Flexural Strengthening of RC Continuous Beams Using CFRP Laminates
Flexural Strengthening of RC Continuous Beams Using CFRP Laminates
Flexural Strengthening of RC Continuous Beams Using CFRP Laminates
This paper presents test results at failure of 16 reinforced concrete (RC) continuous beams with different arrangements of internal
steel bars and external carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) laminates. All test specimens had the same geometrical dimensions
and were classified into three groups according to the amount of internal steel reinforcement. Each group included one un-
strengthened control beam designed to fail in flexure. Different parameters including the length, thickness, position and form of the
CFRP laminates were investigated. Three failure modes of beams with external CFRP laminates were observed, namely laminate
rupture, laminate separation and peeling failure of the concrete cover attached to the laminate. The ductility of all strengthened
beams was reduced compared with that of the respective unstrengthened control beam.
Simplified methods for estimating the flexural load capacity and the interface shear stresses between the adhesive and concrete at
failure of beams tested are presented. Comparisons between results from experiments and those obtained from the simplified
methods show that most beams were close to achieving their full flexural capacity and the longitudinal elastic shear stresses at the
adhesive/concrete interface calculated at beam failure conformed to the limiting value recommended in the Concrete Society
Technical Report 55.
2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Afl area of CFRP at concrete crushing and ten- Mhe theoretical negative flexural capacity of the
sile rupture of CFRP laminates unstrengthened section at the CFRP sheet
Af area of CFRP laminates end
As internal longitudinal tension steel reinforce- Mse theoretical positive flexural capacity of the
ment area unstrengthened section at the CFRP sheet
A0s internal longitudinal compression steel rein- end
forcement area nf external plate modular ratio
b section width Pt theoretical ultimate mid-span point load ob-
C concrete compressive force tained from flexural mechanism
Cs compressive force in steel reinforcement Pth 2Pt , total theoretical ultimate load on both
above the neutral axis spans obtained from flexural mechanism
d effective depth of internal longitudinal ten- Pu experimental failure load of test specimens
sion steel bars Q summation of the internal forces
d0 depth of internal longitudinal compression Ts tensile force in steel reinforcement below the
steel bars from the top face of the section neutral axis
df depth of CFRP laminates Tf tensile force in external CFRP laminates
Es Young’s modulus of steel bars tf thickness of CFRP laminates
Ef elastic modulus of CFRP laminates V shear force calculated at beam failure
Ec elastic modulus of concrete x neutral axis depth
fcu concrete compressive strength yf depth of the CFRP plate measured from the
ff tensile stresses of CFRP laminate neutral axis to the centroid of the plate
ffu ultimate strength of CFRP laminates Ic transformed second moment of area of the
fs stress in tensile steel bars cracked plated reinforced concrete cross-sec-
fs0 stress in compressive steel bars tion in terms of concrete
fy yield strength of steel bars n ultimate load enhancement ratio
fu ultimate strength of steel bars g ultimate moment enhancement ratio
k1 ratio of the average compressive stress to the s longitudinal shear stress at the adhesive level
concrete cube strength fcu lD deflection ductility index
k2 ratio of the depth of the idealised rectangular Du mid-span deflection at beam ultimate load
stress block to the neutral axis depth Dy mid-span deflection at the lower yielding load
L beam span of the tensile reinforcement over the central
L1 length of the CFRP sheets over the central support or the beam mid-span
support ec concrete strain at the extreme compression
L2 length of the CFRP sheets at the beam soffit fibre
Mh experimental negative flexural failure mo- ef CFRP laminates strain at the extreme tension
ment of test specimens fibre
Ms experimental positive flexural failure moment ecu concrete crushing strain
of test specimens efu tensile rupture strain
Mu theoretical flexural strength of RC section es tensile steel bar strain
with CFRP laminates e0s compressive steel bar strain
Mus theoretical flexural capacity of mid-span sec- kl ratio between experimental failure load and
tion flexural capacity of test specimens
Muh theoretical flexural capacity of central sup-
port section
Table 1
Details of the test specimens
