Active-Impedance Control of Lower-Limb Assistive Exoskeleton
Active-Impedance Control of Lower-Limb Assistive Exoskeleton
Active-Impedance Control of Lower-Limb Assistive Exoskeleton
Abstract- We propose a novel control method for lower-limb we introduce a new approach to human assist based on
assist that produces a virtual modification of the mechanical enhancing the kinematic response of the human limbs, as
impedance of the human limbs. This effect is accomplished by opposed to amplifying muscle forces. Because our method
making the exoskeleton display active impedance properties. Ac-
tive impedance control emphasizes control of the exoskeleton's is not directly linked to a model of the user's biomechanics,
dynamics and regulation of the transfer of energy between the we expect greater ease in adapting the controller to individual
exoskeleton and the user. Its goal is improving the dynamic users. Our proposed control method may eventually find its
response of the human limbs without sacrificing the user's application in machinery for the rehabilitation of the lower
control authority. The proposed method is an alternative to extremities, or in autonomous exoskeletal devices designed
myoelectrical exoskeleton control, which is based on estimat-
ing muscle torques from electromyographical (EMG) activity. to assist in ADL.
Implementation of an EMG-based controller is a complex task
that involves modeling the user's musculoskeletal system and II. A CLASSIFICATION OF ASSISTIVE EXOSKELETONS:
requires recalibration. In contrast, active impedance control is PASSIVE VS. ACTIVE
less dependent on estimation of the user's attempted motion,
thereby avoiding conflicts resulting from inaccurate estimation. An exoskeleton is a powered wearable device, typically
In this paper we also introduce a new form of human with an anthropomorphic configuration, designed to track
assist based on improving the kinematic response of the limbs.
Reduction of average muscle torques is a common goal of the user's motion, and interact with the user through force
research in human assist. However, less emphasis has been display. Exoskeleton designs can be classified in terms of
placed so far on improving the user's agility of motion. We their assistive capabilities as either passive or active devices.
aim to use active impedance control to attain such effects as A passive device is one that cannot deliver more energy
increasing the user's average speed of motion, and improving to the environment than it has previously drawn from the
their acceleration capabilities in order to compensate for
perturbations from the environment. environment. Exoskeletons that display passive behavior as-
Index Terms- Exoskeleton, lower limb, active impedance, sist human users mainly by helping them employ their own
assist. muscle power more effectively, but do not actually supply
energy to the user. Examples of exoskeleton-based passive
I. INTRODUCTION assist include:
In recent years, different exoskeletal devices have been Passive gravity support: unactuated orthotic devices
developed to supplement the mechanical power needed by have been available for decades. In many instances they
people with lower-limb impairments. Control methods for provide partial support of the user's weight by providing
power assist are usually based on obtaining an estimate of a mechanical path to the ground. A more elaborate
the user's intended motion in real time. Estimates of intent gravity-support device based entirely on passive me-
based on the muscles' electromyographical (EMG) activity chanical elements has been reported by Banala [2].
or on ground-reaction forces have been implemented with . Load-carrying assist: a special case of gravity support,
varying levels of success. this type of assist is typified by the BLEEX system de-
In this paper we establish the basic framework for a novel veloped at UC Berkeley [1 1], in which the exoskeleton
control method for lower-limb assistive exoskeletons based partially or totally supports a load carried by the user,
on active impedance. This method gives preeminence to for example a heavy backpack. This device employs
control of the exoskeleton's dynamics over prediction of a novel control scheme that, by means of positive
intent. Our long-term goal is to develop a control method kinematic feedback, enhances the device's mechanical
for exoskeletons that provides sufficient flexibility to as- admittance, thus enabling it to closely track the human's
sist a wide variety of lower-limb motions, such as those movements. However, the device is still passive from the
encountered in activities of daily living (ADL): walking, perspective of its interaction with the human user.
climbing stairs, rising from a chair, etc. Simultaneously, . Force-offsetting assist: as a complement to load-
carrying capabilities, the system developed by Walsh et
This project has been supported through a grant from the Honda Research al. [21] uses passive devices like springs to store energy
Institute (Mountain View, CA).
