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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)

ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 5 Issue 9, September - 2019

Design Of 11/0.415 kV Substation Using

Applicable International Codes
Oyeleye, M. O.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Federal University of Technology Akure,
[email protected]

Abstract—This research focus on design of long power lines into smaller sections. This helps to
11/0.415 kV distribution substation. The research reduce any interruption to the continuity of supply when a
was carried out to overcome the loss of power section is not functional or faulty or during maintenance
supply due to overloading of an existing 11/0.415 work. Reliability is a major factor that influence power
kV distribution substation in a community area, system design, planning and operation, particularly for
Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria. Data were substation. Substations are used for raising voltage level
collected from concerned power utility company - for transmission and stepping down for power distribution.
peak load current, supply voltage, and frequency. Substation consists of power transformer, feeder pillars,
Appropriate existing algorithm, tested and switching, measurement, and protection and control
reliable codes on past commissioned of devices to ensure safe and efficient operation (Johnson,
multinational projects were applied to the 2015). 11/0.415 kV substations are common sight on
collected data to achieve the design of this streets and perform the function of distributing and
project. Reliable, efficient, safety of the coordinating power supply to specific group of consumers
substation, safe operation of end users in a given neighborhood. 11/0.415kV substation is the
equipment and properties were put into final stage of electric power distribution system in Nigeria,
consideration by carefully design associated as the circuits leaves the substation at 11/0.415 kV to enter
protective devices on high tension and low consumers’ terminals. Much of the outages at distribution
tension sides using suitable and applicable level occur at this final stage (Boknam, et al., 2007).
international codes. Grounding of the substation Therefore, ensuring a very reliable operational substation
and lightning arrester were properly designed at this final stage of power distribution is a very important
and sized for safety of the personnel, equipment issue. By identifying possible causes of failure and
and effective discharge of lightning over voltages elimination will obviously help to improve reliability
to the ground using appropriate codes. Design of (Warwich, 2007). Most power outages are caused by storm
11/0.415 kV substation that meet load demand of and weather‐related damage to overhead distribution
60% loading and 75% of previous loading power lines. Heavy winds and storm can cause trees to
including 1.25 future expansion factor touch power lines, contact of two phases and sometimes
overloading of the transformer was achieved. can cause lines and poles to break and fall. Animal contact
Previous loading of 75% which will cater for 2hrs (snake, lizard, bird), overloading, vehicular accidents,
overloading is designed thus long operational life equipment failure, and human error also contribute to
of the transformer. The common tripping of high cause of power outages (US Department of Energy, 2012).
voltage (HV) fuse when a transformer is Aging of equipment and installation; and use of
overloaded is avoided in HV side. The protection substandard materials are other factor affecting
of the transformer and all other elements were effectiveness of power distribution systems. Reliability is a
highly considered in this work. The life span of very broad concept and multiple of definitions abound in
the substation transformer increases in this type many literatures. In Engineering, Reliability is commonly
of design. This research recommends that for defined as the probability that an item will perform a
high reliability and efficiency of 11/0.415 kV required function without failure under stated condition for
substation, transformer should be loading at a stated period of time. According to EPRI (2000), the
60% loading and 75% previous loading for 2hrs goals of the power distribution system are covering the
overloading, 1.25 future expansion factor should territory having sufficient capacity for peak demand and
be considered, transformer should not be design being able to operate under adverse conditions thereby
to operate at 100% previous loading and derating providing a stable and quality voltage. However, to
factor should be considered in sizing cable when achieve these goals there must be a reliable or otherwise
more than one in parallel. well designed substations between the generating stations
and load centres. Therefore, this research considered the
Keywords—substation; code; grounding; design of 11/0.415 kV substation to promote the best mode
overloading; transformer. of practicing, sizing of substation elements and code of
practice in order to achieve a substation that will meet the
1. Introduction
need of the end users. This research was motivated due to
Substations play key role in reliability of any electric the existing substation, 500 kVA, 11/0.415kV, 50Hz
power systems. At distribution level, it is use in dividing experiencing frequent tripping and the concerned authority
JMESSP13420568 2782
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 5 Issue 9, September - 2019

