Aama 2400-10
Aama 2400-10
Aama 2400-10
AAMA 2400-10
INTRODUCTION _ _ _ _ __ 1
1_0 SCOPE --------------------------- ------------------ 1
2..0 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS______________________ _____________________ 2
3 _0 DEFI moNs ___________________________________ 2
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h e technique, demonstrated i11 is s • ndard practice ba..-e been deYeloped specifical y o create a moisture barrier to
·ncide a1 1i _u id wa er p enetra · n at the ex emal in erface ben'\i'een the wind v and r ugh opening. Any ,vater intrusion;
,,.-hether through the external in erfa.ce be ;veen the wind!o,,,- an,a rough opening, the window joinery, or the in.s.tallation j int,..
around the p erime er f the w ·nd w w· 1 n ha;;e a meam e:ri o the building exteri r . As a ce •ul this standard is
recommended or bwlditlgs.rm talfa.tioru considered at ow risk f ·ater 111trusio11 ( e.g., south ,;·estern U.S.) .
l.l co,;ers the installation of rmd ws in. ne\'1" co:nstructio . de ached one- and two-family d1:1: ellitlgs and
than three stories ab Ye-grade in heigh. v,rth a separa e means of egre..o-S. I does no co.-er
l.2 This practice applies o to windows\\ "th a mo in.g flange where the a11ge is empl _ ed for securing the wmdo,, into
a ;;ertical stud frame wall.
l.3 ThiB: pra tice co ·ers the installation. prooe-Ss from pre-installation proc.edures through poco. -mstallatio pr :edures . doe-S
no co ·er the fabricatio11 or assembly f um ts whetl1er mch fabrica ion take-S place in a fact ry or a fue in ended im:tallatio:n
l.4 This practice covers aspects of installatio relat ing instalh tion effective ess and reasonable durabi1 · :in s er ·ice. I
d es no oove,r aspe ts of installatio relating to wind!o - handling .fill.d storage or the ssfety of the pers im;ta.11ing the u :i s.
l.S This pmc ice pm;, ·des minimum requiremen £, that will help o ensure the in alla ·on of windows in. an effecti ·e mmner.
Actu.al cona:i ·ons in buildings. vary greatl_, and in some case-S substan ·a1 add · ional are an,a prece-amio11 wiU have to be
l.,6 This PJ'S.C i -e doe:!: n t purport to addre-Ss all of the safe _ pr blem,i as.rnc.·a eel l\·ith :is use. It is the res onsibili , of
,,.-hoever uses this standard t nsult and establish ap ropriate safe _ and he.a.Ii practic..e~ .and determine e applic abili _ o
regula ory lim:i at:i m prior t use.
l. This practice is not in encled to replace a marmfacturer'" ins alla ·o:n mstructio '" or federal, sta e, or loc-.11 buiiding codes.
In aiH cas es foUo,-.,; manufu turer' s instructi ns and appl"cable buildmg codes for an_ spe ·al procedure-S,, ap lica ·ons, or
requireme ts .
l.8 Instatla · ill and flashing details fua do not fall und,er this standard are the re ;i:p nsibff of thee gineer or ar h:i ed of he
EX4JIPLE',." This practice: does not address w.indow in tallation .in.to rece ed open.ing .
l.9 This practice 1n a · not apply o windows ,, hose moun ~,ng ange has been ben . racked, cut, or remo ·ed. If such damage
or modificatio has occurred, consult the manufacturer for repair or special insta latio ·:ustructions.
l.lO The primary units of mea-:i:u re in this documen are m etric. The .-aloes stated in I units are to be regarded as the
s andard. b.e •,;alue-S ~ ·ve,n in. parenthe-Se-S are for reference 011ly.
