PESianity PES2016 Edit Mode Guide For PS4
PESianity PES2016 Edit Mode Guide For PS4
PESianity PES2016 Edit Mode Guide For PS4
The editor who helped me with most of the edit mode stuff was Glen from (Twitter: @glen_pesworld), thanks to him
this guide was created as quickly as possible.
Twitter: v1k1ng0yt
Moataz, Yahia
v 1.0
Twitter: PES_Armenia
2015-09-20 First version without screenshots, new cover for PS4 guide.
Languages: English, German
", "PlayStation",
" and DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks
or trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
"SONY" is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
Table of Contents
First steps
Copying the files to the stick and to the PS4
Applying the images
Erste Schritte
Dateien auf den Stick und auf die PS4 kopieren
Anwenden der Bilder
Primi passi
Copiare i files sulla Pennetta e sulla PS4
Applicare le immagini
Primeros pasos
Copiando los ficheros al pendrive y a la PS4
Aplicando las imgenes
FAQ (Preguntas Frecuentes)
Ensimmiset askeleet
Tiedostojen kopiointi tikulle ja PS4:lle
Kuvien asentaminen
Usein kysytty
Langkah pertama
Mengopi file ke dalam USB stik dan PS4
Mengaplikasikan gambar
copy PS4- .
copy PS4- .
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
First steps
At first you need several things, which are listed below.
A Macintosh or a PC
A USB stick
The edit file archives (*.rar or *.zip file)
Now, before we start, you need a tool to extract the content from the archive file you downloaded.
Mac OS X:
If its a *.zip file, you can simply double click on the archive and the OS will extract the content from the file.
If its a *.rar file, you probably want to download the freeware tool The Unarchiver ( and
extract the archive after installing the application.
Again, if its a *.zip file, you can extract it by using the Windows extraction tool (screenshot 1). If its a *.rar file, you install the
freeware tool 7zip ( and use it to extract the files (screenshot 2).
screenshot 1
screenshot 2
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
After we extracted the files from the archive, we need to prepare the USB stick. Therefore, we have to check if the stick is formatted
with the correct file system (we recommend exFAT, but FAT32 is also ok). Ill tell you, how:
Simply click the stick in the Windows explorer and look at the information that is displayed (or right-click and select Properties). If it
is already formatted in FAT32 or exFAT, everything is all right. However, it might be formatted in NTFS Format so we have to change
that. Right-click on the stick and select Format..., choose FAT32 or exFAT and click start.
ATTENTION: All files on the stick will be deleted so you want to store them somewhere else before.
Mac OS X:
After inserting the stick, it should appear on the desktop. Right-click (yes, right-clicks are possible on a mac) the USB Device and
select Get info. If it says Format: MS-DOS (FAT) or Format: exFAT, everything is fine. Otherwise, we have to format the stick.
Open spotlight (command + space or clicking the magnifier in the top right corner) and type disk utility and launch the application.
In the left frame, select the USB Stick as you can see it in screenshot 4.
It is important that you select the actual device and not the partition(s) on it. Then click Partition in the right frame and select MSDOS (FAT) as file system (screenshot 4). Click Apply and after a few seconds, your stick is ready.
Again: All files on it will be deleted!
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
screenshot 4
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Right-click the desired WEPES folder and select Copy, then go to the USB stick and open it. Right-click in the explorer/finder and
select Paste. After the copying is complete, eject the stick and un-plug it from your Mac/PC.
Copying files to PS4
Now you have the final version of the USB stick. Its formatted correctly and the files are copied to the stick. Take the stick and
connect it to your PS4. Start PES 2016, go to edit mode and select Import Images. Choose one of the four categories Kits,
Team Emblems, Competition Emblems or Manager photos and make sure its the one you put the files onto the stick. Youre
presented with a preview of all the files that are on the stick. Select Import all or select manually all the images you want to import,
then press start. The files will now be copied onto the hard disk of the PS4 and will be converted into the correct format required by
the game.
Repeat this for all the different files you want to import. You can also put _all_ the files into the WEPES folder and then select images
manually for each category. But trust us, its a lot simpler to do this step by step.
Base design:
Design 1:
Base colour (61/61/61)
Base colour (61/61/61)
Type 1, Arch 3 (White)
Number: Type 1 (White)
Shorts number (48/1/1)
(1) is the name of the team the kit info is for. (2) defines whether it is the home kit, away kit, goalkeeper kit or third kit. (3), (6) and (8)
define which part of the clothes the info is for. (4), (7) and (9) define the base design and or base colour, respectively. The three
numbers in brackets, for instnace (61/61/61), define the actual colour you have to use for the particular parts. When you get to the
colour selection screen, youll see a line of colour fields at the bottom, which are all initially white. Move the cursor to one of those
custom fields, and press triangle. This allows you to create colours based on three values, ranging from 0-63. Confirm the colour i
the creation window, and confirm again to use it for the design.
(5) Defines the design(s) you have to use for the kit (and socks/shorts). If there is only one design, or none at all, you have to remove
(read: select none for) all the other designs that might be configured per default from the game.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
You have to adjust the settings for every kit you want to import. I know that this is a lot of work but there is no other way at the
moment. And dont forget how many hours the editors spent on the awesome kits they created!
After you adjusted the kit settings, you simply select import image, choose the one you need and confirm. Thats it. All the kit files
are stored alphabetically. Most of the editors will name the files like this: <teamname>_home, <teamname>_away and
<teamname>_gk. So the first kit will be the away kit, then the goalkeeper kit and then the home kit. Sometimes there is even a third
kit, which will be the last for the team.
Team emblems
Select the team you want to add an emblem to in edit mode, then click on emblem, then create new and then load. Choose the
right emblem and confirm.
Competition logos
In Edit mode, select competitions, then the one you want to add a logo to and then select import image.
Manager photos
Select the team you want to add a manager photo to in edit mode, then click on manager and then load image. Choose the right
manager image and confirm.
The PS4 does not recongise my USB stick, whats wrong with it?
