Development of Patient Safety Incident Reporting System Application Web-%DVHG $62.$ DW 6DQMLZDQL +RVSLWDO LDQ/DU Indonesia
Development of Patient Safety Incident Reporting System Application Web-%DVHG $62.$ DW 6DQMLZDQL +RVSLWDO LDQ/DU Indonesia
Development of Patient Safety Incident Reporting System Application Web-%DVHG $62.$ DW 6DQMLZDQL +RVSLWDO LDQ/DU Indonesia
Sulasmi, N. M., Swarjana, I. K., Negara, I. G. N. M. K., & Adiana, I. N. (2021). Development of patient safety
incident reporting system application web-EDVHG ³$62.$´ DW 6DQMLZDQL +RVSLWDO *LDQ\DU ,QGRQHVLD International
Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 4(3), 315-321.
Ni Made Sulasmi
Student of Master of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Bali Institute of Technology and Health, Bali, Indonesia | Sanjiwani
Regional Hospital Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
I Ketut Swarjana
Master of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Bali Institute of Technology and Health, Bali, Indonesia
Corresponding author email: [email protected]
I G. N. M. Kusuma Negara
Master of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Bali Institute of Technology and Health, Bali, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
I Nengah Adiana
Master of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Bali Institute of Technology and Health, Bali, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Abstract---This study aimed to develop a Web-based patient safety incident reporting system and evaluate its
satisfaction and benefits. Methods: pre-experimental one-group pre-posttest design and simple random sampling
were used. The total respondents were 59 subjects. The research instrument used a questionnaire with a statistical
test using a paired T-Test. Results and analysis: As seen from the evaluation results before and after the intervention,
respondents' satisfaction with ASOKA Web-based has increased. The Mean value before the intervention was 34.73
and increased after the intervention to 51.49. The maximum before (61) and after (80) the intervention experienced
has a significant increase. ASOKA Web-based evaluation has a significant effect (p<0.001) with an effect size value
of d = 0.75, which indicates that respondents' satisfaction is in the Moderate Effect range. Conclusion: The testing
and evaluation of the ASOKA Web-based at the Sanjiwani Hospital provide satisfaction and benefits for the
respondents. The ASOKA Web-based reporting system at the Sanjiwani Hospital is very appropriate to be applied.
Keywords---development, patient safety, report system, system application, web-based incident report
Patient safety is a crucial global issue in the world of health. Patient safety is a condition of the absence of
unnecessary harm occurring to patients by health professionals (WHO, 2015). Unsafe care is responsible for the loss
of life and disability every year in the world. Patient losses during healthcare provision are recognized as one of the
top 10 causes of disability and death in the world. The principle of patient safety is a scientific method for achieving
a reliable health care system, minimizing incidents, and maximizing recovery from such incidents (Vaismoradi et al.,
2020). Patient safety is a part of health care and is defined as the avoidance, prevention, and amelioration of adverse
outcomes or injuries resulting from the health care process. In 1999 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) reported, "To
ISSN 2632-9433
Submitted: 27 July 2021|Revised: 18 August 2021| Accepted: 09 September 2021
make mistakes is human", thus developing, testing, and using information technology as an important first step in a
new way to reduce medical errors and achieve better and safer care (Alotaibi & Federico, 2017).
Reporting frequency can be increased by using a web-based, user-friendly, voluntary, and non-penalty reporting
system (Okafor et al., 2015). Since the advent of electronic patient safety reporting (e-reporting) systems, event
collection and analysis have been more efficient than traditional paper-based systems (Kang et al., 2018). Based on
data from the National Patient Safety Committee (KNKP), patient safety incident reports (PSIR) based on hospitals
reporting from 2015 to 2019 experienced a significant increase. In 2018, based on the number of hospitals reporting
PSIR per province, 24 provinces and 145 hospitals reported PSIR. Bali province was in fifth place with 9 hospitals
reporting PSIR, after West Java province with 17 hospitals, DKI Jakarta and Central Java provinces with 21 hospitals
in each province, and the most are East Java 22 hospitals (Daud, 2020).
Hospital. There is a blaming culture when there is an incident that made officers reluctant to report. Another obstacle
is that the reporting system still uses a manual system by filling out patient safety report sheets, which adds nurses
burden who that have been burdened with writing a lot of medical records. This does not follow the principle of
Seven steps towards patient safety, which is described in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 11 of 2017 concerning Patient Safety written in Chapter 3 Article 5 Paragraph 6 Letter d
"Developing a reporting system" in the article, explained that make sure your staff is easy to report incidents
internally (locally) and externally (nationally) (Menkes, 2017).