AA:'.\•I A 11--0 , 'oluntary pecific.atiotll. f. r Self Adhering Flashing L"s.e-0 for s a.lla · f Exterior Wall Fene.stra ·on
Pr ducts
AAl•I A 13--08, ·otuntary Test .1et!hod Determine Chemical Compatibility of ealants and S-elf--Adhered flexible
fla;;hi g,•
AAl•I A 800-]0, V hmtary Spe ificati 11s and TeS'I: . . ethod;; for ealant:s
ASTM B456-03 (20 09),, S andard Spe ifica ·on for Electropla ed Coatings of C pp-er plus Nickel plus Chromium and . .ickel
plu;; Chromium
ASTM B633--0 , tandard Sp,e,c ·ficahon for Electr eposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and teel
AST . . I D 9 . .,()3, tarndard Tes-I: Method for \ a er Resi::,tance f Paper, Paperb ard, and Oilier bee Ma erials b e Dry
Indica or }.. ethod
ASTM E2ll2--107, Standard Practice for stallatio-n of Ex erior ;\ indows, D om and Sl.-yligh t,
3.l FLASHL G: Fl exible sheet materials with wa er resis ·,,e properties at are used to bridge the join ap) be ;een
exterior waH penetrations such as windol'., and door framing members and adjacent water-re-.s·,,ti ·e barr·ers or sealed a rainage
plaio:e ma erial. '"fhe purpose of fias 1·11g ts o drain. ,;,.;-ater a •a_ ' from the exterior ,, .at penetrn.tio and help preven intrusion. o
water in o the \vaU assembl ,_
3.Ll l\llECHA'-7ICALLY
.. ATTACHED FLASHING: Flexible sheet ma erials which depend upon mechan·cal fasteners for
perma:ne ma hmem:.
3.L2 SELF ADHERING FLASH:D,G: Flexible i 1eet ma erials c a e d comple el ,, or partiall_ , on a leas 11e &idle w~ an
aa hesive ma erial .and which do not depend mechanical fasteners for permment attachmen .
3.2 GALVA1 ilC CORR:OSIO)I: A form of deterioratio of metal resul · 2 from thee ec ochemical reaction that o-c urs
,,;hen certain dissimilar metals are mco tact ·n the presence fmoisture.
3.3 IIOL::\1ING FLA GE: A f'm .rojecting fr m he wind ,v rnme parallel to e lane f the l'.i'al~ also known as .a
nailing fin, or the purpose f securing t 1e frame to the structure.
3.4 OPE..."\""" STUD FR.A.l U~G: A building framing ~ystem c.ompr ·se of unsheathed structural c mp ne!lts (studs, headen;,
sills, pla e:.s, etc.) and areas of shear wall framing
3.S RESIDE... ;TLi\L BL"ILDI . . G: .-'ill , building used or mended primaril - for a si.ngl,e or mul!t:iple fami]y dv,•eUing.
~~OTE 1: Some common types o sealant are: pol}• Iljide rubber, ilicon.e, acrylic late..>:, bui}•l rubber aJ'!dpo/JlU7'8thane.
3. SHIM : A thin,, flat or ,, edge shaped piece of suitable material used o e ·el or plumb a " ' ndow frame during installati n.
3.8 \VATER-RESISTIVE BARRIER: The surface or surfac-Jf.s of a \;all r•e•pam.ible fo r pre centiing w ater infiltration into
the build.ng interior.
4.2 Improp er installation of units ma , reduoe ilieir effoctive e.ss,, le ad t o excessi;;e ai,r, water and sound leakage,
condensation, .and may promote the deterioration of wa11 con-structions, ,\ ·1100\\iS and their respective finishe.s.