resulted into undesirable load shedding 10years ago. As a Their main functions are to receive power transmitted at
result of this, another substation was commissioned about high voltage from the generating stations and reduce the
7years ago. Presently, the area is experiencing same voltage to a value suitable for distribution. Some
problem of load shedding. The occupants of this substation substations provide facilities for switching operations of
are high caliber people which include a vice chancellor of transmission lines, others are converting stations.
a private university in Nigeria, a retired pharmacist of Substations are provided with safety devices to disconnect
Federal University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria, a equipment or circuit at the time of faults. Substations are
Managing Director and medical practitioner in Lagos the convenient place for installing synchronous condensers
State, a practicing consulting engineer and lecturer in a for the purpose of improving power factor and provide
Nigeria Federal University, directors in the Lagos States facilities for making measurements to monitor the
coupled with the high concentration of the people where operation of the various parts of the power system (Gupta,
street lights are highly needed to reduce mischievous 2010, Johnson, 2015, Nawaz, 2016)
characters in the night. Loading of transformer at 60% to The substations may be classified according to service
cater for future expansion is a necessity. Code requirements and constructional features (Nawaz, 2016).
recommends 25% future expansion of the load. It therefore According to service requirements it is classified in to
means that 25% of the 60% loading yields 75% previous transformer substations, switching substations and
loading. This will allows moderate overloading at 75% converting substations (Nawaz, 2016).
previous loading. The design in work is based on this 1.2.1 Transformer substations
philosophy. This will facilitates long life of the Majority of the substations in the power system are
transformers or otherwise the substation. Apart from load classified under this type. They are used to transform
shielding that motivated this work which was mentioned power from one voltage level to another voltage level.
earlier, another motivation is inability of the author to Transformer is the main component in such substations.
design a 33/0.415 kV substation after 2years of obtaining Transformer substations are further classified into Step-up
his Master Degree when working with an international substations, Primary grid substations, Secondary
consulting firm. This bottleneck should be overcome with substations and Distribution substations (Johnson, 2015).
our first and second degree holders, thus the high
motivation of this research. Step-up substations: These substations are usually
located at the generating stations.
1.1 Overview of power system Generating voltage of the order of 11kV needs to be
Power demand is increasing rapidly due to increase in stepped up to a primary transmission voltage level of the
industrial, commercial and agricultural consumers. It is order of 330 kV or 400 kV depending on the country.
required to have large blocks of power generation in
country like Nigeria where transmission and distribution Primary grid substations: These substations are
losses are very high (Onohaebi and Kuale, 2007). In order located at the end of primary transmission lines and the
to meet consumer demand, more generating stations (GS) primary voltage is stepped down to suitable secondary
like Thermal, Gas, Hydro and Nuclear are needed which voltages of the order of 132 kV or 33 kV.
are far away from consumer. To transmit large amount of
power up to long distance, extra high voltage lines are Secondary substations: The voltage is further