Make sure that it is formatted in FAT32 or exFAT (recommended). If thats the case, make sure that it is completely plugged into the
console. Many USB sticks are too fat so that they dont fit into the USB slots so if yours doesnt fit, try a smaller one or use a USB
extension cable.
There are images which dont show up with a preview but with some kind of corrupted sign, whats that?
If files have been compressed with a Mac, there will be invisible files. You need to use the Terminal to get rid of them. Open via spotlight (command key + space key) and enter the path to your USB stick, then execute the command to delete
those files.
rm ._*
Replace <USBSTICKNAME> with the name you assigned to your USB stick.
In Windows you will most likely see a folder named __MACOSX (or similar). Simply remove it.
I imported all the kits in the game and now it seems to be slow and sluggish and stutters. Whys that?
Be sure to remove your USB stick after you have successfully imported all the files in the game. The PS4 (and PES 2016) seem to
have a problem if there is a USB stick connected to the console while playing. This is especially the case with larger USB sticks.
Remove the stick and all should be back to normal.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Erste Schritte
Zuerst bentigt ihr die folgenden Dinge:
Eine PS4
Einen Macintosh oder einen PC
Einen USB-Stick
Archive mit den Trikot- oder Emblem-Daten. (*.rar oder *.zip Datei)
Bevor es losgeht, braucht ihr ein Programm, um den Inhalt der herunter geladenen Datei zu extrahieren.
Mac OS X:
Wenn es eine *.zip Datei ist, knnt ihr die Datei einfach doppelklicken und das Betriebssystem wird den Inhalt extrahieren.
Wenn es eine *.rar Datei ist, knnt ihr das Freeware-Tool The Unarchiver (
herunterladen und damit das Archive entpacken.
Auch hier gilt: Wenn es eine *.zip Datei ist, knnt ihr sie mit dem Windows Extraction Tool extrahieren (Screenshot 1). Wenn es eine
*.rar Datei ist, installiert euch einfach das Gratisprogramm 7zip ( und verwendet es um die Dateien zu
extrahieren (Screenshot 2).
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Nachdem wir jetzt die Dateien aus dem Archiv extrahiert haben, mssen wir den USB Stick vorbereiten. Hierfr mssen wir
berprfen, ob der USB Stick mit dem richtigen Dateisystem formatiert ist, in exFAT (empfohlen) oder FAT32. Ich erklre euch kurz,
wie das geht:
Klickt den Stick im Windows-Explorer an und schaut auf die Information, die angezeigt wird (oder klickt ihn mit einem Rechtsklick an
und whlt Eigenschaften. Wenn er bereits in exFAT/FAT32 formatiert ist, passt alles. Er kann jedoch auch im NTFS Format
formatiert sein, und das mssen wir ndern. Klickt mit einem Rechtsklick auf den Stick und whlt Formatieren..., whlt exFAT/
FAT32 und klickt auf Start.
ACHTUNG: Alle Dateien auf dem Stick werden gelscht werden, also solltet ihr sie vorher irgendwo hin kopieren und sichern.
Mac OS X:
Wenn ihr den Stick angesteckt habt, sollte er auf dem Schreibtisch erscheinen. Klickt ihn mit einem Rechtsklick an und whlt
Informationen. Wenn dort Format: MS-DOS (FAT) oder Format: exFAT steht, ist alles in Ordnung. Wenn nicht, mssen wir den
Stick formatieren. ffnet Spotlight (Command + Leertaste oder auf die Lupe oben rechts auf dem Bildschirm klicken) und tippt
Festplatten-Dienstprogramm ein und startet die Anwendung. In der linken Spalte whlt ihr den USB-Stick an, wie ihr in Screenshot
3 sehen knnt.
Es ist wichtig, dass ihr den Stick und nicht eine der Partitionen anklickt. Dann whlt ihr Partitionieren im rechten Teil des Fensters
und whlt MS-DOS(FAT) als Dateisystem (Screenshot 4). Dann klickt ihr auf Anwenden und nach ein paar Sekunden ist der Stick
formatiert. Noch mal: Alle Dateien auf dem Stick werden gelscht werden!
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Screenshot 4
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Base design:
Design 1:
Base colour (61/61/61)
Base colour (61/61/61)
Type 1, Arch 3 (White)
Number: Type 1 (White)
Shorts number (48/1/1)
(1) ist der Name der Mannschaft, fr welche die Trikot-Infos gelten. (2) legt fest, ob es sich um das Heim-, Auswrts- oder
Torwarttrikot bzw. das dritte Trikot. (3), (6) und (8) beschreiben die Art der Kleidung, auf die sich die nachfolgenden Infos beziehen.
(4), (7) und (9) definieren das Grunddesign bzw. die Grundfarbe. Die drei Zahlen in Klammern, z.b. (61/61/61) beschreiben die
jeweilige Farbe, die ihr fr die einzelnen Designs einstellen msst. Wenn ihr im Farbauswahlbildschirm seid, seht ihr ganz unten eine
Reihe von Farbfeldern, die Anfangs alle wei sind. Bewegt den Cursor auf eines dieser Kstchen udn drckt Dreieck. Dann knnt ihr
selbst eine Farbe erstellen, basierend auf drei Werten von 0-63. Besttigt die Farbe im Auswahlbildschirm und dann erneut, um die
Farbe fr das Design zu whlen.
(5) gibt an, welche(s) Design(s) ihr fr das Trikot, die Hose und die Shorts nehmen msst. Wenn da nur ein Design, oder gar keines
steht, msst ihr die anderen, die das Spiel mglicherweise standardmig festgelegt hat, entfernen, sprich, die jeweiligen Designs
auf Keine Auswahl setzen.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Diese Einstellungen msst ihr fr jedes Trikot vornehmen, das ihr importieren wollt. Ich wei, dass das jede Menge Arbeit ist, aber
im Moment geht es einfach nicht anders. Und ihr drft nicht vergessen, wieviele Stunden die Ersteller in die fantastischen Trikots
gesteckt haben!
