged to provide assistance in training and terest with the employer and will disclose any business
qualification services. In such instances, the employer is association or circumstance that might be so considered.
responsible to assure that training, qualification and 11.2.2 The WIS and WIA shall not accept compensa-
certification are in accordance with this document. tion, financial or otherwise, from more than one party for
10.2 The employer purchasing outside training and qual- services on the same project, or for services pertaining to
ification services is responsible for auditing the agency the same project, unless the circumstances are fully
providing the services to assure that the service complies disclosed and agreed to by all interested parties or their
with this document. The employer shall maintain a writ- authorized agents.
ten record of the audit(s). 11.2.3 The WIS and WIA shall not solicit or accept
10.3 Certification records shall be maintained on file by gratuities, directly or indirectly, from any party or parties
the employer and should contain records of the certified dealing with the client or employer in connection with
individual and copies of written practices as required by the WIS or WIA work.
Art. 6.0. These records should be maintained during the 11.2.4 The WIS and WiA shall, while serving in the
time the inspectors are certified and for three years after capacity of an elected, retained, or employed public
the termination of the employee. These records shall official, neither inspect nor approve work on projects
contain as a minimum the following: relating to their public office.
(1) Name of certified individual 11.3 Unauthorized Practice. Any violation of any re-
(2) Experience and training of the individual quired standard of conduct prescribed by this recom-
(3) Statement indicating satisfactory completion of mended practice if related to the WIS or WIA occupation,
training in accordance with employer’s written practice. including any violation of the Code of Ethics contained
(4) Results of examinations prescribed in Art. 7, 8 in this recommend practice, shall constitute an unauth-
and 9. orized practice subject to the imposition of sanctions by
( 5 ) Signature of certifying official the company official or auditing committee.
(6) Date@) of certification Caution: While the WIS and wui have established
credentials, company certification alone may not legal-
ly qualify the inspector to provide inspection service to
11. Code of Ethics the public. Contract documents, building code laws,
and other specifications for the project may require
Preamble: The company will allow the inspector to inspections to be performed under the direction of oth-
submit all the applicable inspection reports prepared as ers, such às a professional engineer or AWS Certified
directed by the code or contract of jurisdiction. Welding Inspector.
11.1 Responsibility to the Public. The WIS and WIA
are obligated to preserve the health and well-being of the
public by performing their duties of weld inspection in a 12. Revocation of Certification
conscientious and impartial manner to the full extent of 12.1 The company official or auditing committee has
the inspector’s qualifications. the power to suspend, refuse renewal, or revoke the WIS

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AWS QC*2 9 3 0 7 8 4 2 6 5 0504534 2 4 4

or WIA certification for violation of the requirements of 14.1.1 There shall be documented evidence of con-
this document or the written practice. tinuing satisfactory welding inspection performance to a
code or standard.
12.2 The company official or auditing committee may
recommend termination of a WIS or WIA who flagrantly 14.1.2 The inspector shall pass an eye examination as
violates the Code of Ethics. specified in Art. 7.
14.2 The WIS or WIA may be reexamined at any time at
the discretion of the employer and have certification
13, Reinstatement extended or revoked.
Reinstatement of revoked certification is allowed, pro-
14.3 Reexamination for proficiency of the wIs or wIA
vided the reason for the revocation has been rectified to
may be requested by the owner, The company certifica-
the company official’s or auditing committee’s satisfac- shall provide verification of proficiency,
tion. Documentation of reinstatement and the supporting
reasons become a pertinent part of the WIS Ör WIÁ
15, Termination
All certifications are automatically terminated when
14. Recertification an employee leaves the employer where he had been
14.1 Each WIS or W U shall be recertified at least once certified. Upon termination,-the- employee may request
every three years in accordance with the following crite- a document showing training and certification as a WIS
ria as determined by the company official: or WIA.

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AWS QC*Z 9 3 07842b.5 0504535 LBO

Appendix A
Guidelines for Recommended Training Course
far Welding Inspector Specialist
or Welding Inspector Assistant
(This Appehdix is not a patt of AWS QC2-93, Recommended Practice for the Training, Qualification and
Certìjìcation of WeldingInspector Specialist and Welding Inspector Assistant, but is included for information purposes

I. Introduction D. Mechanical
1. Tensile strength
A. Capabilities 2. Soundness
1. Judges quality 3. Hardness
2. Interprets specification -limitations and intent 4. Toughness
3. Communicate results and makes reports to E. Testing for Mechanical Properties
supervisor F. Metallographic Tests
B. Qualifications
I' 1. Physical condition
2. Vision IV. Fabrication
3, Knowledge of welding
4. Knowledge of drawings, specifications, codes A. Joint Preparation
and procedures B. Joint Fit up
5 , Knowledge of testing methods C. Welding Procedure Specification
6. Experience D. Welder Qualification
7. Education and training E. Other Fabrication Documents
C. Responsibilities
1. General
2. Specific company responsibilities V. Heat 'Jkeatment
A. Preheat
B. Postweld Heat Treatment
II. Welding, Cutting and Brazing
Processes VI. Nondestructive Examination
A. Processes used in fabricating the product being A. Visual Inspection
inspected 1. Application and acceptance standards
B. Overview of each process 2. Tools and their use
I C. Discontinuities which may be encountered with B. Liquid Penetrant Testing
l each process 1. Procedures
2. Acceptance standards
I III. Properties of Metals C. Magnetic Particle Testing
1. Acceptance standards
A. Weldability D. Other Testing and Inspection
'( B. Metallurgy 1. 100%sampling
C. Chemistry 2. Random sampling

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AWS Q C U 2 93 0784265 0504536 O17

3. Radiographic D. NDEReports
4. Ultrasonic E. Narrative Reports
E. Specific Company Procedures
VIII. References
VII. Inspection Documentation A. AWS WeldingHandbook, 7th Edition, Volumes 1
A. Verify Dimensions through 5
B. Written Welding Procedures B. AWS WeldingHandbook, 8th Edition, Volume 1
C. Welder Qualification Papers C. WeldingInspection, AWS 1980

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AWS dC*Z 93 0784265 0504537 T53

Appendix B
Recommended Form for Visual Acuity Record
(This Appendix is not a part of AWS QC2-93, Recommended Practice for the Training, Qualification and Certi-
fication of WeldingInspector Specialist and WeldingZnspectorAssitant, but is included for information purposes only.)

The date of the eye exam must not be.more than 7 months prior to the date of the
welding inspectors exam.
NOTE: Visual acuity records which do not comply with the above will not be accepted.

Applicant’s Name Certificate No.’ Social Security No.

Date ¿? City of your CWI test

TESTS. Meets without Meets with
eye correction eye correction Does not meet
1. Far Vision
20/40 or better o U o
2. Near Vision
Snellen English at a
distance of 12 inches O O o
Color Perception Meets Does not meet
Pseudoisochromatic plates
3. Red/green differentiation o o
i 4. Biue/yellow differentiation O o

I certify that I, , administered an eye exam

Printed Name of Eye Examiner

to 7 on which demonstrated
Printed Name of Applicant Mo. Day Year
the vision capabilities indicated above. Check one of the following:
0 Optometrist O Medical Doctor O ASNT Level III
O Registered Nurse o Certified Physician’s Assistant

I State License #

Signature of Eye Examiner Professional Address

Tel. No. ( 1
I certify that the above-named eye examiner works under my supervision. Check one of the following:
CI Optometrist O Medical Doctor
O Registered Nurse o Certified Physician’s Assistant

Printed Name of Supervisor Signaiure of Supervisor

Only if already certified

COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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