2014, Nilsson Acan
2014, Nilsson Acan
2014, Nilsson Acan
A d v a n c e s i n G e n e t i c s E n d o c r i n e R e s e a r c h
Ola Nilsson,* Michael H. Guo,* Nancy Dunbar, Jadranka Popovic, Daniel Flynn,
Christina Jacobsen, Julian C. Lui, Joel N. Hirschhorn, Jeffrey Baron,
and Andrew Dauber
Program in Developmental Endocrinology and Genetics (O.N., J.C.L., J.B.), Eunice Kennedy Shriver
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Maryland 20892; Center for Molecular Medicine and Pediatric Endocrinology Unit, Department of
Womens and Childrens Health (O.N.), Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, SE-171
76 Stockholm, Sweden; Program in Biological and Biomedical Sciences (M.H.G.), Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115; Connecticut Childrens Medical Center (N.D.), Hartford,
Connecticut 06106; Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh (J.P., D.F.), University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15224; Division of Endocrinology (M.H.G., C.J., J.N.H., A.D.), Boston Childrens
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02115; Department of Genetics (M.H.G., J.N.H.), Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115; and Program in Medical and Population Genetics (J.N.H., A.D.),
Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142
Context: Many children with idiopathic short stature have a delayed bone age. Idiopathic short
stature with advanced bone age is far less common.
Objective: The aim was to identify underlying genetic causes of short stature with advanced bone age.
Setting and Design: We used whole-exome sequencing to study three families with autosomal-
dominant short stature, advanced bone age, and premature growth cessation.
Results: Affected individuals presented with short stature [adult heights 2.3 to 4.2 standard
deviation scores (SDS)] with histories of early growth cessation or childhood short stature (height
SDS 1.9 to 3.5 SDS), advancement of bone age, and normal endocrine evaluations. Whole-
exome sequencing identified novel heterozygous variants in ACAN, which encodes aggrecan, a
proteoglycan in the extracellular matrix of growth plate and other cartilaginous tissues. The vari-
ants were present in all affected, but in no unaffected, family members. In Family 1, a novel
frameshift mutation in exon 3 (c.272delA) was identified, which is predicted to cause early trun-
cation of the aggrecan protein. In Family 2, a base-pair substitution was found in a highly conserved
location within a splice donor site (c.20261GA), which is also likely to alter the amino acid
sequence of a large portion of the protein. In Family 3, a missense variant (c.7064TC) in exon 14
affects a highly conserved residue (L2355P) and is strongly predicted to perturb protein function.
Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that heterozygous mutations in ACAN can cause a mild
skeletal dysplasia, which presents clinically as short stature with advanced bone age. The acceler-
ating effect on skeletal maturation has not previously been noted in the few prior reports of human
ACAN mutations. Our findings thus expand the spectrum of ACAN defects and provide a new
molecular genetic etiology for the unusual child who presents with short stature and accelerated
skeletal maturation. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 99: E1510 E1518, 2014)
ISSN Print 0021-972X ISSN Online 1945-7197 * O.N. and M.H.G. contributed equally to the study.
Printed in U.S.A. Abbreviations: ISS, idiopathic short stature; SDS, standard deviation score; SEDK, spon-
Copyright 2014 by the Endocrine Society dyloepiphyseal dysplasia, Kimberly type; SEMD, spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, ag-
Received February 4, 2014. Accepted April 9, 2014. grecan type.
First Published Online April 24, 2014
E1510 jcem.endojournals.org J Clin Endocrinol Metab, August 2014, 99(8):E1510 E1518 doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-1332
doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-1332 jcem.endojournals.org E1511
ongitudinal bone growth occurs at the growth plate by and written informed consent was obtained from all participants
L endochondral ossification. At the growth plate, chon-
drocyte proliferation, chondrocyte hypertrophy, and car-
or their legal guardians. Height and weights were plotted on the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts
(www.cdc.gov/growthcharts) and z scores were calculated using
tilage matrix secretion contribute to chondrogenesis and the NHANES III growth data (US Department of Health and
thus to growth (1). The newly formed cartilage is contin- Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics. Third
uously invaded by blood vessels and bone cells that re- National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988
model it into new bone tissue. The net result is bone elon- 1994. Hyattsville: National Center for Health Statistics, 1996).
gation (2). This process of longitudinal bone growth is
governed by a complex network of endocrine, paracrine, Sequencing
Whole-exome sequencing of the participants in Families 1
and intracellular mechanisms (3, 4). Consequently, short
and 3 was conducted from genomic DNA isolated from blood or
stature could potentially be caused by mutations in any of saliva and was performed at the Broad Institute (Cambridge,
the many genes that directly or indirectly affect the process MA) while Family 2 underwent whole-exome sequencing at
of chondrogenesis at the growth plate (5, 6). Boston Childrens Hospital Genomic Diagnostic Laboratory.