necessary for transmission to the load centers for increased stepped down to 11kV. Large consumers are supplied
reliability of supply, greater system stability and hence power at 11 kV (Gupta, 2005, Johnson, 2015).
cheaper electric energy (Gupta, 2005, Nawaz, 2016). In
between power stations and consumers, transformation and Distribution substations: These substations are
switching stations called substations are necessary for the located near the consumer localities to supply power at
control of electrical power system. This research focus on 415V, three phase or 240V, single phase to the consumers.
the design of 11/0.415 kV distribution sub-station
(11/0.415 kV) is review in this work. 1.2.2 Switching substations
These substations are meant for switching operations of
1.2 Substations power lines without transforming the voltage. Different
connections are made between the various transmission
Electric power is produced at the power generating stations lines.
which are generally located far away from the load centers.
High voltage (HV) transmission lines are used to transmit 1.2.3 Converting substation: Such substations are
the electric power from the generating stations to the load meant for either converting AC to DC or vice versa. Some
centers. Between the power generating station and are used to change the frequency from higher to lower or
consumers a number of transformations and switching vice versa for industry utilizations.
stations are required. These are generally known as 1.2.4 Substation according to constructional features
substations. Substations are important part of power substations
system and form a link between generating stations,
transmission systems and distribution systems. It is an Indoor substations: All equipment of the
assembly of electrical components such as bus-bars, substation is installed within the station buildings.
switchgear apparatus, power transformers, low voltage
panels, protective device and the likes.
JMESSP13420568 2783
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 5 Issue 9, September - 2019 Outdoor substations: All equipment such as step up the voltage levels of a system for transmission and
transformers, circuit breakers, isolators, etc., is installed generation purpose. These transformers are classified into
outdoors. different types based on their design, utilization purpose,
installation methods, and so on. (Nawaz, 2016). The Underground substations: In thickly populated continuous loading of transformer for high efficiency is
areas where the space is the major constraint, and cost of 50% (NEMA Standard, 2002, Bureau of energy efficiency,
land is higher, under such situation the substations are laid 2005, NAEEEP, 2011, Zenatix, 2015). A variation of 50-
underground. 60% (Bureau of Energy Efficiency, 2005) and can be Pole mounted substations: This is an outdoor considered for a transformer which has not been repaired
substation with equipment installed overhead on a H pole (Zenatix, 2015). If the transformer is loaded from 60% -
or 4 pole structure. 100% the loss varies between 0.4% - 1.9% percent
(Schneider, 2015). However the overloading of a
1.3 Substation Elements transformers depends on the transformer’s previous load or
Substation equipment are required to control and maintain the corresponding oil temperature at the beginning of the
power supply (Johnson, 2015). Substation equipment overloading (Schneider, 2015). The permissible duration
design is very important from the point of view of and percentage overloading is present in Figure 1 – 3
reliability of system supply. In this project, main objective based on previous loading of 50, 75 and 90 percent
is to size 11/0.415 kV substation element which has higher respectively (Schneider, 2015).
reliability and security from design point of view. The
meaning and purpose of substation element are discussed 200 180