Group no. Beam no. Main longitudinal steel Form of CFRP Top CFRP over the Bottom CFRP at mid- fcu (N/mm2 )
laminates central support span
Top Bottom No. L1 (m) No. L2 (m)
H H1 2T8 2T20 – – – – – 24.0
H2 2T8 2T20 CFRP sheets 2 2.0 – – 43.5
H3 2T8 2T20 CFRP sheets 6 2.0 – – 33.0
H4 2T8 2T20 CFRP sheets 10 2.0 – – 33.2
H5 2T8 2T20 CFRP sheets 6 1.0 – – 46.0
H6 2T8 2T20 CFRP sheets 2 3.0 2 1.0 44.0
S S1 2T20 2T8 – – – – – 26.0
S2 2T20 2T8 CFRP sheets – – 2 2.0 42.9
S3 2T20 2T8 CFRP sheets – – 6 2.0 33.3
S4 2T20 2T8 CFRP sheets – – 6 3.5 42.8
S5 2T20 2T8 CFRP sheets – – 10 3.5 24.4
E E1 2T16 2T16 – – – – – 24.0
E2 2T16 2T16 CFRP plate 1 2.5 – – 43.6
E3 2T16 2T16 CFRP plate – – 1 3.5 47.8
E4 2T16 2T16 CFRP plate 1 2.5 1 3.5 46.1
E5 2T16 2T16 CFRP sheets 6 2.5 – – 44.7
(H1–H6) were reinforced with two bars of 8 mm diam- The position, length, thickness and form (sheets or
eter on the top side of the beam and two bars of 20 mm plates) of the CFRP laminates were the main parameters
diameter on the bottom side, whereas beams in group S investigated as summarised in Table 1. Beams H1, S1
(S1–S5) were reinforced with an opposite arrangement and E1 had no external reinforcement and were used as
of the internal longitudinal steel reinforcement as given control specimens. Beams E2, E3 and E4 were
Table 1. The top steel reinforcement of beams in group strengthened with CFRP plates of 1.2 mm thickness and
E (E1–E5) was the same as the bottom steel reinforce- 100 mm width; whereas the rest of the beams were
ment, each consisting of two 16 mm diameter bars. strengthened with CFRP sheets, each layer of 0.117 mm
Vertical links of 6 mm bar diameter at 100 mm centres thickness and 110 mm width. The top of the central
were provided throughout each beam length in order to region of beam E5 was strengthened with CFRP sheets
prevent shear failure. All beams had the same geomet- (six layers of 0.702 mm total thickness · 110 mm wide-
rical dimensions: 150 mm wide · 250 mm deep · 8500 · 2500 mm long) of the same tensile strength and length
mm long. Beam geometry and reinforcement as well as as that of the CFRP plate used for beam E2. The CFRP
the loading and support arrangement are illustrated in laminates applied to the top face of the beams were
Fig. 1. placed symmetrically about the central support and
those applied to the bottom face of the beam were truded CFRP plates, and epoxy bonding and structural
positioned symmetrically about the centres of both adhesives were provided by Weber and Broutin (UK)
spans. Ltd. The epoxy bonding and structural adhesives were
used to bond the CFRP embrace sheets and pultruded
CFRP plates, respectively in according with the manu-
3. Material properties facturer’s recommendations. Details of the mechanical
properties of these strengthening materials, taken from
The compressive strength fcu of the concrete obtained the manufacturer’s data sheets, are summarised in Table
for each beam from compression tests carried out on 3.
three 100 mm cubes is given in Table 1. The mechanical
properties of the steel reinforcing bars used in the test
beams were obtained by carrying out uniaxial tensile 4. Test results
tests on three steel bar specimens. Table 2 shows the
yield strength fy , ultimate strength fu and Young’s Each test beam, which comprised two equal spans of
modulus Es obtained for different types of steel bars 3830 mm, was loaded as shown in Fig. 1. Only test re-
used. The unidirectional CFRP embrace sheets, pul- sults at failure are presented here and full test results are
Table 2
Properties of internal steel reinforcing bars
Bar diameter (mm) Yield strength, fy (N/mm2 ) Ultimate strength, fu (N/mm2 ) Young’s modulus, Es (kN/mm2 )
6 (plain round mild steel stirrups) 308 355 200
8 (high yield deformed steel bars) 505 605 200
16 (high yield deformed steel bars) 520 630 201
20 (high yield deformed steel bars) 510 615 200
Table 3
Properties of strengthening materials
Material property Bonding adhesive Structural adhesive CFRP sheet CFRP plate
Compressive strength (N/mm2 ) 80 85 N/A N/A
Tensile strength (N/mm2 ) 17 19 3900 2500
Young’s modulus (kN/mm2 ) 5.0 9.8 240 150
Flexural strength (N/mm2 ) 28 35 N/A N/A
Bond to concrete (N/mm2 ) 4.0 20.0 N/A N/A
Table 4
Experimental results at failure of test specimens
Beam no. Failure modes Pu (kN) n
H1 1 138.0 1.00
H2 2 followed by 1 152.3 (121.5a ) 1.10 (0.88a )
H3 3 172.9 1.25
H4 3 162.6 1.18
H5 3 162.6 1.18
H6 2 followed by 3 172.9 (121.5a ) 1.25 (0.88a )
S1 1 83.6 1.00
S2 4 121.8 1.46
S3 3 121.8 1.46
S4 3 170.5 2.04
S5 4 111.7 1.34
E1 1 149.7 1.00
E2 3 178.6 1.19
E3 3 207.0 1.38
E4 3 231.4 1.55
E5 3 174.6 1.17
Pu ¼ total ultimate load (¼2P where P is the mid-span point load); n ¼ ultimate load enhancement ratios.