4.3 . e appFca ion of th~ pl'acti ~ a so requitres a 1.vorki11g k:no 'ledge of appli .able Federal, S ate, and loca1 ~des and
regula ·ons regardmg 'mdo,:,,s,, specifical _ , bu no limited to:
4.4 The application of this practice a.ls r uires a ,v dcing k:nm.vledge of the o ls, e uipment, and me ds 11ece.ssary for the
·nstalfah 111 of .,.-ndows . It further assumes famiFari _ ;vith ~ulkng and seaFng andv, ith glass handling pwc.e-ilmes, pa.ming
,,.·here applic.able, and an Utnd-ers anding of e fundamentals of resid,emial construction a affe t the installation. of the ' e
4.-5..l Caution m .all be used to a ·oid damage to w indo ,s during and after .· nstallation. Prior o instal ation, st re w indo ,s in a
near ;;,ertical po~:" tio ·11 a d ean area, free of circulating dirt r debris and protec e-0 from exposure o we..ather -eJemeu s.
4.-5,.2 Field-applied pr tective coatmgs ma ; damage ,\' ndm"· sealants and gaske s and ma_ n be recommended. Contact the
wmdow anufacturer be£. re ap . lymg an_ ; such coat:iing-.
4.,6 This standard practic~ recognizes that the coordination of trades and proper s uencmg are e.:ssential for effecti ·e
5.1 FR,_,\_ ,[ l_'iG REQUIRE. iE_"\18
The rougp framed opening to receive the windov, shall be sufficien _ farrger in w ·dth and height than the ac ua] frame
dimensions of e wind w. T assure adequate clearance,, the framer shall foll w e manufacturer' s literature for the
recommende-0 rough opening dimensi ns. Per A TM E2112 , the framing members comprising the rough opening shall be
,,,irfuin 6 mm ( 1/4 ·n) of plumb, level, square and true pri r t e itns allati of the ,,; ndow. ainu a turer's inst - la ·on
·nstructiom ma ; sup ersede these tolerance ranges. e stncfa sha11 be fre,e f ..-oici-3., holes, chipping, ;visting, or o her
nditiom tha ,,rill n t allow the sealant to maintain co inuou~ cou act ( see figure 1).
If ~elf-adhered flashing material is m ed ilie ,vall framing ne,e,ds to b e co ·ered by backing support before the flashing .m be
applied. The flashing 1\ri 1 be applie-0 onto ilie backing support (see figure _ ) and the wmdo,, ,,1i1 b e mounted w:ii he
nailing fin flush against the applied backing support e backing support must be applied before the building wrap.
5.3 . l 11etal produc s :iliaU b e isola e-<i from dissimilar or corro~ ·e mate.rials \\rth a noncanductive coa ·ng or se-alan ma erial.
5.3,,. AU fastenen. ~hall be corrosive re~stan , in accordance with A TM B 56, B633, or B 6-6 as indica e.d in. A.AJ',,1A TIR-
r,,.iO TE 2: The general contractor, or his designat,;d agent, hould ensure hat the flashing mate7'ial i prote·c ted from damage
b}' weather, other trades, or vandali m. TM· general contractor, or hi de· ignated agent, should also ensure that the flashing
system be p7'ope·rJ. , int,;grated into the water-re· i tive barrier for the em ire b 1ildin.g.
5.4,,. :it. . en me hanically a acbed ash· g ~ u;'.OO, a roll \\<"idili dimensio of not less than 30 mm (9 in) shall be re uired.
a1echarucall · attache flashing material shall pw,:ide ,;,re _·-fou.r (24) hour m.ininrnm pr tee i from wa er penetra ·on
,•,hen e.;;ted in accordance with A "TM D' 9.
5.4 ..3 dfadhering flashing sha 1 mee the performan e requirements. f A.l\111A 11. The are u•.ed t bridge ili.e jo ·n (gap)
beh,een fenestration framing memb.ers and the adjacent wa er-resisfo,e barriers.
5.,6 .l e.aling/caulkin.g required ben-veen the wim!o,, and the flasfang can be accomplished with sealant ma erial confi .r m·ng
to AAM...I\ 808.3 within A....I\MA 800. Use seaJant recommended and approved b_ the sealautlflashing manufacturer. To
•ensure c mpatibil.i _ ,. follow the sealant matllufacturer's printed application rocedure-s: and precau ·ons. A TM E2 1 give '
guidance o sea fill selection md ;applica ·on.
