Annual Curriculum Plan 7

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2021 – 2022


Grade / course  7mo Education Level  EGB MEDIA
Weekly course load No. of working weeks Learning evaluation and unexpected issues Total class weeks Total periods
2 hours 40 weeks 2weeks 38 weeks 80 hours
Objectives of the Area Objectives of the level/course
OG.EFL 1. Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a O.EFL 3.1. Identify the main ideas and some details of written and oral texts, in order to
thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and interact with and to develop an approach of critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity. O.EFL 3.2. Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the skills
OG.EFL 2. Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards and subskills that contribute to communicative and pragmatic competence.
different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural and O.EFL 3.3. Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure en-
multinational society. joyment/entertainment and to access information.
OG.EFL 3. Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic O.EFL 3.4. Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster problem-solving and
intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. independent learning using both spoken and written English.
Enjoy an enriched perspective of their L1 and of language use for communication and O.EFL 3.5. Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate real-world issues,
learning. answer questions or solve problems.
OG.EFL 4. Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and O.EFL 3.6. Read and write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal
ability to independently access further (language) learning and practice opportunities. information or familiar topics and use them as a means of communication and written
Respect themselves and others within the communication process, cultivating habits of expression of thought.
honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior. O.EFL 3.7. Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary
OG.EFL 5. Directly access the main points and important details of up-to date. English texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs, games and graphic short stories in order to
language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or general foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and written
investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required. literary texts.
OG.EFL 6. Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or O.EFL 3.8. Demonstrate an ability to interact with written and spoken texts, in order to
written dialogue with peers from different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general explore creative writing as an outlet to personal expression and intercultural competence.
topics of common interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately. O.EFL 3.9. Be able to interact in English using basic, frequently used expressions and
OG.EFL 7. Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal short phrases in familiar and personalized contexts, demonstrating a limited but effective
and informal social situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken command of the spoken language in simple and routine tasks which require a direct ex-
language (CEFR B1 level). change of information.
O.EFL 3.10. Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to interact socially and work
cooperatively in pairs and groups.

JUSTICE, INNOVATION AND SOLIDARITY Communication and Cultural Awareness

Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking)
Culture / Citizenship Reading
Content Language through the Arts
N.º Name of Specific objectives Skills and performance Contents Methodology Evaluation Criteria and Time in weeks
the Unit of the Planning Criteria orientation Indicators

