Evaluation of The Shear Capacity of Precast-Prestressed Hollow Core Slabs: Numerical and Experimental Comparisons
Evaluation of The Shear Capacity of Precast-Prestressed Hollow Core Slabs: Numerical and Experimental Comparisons
Evaluation of The Shear Capacity of Precast-Prestressed Hollow Core Slabs: Numerical and Experimental Comparisons
DOI 10.1617/s11527-014-0250-6
Received: 5 February 2013 / Accepted: 7 January 2014 / Published online: 28 January 2014
RILEM 2014
Abstract Since eighties, 400 and 500 mm thick of transverse reinforcement. The adopted diffuse
precast-prestressed concrete hollow core slabs, char- smeared fixed cracking constitutive model allows a
acterized by increasingly optimized cross-sections reliable prediction of shear stress distributions and
with non-circular voids, became very common. How- crack patterns for these members in their inelastic
ever, deeper slabs with long spans, which have to resist branch. The presence of a variable inclined strut is
high line loads acting close to the supports, are clearly evident. Peak shear stress is localized at the
subjected to initial web shear cracking and may fail at bottom side of the cross-section, rather than at the
loads less than those predicted by traditional codes level of the centroid. The experienced brittle web-
prescriptions. The shear strength capacity of these shear failure mechanism is governed by hollow core
members without transverse reinforcement is evalu- shapes with circular or non-circular voids, as evi-
ated through a campaign of detailed nonlinear finite denced by the evolution of the principal tensile strain
element analyses, matching experimental test data distributions. Typically, less inclined, more rounded,
collected from past programs. Constitutive models, diagonal crack, controlled by the smooth web width
based on nonlinear fracture mechanisms, are consid- variation along depth, is opposed to a fairly constant
ered to numerically reproduce the experimental variation of the fracture angle inclination, governed by
response of single span, simply supported, isolated the abrupt and irregular web width drop.
hollow core units, highlighting web-shear failure
mechanism, due to short development length and lack Keywords Hollow core slab Shear strength
Prestressed concrete Precast members Non-
circular voids
E. Brunesi (&)
ROSE Programme, UME School, IUSS Pavia, Pavia, Italy
e-mail: [email protected] a Shear span
URL: http://www.umeschool.it
a1 Distance between two line loads
D. Bolognini R. Nascimbene a1 Ratio of distance from end of member
European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake to transfer length
Engineering (EUCENTRE), Pavia, Italy Alow Area of lower strands
e-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://www.eucentre.it Aup Area of upper strands (if present)
bw Sum of web widths
R. Nascimbene
e-mail: [email protected] D Cross-section depth, assumed as HS
URL: http://www.eucentre.it Di/Di,max Normalized depth
1504 Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521
Dlow Diameter of lower strands tlow Average concrete thickness below the
Dup Diameter of upper strands (if present) hollow core
Dz Mid-span vertical displacement syz Shear stress
dp,low Average distance from lower strand to Vobs Experimentally observed shear strength
the soffit capacity
dC50 Standard deviation of fC50,mean Vpre Predicted shear strength capacity
E1 Principal tensile strain x Coordinate along the longitudinal axis
E3 Principal compressive strain of the member
Fz Shear force at the support x/D Ratio between longitudinal distance
fc Concrete compressive strength from the support and cross-section depth
fC50,mean Mean concrete compressive strength
by cylinder tests on 50 mm cores
drilled from the tested specimens 1 Hollow core features and criticalities
fctd Design tensile strength of concrete per
EC2 The use of precast concrete in flooring system is a
ft Concrete tensile strength widespread practice in many countries. Precast-pre-
/ Diameter of strand stressed hollow core (PPHC) units are commonly
H Nominal slab depth spread products of precast industry, finding wide
HH Average depth of hollow core applications in building construction, particularly as
HS Average depth of slab cross-section floor and roof components. Short construction times,
I Moment of inertia of the section about high level of quality and consistent reduction of self-
the centroidal axis weight are achievable, allowing manufacturers to
LF Normalized load level cover spans up to 20 m. The upper surface of the
Ls Distance between slab end and centre hollow core slabs is usually levelled with a cast-in situ
of support concrete topping. Normally, for long spans, advantage
Lt Transfer length of prestressing force in is not taken of this topping layer as a composite
strands, assumed as 55/ (slow release) construction because of the uncertainty concerning the
Nlow Number of lower strands bond strength between the precast and cast-in situ
Nup Number of upper strands (if present) concrete. Proper shear strength at the interface is
Ri Ratio between experimentally observed required for the composite action; the horizontal and
and predicted shear strength capacity vertical shear strength of the joint between adjacent
S First area moment of the section about hollow core units has to be high enough to transmit the
the centroidal axis forces due to horizontal diaphragm action and load-
Slow Largest slippage of lower strands sharing of concentrated loads.
