Unit 2: Simplified Lecture Notes
Unit 2: Simplified Lecture Notes
Unit 2: Simplified Lecture Notes
iAS Biology
Unit 2
Cells, Development, Biodiversity and
Ultrastructure of cells
Types of cells
Eukaryotic cells Prokaryotic cells
Nucleus and membrane bound organelles No nucleus or membrane bound organelles
Examples: Animal cells, plant cells, fungal Example: Bacterial cells only
1. Nucleus:
› Largest organelle in the cell.
› Has a double membrane (nuclear envelope).
› The outer membrane is covered by ribosomes while the inner
layer is smooth.
› This double membrane has nuclear pores.
The nucleus contains:
1. Nucleolus: Tiny rounded deeply stained structure
2. Genetic material:
› Consists of DNA coiled around histone protein.
› If the cell is not dividing, genetic material appears as dispersed
› If the cell is dividing, genetic material appears as thread-like
2. Endoplasmic reticulum
› Flattened interconnected single membrane bound sacs.
› There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum:
Rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER)
Covered by ribosomes. Not covered by ribosomes.
Functions: Function:
› Synthesis & transport of proteins. › Synthesis & transport of lipids.
› Formation of Golgi body.
Function of Golgi:
Responsible for modification, packaging and export of proteins
Sample Question:
Describe how insulin is formed and secreted from the cells of pancreas.
› Ribosomes on RER are responsible for formation of the primary protein structure.
› Inside RER, folding into tertiary structure takes place.
› Transport vesicles arise from RER to fuse with the forming surface of Golgi body.
› Inside Golgi, modification of proteins takes place. For example, by addition of
carbohydrates forming a glycoprotein.
› The modified protein (insulin) is packaged in secretary vesicles that pinch off the
maturing surface and move towards the cell membrane to be exocytosed.
1) Other possible fates of proteins:
› May stay in the cytoplasm.
› May be part of the cell membrane.
2) Factors that a cell is a secretory cell:
› Prominent RER and Golgi body.
› Large number of ribosomes and
› Presence of microvilli in the cell
4. Ribosomes:
› Non-membrane bound.
› Smallest organelles in the animal cell (20
› Each ribosome has 2 subunits: a large
subunit and a small subunit.
› Chemical structure: rRNA and proteins.
Function of ribosomes:
Formation of primary protein structure (polypeptide chain).
Function of mitochondria:
Site of aerobic respiration.
6. Lysosomes
› Single membrane bound.
› Stores hydrolytic enzymes.
Functions of lysosomes:
› Breakdown of old organelles.
› Breakdown of cells after death (Autolysis).
› Breakdown of bacteria inside phagocytes.
N.B: Microtubules:
Minute structures consisting of tubulin protein.
Functions of microtubules:
› They form the cytoskeleton; so they guide organelles moving inside the cell.
› Formation of:
• Flagella.
• Cilia.
• Centrosomes.
3. Sap vacuole:
› Single membrane bound.
› This membrane is known as Tonoplast.
› Contains sap solution (water, salts, mineral ions).
Function of sap vacuole:
Maintains turgidity
Cell Cycle
1) Interphase (80% of cell cycle duration)
1. G1 phase: 1st phase of growth
• ATP formation.
• Protein synthesis.
• Duplication of oragnelles.
2) Cell division
i. Nuclear division: Mitosis and Meiosis.
ii. Cytoplasmic division: Cytokinesis.
It occurs in 4 steps
› Prophase
› Metaphase
› Anaphase
› Telophase
2) Metaphase
› Centrioles arrive to the opposite poles of the cell.
› Spindle fibers are fully formed.
› Chromosomes are aligned at the equator of the cell held by spindle fibers attached to their
Overview on meiosis
Meiosis I
n n
Meiosis II
n n n n
Meiosis I
1) Prophase I
Same as mitosis +
› Pairing up of homologous chromosomes forming bivalents.