EFL 3.1.4. Use a variety 1. Work in small COMMUNICATION AND

Vocabulary: of oral, print and groups and take turns CULTURAL AWARENESS
associating images electronic forms for in greetings and short CE.EFL.3.5. Demonstrate an
with words social communication conversations ability to use a variety of sources
and for writing to Students will learn for oral and written
oneself. (Example: how to: 2. Use resources suchas communication in order to
Reading: friendly notes, pictures or graphic interact with others in social
Demonstrate basic invitations, diary entries, organizers to situations.
reading notes to self, electronic accompany oral
• Introducing
comprehension messages, etc.) expression Indicator
oneself and
skills by identifying EFL 3.2.12. Ask and I.EFL.3.5.1. Learners can
others with
the meaning of answer questions and 3. Recognize basic employ various print and digital
first and/or
individual words, exchange information on phonemes of the sources in order to communicate
family names
phrases, and familiar topics in alphabet and imitate with others in oral and written
sentences, including predictable everyday the sounds form in social situations. (J.3,
simple written situations. (Example: ask S.1, S.4) 6
for directions, give • Talking about
instructions. favorite clases 4. Use simple resources
directions, express a such as flash cards
personal opinion, etc.) ORAL COMMUNICATION
EFL 3.3.3. Identify the 5. Unscramble words CE.EFL.3.10. Interaction –
Writing: Students
meaning of specific to write short sentences Interpersonal: Participate
can: respond to
content-based words and • Identifying effectively in familiar and
simple questions or
phrases, with the aid of different places predictable conversational
directions supported 6. Drawing different
visual support. at school exchanges by sharing
by visual houses and labeling
EFL 3.3.4. Distinguish information and reacting ap-
cues/gestures/objects different rooms and
between fact and opinion propriately in basic interpersonal
; differentiate one and relevant and irrele- • Identifying objects in a house. interactions.
object/picture/letter/ vant information in an teachers
word from another; informational text of different 7. Creating a poster of
1. respond to basic through the use of mind subjects things that can be Indicator
questions through maps/charts. recycled. I.EFL.3.10.1. Learners can use
facial expression and EFL 3.4.3. Write a back-channeling to react
gestures; variety of short simple 8. Labeling pictures appropriately to what others say
text-types, commonly with correct names. about familiar topics in pre-
used in print and online, dictable, everyday situations and
Speaking: with appropriate 9. Participating in short when carrying out pair work for
Understand language and layout. dialogues using a specific task in class. Learners
meanings expressed (Example: write a greetings and leave- can ask questions to extend an
in short dialogues on greeting on a birthday taking. interpersonal interaction. (I.3,
familiar topics, as card, name and address J.3)
well as basic spoken on an envelope, a URL
instructions and for a website, an email READING
simple questions address, etc.) CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability
about self, people, EFL 3.4.6. Write a to identify the meaning of
animals or things, simple narrative with specific content-based words
especially when linking words on familiar and phrases, with the aid of
spoken slowly and subjects in order to visual support, and use
clearly. express everyday charts/mind maps to distinguish
activities. (Example: free between fact/opinion and
time, descriptions, what relevant/irrelevant information
happened last weekend, in informational texts.
EFL 3.5.8. Create Indicator
stories, poems, songs, I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can
dances and plays determine the meaning of
including those that specific content-based words
reflect traditional and and phrases when accompanied
popular Ecuadorian by visual support and distinguish
culture, observing the between fact and opinion and
conventions of the genre. relevant and irrelevant
(Example: purpose, information in informational
settings, audience, voice, texts through the use of mind
rhythm, etc.). maps and charts.

CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
short simple familiar text-types
– online or in print – using
appropriate language, layout and
linking words.
I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can
write short simple text-types and
narratives, online and in print,
using appropriate language,
layout and linking words.


CE.EFL.3.25. Observe and
expand on the conventions of
genre in order to create a variety
of texts that reflect traditional
and popular Ecuadorian culture
and identify select literary
elements in order to relate them
to other works, including the
learners’ own writing.

I.EFL.3.25.1. Learners can
create stories, poems, songs and
plays to reflect traditional and
popular Ecuadorian culture,
observing the conventions of the
genre. Learners can find and
identify selected literary
elements in texts to relate them
to other works and personal