Gabriel Aguirre-Ollinger ([email protected]),J. released during negative-work phases of the gait cycle
Edward Colgate and Michael A. Peshkin are with the Department of and releases it during the positive-work phases to assist
Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, the progression of the walking motion.
Ambarish Goswami is with the Honda Research Institute, Mountain View, . Resonance-based assist: the exoskeleton modifies the
CA 94041, USA. dynamics of the limb to make it function closer to its
resonant frequency, thus helping to make more effective We shall model this device as an LTI second-order rotational
use of the user's own muscle power [20]. system.
Active devices, on the other hand, behave as energy
sources. In order to be able to assist the widest possible
variety of lower-limb motions, an exoskeleton must be ca-
pable of active behavior. One of the reasons is that human
movements involve the elevation of the center of mass of the
body (CoM) at one point or another. Only an active device
can assist such motion in a repetitive way. As for walking
on level ground, Donelan et al. [12] have demonstrated that
step-to-step transitions, to the degree they involve redirecting
the trajectory of the CoM, involve a net amount of work and,
in consequence, an energetic cost to the human.
Probably the most common approach to active assist is
using the muscles' electromyographical (EMG) activity to
control the actuators of the exoskeleton or orthosis. Rosen
et al. [19] have developed a powered exoskeleton to assist Fig. 1. Hypothetical 1-DOF exoskeleton.
elbow motion, using EMG as the primary command signal.
Ferris [7] and his group at the University of Michigan Impedance control will be used to regulate the inter-
have designed a pneumatically powered, myoelectrically action between the exoskeleton and the user. Under this
controlled ankle-foot orthosis as a tool for rehabilitation control regime, the exoskeleton will display a virtual me-
and study of human locomotor adaptation. One of the most chanical impedance of our choice. The exoskeleton's virtual
advanced systems for lower-limb assist is the wearable robot impedance parameters consist of inertia moment Id, damping
HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) developed by Sankai [10] bd, and stiffness ksd. The superscript d denotes that these are
and his team at the University of Tsukuba. It includes "desired" impedance values. Thus we define the exoskele-
four actuators for hip and knee assist, and uses feedback ton's virtual impedance as
from both EMG and force sensors. Fleischer et al. [8] have
developed a method for EMG-based torque estimation that
Zed(s) = I,s
d + d
kd k
tackles the important problem of calibrating the parameters be+s _
of the torque estimator, through the use of a model of the For the exoskeleton to be truly assistive, it must be capable
human body's dynamics. This method has been used to of making the transition from passive to active behavior. A
implement a torque controller for a powered knee orthosis physical system is said to be passive if the amount of energy
[9]. AEout that can be extracted from it over a certain period of
The use of EMG signals to estimate motion intent has time At is never greater than the sum of the system's initial
several practical limitations, due mainly to the nature of the energy Eo, plus the amount of energy AEin that entered the
EMG signal. Accurate estimation of torque from EMG is system during At:
a challenging task requiring the characterization of several
muscles, plus separating extraneous components affecting AEout < Eo + AEin (2)
the EMG signal, such as electrical noise, ambient noise
and motion artifact. Muscle activation models derived from An active system, by contrast, is not subject to the above
the Hill model are typically complex [15]. Furthermore, constraint. A port impedance Z(s) is passive if and only if
EMG displays considerable variability with time and across it meets the following conditions [4], otherwise it is active:
subjects, thus requiring recalibration schemes like the one * Z(s) has no poles in the right half of the complex plane.
described in [8]. A myoelectrical controller needs to be fine- * Any imaginary poles of Z(s) are simple, and have
tuned to each individual user, making adaptation to new users positive residues.
a complex task. * Re{Z(jw)} > 0 for all w.