Currently, only a minority of children with short stat- Hybrid selection was performed using Agilents SureSelect
ure can be provided with a molecular diagnosis such as a Human All Exon Kit (Agilent Technologies). We sequenced the
samples using the Illumina HiSeq platform (Illumina) and aligned
genetic defect in the growth hormone/IGF-I axis or a spe- the resulting reads to the human reference genome version 19 with
cific skeletal dysplasia. Instead, a large proportion of chil- Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/) (13).
dren with short stature are given the diagnosis, idiopathic We then applied the Genome Analysis Toolkit (http://www.
short stature (ISS). ISS is defined as a height that is at least broadinstitute.org/gatk) (14) base quality score recalibration,
two standard deviation scores (SDS) below the mean for and indel realignment, and performed single nucleotide poly-
morphism and indel discovery and genotyping using variant
age, sex, and population without evidence of systemic,
quality score recalibration (15). We included in our study only
endocrine, nutritional, or genetic abnormalities (7). ISS is variants that passed all quality filters. Variants were annotated
a diagnosis of exclusion and thus likely includes many for functional effect using SnpEff 2.0.5 for Families 1 and 3
different etiologies. Recently, however, genetic diagnoses (http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/) (16) and Annovar (http://www.
have been identified in subgroups of patients with ISS, openbioinformatics.org/annovar/) for Family 2.
including mutations and deletions in the short stature
homeobox gene (SHOX) (8), heterozygous mutations Variant filtering and analysis
We hypothesized that the patients had rare, highly penetrant
in the natriuretic peptide receptor-2 (NPR2) gene (9, 10)
genetic variants causing their short stature. We only considered
and protein-tyrosine phosphatase, nonreceptor type, variants that were not present in the 1000 Genomes Project (No-
11(PTPN11) (11). vember 2012 release) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Bone age, assessed from a standard left hand and wrist Institute exome variant server (ESP 6500 release). We also lim-
radiograph, is useful both in the evaluation and prognosis ited our analysis to variants that were predicted to have an effect
of short stature (12). Short stature is most commonly as- on the protein coding sequence, including nonsynonymous
codon changes, frameshift variants, splice site variants, and cod-
sociated with a delayed bone age, including in most en- ing indels.
docrine diseases, malnutrition, chronic disease, and also For missense variants, functional effect was assessed with the
frequently in ISS. Conversely, advanced bone age is com- PolyPhen2 prediction tool, which estimates the effect of missense
mon with tall stature, occurring in precocious puberty and variants (17). A score of 0.00 is least likely to perturb protein
hyperthyroidism. The combination of short stature and function, whereas a score of 1.00 suggests a missense variant that
is most likely to perturb protein function. Protein function was
advanced bone age is much less common, and, when it
summarized using information found in the UniProt database
occurs, results in a poor height prediction and marked (www.uniprot.org) (NM_001135.3; NP_001126.3). The On-
adult short stature. line Mendelian Inheritance of Man (www.omim.org) database
Here we describe individuals from three families with was used to identify any known disease associations.
ISS marked by accelerated bone maturation and prema- For all three families, based on the pedigrees, a dominant
ture growth cessation due to heterozygous aggrecan mode of inheritance was assumed for the analyses.
(ACAN) mutations.
