1. The study examines evidence of recycled lithic artifacts from the Acheulian site at Damdongri in Madhya Pradesh, India.
2. This provides the earliest evidence of recycled artifacts dating back to the Acheulian cultural period in India, pushing back the antiquity of this human behavior.
3. Analysis shows the recycled artifacts at Damdongri were not reused but appeared to have some symbolic purpose, possibly connected to belief systems during the Acheulian period.
1. The study examines evidence of recycled lithic artifacts from the Acheulian site at Damdongri in Madhya Pradesh, India.
2. This provides the earliest evidence of recycled artifacts dating back to the Acheulian cultural period in India, pushing back the antiquity of this human behavior.
3. Analysis shows the recycled artifacts at Damdongri were not reused but appeared to have some symbolic purpose, possibly connected to belief systems during the Acheulian period.
1. The study examines evidence of recycled lithic artifacts from the Acheulian site at Damdongri in Madhya Pradesh, India.
2. This provides the earliest evidence of recycled artifacts dating back to the Acheulian cultural period in India, pushing back the antiquity of this human behavior.
3. Analysis shows the recycled artifacts at Damdongri were not reused but appeared to have some symbolic purpose, possibly connected to belief systems during the Acheulian period.
1. The study examines evidence of recycled lithic artifacts from the Acheulian site at Damdongri in Madhya Pradesh, India.
2. This provides the earliest evidence of recycled artifacts dating back to the Acheulian cultural period in India, pushing back the antiquity of this human behavior.
3. Analysis shows the recycled artifacts at Damdongri were not reused but appeared to have some symbolic purpose, possibly connected to belief systems during the Acheulian period.
Wollongong & the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
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In Proceedings of the 4th Congress, International Association of Engineering Geology, S. B. Ota1,*, Niharika Srivastava2 and Delhi, 1982, issue 5, pp. 221–228. 12. Bieniawski, Z. T., Engineering classification of jointed rock mass. Suman Pandey2 1 Trans. S. Afr. Civ. Eng., 1973, 15, 335–344. Archaeological Survey of India, Takhatmal Colony, Sherpura, 13. Bieniawski, Z. T., Rock mass classification in rock engineering. In Vidisha 464 001, India 2 Exploration for Rock Engineering, Proceedings of the Sympo- Deccan College, Pune 411 006, India sium, (ed. Bieniawski, Z. T.), Balkema, Cape Town, South Africa, 1976, vol. 1, 97–106. Research on recycled lithic artefacts in Indian prehis- 14. Barton, N. R., Lien, R. and Lunde, J., Engineering classification of tory is extremely limited when compared to the world jointed rock mass for the design of tunnel support. Rock Mech., 1974, 6(4), 189–239. scenario. In the present study we group the recycled 15. Laubscher, D. H. and Taylor, H. W., The importance of geome- activity of lithic artefacts into two categories – (1) chanics classification of jointed rock masses in mining operations. artefact that is created and recycled during one ‘cul- In Exploration for Rock (ed. Bieniawski, Z. T.), Balkema, 1976, tural age’ and (2) artefact that is created by the vol. 1, pp. 119–128. ‘ancestors’ and recycled during subsequent cultural 16. Laubscher, D. H., Planning mass mining operations. In Compre- ages. It is a fact that the earliest evidence of recycled hensive Rock Engineering (ed. Hudson, J. A.), Pergamon Press, artefacts belonging to Acheulian hominin is extremely Oxford, UK, 1993, vol. 2, pp. 547–583. limited and as such, the Damdongri site in Madhya 17. Cummings, R. A., Kendorski, F. S. and Bieniawski, Z. T., Caving Pradesh, India is the only Acheulian site where rock mass classification and support estimates. USBM contract re- recycled artefacts have been identified pushing back port I0100103, Engineers International Inc, Chicago, USA, 1982. 18. Venkateswarlu, V., Ghosh, A. K. and Raju, N. M., Rock mass the antiquity of such human behaviour to Acheulian classification for design of roof support – a statistical evaluation culture for the first time in the country. Keeping in of parameters. Min. Sci. Technol., 1989, 8, 97–108. view this uncommon evidence and considering the na- 19. CMRI, Geomechanical classification of roof rocks vis-à-vis roof ture of recycled artefacts from Damdongri, it is clear supports. S&T Project Report, 1987. that recycling of lithic artefacts to put them back to 20. Ghosh, C. N. and Ghose, A. K., Estimation of critical convergence use was uncommon during the Acheulian cultural and rock load in coal mine roadways – an approach based on rock phase in India. The present evidence from Damdongri mass rating. Geotech. Geol. 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132 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 118, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2020
RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS to reuse them. Rather this action can be ascribed to original activities is possible on the basis of differential certain symbolic activity. Finally, based on these evi- patination due to considerable time gap. dences it has been hypothesized that recycling Archaeologists are well acquainted with recycling ac- activity on ancestral lithic artefact during the Acheu- tivities, particularly while dealing with historical period lian was probably considered ‘taboo’ and evidence sites. This is because ‘... simple exercise of historical from Damdongri was probably indicative of a site memory would show that recycling was fully incorpo- where artefacts were presented as symbolic object con- nected with some belief system during the Acheulian. rated in the behavioural repertoire of traditional societies, from our recent past to historical times’1. For example, Keywords: Archaeology, cultural age, prehistory, re- some valuable or curious-looking objects of an earlier pe- cycled lithic artefacts. riod are used as ornaments, or building materials such as bricks and stones are recycled by reusing them in subse- STUDIES on recycled lithic artefacts in prehistoric quent structures of later periods. In a way recycling activ- archaeology are limited. It is probably because of the fact ities are integrated as a part of culture, unless considered that this feature becomes difficult to recognize in lithic ‘taboo’ by society. assemblages and as such, these aspects in prehistoric arc- In spite of this, the study of recycling activities as a haeology did not attract the attention of scholars to corre- human behaviour in archaeological research is limited, late and understand in conjunction with human behaviour especially in Palaeolithic studies, perhaps due to scepticism and the socio-economic implications in society. about the usefulness of this concept. According to Odell2, Recycling of lithic artefacts as popularly understood is ‘recycling is a concept that is too difficult to characterize that evidence on the artefacts which is indicative of some adequately in interpreting the archaeological record’. working or fabrication on a particular artefact with a The basic theoretical concepts behind recycling activi- temporal gap and of course, with two different objectives. ties as part of human behaviour in archaeological context Recycling of an artefact is done with an objective to reuse were probably first put forward by Schiffer3 in his semin- it or use it for a symbolic purpose. Sometimes, reworking al article ‘Archaeological context and systemic context’ at the recycling stage is done and discarded when it and elaborated in his subsequent contributions4–6. was realized that it will not serve any desired purpose. Following Schiffer’s concept, few other studies in the The reasons for this discard could be numerous. Palaeolithic context have been carried out and while The recycling activities in prehistoric context can be reviewing these limited works on this specific human broadly divided into two categories based on time when behaviour, it has been rightly remarked that ‘... recycling the recycling activity was carried out in relationship to was often identified through the recovery of artefacts the cultural age of its primary manufacture. The first with double patina, especially in Palaeolithic sites, but category of recycled activity is within one ‘cultural age’ this evidence was considered almost as a curiosity, with- and the second category of recycling is performed subse- out fully considering its behavioural or economical quent to a particular cultural age, which is termed as an implications’1. ‘ancestors’. However, subsequent to Schiffer and other isolated ‘Ancestor’ is defined as that which is earlier than the reports, interest in the study of recycling activities in lithic existing memory of a given cultural age of a community. assemblage of Palaeolithic archaeology has increased to a ‘Ancestor’ is also from whom one has descended, who lived great extent7–11. These studies emphasize that: ‘On the in the past beyond the human memory of a community. one hand, archaeologists are aware of the implications of Here ‘cultural age’ denotes succession of generations recycling for different behavioural issues, like raw material that are considered as one unit in respect of cultural value management, settlement patterns, artefact use life, organ- and that is remembered as contemporary memory within ization of technology and knapping methods. On the other that cultural age. Besides, the cultural age (also known as hand, recycling offers a glimpse into the temporal nature cultural period) is usually understood in terms of culture of the archaeological assemblages’1. It was also realized and the contemporary technology that was in use. Changes then that such studies would certainly ‘... provide a high- in cultural age are marked by fundamental changes, the er resolution picture of human behaviour’1. way we perceive and understand the world in a broader The renewed interest in this direction culminated with sense of the term. a thematic workshop in Tel-Aviv University, Israel in In case of the first category, i.e. within