The relationship between passive and active impedance
and energy transfer can be readily understood in terms of
A. Passive and active mechanical impedance phase. Let us say the input velocity to the system described
Our current research focuses on developing control meth- by (1) is sinusoidal, given by v(t) = V sin wt. The steady-
ods to assist single-joint movements, as a preamble for state output force will show a phase shift relative to v(t):
the development of a control scheme for an exoskeleton f (t) = F sin(wt+c). The average power exchanged between
with multiple degrees of freedom. The key aspect of our the system and the environment is given by p = F2v cos q5.
control method is enabling the exoskeleton to display active A passive system is one in which the phase angle introduced
impedance properties. by Z(s) has a value between -900 and 900 ; in this case the
Figure 1 shows a diagram of a hypothetical 1-DOF ex- average power is positive, meaning the system draws energy
oskeleton designed to assist the motion of the knee joint. from the environment. The system is active if the phase is
either less than -90° or greater than 90°. In this case the We propose using the virtual modification of the lower
average power is negative, meaning the system transmits limb's impedance as the primary source of human assist. Vir-
energy to the environment. Because of the phase angle tual impedance control of an exoskeleton has been proposed
condition, the parameters of inertia, damping and stiffness before [14] as a method of reducing the user's stress, but
in a passive system all have positive values. By contrast, an still giving preeminence to EMG-based torque amplification
active system will display a certain combination of negative as the major assistive action.
impedance terms. Negative masses, dampers or springs do Interaction between the actual human limb and the ex-
not normally occur in nature. Thus an active impedance oskeleton is of course more complex than that of the linear
cannot be generated from ordinary mechanical elements, but model described by (5). The passive impedance properties
requires an energy source plus control. of the musculoskeletal system vary nonlinearly with the
kinematic state of the body. On the other hand, people use
B. Virtual modification ofthe human limb's impedance prop- impedance modulation (specifically by modifying joint stiff-
erties ness through co-contraction) when interacting with unknown
We shall illustrate now how the exoskeleton can produce external forces [6]. In consequence, the actual implementa-
a virtual modification of the human leg's impedance. The tion of active impedance control in an exoskeleton may even-
impedance of the human leg's shank, Zh(s), is characterized tually require making the virtual impedance terms dependent
by inertia moment Ih, damping bh, and stiffness kh. We are on the kinematic state of the limb or the interaction forces
using the last term, kh, mainly as a linearization of the grav- involved.
itational torque acting on the leg, such that mhglh sin 0
Zh(S) =Ihs + bh + kh (3) Our experimental platform is a 1-DOF exoskeleton
Figure 2 shows the coupled system formed by the ex- mounted on a rigid base (Figure 3). Our current focus is be-
oskeleton's virtual impedance and the human limb. For ing able to measure interaction forces and kinematic response
simplicity, we assume the coupling between the exoskeleton with the least possible ambiguity. To that effect, it is ideal
and the human is rigid. The term Tp represents the net to start with a rigidly-mounted device that assists a simple
torque exerted by the exoskeleton on the human limb at motion of the leg. The exoskeleton is designed to assist a
the interaction port p; ThK is the net muscle torque under person performing knee extensions and flexions. A custom-
exoskeleton assist. built ankle brace couples the user's leg to the exoskeleton
It is easy to see that the equivalent impedance Zd (S) arm. The ankle brace is mounted on a sliding bracket in
opposing the muscles' action is given by order to accommodate any possible radial displacement of
the ankle relative to the device's center of rotation.
The main consideration in the design of our experimental
Zh (s)= Zh(S) + Z'(s) (4) 1-DOF exoskeleton was enabling the display of programmed
mechanical impedances, either active or passive, with high
fidelity. We defer the design for actual use in rehabilitation
or ADL for a later stage. For accurate impedance control it
is ideal to employ a device with low intrinsic mechanical
impedance, such that it is highly backdriveable even in the
absence of motor actuation. Therefore, we chose to use a
servo motor with a large torque capability, and keep the
transmission ratio low.
