Position Paper Abortion
Position Paper Abortion
Position Paper Abortion
In Article 11 of the 1987 Philippines constitution says, in part, "Section 12. The
State recognizes the Sanctity of the family life and shall protect and strengthen the
family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the
mother and the life of the unborn from conception".
If abortion are going to be legalize, our natural right will be neglected which is
the right to live and ensure life, in any cases, choosing abortion is the right decision
for the individuals who are force in conceiving a child.
Another one is the legalization of abortion would give a peace of mind to the
serenity of women, particularly when the pregnancy was a result of unlawful act. She
could become depressed, resent the child, be reminded of her experience every time
she sees her pregnant stomach or her child, and she needs to undergo abortion
because of the specific condition.
But as Josephine Imbong, a CBCP Legal Counsel said, abortion ought not be
permitted under any conditions, including rape or incest. It won’t give peace of mind
to the mother. Hence, her conscience will be chasing her for taking the life of the
unborn child, well truth be told, it isn't the child's shortcoming. The mother ought to
accuse not the child but rather the person who was the reason of her suffering.
Life begins at conception, so unborn babies are human being with a privilege
to life. This individual has a basic right to life, which must be protected. Jerome
Lejeune, the French geneticist who discovered the chromosome abnormality that
causes Down syndrome, stated that "To accept the fact that after fertilization has
taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or
opinion. The human nature of human being from conception to old age is not a
metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence."
No one has the right to take away the life of any person. Abortion is not safe
to women's health because there are complications due to unsafe abortion. There
are also providers threaten women with prosecution in cases of intrauterine fetal
dental and spontaneous abortion due to trauma from self induced abortion.
Life begins at conception so unborn infants are human being with a privilege
to life. This individual has a fundamental right to life, which must be protected.
People should be more responsible for their actions instead of choosing the easy
way out of things. And a woman should not kill her own blood, her own baby. There
are many ways to be protected by not having a child but sometimes mistakes
happen and should not risk a child’s life because of that mistake.