one cultural 2013, the contributions of which were published in Qua- age, lithic artefacts are recycled with a small time gap. As ternary International No. 361 (ref. 12). This workshop a result, sometimes it becomes difficult to differentiate was a turning point in recycling studies in Palaeolithic between the original knapping surface and recycled activ- archaeology. ity on the lithic artefact because of the absence of diffe- Lithic recycling has been studied from different pers- rentiable patination on the same artefact. In case of the pectives and interpreted to determine diverse human second category, i.e. lithic artefacts belonging to ances- behavioural causes, and archaeological studies have been tors of a cultural age, identification between recycled and made to understand its implications. CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 118, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2020 133 RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS While citing certain ethnographic and archaeological artefact concentration were identified, i.e. Tikoda-Narwar examples on recycling, Amick7 suggests that ‘... the door and Damdongri. Both areas had Acheulian should not yet be closed on this important issue. The assemblages at a number of localities and clusters. The behavioural context and archaeological evidence for lithic major distinction between these two areas is their loca- recycling deserve to be examined more closely’. tion. The Acheulian localities at Tikoda-Narwar area lie In spite of disagreement regarding the methods of mea- in the Vindhyan quartzite–sandstone context, whereas suring and interpreting the evidence of lithic recycling by localities in Damdongri area lie in the basaltic trap con- various scholars, there is much positive headway to text. The present study is confined to one of the localities understand the concept of recycling in lithic artefacts. It at Damdongri. has been variously interpreted at different sites, includ- Altogether three localities have been identified based ing, ‘reuse and recycling of artefacts found on previously on spatial distribution of artefacts at Damdongri. Among abandoned sites is a significant cause of intra-site differ- these, locality-2 (23°16′56″N; 77°58′32″E; Figure 1) that ences in patterns of stone tool consumption and reduc- lies about 450 m north of the present village settlement of tion’13; increased recycled lithic artefacts are an Damdongri has been taken up for detailed studies besides indication of duration of occupation14, and lithic recy- other areas. This locality (DGR-2) forms part of a reserve cling increases as a function of increased mobility (and forest in the area and major portion of this locality is shorter length of occupation)15, etc. Based on Kuhn’s under cultivation, except a small part on the eastern side. concept, Amick7 mentions that ‘... the role of lithic recy- In this locality Acheulian artefacts are found in two cling deserves attention from the standpoints of mobility distinct sedimentary contexts: (1) reddish brown sandy and the energetic analysis of lithic procurement’. silt and (2) black clay. Interestingly, besides Acheulian, Interestingly, while citing a number of ethnographic no subsequent cultural succession was noticed at the site. examples where artefacts from earlier archaeological sites The reddish-brown sandy silt sediment was found at were collected and used, and sometimes refabricated to higher elevation above 430 m amsl, whereas the sediment bring them back to use by many communities, Amick deposited below 430 m amsl is with black clay. Artefacts mentions that: ‘Although ethnographic accounts of lithic were noticed in both contexts. Subsequent excavations of artefact scavenging and recycling are common, many both in reddish-brown sandy silt and black clay sediments archaeologists have failed to appreciate the implications showed that the former remained occupied throughout, of this behaviour for the archaeological record. Further- whereas black clay got occupied only during the last more, those few archaeologists who have addressed lithic phase of the Acheulian in the area. recycling seem more concerned about its potential to con- One of the high-density artefact clusters on the eastern taminate chronological and functional assessments rather periphery of DGR-2 is associated with black sediment. than looking at lithic recycling as meaningful behavioural This spot remained outside the cultivated zone, and hence evidence of prehistoric procurement and technological was undisturbed. An interesting aspect of this cluster is processes’7. the presence of high density of large-sized artefacts on As regards the evidence of lithic recycling belonging to quartzite on the surface. Besides, the assemblage contains Lower Palaeolithic culture and its implications in under- high frequency of cleavers and handaxes. A preliminary standing early hominin behaviour16, such evidences are study was initiated in this cluster on the occurrence of extremely limited and have been reported elsewhere like high frequency of large-sized