Randi Arman Pratama - Land Resource Midterm Exam

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Name : Randi Arman Pratama

NIM : 3211421030

International Class

Midterm Exam of Land Resource Management

1. A multidisciplinary approach is essential in determining the results of land evaluations, either

for general or specific purposes. Based on the statement above, explain with an example why
a multidisciplinary approach is needed in the land evaluation process
o A multidisciplinary approach (multidisciplinary approach) is a method of tackling a problem
that involves a review of several relevant sciences from multiple perspectives. Relevant
science can be applied in the Natural Sciences group (IIK), the Social Sciences group (IIS), or
the Humanities Sciences family (IIH). Use of internal sciences to solve a problem explicitly
stated stated in a discussion or description included in each description its sub-descriptions if
the discussion or description consists of sub-sub-descriptions, accompanied by their
respective contributions expressly for the search for a way out of problems encountered. The
main characteristics or buzzwords of a multidisciplinary approach are multidisciplinary (many
knowledge in the same science family).
A multidisciplinary approach is needed in land evaluation because it considers various sub-
factors in geography such as soil, water, climate, vegetation, socio-economic and legal
aspects. This requires expertise from multiple disciplines to gain a comprehensive
understanding and make informed decisions based on available information.
For example, evaluating land for agricultural purposes. The multidisciplinary team will
1. Soil scientist to assess soil fertility, texture, and drainage.
2. Hydrologist to check water availability and quality.
3. Climatologists analyze weather patterns and potential risks such as drought or flooding.
4. Agronomist to determine suitable crops and cultivation practices.
5. Ecology to evaluate impacts on local ecosystems and biodiversity.
6. Economists analyze the financial feasibility and market potential.
7. Sociologists to understand the needs of local communities and cultural practices.
8. Legal experts to ensure compliance with land use and property rights regulations.
By involving experts from various fields, the land evaluation process will become more
accurate, comprehensive and sustainable, which will ultimately result in better decision-
making and land management.
2. Based on the results of land evaluation, a land unit has actual land capability IIIdO
(d=drainage; O=flood hazard) and potential land capability I. Explain the meaning of these
results and recommendations for their use!
o These results indicate that land units have two different land capability classifications: actual
and potential.
IIIdO Actual Land Capacity:
This classification means that the land currently has moderate or marginal limitations when
used for agriculture due to drainage problems (d) and flood hazard (O). This suggests that the
land may require more careful management and special conservation practices to overcome
these limitations and prevent soil erosion or crop damage.
Land Capability Potential I:
This classification implies that, with proper improvement and management, these lands have
the potential to be highly productive with minimal limitations to agricultural use. Land
capability I is the most desirable classification if this land is to be used for agricultural
 Implement drainage improvements to address drainage problems (eg, install drainage
systems or ditch).
 Adopt flood mitigation measures to minimize the flood hazard (eg build dikes, flood
barriers, or use flood resistant plants).
 Implement appropriate soil conservation practices to maintain and enhance soil quality.
 Regularly monitor and evaluate land conditions to ensure that improvements are effective
and sustainable.
By overcoming the limitations, the land has the potential to reach full productivity and move
from the current classification (IIIdO) to a more desirable classification (ID0).
3. Explain how geomorphology plays a role in the land evaluation process
o Geomorphology plays an important role in the land evaluation process by providing insight
into the formation, evolution and characteristics of the landscape. This information helps in
assessing the suitability of land for various uses, such as agriculture, urban development, or
conservation. The main contributions of geomorphology in land evaluation include:
 Soil properties: Geomorphology helps in understanding soil distribution, composition, and
fertility, which are important factors in determining land productivity and suitability for
agriculture or construction.
 Slopes and relief: Landforms provide information about slope and relief, which affect
erosion rates, drainage patterns and infrastructure stability. This information is essential for
assessing the risk and potential for landslides, flooding or water inundation.
 Drainage patterns: Geomorphological features such as river systems, wetlands, and water
catchments determine the availability, quality, and flow patterns of water. These factors are
critical for irrigation, water management, and flood mitigation.
 Natural hazards: Geomorphology helps identify areas prone to natural hazards such as
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides or coastal erosion. This information is very
important for land use planning and disaster risk reduction.
 Climate and microclimate: Landforms can influence local climate and microclimatic
conditions, affecting vegetation, wildlife and human activities. Geomorphological
knowledge helps in identifying areas suitable for certain land uses, such as agriculture or
In summary, geomorphology provides important information about the physical properties,
processes and potential risks associated with land, enabling informed decision-making in land
evaluation and management.

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