underneath 90
100 60
30 15

1.3.1 High Voltage Fuse 0

The word fuse is a short form of “fusible link” and it is
also protection device capable of protecting a circuit from 50 % Overloading
overload currents and short circuit currents. Fuses are rated
in terms of many aspects. These include voltage, current Figure 2: 50% Previous Loading
and the type of application. A high rupturing capacity
(HRC) fuse is a fuse that has a high breaking capacity 150 120

(higher kA rating. A general approach is that it should 100 60

30 15
operate at 1.25 times the rated current. A typical fuse is 50 8
made of silver-coated copper strips and granular quartz 0
(Gupta, 2010, Nawaz, 2016).


1.3.2 Lightning Arrester (LA) 75 % Overloading

The substation elements such as conductors, transformers,
etc., are always erected outdoor. Whenever light surges
occur a high-voltage pass through these electrical Figure 2: 75% Previous Loading
components causing damage to them, either temporary or
permanent damage depending on the magnitude of voltage

surge (Melodi and Oyeleye, 2017). Therefore, to avoid this
50 25 15
difficulty, lightening arresters are placed to pass the entire 8 4
lightening surges to earth. There are many arresters which 0
are used to ground the switching surges, however metal

oxide lighting arresters is used in this research base on

superior energy absorption capability, better surge 90 % Overloading
protection, more stable protective characteristics and
substantial reduction, overvoltage across equipment as
compared to other types of arrester. (Gupta, 2010, Weedy, Figure 3: 90% Previous Loading
et., al 2012, Nawaz, 2016,) A general approach is that it
should operate at 1.1 times the rated voltage (NEC, 2005). 1.3.4 Conductor and Cable
The down conductor for discharging current to the ground The material that obeys the electrical property conductance
is sized to 161mm2 (Oyeleye, 2017). (mostly made of metals such as aluminum and copper) and
that allows the flow of electric charge is called conductor.
1.3.3 Transformer Conductor permits free movement of the flow of electrons
A static electrical machine used for transforming power through them. These are used for the transmission of
from one circuit to another through electromagnetic electrical energy from one place (generating station) to
induction circuit without changing frequency is termed as another place (consumer point) through substations.
power transformer (Dasgupta, 2007, Gupta, 2010, Nawaz, Conductors are of different types and mostly aluminum
2016). The transformers are generally used to step down or conductors are preferred in practical power systems
JMESSP13420568 2784
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 5 Issue 9, September - 2019

because its cheap and light in weight. Even though

electrical conductivity of Aluminum (Al) is lesser than that 1.3. 8 Voltage Transformer (VT)
of copper Cu (60%) for the same resistance for a given It is quite similar to the current transformer, but it is used
length, Al is still frequently prefer to Cu for bare electric for taking samples of high voltages of a system for
conduction over long distance (Lakervi and Holmes, 1989, providing low-voltage to the relays of protection system
Gupta, 2005, Nawaz, 2016). Conductors are selected base and also to the low-rating meter for voltage measurement.
on rating of loads and ambient conditions (moisture, From this low-voltage measurement, the actual system’s
temperature, exposure to sun and area to be installed). the high voltage can be calculated without measuring high
ampacity of electrical components for the circuits are voltages directly to avoid the cost of the measurement
determined by current ratings and associated voltage drop system (Nagrath and Kothari, 2003, Nawaz, 2016). This is
as contained in Catalogues (ABB, 2005, Kable Metal , installed in low voltage panel.
2005, Nigerchin , 2006). Conductor can be for HV or LV
distribution. Cable is a conductor covered with insulator 1.3.9 Bus-Bar (LTP)
(Hilsdorf and Matinez, 2015). Even though electrical The conductor carrying current and having multiple
conductivity of Al is lesser than Cu (60%) for the same numbers of incoming and outgoing line connections can be
resistance for a given length, Al is still frequently prefer to called as bus bar, which is commonly used in the low
Cu for bare electric conduction over long distance in voltage panel. These are classified into different types like
power distribution. single bus, double bus and ring bus (Siemens, 2006,
Nawaz, 2016).
1.3.5 Insulation, Armoured Cable and 1.3. 10 Line Isolator (HV)
Underground Cable
The insulation of cable started in late 1880 and the then In Power systems an isolator is a switch which is used to
insulation suffered deterioration of insulation called local completely open a circuit which has been rendered dead by
electrical discharge. This problem was overcome in 1926 means of opening a circuit breaker for maintenance of
with oil-filled cable designed by Emanuelli. In 1950, equipment. It can be visually seen that an isolator is open
increase in copper cost coupled with heavy weight and hence service man are assured that it is safe to work on
switched attention in cable selection to aluminum for the isolated equipment. The equipment to be worked on is
underground installation. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) came further earthed mostly on either side so that electrical
to lime light in 1950 but limited in use by plastic flow at energy that could be in the equipment is completely
high temperatures and thus creates poisonous acidic gases. discharged to earth further enhancing safety of the service
This short coming limit its use to low voltage. man. An isolator is also used for sectionalizing power lines
Underground cables insulating materials and Armoured during fault location. Isolators are always opened in no
Cable (AC) or cross linked Cable (XLPE) are used in load condition (after opening of circuit breakers) because it
underground work in order to protect the conductor from lags the mechanism of operating in high voltage (Nawaz,
mechanical damage. Water and corrosion are also 2016, Gupta, 2005)
protected in AC and XLPE cables. Polyethylene (PE) is
used in medium voltage while XlPE is preferred to PE due 1.3.11 Grounding System
to its better heat capability under shortcircuit fault
condition and higher temperature for normal operation Grounding is the connection of part of an electrical circuit,
(Lakervi and Holman, 1989). accessible conductive parts of electrical equipment
(exposed conductive parts) or conductive parts in the
vicinity of an electrical installation (extraneous conductive
1.3.6 Low Tension Panel (LTP) parts) are connected to earth (Gupta, 2010, Nawaz, 2016)