Sup Largest slippage of upper strands (if Through the years, 200 and 265 mm thick units,
present) characterized by cross-sections with circular voids, were
rcp Fully effective concrete compressive replaced by deeper units (320, 370, 400 and 500 mm),
stress at the centroid due to prestressing presenting cross sections with non-circular voids. Stan-
rp Prestress in the strands within the dardized cross-section shapes, usually characterized by
transfer region relevant void ratios, mostly depending on the thickness
rp0 Fully effective prestress in the strands of the slab itself, were increasingly optimized. However,
outside the transfer region experimental research works available in literature [9,
rp0,low Initial fully effective prestress in lower 13] evidenced that PPHC slabs, with deeper cross
strands outside the transfer region sections, could be subjected to initial web shear cracking
rp0,up Initial fully effective prestress in upper at the end regions, resulting into critical brittle failure
strands (if present) outside the transfer mechanisms. Comparisons with traditional codes pre-
region scriptions, American Concrete Institute (ACI) [1] and
tb Length of bearing Eurocode (EC2) [5], highlighted that these members
Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521 1505
a 2.5 b 2.5
200 200
265 265
2 320 2 320
370 370
400 400
500 500
1.5 Vobs = Vpre 1.5 Vobs = Vpre
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Vpre [kN] Vpre [kN]
c 2.5 d 2.5
200 200
265 265
2 320 2 320
370 370
400 400
Ri = Vobs / Vpre [−]
500 500
1.5 Vobs = Vpre 1.5 Vobs = Vpre
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Vpre [kN] Vpre [kN]
Fig. 1 a–d Ri versus Vpre for each considered depth, according to EC2, Yang’s approach, ACI and CSA, respectively
without transverse reinforcement, generally not feasi- predicted one when the voids were non-circular.
ble, can fail, due to web-shear cracking in the ‘‘dis- Furthermore, Yang [23] observed that the maximum
turbed’’ end regions, at loads less than those predicted by tensile stress is not located at the level of the centroid,
conventional design methods. as expected by EC2, which, additionally, ignores the
Although PPHC slabs have been widely adopted, shear stresses due to the prestress force. Recently,
some aspects of the commonly-used design approaches Hawkins and Ghosh [9] have also shown that PPHC
against shear are still a cause of concern; short bearings slabs deeper than 320 mm can fail in shear at loads less
and not fully developed prestressing force influence than those predicted by ACI recommendations. Addi-
their response. Furthermore, their common production tional explanations for the observed mismatch have to
system (i.e. extrusion) may result in features not be researched in the different contributions to shear
properly in agreement with those of the standard transfer mechanism with respect to traditional normal-
concrete strength monitoring procedures. PPHC have strength concretes [7]. Shear failure surfaces in high-
undergone extensive experimental tests [2, 8, 12, 21] to strength concrete members are smoother than in
verify their compliance with the provisions of tradi- normal-strength concrete ones, showing cracks that
tional Codes and Standards and classify the possible can be propagated through coarse aggregate
failure modes. Walraven and Mercx [21] also noticed particles rather than around them, as shown by Cladera
that the observed shear resistance was lower than the and Marı́ [6].
