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Liquification-172002 book July 3, 2008 13:40
CE =G15/60 CB =IF(D$9<115.1,1,IF(D$9<150.1,1.05,1.15))
CR =IF((B15+1.5)<3,0.75, IF((B15+1.5)<4, CS =IF($F$10=“NO”,1,IF(P15<10,1.1,IF(P15>30,1.3,1+P15/100)))
N60 =C15∗ H15∗ I15∗ J15∗ K15 σvc =IF(B15<$D$6,B15∗ $E$7,$D$6∗ $E$7+(B15-$D$6)∗ E$8)
σvc =M15-MAX(B15-$D$6,0)∗ 9.81 CN =MIN(1.7,(101/N15)∧ (0.784-0.0768∗ SQRT(MIN(R15,46))))
(N1 )60 =IF(E15=“Clay”,“n.a.”,L15∗ O15) N =IF(E15=“Clay”,“n.a.”,EXP(1.63+9.7/(F15+0.01)-
July 3, 2008
(15.7/(F15+0.01))∧ 2))
(N1 )60−cs =IF(E15=“Clay”,“n.a.”,P15+Q15) rd =EXP(-1.012-1.126∗ SIN(B15/11.73+5.133)
+D$5∗ (0.106+0.118∗ SIN(B15/11.28+5.142)))
CSR =0.65∗ D$4∗ (M15/N15)∗ S15 MSF =MIN(1.8,6.9∗ EXP(-D$5/4)-0.058)
July 3, 2008
July 3, 2008
...... ......
This spreadsheet expands on the example in Appendix A. Equations in the cells of rows 15 and
31 are given below.
γ lim =IF(R15=“n.a.”,0,MAX(0,MIN(0.5,1.859∗ (1.1-SQRT(R15/46))∧ 3)))
Param. Fα =IF(R15=“n.a.”,0,0.032+0.69∗ SQRT(MAX(7,R15))-0.13∗ MAX(7,R15))
July 3, 2008
εv =IF(R15=“n.a.”,0,1.5∗ EXP(-0.369∗ SQRT(R15))∗ MIN(0.08,AB15))
Si =AE15∗ AC15
S =SUM(AF15:AF29)
Liquification-172002 book July 3, 2008 18:4