Abortion in The Philippines
Abortion in The Philippines
Abortion in The Philippines
There are numerous arguments for legalizing abortion, but I will focus on a few
that are critical. First, criminalizing abortion does not prevent it; rather, it makes it less
safe. Taking away women's access to abortion does not mean they no longer needs
one. women seek abortion for reasons related to their circumstances, including their
financial status, marital status, age, health, and the traumatic cause of pregnancy like
incest and rape. That is why attempts to restrict abortions have no effect on reducing
the number of abortions; instead, they encourage unsafe abortion. It is important that
policy makers consider women’s motivations for choosing abortion, as decisions to
support or oppose such legislation could have profound effects on the health,
socioeconomic outcomes and life trajectories of women facing unwanted pregnancies.
That is why attempts to restrict abortions have no effect on reducing the number of
abortions; instead, they encourage unsafe abortion.
Second, raising child is a difficult responsibility that requires for both financial
resources and social and emotional maturity. If we as a society are unable to provide
with a healthy upbringing, then bringing them into this world is pointless, they will
simply contribute to problems that should never have arisen in the first place. Control
over one's own body love and the choice to have children are two of a woman's most
fundamental rights. She alone can determine if she is emotionally and physically
prepared to conceive and nurture a child at any given time.
Thirdly, and most importantly, a lot of pro-lifer state that all unborn children are
all human beings and all beings deserves to live that, we will apparently have
acknowledged that the fetus as up to now has become human. They illustrate with the
fact that at the end of the tenth week the fetus already has developed legs, fingers, a
face, arms, toes, internal body organs, and its brain is developing. They also state that
life begins at conception. Those who seek to ban abortion frequently claim that they’re
trying to restore the values, and laws, of the past. But did past generations always think
that human life began at the moment of conception? Did older laws always treat
abortion as murder? The historical record shows otherwise. Abortion could not be
considered homicide “if what is brought forth is unformed, but is instead at the stage of
being some sort of living, shapeless thing.” But what if the aborted fetus was fully-
formed? Did the law always consider this murder, pure and simple? Given the vast
variety of past legal systems, these questions are too broad. Because pro-life activists
often claim that the Philippines is a Christian country and should be governed by
Christian principle. However, the bible doesn’t clearly support abortion in fact just the
opposite is true.