1506 Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521
Fig. 2 Conceptual experimental test set up: details of wedges, rollers and examples of tested hollow core units (adapted from [13])
Table 1 Cases of study: model and slab type, nominal depth (H), number, diameter, area, initial prestress and largest slippage of
upper (Nup, Dup, Aup, rp0,up, Sup) and lower strands
Model Slab H Nup Dup Aup rp0,up Sup Nlow Dlow Alow rp0,low Slow
type type (mm) (–) (mm) (mm2) (MPa) (mm) (–) (mm) (mm2) (MPa) (mm)
1.1 Experimental test database and accuracy levels of initial prestress. The imposed vertical loads
of current design methods acted at x/D [ 2.4. No cast-in situ filling concrete was
provided in the voids at the end regions. Idealized
Past experimental data, collected by Pajari [13], have pinned ends were mechanically materialized by rollers
been re-examined to obtain an experimental database and wedges, properly tightened to prevent torque.
of single span, simply supported, isolated PPHC units, To quantify their effectiveness, three commonly-
loaded with transverse and uniformly distributed line known Codes prescriptions, EC2, ACI and Canadian
loads, highlighting web-shear failure mechanism, due Standards Association (CSA) [3], as well as a research
to short development length and lack of shear rein- approach [23] against web-shear failure mechanism,
forcement. The 49 specimens were characterized by were adopted to predict Pajari experimental database.
six nominal slab depths, five hollow core shapes with In particular, Eq. 6.4 of EC2, reported below,
circular and non-circular voids, different void ratios, Eqs. 11–12 of ACI and Eqs. 11-6, 11-10, 11-11 and
several prestressing steel strands arrangements and 11-13 of CSA were used.
Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521 1507
Table 2 Cases of study. length, span, mass, bearing (tb), shear below hollow core (tlow), average distance from lower strand to
span (a) and distance between two line loads (a1), average the soffit (dp,low), mean core strength (fC50,mean) and relative
depth of section (HS), sum of individual web widths (bw), standard deviation (dC50)
average depth of hollow core (HH), average concrete thickness
Model Length Span Mass tb a(/a1) HS bw HH tlow dp,low fC50,mean dC50
type (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa) (MPa)
200 6,643 6,603 2000 40 917 200 239 153 19 39 54.8 3.8
265 5,253 5,213 2240 40 724 260 228 175 42 36 71.3 4.2
320a 7,198 7,118 3810 80 1,160 315 309 222 38 43 61.8 2.4
320b 7,995 5,800 3880 80 760 321 289 216 36 38 64.3 2.6
320c 5,985 5,945 3100 40 826 310 263 213 40 51 46.8 2.0
370 7,002 6,942 4060 60 960/300 359 272 237 54 40 72.2 2.1
400a 7,626 7,546 4510 80 1,048 402 286 299 49 38 71.5 4.0
400b 8,390 7,150 4580 100 1,150 390 293 310 38 41 67.3 1.7
500 8,492 8,412 6000 80 1,475/300 503 324 398 40 47 76.4 2.6
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 10
Vpre;EC2 ¼ ðfctd Þ2 þ a1 rcp fctd ð1Þ
S 0
over-conservative predictions (ACI and CSA), accord-
ing to different nominal depths and geometry types,
not directly accounting for the influence of local −40 200
hollow core shape. Therefore, the inaccuracy of −50 320a
current codes is reaffirmed, evidencing a particularly 320b
critical scenario, if they are adopted outside of their 370
‘‘implicit field of applicability’’. −70 400b
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1
Strain ε [−] x 10
2 Nonlinear monotonic solid FE analyses
Fig. 3 Calibration of the solid FE models: uniaxial tensile and
The critical scenario depicted by analytical predictions compressive constitutive laws
suggests the need of a detailed campaign of numerical
analyses, as in past research works to assess the influence on the shear strength capacity for members
performance of RC [10] and steel structures [11, 15, with similar depths. Similarly, two 400 mm deep units
22], addressed to investigate the effects of the hollow have been analysed, since they evidence non-circular
core shape on the shear response of such members. To hollow core shapes with various levels of irregularity.