Wenn ihr dann die Trikoteinstellungen vorgenommen habt, whlt Bild importieren und whlt das jeweilige Trikot aus und besttigt.
Das ist alles. Alle Trikotdateien sind alphabetisch sortiert. Die meisten Editoren werden die Trikots ungefhr so benennen:
<teamname>_home, <teamname>_away und <teamname>_gk. Das heit, dass zu erst das Auswrtstrikot (away), dann das
Torwarttrikot (gk) und zuletzt das Heimtrikot (home) gelistet werden. Manchmal gibt es noch ein Alternativtrikot, welches dann als
letztes Trikot des jeweiligen Teams gelistet wird (third).
Wlht die Mannschaft aus, der ihr ein Logo zuweisen wollt, dann klickt auf Logo, dann Erstellen und schlielich Laden. Whlt
das korrekte Logo aus und besttigt.
Im Edit-Modus, whlt Wettbewerbe, dann denjenigen, dem ihr ein Logo hinzufgen wollt und dann whlt Bild importieren.
Whlt das Team, dem ihr ein Trainerbild hinzufgen wollt, im Edit-Modus aus, dann klickt Trainer und dann Bild importieren.
Whlt das passende Bild aus und besttigt.
Die PS4 erkennt meinen USB-Stick nicht, was stimmt damit nicht?
Versichert euch, dass der Stick in in FAT32 oder exFAT (empfohlen) formattiert ist. Wenn das der Fall ist, berprft noch einmal, ob
ihr den Stick auch fest genug angesteckt habt. Viele USB-Sticks sind zu dick, so dass sie nicht vernnftig in die USB-Steckpltze
passen. Wenn eurer nicht passt, probiert einen dnneren Stick oder verwendet ein USB-Verlngerungskabel.
Einige Bilder haben keine Vorschau sondern scheinen irgendwie kaputt zu sein, woran liegt das?
Wenn die Bilder mit einem Mac komprimiert wurden, dann werden zustzlich unsichtabare Dateien angelegt. Um diese zu
entfernen, msst ihr das Terminal (Mac, Linux) ffnen. ffnet ber Spotlight (CMD-Taste und Leertaste) und navigiert
zu eurem USB-Stick, dann fhrt das zweite Kommando aus, um diese Dateien zu lschen.
rm ._*
<USBSTICKNAME> ersetzt ihr einfach mit dem Namen eures USB-Sticks.
Unter WIndows seht ihr einen Ordner, der __MACOSX oder so hnlich heit. Diesen knnt ihr getrost lschen.
Ich habe alle Trikots importiert, und jetzt ruckelt das Spiel und ist manchmal sehr langsam. Woran liegt das?
Zieht den USB-Stick ab, wenn ihr alle Dateien in das Spiel importiert habt. DIe PS4 (und scheinbar auch PES 2016) haben ein
Problem, wenn ein USB-Stick angesteckt ist, whrend man spielt. Das trifft vor allem auf groe USB-Sticks zu. Entfernt den Stick,
und alles sollte perfekt laufen.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Primi passi
Prima di tutto avrai bisogno delle seguenti cose:
Una PS4
Un PC o un MAC
Una pennetta USB
Il file con le modifiche (*.rar o *.zip)
Ora, prima di iniziare, avrai bisogno di un tool per estrarre il contenuto dellarchivio che hai scaricato.
Mac OS X:
Se un file *.zip, ti baster cliccare sullarchivio due volte e il SO estrarr automaticamente il contenuto.
Se un file *.rar, probabilmente avrai bisogno di scaricare il tool gratuito The Unarchiver (
unarchiver.html) ed estrarre larchivio dopo aver installato lapplicazione.
Nuovamente, se un file *.zip, puoi estrarlo usando il tool di estrazione di windows (screenshot 1). Se un file *.rar, puoi installare il
tool gratuito 7zip ( ed usarlo per estrarre I files (screenshot 2).
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Dopo aver estratto i files dallarchivio, dovremo preparare una Pennetta USB. Quindi, dobbiamo controllare se formattata con il file
system corretto (raccomandiamo exFAT, ma anche FAT32 ok). Vi spiegher come:
Cliccate semplicemente sulla Pennetta USB e guardate le informazioni mostrate (o cliccate con il tasto destro e selezionate
Propriet). Se gi formattata come exFAT o FAT32, tutto ok. Tuttavia, potrebbee essere formattata in NTFS e questo andr
cambiato. Tasto destro sullo stick e selezionate Fromatta, scelgiete FAT32 o exFAT e cliccate inizia.
ATTENZIONE: Tutti i files sullo stick saranno cancellati, quindi salvateli altrove prima di iniziare.
Mac OS X:
Dopo aver inserito lo stick, dovrebbe apparire sul desktop. Cliccate con il tasto destro (s, possibile il click con il tasto destro su
Mac) sulla Pennetta USB e selezionate Ottieni info. Se dice Format: MS-DOS (FAT) p Format: exFAT, tutto ok. Altrimenti ,
dobbiamo formattare la Pennetta USB. Aprite spotlight (command + space or clicking the magnifier in the top right corner) e digitate
disk utility e lanciate lapplicazione. Nella parte sinistra selezionate la Pennetta USB come potete vedere nello screenshot 4.
E' importante che selezionate il reale dispositivo e non partizioni di esso. Poi cliccate Partizione nella schermata destra e
selezionate MS-DOS (FAT) come file system (screenshot 4). Cliccate Applica e dopo pochi secondi il vostro stick pronto. Di
novo: Tutti i files saranno cancellati!
