A Novel Decenterizled Product Verification Using Blockchain Technology
A Novel Decenterizled Product Verification Using Blockchain Technology
A Novel Decenterizled Product Verification Using Blockchain Technology
UG Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering1, 2, 3,
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering4
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering 5,6
Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore. 1, 2, 3 ,4,5
Corresponding Mailid: [email protected]
A blockchain is a distributed database that serves as a public ledger of all digital events and transactions executed
and shared among participating parties. The consensus from a majority of system participants verifies each
transaction in the public ledger, and once recorded, the information cannot be erased. The blockchain contains a
verifiable record of every transaction ever made, making it similar to a cookie jar in a crowded marketplace
compared to a secluded location. The product verification system utilizes the Ethereum blockchain to deploy smart
contracts in blocks. There are two users: manufacturers and customers. Manufacturers can save the product
information, including product price, name, manufacturing date, location, and expiry date, in the blockchain as a
smart contract. This information can be saved in QR codes and NFC tags that act as digital invoices for the
product. Customers can confirm product details by scanning the QR code or NFC tag. Smart contracts are built
using Solidity, and the deployment is completed using the Truffle blockchain deployment tool. Firebase handles
authentication capabilities, allowing analytics on the number of authenticated customers.
I. INTRODUCTION: to track spamming behavior indications of
This is a key component in the next generation
of information technology. A product may be II. EXISTING SYSTEM:
anything from a mobile device, movie, or
restaurant to an internet service, and product The current structure encourages certain
reviews include the product's attributes as well merchants to post review spam in order to
as its star rating.Deep learning requires an deceive customers. It has been stated that 80%
industrial mobile network for industrial of buyers change their minds after reading bad
manufacturing. It ensures the regular operation evaluations. Given the presence of spam
of machinery and the standardization of indicators, machine learning algorithms have
industrial output. But spammers can use this been used for spam detection via a stream of
feature to harm others and influence industrial messages in various formats. When spam terms
production. Spammers are users who solely are not identified more properly, they are
spread spam, such as links to viruses and classified as ham words, and certain ham words
adverts. Spammers have formed organizations in contribute to spam. To eliminate unsolicited
order to maximize their benefits as mobile comments, the present system employs the Spam
network membership has grown. This has technique. Spam comment, also known as
created confusion and significant losses in unsolicited bulk communication, is the practice
industrial productivity. It is different. To solve of sending unwanted comments, typically with
this issue, this study presents a Spammer commercial content, to an indiscriminate group
Identification method for industrial mobile of receivers in high quantities. Therefore, there
networks based on NLP and MICHINE is no way to prevent the undesirable in the Spam
LEARING. It identifies spammers intelligently approach.
without depending on flexible and untrustworthy III. PROPOSED SYSTEM:
connections. It mixes data presentation, where
NLP is used to identify spam and gammon in
each user node is classified into one class
comments and postings. To process the term,
throughout the model's creation phase. Social
tokenization and stemming are employed. Stop
spam is increasingly impacting personal words and punctuation are also employed in the
communication networks such as Facebook, suggested approach to get more accurate results.
Pinterest, and Twitter. According to a study This will aid in the detection of spam comments
conducted by the Web-based life security and posts. We utilise three separate machine
organization, online networking stages learning algorithms to detect spam users. Which
experienced a significant increase in social spam has the most accuracy: logistic regression,
during the first half of 2013. Internet social random forest, and nave bayes. We employ a
platforms, such as Twitter, empower individuals classification (spammer detection) model based
to independently produce tweets and consume on NLP and MICHINE LEARING.
large amounts of material, regardless of their
characteristics. According to a report, while the
amount of data created is used by individuals
and companies to achieve a competitive edge, a
significant portion of the data is generated by
spam or fraudulent users. To educate the user on
the difference between phony and relevant
comments and to recognize them. To categories
that remark, If it's link spam or not. To make
purchasing decisions for products. Earlier
research relied on review text information to
determine if a review was false or not, but in
order to detect opinion spammers, it is required
Figure 1: Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed deployment. We will also implement the
System modules required for product registration, QR
This proposed system incorporates both system code and NFC tag generation, product
design and system study with UML diagrams verification, analytics, user management, and
including use case, class, data flow diagram, and push notifications.
input and 15 output designs of the work
MODULES: In this phase, we will test the product
verification system to ensure that it meets the
1. Dataset Loading functional and non-functional requirements. We
2. Preprocessing will perform unit testing, integration testing, and
system testing to identify and fix any bugs or
3. Feature Selection issues.
4. Feature extraction and Feature engineering
5. N Grams
6. Analyzer In this phase, we will deploy the product
verification system on the Google Play Store and
7. Vocabulary Apple App Store. We will also provide
8. Binary documentation and user manuals to guide users
on how to use the system.
