C1 Advanced (CAE) Writing: Part I - Essay

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C1 Advanced (CAE) Writing: Part I – Essay

There will be no choice of tasks in this Part.

Your essay should be organised well, including

an introduction, supporting paragraphs and a compelling conclusion. The
composition should capture the reader’s attention and express sophisticated
ideas using a range of stylistic structures and vocabulary.

You will be asked to explain which of the two points is more important and
to express reasons for your viewpoint. Your essay should include a well-
organised introduction, supporting paragraphs and an appropriate conclusion.

How much do I have to write? 220–260 words.

Tips for Writing Part I

• Read the entire task before beginning to plan your response. You will
need to familiarise yourself with reading the input, understanding the
instructions in full and then deciding on how to organise and construct your
• Select two bullet points and develop your essay around them. Avoid
trying to discuss more than two of the points, for this would lead the
composition to being less developed than needed.
• You may use the opinions expressed in the task to develop your answer,
but be sure to use your own words as much as possible. No credit will be
given for text that has been copied directly from the prompt.

Writing Structure

1. Introduction
Present and develop the essay question in your introduction

2. Main content: Paragraphs 1-2

Describe the first point/argument from the notes (most important)
Describe the second point/argument from the notes.

3. Paragraph 3 (optional)
Explains the final point and links to the others.

4. Conclusion
A summary of what you have said.
1. Introduction

Pay attention to style and register!

One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced writers involves

using too personal language writing an essay.

Me, myself, I
Everybody likes to talk about themselves, but when (for example) you’re writing
about environmental issues, you should be talking about the environment
and not about yourself.
The way word you is used in informal speech ‘You should have seen it!’ ‘if you
know what I mean’ is not appropriate in formal writing. At best it sounds chatty
and informal; at worst, disrespectful or even offensive. The word you points a
finger at the reader. But the readers are not friends of yours, and you have no
right to make assumptions about them.

Main content: Paragraphs 1-2

Paragraph 1- In this paragraph, more background information is provided in

greater detail. Your first, often the strongest main point is expanded upon.
Bring in and refute any arguments against your point of view.
Paragraph 2 - The second paragraph provides your second key point, lying it into
the theme of your essay. Again, bring in opposing points of view and support your
second key point with Information and background.


The final paragraph is used to summarise or conclude your essay. It shows how
the two key points you have presented compare or relate to each other. It also
clearly re-states your initial position from the introductory paragraph.
C1 Advanced (CAE) Essay: Tips


• PLAN your essay.
• REVISE your essay to correct mistakes.
• The final paragraph is the best place to express your opinion clearly
• Add quotations, statistics, facts. examples and other relevant data to
support your points.
• The tone and register can be formal or semiformal depending on your
treatment of the topic. If your essay is written in a formal register, only
bring in informal expressions when you use a direct quotation to support
your argument.
• Punctuation is important in essays and can be a powerful tool for
expressing subtle or emphatic points. Short sentences make for a peachy
style but get irritating if they are over-used, long sentences need careful use
of commas, semi-colons and desires to achieve flow and rhythm.
C1 Advanced (CAE) Essay: Marking Criteria

Language Communication
A wide range of suitable grammatical The essay should be neutral or formal rather
structures and elements should be used in than informal or conversational. as it is a
sentences that are not too simple. Longer serious piece of academic work. The reader
sentences with more than one clause should clearly understand all the points
should be well controlled and totally clear made about the two aspects, as well as the
in meaning. Vocabulary connected with writer’s reasons for selecting one of them as
the topic area should be used accurately the most important.
and a high level of vocabulary to make and
support points on the subject should also
be demonstrated.

Organization Content
The essay should be appropriately divided The essay must discuss two of the three
into paragraphs, perhaps with separate aspects listed in the question and state which
paragraphs for each of the two aspects. A of them the writer regards as the most
short introductory paragraph and/or a important, giving reasons for this choice. If
short concluding paragraph could be the opinions from the discussion are used,
included but neither of these is essential. they should be rephrased as much as
Sentences and paragraphs should be possible, not simply copied.
linked with appropriate linking words and

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