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Screenshot 4
Tasto destro sulla desiderata cartella WEPES e selezionate Copia, poi aprite la pennetta USB. Tasto destro nella finestra e
selezionate Incolla. Dopo aver completato di copiare i files, estraete la pennetta e rimuovetela dal vostro Mac/PC.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Applicare le immagini
Ora che avete importato tutti i files nel gioco, possiamo iniziare ad assegnarli. Ecco come fare:
Prima di iniziare ad assegnare le divise alle squadre, c un passo importante da fare: dovete selezionare il colore della divisa e il
design prima di applicare limmagine della divisa al kit. Questi settaggi determineranno i colori della squadra mostrat nel gameplan
(nome della squadra nellheader) cos come i colori indossati dai tifosi del pubblico e il colore die cartelloni attorno lo stadio. Se
provate a farlo dopo aver caricato limmagine, sarete forzati a resettare il kits allo stato di default e riniziare. Ci sono cose
migliori da fare con il tempo che ci perdereste. Puoi resettare una divisa premendo triangolo.
Ogni editor vi dar un file di testo contentente gi setting esatti per ogni kit creato. Dovrebbero esser simili a questo.
Base design:
Design 1:
Base colour (61/61/61)
Base colour (61/61/61)
Type 1, Arch 3 (White)
Number: Type 1 (White)
Shorts number (48/1/1)
(1) il nome della squadra per cui l'info del kit. (2) definisce se la divisa di casa, di trasferta, del portiere o terza.. (3), (6) e (8)
definisce per quale parte del vestito l'info. (4), (7) e (9) definisce il designe di base e il colore di base, rispettivamente. I tra numeri
nelle parentesi, per esempio (61/61/61), definisce il colore che devi usare per le parti particolari. Quando sei nelle schermata di
selezione del colore, vedrai una linea di colori in fondo che sono inizialmente tutti bianchi. Muovi il cursore su uno di questi e premi
triangolo. Questo ti permette di creare il colore basato sui tra valori, con un range da 0 a 63. Conferma il colore nella finestra di
creazione, e conferma di nuovo di utilizzarlo per il design. (5) Definisce il design che devi usare le la divisa (e scarpini/pantaloncini).
Se c' un solo design, o nessuno, devi rimuovere tutti gli altri designs che possono esser stati configurati per default dal gioco.
Dovrete sistemare i settings per ogni kit che volete importare. So che questo pu richiedere molto lavoro ma non ci sono altre
soluzioni al momento. E non dimenticatevi quante ore gli editor hanno speso nei fantastici kits creati.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Dopo aver aggiustato le impostaioni della divisa, dovete selezionare semplicemente importa immagine, scegliere quella di cui
avete bisogno e confermare. Fatto. Tutti i kits sono salvati alfabeticamente. La maggior parte degli editor li nomineranno come:
<nomesquadra>_home, <nomesquadra>_away e <nomesquadra>_gk. Quindi il primo sar il kit away, poi quello del portiere e poi
quello home. A volte c anche un terzo kits, che sar lultimo per quella squadra.
Stemmi squadra
Selzionate la squadra a cui vorrete aggiungere il logo nella modalit modifica, poi cliccate sullo stemma, createne uno nuovo e
caricatelo. Scegliete il logo della squadra corretto e confermate.
Stemmi di competizioni
Nella modalit Modifica, selezionate le competizioni, poi quella a cui volete aggiungere il logo e selezionate importa immagine.
Foto di allenatori
Selezionate la squadra a cui volete aggiungere la foto dellallenatore nella modalit modifica, poi cliccate su allenatore e poi carica
imagine. Scegliete lallenaotre corretto e confermate.
La PS4 non riconosce il mio stick USB, che problema c?
Assicuratevi che sia formattata in FAT32 o exFAT (raccomandato). Se cos, assicuratevi che sia inserita correttamente nella
console. Molte pennette USB sono troppo grandi e potrebbero non entrare nella porta USB per intero, quindi se la vostra troppo
grande e non entra, provate con una pennetta USB diversa o usate un cavo USB di estensione.
Ci sono immagini che non sono mostrate nellanteprima ma appare invece una specie di simbolo di corruzione del file,
Se i files osno stati compressi con un Mac, ci saranno dei files invisibili. Dovrete usare il Terminale per superare il problema. Aprite tramite spotlight (command key + space key) e poi inserite il percorso in cui si trova la vostra pennetta USB, poi
eseguite il comando per eliminare quei files.
rm ._*
Rimpiazzate <USBSTICKNAME> con il nome assegnato al vostro stick USB.
In Windows vedrete semplicemente una cartella nominata __MACOSX (o simile). Semplicemente rimuovetela.
Ho importato tutte le divise nel gioco e ora sembra che sia lento e scatti. Perch?
Assicurati di rimuovere il tuo stick USB dopo aver importato con successo tutti i files nel gioco. La PS4 (e PES 2016) sembrano aver
problemi se c' una pennetta USB connessa alla console mentre si gioca. Questo avviene specialmente nel caso di pennette USB
con grane memoria. Leva la pennetta e tutto dovrebbe tornare normale.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Primeros pasos
Requisitos previos
En primer lugar, necesitamos varias cosas, que se enumeran a continuacin.
Una PS4
Un Macintosh o un PC
Una memoria USB (de ahora en adelante "pendrive")
Los archivos del fichero de edicin (fichero *.rar o *.zip)
Ahora, antes de empezar, se necesita una herramienta para extraer el contenido del archivo comprimido que ha descargado.
Mac OS X:
Si es un fichero *.zip, puede simplemente hacer doble clic sobre el archivo y el Sistema Operativo extraer el contenido del fichero.
Si es un fichero *.rar, es probable que desee descargar la herramienta gratuita The Unarchiver (
unarchiver.html) y extraer el archivo despus de instalar la aplicacin.
