Readme - Leeme
Readme - Leeme
Readme - Leeme
I used ad0220's English translation as a base. So my first comment is: If you want
to thank
someone, please let be him. He's the original hacker, he did the real work. Without
it, this
wouldn't exist.
Thank you.
Okay. This is a Spanish translation of Final Fantasy 3 for the Famicom (Japanese
Very simple to patch, just get a copy of a clean Japanese ROM, and use a program
like LunarIPS
to install this patch into the ROM. I recommend making a backup of the original
Each one will change the font of the game. I did so because while working on it, I
decide how it should look. So I asked a lot of people, and... Well, i received very
Each one has one screenshot to give you an idea of how it looks. Font 1 is the
normal one,
the other 5 are different.
Sadly they are not compatible with ad0220 translation. Maybe could be done, but I
would need
to move things around.
It's essential that you don't install fonts one after another, or you'll start to
screw up the
font graphics.
Install the translation, then the font you want, and that's pretty much it.
Changing fonts
through the game's course won't affect anything to your save file, so don't worry.
What I didn't translate is what ad0220 added by himself to the game. That's too
personal for me
to change, and I left it in it's original language.
PS: This hack is 100% compatible with my other hack, "Final Fantasy 3 Maeson Mix".
Antes de empezar, quiero comunicaros que �sta traducci�n est� creada a partir de
una ya
Us� la traducci�n de ad0220 como base. As� que mi primer comentario es: Si quer�is
darle las
gracias a alguien, por favor, que sean para �l. Es el hacker original y quien
trabaj� en hacer
la traducci�n posible. Sin su esfuerzo �sto no existir�a.
Bien. �sta es una traducci�n al espa�ol para Final Fantasy 3, de Famicom (La NES
Es muy simple, tan s�lo necesitas una copia de la ROM japonesa, y aplicar el parche
a trav�s
de un programa c�mo LunarIPS. Recomiendo hacer una copia de la ROM japonesa por si
Cada uno modificar� la fuente del juego. Durante la traducci�n, no pod�a elegir qu�
tipo de
fuente ser�a la m�s recomendable. Por ello acab� preguntando a bastante gente de
lugares, y... Bueno, recib� respuestas de todo tipo.
Cada una tiene una captura de pantalla para mostrarte c�mo es m�s o menos el texto.
Fuente 1
es la fuente b�sica, mientras que las otras 5 tienen diferentes estilos.
Todo el texto original del juego ha sido traducido. Queda a expensas del futuro el
que algo
pueda cambiar o sea corregido en caso de erratas o fallos, pero he testeado el
juego varias
veces y todo deber�a ir correctamente.
�sta traducci�n es totalmente compatible con mi otro hack "Final Fantasy 3 Maeson
Y �so es todo.