Family 1
The index case (Figure 1A) is an 8-year-and-5-month-old
Caucasian male with proportional short stature and markedly
Patients and Methods advanced bone age (Figure 2A, Table 1). He was born short for
gestational age (birth length, 42.5 cm, 4.2 SDS; birth weight,
Subjects 2.78 kg, 1.9 SDS) at 40 weeks of gestation. Growth rate has
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Boards been below normal at least since 2 years of age (Figure 2A). At
of Boston Childrens Hospital and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver the time studied he was noted to be a short, proportional, and
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, prepubertal boy with mild midface hypoplasia, flat nasal bridge,
E1512 Nilsson et al ACAN Mutations in Idiopathic Short Stature J Clin Endocrinol Metab, August 2014, 99(8):E1510 E1518
Family 2
The proband (Figures 1B and 3, EF) is an African American
girl who was born full term after an uncomplicated pregnancy
with a birth weight of 3.06 kg (1.0 SDS) and her height has been
close to the third percentile during most of her childhood (Figure
2C). Her growth ceased at approximately 12 years of age despite
a normally timed puberty. Thelarche occurred at approximately
9.5 years of age, and menarche at 11 years and 5 months. At a
chronologic age of 12 years and 7 months, her bone age was 14
years and 0 months. She has well-controlled type 1 diabetes mel-
litus, diagnosed at age 9 years of age. She has only very mild
dysmorphic features with a somewhat broad forehead, mild mid-
face hypoplasia, posteriorly rotated ears, exaggerated lumbar
lordosis, brachydactyly, and broad great toes (Figure 3EF). Her
adult height is 137.2 cm (4.0 SDS). Laboratory evaluation has
not revealed a hormonal or other systemic explanation for her
short stature (Supplemental Table 1).
The mother is 144.9 cm (2.8 SDS) and grandmother is 145.8
cm (2.7 SDS) and both have similar features including exag-
gerated lumbar lordosis and brachydactyly (Figure 1B, Table 1).
Figure 1. Pedigrees of the families studied: A) Family 1; B) Family 2;
The father of the proband was not available for study.
C) Family 3. The arrows indicate the proband. Individuals carrying
heterozygous ACAN mutations are indicated by solid symbols whereas
unaffected individuals are indicated as open symbols. The age (years) Family 3
and adult height SDS is indicated for all affected individuals that have The index case (Figures 1C and 3, G and H) was born full term
reached adult height and age (years:months), bone age (BA; years: at a birth weight of 2.64 kg (2.1 SDS) and birth length of 47 cm
months), and height SDS at most recent visit for all affected children (2.0 SDS). Height was close to 3 SDS (first percentile) until the
who are still growing. age of 6.5 years when her growth rate declined (Figure 2D). The-
larche occurred at 10 years of age. She was evaluated for short
mild prognathism, and no signs of sex steroid exposure, and stature at the age of 11.5 years of age, at which time she was at
specifically no palpable gynecomastia. (Table 1; Figure 3AB). midpuberty (Tanner stage B3/Ph4) and still premenarcheal. She was
Repeated endocrine evaluations have been normal with no in- noted to have relative macrocephaly (Head circumference 2 SDS),
dications of GH deficiency, hypothyroidism, early puberty, or mild bilateral genu valgum, and short thumbs (Figure 3H). Labo-
condition of increased sex steroid production (http://press. ratory evaluation was normal (Supplemental Table 1). A skeletal
endocrine.org/doi/suppl/10.1210/jc.2013-1332/suppl_file/jc-14- survey was normal with no signs of a skeletal dysplasia. A bone age
1332.pdf Supplemental Table 1). At chronologic age 5 years 2 assessment at age 11 years and 7 months revealed an advanced bone
months his bone age was markedly advanced at 9.0 years. Since age of 13 years and 0 months (1.4 SDS) resulting in a predicted
then, his bone age has remained advanced approximately 4 years adult height of 130 cm. She was started on a long-acting GnRH
above chronologic age on repeat bone age assessments (Figure agonist (leuprolide acetate, 11.25 mg i.m. every 4 weeks) at age 11
2A, Supplemental Figure 1). Comparative genomic hybridiza- years 7 months and GH was added at 12 years of age (Figure 2D).
tion microarray did not detect any deletions or duplications. Repeat bone age assessments during GnRH analog treatment at
Skeletal survey performed at 7 years and 5 months of age was chronologic age 12 years 5 months, and at 13 years 5 months were
normal with no signs of a skeletal dysplasia. Bone mineral density read as 13 years and 0 months, confirming that GnRH agonist
assessment using Dual X-ray Absorptiometry revealed bone treatment successfully blocked bone age advancement. Both GnRH
mineral densities in the normal range (Supplemental Table 1; agonist and GH treatments were discontinued at 13.5 years and she
Lunar iDXA; Combined NHANES/Lunar matched for age, sex, stopped growing shortly thereafter at a final adult height of 135.8
and ethnicity). cm (4.2 SDS, Figure 2D). Menarche occurred at 14.5 years of age.