EFL 3.1.4. Use a variety COMMUNICATION AND

Vocabulary: of oral, print and 1. Identifying the CULTURAL AWARENESS
associating images electronic forms for differences between CE.EFL.3.5. Demonstrate an
with words social communication two pictures and ability to use a variety of sources
and for writing to writing simple for oral and written
oneself. (Example: sentences. communication in order to
Reading: Identify friendly notes, interact with others in social
items of specific invitations, diary entries, 2. Choosing pictures of situations.
information within notes to self, electronic Students will learn or drawing the scenes
simple messages or messages, etc.) how to: of a literary text. Indicator
from short and I.EFL.3.5.1. Learners can
simple descriptions EFL 3.2.12. Ask and • Asking about employ various print and digital
about familiar answer questions and and explaining 3. Moving to the sources in order to communicate
contexts, especially exchange information on preferences rhythm of a song or with others in oral and written
if visual support is familiar topics in chant. form in social situations.
provided. predictable everyday Use resources suchas
situations. (Example: ask • Asking about pictures or graphic ORAL COMMUNICATION
for directions, give what you do organizers to CE.EFL.3.10. Interaction –
Writing: Ask and directions, express a in a place accompany oral Interpersonal: Participate
answer basic personal opinion, etc.) expression effectively in familiar and
2. personal information predictable conversational
questions, as well as EFL 3.3.3. Identify the exchanges by sharing
simple questions meaning of specific 4. Recognize basic information and reacting ap- 8
about other people, content-based words and phonemes of the propriately in basic interpersonal
animals, and phrases, with the aid of alphabet and imitate interactions.
possessions, visual support. the sounds
provided the Indicator
interaction is slow EFL 3.3.4. Distinguish I.EFL.3.10.1. Learners can use
and clear. between fact and opinion 5. Recognize words back-channeling to react
and relevant and irrele- and match words to appropriately to what others say
vant information in an pictures about familiar topics in pre-
Speaking: informational text dictable, everyday situations and
Understand through the use of mind 6.Use simple resources when carrying out pair work for
meanings expressed maps/charts. such as flash cards a specific task in class. Learners
in short dialogues on can ask questions to extend an
familiar topics, as EFL 3.4.3. Write a interpersonal interaction.
well as basic spoken variety of short simple
7.Unscramble letters
instructions and text-types, commonly READING
and write words
simple questions used in print and online, CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability
about self, people, with appropriate to identify the meaning of
animals or things, language and layout. 8.Unscramble words to specific content-based words
write short sentences
especially when (Example: write a and phrases, with the aid of
spoken slowly and greeting on a birthday visual support, and use
clearly. card, name and address charts/mind maps to distinguish
on an envelope, a URL between fact/opinion and
for a website, an email relevant/irrelevant information
address, etc.) in informational texts.

EFL 3.4.6. Write a Indicator

simple narrative with I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can
linking words on familiar determine the meaning of
subjects in order to specific content-based words
express everyday and phrases when accompanied
activities. (Example: free by visual support and distinguish
time, descriptions, what between fact and opinion and
happened last weekend, relevant and irrelevant
etc.) information in informational
texts through the use of mind
EFL 3.5.8. Create maps and charts.
stories, poems, songs,
dances and plays WRITING
including those that CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
reflect traditional and short simple familiar text-types
popular Ecuadorian – online or in print – using
culture, observing the appropriate language, layout and
conventions of the genre. linking words.
(Example: purpose,
settings, audience, voice,
rhythm, etc.) Indicator
I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can
write short simple text-types and
narratives, online and in print,
using appropriate language,
layout and linking words.


CE.EFL.3.25. Observe and
expand on the conventions of
genre in order to create a variety
of texts that reflect traditional
and popular Ecuadorian culture
and identify select literary
elements in order to relate them
to other works, including the
learners’ own writing.

I.EFL.3.25.1. Learners can
create stories, poems, songs and
plays to reflect traditional and
popular Ecuadorian culture,
observing the conventions of the
genre. Learners can find and
identify selected literary
elements in texts to relate them
to other works and personal