The study used the pre-experimental one-group pre-post test design to develop and evaluate the Patient Safety
Incident Reporting System Application/Aplikasi Sistem Pelaporan Keselamatan Pasien, which was shortened to
³$62.$´ :HE-based. The respondents involved 59 subjects in this study to calculate the total sample using the G
Power application with 10% substitution added to keep the possibility of research samples dropping out.
Determination of the sample used a simple random sampling technique from the entire population of nurses who
work at the Sanjiwani Hospital, Gianyar (Bakker et al., 1996).
The inclusion criteria in this study were: nurses with a minimum education of Diploma Three (DIII) and a
Bachelor of Nursing (S1), nurses with a minimum working period of six (6) months, nurses who had attended patient
safety orientation and training, nurses who used hand phone or smart phone with an internet network. Exclusion
criteria in this study were: nurses who during the study were sick or had health problems, nurses who were not on-
site during the study. Drop Out Criteria in research: research respondents cannot fully complete the research process;
respondents can not follow research procedures orderly. Collecting data in this study through google form. The
research instrument was a questionnaire with a Likert scale consisting of 20 statement items. The questionnaire used
consists of two parts. First is a statement for the general characteristics of the respondents (age, gender, education
level, and length of work), and second about satisfaction with the system being evaluated. This questionnaire has
been tested for Content Validity by five experts and declared valid. Furthermore, the reliability test with Cronbach's
Alpha test results obtained a test value of 0.96. Each item's value is greater than 0.60 (> 0.60), which means all
statement items in the questionnaire are reliable or consistent. The results of the normality test of the data using the
Skewness value found that the data were normally distributed. The data analysis was continued by using the Paired
T-Test test.
This research has obtained Ethical Clearance from the ITEKES Bali Research Ethics Committee (No.
03.0208/KEPITEKES-BALI/III/2021) and Health Research Ethics Committee of Sanjiwani Regional Hospital,
Gianyar Regency (Number: 18/PEPK/III/2021) and a Permit Research from the Sanjiwani Hospital, Gianyar
(Number: 070 /5701/ RSU). The author declares there is no conflict of interest related to the publication of this
research, and the research was carried out independently without involving any sponsors (Alp et al., 2016; Lu et al.,
Respondent characteristics
General characteristics of respondents based on age, gender, level of education and length of work.
Table 1
Respondent characteristics (n=59)
Respondent characteristics f %
Age (years)
21- 30 14 23,7
31- 40 16 27,1
41-50 27 45,8
51- 60 2 3,4
Female 45 76,3
Male 14 23,7
Diploma 13 22,0
Bachelor 46 78,0
Length of working (year)
Less than < 5 12 20,3
5- 10 7 11,9
Table 1 shows most respondents at the age of 41-50 years (45.8%), the majority of respondents are female (76.3%),
Bachelor of Nursing (78%), and more than ten (10) years (67.8%) of length of work.
The Paired T-Test in ASOKA web-based aims to evaluate the satisfaction of the intervention.
Table 2
Nurse satisfaction score on the system and benefits of ASOKA web-based
Mean SD
Before intervention (Pre Test) 34,73 20,31
After intervention (Post Test) 51,49 10,53
Table 2 shows the Mean value before the intervention is 34.73 and increases after the intervention became 51.49.
Judging from the minimum and maximum values, there is a significant increase, the maximum before is 61, and after
the intervention is 80.
Table 3
Web-based ASOKA paired t-test
Table 3 shows that the results of the paired t-test have a statistically significant effect (Mean = -16.77), t = (58) =
33.06, p <.001 (two-tailed). The difference in the mean from the pre and post-test results of the recording and
reporting system Web-based is -16.76 with a 95% confidence interval range from -22.60 to -10.98. The standard
deviation value is 22.40, and the effect size value is 0.75, which indicates that the effect size is in the Moderate
Effect range (Nishisaki et al., 2007; Cullen et al., 1995).
ASOKA Web-based is designed that refer to the safety incident reporting form the Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia with the aim of ensuring all staff is easy to access reports. The system uses the hospital
intranet through the Hospital Information System/ Hospital Information and Management System that can be
accessed using a personal computer or can use a mobile phone with an internet network. This system is made simpler
and easier by using drop downs for several options and checkboxes so that the display looks simple with only 1 page
with a color display and the use of the latest information technology. In addition, ASOKA Web-based is a synergy of
other electronic service systems at the Sanjiwani Hospital, Gianyar, including: SERUNI: Electronic Prescription
System at Sanjiwani Hospital, JEPUN: On Line Operation Schedule without delay. Several other excellent programs
at the Sanjiwani Hospital are MAWAR: Responding Quickly to Birth Certificates of Gianyar Residents, PUCUK:
Utilization of Wastewater for Watering Gardens, all of which are abbreviated using the names of flowers, as well as
ASOKA, with the abbreviation of the name flower which describes the beautiful and the art of Gianyar regency
5RVHQVWHLQ 2¶'DQLHO, 2008; Iedema, 2009).