The mother (Figure 1A), is 145.9 cm and was, by history, of In addition, she has a history of persistent pain in both knees and a
normal height until her linear growth ceased at the age of 10 years knee x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging detected multiple os-
(2 years before menarche). At 15 years of age a bone age x-ray teochondral lesions along the weight-bearing parts of the medial
revealed that all growth plates were fused. She has midface hy- femoral condyles consistent with osteochondritis dissecans.
poplasia with a flat nasal bridge. The younger brother (Figures The probands mother (Figure 1C; II:5) has proportional short
1A, and 3, C and D, Table 1) of the index case has similar features stature and similar features including short, broad thumbs. Her
and a stature at the lower end of the normal range (Table 1, height is 138.2 cm (3.8 SDS) and she stopped growing at 12 years
Figure 2B). He has mild midface hypoplasia, flat nasal bridge, of age despite a late puberty with menarche at age 18 years. The
doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-1332 jcem.endojournals.org E1513
Figure 2. Growth charts of patients with heterozygous ACAN mutations. A) Proband of family 1 (II:1); B) Younger brother of proband Family 1
(II:2); C) Proband of Family 2 (III:1); D) Proband of Family 3 (III:5). Bone age assessments are indicated by triangles (A, B).
probands maternal uncle (height: 157.5 cm; 2.7 SDS) and ma- bone age of 5 years 9 months (Table 1). She does not have any
ternal grandfather (height:160.0 cm; 2.3 SDS) also have a history history or clinical signs or symptoms of sex steroid exposure.
of early growth cessation. Both the mother and uncle (Figure 2C;
II:2) have severe bilateral knee arthritis and the mother has been
referred for knee replacement surgery at the age of 38 years. The
probands first cousin (Figure 1C; III:4) was born full term with a Results
normal birth weight (3.57 kg, 0.4 SDS) and birth length (48 cm,
1.6 SDS). Since a young age, she had been growing at the 25th Family 1
percentile for length/height. At the age of 3 years and 7 months her Whole-exome sequencing was performed in the three
growth rate is decelerating and she was found to have an advanced affected individuals: the proband, his brother, and
E1514 Nilsson et al ACAN Mutations in Idiopathic Short Stature J Clin Endocrinol Metab, August 2014, 99(8):E1510 E1518
a a
Individual II:1 II:2 I:1 I:1 II:1 III:1 II:5 III:5a III:4
Sex Male Male Female Female Female Female Female Female Female
Age, y:mo 8:5 5:10 27 58 34 14:1 38 14:9 3:7
Height, cm (SDS) 111.3 (3.5) 105.7 (1.8) 145.9 (2.7) 145.8 (2.7) 144.9 (2.8) 137.2 (4.0b) 138.2 (3.8) 135.8 (4.2b) 93.3 (1.2)
Weight, kg (SDS) 27.9 (0.0) 19.9 (0.5) 81.5 (1.6) 86.2 (1.8) 44.5 (0.7) 41.3 (2.7) 43.5 (1.1) 15.1 (0.0)
Arm span (cm) 110.7 104.4 147.3 156.0 147.0 146.5
Sitting height 0.55 (1.7) 0.57 (1.7) 0.56 (2.1) 0.52 (0.6) 0.54 (1.5)
index (SDS)
Head circumference, 53.0 53.0 57.2 58 54.5 56.0
Bone age, y:mo (SDS) 12:0 (4.5) 8:9 (4.0) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5:9 (3.5)
Predicted adult 138 cm 148 cm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
height, cm
Age at growth N/A N/A 10 Unknown 12 13 12 12 12 N/A
cessation, y
Midface hypoplasia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Short thumbs No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Brachydactyly Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Early-onset No No No No No No Yes OD N/A
mother. We filtered for variants present in a heterozygous variant, whereas the unaffected father (I:2) was homozygous
state in all three patients and identified 19 variants meeting for the reference allele (Supplemental Figure 2A).
all of our filtering criteria. After review of the functions
and disease associations for the 19 variants, we identified Family 2
a novel frameshift mutation in exon 3 (c.272delA) in For Family 2, we conducted whole-exome sequencing
ACAN as the most likely causal variant. The mutation is in the affected proband and her affected mother. We fil-
predicted to cause early truncation of the aggrecan protein tered for novel variants present in the heterozygous state
(Figure 4). Sanger sequencing was performed in all members in both individuals and identified 60 variants meeting all
of the family and confirmed that the three affected individ- filtering criteria. We nominated a novel splice donor site
uals (Figure 2: I:1, II:1, II:2) were all heterozygous for the variant in ACAN (c.20261GA)
as the causal variant, because the
variant replaces a highly conserved
residue in a splice donor site (Figure
4, S2). Disruption of a highly con-
served splice donor site is likely to
result in incorrect splicing and will
thus alter the down-stream amino
acid sequence. We confirmed via
Sanger sequencing that the variant
was present in the proband, her
mother, and her affected grand-
mother (Supplemental Figure 2B).