EFL 3.1.3. Exchange

basic personal COMMUNICATION AND
Vocabulary: preferences with peers in 1. Creating an audio CULTURAL AWARENESS
associating images order to express likes and message or short video CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with
with words dislikes. that tells what the others using a variety of both
student thought about verbal and nonverbal
EFL 3.2.13. Respond to the text. communication features and
Reading: Identify simple questions in quite express likes and dislikes while
key information a short time and initiate 2. Reading a short giving recommendations in
such as events, basic interaction simple story of just a basic yet effective terms.
spontaneously when Students will learn
characters, and few lines and ordering
there are opportunities to how to: simple pictures of Indicator
objects in stories and
other age- speak. Speech is familiar objects. I.EFL.3.3.1. Learners can
appropriate literary produced a little less employ a range of verbal and
texts if there is slowly and hesitantly. • Talking about 3. Work in small nonverbal communication
visual support. colors, shapes groups and take turns features to express likes and
EFL 3.2.14. Make and and patterns in greetings and short dislikes and can give
respond to invitations, conversations recommendations in basic yet
Writing: suggestions, apologies effective terms.
Understand and use and requests. • Describing
basic greetings, what you see 4. Recognize basic ORAL COMMUNICATION
leave-taking EFL 3.2.15. Provide a phonemes of the CE.EFL.3.9. Production -
3. simple description and/or Fluency: Respond to simple
expressions, and alphabet and imitate
other simple opinion of a common • Asking what the sounds questions and familiar everyday
everyday phrases to object or a simple is done/telling social situations, such as an
facilitate account of something what one does invitation or request, relatively 7
interpersonal experienced. (Example: quickly. Spontaneously initiate
5. Recognize words
interaction, to an Ecuadorian • Talking interactions in order to express
and match words to
introduce others, and celebration, a class trip, a about lunch opinions or give accounts of
to name things. party, a game played, preferences personal experiences.
6.Use simple resources
Speaking: EFL 3.3.3. Identify the • Ordering food I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can
meaning of specific such as flash cards answer simple questions quickly
Recognize familiar and drink
names, words, and content-based words and and initiate basic interaction
short phrases about phrases, with the aid of spontaneously when given op-
visual support. 7. Unscramble letters portunities. (Example: make an
simple everyday and write words
topics whether heard invitation, give a suggestion,
in isolation or within EFL 3.3.4. Distinguish etc.) Learners can describe
short, simple spoken between fact and opinion simple, familiar situations and
and relevant and irrele- talk about past experiences.
texts describing vant information in an READING
people and objects informational text CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability
through the use of mind to identify the meaning of
maps/charts. specific content-based words
and phrases, with the aid of
EFL 3.4.3. Write a visual support, and use
variety of short simple charts/mind maps to distinguish
text-types, commonly between fact/opinion and
used in print and online, relevant/irrelevant information
with appropriate in informational texts.
language and layout.
(Example: write a Indicator
greeting on a birthday I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can
card, name and address determine the meaning of
on an envelope, a URL specific content-based words
for a website, an email and phrases when accompanied
address, etc.) by visual support and distinguish
between fact and opinion and
EFL 3.4.6. Write a relevant and irrelevant
simple narrative with information in informational
linking words on familiar texts through the use of mind
subjects in order to maps and charts.
express everyday
activities. (Example: free WRITING
time, descriptions, what CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
happened last weekend, short simple familiar text-types
etc.) – online or in print – using
appropriate language, layout and
EFL 3.5.8. Create linking words.
stories, poems, songs,
dances and plays Indicator
including those that I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can
reflect traditional and write short simple text-types and
popular Ecuadorian narratives, online and in print,
culture, observing the using appropriate language,
conventions of the genre. layout and linking words.
(Example: purpose,
settings, audience, voice,
CE.EFL.3.25. Observe and
expand on the conventions of
genre in order to create a variety
of texts that reflect traditional
and popular Ecuadorian culture
and identify select literary
elements in order to relate them
to other works, including the
learners’ own writing.

I.EFL.3.25.1. Learners can
create stories, poems, songs and
plays to reflect traditional and
popular Ecuadorian culture,
observing the conventions of the
genre. Learners can find and
identify selected literary
elements in texts to relate them
to other works and personal