5.,6.2 ere sealaut is regu.·roo in this stamd:ard, an app]icati fa ommal 10 m (3/8 in) diameter se.aJan bead or am
e uivalent bu ·1 ma:.s,tic s.e alant ape a,; recommended by tii.e sealant manufactu.rer i,; intenaed.
5.,6..3 A ere wet :s,e.alan is U'ed, the imtaUer shal look for e &e.alan o "s u-e-eze ou " r appear along the edge of the
flange/flashing o assure a con ·tliUOus &e.aJ. " que-eze u " shall be promp , trowe e-<1 smo th.
5.,6.4 Install the 1\• ndow immediately after sealant apphcatio before a skin fonns or co tamination occurs on the s eal·
5... l One of the vo fo Uowing methods shall be selected as the app ·ca ·on to be followed. Once a method is s · ected,. all
procedures of that me od shall be performed in the described sequence. Substi ion of a pr cedure from one method o the
oilier is no permitted.
5. ,,. Iffue v;. ater-resisti;;e barrier is applied o the wa11 prior fu.e " ·ndow .·nstallati 1ll, e wa er-re~isti ·e barrier ma' need
to be m dilled. ee Appen.di.-.. A for recommended wa er-res~ · ·e barrier m dific..ation.
5. .3.1 A strip of approved mechfilllicat ;-attached or self-adhered t a,}hing material shat be applie,d 111 a ,,,e.atherboard
fashi· n arou d the full perimeter of the ening aocording the follm, ing pi- cedure.;;:
5. .3.2 Appl · the fast strip horizontaH · immed!iatefy below the .d l, cut it su:fficien:tl_ long to extend! past e.ach side of the
windo,, ,. so that it projects: e ·en ,...-t the vertic--a.l jamb flasrung o be app ·ed la er (see f igure 2) .
r'\TOTE 3: Coordinate between horizontal and vertical flashing applications to ensure that no gaps re-main at the transition
be-tween compoJ'!.ent . One way . o do thi is . o cut head and sill flashing to exact . the width of the window opening piu
twice the width of the- Jamb fla hing, and then install them ·ith preci ion o thatthe edges o the- jamb Jla hing, which i
applied later, align with t.he- edg es of the head &id ill flashing. In addition, free end o mechani all}l-aita hed flashing
componeni,s hould be secured to preven curling prior to installing the exterior facade. OJ'!.e way o do this .is to extend the
head cmd sill flashing past the next.framiJ'!.g sud in the wail, cmd mechanically attach he flashings o the stud
5. .3.3 Fasten r adhere the top edge of tihe sill flaming o the framing. For me.cha!lli ally a ached ashing, place fa.3-tenei::,
along the edo-e f the rough openino- where they ,,;ill be oovered by the mounting flange of fue \-.;·md w later. Fasten or adhere
the top edge of the sill . ashing, but do not fasten or adhere e lower edge or fue last 230 mm (9 in) f each end, so the
water-resistive barrier applied ater may be slipped up and! underneath e flashing in a "\\ eatherboard fashi n (see Figure 2).
5 . . 3.4 For m ec i.m ical]y j oined window frame-S,, appl_ s.ealant at c m ern the fu t length of the s-e.atn whe,re mounting ange-S
meet fillld! to the oumide of e frame m er J01!11 (see Figut"e 3A). Appl, a continuom seal o the backside (interi r) of he
,,,mdow m unting flange in line with an_ · pre-punched h ·n he m ting flange (see Figure 3A). The \,,ind w
shall en be in alled in.ace rdance ,\•th ecti n :':i .8 \\, in on.
