Review Article: Adipo-Myokines: Two Sides of The Same Coin-Mediators of Inflammation and Mediators of Exercise
Review Article: Adipo-Myokines: Two Sides of The Same Coin-Mediators of Inflammation and Mediators of Exercise
Review Article: Adipo-Myokines: Two Sides of The Same Coin-Mediators of Inflammation and Mediators of Exercise
Mediators of Inflammation
Volume 2013, Article ID 320724, 16 pages
Review Article
Adipo-Myokines: Two Sides of the Same CoinMediators of
Inflammation and Mediators of Exercise
Silja Raschke and Jrgen Eckel
German Diabetes Center, Paul-Langerhans-Group of Integrative Physiology, Auf m Hennekamp 65, 40225 Dusseldorf, Germany
Correspondence should be addressed to Jurgen Eckel; [email protected]
Received 26 February 2013; Revised 29 April 2013; Accepted 7 May 2013
Academic Editor: Daniel Konrad
Copyright 2013 S. Raschke and J. Eckel. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
This review summarizes the current literature regarding the most discussed contraction-regulated moykines like IL-6, IL-15, irisin,
BDNF, ANGPTL4, FGF21, myonectin and MCP-1. It is suggested that the term myokine is restricted to proteins secreted from
skeletal muscle cells, excluding proteins that are secreted by other cell types in skeletal muscle tissue and excluding proteins which
are only described on the mRNA level. Interestingly, many of the contraction-regulated myokines described in the literature are
additionally known to be secreted by adipocytes. We termed these proteins adipo-myokines. Within this review, we try to elaborate
on the question why pro-inflammatory adipokines on the one hand are upregulated in the obese state, and have beneficial effects
after exercise on the other hand. Both, adipokines and myokines do have autocrine effects within their corresponding tissues. In
addition, they are involved in an endocrine crosstalk with other tissues. Depending on the extent and the kinetics of adipo-myokines
in serum, these molecules seem to have a beneficial or an adverse effect on the target tissue.
2. Identification of Contraction-Regulated
It is well accepted that physical activity exerts multiple beneficial effects on the prevention of chronic diseases, both due to
an improved energy balance and due to effects independent
of obesity. It is assumed that contraction-regulated myokines
play a pivotal role in the communication between muscle and
other tissues such as adipose tissue, liver, and pancreatic cells
Mediators of Inflammation
Table 1: Contraction-regulated myokines. A search of original articles in pubMed was performed for all myokines described to identify
contraction regulation of a myokine on the level of enhanced muscle mRNA expression and enhanced serum level. In addition, studies
describing basal secretion of the indicated myokine from myotubes (in vitro studies) are given. The search terms used were skeletal muscle,
myokine, exercise, secretion, and the indicated myokine. Reference lists of identified articles were also used to search for further papers.
Secreted by cells
Enhanced serum
level after exercise
n.d. [19]
[112, 113]
[51, 70, 160, 161]
[48, 52, 55]
[63, 64]
[52, 165]
[55, 57]
[32, 69]
n.d. [162164]
[68, 140]
[166, 167]
[70, 72]
[86, 87]
: secretion, enhanced muscle mRNA level, or serum level of myokines have been shown in indicated publications. : contraction regulation of myokine has
not been shown. # Myokine serum levels are described to be decreased after exercise, n.d.: not detected in supernatants of myotubes.
Mediators of Inflammation
induced by an acute bout of resistance exercise [20]. Thus,
repeated biopsies have to be taken carefully in regard to
avoiding an inflammatory response in the tissue. In the
case that contraction regulation of a protein is first identified in muscle biopsies on the mRNA level, it is essential
to determine whether the enhanced mRNA expression is
translated to enhanced protein level. An additional elegant
approach is to induce contraction of human skeletal muscle
cells or clonal cell lines by electrical pulse stimulation [21
24]. The potentially contraction-regulated myokine can be
analyzed on the mRNA and protein level. Most importantly,
enhanced secretion can be determined in the supernatants by
In addition, training studies were performed in mice and
rats. It has been shown that IL-15 mRNA expression in soleus
and gastrocnemius muscle is increased after 8-week treadmill
running training in rats, while plasma IL-15 level was not
changed [52]. Yang et al. observed about 1.7-fold increase
in IL-15 mRNA expression after three weeks of free wheel
running in mice but did not analyze protein or serum level.