9. Machine Learning
In this phase, we will provide maintenance and
Requirement Analysis: support for the product verification system. This
includes bug fixes, feature enhancements, and
In this phase, we will identify the requirements system updates.
and functionalities of the product verification
system. This will include the features needed for Input attributes
product registration, verification, authentication, 1. Product name:
smart contract deployment, and analytics. We This attribute will be used to identify the product
will also gather feedback from potential users to being registered and verified in the system.
ensure that the system meets their needs.
2. Manufacturer: This attribute will contain the
System Design: name of the manufacturer who produced the
In this phase, we will design the system
architecture and user interface for the product 3. Manufacturing date: This attribute will
verification system. We will create mockups and contain the date on which the product was
prototypes to visualize the system and gather manufactured.
feedback from stakeholders.
4. Expiry date: This attribute will contain the
Development: date on which the product will expire.
In this phase, we will develop the product 5. Price: This attribute will contain the price of
verification system using Flutter, a cross- the product.
platform mobile application development
framework. We will use Firebase for user
authentication and Truffle for smart contract
5. Manufacturing location: This attribute will The following requirements are needed to carry
contain the location where the product was out this development:
6. QR code/NFC tag: This attribute will be used
to store the unique code that will be generated Software:
for each product. The code will be used for
product verification and authentication. Language Used: Dart, Solidity
7. User ID: This attribute will be used to Libraries Used: Dart Material Library
identify the user who is registering or verifying
the product. Frameworks Used: Flutter
Figure 5: Ganache Blockchain Deployment
User Interface
The above figure describes the level 0 data flow
diagram also known as a context diagram, shows
how product data is stored.
Figure 3: Manufacturer Result Module
Figure 3 illustrates the use case diagram of our
product verification application which shows the
relationship between the manufacturer and the
client and their relationship with the product
mentioned in this
paper. It is clear
that the results
from Table (3),
provided high
Figure 4: Firebase Authentication Screen
Backend side
Figure 4 comprises of the User interface and
results due to the
how a block initiate a transaction, in the
blockchain, how the blockchain verifies the classification
transaction and creates a block and how the
block is appended to the blockchain through our
classifiers with the
important features
selected by the
feature selection accurate and
algorithms effective detection
(Correlation to provide
coefficient) appropriate health
improved result care. The
compared to the traditional
model with methods which
related works and have been
converting proposed and
categorical data to performed
numerical data previously in
using label identifying the
encoding affected person
technology. spend a long time
7. Conclusion and costly, so data
ASD is a mining techniques
neurological were used as an
disorder and long- alternative to the
term. ASD needs traditional
early, rapid, methods which are
working on a short Vector Machine
time and lower SVM) were
cost applied to
patient diagnosis. perform early
Several studies in predicting ASD
this field has been among toddlers
performed and children using
successfully to AQ-10 datasets
predict ASD, but for toddlers and
these children. The
studies still did not results show high
reach a high performance in
performance in term of accuracy
less costly time. In compared with
this paper, data other related works
mining techniques
(Random Forest,
Naïve Bayes,
Decision tree J48, mentioned in this
and Support paper. It is clear
that the results using label
from Table (3), encoding
provided high technology.
results due to the 7. Conclusion
classification ASD is a
accuracy neurological
classifiers with the disorder and long-
important features term. ASD needs
selected by the early, rapid,
feature selection accurate and
algorithms effective detection
(Correlation to provide
coefficient) appropriate health
improved result care. The
compared to the traditional
model with methods which
related works and have been
converting proposed and
categorical data to performed
numerical data
previously in studies still did not
identifying the reach a high
affected person performance in
spend a long time less costly time. In
and costly, so data this paper, data
mining techniques mining techniques
were used as an (Random Forest,
alternative to the Naïve Bayes,
traditional Decision tree J48,
methods which are and Support
working on a short Vector Machine
time and lower SVM) were
cost applied to
patient diagnosis. perform early
Several studies in predicting ASD
this field has been among toddlers
performed and children using
successfully to AQ-10 datasets
predict ASD, but for toddlers and
children. The
performance in
2nd Int. Workshop Emerg. Trends Softw. Eng.
Blockchain (WETSEB), May 2019, pp. 40–47.
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