› Crossing over between non-sister chromatids of the homologous pair with reshuffling of
alleles. This produces a new combination of alleles on each chromosome. (1st cause of
Same as mitosis.
Meiosis II
Same as mitosis.
• The anther contains Microspore cells which • The ovule contains Megaspore cells which are
are diploid. diploid.
• They undergo meiosis to give 4 different
• They undergo meiosis to give 4 different haploid nuclei.
haploid nuclei. • 3 of the formed cells die and only 1 continues
• Each of the 4 cells formed undergoes 2 to undergo 3 mitotic divisions forming an
mitotic divisions to form a pollen grain. embryo sac with 8 haploid nuclei.
• The first mitotic division forms a pollen
tube nucleus & a generative nucleus.
• Only the generative nucleus undergoes the
second mitotic division forming 2 male
Each Pollen grain contains 3 haploid nuclei: Each Embryo Sac contains 8 haploid nuclei :
› It occurs through mitosis followed by meiosis.
› Spermatogenesis is a continuous non-cyclic process that starts at puberty and ends by
› It occurs through mitosis followed by meiosis.
› Oogenesis is a discontinuous cyclic process that starts at puberty and ends at menopause.
It occurs on a monthly basis.
› Meiosis I occurs at the time of ovulation every month producing a secondary oocyte that
is released in the outer third of the oviduct.
› Only in case of sperm head arrival to the secondary oocyte membrane, the secondary
oocyte undergoes meiosis II producing a mature ovum ready for fertilisation and a polar
body that dies.
› Egg cells are large in size to increase surface area which increases chances of fertilization
and to be able to store enough energy.
› Structure:
1) Follicular cells of the corona radiate: They secrete chemicals to attract the male sperm
and trigger their capacitation. (Full maturation)
2) Zona pellucida & Cortical granules: Cortical reaction.
3) Food stores (oil droplets): To provide energy for future mitotic division of the potential
4) Huge number of mitochondria: They are responsible for aerobic respiration which
produces ATP as a source of energy for future mitotic division of the potential zygote.
5) Haploid nucleus: To restore the diploid full set of chromosomes after fertilisation and to
avoid doubling of chromosomal number.
Comparison between sperms and egg cells
› Both are produce by meiosis.
› Both have haploid nuclei.
› The sperm is smaller & stream-lined while the egg cell is large and rounded.
› The sperm has an acrosomal cap while the egg cell has cortical granules.
› The egg cell has much more mitochondria & larger food stores than the sperm.
› Only the sperm has a tail.
› Only the egg cell has follicular cells & zona pellucida.
Stem cells
Fate of the zygote
› The zygote divides by mitosis producing an embryo.
› The 16 cell stage embryo is known as morula.
› Each cell in the embryo now is totipotent.
N.B Totipotent:
Def. It’s an undifferentiated cell that can give rise to any type of tissue. All the genes are switched
on. It can divide an unlimited number of times. (No Hayflick’s limit)
› A fluid filled cavity appears in the centre of the embryo forming a blastocyst. The
blastocyst has two regions:
1) Outer cell layer: It gives rise to the placenta & fetal membranes. (Extraembryonic
2) Inner cell layer: It is pluripotent.
N.B Pluripotent:
Def. Undifferentiated cells that can give rise to any type of tissue except extraembryonic tissues.
All the genes are switched on except genes of placenta & fetal membranes. It can divide an
unlimited number of times. (No Hayflick’s limit)
Regulatory authorities
They are needed to set codes of practice regulating stem cell research.
For example: Deciding the maximum age of used embryos
Deciding on the maximum number of embryos to be used in the stem cell
These authorities should include:
1) Stem cell researchers: to provide informed opinions based on their knowledge &
2) Others (religious figures or human rights activists): to provide a balanced counter
N.B: Advantages of taking stem cells from the same person:
› Same genetic makeup so same antigens & no risk of tissue rejection.
› Low risk of infection.