Nevertheless, while the observed increase in plasma IL-15
levels in humans is rather small (512%) after acute exercise
and not depending on the mode of exercise, particularly
moderate intensity resistance exercise had a significant effect
on IL-15 blood levels. However, to the best of our knowledge,
secretion of IL-15 from muscle cells has not been described
yet, and it has not been shown that the observations on muscle mRNA level are translated to meaningful contributions to
IL-15 serum levels.
Mediators of Inflammation
8 weeks [57]. Up to now, there is only one study showing
a robust activation of FNDC5 after exercise in humans
measured by RT-PCR in muscle biopsies [24], however,
limited to a very small number of subjects.
Although Bostrom et al. described the discovery of the
novel myokine irsin, the authors showed that the release of
irisin exclusively in HEK 293 cells transfected with a vector
expressing FNDC5 followed immunodetection of culture
media protein. It has not been confirmed that muscle FNDC5
mRNA is translated to protein in primary or clonal skeletal
muscle cells, and, most importantly, it has not been shown
that irisin is secreted from skeletal muscle cells. Furthermore,
to demonstrate the secretion of irisin from HEK293 cells
and to analyze murine and human serum samples, the
authors used an antibody, which most likely cannot detect
the cleaved irisin, since the antibody used is directed against
the C-terminal part of the protein (Abcam 149178, Cterminal) [58]. Taken together, future studies should address
FNDC5/irisin precise expression and cleavage mechanism to
clarify the controversy of current literature.
Mediators of Inflammation
BDNF [19], leading the authors to the conclusion that BNDF
exerts its action locally and is not released into the circulation.
Matthews et al. reported an autocrine effect of BNDF since
treatment of skeletal muscle cells with recombinant BDNF
resulted in enhanced phosphorylation of AMP-activated
protein kinase (AMPK) and ACC in rat L6 cells which leads
to enhanced fatty acid oxidation [19].
In mice, treadmill exercise induced an increase in BDNF
mRNA expression in the hippocampus and cortex (threeto fivefold) [65]. In humans, a BDNF release from the
brain was observed at rest and increased two- to threefold
during exercise. Both at rest and during exercise, the brain
contributed 7080% of circulating BDNF [65]. These results
suggest that the brain is a major, but not the sole contributor
to circulating BDNF after exercise.
8. MCP-1
MCP-1 is a chemokine and member of the small inducible
cytokine family. It plays a crucial role in the recruitment of
monocytes and T lymphocytes into tissues [66, 67]. MCP1 was detected in supernatants of C2C12 cells [68]. In mice,
plasma IL-6 levels were markedly increased 3 h following
maximum progressive swimming, while MCP-1 plasma levels
were not altered by exercise [69]. However, a single bout of
intense resistance exercise increased MCP-1 mRNA expression in muscle biopsy samples obtained from vastus lateralis
muscle about 35-fold after two hours. In comparison, IL6 mRNA expression, the myokine prototype, was enhanced
about 400-fold [70]. One bout of moderate-intensity cycle
exercise increased MCP-1 mRNA levels in vastus lateralis
muscle biopsy samples after 40 min [71]. One-legged cycling
of male subjects induced a significant change in MCP-1
mRNA levels in the exercising leg and enhanced MCP-1
plasma levels after exercise and after 3 hours of recovery [72].
In addition, increased MCP-1 mRNA expression in skeletal
muscle was reported in elderly individuals following one
bout of resistance exercise [73] and in young men after a
repeated eccentric exercise bout [74]. Immunohistochemistry analysis of muscle biopsies colocalized MCP-1 with
resident macrophage and satellite cell populations, suggesting
that alterations in cytokine signalling between these cell
populations may play a role in muscle adaptation to exercise
thereby suppresses plasma FFA levels [75]. While ANGPTL4
is below the detection limit in supernatants of differentiated
C2C12 cells, long-term treatment of human myotubes (48 h)
with the PPAR-specific activator GW501516 results in the
accumulation of ANGPTL4 in the supernatant [76]. In addition, incubation of human primary myocytes with oleic acid
and linoleic acid enhanced ANGPTL4 mRNA expression.
Nevertheless, this effect was not only observed in primary
human myocytes, but also in FAO hepatoma cells and mouse
intestinal MSIE cells [75].
Catoire et al. have shown in a human one-legged exercise
study that target genes of PPAR transcription factors including ANGPTL4 were induced equally in exercising and nonexercising muscle [77]. Although PPAR is known to be activated by high-intensity exercise [78], Catoire et al. have concluded that the increase of plasma free fatty acid levels due to
acute exercise activates PPARs and therefore ANGPTL4 [77].