Family 3
For family 3, we conducted
whole-exome sequencing in the pro-
band, her unaffected brother, and
Figure 3. Patients with short stature, advanced bone age, and/or history of early growth her affected first cousin. We filtered
cessation. A and B) Proband of Family 1 at 9 years 3 months of age; C and D) Younger brother of for variants present in the heterozy-
Family 1 proband at 6 years 8 months of age; E and F) Proband of Family 2 at 15 years of age; G
and H) Proband of Family 3 at 15 years of age. Affected individuals of Family 3 has short thumbs gous state in both affected individu-
and distal phalanges (H). als, but homozygous reference in the
doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-1332 jcem.endojournals.org E1515
Figure 4. Structure of the ACAN gene and aggrecan protein and the locations of current and previously reported mutations. A, Top panel shows
the gene structure (RefSeq NM_013227.3) of ACAN and the locations of the variants identified in Families 1, 2, and 3, as well as the previously
identified pathogenic variants (SEDK, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia type Kimberly; SEMD, spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia; OD, osteochondritis
Dissecans); B) Organization of the aggrecan proteoglycan (G1, 2, 3, globular domain 1, 2, 3; IGD, interglobular domain; KS, keratan sulfate; CS1,
2, chondroitin sulfate 1, 2; CLD, C-type lectin domain; CRP, complement regulatory like domain; EGF1, 2, epidermal growth factorlike domain 1,
2). Protein coordinates are based on RefSeq NP_037359.3. Figures are modified from (29) and are drawn approximately to scale.
unaffected brother. The only identified variant meeting all novel heterozygous nonsynonymous genetic variants in
filtering criteria was a missense variant (c.7064TC) in the aggrecan gene (ACAN) with perfect segregation within
exon 14 of ACAN that leads to an amino acid substitution three families, i.e. the ACAN variants were detected in all
in a highly conserved (Supplemtnal Figure 2E) residue affected, but in none of the unaffected family members.
(p.L2355P) in the C-type lectin domain (Figure 4), which The clinical features of short stature, advanced bone
is predicted by PolyPhen2 to perturb protein function with age, and early osteoarthritis observed in our subjects are
a score of 1.00. Subsequent Sanger sequencing revealed readily explained by the known biological roles of aggre-
that all available affected individuals (Figure 1C: II:2, II:5, can. Aggrecan is a critical proteoglycan component of the
III:4, III:5) were heterozygous for this variant, and all cartilage matrix, both in articular and growth plate car-
tested unaffected individuals (Figure 2C: II:1, II:3, II:4, tilage, thus accounting for the dual phenotypic effects on
III:6) were homozygous for the reference allele (Supple- both these types of cartilage. Consistent with this expla-
mental Figure 2D). nation, homozygous mutations in ACAN in both mice and
ACAN was the only gene with a novel nonsynonymous chicks severely disrupt growth plate function and impair
variant that segregated with the phenotype in all three
bone elongation (18, 19). In both species, chondrocytes
families. Because Family 3 only had a single candidate
are tightly packed, with little intervening matrix. In chicks,
variant, we also looked for overlap of any candidate genes
there is evidence for abnormal Indian hedgehog, fibroblast
between Families 1 and 2 only. Again, ACAN was the only
growth factor, and bone morphogenetic protein signaling,
gene with a variant meeting our criteria that was shared
leading to premature hypertrophic chondrocyte matura-
between these two families.
tion (18). Because hypertrophic differentiation induces
vascular invasion and ossification of growth cartilage (3),
these findings provide a likely explanation for the ad-
vanced bone age, premature growth cessation, and early
In this study we describe three families with a rare auto- epiphyseal fusion observed in the current study.