EFL 3.1.4. Use a variety

Vocabulary: of oral, print and 1. Listening to a short COMMUNICATION AND
associating images electronic forms for and simple CULTURAL AWARENESS
with words social communication conversation between 2 CE.EFL.3.5. Demonstrate an
and for writing to speakers and deciding ability to use a variety of sources
oneself. (Example: who is speaking, where for oral and written
Reading: Express friendly notes, they are, and how they communication in order to
curiosity about the invitations, diary entries, feel. interact with others in social
world and other notes to self, electronic situations.
cultures by asking messages, etc.) 2. Choosing pictures of
simple WH- or drawing the scenes Indicator
questions in class EFL 3.2.13. Respond to Students will learn of a literary text. I.EFL.3.5.1. Learners can
after reading and/or simple questions in quite how to: employ various print and digital
participating in a short time and initiate 3. Responding to a sources in order to communicate
presentations or basic interaction poem by drawing how with others in oral and written
other group work. spontaneously when it makes the learner form in social situations.
there are opportunities to • Identifying feel.
4. speak. Speech is musical ORAL COMMUNICATION
Writing: produced a little less instruments 4. Using ICT resources CE.EFL.3.9. Production -
Understand the slowly and hesitantly. to organize and edit a Fluency: Respond to simple
content in simple short piece of creative questions and familiar everyday
short written EFL 3.2.14. Make and • Asking about or informational social situations, such as an
environmental print respond to invitations, and expressing writing. invitation or request, relatively
text types, using suggestions, apologies ability quickly. Spontaneously initiate
artwork, symbols and requests. 5. Unscramble words interactions in order to express
opinions or give accounts of
and layout for EFL 3.2.15. Provide a to write short sentences personal experiences. 6
support. simple description and/or • Asking about
opinion of a common preferences 6. Create and use Indicator
object or a simple Asking about puppets I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can
Speaking: account of something what is done/ answer simple questions quickly
Understand experienced. (Example: saying what one 7. Sing songs and recite and initiate basic interaction
meanings expressed an Ecuadorian does chants while pointing spontaneously when given op-
in short dialogues on celebration, a class trip, a to the words portunities. (Example: make an
familiar topics, as party, a game played, invitation, give a suggestion,
well as basic spoken etc.) 8. Move to the rhythm etc.) Learners can describe
instructions and of a song or chant simple, familiar situations and
simple questions EFL 3.3.3. Identify the talk about past experiences.
about self, people, meaning of specific 9. Work in small
animals or things, content-based words and groups and take turns READING
especially when phrases, with the aid of in greetings and short CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability
spoken slowly and visual support. conversations to identify the meaning of
clearly. specific content-based words
EFL 3.3.4. Distinguish and phrases, with the aid of
between fact and opinion visual support, and use
and relevant and irrele- charts/mind maps to distinguish
vant information in an between fact/opinion and
informational text relevant/irrelevant information
through the use of mind in informational texts.
EFL 3.4.3. Write a I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can
variety of short simple determine the meaning of
text-types, commonly specific content-based words
used in print and online, and phrases when accompanied
with appropriate by visual support and distinguish
language and layout. between fact and opinion and
(Example: write a relevant and irrelevant
greeting on a birthday information in informational
card, name and address texts through the use of mind
on an envelope, a URL maps and charts.
for a website, an email
address, etc.) WRITING
CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
EFL 3.4.6. Write a short simple familiar text-types
simple narrative with – online or in print – using
linking words on familiar appropriate language, layout and
subjects in order to linking words.
express everyday
activities. (Example: free Indicator
time, descriptions, what I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can
happened last weekend, write short simple text-types and
etc.) narratives, online and in print,
using appropriate language,
EFL 3.5.8. Create layout and linking words.
stories, poems, songs,
dances and plays
including those that LANGUAGE THROUGH THE
reflect traditional and ARTS
popular Ecuadorian CE.EFL.3.25.Observe and
culture, observing the expand on the conventions of
conventions of the genre. genre in order to create a variety
(Example: purpose, of texts that reflect traditional
settings, audience, voice, and popular Ecuadorian culture
rhythm, etc.) and identify select literary
elements in order to relate them
to other works, including the
learners’ own writing.
I.EFL.3.25.1. Learners can
create stories, poems, songs and
plays to reflect traditional and
popular Ecuadorian culture,
observing the conventions of the
genre. Learners can find and
identify selected literary
elements in texts to relate them
to other works and personal