5. .3.S _ ext, app y a c famous seal to the exposed m uming flange at the top (bead) and sides (jambs) of the installed
wmdow. Apply sealant m line w ·th any pre-punched bole• r slots on the mou ting ange and over the heads of the
fasteners_ Co mue jamb sealant :ertical]_ appi-ox:imatel_ 21:':i mm (8 ]12 in) abo ·e the op of the \\1imllow. The s ealant
applied horizo al]_ across the head should no e.xtend beyond! the j amb sealant (see Figure . A).
r'\,,OTE 4.: The· application of sealcmt to the exterior swface of the mounting flaJ'!.ge 111.aJ' not be nece sary if using a selj-
adhestve- • 'Pe fla hing over he mounting flange. Consul he flashing manufacturer.
5. .3.,6 tarting at each jfilll1b,. embed the jamb flashing int the seal fillld fasten or adhere in place. Do ot fa.3- en r adhere the
bo om 230 mm (9 in) of the j amb flaming, so the wa er-resistive barrier applied la er ma_ be slip ed up and undem eadi. the
flashlng ·n a -ea •erboard fashion. Extena thi;;; ilash·ng to approximate.. n mm (1/ in) less than the bottom of e sjH
flashing and be.. ond e top of the , 'mdow o approximately 13 mm (] /2 in) less than the op of e head flashing (see
f igure-S 4A and 5).
5. .3. F ·nat y, embed the flashing int the ,;ealant on the mour.rting flange at e window head. Cu asrung suffictentfy
Jong s that ·t ·ill extend appi, xima ely _ - mm (1 m) be_ ond each jamb flashing. Fas en or adhere a,ihing ·n place (,;ee
fi gure 5).
5. .4. 1 A stri of approved m echanica '-altacbed or self-adhered a:ohing materia] shall be applie,d ma ,, e athe,rbo ard
fashton around the full p-erimeter of .e o ening acc.ordi,ng to the follmving prncedur•e-S:
5. .4.2 Apply the fit-st .:;trip .hor·z tally inunediate]_ below the .:;:·11, cut ·t .:;:u:fficientl_ long to extend past e.ach .:;:ide of the
window,. so that it pr ject,; e ·en w~ the vertic.al jamb fladling be applied later (,;ee Figure 2) .
N OTE 5: Coordil'late befu.•een hori~ontal and vertical flashing applications to ensure that no gaps remain at the transition
between components. One WC{}' . o do this is to cut head and sill flashings to ex:actiJ, the width of the window opening plus
twice the width of the jamb flashin ,:; and then install them ·ith precision so that he edges o the jamb flashing, which is
applied later, align with the edg es of the head a:nd sill flashing. In addition, free ends of mechanicall},·-attached flashing
componeni.s hould be· se·c-ured to prevent curling prior to installing the exterior facade. One way o do this .is to ex end the
head cmd ill flashing pa the next.framit1g tud in the wail, aJ'!.d mechanically attarh the ill flashing to the tud.
5. .4.4 K ext, fasten Of" adhere strips of ashing al ng each ,·e ical edge (iamb) of the opening. For mech,micaU. ached
flas.rnng posi.tio fasteners along the edge of the rough openine: where they \1.1i. be covered b_' e mounting flange of the
windo" ater. Extend this flashing o approximately 13 mm (1/ in) less than the bo om o .e siU flash.ng and b e ·ond the
top of the , ·itu'!ow to approxima eJ, B mm ( 112 in) le~s than e top of e head flashing (see Figure 3B). Do not fasten or
adhere e bott m 30 mm (9 ·n) of the jamb ashing, so the water-resi ·ve barrier appFed ate.r may be slipp-e-0 up and
undeme.ath the flashing in weatherboard fa shion.
5 . ..4.5 App] ' a c n ·nuous seal o the backside (interior) of the mounting flange .e ar the outer edge r a continuous s,eal to
the perimeter of the op enmg a a poin to assure c tact ·rth fue backside C terior) of the mounting flange. App]_· sealant in
]me 1\•.·tn any pr,e-punche hole or d s
0 , e mourning flange;. (see Figure 4B).
5. .4.,6 F r mechanical . j oined window frame· , appl_ ·ealant a c-0rnern the full length of the se.am \"ihere mounting flange-.i,
meet and the outside of the frame corner j oints (see fi.guJ"e . B).