De nuevo, si es un fichero *.zip, puede extraerlo usando la herramienta de extraccin de Windows (captura 1). Si es un fichero *.rar,
instale la herramienta gratuita 7zip ( y sela para extraer los ficheros (captura 2).
captura 1
captura 2
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Despus de extraer los ficheros del archivo, tenemos que preparar el pendrive. Para ello, tenemos que comprobar si el pendrive
est formateado con el sistema de ficheros correcto (recomendamos exFAT, pero FAT32 tambin est bien). Le dir cmo:
Simplemente haga clic sobre el pendrive en el explorador de Windows y mire la informacin que se muestra (o haga clic con botn
derecho y seleccione "Propiedades"). Si est ya formateado en FAT32 o en exFAT, todo est bien. Sin embargo, podra estar
formateado en formato NTFS, as que tendramos que cambiar eso. Haga clic con botn derecho sobre el pendrive y seleccione
"Formatear...", elija FAT32 o exFAT y haga clic para iniciar.
ATENCIN: Todos los ficheros del pendrive se eliminarn, por lo que podra querer almacenarlos en otro lugar antes.
Mac OS X:
Despus de insertar el pendrive, debera aparecer en el escritorio. Haga clic con botn derecho (s, es posible en un mac) sobre el
Dispositivo USB y seleccione "Conseguir info". Si dice "Formato: MS-DOS (FAT)" o "Formato: exFAT", todo est bien. De lo
contrario, tenemos que formatear el pendrive. Abra el centro de atencin (spotlight) (comando + espacio o haciendo clic en la lupa
de la esquina superior derecha) y escriba "disk utility" y lance la aplicacin. En el panel de la izquierda, seleccione el pendrive como
puede ver en la captura de pantalla 4.
Es importante que seleccione el dispositivo real y no la particin(s) en l. Luego haga clic en "Particin" en el panel derecho y
seleccione "MS-DOS (FAT)" como sistema de ficheros (imagen 4). Haga clic en "Aplicar" y despus de unos segundos, su pendrive
est listo. Nuevamente: Se borrarn todos los ficheros en l!
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
captura 4
Haga clic derecho en la carpeta WEPES deseada y seleccione "Copiar", luego vaya al pendrive y bralo. Haga clic en el explorador/
buscador y seleccione "Pegar". Despus de que la copia est completa, expulse el pendrive y desconctelo de su Mac/PC.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Base design:
Design 1:
Base colour (61/61/61)
Base colour (61/61/61)
Type 1, Arch 3 (White)
Number: Type 1 (White)
Shorts number (48/1/1)
(1) es el nombre del equipo para el que es la info del uniforme. (2) define si es el uniforme de casa, uniforme de visitante, uniforme
del portero o tercer uniforme. (3), (6) y (8) definen para qu parte de la ropa es la info. (4), (7) y (9) definen el diseo base y/o el color
base, respectivamente. Los tres nmeros entre parntesis, por ejemplo (61/61/61), definen el color real que tiene que usar para las
partes particulares. Al llegar a la pantalla de seleccin de color, ver una lnea de campos de color en la parte inferior, los cuales son
todos inicialmente blanco. Mueva el cursor a uno de estos campos personalizados, y presione tringulo. sto le permite crear
colores basados en tres valores, que van desde 0 hasta 63. Confirme el color en la ventana de creacin, y confirme de nuevo para
usarlo para el diseo.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
(5) Define el diseo(s) que tiene que utilizar para el uniforme (y medias/pantalones). Si slo hay un diseo, o ninguno en absoluto,
tiene que quitar (lase: seleccione "ninguno") todos los otros diseos que pueden ser configurados por defecto desde el juego.
(10), (11) y (12) se establecen desde men "Estampado" desde la equipacin que se desee editar. (10) sera "Nombre en uniforme".
(11) corresponde a "Dorsales". (12) a "N en pantaln".
Tiene que ajustar la configuracin para cada uniforme que desee importar. S que sto es un montn de trabajo, pero no hay otra
manera por el momento. Y no se olvide del nmero de horas que los editores han gastado en los uniformes impresionantes que
Despus de que haya ajustado la configuracin del uniforme, slo tiene que seleccionar "Pegar imagen", elija la que necesite y
confirme. Eso es todo. Todos los ficheros de los uniformes son almacenados en orden alfabtico. La mayora de los editores
nombrarn los ficheros como sto: <nombredeequipo>_casa, <nombredeequipo>_visitante y <nombredeequipo>_portero. As que
el primer uniforme ser el uniforme de casa, entonces el uniforme de portero y luego el uniforme de visitante. A veces hay incluso
un tercer uniforme, que ser el ltimo para el equipo. Para agregar una tercera y hasta una cuarta equipacin, si es provista por el
editor, sera desde pantalla "Uniforme", del equipo deseado a editar, entramos, y veremos que con el botn cuadrado podremos
aadir nuevas equipaciones, una tercera y hasta una cuarta.
Escudos de los equipos
Seleccione el equipo al que quiera aadir un escudo en el modo editar, entonces haga clic en Escudo y "Cargar". Elija el escudo
correcto y confirme.
Emblemas del campeonato
En el modo editar, seleccione "Campeonatos", entonces a la que le quiera aadir un escudo y luego seleccione "Cargar".
Foto del tcnico
Seleccione el equipo al que quiera aadir una foto del tcnico en el modo editar, entonces haga clic en "Dir. tcnico", luego "Crear
imagen" y por ltimo "Cargar". Elija la imagen del tcnico correcta y confirme.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Ensimmiset askeleet
Alkuun psemiseksi tarvitset seuraavia kapistuksia:.
Macintosh- tai PC-tietokoneen
Tiedostostonhallintaohjeman (*.rar tai *.zip tiedostot)
Ennen kuin aloitamme, tarvitset ohjelman jolla purkaa sislt lataamistasi tiedostoistasi.
Mac OS X:
Jos kyseess on *.zip-tiedosto, niin kaksoisklikkaamalla tiedostoa kyttjrjestelm purkaa tiedoston sislln.