somal-dominant form of ISS with advanced bone age, The combination of short stature with advanced bone
early growth cessation, but only subtle other skeletal ab- age is rare and has to our knowledge only been reported in
normalities. Using whole-exome sequencing, we identified eight syndromes. Interestingly, most known causative mu-
E1516 Nilsson et al ACAN Mutations in Idiopathic Short Stature J Clin Endocrinol Metab, August 2014, 99(8):E1510 E1518
tations either impair proteoglycan synthesis, as in our pa- and familial osteochondritis dissecans all have adult
tients and in inactivating mutations of CANT1 causing heights similar to that of the affected individuals in our
Desbuquois dysplasia type 1 (20, 21) and inactivating mu- families, ie, 2 to 4 SDS (27, 28, 30). In addition, in-
tations of XYLT1 causing Desbuquois dysplasia type 2 dividuals in the family with osteochondritis dissecans were
(22), or decrease signaling through the cAMP-protein ki- reported to grow at a low normal percentile (height SDS,
nase A signaling pathway, as in Albrights hereditary os- 0 to 2) during childhood with poor pubertal growth
teodystrophy (23), inactivating mutations of PRKAR1A spurts resulting in adult heights below the normal range
causing Acrodysostosis type 1 (24) and activating muta- (height SDS, 2 and 4) (28). This growth pattern is
tions of PDE4D causing Acrodysostosis type 2 (25), thus similar to that of our patients, indicating that accelerated
indicating that abnormal extracellular matrix or de- bone maturation may contribute to the short stature of
creased PTHrP signaling in the growth plate result in ac- patients with familial osteochondritis dissecans as well.
celerated bone age progression, premature growth cessa- All known heterozygous aggrecan mutations detected
tion, and hastened epiphyseal fusion (26). to date cause short stature of similar severity, indicating
Before this report, only three families with skeletal dys- that they similarly affect growth plate cartilage. However,
plasias due to ACAN mutations had been reported. One only some mutations seem to affect the articular cartilage
reported family manifested with a skeletal dysplasia, and cause early-onset osteoarthritis. Families 1 and 2 have
which was termed spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, ag- early-frameshift or splice-site mutation (Figure 4), which
grecan type (SEMD). The disorder was characterized by are likely to cause early truncation of the protein and may
extreme short stature (adult height stature 14 to 15 therefore functionally represent haploinsufficiency of
SDS), severe midface hypoplasia, low-set, posteriorly ro- ACAN. These families have short stature but no evidence
tated ears, prognathism, short neck, platyspondyly, of early-onset osteoarthritis, suggesting that ACAN hap-
brachydactyly, broad thumbs, and barrel chest, and was loinsufficiency primarily affects growth plate cartilage.
caused by a homozygous missense mutation (p.D2343N) Family 3 and the previously reported familial osteochon-
in the G3 C-type lectin domain of the ACAN gene (Figure dritis dissecans family have missense mutations in the C-
4) (27). Heterozygous carriers of the mutation exhibited type lectin domain (Figure 4) and articular disease, sug-
short stature with mean adult heights of approximately gesting that the presence of aggrecan protein with a
2 to 4 SDS. Neither homozygous patients nor dysfunctional C-type lectin domain causes a more severe
heterozygous carriers exhibited early-onset osteoarthritis. phenotype affecting both growth plate and articular car-
In contrast, one family with familial osteochondritis dis- tilage function. This hypothesis might also explain SEDK,
secans presented with early-onset, severe osteoarthritis which shows osteoarthritis, because the frameshift is pre-
and osteochondritis dissecans (28) due to a heterozygous dicted to eliminate the c-type lectin domain but leaves a
missense mutation (p.V2379M), also in the C-type lectin more intact protein than the early mutations of Familes 1
domain (Figure 4) (29). These patients, similar to the and 2. However, SEMD is also caused by a missense mu-
heterozygous carriers of the SEMD mutation, exhibited tation in the C-type lectin domain, but heterozygous car-
short stature with mean adult heights of approximately riers do not exhibit early-onset articular disease (27). This
2 to 4 SDS (28). In a third reported family affected is possibly because this particular mutation may only par-
members showed a mild skeletal dyplasia, which was tially disrupt the important interactions with Tenascins,
termed spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, Kimberly type fibulins, and other matrix proteins (32, 33).