Types of Variation
Continuous variation Discontinuous variation
(Weight, height, IQ, etc…) (Gender, Blood group)
Affected by the environment & genes Affected by the genes only
Controlled by many genes on different loci
Controlled by one gene only
(Polygenic inheritance)
Usually represented by a histogram or a curve Usually represented by a bar graph
Examples of variation
1) Height
› The achievement of the genetic potential for height is controlled by many environmental
factors. (It is affected by both genes and the environment)
› Environmental factors affecting height includes:
• Diet containing calcium, vitamin D & proteins.
• Presence of chronic diseases or infections.
• Stretch sports.
2) Siamese cats
› They have a gene coding for tyrosinase enzyme which converts tyrosine
into melanin, so according to genes, these cats are expected to be black in
› However, their core body temperature is high enough to denature
tyrosinase, so the cats turn to be white in colour all over their bodies
except for the extremities which are affected by the external environment.
› Cold environment may lead to black extremities while a hot environment
may lead to white extremities.
› The normal activity of both types of gens leads to an average speed of the cell cycle. (No
› However, a mutation might occur changing protooncogenes into ooncogenes leading to a
marked increase in the speed of the cell cycle ending up by tumour formation.
› This mutation might be due to genetic or environmental factors such as:
• Chemical: Tar / Asbestos gas.
• Radiators: X-ray & UV rays of the sun.
• Viruses: HIV & HPV.
Assessment of variation
Twin studies
› Identical twins have the same genes, so any difference is due to environment only.
› Non-identical twins have different genes, so any difference is due to the genes (mainly)
and the environment.
› This …… is affected by both genes and the environment.
› Evidence for environmental contribution: similarity between identicals is not 100%.
› Evidence for genes contribution: similarity between identicals is higher than non-
› The effect of …… is higher than ……
© Dr. Mohab Megahed
Plant Physiology
› It’s a polymer of β-glucose monomers joined together by β-1,4 glycosidic bonds formed
through condensation reactions. Every other monomer is inverted so that bonding can
take place.
› A cellulose molecule is straight & unbranched.
› Cellulose molecules are joined together by intermolecular hydrogen bonds. (Cross
› A microfibril consists of many cellulose molecules cross linked by hydrogen bonds.
› The cell wall consists of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a matrix of hemicellulose and
Cell wall
Middle lamella
› It’s a glue-like material consisting of calcium & magnesium pectate.
› It holds the microfibrils of adjacent cell walls together. This increases tensile strength.
Primary cell wall
› Consists of one layer only.
› It has a net-like arrangement of microfibrils. (Criss-cross pattern)
› These microfibrils are embedded in a matrix of hemicellulose & pectin.
Secondary cell wall
› Consists of multiple layers.
› Within each layer, microfibrils are parallel to each other but they form angles with other
layers. (Overall net-like)
› These microfibrils are embedded in a matrix of hemicellulose & pectin.
Plasmodismata Pits
› Hollow dead vessels with no end plates.
› It has thick lignified walls, as lignin is deposited in the secondary cell wall.
› Xylem has pits.
› Function: Transport of water & mineral ions from roots to leaves. It also provides
structural support.
Adaptations of xylem
1) High tensile strength due to the net-like arrangement of microfibrils in the cell wall, and
presence of lignin in the 2ry cell wall. This helps to withstand high water pressure.
2) Lignin is water proof. This prevents leakage of water outside xylem vessels.
3) Xylem has pits. This allows to bypass any blockage.
4) Xylem has no end plates so that water can be transported from the roots to the leaves.
5) Xylem is narrow. This maintains high pressure. (Capillarity)
Properties of lingocellulose fibres
1) High tensile strength.
2) Flexibility matrix (lignin reduces flexibility)
3) Water-proof presence of lignin.
4) Light in weight xylem vessels are hollow & dead.
A layer of undifferentiated cells that can give rise to other types of tissue.