Mikli sinulla on *.rar-tiedosto, niin paras vaihtoehto tiedoston purkamiseen lienee ilmaisohjelma The Unarchiver (http://
Jlleen kerran, jos kyseess on *.zip-tiedosto, niin sen voi purkaa Windowsin omalla purkutykalulla (kuva 1). Mikli olet ladannut
*.rar-tiedoston, niin voit purkaa tidoston ilmaisella 7zip-ohjelmalla ( (kuva 2).
kuva 1
kuva 2
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Tiedostojen purkamisen jlkeen, on aika valmistella USB-tikkua. Tt varten meidn pit tarkastaa ett tikku on formatoitu oikealla
tiedostojrjestelmll (suosittelemamme tiedostojrjestelm on exFAT, mutta FAT32 ky mys. Tmn kanssa menetelln
Klikkaa vain Resurssienvalvontaa (englanniksi Windows Explorer) ja tarkastele ruudulla nkyvi tietoja (tai napsauta hiiren
kakkospainiketta tikun kohdalla ja valitse Ominaisuudet (Properties). Jos tiedosto on jo FAT32 tai exFAT muodossa, niin kaikki on
kuten pitkin. Riski on kuitenkin olemassa ett tikku on formatoitu NTFS muotoon, jolloin se tytyy muuttaa. Paina hiiren
kakkospainiketta ja valitse Alusta, valitse FAT32 tai exFAT ja klikkaa starttia.
Huom! Kaikki tikulla olevat tiedostot pyyhkiytyvt pois, joten nm kannattaa kopioida jonnekin muualle ennen kuin teet alustuksen.
Mac OS X:
USB-tikun pitisi nky typydll. Klikkaa hiiren kakkospainiketta (kyll, se on mahdollista mys Mac-koneilla) USB-tikkusi
kohdalla, ja valitse Nyt tietoja. Jos net tekstin Muoto: MS-DOS (FAT) tai Muoto: exFAT, niin kaikki on kuten pitkin. Muussa
tapuksessa meidn tytyy alustaa tikku. Avaa Spotlight (command + vlilynti tai klikkaa suurennuslasia oikeassa ylkulmassa)
ja kirjoita levytykalu, kynnist sitten sovellus. Valitse USB-tikku vasemmasta kulmasta, kuva 4:n osoittamalla tavallla.
On rimmisen trket ett valitset oikean laitteen, etk sen partitio(i)ta. Klikkaa seuraavaksi Osiointi ja valitse
tiedostosysteemiksi MS-DOS (FAT) (kuva 4). Klikkaa Ok, muutaman sekunnin kuluttua tikkusi on valmis kytettvksi.
Taas kerran: Kaikki tikun tiedostot hvivt kun teet tmm!
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
kuva 4
Paina hiiren kakkospainiketta WEPES kansion kohdalla ja valitse Kopioi, klikkaa itsesi USB-tikulle. Paina hiiren kakkospainiketta
Explorerissa/Finderissa ja valitse Liit. Kytke tikku irti tietokoneestasi.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Kuvien asentaminen
Tuotuamme kaikki tiedostot nyt peliin, on seuraavana vuorossa niiden asennus. Tm sujuu seuraavasti:
Peliasut (Kits)
Ennen kuin aloitat asennuksen, niin sinun tulee suorittaa yksi trke askel: Sinun tytyy nimittin asettaa peliasujen vrit ja designit,
ennen kuin asennat peliasun kuvan itse peliasuun. Nm valinnat vaikuttavat joukkeen vreihin taktiikkavalikossa, tutkassa sek
fanien vaatetukseen ja rekvisiittaan. Jos yritt tehd tt kuvan asennuksen jlkeen, niin peliasut palautuvat alkuperisiksi ja
sinun tytyy tehd homma uudestaan. Thn kuluvan ajan voi kytt tt tuottoisamminkin. Voit nollata peliasuja painamalla
Peliasujen mukana tulee tekstitiedosto joka sislt tarkat asetukset jokaiselle peliasulle. Nm asetukset voivat nytt esimerkiksi
Base design:
Design 1:
Base colour (61/61/61)
Base colour (61/61/61)
Type 1, Arch 3 (White)
Number: Type 1 (White)
Shorts number (48/1/1)
(1) on nimi seuralle, jolle peliasu kuuluu.(2) mrittelee onko kyseess koti-, vieras-, maalivahti-, vai kolmosasu. (3), (6) ja (8)
mrittelevt mik vaatekappale on kyseess. (4), (7) ja (9) mrittevt puolestaan pohjamallin ja/tai pvrin. Kolme numeroa
suluissa, esimerkiksi (61/61/61), mrittelevt eri osissa tosiasiallisesti kytettvi vrej. Kun menet vrivalintaruutuun, niin net
vrikentt linjaston alhaalla, nm ovat alkujaan kaikki valkoisia. Siirr kursori yhteen nist kentist ja paina kolmiota. Tm
mahdollistaa kolme vriarvoa, vlilt 0-63. Vahvista vri luomisikkunassa, ja vahvista uudestaan kyttksesi tt mallina. (5)
Mrittelee peliasun malli. Jos valittavana on vain yksi malli, tai ei yhtn mallia, niin sinun tytyy valita none kaikkien
oletusasetuksena mahdollisesti lytyvien mallien kohdalla.
(2) Sinun tytyy st asetukset jokaiselle haluamallesi peliasulle erikseen. Kyll, tss on iso tynsarka, mutta tll hetkell muita
vaihtoehtoja ei ole. Pitk mys mielessnne ne lukemattomat tunnit jotka editoijat ovat kyttneet niden asujen luomiseen!
Kun olet stnyt paita-asetukset kohdilleen, niin valitse import image, valitse tarkoittamasi paita ja vahvista. Se on siin!
Peliasujen tiedostot ovat aakkosjrjestyksess . Useimmat editoijat nimevt tiedostonsa seuraavasti: <teamname>_home,
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
<teamname>_away and <teamname>_gk. Ensimminen asu on siis vierasasu, toinen maalivahdin asu ja kolmas kotiasu. Joissain
tapuksissa saatavilla on mys kolmosasu, tm lytyy silloin viimeisen.
