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Gek 106864

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March 1998
Replaces LCCC00

GE Power Systems

Load Control
Reformated, September 1991


Once the unit has been synchronized either manually or automatically, ‘‘temperature matching” is performed
to mitigate steam turbine loading. It can then be loaded by several loading sequences. For instance, a unit
can be loaded manually or automatically up to a temperature control limit, or an output load limit with the
steam being admitted according to Inlet Pressure Control (IPC). More details on the actual control panel
features are described in the Operation section of this manual.


The reason that the “Full-Speed, No-Load” adjustment is important is that it actually calibrates speed with
the called-for speed using the digital setpoint. The 100.3% setpoint will cause an increase in fuel command
necessary to raise the speed 0.3% above synchronous frequency. It is essential that the generator and system
frequency be matched within 0.33 Hz to synchronize quickly with the synchronizing relay. “Full-Speed-No-
Load” therefore is an important setting to assure proper speed for synchronizing.


Automatic synchronizing is accomplished using a microprocessor synchronizing circuit. The circuit inputs
are transmitted through an interface module. The interface module contains an isolation transformer for the
generator and line input signals and the breaker closing relay. The synchronizing software is part of the

For synchronizing, the unit is brought to 100.3% of rated speed. If the system frequency has varied enough
to cause an unacceptably high slip frequency a speed matching circuit in the synchronizer will adjust the tur-
bine governor to reduce the slip frequency and permit synchronizing.

For added protection a synchronism check relay is provided. It is used in series with both the auto synchroniz-
ing relay and the manual breaker close switch to prevent large out-of-phase breaker closures.


Once the generator breaker is closed following synchronization, the unit is loaded to spinning reserve. At
spinning reserve the steam turbine metal to steam temperature matching routine is performed. The DCS is
the coordinating controller for this temperature matching routine. The ‘‘ST Starting Temp” signal is sent

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or
should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes the matter should be
referred to the GE Company.
GEK106864 Load Control

from the Speedtronic panel to the DCS, requesting the steam temperature required for startup. The DCS will
modify this temperature setting based on other plant limitations, and then send an ‘‘Exhaust Temp Target”
signal back to the Speedtronic. The DCS will also send a ’’Temp Match (ON/OFF)” signal to tell the Speed-
tronic to begin to execute the temp matching porcedure. Depending upon whether the target exhaust temp
is higher or lower than the current exhaust temperature (i.e., spinning reserve load, minimum IGV position),
the Speedtronic will either open the IGVs to lower the exhaust temperature for a cold start or increase load
to increase exhaust temperature for a hot start. When the target is reached, or the temperature matching limits
are reached, an ’’Exhaust Temp is Matched” signal is sent to the DCS. This condition is maintained while
the steam turbine is configured for Inlet Pressure Control (IPC).

Once IPC is established, the DCS turns off the ‘‘Temp Match (ON/OFF)” signal, which will restore the IGVs
to the minimum position during a cold start. Once the exhaust temperature is matched and the IGVs are in
position the Speedtronic sends a ‘‘Temp Match Completed” signal to the DCS. At this point the unit is ready
for loading to proceed.


The DCS monitors the steam conditions and sends a ‘‘Release to Load” signal to the Speedtronic. This begins
to ramp open the Main Control Valve (MCV) at a rate determined by the stress control equation in the Speed-
tronic. The DCS also releases the Intermediate Pressure (IP) admission valve to ramp open concurrently, ex-
cept with a slight delay from MCV initioa opening to allow some reheaters pressurization.

As the High Pressure Bypass (HPBP) becomes fully shut, the DCS sends a ‘‘Select IPC” signal to the Speed-
tronic. The MCV transfer to IPC is then completed and the Speedtronic responds with an ‘‘On IPC Status”
signal to the DCS. At that point the DCS will complete the IP CRH admission valve transfer to pressure con-
trol and close the IP bypass valve. The IP CRH admission valve is allowed to begin opening at the same time
as the MCV. When the MCV and IP CRH admission valves are in pressure control, IPC is established and
temperature matching may be turned off.

The DCS will control the transfer from auxiliary Low Pressure (LP) steam to HRSG LP steam by opening
the HRSG LP steam by opening the HRSG LP superheater shutoff. The LPBP valve closes down under pres-
sure control when this happens. When all three bypass valves are shut and all three admission valves are in
pressure control, the unit is in full combined cycle operating mode.


Unit loading continues when the DCS sends a ‘‘GT Release to Load” signal to the Speedtronic panel. The
loading rate is continuously being calculated within the Speedtronic controls with respect to steam turbine
stress control. If the rate signal is reduced to zero, the gas turbine will cease loading and hold current load.
This loading rate signal will control both manual and automatic loading of the unit.

A. Automatic Loading

The unit may be loaded automatically to either a preselected load or to base load. The preselected load
setpoint must be entered by the operator at the Speedtronic panel or DCS and will remain the setpoint
until another is entered. Base load is established by the turbine exhaust temperature control limit.

1. Preselected Load — This load is selected by giving the unit a second start signal after it is at spinning

GEK106864 Load Control

2. Load Limit — The load is not selectable but is an output protection beyond which the unit is not
permitted to operate. It is normally the material limit for the generator.

B. Manual Load

The operator may increase or decrease load between no-load and base temperature control line. The loading
is accomplished by raising or lowering the digital setpoint.

GE Power Systems

General Electric Company

One River Road, Schenectady, NY 12345
518 • 385 • 2211 TX: 145354

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