Long-term changes in plasma ANGPTL4 levels are most
likely mediated by changes in plasma free fatty acids, which
raise ANGPTL4 gene expression in target tissues. Nevertheless, ANGPTL4 is ubiquitously expressed in human tissues
and highest expression levels were found in liver, followed
by adipose tissue, thyroid, brain, small intestine, and less
in skeletal muscle [75]. Thus, skeletal muscle might not be
the only tissue which is responsible for enhanced ANGPTL4
plasma levels in states of increased FFA levels like endurance
training. Furthermore, ANGPTL4 stimulates adipose tissue
lipolysis, leading to elevation of plasma free fatty acid levels.
Kersten et al. speculated that both mechanisms operate
as a positive feedback loop. Free fatty acids raises plasma
ANGPTL4 and ANGPTL4 raises plasma free fatty acids by
the stimulation of adipose tissue lipolysis [75].
10. FGF21
FGF21 is a member of the fibroblast growth factor super
family, a large family of proteins involved in cell proliferation,
growth, and differentiation. The first evidence that FGF21 is
an Akt-regulated myokine was published by Izumiya et al.
[79]. FGF21 protein expression and secretion are upregulated
by insulin and inhibited by PI3-kinase inhibitor in cultured
C2C12 myocytes [79]. Skeletal muscle mRNA level and
plasma level are induced by hyperinsulinemia studied in
young healthy men during a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic
clamp [80]. In line with this observation, circulating FGF21
is elevated in impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes
patients and correlates with muscle and hepatic insulin
resistance [81].
Interestingly, an acute bout of treadmill exercise did
not change FGF21 serum levels in sedentary young women.
However, after two weeks of exercising there was a 1.6-fold
increase in serum FGF21 [82]. In contrast, twelve-week
exercise program combining aerobic and resistance exercise,
five times per week, reduced FGF21 plasma levels in
nondiabetic, obese women (from 230.2 135.9 versus 102.6
117.8 pg/mL) [83]. Nevertheless, nothing is known about the
acute effect of contraction on the expression, protein level,
and secretion of FGF21 from skeletal muscle cells.
11. Myonectin
Myonectin belongs to the C1q/TNF-related protein family
(C1QTNF isoform 5) and shows a sequence homology with
adiponectin in the shared C1q domain, the signature that
defines this protein family [84]. Before myonectin was
described as a myokine, the protein was reported to be
expressed in the retinal pigment epithelium, and mutations in
this gene caused abnormal high molecular weight aggregate
formation, which results in late-onset retinal macular degeneration in humans [85].
Myonectin is supposed to be myokine due to the detection of the myonectin transcript in mice skeletal muscle, with
significantly lower expression in other tissues, immunoblot
detection of myonectin in mouse skeletal muscle lysates [86],
and L6 supernatants [87] as well as induced expression during
differentiation of mouse C2C12 cells [86].
Currently, one human and one mice exercise studies report divergent results regarding the regulation of
myonectin by contraction. Lim et al. reported that a 10week exercise training program in younger and older groups
of healthy women decreased significantly myonectin serum
levels, while training increased VO2 max, mitochondrial
DNA density in skeletal muscle, and plasma adiponectin
levels significantly [88].
On the other hand, free wheel running for two weeks
increased myonectin expression in soleus und plantaris
muscle of mice and circulating serum levels, suggesting a
potential role of myonectin in exercise-induced physiology
[86]. Recombinant myonectin induced the phosphorylation
of AMPK, leading to increased cell surface recruitment of
GLUT4, enhanced glucose uptake, and stimulated fatty acid
oxidation [87]. Thus, enhanced myonectin secretion induced
by contraction could activate signaling pathways providing
enhanced energy demands during contraction.
Most intriguingly, Seldin et al. reported that recombinant
myonectin promotes fatty acid uptake in mouse adipocytes
and rat hepatocytes in vitro by enhancing CD36, FATP1,
and Fabp4 mRNA expressions, which are known to play
important roles in fatty acid uptake. In addition, recombinant
myonectin had no effect on adipose tissue lipolysis [86].
A question that should be addressed by future studies is
why physical activity activates the secretion of a myokine
that induces fatty acid uptake by adipose tissue. Enhanced
myonectin serum levels after exercise would therefore lead
to an endocrine signal that would deplete energy sources
in the blood which is needed by the exercising muscle. On
the other hand, long-lasting increase in myonectin serum
levels could increase fatty acid uptake in adipose tissue and
therefore improve fat metabolism and lipid handling.
