Molecular Aging of Human Liver: An Epigenetic/ Transcriptomic Signature
Molecular Aging of Human Liver: An Epigenetic/ Transcriptomic Signature
Molecular Aging of Human Liver: An Epigenetic/ Transcriptomic Signature
cite as: J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 2019, Vol. 74, No. 1, 1–8
Advance Access publication March 15, 2018
Original Article
Address correspondence to: Claudio Franceschi, MD, PhD, DIMES-Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine,Alma Mater
Studiorum, Via San Giacomo 12, Bologna 40126, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]
The feasibility of liver transplantation from old healthy donors suggests that this organ is able to preserve its functionality during aging. To
explore the biological basis of this phenomenon, we characterized the epigenetic profile of liver biopsies collected from 45 healthy liver donors
ranging from 13 to 90 years old using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip. The analysis indicates that a large remodeling in DNA
methylation patterns occurs, with 8,823 age-associated differentially methylated CpG probes. Notably, these age-associated changes tended
to level off after the age of 60, as confirmed by Horvath’s clock. Using stringent selection criteria, we further identified a DNA methylation
signature of aging liver including 75 genomic regions. We demonstrated that this signature is specific for liver compared to other tissues and
that it is able to detect biological age-acceleration effects associated with obesity. Finally, we combined DNA methylation measurements with
available expression data. Although the intersection between the two omic characterizations was low, both approaches suggested a previously
unappreciated role of epithelial–mesenchymal transition and Wnt-signaling pathways in the aging of human liver.
© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
2 Journals of Gerontology: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2019, Vol. 74, No. 1
The liver is a highly sophisticated metabolic factory. It performs a characterization, 10 with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and 15
vast array of biochemical functions necessary to maintain whole- patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis). Liver biopsies follow-up
body homeostasis and it is pivotal in integrating and elaborating sig- available for 23 individuals were discarded from our analysis.
nals that originate from peripheral tissues. Still, details on how and
to what extent liver physiology is affected during aging is an open Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Analysis
question in basic biological research. Compared to other organs, Genomic DNA was extracted from 45 liver biopsies (27 males and 18
liver has long been known to be unique in terms of extended func- females, age range 13–90 years) using the Qiagen kit QiAmp mini Kit,
tionality. Despite some age-related changes in morphology and func- following manufacturer’s instructions. DNA was bisulfite-converted
tion, liver appears to preserve its functionality at older ages much
Multi-omic analysis
As it is now well recognized, the joint analysis of multiple omics
allows the identification of properties of a system that are not vis-
ible when exploring single layers (21), and this has specifically been
shown for the exploration of phenomena as diverse as cellular trans-
differentiation and response to vaccination (21). In this context, we
searched for the genes that displayed age-associated changes in both
DNA methylation (using the list of 8823 age-DMPs) and mRNA
expression (using the list of 56 age-DE genes) and identified 11
TDRD10, TSPYL5, VASH1, and ZIC1. For each of these genes, we
calculated Pearson correlation between DNA methylation values of
the probes in the age-DMPs list and gene expression values of the
probes in the list of age-DE (Supplementary File 11). Pearson cor-
relation was significant (nominal p value <0.01) for 3 genes: ZIC1,
TSPYL5, and FZD2. The vast majority of the age-DMPs probes
mapping on gene ZIC1 were positively correlated with the signal
from the three age-DE Affymetrix probes mapping on the same gene.
For gene TSPYL5, a negative correlation between Affymetrix probe
213122_at and both Infinium cg04917181 and cg00032205 probes,
located on a CpG island could be identified; for gene FZD2, a posi-
tive correlation was found between Affymetrix probe 210220_at
Figure 2. Human liver age-DMRs (differentially methylated regions). (A)
DNA methylation profiles of the CpG islands located in ZIC1 and MACROD1 and Infinium probe cg01684881, located on a CpG island.
genes according to Illumina Infinium 450k measurements. The dotted gray
lines indicate the regions assessed by EpiTYPER. Mean methylation values Discussion
and standard deviations are reported for four age classes (0–30 years old;
31–50 years old; 51–70 years old; 71–90 years old). (B) Pearson correlations
In the present study, we explored the genome-wide epigenomic
between age and DNA methylation, measured by EpiTYPER, in the CpG and transcriptional molecular changes that accompany aging in
islands located in ZIC1 and MACROD1 genes. human liver.
Journals of Gerontology: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2019, Vol. 74, No. 1 5
Our data highlight for the first time that age-associated epigen- agreement with experimental evidences showing that healthy liver
etic changes level off after 60 years of age in human liver. This trend undergoes a successful aging, preserving liver’s functionality at
is confirmed, although less strikingly, when the DNAmAge is calcu- older ages (1,4,5). The integration of DNA methylation data with
lated using Horvath’s epigenetic clock. This is expected as Horvath’s results from further studies on cell morphology, cellular functions,
clock is optimized to be a multitissue predictor of age, while our
analysis is specifically focused on liver and therefore it is more likely
to detect the specific epigenetic remodeling that occurs in this tissue
during aging. Although quantified for the first time, our finding is in
proteomic, and enzymatic profiles will provide a more complete pic- still a controversial issue (33). The role of EMT in kidney fibrosis is
ture of the biological basis of successful aging in liver. increasingly accepted (34), and it is noteworthy that caloric restric-
The decrease in the epigenetic aging rate after 60 years is evident tion alleviates age-related EMT in kidneys from aged mice (35).
using both the list of 8,823 age-DMPs and the shorter list including We noted that a number of genes in the 75 age-DMRs signature is
687 probes mapping on 75 age-DMRs. In addition to the robustness involved in the Wnt pathway (ZIC1, NEFM, FOXD3, MIR155HG,
emerging from confirming the results with two different approaches, CELS3, HEYL) (25,36–39) and in the regulation of the epithelial-
the latter signature is defined using a region-centric approach (18), to-mesenchymal transition (PRDM14) (39). A role of Wnt signaling
more likely to guarantee biologically interpretable results compared in aging has been recently proposed, prompted from the observation
to a single-probe analysis. We demonstrated that the 75 age-DMRs that it is downregulated in cellular senescence (40). Age-dependent
list is: (i) validated in hepatocytes, (ii) liver specific, and (iii) able variations in the expression of Wnt pathway genes could affect tis-
to detect epigenetic age-acceleration effects associated with obesity. sue homeostasis and fibrosis (41). Although the results from our
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