Seuralogot (Team Emblems)
Valitse seurat jolle haluat vaihtaa logon Edit Modessa, klikkaa logoa, valitse sitten Create new ja Load. Valitse oikea logo ja
Kilpailulogot (Competition logos)
Mene Edit Modeen, valitse Competitions, ja valitse sitten kilpailu jonka logon haluat vaihtaa, valitse sitten asennettava uusi logo.
Managerikuvat (Manager Photos)
Valitse seura jolle haluat list managerin kuvan Edit Modessa, klikkaa manageria ja lataa kuva valitsemalla oikea managerikuva sek
vahvistamalla tm.
Usein kysytty
PS4 ei tunnista USB-tikkuani, mist kiikastaa?
Varmista ett tikku on formatoitu FAT32 tai exFAT (suositeltava) -muotoon. Mikli tm on tehty, niin varmista ett tikku on kunnolla
kytketty konsoliin. Jotkut USB-tikut ovat liian paksuja, eivtk mahdu kunnolla USB-porttiin. Kokeile pienemmll tikulla, tai USB jatkokaapelilla mikli tm on ongelmana.
Jotkut kuvat eivt ny esikatselussa ja nyttvt olevan korruptoituneita, mit tm tm on?
Jos kuvat on pakattu Macilla, niin syntyy nkymttmi kuvia. Avaa Pte (Terminal) sovellus Spotlightin kautta (command +
vlilynti) ja kirjoita USB-tikun tiedostosijainti, poista tmn jlkeen nm tiedostot.
rm *
Korvaa <USBSTIKUNNIMI> tikkusi nimell
Windowsissa net luultavasti __MACOSX (tai vastaavan) nimisen kansion. Poista tm kansio
Importoin peliin kaikki peliasut, mutta nyt peli nykii, sek tuntuu hitaalta ja jhmelt. Miksi?
Varmistu siit, ett olet poistanut USB-tikun PS4:sta tuotuasi kaikki tiedostot peliin. PS4 (ja PES 2016 -peli) eivt nimittin nkjn
toimi optimaalisesti jos USB-tikku on koneessa kiinni pelatessa. Tm korostuu etenkin isommilla tikuilla. Kaiken pitisi toimia
normaalisti, kunhan poistat tikun.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Langkah pertama
Sebelum memulai ada hal yang harus dipersiapkan di bawah berikut ini:
Macintosh atau PC
USB stik
File-file archive (berupa file *.rar atau *.zip)
Sebelum kita mulai, kamu harus memiliki tool untuk mengekstrak isi dari file archive yang sudah kamu download
Mac OS X:
Jika file berupa file *.zip, kamu cukup dengan melakukan dobel-klik pada file dan OS akan mengekstrak isi file.
Jika file berupa file *.rar, mungkin kamu perlu mengdownload aplikasi gratisan untuk mengekstrak (
unarchiver.html) dan mengekstrak file archive setelah selesai menginstall aplikasi tersebut.
Untuk file *.zip, kamu bisa mengekstrak file dengan menggunakan tool ekstrak milik Windows (gambar 1), dan jika file berupa *.rar,
kamu bisa menginstall aplikasi ekstrak 7zip ( dan menggunakannya untuk mengekstrak file (gambar 2)
gambar 1
gambar 2
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Setelah kita berhasil mengekstrak isi dari file archive, selanjutnya kita harus persiapkan USB stik. Kita harus memastikan apakah
USB tersebut sudah terformat dengan file-system yang benar atau belum (kami merekomendasi exFAT, tapi FAT32 juga oke),
berikut caranya:
Cukup dengan mengklik pada USB yang terlihat pada windows explorer dan melihat informasi yang ditampilkan (atau klik-kanan
dan pilih Properties). Jika USB sudah terformat dengan FAT32 atau exFAT, artinya USB sudah siap. Tapi jika belum atau USB
memiliki format NTFS, maka kita harus menggantinya. Klik-kanan dan pilih Format..., lalu pilih FAT32 atau exFAT dan klik start.
PERHATIAN: Semua file yang ada di dalam USB akan terhapus, jadi pastikan kamu sudah menyimpan file yang kamu perlukan di
tempat lain sebelum melakukan format.
Mac OS X:
Setelah memasukkan USB, seharusnya ia akan muncul pada layar desktop. Klik-kanan (Ya, klik-kanan juga mungkin dilakukan pada
Mac) pada USB dan pilih Get info. Jika dikatakan Format: MS-DOS (FAT) atau Format: exFAT, semuanya berarti sudah siap.
Tapi sebaliknya jika bukan, maka kita harus memformatnya. Buka spotlight (command + spasi atau klik pada magnifier pada bagian
kanan atas) dan ketik disk utility dan nyalakan aplikasi. Pada frame sebelah kiri, pilih USB seperti yang terlihat pada gambar 4
Harus diperhatikan bahwa kamu memilih device yang sebenarnya bukan partisi yang ada di dalamnya. Lalu pilih Partition pada
frame sebelah kanan dan pilih MS-DOS (FAT) sebagai file system (gambar 4). Klik Apply dan setelah beberapa detik, USB kamu
sudah siap.
INGAT: Semua file di dalam USB akan dihapus
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
gambar 4
Klik kanan pada folder WEPES yang diinginkan dan pilih Copy, lalu pilih USB dan buka. Klik kanan pada explorer/finder dan pilih
Paste. Setelah proses mengopi selesai, keluar dan cabut USB dari Mac/PC kamu.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Mengaplikasikan gambar
Setelah kita selesai mengimport semua gambar ke dalam game, sekarang kita bisa memulai mengaplikasikannya, berikut caranya:
Sebelum kamu memulai mengaplikasikan seluruh gambar ke tim, ada satu langkah penting yang harus kamu lakukan terlebih
dahulu: kamu harus mensetup warna dan desain kit terlebih dahulu sebelum mengaplikasikan gambar. Langkah ini akan
menentukan warna tim yang muncul pada game plan (team name header), warna baju para suporter yang akan dipakai, dan warna
banner yang ada di sekitar stadion. Jika kamu melakukan setelah mengaplikasikan gambar, maka kamu diharuskan mereset kit
menjadi default dan memulai dari awal kembali. Ada hal yang sebaiknya kamu lakukan daripada membuang waktu seperti itu.