(SEDK) and was characterized by proportional short stat- In our patients, accelerated bone maturation occurs
ure (adult heights approximately 2.0 to 4.9 SDS), with well before puberty and may thus be estrogen indepen-
vertebral body deformities and end plate irregularities, dent. However, the fact that affected females seem to ex-
and progressive generalized osteoarthropathy (30). The perience sudden growth cessation early in puberty taken
causal variant for SEDK was a frameshift mutation in exon together with the finding that GnRH analog treatment
12 (Figure 4) in the chondroitin sulfate binding domain of essentially froze bone age progression in the proband of
ACAN (31). Here, we show evidence that heterozygous Family 3 suggest an important role for estrogen. Taken
mutations in ACAN also can cause a mild skeletal dys- together, the findings suggest that, in this disorder, accel-
plasia characterized by short stature and advanced bone erated bone age progression occurs during childhood in-
age. Our patients have short stature, variable, mild facial dependent of estrogen but that, as in normal adolescents,
dysmorphism, and brachydactyly, but do not exhibit the estrogen plays an important role in driving bone age pro-
vertebral body deformities detected in SEDK and SEMD. gression and linear growth deceleration to completion.
It is interesting to note that heterozygous carriers of the Whether the same pathways that are implicated in ACAN
SEMD mutation, as well as the individuals with SEDK, deficiency, i.e. Indian hedgehog, fibroblast growth factor,
doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-1332 jcem.endojournals.org E1517
and bone morphogenetic protein signaling (18), also me- ology for the unusual child with short stature and accelerated
diate the effects of estrogen on bone age acceleration and skeletal maturation.
early growth cessation is not known. Interestingly, our
subjects seemed to undergo growth cessation even earlier
than their advanced bone ages would suggest, highlighting Acknowledgments
the inherent inaccuracy of height prediction by bone age
assessment in children with underlying genetic growth We thank the patients and their families for their participation in
the study.
We identified three novel loss-of-function variants mu- Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: An-
tations in ACAN in three families, all with the rare com- drew Dauber, Division of Endocrinology, Boston Childrens
bination of short stature, advanced bone age, and prema- Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. E-mail:
ture growth cessation. Although we did not study the [email protected].
effects of the mutations on aggrecan or growth plate func- This work was supported by Harvard Catalyst The Harvard
Clinical and Translational Science Center (National Institutes of
tion, several lines of evidence suggest that these mutations
Health Award No. UL1 TR001102 and financial contributions
are likely to have caused the disorder. First, the variants from Harvard University and its affiliated academic health care
cosegregate precisely with the disorder in all three families. centers). This work was also supported by the Eunice Kennedy
Second, there is strong biological plausibility. Aggrecan is Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Devel-
the major proteoglycan in cartilage. Mutations in this gene opment at the National Institutes of Health [1K23HD073351 to
cause premature hypertrophic differentiation of growth A.D.] and the Pediatric Endocrine Society Clinical Scholar
Award to A.D. Genomic sequencing for family 2 was performed
plate chondrocytes (18), and mutations in other genes af- by Boston Childrens Hospital Genomic Diagnostic Laboratory,
fecting proteoglycan synthesis, also present with short now called Claritas Genomics through the Research Connection
stature and advanced bone age (20 22). Third, the mu- of Boston Childrens Hospital.
tations, an early frameshift, a substitution in a highly con- The work of O.N., J.C.L., and J.B. was supported by the
served base-pair of a splice donor site, and a missense Intramural Research Program of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
mutation in a highly conserved residue, are all strongly
National Institutes of Health. O.N. was supported by an ESPE
predicted to affect protein function. Fourth, the growth Research Fellowship Grant and a grant from the Swedish Re-
pattern of our patients as well as the early-onset osteoar- search Council (K2012-99X-21998-01-3), the Swedish Society
thritis and osteochondritis dissecans of Family 3 are of Medicine, Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Lovisas Foun-
largely consistent with previously reported cases of dation for Pediatric Care, Wera Ekstroms Foundation for Pe-
heterozygous, loss-of-function mutations in ACAN. Thus, diatric Research, Mrta och Gunnar V Philipsons Foundation,
Sllskapet Barnavrd, Stiftelsen Frimurare Barnhuset i Stock-
taken together, our findings strongly suggest that the iden-
holm, and Karolinska Institutet.
tified variants are causative. However, further mechanis- The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does
tic studies to elucidate the effect of the genetic variants on not necessarily represent the official views of Harvard Catalyst,
mRNA splicing, protein expression, protein function, as Harvard University and its affiliated academic health care cen-
well as studies using genetically modified mouse models to ters, the National Center for Research Resources, or the Na-
elucidate the downstream mechanisms by which the spe- tional Institutes of Health.
Disclosure Summary: The authors have nothing to disclose.
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