5. .4. e 1vmdow shalt be in ailed in ace rdance n ·th ection 5.8, iindow I sta11ahon.
5. .4.8 Kext, apply a contirmous s,e.al o the exterior face of the moun ing flange at the witu'!o,,, head in line with an_ pre-
punched ole~ r s1 s o the mounting ange. and o.:e.r e heads f the fasteners. Cu the head flashing sufficiently long so
tha i will extend approx:·mate]_ 25 mm ( 1 in) be_ one! each jamb flashing. For mechanic.a ]y attached flasrung, embed the
bottom ofd1e flashing o;;er · e sealant and e moun ·ng flange and fasten or adhere in place (see Figure 5).
5.8 . l him nrindow as necessary o inswe a s are, le;,-el and plumb install - ion. The sill mus be ;.upporte-<l in a straigh and
e ·el pos.ih n o pre\·ent .'lagging, deflection and ;.ill r ta · n.
Some manufac rers :requ·re a continuous shim under e l';'md01,;.r si11. Fol ow the ma:nufa turer' s recomme11datio •
5.8 . l Close and lock · he wi.udo, '. Shi.m and adjust .e \\1in.dhw as necessary to achie;;e a plumb,. square and level co dit:io
as ;veU as c-e ering the, ·i,ndo,v mthe frame opening. 'ecure the full p-eri.me er with the minimum equ· ·aten of 6d fasteners
on a maximum of 05 mm (16 in) ce11 ers usmg pre-punched holes, i.f pro ·i.ded. Hinged and pr..-oted " ' ndo\\iS may :require
additional fas eners loca e-<l ear the hinge or pi,;- o p-omt. For .ertain ,,rindows i ma. b e appropria e to as en the head in a
manner t a11ow f1 .r . ossible moYement all cases follow fue manufac urer' s instructions for any special procedures or
applicati ns.
N ,O TE · : Avoid overdri111ingfaste.t18rs. se an appropriately tz12,djastemr o over the. width of any pre.-pUY1.che.d hale and
adequately secure he window to th12,· stru tw-e..
5.8 . 3 In each d!irec i.on from aU comers ere shal] be a ~ ener 'i'.;ifuin -o mm (HI in), but o closer than 5 mm in) to
preven frame d!ist rti nor fracture ofjoi.nt seals.
f',j·,o rE 8.: If any damage. to window framejoin.t e.ais or mo1.m.ting flanges · ab e.rve.d during it1 tallation, the .installer shall
re.pair .it or cans-ult the manufacturer.
5.8..4 .e Owner/General Contractor is responsib e to ensure at the w.ater-res ··, ti;;e bar.r ier is effectinl integra e,d .around
the \\1itu'!ow frame in .a weatherboard fa;;;hion (see Figure 6).
,6.2 Ensul"e that flashing materials are c ,·ered (installatio of ex erior 'all ~urface) in a time frame recommended b · the
fla~hing manufacturers.
,6.3 Damaged flashings or ,rnter-re ·isti ·e barrier~ mall be repaired prior in~tallati f eideri r wall suna :,e in rde.r to
en.mre the conti!lm·ty b-ehveen the wa er-re~i-~ti ·e barrier and the ne · materials.
,6.4 1famtam a minimum 6 mm (1/4 in.) jo ·n between. the ,vindow frame and the nai exterior wa11 surface (siding, stucco,
,6.S Inst.a 1 appr priate sized open- ell backer r d in the j int be ·eeu the Ti'i inao,v frame and the mal exterior "' .all surface
(siding, ~tucoo, e c.) then app _ sealant per the sealant manufacturer' s recommendations.
FIG RE IA: B acking Suppor t Attacbed Ar,onod the Per imeter oft!he Roug!h "Wi.ndow Opening
~ D Sill RMHl,!Gi
uP I, UNOERNEA.'11-1 - IN A
S E ; ~llAIN S, l'I.ASttlNG
r\TOI'E 9: In application:; where wall sh12athing is used, shea hing shall b12 applied prior ofla hing and window installation.