Tensile rupture of the CFRP sheets occurred over the central support.
A.F. Ashour et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 26 (2004) 765–775 769
4.2. Failure Mode 2 Fig. 3. Tensile rupture of the CFRP sheets (beam H2).
Table 5
The moment, moment enhancement ratio, g and ductility index at failure of test specimens
Beam no. Mh (kN m) Ms (kN m) g lD
H1 21.21 56.78 1.00 4.10
H2 31.60 61.00 1.49 (h) 4.34 (1.83a )
H3 46.48 59.56 2.19 (h) 1.35
H4 53.07 51.32 2.50 (h) 1.74
H5 35.00 64.27 1.65 (h) 2.64
H6 28.26a 70.24 1.33 (h); 1.24 (s) 3.46 (1.71a )
S1 57.77 11.13 1.00 12.85
S2 71.28 22.67 2.04 (s) 6.21
S3 66.90 24.72 2.22 (s) 2.93
S4 88.97 37.15 3.34 (s) 2.52
S5 50.18 28.36 2.55 (s) 1.00b
E1 54.49 44.41 1.00 6.12
E2 79.78 45.64 1.46 (h) 3.58
E3 53.56 72.35 1.63 (h) 3.21
E4 77.00 72.29 1.41 (h); 1.63 (s) 2.10
E5 77.42 44.87 1.42 (h) 2.60
Mh and Ms ¼ ultimate negative and positive bending moments; g ¼ ultimate moment enhancement ratio; (h) ¼ over the central support section and
(s) ¼ at mid-span section.
Tensile rupture of the CFRP sheets occurred over the central support.
There was no ductility.
failed in flexure at the ultimate load level. However, if point load, Pt , for beams H4 and H5 was calculated
the ductility was considered at tensile rupture of the from (see Fig. 6(b)):
CFRP sheets, beam H2 would have less ductility than
2 Mus L1 þ Mhe L
that of the control beam H1. Increasing the thickness Pt ¼ þ 2Mus ð3Þ
and length of CFRP laminates was found to decrease L L L1
the beam ductility. and that for beams S2 and S3 was determined from (see
Fig. 6(c)):
2 2L
Pt ¼ Muh þ Mse ð4Þ
7. Predictions of capacity of tested beams L L L2
Simplified methods for estimating the flexural load where Mhe and Mse are the negative and positive moment
capacity and the elastic shear stresses at the adhesive/ capacities of the unstrengthened sections at the CFRP
concrete interface at failure of beams tested are given in sheet end, respectively, and L1 and L2 are the lengths of
this section. the CFRP sheets over the central support and at the
beam soffit, respectively as shown in Fig. 6(b) and (c).
The calculation of flexural capacities of different critical
7.1. Flexural capacity of beams tested sections as required by Eqs. (2)–(4) is based on the nu-
merical method presented in Appendix A.
The prediction of the flexural capacity of the test The flexural mechanism of failure presented above is
specimens was based on satisfying equilibrium condi- only suitable for test specimens in which ductile be-
tions and assuming that both the mid-span and central haviour was dominant, such as the control beams H1,
support sections have high ductility and reached their S1 and E1. It may also be used for test specimens partly
flexural capacities Mus and Muh , respectively as shown in strengthened over the central support or at soffit mid-
Fig. 6(a). Accordingly, from equilibrium considerations, spans where ductile failure occurred at the unstrength-
the applied point load, Pt , at the beam mid-span is cal- ened section and then brittle flexural failure took place
culated from (beam self weight is neglected): at the strengthened section due to either concrete
2 crushing or CFRP laminate rupture. However, the au-
Pt ¼ ðMuh þ 2Mus Þ ð2Þ thors applied the flexural mechanism to the beams with
CFRP laminates bonded over the central support or at
When Eq. (2) is applied to beams H4, H5, S2 and S3, it mid-span soffit to calculate the reserve capacity of test
was found that the bending moment at the unstrength- specimens if brittle peeling or separation failure of
ened section next to the sheet end (the end closer to the CFRP laminates was prevented. For beams fully
end support for soffit sheets) is higher than the moment strengthened with CFRP bonded over the central sup-
capacity of that section. In such cases, the mid-span port and at the mid-span soffit where beam failure was
772 A.F. Ashour et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 26 (2004) 765–775
Table 6
Theoretical negative and positive flexural moment capacities, load capacity and elastic shear stresses at concrete/adhesive interface of test specimens
Beam no. Muh (kN m) Mus (kN m) Pth (kN) kl s (MPa)
H1 12.52a 50.58 118.73 1.16 N/A
H2 33.83 60.33 161.35 0.94 0.48
H3 69.96 57.83 193.86 0.89 1.32
H4 87.08 (11.20b ) 57.83 210.19 0.77 1.55
H5 75.30 (11.67b ) 60.51 165.22 0.98 1.05
H6 33.96 70.24 –c –c 0.47d /0.16e
S1 49.78 10.68 74.30 1.13 N/A
S2 60.23 33.81 (11.61f ) 113.66 1.07 0.81
S3 57.98 70.21 (11.22f ) 109.60 1.11 1.12
S4 60.23 74.63 218.77 0.78 1.54
S5 54.25 81.06 225.97 0.49 1.15
E1 41.20 41.20 129.09 1.16 N/A
E2 82.97 42.44 175.30 1.02 0.80
E3 42.64 85.24 222.58 0.93 0.82
E4 84.17 84.17 –c –c 0.97d /0.75e
E5 83.35 42.48 175.78 0.99 0.79
Moment capacity calculated based on ultimate strength of steel bars as this beam exhibited very high rotational capacity before failure.