Feeder pillar is a cabinet for electrical equipment mounted Earth electrode is a metal conductor, a system of
immediately after low voltage side of a transformer in a interconnected metal conductors or other metal parts
substation in the street and controlling the electrical supply acting in the same manner embedded in the ground and
to a number of in a neighborhood. Feeder pillar can be electrically connected to it, or embedded in the concrete
described as an electrical enclosure used to provide which is in contact with the earth over a large area (e.g.
electrical services for low voltage electrical applications. It foundation of a building). The earthing system in
is designed as a compact and robust for vandalism comprises of three main components which are ground
protection conductor, connection between the ground conductor and
ground electrode and Ground electrode.
1.3.7 Current Transformer (CT)
It is used for the measurement of the alternating current by 1.4 Design Code
taking samples of the higher currents of the system. These The design code of substation element are summarized in
reduced samples are in accurate proportions with the actual Table 1. The codes have been used on various projects
high currents of the system. These are used for installation successfully.. These projects include Olokola Liquefied
and maintenance of the current relays in substations for Natural Gas (OKLNG), Ondo State, international
protection purpose which are normally has low-current petroleum companies and other substation projects.
ratings for their operation (Nagrath and Kothari, 2003,
Nawaz, 2016). HV CT is used in this work. Table 1: Design Code of Substation Materials (NEC,
JMESSP13420568 2785
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 5 Issue 9, September - 2019

2005; British International Standard, 1998, and Where Ipri is the primary current and Vpri is the primary
Oyeleye, 2017) voltage.
ELEMENT FACTOR)/ STANDARD 2.3.2 High Voltage (HV) Fuse
1 Low Voltage 1.25
𝑃 = ∛ 𝐼 𝑝𝑟𝑖 𝑉𝑝𝑟𝑖 (2)
2 High Voltage 1.25 (3.0, maximum) Where P is the three phase power in Volt Ampere (VA).
3 Isolator 1.25 From equation (2), we obtain equation (3). Equation (3) is
4 Cable/conductor 1.25 of rated value used to determine HV fuse.
appropriate derating factor 𝐼𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 A (3)
=𝑃/ ∛ 𝑉𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑
5 Circuit breaker / 1.25
Panel/Busbar Where 𝐼𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 is the primary current that the low voltage
6 Load future 1.25 of the actual load circuit will carry without damaging the primary conductor.
7 Lighting 1.1 2.3.3 0.415 kV Low Voltage Panel (LVP) Sizing
LVP sizing is based on equation (4).
8 Ground 1
𝐺𝑐 = ∗ 𝑃ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑡, 𝐼𝑝
conductor, 𝐺𝑐 2 𝐿𝑉𝑆𝑃 = 1.25 ∗ 𝐼𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑(𝑠𝑒𝑐) A (4)
9 Lightning down 161mm2
conductor and Where 1.25 is the multiplying factor for panel.
2.3.4 Isolator
10 Grounding 10Ω max (IEC and BS)
According to Table 1, design of HV fuse correspond to
isolator sizing since isolator are connected in series with
the HV fuse. The same equation (2) is used.
2.3.5 Lightning Arrester (LA) Selection
2.1 Load Data
The determination of LA was done using equation (5)
Existing load was obtained from PHCN record in order to
determine and size an appropriate transformer including LA size =10% ∗ 𝑉𝑚𝑝𝐻𝑉 (5)
the substation elements that will cope the new extension of
a community area, Lagos State. Where 𝑉𝑚𝑝𝐻𝑉 is the maximum permissible high voltage.

