HT 030 R20ar062
HT 030 R20ar062
HT 030 R20ar062
Subject Appearing
Sl. Q.P. Course Title Course Date Time Inv. Sign
No. Code Code
1 85001 History of Architecture-I Theory B20AR1040 -
2 85081 Building services III SEE B20AR5040 27/12/2022 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM-
3 85082 Theory of Architecture SEE B20AR5050 29/12/2022 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM-
4 85062 Building Services -II Pratical B20AR4040 29/12/2022 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM-
5 85063 Housing Theory B20AR4050 30/12/2022 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM-
6 Structural systems and Building Construction-V SEE B20AR5020 -
7 Energy efficient Design SEE B20AR5030 -
8 History of Architecture IV- Contemporary Period SEE B20AR5060 -
9 Model Making/Art Appreciation Practical B20AR2050 -
10 Architectural Design - IV SEE B20AR5010 -
Certified that this candidate is eligible to appear for the current examination as per the details mentioned above