12. Adipo-Myokines
In a recently published review, Pedersen and Febbraio suggest that skeletal muscle might mediate some of the wellestablished protective effects of exercise via the secretion of
myokines that counteract the harmful effects of proinflammatory adipokines [6].
Mediators of Inflammation
Table 1 summarizes the most prominent myokines, which
are described to be contraction regulated. For more than half
of the described myokines, ten out of seventeen, secretion
by adipocytes has also been described (Figure 1). We termed
these cytokines adipo-myokines. How should a cytokine
exert on the one hand inflammatory signalling in the obese
state and have beneficial effects after exercise? Is it likely that
a bidirectional communication between fat and muscle cells
takes place? Just recently, Christiansen et al. reported that
acute exercise increases circulating inflammatory markers in
overweight and obese compared with lean subjects [89]. Why
should inflammatory markers increase after exercise?
Mediators of Inflammation
[133, 134]
Adiponec tin
[138, 139]
[46, 138]
Secretome studies
(Table 3)
(Table 3)
[143, 144]
Secretome studies
Figure 1: Adipokines, myokines, and adipo-myokines. A search of original articles in pubMed was performed for all myokines described in
Table 1 to identify myokines that were also secreted by adipocytes. The search terms used were adipose tissue, adipocyte, and the indicated
cytokine/protein. Reference lists of identified articles were also used to search for further papers. Indicated references published data that the
cytokines/proteins are secreted or not secreted by adipocytes or adipose tissue. No data was published on the secretion of LIF and irisin from
adipocytes or adipose tissue.
Leptin secretion (pg/mL)
Mediators of Inflammation
Days of differentiation
Mediators of Inflammation
Table 2: Overview of selected adipo-myokines which are associated with obesity and insulin resistance.
: association has been shown in indicated publications; : contradictory data published; n.d.: not described.
Table 3: Concentrations of various factors in conditioned medium from primary human adipocytes and primary human myotubes. Primary
human skeletal muscle cells were differentiated for 5 days and primary human preadipocytes were differentiated for 14 days in vitro to mature
cells. During the last 24 h cells were incubated with serum-free medium to obtain conditioned medium. Concentrations of secreted factors
from cells within this conditioned medium were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Data are means SEM, 3.
Secreted factor
Concentration in adipocyte-conditioned
medium (ng/mL)
0.006 0.001
0.69 0.18
0.02 0.003
0.07 0.01
0.33 0.08
3.44 1.64
5.4 0.86
0.05 0.03
IL-15 levels and both total and abdominal fat have been
demonstrated [127]. Since both IL-15 and physical exercise
have positive effects on body composition, IL-15 is discussed
as a contraction-regulated myokine in the literature which
may play a role in muscle-fat cross-talk [44, 45] mediating
some of the beneficial effects of physical activity. Yang et al.
published just recently a direct link between treadmill exercise of high-fat diet rats, enhanced expression of IL-15 in
muscle, and increased IL-15 receptor alpha expression in
adipose tissue [52].
Mediators of Inflammation
open question for future studies (Table 2). Myostatin is a wellknown myokine, but our group recently identified myostatin
as an adipokine [2].
18. Conclusion
Taken together, one protein can be a myokine as well as an
adipokine, indeed two sides of the same coin. In healthy,
normal weight subjects skeletal muscle is the largest tissue in
the human body, accounting for 4050% of total human body
mass, while body fat accounts for 2035%. In obese subjects
the percentage of total body fat increases to 4060% resulting
in an increased secretion of proinflammatory adipokines,
while the percentage of proteins secreted from skeletal muscle during a sedentary lifestyle is decreased. However, for
many adipo-myokines the local tissue concentration may be
divergent from the serum level, and substantial differences
between auto- and endocrine effects of these molecules need
to be considered.
As Paracelsus (14931541) already coined the famous
phrase; dosis sola facit venenum, Only the dose makes the
poison. This might also be true for adipo-myokines. Findings
support the hypothesis that the myokines are essential for
muscle metabolism during contraction, whereas the chronic
elevation of adipokines released from adipocytes may induce
adverse effects, even leading to insulin resistance.
Conflict of Interests
The authors have no conflict of interests in relation to the
contents of this paper.
This review article is based on discussions originating from
the PhD thesis of SR. The authors would like to acknowledge
Dr. Kristin Eckardt and Sven W. Gorgens for providing data
on the secretion of myostatin and IL-8 from primary cells
(data shown in Table 3). This work was supported by the
Ministerium fur Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes
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