Figure 4 shows the exoskeleton's main assembly, con-
sisting of the servo motor, the drive transmission and the
Fig. 2. Linear model of the coupled 1-DOF human-exoskeleton system. exoskeleton arm. The motor is a Kollmorgen brushless direct-
drive AC servo with a power rating of 0.99 kW and a
Thus the dynamics of the coupled system are given by continuous torque rating of 2.0 Nm. The transmission ratio
of the cable drive is 10:1, thus allowing a continuous torque
(Ih + Id) s + bh + bd + (kh + k gj =ThK (5) output of 20.0 Nm. The motor comes with a proprietary 24-
bit feedback device that produces an emulated encoder output
Equation (5) represents a generalized modification of the of up to 32,768 counts before quadrature.
impedance parameters of the human limb segment by means Design of the drive transmission is critical for active-
of an exoskeleton. It suggests we have a wide range of impedance assist. A gear transmission can be a poor choice
possibilities to modify the relationship between the angu- for this type of application because gear backlash can give
lar velocity trajectory, w, and the net muscle torque, ThK, rise to limit cycles. Figure 5 shows a phase diagram of the
by choosing the appropriate exoskeleton virtual impedance behavior of a simulated 1-DOF exoskeleton with transmis-
parameters Id, bd and kd. sion backlash.
AC servo
Grooved pulley
N Major pulley
Torque sensor
\ Exoskeleton arm
In this simulation, the exoskeleton's virtual impedance is
a pure rotational inertia, Zed(s) = Ids. Coupling of the
exoskeleton to a human leg at rest is represented by a
spring and damper connected to ground. Noise in the torque 05-
measurement is simulated as a Gaussian white-noise signal. 7C,
In a backlash-free transmission, any motion induced by 0-
the torque sensor's signal noise will be attenuated by the _0.5-
damping in the coupling. In contrast, the presence of nonzero
backlash predicts the onset of limit cycle, as shown in Figure
5. The amplitude of the limit cycle grows when negative
virtual damping bed is introduced. In order to completely - 1 .S .1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1
avoid the presence of backlash in our exoskeleton prototype, 0 (rad)
we decided to implement a cable drive transmission. The
Fig. 5. Simulated limit cycle behavior in a 1-DOF exoskeleton with
cable drive, shown also in Figure 4, is similar in concept to transmission backlash.
that of the PHANToM [13] and other haptic devices.
The interaction torque between the user's leg and the
exoskeleton's arm is measured by means of a torque sensor impedance Zd(s). The block in turn generates a reference
coupling the arm to the major pulley of the drive. The arm's velocity ,ref. A complete kinematic reference trajectory
construction has been made as lightweight as possible in qref (including the time integral of the angle to avoid steady-
order to minimize its inertial effects. The torque sensor has state error) is generated by a double integrator. This reference
a capacity of up to 113 Nm. trajectory is tracked by a closed-loop PID controller using a
state observer to compute an estimate of the actual kinematic
trajectory, qest. The control code is implemented in the QNX
The general scheme for the control of the virtual real-time operating system, with a sampling rate of 1 kHz.
impedance of our exoskeleton is shown in Figure 6. The
torque -T exerted by the exoskeleton on the human limb is VI. AsSIST BY GRAVITY COMPENSATION
used as input to a virtual admittance block, that is, a control While gravity compensation is not the primary focus of
block containing the reciprocal of the exoskeleton's desired our interest, it is a useful benchmark to make an initial
T4p 0~
O3ref l
input Zed(S) measured
torque virtual angle
observed state
trajectory observer
assessment of the interaction between the human user and In this regard, trajectory-tracking tasks can be
a useful tool
the exoskeleton. Because the term kh in our model of the to evaluate the effect of exoskeleton assist the kinematic
human limb is used as a linearization of the effect of gravity, response of the lower limbs. Tracking tasks have been widely
we can make the exoskeleton provide gravity compensation used in studies of the spatiotemporal control of the upper
by giving a negative value to the virtual exoskeleton stiffness extremities. Studies on arm coordination involving target-
ks', such that kh < kh reaching and trajectory-tracking under the action of external
The lead author served as the subject for the tests and forces have been reported by Burdet [3], Dancause [5] and
performed knee extensions on the exoskeleton. During these Patten [18]. As for studies on trajectory-tracking for the
exercises, we monitored the EMG activity of one muscle lower extremities, Maffiuletti [16] has reported on a lower-
from the knee extensor group, the vastus lateralis. Processing limb trajectory-tracking task to assess motor coordination in
of the raw EMG signal consisted of high-pass filtering at able-bodied individuals.