Importance of water
› Perfect transport medium as it moves in one unbroken column so it delivers
mineral ions from the root to the leaves
› Water is a reactant in photosynthesis
› Cooling of the leaves
N.B: Both clinical phases II & III include the use of placebo & double blind trials:
• Placebo: A control drug with no active ingredient. It’s used for comparison
with the real drug & to assess the magnitude of psychological effect.
• Double blind trials: Neither the doctor nor the patient know who is taking the
real drug & who is taking placebo. This eliminates bias.
Taxonomic grouping
› Def. The science of classifying living organisms into groups. This could be according to
morphology, behavior or molecular features. Living organisms with similar features are
placed in the same group.
› Old taxonomic grouping: classified living organisms into 5 kingdoms.
› New taxonomic grouping (by Carl Woose-1977):
• It divided living organisms into 3 domains: Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria.
• This classification is based on molecular phylogeny.
› Molecular phylogeny: Molecular refers to comparing molecules in the 3 domains such
as proteins, DNA, RNA, ribosome structure, cell membrane & cell wall structure as well
as ability to resist extreme conditions. Phylogeny is a term that refers to ancestral
relationships. (order of evolution)
N.B: Both archaea & bacteria are prokaryotic cells while eukarya domain includes
eukaryotic cell.
Understanding Epigenetics
› Gene expression can be regulated by chemical modifications to chromosomes. These are
known as epigenetic changes.
› Epigenetics are not similar to mutations; they don’t change the base sequence of DNA.
They only affect gene expression, in other words, they determine if the gene would be
switched on or switched off.
› This is achieved through chemical tags added to DNA or or to the associated to DNA
known as histones.
› All Chemical tags attached to the DNA or histone are known as the epigenome of the
› Epigenetic modifications may normally occur during
development of an organism and may also be induced later in
life by environmental factors such as diet, smoking or
› When a cell divides to make daughter cells, many of these
chemical tags are also passed on to the next cell. So epigenetic
modifications are heritable.
N.B Epigenetics refers to changes in DNA that alter the expression of genes
without changing base sequence of DNA itself. These changes can be caused by
environmental factors and are heritable.
Chromatin remodeling:
› Methyl groups are added to the DNA at specific locations called CpG sites – this is where
cytosine in found next to guanine in the DNA chain.
› Methyl groups are added to the cytosine base by an enzyme called DNA
› DNA methylation inhibits transcription through attracting other proteins that condense
chromatin so it becomes tightly packed (heterochromatin) & DNA is inaccessible to
transcription factors and RNA polymerase enzyme. (Methylation may also physically
block the binding of RNA polymerase & transcription factors)
› The addition of methyl groups to DNA is known as methylation and their removal in
known as demethylation.
Histone Methylation
› Histones can be modified by the addition of Methyl group to the amino acid Lysine.
› This addition of positively charged Methyl group adds positive charges to Lysine so it is
strongly bonded to the negative charges of DNA. This stimulates to the formation of
more tightly packed chromatin which is also known as Heterochromatin leading to
silencing of the gene.
› Histone can also be modified by the addition of acetyl group to the amino acid Lysine.
› This addition of negatively charged Acetyl group neutralizes the positive charge of
Lysine so it is no more bonded to the negatively charged DNA. This stimulates the
formation of loosely packed chromatin which is also known as Euchromatin leading to
gene expression.
c) Explain how the action of DNA methyltransferase can alter gene expression. (6)
Basic definitions
› Habitat: The place where a living organism seeks food, shelter & reproduction
› Population: Number of living organisms in a certain area or habitat from a certain
› Community: All living organisms in a certain area or habitat
› Ecosystem: Interaction between living organisms & the non-living environment
› Niche: Role of a living organism in its habitat (How a living organism exploits resources
in its habitat). For example: feeding niche, nutrient cycle niche & habitat niche.
Adaptations to niche
› Anatomical adaptations: structural features
› Physiological adaptations: biochemical features for
metabolic reactions
› Behavioural adaptations
Natural selection
› A mutation occurs introducing favourable allele coding for a desirable characteristic
which is……
› Individuals with the desirable characteristic survive more as……
› Surviving individuals reproduce passing the alleles of…… to their offspring. This
increases allele frequency
How natural selection leads to evolution?