Setiap editor akan menyediakan sebuah file text yang berisi tentang settingan jadi yang sudah dipersiapkan untuk kit yang mereka
bikin. Settingan tersebut akan terlihat seperti ini:
Base design:
Design 1:
Base colour (61/61/61)
Base colour (61/61/61)
Type 1, Arch 3 (White)
Number: Type 1 (White)
Shorts number (48/1/1)
(1) adalah info tentang nama tim dari jersey tersebut. (2) menjelaskan apakah untuk jersey home, away, goalkepper, atau jersey
ketiga. (3), (6) dan (8) info yang menjelaskan tentang bagian-bagian dari jersey. (4), (7) dan (9) tentang desain dan warna dasar yang
digunakan. Tiga angka dalam kurung, contohnya (61/61/61) adalah warna aktual yang harus kamu gunakan pada bagian-bagian
yang sudah ditentukan tadi. Pada layar pemilihan warna, kamu akan menemukan barisan warna paling bawah, umumnya semua
berwarna putih. Gerakan kursor ke arah salah kotak custom tersebut, dan pencet segitiga. Dengan ini kamu bisa membuat warna
berdasarkan tiga angka tadi, dengan range mulai dari 0-63. Pilih confirm untuk warna di window pembuatan, dan pilih confirm lagi
untuk menggunakannya pada desain yang kamu pilih. (5) menjelaskan desain-desain mana yang harus kamu gunakan pada jersey
(termasuk kaos kaki/celana). Jika hanya ada 1 desain atau tidak ada sama sekali, kamu harus membuangnya (baca: select "none"
for) untuk semua desain lainnya yang kemungkinannya sudah dikonfigurasi secara default oleh game.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Kamu harus mengubah settingan dari setiap kit yang ingin kamu import. Saya tahu ini pekerjaan yang sangat banyak, tapi saat ini
memang tidak ada cara lain; dan jangan lupa berapa jam yang sudah dihabiskan para editor untuk membuat kit-kit yang luar biasa
Setelah kamu selesai mengubah settingan kit, kamu cukup dengan memilih import image, pilih gambar yang dibutuhkan dan
confirm. Semua file kit disimpan berurut secara alfabetik. Kebanyakan editor menamakan file-file mereka seperti ini:
<teamname>_home, <teamname>_away, <teamname>_gk. Jadi yang pertama muncul adalah away kit, lalu kit penjaga gawang,
baru kit untuk home. Biasanya juga ada kit ketiga, yang biasa ada di gambar terakhir dari tim.
Team Emblems
Pilih tim mana yang mau kamu ganti emblem pada mode edit, lalu pilih pada emblem, pilih new dan load. Pilih emblem yang tepat
dan confirm.
Competitions logos
Pada mode edit, pilih competitions, lalu kompetisi yang ingin kamu ganti, pilih import image.
Manager Photos
Pilih tim mana yang mau kamu ganti manajer pada mode edit, lalu pilih pada manager, pilih load image. Pilih foto manajer yang
tepat dan confirm.
Mesin PS4 tidak bisa membaca USB saya, apa yang salah?
Pastikan USB stik kamu sudah terformat ke FAT atau exFAT (rekomendasi). Jika sudah, pastikan USB kamu sudah tertanam
sepenuhnya dengan konsol. Karena banyak USB stik yang terlalu gemuk sehingga ia tidak termuat dengan USB slot yang tersedia.
Jika punya kamu tidak muat, cobalah ganti dengan USB yang lebih kecil atau gunakan kabel perpanjangan USB.
Ada file-file gambar tidak muncul pada layar preview dan beberapa tampil dengan tanda corrupted, kenapa ya?
Jika file sudah terkompresi dengan Mac, ada kemungkinan menjadi file invisible. Kamu memerlukan terminal untuk menghilangkan
mereka. Buka via spotlight (command key + space key) dan masukkan path pada USB stik, lalu lakukan command
untuk menhapus file-file tersebut.
rm ._*
Ganti <USBSTICKNAME> dengan nama yang kamu inginkan untuk USB kamu
Di Windows pada umumnya kamu akan melihat folder dengan nama _MACOSX (atau mirip). Silakan dihapus saja.
Saya sudah mengimport semua jersey ke dalam game, tapi kenapa sekarang terlihat jadi lambat dan patah-patah ya?
Pastikan kamu sudah mencabut USB stik kamu setelah selesai mengimport semua file ke dalam game. PS4 (dan PES 2016)
sepertinya memiliki masalah saat bermain jika USB stik masih tertanam pada mesin. Hal ini terjadi umumnya pada USB stik ukuran
besar. Cabut stik USB dan seharusnya mesim akan kembali normal.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
)+ + (
: !!
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
" "
, ,
, :
text :
Base design:
Design 1:
)Base colour (61/61/61
)Base colour (61/61/61
)Type 1, Arch 3 (White
)Number: Type 1 (White
)Shorts number (48/1/1
(3)-(6)- (8)
)(4)-(7)- (9
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
, ,
)(command key + space key
*_rm .
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Macintosh PC
.rar .zip
Mac OS X:
.zip , .rar
The Unarchiver (,
.zip , Windows extract - ( 1).
.rar , 7zip (
( 2).
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
, USB ,
( ExFAT, FAT32 - ). :
( , properties ).
FAT32 - ExFAT - , ,
NTFS - , , ,
FAT32 ExFAT : ,
Mac OS X:
, , ( , Mac- ) USB-
( + ) Disk Utility,
, USB- , 4
, partition , "MS-DOS (FAT)" (
apply, .
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
copy PS4- .
copy .
? , , "WEPES"
, , , WEPES-
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
copy PS4- .
USB , copy PS4-
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1)PS4- USB , ?
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, , PS4-
PESianity PES 2016 - Edit Mode Guide for PS4 by is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.