30 Hz using a fourth-order Butterworth filter, full-wave We are currently developing new forms of human assist
rectification and low-pass filtering with a 6 Hz fourth-order aimed at improving the kinematic response of the limb, for
Butterworth filter. Figure 7 shows plots of the EMG activity, example by enabling the user to increase the magnitude
UEMG, and the knee joint angle, 0m, for two successive mo- of the velocity or the acceleration of their movements.
tions. The first motion was unassisted, i.e. the exoskeleton's Such effects may prove relevant to physical rehabilitation,
virtual stiffness, kd, had a value of zero. Prior to the second inasmuch as they may help patients regain confidence in
motion, kd was switched to a negative value of -0.5kh, their lower-limb movements. In elderly people, the decline in
effectively reducing the weight of the leg's shank by about sensorimotor control function leads to increased risk of falls
50%. It can be seen that the gravity compensation controller and, consequently, a gradual loss of confidence during loco-
achieved a significant reduction in the level of EMG activity. motion. Melzer et al. [17] have reported that the velocity of
voluntary and compensatory stepping decreases dramatically
with age. Age-related deterioration of physiological factors
unassisted (kd 0) assisted (kd =0.5kh)
like sensory detection, cortex-level motion planning level
1.6 f _e
and nerve conduction speed essentially cannot be helped.
1.4 um )
On the other hand, we feel that the exoskeleton can help to
1.2 UEMG compensate the slower response of the nervous system by
improving the dynamic response of the human limbs.
We are currently conducting a study to test the influence
of negative damping, which is a particular case of active
impedance, on the speed of leg movements executed in
0.4- response to a sensory input. Because natural damping is
an energy dissipation term, it makes sense to consider
negative damping as a way to source energy from the
exoskeleton to the user. A particular advantage of this
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
t (s) method is that, since damping is a velocity-dependent effect,
Fig. 7. Assist by gravity compensation: processed EMG levels for the exoskeleton-human interaction forces generated by the
unassisted motion (first angle peak) and assisted motion (second angle peak). exoskeleton become nearly zero when the leg is at rest
or in quasi-static motion. Our hypothesis is that negative
exoskeleton damping can reduce the average time needed to
VII. ASSIST BY IMPROVING THE HUMAN S KINEMATIC complete the movement. The study involves target-reaching
RESPONSE tasks adapted to the leg's motions. These experiments are
The prevailing approach to lower-limb assist is reducing designed in accordance with the stationary nature of our 1-
muscular effort. However, our research shows that little work DOF exoskeleton platform. However, we expect the results
has been done to study an exoskeleton's potential contribu- will provide insights about the potential influence of an
tion to the agility or precision of lower-limb movements. exoskeleton on the compensatory movements needed to
maintain balance and respond to motion perturbations. The identification procedure was then repeated with the
user's lower-leg coupled to the exoskeleton's arm. The sub-
VIII. KINEMATIC RESPONSE EXPERIMENTS WITH ject was instructed to relax the leg as much as possible
NEGATIVE DAMPING to insure that the identified parameters would reflect the
In our experiment, the subject moves the leg's shank while passive dynamics of the leg. Assuming a fairly rigid coupling
wearing the exoskeleton. The exoskeleton's measured angu- between the leg and the exoskeleton, the impedance param-
lar position is used to guide a virtual object on a computer eters of the user's leg were estimated as Ih =0.220kgm2,
screen toward a fixed target, as shown in Figure 8(a). The bh =1.714Nm/(rad/s) and kh =11.843Nm/rad. These values
visual interface is part of an integrated QNX application that are in good agrement with estimates obtained from the
runs the exoskeleton controller and collects the experimental anthropometric data tables in Winter [22].
