A Review On Bug Tracking System: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (Irjet)

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Kajal1, Kajal Singhal2, Charu Bansal3, Ashish Kumar Chakraverti4
1,2,3Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, ABESIT College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
4Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, ABESIT College, Ghaziabad,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract - Bugs are the key challenge for a software Bug Tracking System plays a main role in the test phase. But
organization. Software organization spent more than 48 % of it supports awarding projects to the developer, the tester.
their resources engaging in these bugs. Manually managing This Bug Tracking system keeps track of the different users
these bugs is difficult. Then an automatic access to sample and offers separate environments to project manager,
selection and selection method is combined to handle the develops tests.
errors, so the bugs are distributed to error-solving experts. An
inevitable step in fixing bugs is to assign a bug fix expert. The 2. Bug Tracking System
problem is that the majority of errors are assigned to experts
who have less experience in the area that can fix the errors. Bug Tracking System is a web-based program designed to
Thus by using the term selection method, a bug fix expert is support quality assurance and programmers to track
automatically predicted, depending on the type of bugs. A reported software errors in their work. Bug is assigned to a
history of these clearing errors is maintained using a historical person with an bug ID, flag, description, project name. A Bug
data management system. This automatically fixes an error can be shown to the tester with an accessory towards the
that is reported and resolved in the past. This reduces a lot of bug report. Administrators can maintain users, projects,
time and costs involved in troubleshooting. organizations, bug categories, bug preferences, bug status
Key Words: Bug tracking system, Bug tracker, Resolution of
bugs, Report generation. There are some facts related to this system:

1. INTRODUCTION i. Facts may include the time at which an error was

reported, the seriousness, the wrong program
The main goal of Bug Tracking System project is to deal behaviour and Details on how to reproduce the error
with online support for software engineers who are as well identity of the person who reported it and
confronted with the errors or failures of software someone programmers who might work to fix it.
technologies. This project can track project details,
developer details and test details. Bug Tracking System is the ii. An error tracking system should allow administrators
system with which the bugs can be detected. It does not find configure permissions based on status, passage the
the errors, but offers the complete information about bugs bug to another status or delete the error.
found. Bug Tracking System provides the user of the person
iii. The biggest advantage of a bug tracking system is that
who wants to know about providing information to the
give a clear centralized overview of the development
identified errors. Engineers develop the project according to
requests and their states.
the customer's requirements. The tester identifies the errors
in the test phase. When the tester has passed the number of iv. The priority list of outstanding items (often called a
errors, he adds the error identification and information in backlog) provides valuable input for the definition of
the database. The tester informs the project manager and the product road map, or perhaps just "the next
developer. The error information in the database table is
available to the project manager and developer. When
customer sends request to develop the product. The system v. In a business environment, a bug tracking system may
or Project Manager is responsible for adding users to the Bug exist used to generate productivity reports
Tracking System and awarding projects to the users. This programmers to correct bugs.
project contains error information with error ID, error name,
error priority, project name, error location, error type. All vi. Local Background Tracking (LBT) is a software
these processes are executed all the time until all errors in program used by most software developers in the
this system have been resolved. This system can also help application support team (often the help desk) to
with the error report, which is sent to System / Project control problems that are transmitted. LeBinin does
Manager and is developed as long as the error is detected. It not have the "language of the developer" in their
makes it easy for anyone who really needs to know about the "language" but the "language.
bug can learn from it soon after it has been reported.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1839
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3. Purpose of Bug Tracking System B. Manager

The set of scripts that endorses the database of the The manager has full access to the special project
"Process Tracking System" or the Tracking Issues report. entrusted by the administrator and controls the access to the
Bug tracking software allows individuals or groups of team's fixed bugs
developers to effectively track outstanding errors in the
product. Bug tracking software can track errors and changes, C. Developer
communicate with members, send and review patches and
manage quality management. Developers: can access the tasks or bugs assigned by the
manager, view the assigned projects, and resolve the
This web-based business application is a great tool for assigned bug. The developer can see the bug list specified by
assigning and tracking problems and tasks during software the manager.
development and other projects involving teams of two or
more people. D. Tester

4. Architectural Design of Bug Tracking System The examiner can access the projects or bugs assigned by
the manager, see the assigned projects, and add a new bug in
Architectural Design a huge complex process of the list and send the bug back to the manager. The examiner
introducing small subsystem. These subsystems are meant to can enter the system and can access the assigned project list.
provide some related services.
E. Reports

Both Admin and Manager can access module and

generate the reports based on the requirements.

6. Relationship between Modules

The relation between the modules and the work usage

diagram may be as follows. This usage indicates the
connection between the module by logging into the status
diagram system and accessing it.

Fig .1 Architectural Design of Bug tracking System


Functional requirement are those requirement which

specifies working of each module in the bug tracking system
to resolve the error or bug occurring in users project or
report send by them . These main module are working in co-
ordination with each other and produce a report in the
sense to resolve the problem.

These main modules are as follows:

A. Admin

This module has full access to all the other modules, the
administrator creates the project and assigns projects to the Fig.2 Use Case Diagram
Managed Manager, connects the managers to the members,
assigns the bug based on priority.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1840
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

7. How to improve the quality assurance 9. OUTPUT OF BUG TRACKING SYSTEM

Having complete information in the original bug report Computer output is the most important and direct source
(or as promptly) helps developers solve the problem quickly of information for users. The design of the output should be
bug. The focus of our work is to improve the tracking of arranged in a well-thought-out manner. Proper production
errors systems aimed at increasing the completeness of the needs to be developed, while ensuring that all the output
errors reports. In particular, the improvement of bug elements are designed so that people can easily find the
tracking systems is done in four ways. system. When planning to output, it identifies the individual
output needed to meet the information requirements. The
A. Tools Centric system's success and failure depends on performance,
although the system looks attractive and user-friendly, it
This means that QAS can be configured to implicitly collect decides on the use of the production system. Outputs
and add the stack Report with error information. It can generated by the system are checked for stability and the
improve gathering information functions. It can use steps to output is simple, so users can easily handle them. For many
Use capture/replay tools that can be detected by software end-users, the main reason for the development of the
engineers later. output system is that the utility of the application is
B. Information Centric
This is another direction from us helping software
developers to have more focus the collection of information Bug monitoring is an automated system for improving
to be left in error reports. Such tools verify the information software reliability (BTS), which can be useful for employees
provided in a bug reports and gives feedback that helps to and managers in any functional organization. This project
improve it quality of information. protects bug reporting levels from all sources of delay. The
project module in the software industry is in the form of a
C. Process Centric
request Published on the corporate server is safer. It helps in
Process-oriented function helps developers to make an detecting and managing errors Software products.
estimate of the time they have to spend on certain bugs and
This BTS project can be used to track the bug in Project
set their time accordingly.
module helps in troubleshooting test and development
D. User Centric errors Procedures.

User-centric feature contains both developers and bug ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

reports. This focuses on the education of journalists so they
We would like to thank our Director Dr. M.K Jha, Head of the
can gather good information and how to collect it too. The
Department, Dr. Rizwan Khan, our Project Mentor,
expected information the error report ensures that
developers understand and act faster quick fixes in real-time Prof. Ashish Chakraverti for their valuable advice and
applications. technical assistance.
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© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1841
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1842

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