Moment capacity of negative unstrengthened section at the central support laminate end.
Beam is fully strengthened over the central support and mid-span soffit, therefore flexural mechanism is not applicable.
Interface shear stresses calculated at the top CFRP laminates.
Interface shear stresses calculated at the soffit CFRP laminates.
Moment capacity of positive unstrengthened section at the soffit laminate end.
4. The tensile strength of concrete is ignored. compression as shown in Fig. 7(c), b is the section
5. Perfect bond exists between CFRP laminates and width and fcu is the concrete cube strength. k1 is the
concrete surface. ratio of the average compressive stress to the concrete
cube strength fcu and k2 is the ratio of the depth of the
A.1. Size of CFRP laminates at concrete crushing and idealised rectangular stress block to the neutral axis
CFRP rupture depth. They can be calculated according to the as-
sumed strain ec at the extreme compression fibre
At the instant of failure, either the concrete strain ec [21,23]; k1 ¼ 0:67 and k2 ¼ 0:9 for ec ¼ ecu ¼ 0:0035.
at the extreme compression fibre or the CFRP laminates • Considering equilibrium of the internal forces, the
strain ef at the extreme tension fibre reaches the re- area Afl of CFRP, where both concrete crushing
spective ultimate strain, that is ec ¼ ecu ¼ 0:0035 (con- and tensile rupture of CFRP laminates simulta-
crete crushing) or ef ¼ efu (tensile CFRP rupture), where neously occur, is calculated from:
ecu and efu are the ultimate strains of concrete and CFRP 0:603fcu bx þ A0s fs0 As fs
laminates, respectively. The area of the CFRP laminates Afl ¼ ðA:5Þ
that distinguishes between concrete crushing and tensile
rupture of the CFRP laminates is first estimated as where ffu is the ultimate tensile strength of CFRP
follows. laminates, and As and A0s are the internal longitudinal
tension and compression steel reinforcement areas,
• Calculate the neutral axis depth, x, the tensile steel respectively.
bar strain, es , and the compressive steel bar strain,
e0s , from the strain profile shown in Fig. 7(b) where
ec ¼ ecu ¼ 0:0035 and ef ¼ efu as given below: A.2. Estimation of bending capacity
x¼ df ðA:1Þ By comparing the actual CFRP area Af used with Afl
0:0035 þ efu obtained from Eq. (A.5), strains in either the concrete
x d0 extreme compression fibre or CFRP laminates may be
e0s ¼ 0:0035 ðA:2Þ
x predicted; that is:
d x
es ¼ 0:0035 ðA:3Þ ef ¼ efu Af 6 Afl
x ðA:6Þ
ec ¼ ecu Af > Afl
where df , d 0 and d are the depths of CFRP laminates,
compression steel bars and tension steel bars from the For complete determination of the strain distribution,
top face of the section as shown in Fig. 7(a). the neutral axis depth, x, is initially assumed and the
• Consequently, stresses in the tensile steel bars, fs , and correct value is iteratively determined when the equi-
compressive steel bars, fs0 , are determined from the bi- librium of internal forces is satisfied. Strains and
linear stress–strain relationship for the steel reinforce- stresses in different materials can then be calculated.
ment [23]. The summation of the internal forces, Q, can be deter-
• The concrete compressive force C is calculated from: mined:
C ¼ k1 k2 fcu bx ðA:4Þ
Q ¼ C þ Cs Ts Tf
where k1 and k2 are two parameters, defining the
idealised rectangular stress block of concrete in ¼ k1 k2 fcu bx þ A0s fs0 As fs Af ff ðA:7Þ
Fig. 7. Strains, stresses and forces on RC section with externally bonded CFRP laminates at failure. (a) RC section with FRP; (b) section distri-
bution; (c) stresses and forces.
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