data. The virtual object on the screen replicates the trajectory The effect of negative exoskeleton damping b d can be
of the foot (Figure 8(b)), so that the center of its trajectory viewed as a cancelation of the passive damping of the knee
corresponds to the center of rotation of the knee. The virtual joint. Although the identified damping value bh imposes
target is located on the path of the virtual object's trajectory. a theoretical limit of b d = _1.714Nm/(rad/s) to maintain
This reaching motion is repeated several times at different stability, we found that in practice the subject was able to to
values of negative damping. The subject is instructed to move perform the target-reaching task with values of exoskeleton
the virtual object to the target as quickly as possible, and damping as low as -2.4Nm/(rad/s) without loss of motor
hold it within the target's limits for a specific amount of control. Thus we hypothesize that subjects may be quick to
time, typically a fraction of a second. recognize the presence of excess negative damping, and to
respond by increasing the joint's damping through either co-
contraction or velocity feedback.
B. Target-reaching experiment
The virtual target was located at an angle of 600 from
the vertical (Figure 8). The subject performed the reaching
motion at negative damping values b d of increasing magni-
tude. Based on the estimated passive damping, six uniformly
distributed values of negative damping ranging from 0 to
-2.ONm/(rad/s) were used; six target-reaching motions were
recorded for each value of damping. Three complete tests
were performed in the study, giving a total of 108 target-
(a) (b) reaching motions executed by the subject. The time to reach
Fig. 8. Target-reaching task: (a) schematic diagram of the visual interface; the target was recorded in every trial.
(b) motion of the leg coupled to the exoskeleton. In computing the time to reach the target, we discounted
the subject's reaction time, that is, the delay between the
appearance of the visual cue (target) and the onset of
A. Identification of the dynamics of the exoskeleton and the leg movement. This delay is outside the influence of the
lower limb exoskeleton and hence should not be counted. In order to
We performed an initial test with the subject (healthy male, have a fixed reference for the onset of the target-reaching
age 38, height 1.82m, body mass 78kg) performing target- motion, time computation was initiated when the leg crossed
reaching motions at different levels of virtual exoskeleton a threshold angle of 2.50 measured CW from the vertical. As
damping. In order to assign appropriate values to the ex- a measure of comfort for the user, the exoskeleton damping
oskeleton's damping, we identified the natural impedance pa- was returned to the default value of zero after the target was
rameters of the subject's lower leg. The systems identification reached; in this way it is easier to move the leg back to the
procedure was done in two steps. First, the natural impedance home position.
parameters of the exoskeleton's arm were estimated using ANOVA performed on the experimental data showed that
a recursive least-squares algorithm [1]. The system was both the virtual damping, b', and the test number, nt, had
excited with a band-limited (3 Hz) white-noise torque signal a highly significant effect on the time to reach the target.
applied to the AC servo. In the recursive algorithm, the input Figure 9 shows, for each test, a plot of the average time
variable was the measured torque, Tp, and the outputs were to reach the target, tTARG, versus the exoskeleton's virtual
the angular position, 0,e angular velocity, te, and angular damping value, b'. The plots show a consistent reduction in
acceleration, te, of the exoskeleton's arm. The angular the time to reach the target as the virtual damping becomes
acceleration was measured by means of an Xsens MT9 more negative (P --0, R2 =0.647). Reduction in the reaching
inertial unit. The estimated values for the inertia, damping time was also observed from test to test (P --0, R2 =0.209).
and gravitational spring constant of the exoskeleton's arm This suggests a possible learning effect, by which the user
were, respectively, ie =0.116kgm2, be =0.058Nm/(rad/s) would be able to increase his average speed of motion as he
and ke =2.768Nm/rad. becomes accustomed to wearing the exoskeleton.
We have concluded a first stage in the development of
Test 1 a new method for exoskeleton-based lower-limb assist. The
0.35 Test 2
Test 3
proposed method follows two main principles:
* Controlling the dynamics of the exoskeleton to make it
0.3 display active impedance.
_1 CD * Using the exoskeleton's assistive forces to improve the
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