Simple Metamaterial Structure Enabling Triple-Band Perfect Absorber
Simple Metamaterial Structure Enabling Triple-Band Perfect Absorber
Simple Metamaterial Structure Enabling Triple-Band Perfect Absorber
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Two resonators in metamaterial usually correspond only to two absorption peaks. In this report,
by breaking the symmetry, we could create multi-fundamental resonances at GHz frequencies in
both simulation and experiment. First, a dual-band metamaterial absorber (MA) was achieved for
4.6 and 10.6 GHz. Next, by modifying the relative position of inner square, the triple-band MA
was obtained with enhanced absorption properties. In addition, dependence on the polarization
of the incident electromagnetic (EM) wave was clarified. The mechanism is elucidated to be an
alteration of the coupling strength, which is made by changing the geometrical configuration of
the inner square and the outer ring. It is shown that our structural configuration can be applied to
the fields where the interaction with a wide range of EM waves exists or is needed.
In view of improved performance and a variety of real providing dual band, triple band and multi-band, have been
applications, such as sensors [1, 2], camouflage [3] and wire- developed, based on the aforementioned mechanism [13,
less communication [4], materials with high absorption have 15–17]. In 2014, Wang et al proposed a structure with two
been a domain which has attracted interest from scientists rings to create a triple band by breaking symmetry, but this
and engineers. Recently, in striking contrast to the conven- double ring structure has shown polarization dependence and
tional material, metamaterial absorbers (MAs) are rising as is without experiment verification [11].
promising artificial materials which provide peculiar elec- In this report, we present the numerical design and the
tromagnetic (EM) properties, not only for EM absorbers but experimental demonstration of dual- and triple-band nearly-
for negative permittivity and/or permeability etc. The field perfect MM absorbers using the simple sandwich structure.
of metamaterials (MMs) is growing rapidly owing to devel- The unit cell of front patterns consists of inner and outer
oping desired types of manufacturing materials, which work squares. At first, dual-band MM absorber was achieved at
at radio, microwave and, later, optical frequencies [5–9]. 4.6 and 10.6 GHz with absorption of 99.5% and 77.2%,
Landy et al proposed a MM structure manipulating the effec- respectively. Next, by changing the relative position of
tive parameters to be impedance-matched with the outside inner square, dual-band MM absorber was obtained with the
environment and for the proper loss enhancement [10]. In absorption enhancement of the second peak. When the dis-
the past several years, MM absorbers have been suggested placement of inner square, d, is big enough, the second peak
for GHz, THz and optical frequency regimes [11–14]. It is is separated into two peaks. The influence of polarization
clear that MM absorber is due the EM resonances and that and incident angle of EM wave is also examined, to show
the number of absorption peaks depends on the number of that our structure is polarization- and incidence-insensitive
resonant modes of the structure. Therefore, several structures to the EM wave.
Figure 1. (a) Schematic of the MM absorber and polarization configuration of the incident EM wave, (b) Single unit cell of the designed
MM absorber and (c) real sample.
Our simple MM-absorber design is composed of a copper- The simulated and the measured absorption of the dual-
patterned layer at the front and continuous copper plane at band MM absorber is illustrated in figure 2(a). As aforemen-
the back, separated by a dielectric layer of FR-4. As shown tioned, two simulated peaks are obtained at 4.6 and 10.6 GHz
in figures 1(a) and (b) the optimized unit cell is chosen as with absorption of 99.5% and 77.2%, respectively. To be more
periodic dimensions of p = 10 mm in the x–y plane, and the detailed, the surface currents are illustrated in figure 2(b). One
thickness of dielectric layer is ts = 0.8 mm in the propagation can clearly see that the peak at the lower frequency is mainly
of EM wave, z direction. The front layer consists of an inner contributed by the outer square ring, and the inner square
square with the length of w = 6.2 mm, surrounded by an outer is mainly responsible for the peak at higher frequency. The
square ring with width and inner length of t = 0.45 mm and second peak located at 10.6 GHz is easier to elucidate, which
l1 = 8.2 mm, respectively. results simply from the magnetic response of the inner square:
The aforementioned geometrical parameters have been not only the strong anti-parallel surface currents between the
optimized by the commercial software CST Microwave inner square and continuous copper plane, but also rather
Studio [18]. In the simulation, the conductivity of copper was weak anti-parallel currents between inner square and outer
σ = 5.8 × 107 S m−1, and the FR-4 was simulated with a dielec- square ring. For the first absorption peak at 4.6 GHz with high
tric function of ε = 4.3 × (1 + 0.025i ). The frequency domain absorption, the induced currents are mostly concentrated on
solver was carried out with the periodic boundary conditions the outer square ring. The strong induced currents at two sides
in the x–y plane and open for the z-direction to extract the of the outer square ring move in the opposite way to those
S parameters. Owing to the polarized incident EM wave, the in the corresponding continuous plane. Therefore, the first
electric and the magnetic fields were parallel to x and y axes, peak is a result of the magnetic resonance. At the same time, it
respectively. Since transmission is eliminated by the contin- should be mentioned that the strong parallel induced currents
uous copper plane, which is much thicker than the penetra- between two neighboring unit cells, which leads to a strong
tion depth of copper at GHz frequency, then the absorption electric response. Then, the first peak is fully understood to
can be calculated by A(ω) = 1 − R(ω) = 1− ∣S11(ω)∣2, where be due to the magnetic and the electric resonances at the same
A(ω), R(ω) are absorption and reflection coefficients, respec- frequency.
tively. For the experimental process, the reflection spectra As reported, breaking the symmetry of a particular structure
(∣S11(ω)∣2) were measured in an anechoic chamber using in MM allows us to access different resonant modes, which
Agilent E8364B network analyzer, which connected to line- cannot be excited with symmetric configuration [20–22].
arly-polarized microwave standard-gain horn antennas [19]. In our paper, even with the disadvantage of the low absorp-
At first, two antennas were placed at a proper distance (2.0 m tion for the second peak, we intend to change the coupling
from the sample to the middle point of two horn antennas) to between two resonators (inner square and outer square ring)
neglect the overlapping effect between incident and reflected by changing the relative distances between them to seek the
waves with the incident angle of 5°. The calibration was per- effect of symmetry breaking, leading us to higher absorption
formed by replacing the sample (figure 1(c)) with a same and more resonant modes.
size copper board as a perfect conductor. In the experiment The inner square shifts from the corner by displacement d
of changing the incident angle, the distance between the two in EM polarization as in figures 3(a) and (b). The evolution of
horn antennas and the distance between sample and two horn absorption spectrum according to d is depicted in figures 3(c)
antennas were changed but still avoiding the overlapping and (d). The first absorption peak, as indicated to be due to
effect. the magnetic resonance and the electric response of outer
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 375103 N Van Dung et al
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 375103 N Van Dung et al
Figure 4. EM properties at each resonance: distributions of inducted field Ez of (a) symmetric structure (corresponding to the solid-black
line in figure 3(d)) and (b) asymmetric structure with d = 0.8 mm (corresponding to the dotted-blue line in figure 3(d)). (c) Side view of the
streamlines of the Poynting vector at two new resonances.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 375103 N Van Dung et al
Figure 6. (a) Simulated and (b) experimental absorption spectra Figure 7. (a) Simulated and (b) experimental absorption spectra
according to polarization angle. according to incident angle.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 375103 N Van Dung et al