EFL 3.1.4. Use a variety

of oral, print and COMMUNICATION AND
Vocabulary: electronic forms for CULTURAL AWARENESS
associating images social communication CE.EFL.3.5. Demonstrate an
with words and for writing to 1. Playing games in ability to use a variety of sources
oneself. (Example: class or doing puzles for oral and written
friendly notes, communication in order to
invitations, diary entries, Students will learn
Reading: Express 2. Having learners interact with others in social
how to:
curiosity about the notes to self, electronic situations.
complete a short simple
world and other messages, etc.)
questionnaire about
cultures by asking themselves. Learners Indicator
EFL 3.2.13. Respond to • Talking about
simple WH- read open-ended I.EFL.3.5.1. Learners can
what people
simple questions in quite employ various print and digital
questions in class a short time and initiate like to do in a questions and write the sources in order to communicate 6
after reading and/or basic interaction playground answers on the form. with others in oral and written
participating in spontaneously when Work in small groups form in social situations.
presentations or there are opportunities to and take turns in
other group work. speak. Speech is • Identifying greetings and short
produced a little less parts of the conversations
slowly and hesitantly. body ORAL COMMUNICATION
Writing: Ask and 3.Use resources suchas CE.EFL.3.9. Production -
answer basic EFL 3.2.14. Make and pictures or graphic Fluency: Respond to simple
personal information respond to invitations, • Asking about organizers to questions and familiar everyday
questions, as well as suggestions, apologies and stating accompany oral social situations, such as an
simple questions and requests. simple health expression invitation or request, relatively
about other people, problems quickly. Spontaneously initiate
animals, and EFL 3.2.15. Provide a interactions in order to express
possessions, simple description and/or 4. Describe family opinions or give accounts of
provided the opinion of a common using pictures or personal experiences.
interaction is slow object or a simple photos
and clear. account of something Indicator
experienced. (Example: I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can
an Ecuadorian answer simple questions quickly
Speaking: celebration, a class trip, a 5.Recognize basic and initiate basic interaction
Communicate to party, a game played, phonemes of the spontaneously when given op-
peers and teacher etc.) alphabet and imitate portunities. (Example: make an
when something is the sounds invitation, give a suggestion,
not understood in EFL 3.3.3. Identify the etc.) Learners can describe
class through the use meaning of specific 6. Recognize words simple, familiar situations and
of simple basic content-based words and and match words to talk about past experiences.
questions. phrases, with the aid of pictures
visual support. READING
7.Use simple resources CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability
EFL 3.3.4. Distinguish such as flash cards to identify the meaning of
between fact and opinion specific content-based words
and relevant and irrele- and phrases, with the aid of
8. Answering questions
vant information in an visual support, and use
about a scene using full
informational text charts/mind maps to distinguish
through the use of mind between fact/opinion and
maps/charts. relevant/irrelevant information
in informational texts.
EFL 3.4.3. Write a
variety of short simple Indicator
text-types, commonly I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can
used in print and online, determine the meaning of
with appropriate specific content-based words
language and layout. and phrases when accompanied
(Example: write a by visual support and distinguish
greeting on a birthday between fact and opinion and
card, name and address relevant and irrelevant
on an envelope, a URL information in informational
for a website, an email texts through the use of mind
address, etc.) maps and charts.

EFL 3.4.6. Write a WRITING

simple narrative with CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of
linking words on familiar short simple familiar text-types
subjects in order to – online or in print – using
express everyday appropriate language, layout and
activities. (Example: free linking words.
time, descriptions, what
happened last weekend, Indicator
etc.) I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners can
write short simple text-types and
EFL 3.5.8. Create narratives, online and in print,
stories, poems, songs, using appropriate language,
dances and plays layout and linking words.
including those that
reflect traditional and LANGUAGE THROUGH THE
popular Ecuadorian ARTS
culture, observing the
conventions of the genre. CE.EFL.3.25. Observe and
(Example: purpose, expand on the conventions of
settings, audience, voice, genre in order to create a variety
rhythm, etc.) of texts that reflect traditional
and popular Ecuadorian culture
and identify select literary
elements in order to relate them
to other works, including the
learners’ own writing.