2.2 Design Considerations

Design considerations are employed for safety and 2.3.6 Low Voltage Circuit Breaker (LVCB)
operation of designed of a substation. The substation Required load should be sized to 60% of the transformer in
design consideration include: order to cope with the expected load and 75% previous
loading of a transformer. 75% loading is essential for
i. availability of an existing high voltage supply 2hours overloading. LVCB is sized using equation (6).
(11 kV)
ii. incorporation of future expansion of load (1.25 𝐼sec 𝐹.𝐸 = 1.25∗𝐼𝑠𝑒𝑐 (6)
iii. reliability of elements used(reliable element from Where Isec is the secondary current (load current); Isec F.E is
trusted vendor) the secondary current taking future expansion into
iv. effective grounding (code Compliance) consideration; 1.25 it the future expansion multiplier
v. ability of protective element to trip when desire
(code compliance). Where Irated is the current carrying capacity of the
vi. 60% loading of Transformer secondary side of transformer.
vii. 75% previous loading to cater for 2hours
overloading. 2.3.7 H.V Cable
Equation (7) is used to determine H.V cable size, H.V
2.3 Sizing of Substation Elements cable rated.

Applicable and appropriate codes, guidelines and 𝐻. 𝑉 𝑐𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 = 1.25 ∗ 𝐼pri 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 A (7)
algorithm were used to size the substation elements, Table
1 in addition to the anticipated load of the substation. Where 1.25 is the cable multiplying factor and Ipri rated is the
primary rated current.
2.3.1 Transformer Sizing
Sizing of transformer is based on Equation 1 2.3.8 LV Cable
Equation (1) is used. Low voltage cable (cable sec) is sized using equation (8).
𝑃 = ∛ 𝐼 𝑝𝑟𝑖 𝑉𝑝𝑟𝑖 (1)
JMESSP13420568 2786
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 5 Issue 9, September - 2019

𝐶𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑆𝑒𝑐 = 1.25 ∗ 𝐼𝑠𝑒𝑐 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 A (8) 2.10 Down conductor

Where 1.25 is cable multiplying factor and Isec rated is the Down conductor is sized in accordance to Table 1.
secondary rated current.
2.3.9 Grounding System
3.1 Results
Grounding conductor, Gc, is determined using equation (9).
The results of design of 11/0.415kV using Table 1 and
1 applicable equation 1 to 9 are presented in Table 2.
𝐺𝑐 = ∗ 𝐼𝑝 (9)

Grounding system resistance value should conform to

international standard of BS(1992); and IEC(2006); and
Oyeleye & Makanju (2017) of 10Ω maximum.

Table 2: Parameters of 11/0.415 kV Designed Substation

Transformer sizing 500 kVA 0.6 0.75
High Voltage Fuse 26.2A 16A 25A
Low Voltage panel sizing 696A 800A
Isolator 26A 200A
Lightning arrester 12.1 kV
Low voltage CB 696A 522A 600A
HV cable 26.2A 33A 22 mm2 (Al)
4nos of 2 x 400mm2(S-C,
LV cable 696A 870A
Earthing conductor 348A 150mm
Down conductor 161mm2 180mm2

From Table 2, Figure 1 is obtained.

522A 75% loading

11 kV In-comer
500 kVA, 60% loading, 75% over-loading
from HT pole 25A

11 kV 600A LVCB

12 kV LA

1-Core, 4nos of 2 x 400mm2 800A (Panel)

armoured cable (Cu)

Figure 1: Single Line Diagram of 11/0.415 kV Designed and Recommended Substation Elements

3.2 ANALYSIS 75% previous loading for 2 hours overloading. The HV

From Table 1, the sizing of the substation elements fuse is 16A and 25A recommended since 16A designed
conform to the designed codes used in this research. The value is not available. The 25A recommended HV fuse is
transformer is designed to operate at 60% loading. 25% still lower that the available 26A designed value. This
future expansion was considered. This future expansion means that the usual frequent blowing of the HV fuse is
consideration, pave way for the transformer to operate at
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS)
ISSN: 2458-925X
Vol. 5 Issue 9, September - 2019

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