N'l'L'!' OQ!ffi--TO'llta
mp [HEA!ll I !ii!& ~ OF
m.wE TOOl'EN IN G. lil'R.Y"
~ ~ TQ ffll,
la!XlE l!NC-11-'EW!illi AffY
au:J!rS ON illHE MOU.iDIG
SHilo!&.~Sl'-'T'O,'[CHE'lli IERJIIE
60IW!E. PW.Iii & ~COHi!lfflON INSl"'1.I.AlilON
ueE C0M0el0N ~ FMIENERS.
FASIIEN 'M'lil !i i!!l!lffltn CIII'; ANl>NO OVTealf.
CUIGSl:TIWI nmm (n N e.-cH JO. ;9',Cfi
DIPliCiflCH lillCMI i\'il\'t a:w,u lit:La MECKliNIC.IIU.'I'
08') 0 .0. WOOMUl,l
GO!;$~ ~LANT) ;
AA.."\IA 240O-lO P ge 14
(Excerpted and modified fro m the M~T-l :l 'mtallatio~\.faS'. er ™Training; c111ual)
If the. \'ater-re;;;i:;i.t i ce· barrier has already bee imraJled, some m dific.:atia "' · ·ill. be neceisary. '1 dify the w ater re.s,i.sti ·e
l., en the water.,re,si;;ti;.-e barrier co ·em e ·mdo,,., opening, ma.te a m ··dified "I-Cm" in the barrier a;;, sho ;r n in figure
2. f ld b om and s-ide flaps o rer .and behind the interior side· of the rough framing.
3. fa.~ten f aps on - terio:r ·ith •taple-~ set e ·eri1 300 mm t , 00 mm (1 in. to 16 in) (see F igure A ).
4.,_ learure for diagoor cu ·~ al: op of v. indow cornen for b •th builcling paper or b use wrap ( see Figure A" ).
• 1:easure from the former 2· 5 mm (9 in) u and 25 mm (9 in) o :er, and mark (4- 0 diagonal).
• Cut on e diagonal from ark..ed p in a the rough opening comer.
• Measur,e· and cut the other upper comer.
5. Ge .tly raise ili.e p edge f the wa er-re~isii ·e barr·er and tape the rners and center a, e barrier :;;urfac.e abm,-e. TW!l
, ·ill · for fa er mstalfa · n f the w indo · ,a nd , ashing.
AA.."\'1A 4-00-10
Cban:ge r1~om AAi\M 2400-02 to AA.NIA 2400-10
- Various editoria change-,, were made
- Changed i.tle o b e "Open tud" and! specific to ''lo,v \li.imd/ ;I. ater Exposure"
- Added n~v "Intwduction" ec iot1
- Changed c verag;e from not more an fours rie · o no m .re than three storie.s
- Added 11~,;• ecti n 1.8
- Rem \·ed o]d! Se tion. 1.9
- Added/re ·i s,ed d!efinitio ·~ for 'flashing", "_ echanicaU Attache,d Flashing", " elf Adihering flashing", " Opet1 Stud
Framing" and'·' \\ a er-Re -· fo·e Barrier"
- Changed "1., eathe,r resi mt barrter" o "rates-1-esisti..-e barrier" throughout the document
-Added reference to ASH, E 12 ·u e tion - _1
- Added! r uireme11 for self-adhered ~hing in Se tio - .1
- Added! 11~v ecti 11 - .2
- Changed reference o ~'mechanicaJ]_ attach.e d flashing" in Secti n 5.4.2
- Added! 11~v ectt 11 5 .5
- Added! 11~v Kot e 3
- Added! 11~v Kote 5
- Added! 11~v ecti 11 6.0
ated L figure ' in Secti n .0
- Ad.de.cl! new Figure
-Added! n~v "Appendix.A"