Due to natural selection, some of the members of a certain species may become markedly different
up to the extent of being unable to reproduce with the original members of the species. This is
known as reproductive isolation which leads to speciation.
Endemic species
Def: Species that are only found in one geographical location. Endemic species are commonly
seen in islands as they might have evolved in the island & failed to migrate out. (Endemic
species=Obligatory outbreeding)
Def: Protection of endangered species from extinction.
Conservation of animals
Animal conservation could be either insitu (natural reserve) or exsitu (zoo). Insitu conservation
has the advantages of natural intraspecific and interspecific relationships. As well as less stress &
discomfort. This encourages animals to grow & reproduce which increases genetic diversity.
However, the challenging biotic & abiotic factors usually make insitu conservation impossible.
Captive breeding programs in zoos
Zoos aim at encouraging reproduction & protection from predation. This increases population size
leading to larger gene pool with higher genetic diversity. This is followed by reintroduction into a
natural habitat.
How to encourage breeding
› Selection of suitable mates & records of breeding are kept in stud books.
› Encouraging interzoo animal movement, this is a form of outbreeding which increases
genetic diversity by introducing new alleles.
› Using modern technology such as AI or IVF to increase reproduction.
Preparation for reintroduction
› Encouraging wild behaviour through reducing the mass of food offered and hacking out.
› Selection of a suitable natural habitat.
› Raising awareness of the residents of the selected habitat about the risk of extinction and
human practices increasing this risk.
need to readjust storage conditions) then replace removed seeds by others from the plants
you have grown.
N= Total number of organisms of all species.
n= number of organisms in a certain species
∑= Sum of.
Scientists surveyed two fields to assess their biodiversity. For both fields, Calculate the index
of Simpson’s diversity and decide which has the greatest biodiversity.
wont I
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Genetic diversity: the variety of alleles in the gene pool of a certain population. Measured by
DNA analysis for the genome of individuals.
Genetic diversity can be estimated by observing the physical differences between individuals in a
certain population.
If a population has a wide variety of different alleles, it is more likely for this population to have a
large percentage of heterozygous individuals. So to take a quantitative estimate of genetic
diversity we can use a formula know as heterozygosity index which is calculated as follows:
h= Number of heterozygous individuals in a certain population
Total population size
Practice: Calculate the heterozygosity index for a population of 8000 in which there are 3000
heterozygous individuals.
However, as mentioned in the definition, the most accurate method of measuring genetic diversity
is to undergo individual DNA analysis.
Then from crossing two heterozygous parents they derived the second formula:
P2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
However, this Hardy- Weinberg principle makes several unrealistic assumptions including:
› No mutations.
› No natural selection.
› Random mating is occurring.
If there are 700 individuals suffering from cystic fibrosis in a population of 25000, then,
using the Hardy-Weinberg principle, calculate how many individuals are symptomless
carriers of the recessive allele.
© Dr. Mohab Megahed
Practical steps
1) Cut the terminal 1 cm of onion root using a scalpel.
2) Transfer to a watch glass containing 2 cm³ of HCl. This softens the tissue by dissolving the
middle lamellae which is a glue-like material holding cells together.
3) Transfer using forceps to a microscopic slide with a drop of stain (Examples:
Acetocarmine, Acetic orcein, Feulgen stain, Schiff’s reagent, Toliudine blue). This
highlights chromosomes to be visible.
4) Use a scalpel to cut the tissue again into smaller pieces. This increases surface area for
better uptake of stain by diffusion.
5) Cover the tissue sample with a cover slip.
6) Insert the slide into a slide warmer. Heat provides kinetic energy to intensify the stain by
increasing the rate of diffusion.