The results of the evaluation of the ASOKA Web-based indicate that the ASOKA Web-based has a significant effect
on respondent satisfaction. Another result show that respondents' satisfaction with ASOKA Web-based increased
quite well from before to after the intervention. The mean value before the intervention was 34.75 and increased
significantly after the intervention was 51.49. Respondents' satisfaction with ASOKA Web-based includes
satisfaction with content, format, ease of use, timeliness, and user satisfaction. Incident reporting is intended to
reduce incidents and correct the system to improve patient safety and non-blaming. Incident reporting must be
guaranteed safe, confidential, anonymous (without identity), and not easily accessed by unauthorized persons (Giles
et al., 2017; Tutiany & Krisanti, 2017). Online reporting systems increase the number of patient safety risk
management treatments (Mutu, 2020). Online reporting of fall risk is very useful for patients undergoing treatment.
Besides being easy to use, it also makes patients active in treatment (Kannan et al., 2019).
The use of online reporting reduces paper usage and data reliance on retainers. In addition, data updates can be
filled quickly, and the investigation process can immediately be carried out (Listiowati et al., 2020). Electronic
reporting systems can be viewed as a primitive change from paper-based reporting to intelligent reporting systems.
That speed up the electronic entry process and improve data accuracy by reducing data entry errors (Kang & Gong,
2017). The frequency of reporting an incident can be dramatically increased by using a web-based, user-friendly,
voluntary, and non-penalty reporting system (Okafor et al., 2015). The online PSIR reporting prototype trial showed
that 16.52% of users stated that they were very satisfied and 75.44% were satisfied, while 7.46% of users were
dissatisfied and 0.58% were very dissatisfied with the development of this application (Zahro, 2017).
The use of an online reporting system increases effectiveness and efficiency because it can minimize the use of
paper in incident reports, there is no double entry, every report will be recorded correctly as well as missing data can
be minimized and can be analyzed quickly (Lestari et al., 2019). Online reporting systems can help users to find out
what events have occurred as learning material (Ferorelli et al., 2020; Gibbs et al., 2017; Himawan & Ramdhan,
2016). As a learning material, the quality of reporting is also critical in decision-making for follow-up (Gong et al.,
2016). Achieving better and safer care is learning from patient experience (Giles et al., 2017).
Information technology management systems, especially in the nursing field, have a positive impact on the
development and progress of the health sector, including increasing efficiency and quality of service, maintaining the
security and confidentiality of patient data, providing useful and accurate information to support the nursing process
(Mulyani et al., 2019; Munawir, 2018; Ahmad, 2018). In addition to developing an advanced reporting system, the
quality of human resources also needs to be improved so that the utilization of the system is more optimal (Tristantia,
2018). Training on patient safety culture management is also important in implementing electronic incident reporting
(Müller et al., 2019).
The limitation in this study is that the links used to access reports via mobile phones (HP) and personal computers
(PCs) are too long process, making them difficult to memorize (Lee et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2002).
The results of the evaluation of nurse satisfaction with ASOKA Web-based were very satisfying. This is evidenced
by the average value of respondents' satisfaction from 34.73 to 61.49 after the intervention. The increase in the
average satisfaction of respondents was due to data security and ease of use through smartphone which is very often
used daily. Evaluation of nurse satisfaction with ASOKA Web-based has a significant effect and when viewed from
the effect size value of (0.75), which indicates that the effect size is in the Moderate Effect range. Thus the
application of ASOKA Web-based is very appropriate to be realized (Kannan et al., 2016; Suryatika et al., 2019).
Reporting culture must be applied if things are at risk or have even happened to patients through the existing
reporting system. This can be used as a lesson either in the unit itself or other units so the same thing will not happen
again. The addition of several things to improve the reporting system ASOKA Web-based includes developing
access differences and templates for all employees as the user itself, the head of the unit/room as the user's superior,
and the patient safety committee. Added a reporting layout for the head of the unit/room containing incident grading,
analysis of the causes, and contributing factors behind the incident. Added notification to each access level when a
new report is reported in the system. Able to make shorter and easier links to remember, support for awards (addition
of room facilities, award certificates/certificates, and so on) for both personal and units that are diligent in reporting
incidents. Development of research with qualitative studies with in-depth interviews with the main users, the quality
and patient safety committee, and management as a support system and the person in charge of creating quality and
standardized health services (Nehru, 2016).
Thank you to RSUD Sanjiwani, Directors, Committee and Patient Safety Team and all nurses who have been willing
to cooperate very well and are responsive to be respondents in this study. Thanks also to my beloved parents,
husband and children for all the support during this research.
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