I.EFL.3.25.1. Learners can
create stories, poems, songs and
plays to reflect traditional and
popular Ecuadorian culture,
observing the conventions of the
genre. Learners can find and
identify selected literary
elements in texts to relate them
to other works and personal

EFL 3.1.4. Use a variety

of oral, print and COMMUNICATION AND
Vocabulary: electronic forms for 1. Using question CULTURAL AWARENESS
associating images social communication words (who, what, CE.EFL.3.5. Demonstrate an
with words and for writing to where) to ask about ability to use a variety of sources
oneself. (Example: places. for oral and written
friendly notes, communication in order to
Reading: Read a invitations, diary entries, 2. Work in small interact with others in social
short simple text notes to self, electronic groups and take turns situations.
(online or print) and messages, etc.) in greetings and short
demonstrate conversations Indicator
understanding of the EFL 3.2.13. Respond to Students will learn I.EFL.3.5.1. Learners can
simple questions in quite how to: employ various print and digital
gist and some basic
details of the a short time and initiate 2. Unscramble letters sources in order to communicate
content. basic interaction and write words with others in oral and written
spontaneously when form in social situations.
there are opportunities to • Talking about 3. Unscramble words
speak. Speech is things in the ORAL COMMUNICATION
Writing: Ask simple to write short sentences
produced a little less classroom and CE.EFL.3.9. Production -
basic questions in
slowly and hesitantly. what you do Fluency: Respond to simple
6. class about the 4. Create and use
world beyon their with them questions and familiar everyday
puppets 7
own immediate EFL 3.2.14. Make and social situations, such as an
environment in order respond to invitations, invitation or request, relatively
suggestions, apologies 5. Sing songs and recite
to increase their quickly. Spontaneously initiate
chants while pointing
understanding of and requests. interactions in order to express
to the words
different cultures. opinions or give accounts of
EFL 3.2.15. Provide a personal experiences.
simple description and/or 6. Move to the rhythm
of a song or chant
opinion of a common Indicator
object or a simple I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can
Recognize when to
account of something answer simple questions quickly
speak and when to
experienced. (Example: and initiate basic interaction
listen while working
an Ecuadorian spontaneously when given op-
in pairs or small
celebration, a class trip, a portunities. (Example: make an
groups in class by
party, a game played, invitation, give a suggestion,
following classroom
etc.) etc.) Learners can describe
instructions and
simple commands. simple, familiar situations and
EFL 3.3.8. Make and talk about past experiences.
support inferences from
evidence in a text with READING
reference to features of
written English. CE.EFL.3.15. Make and
(Example: vocabulary, support inferences from
facts, format, sequence, evidence in a text with reference
relevance of ideas, etc.) to features of written English
and apply other learning
EFL 3.4.9. Make strategies to examine and
effective use of a range interpret a variety of written
of digital tools to write, materials.
edit, revise and publish
written work in a way Indicator
that supports I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can
collaboration. (Example: make and support inferences
add sound or images to a using evidence from texts and
presentation, use an app features of written English (e.g.,
to collaborate on a mind vocabulary, format, sequence,
map, contribute to a class etc.) and apply other learning
wiki, etc.) strategies in order to examine
and interpret a variety of written
EFL 3.5.3. Produce materials.
short, creative texts using
ICT and/or other WRITING
resources at home or at CE.EFL.3.20. Demonstrate an
school in order to ability to use a variety of digital
recreate familiar scenes tools during the writing process
and themes. in order to collaborate on well-
constructed informational texts.

I.EFL.3.20.1. Learners can
effectively use a range of digital
tools during the writing process
in order to collaborate on
producing well-constructed
informational texts.


CE.EFL.3.23. Create short,
original texts using a range of
resources and other media,
including ICT, in order to
recreate familiar scenes and
I.EFL.3.23.1. Learners can
create and produce short texts
using ICT and/or other resources
at home or at school in order to
recreate familiar scenes and
• Planificacion Anual Curricular STUDENTS, TEACHER HAVE TO USE NEXT
• EFL A1.1 children guía ELEMENTS:
• EFLA1.1 children  Speaking, Reading, and Written lessons
• UNIT-PLAN_MINEDUC  Presentation with posters and Flyers 
 English students book
 Workbooks level 3
 English dictionaries
TEACHER (S): Catherine Geovanna Paucar Rivas NAME: Lcda. Doris Espeinosa NAME: Lcda. Doris Espeinosa
Signature: Signature: Signature:

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Date: Date: Date:

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