artefacts in contrast to in Spain17, Romania18, Israel19–26 and Jordan27. small-sized artefacts. Besides, there was unusually high With regard to the study of lithic artefacts recycling frequency of bifaces in the assemblage, mostly with dam- during the prehistoric period in India, it is extremely rare. ages due to use. So far, there is only one report on Indian prehistory that With a view to understand human behaviour from the discusses recycling of lithic artefacts. It is the microlithic assemblage of this unusual lithic cluster, detailed sam- assemblage from Mandla district, Madhya Pradesh pling was carried out by plotting each of the artefacts (MP)28,29. As described, ‘The evidence of patinated dorsal within 378 sq. m area (Figure 2). In this sampled area, features (flake scars) from previous use along with com- two distinct sub-clusters of artefacts were observed where paratively fresh flaking marks on the same specimen maximum number of handaxes and cleavers could be confirmed recycling practices. Large tools discarded by noticed. Besides documenting these artefacts in the three- earlier users were reused as raw materials for microlithic dimensional context, they were analysed considering cer- production’28. Surprisingly, so far, no such evidence of tain well-defined parameters to understand artefact type, lithic recycling has been reported from any Acheulian site material used, size, technology, etc. As part of taphonom- in the Indian subcontinent. ical observations, abrasion and patination were observed Studies on the Acheulian sites30,31 formed part of a on each of the artefacts. The degree of abrasion and pati- larger project in the area confined to Narwar-Tikoda in nation determines the differential abrasion and patination the north and Putlikarar in the south in district Raisen. It on each of the artefact surface and also between artefacts was during 2011–12 when two distinct areas of Acheulian within the assemblage. Besides understanding various 134 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 118, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2020 RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
Figure 1. Location map of Damdongri locality 2, Madhya Pradesh, India.
depending on the objective(s) of the study. Since the ob-
jective of this study is to find out the recycling activities on lithics with considerable time gap between both activi- ties, i.e. original lithic modification and subsequent activ- ity as part of recycling during the Acheulian, the criteria of abrasion and patination have been considered here. In fact, the present study attempts to find out the recycling activity, if any, on artefacts belonging to the ancestors of Acheulian hominin of a given cultural age during the Acheulian cultural phase in the area. If so, what was the intention of recycling of such artefacts? Recycled arte- facts have been identified based on degree of patination and degree of abrasion. Degree of patination has been determined on the lithic artefacts based on visual obser- Figure 2. General view of the cluster with artefacts. vation on a comparative basis between artefacts of similar material and between flaking surfaces within one artefact. aspects of human behaviour and taphonomical processes Further, the degree of patination also varies based on rock on artefacts, it helped identify the recycling activities on composition on which the artefacts are manufactured these artefacts. This in fact led us to consider in details of and the condition in which artefacts remain as part of the recycling activities in this Acheulian assemblage. As archaeological context. Therefore, taphonomical condi- part of human behaviour, the present assemblage at this tions of artefacts have been considered while determining cluster has been probably considered as a symbolic repre- the degree of patination. The differential degree of pati- sentation of a certain faith, where Acheulian artefacts nation on artefacts has been considered as one of the major have been offered as a part of the belief system. parameters to understand recycling activity on the lithic As discussed earlier, a variety of criteria usually artefacts. Same is the case for determining the degree adopted for identification of recycled lithic artefacts of abrasion on the artefacts. For a more standardized
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 118, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2020 135
RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS observation on the degree patination and intensity of These 62 recycled artefacts comprise handaxes, cleav- abrasion on the artefacts, precaution has been taken for ers, scrapers, bolas, discoid, flake cores, flakes, worked cross-checking the data by another scholar and thereby blocks, etc. Among these, 22 artefacts are on cores, 20 ensure the correctness of the observation. Interestingly, it are on various types of flakes, 16 on various types of fi- has been realized that these two parameters help in nished tools and 4 artefacts are on worked boulder and determining the relative chronology if properly unders- splitted nodule. tood in taphonomical context within one lithic assem- When the nature of recycling activities was analysed, it blage and also help in understanding different sub-phases was found that recycled artefacts can be divided in two of lithic activity(s), if any, within one assemblage. types – the first category is retouching with a view to The cluster that was sampled yielded altogether 2430 bring the earlier artefact into working condition, while artefacts, of which 62 showed recycling activity constitut- the second category is of random working in the form of ing 2.55% of the total assemblage. The recycling activity random flaking on the earlier artefact. This in fact sug- has been determined on the basis of degree of patina and gests the intention of early hominins behind the recycling abrasion noticed on the artefacts. The identified recycled activity. In the present collection, the first category of artefacts fall under the category of recycling work that recycling activities constitutes 17 numbers (Figures 3 a was undertaken after considerable time gap between and b), i.e. 27.42%, whereas the second category is of the first knapping of raw material and the subsequent random removal of flakes constitutes 45 numbers (Fig- recycled activity. These recycled artefacts by hominins ures 3 c, d and 4) with 72.58% out of a total number of 62 must have been known to themselves that such artefacts recycled artefacts. Interestingly, none of these artefacts originally belonged to their ‘ancestors’. showed any signs of use damage subsequent to recycling activity. Further, when the first category of recycled arte- facts was analysed, it was found that only four finished tools of the earlier period were recycled to retain the finished tool status that included three cleavers and one side-scraper-cum-point, whereas rest 13 simple artefacts of the earlier period were modified to finished tools like side scrapers, choppers and point. The nature of retouch- ing showed that these artefacts could be utilized as cleav- ers or scrapers in certain cases. Interestingly, none of these retouched artefacts showed any kind of positive sign of reuse subsequent to recycling, which is note- worthy. Interestingly, the second category with 45 artefacts that were not fabricated into finished tools during the recycled activity showed some sort of random working, which
Figure 3. a, Side flake converted to chopper after recycling. b, End
flake converted to side-cum-end scraper after recycling. c, Core recycled Figure 4. Handaxe recycled with random flaking (a) Dorsal view and with random flaking; d, Cleaver recycled with random flaking. (b) Ventral view.
136 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 118, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2020
RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS suggests that they were possibly used for some sort of Both the features, i.e. random manner of working on symbolic purpose. The specimens of this category having most of the artefacts at the recycling stage without any random flaking at the recycled stage, contained three intention to bring back the discarded artefacts to actual random flakes on each of the 21 artefacts. Rest 24 speci- use, and limited recycling work on finished artefact (14 mens had random flaking frequency of 4–6 flake scars on nos) of the earlier period (ancestors) can be attributed to 9 specimens, 7–9 flake scars on 11 specimens, and more some restriction or taboo on recycling activity on the than 10 flake scars on 4 specimens. artefacts among the Acheulian hominins in Damdongri Another interesting feature that has been noticed as area. In the light of the absence of recycled artefacts from part of the recycling activity study based on degree of the Palaeolithic level, particularly the Acheulian horizon patina is that, 58 and 4 artefacts showed one and double prompts us to hypothesize that recycling of artefacts cycle of recycling activity respectively, out of the total belonging to the ancestors of any given period during the collection identified on the basis of double and triple Palaeolithic was probably a ‘taboo’. Further, the percen- patina. tage of flake removal during recycling stage suggests a Further, percentage of surface removal on each of the casual attitude towards recycling activity without any artefacts at the recycling stage is significant. It is interest- intention to bring the recycled artefacts to further use, ing to note that the first category of recycling activity, i.e. thus supporting the view that recycling of artefacts for retouching type, constitutes almost 7 out of 17 artefacts day-to-day use was taboo among the Acheulian hominin on which 10% removal of flakes can be noticed (Table 1). of Damdongri. Likewise, the second category of random removal of As it has been rightly mentioned, ‘In India, recycling flakes as part of the recycling activity exhibits 10% evidence in prehistoric assemblage may not be so lacking, removal of flakes that constitutes 14 out of 41 artefacts but has probably remained unnoticed in