properly reproduce the experimental test set up,
conceptually schematized in Fig. 2, refined nonlinear 2.1 Proposed numerical approach
3D FE models, based on nonlinear fracture mecha-
nisms, were developed and monotonically loaded till To predict brittle web-shear failure mechanism, the
the brittle web-shear failure mechanism is reached. total strain crack model, developed along the lines of
Nine specimens, whose main features are presented the modified compression field theory (MCFT), orig-
in Tables 1 and 2, have been considered. In particular, inally proposed by Vecchio and Collins [19] and then
for 320 mm deep slabs, three specimens have been extended to the three-dimensional case by Selby and
selected: two characterized by non-circular and one by Vecchio [16], was adopted. The classical Von Mises
circular voids, to quantify the hollow core shape yielding criterion with strain hardening was used for
1508 Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521
PPHC slabs, even though more conservative levels laws, for each selected specimen, according to CEB-
(20–25 %) may be assumed in the design process of FIP Model Code [4].
such members to safely represent the long-term Confinement effect was neglected, while full shear
effects. The diffuse smeared fixed cracking constitu- retention and lateral crack effect [20] were potentially
tive law assumed for concrete exploits an exponential accounted, as well as inward slippage of the strands.
softening decay curve and Thorenfeldt et al. [18] Newton–Raphson iteration scheme was adopted with
model for uniaxial tensile and compressive behavior, an energy-normalized convergence criterion. Six-
respectively. Figure 3 presents the calibration of the node brick elements were used and mesh sensitivity
adopted uniaxial tensile and compressive constitutive was investigated by doubling the extruding offset. For
Fig. 5 Comparison between experimentally observed and numerically predicted web-shear failure mechanism: a experimental failure
of specimen 320b (adapted from [13] )and b numerical crack pattern at ultimate conditions
1510 Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521
a 350 b 350
LF=19% LF=19%
LF=37% LF=37%
300 LF=48% 300 LF=48%
LF=59% LF=59%
LF=70% LF=70%
250 LF=78% 250 LF=78%
LF=85% LF=85%
Depth [mm]
Depth [mm]
LF=93% LF=93%
200 LF=96% 200 LF=96%
LF=100% LF=100%
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
−7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Shear Stress τYZ [MPa] Shear Stress τYZ [MPa]
c 350
300 320bm2p3
Depth [mm]
−7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Shear Stress τYZ [MPa]
Fig. 7 Evolution of the shear stress distributions at a x/D = 0.4 and b x/D = 0.7; c comparison between the four combinations of
prestress distributions and losses (x/D = 0.4)
presents an evidently abrupt and irregular web width evident increment is detected in the upper discontinu-
drop along the depth (Fig. 4), highlights the presence ity. At LF roughly equal to 50 %, the peak shear stress
of a strongly-disturbed zone. High shear stress overall the depth rises up from the strand to the web
concentrations are observed in the first LFs, since width drop level. This concentration remains pro-
the section shown in Fig. 7a is taken in correspon- nounced up to LF = 85 %, when the first cracking
dence of a strand, longitudinally, and, transversally at appears. For further LF increments, the ratio between
x/D = 0.4, where the prestressing force develops at a the current and previous peaks increases at a lower
high force variation per length. This concentration is rate, in accordance with the reduced slope of the
mostly due to the prestressing force and is mitigated as capacity curve into its nonlinear branch and the related
x/D increases (see Fig. 7b). As LF increases, the shear shear stress redistribution. Finally, at LF = 100 %,
stress develops in the linear branch of the capacity the peak is further uplifted, in accordance with the
curve, evidencing a second discontinuity below the shear stress cut-off experienced. This behavior reveals
mid-depth, where the web width drop is localized. For the complex interaction between cross-section geo-
further LF increments, the shear stress peaks at the metric features, in terms of hollow core shape, and the
strand level slightly increase, while a much more transfer mechanism of the prestressing force. The two
1512 Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521
localized at the level of the centroid of the PPHC unit. 1.8 EC2
If shear stresses at ultimate conditions are consid- 1.6 ACI
ered (see Fig. 7c), the comparison between the two 1.4
nonlinear branches, with different slope and post- displacement ductility of about 1.3. Therefore, the
yielding stiffness. Evidently low displacement ductil- non-circularity of the voids, the inherent web width
ity levels, approximately ranging from 1.3 to 2.3, variation along depth and concrete thickness above
according to different hollow core shapes and cross- and below the hollow core are observed to govern the
section features, are observed. Each specimen col- displacement ductility capacity of PPHC units, and,
lapses by brittle web-shear mode, thus confirming the hence, the fragility of the collapse mechanism
intrinsic lack of ductility reserve for this type of experienced.
member. According to FE results, PPHC units with
circular voids typically exhibits a relatively more 2.2.3 Influence of hollow core shape: 400b
ductile response, reaching a displacement ductility of versus 400a and 320c versus 320b
about 2, while a less uniform trend is detected in
deeper cross-sections characterized by non-circular This trend is corroborated by the evolution of principal
voids. In fact, displacement ductilities up to *2 are tensile and compressive strain distributions, presented
determined for slabs presenting a relevant web width in Figs. 9 and 10, for specimen 400b. The principal
and concrete thickness above and below the hollow tensile strain directly governs the failure mode and the
core itself (specimens 500 and 370) or an almost presence of a variable inclined strut and tie, whose
regular web width variation along the hollow core width and inclination angle evolves during the mono-
depth (specimen 400a). By contrast, specimens char- tonic analysis, is clearly evident. As shown in Fig. 9,
acterized by an abrupt and irregular web width drop tie width reduces as the imposed vertical displacement
(specimen 400b) or reduced web width, if compared to increases, reproducing the actual shear stress flow,
concrete thickness above and below the hollow core characterized by peaks placed in correspondence of
(specimens 320a and 320b), ensure evidently lower the bottom side of the cross-section, rather than at the
200 90.2 145.7 0.619 128.0 0.704 98.5 0.916 114.8 0.786 94.3 0.956
265 219.4 223.8 0.980 223.7 0.981 155.8 1.408 158.1 1.388 223.2 0.983
320a 297.1 378.7 0.785 322.9 0.920 266.8 1.114 240.4 1.236 290.8 1.022
320b 232.5 359.7 0.646 317.2 0.733 253.1 0.919 236.5 0.983 221.4 1.050
320c 253.9 246.6 1.030 239.7 1.059 174.8 1.453 166.0 1.530 252.8 1.004
370 306.2 396.2 0.773 373.8 0.819 277.7 1.103 255.4 1.199 315.4 0.971
400a 291.3 475.4 0.613 444.0 0.656 363.3 0.802 309.0 0.943 293.9 0.991
400b 444.0 500.9 0.886 405.7 1.094 348.8 1.273 278.9 1.592 443.3 1.002
500 471.2 702.5 0.671 565.7 0.833 550.7 0.856 415.6 1.134 469.8 1.003
Vobs, Vpre and relative Ri for each specimen, according to EC2, ACI, CSA provisions, Yang’s approach and FEM
Table 6 Mean and standard deviation of Ri, according to EC2, Yang, ACI, CSA and FEM approaches
Model type Loss of prestress = 5 %
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
All 0.778 15.7 % 0.867 15.7 % 1.094 24.1 % 1.199 27.1 % 0.998 2.8 %
1514 Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521
Fig. 9 Evolution of the principal tensile strains E1 for monotonically increased vertical displacement steps imposed (specimen 400b)
Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521 1515
level of the centroid. A brittle web-shear failure To further validate this trend, a comparison
mechanism results from an inclined diagonal crack, between the evolution of the principal tensile strain
which, for this specimen, with a sharp web width distributions, according to the monotonically increased
variation along the depth, almost linearly propagates vertical displacements imposed, is presented in
from the support to zones upper than the centroidal Fig. 12, for units with circular (specimen 320c) and
axis at a distance of about two cross-section depths. non-circular (specimen 320b) hollow core shapes.