archaeological (Table 2). Another noteworthy feature is that four of the interpretations so far’29. This is true with the present dis- artefacts of the second category (45 nos) show two levels covery of earliest reporting of recycled lithic artefacts be- of recycling, which is unusual. longing to the Acheulian cultural phase from Damdongri, MP. It is noteworthy in this context that though such observations of recycled artefacts are difficult to notice in Table 1. Frequency of artefacts vis-á-vis percentage of flake scar area the lithic assemblage; it is certainly not impossible as has on artefact surface (first category) been studied in various parts of the world. Surprisingly, in India, where prehistoric studies have a long history of 150 Percentage of flake scar area on the artefact surface (first category) Total number of artefacts years, one cannot simply argue that none of the scholars working in the field could recognize the recycled artefacts 00–10 7 belonging to the Acheulian cultural phase in the country. 11–15 3 Based on the observations made at Damdongri and the 16–20 1 21–25 – available research in the field, we can conclude that defi- 26–30 3 nitely there is a scarcity of recycled artefacts during the 31–35 1 Acheulian cultural phase in the country. In contrast, it is 36–40 2 argued by archaeologists that recycling was part of Total 17 human behaviour in the past, as it was a paramount necessity. The retouching of damaged tools was done to bring them back to use or sometimes tools of an earlier period was used as blank for fabrication of a new tool. If Table 2. Frequency of artefacts vis-á-vis percentage of flake scar area on artefact surface (second category) these activities were done in one generation or within a couple of generations in an area without considerable Percentage of flake scar area on the time gap, then it becomes difficult to identify in archaeo- artefact surface (second category) Total number of artefacts logical context on the basis of degree of patination, as 00–10 14 this would remain almost the same. However, recycling 11–15 6 activity with considerable gap, i.e. recycling of artefacts 16–20 5 belonging to the ancestor of one generation can certainly 21–25 3 26–30 3 be identified based on intensity of patina. Somehow the 31–35 4 frequency of recycled working on artefacts belonging to 36–40 3 the ancestors of one generation of Acheulian Hominin is 41–45 – so limited that these have never been noticed by the arc- 46–50 1 haeologists in India, the reasons of which have neither 51–55 1 56–60 1 been questioned nor explained. Further, though recycled artefacts have been noticed in Total 41 the present site at Damdongri, the pattern of recycling CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 118, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2020 137 RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS activities clearly suggests that the intention at Damdongri 6. Schiffer, M. B., Downing, T. E. and McCarthy, M., Waste not, was never to bring back the damaged and discarded arte- want not: an ethnoarchaeological study of reuse in Tucson, Arizona. In Modern Material Culture: The Archaeology of Us (eds Gould, facts to use again. This limited evidence of recycled R. A. and Schiffer, M. 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RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 27. Rollefson, G. O., The Late Acheulean site at Fjaje, Wadi 32. Ota, S. B., Deo, S. G., Srivastava, N. and Pandey, S., Acheulian el-Bustan, southern Jordan. Paleorient, 1981, 7(1), 5–21. assemblage at Damdongri locality-2: an indicator of ‘belief’ or 28. Roy, B., Use of recycled stone tools in the prehistoric culture of ‘usage activity. In Paper presented in the 21st Congress of the Indo- Mandla. Curr. Sci., 2011, 101(6), 718–719. Pacific Prehistory Association, Hue, Vietnam, 23–28 September 29. Roy, B., Tool recycling in India. In Encyclopaedia of the History 2018. of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2015, pp. 1–9; doi:10.1007/978-94-007-3934-5_10064-1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank the Director General of Arc- 30. Deo, S. G., Ota, S. B. and Mishra, S., Recent Investigations haeological Survey of India (ASI) for both permission and funding to (2010–2011) of Acheulian occurrences around Tikoda, District undertake this study as part of an ASI project. We also thank the K. K. Raisen, Madhya Pradesh. Bull. Deccan Coll. Res. Inst. Pune, Rai, Debashish Mishra and Ashish Vashisht (ASI) and Rajesh Kumar 2013, 72–73, 183–192. (M.D. University, Rohtak) and Dhruvendra Singh Jodha (Vikram 31. Ota, S. B. and Deo, S. G., Investigation of Acheulian localities University, Ujjain) for technical support. TKD-I and TKD-II at Tikoda, District Raisen, Madhya Pradesh (2010–12). In Recent Advances in Acheulian Culture Studies in India (eds Paddayya, K. and Deo, S. G.), Indian Received 25 May 2019; accepted 5 October 2019 Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies, Pune, 2014, pp. 57–66. doi: 10.18520/cs/v118/i1/132-139
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