Accordingly, a diagonal strut, whose width increases Specimen 320b evidences a failure mode in consistent
as the imposed vertical displacement increases, con- agreement with that previously discussed for specimen
nects the transverse line load and the support, as 400b, being the two PPHC units characterized by
depicted in Fig. 10. This failure mode results into an similar cross-section geometric features, particularly
incipient change in the shear stress distribution, in terms of non-circularity of the voids. High principal
localized at a distance roughly equal to the hollow tensile strains concentrations are again depicted in the
core depth, where the maximum tensile strain overall inner constant part of the web width, causing a fairly
the whole member is undergone. linear crack, which expands from the lower part of the
In addition, the evolution of the principal tensile hollow core, in the proximity of the support, to upper
strain distributions and inherent damage pattern ones, in sections at about two slab depths. The fracture
experienced by non-circular PPHC units with different angle observed visibly differs from those experienced
regularity of web width variation along depth is by PPHC units with circular voids, e.g. specimen
compared, by taking specimens 400a and 400b as 320c. According to its capacity curve, a more rapid
reference. Specimen 400a, more regular than 400b, and brittle failure mechanism takes place in specimen
presents very highly concentrated tensile strains in 320b, highlighting a more inclined, almost linear,
correspondence of the minimum of the web width, as fracture angle, whose spread follows the sharp and
shown in Fig. 11. For this type of cross-section prominent web width drop. On the contrary, in
configuration, an inclined crack appears at the support specimen 320c, principal tensile strain peaks are
and, almost linearly, extends to approximately twice forced to occur in accordance with the gradual and
the depth of the considered PPHC slab, since its regular web width variation along the depth. In fact,
propagation along the longitudinal axis finds no their evolution, according to the inherent crack pattern
significantly abrupt web width variation. Conversely, at ultimate conditions, reveals a more manifest
in specimen 400b, the principal tensile strain was variation of the fracture angle at further distances
shown to be more evidently lumped at the level of the from the support, resulting in a clearly more rounded
sharp and irregular web width drop. As the distance and less inclined diagonal crack, which links the
from the support increases, the experienced peak rises support and the centroidal axis at a distance of about
up from the bottom of the cross-section, evidently two hollow core depths.
below with respect to the centroid, for sections close to Therefore, in Fig. 13, the shear stress distribu-
the support, to zones upper than the centroidal axis, for tions at ultimate conditions, obtained by assuming
sections at two depths. The evolution of the fracture parabolic prestress distribution along strands, com-
angle significantly differs from that shown by speci- bined with 5 % loss of prestress, are compared, for
men 400a. Even though the inclination of both remains each specimen, at commonly selected distance from
fairly constant, at increased distances from the the support. The nine PPHC slabs analysed experi-
support, specimen 400b highlights a more prominent ence their peaks overall the whole unit at different
brittle web-shear failure mechanism, if compared to sections, anyway all included within 0 \ x/D \ 0.5.
400a, since the shear fracture more suddenly appears The fairly parabolic shear stress distributions col-
and more rapidly evolves, as confirmed by their lected reaffirm the behavior previously discussed, in
capacity curves (Fig. 8a). As a result, it occurs a less terms of fracture angle inclination. Cross-sectional
inclined and slightly more rounded fracture, whose geometric features, interacting with the transfer
propagation along the longitudinal axis of the member mechanism of the prestressing force, govern their
and evolution, according to the imposed monotonic evolution and shape, confirming that the web-shear
loading history, is controlled by a more abrupt and failure mode of such PPHC units depends on the
irregular change in the hollow core shape. irregularity of the voids. Slabs characterized by
1516 Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521
Fig. 10 Subsequent evolution of the principal compressive strains E3 for monotonically increased vertical displacement steps
(specimen 400b)
Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521 1517
Fig. 11 Different evolution of E1 in specimen 400a, still characterized by non-circular voids, but with increased regularity in terms of
web width variation along depth
1518 Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521
Fig. 12 Comparison
between the evolution of E1
for different hollow core
shapes, characterized by
a circular (specimen 320c)
and b non-circular voids
(specimen 320b)
Materials and Structures (2015) 48:1503–1521 1519
a 1 b 1
200m2p1 200m2p1
0.9 265m2p1 0.9 265m2p1
Normalized Depth Di / Di,max [−]
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2
c 1 d 1
200m2p1 200m2p1
0.9 265m2p1 0.9 265m2p1
Normalized Depth Di / Di,max [−]
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2
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