7) Insert the microscopic slide over filter paper. Using your hands, apply gentle pressure
vertically downwards. This is known as squashing which is needed to flatten the sample
and separate cells to be easily viewed under the light microscope (Avoid lateral movement
of the cover slip to prevent overlapping of cells which damages the sample)
8) Place the slide on the stage of a light microscope. Use the low power lens to scan & detect
the area of mitosis then the high power lens to view mitotic features.
Vernier caliper
Magnification is how many bigger is the image compared with actual size while Resolution is the
smallest distance that two objects can be apart while still appearing as two objects.
In other words, resolution allows us to see more fine details.
› Human eyes have limited magnification & resolution so to observe biology we need to
increase magnification and resolution using microscopes.
› The resolution of the human eye is 0.1 mm.
› The eukaryotic cells are roughly 1- 20 um in size while prokaryotic cells are 0.1 – 5 um
in size.
› However,
• Light microscopes produce 2D images.
• They use visible light to create an image, this limits their
resolution to 200nm and magnification to 2000x.
› Instead of using light beams, the electron microscopes use beam of electrons to study
› Electrons have a shorter wavelength so they can create images with higher resolution.
› There are two types of electron microscopes: scanning electron microscope (SEM) and
transmission electron microscope (TEM)
› In both types a beam of electrons is focused by a magnet towards the specimen.
› Specimen must be coated with metal and placed in vacuum. This preparation means
electron microscopy can only be used to study dead specimens.
SEM: After the electrons hit the specimen they become scattered on a detector.
This scattering allows to determine how far away are structures in the specimen
from each other and thus it produces a 3D image. However, the scattering of
electrons reduces magnification and resolution.
TEM: Electron beam travels through the specimen to a detector below with no
scattering. This allows for higher resolution and magnification, but produces a 2D
To make proper use of magnification calculations we need to know how to convert between size
units. The SI unit for distance is a meter.
The units we are interested in are the: meter, centimeter, millimeter, micrometer and nanometer.
1m = 100 cm
1cm = 10 mm
So 1m= 1000 mm
1mm= 1000 um
1um= 1000 nm
Calculating Magnification
Practice: If a plan drawing shows a leaf cross section, magnification 400x, and a nucleus
on it measures 0.5mm width, what is the actual nucleus width?
What is staining?
Metachromatic stains: They are differential stains that highlight different components of the cell
with different colours. Iodine stains starch grains blue black while other cellular components
appear yellow. The all purpose metachromatic stain is Toluidine blue O (TBO). For example, TBO
stains lignin blue, pectin pinkish & nucleic acids purple.
Microscopes can be used to observe many types of specimens, from animal, plants and
N.B. Always wear gloves when handling samples to prevent bacteria on the hand from
infecting the specimen. Also use a sterile forceps to transfer the specimen to the slide as
this prevents pathogens reaching the sample & also prevents distortion of the sample.
N.B. If you are drawing cells, only show structures visible inside cells such as cell wall, cell
membrane, cytoplasm & nucleus. Make sure to draw what you see not what you expected
to see!
Draw a low power plan for the tissues shown in the following micrographs
1) TS of a leaf
Practice: If the smallest division in the stage micrometer is 10um. Calculate the size of the
smallest division of the eyepiece graticule.
› Errors in preparation of the slide:
• Contaminating the sample with fingers or other objects.
• Damage to the sample during preparation (by crushing for example)
• Improper use of stains
• Dirty slides/ lenses.
› Error in identifying histological features leading to misdiagnosis of pathogens or cancers.
› Error in size calculations or improper use of graticules.
› Bad preparation, staining or preservation of the specimens.
› Some features are difficult or impossible to stain so can’t be visualized.
› Poor resolution or magnification of the used microscope.
› Improper focus on the slides leading to blurring of the image.
› We only view a sample of a tissue not the whole tissue, so we can miss diagnosis of
abnormalities such as cancers or pathogens present.
› Some features appear differently in a transverse cut than longitudinal cut or in a 2D
image than in a 3D image. This might cause confusion.
› Careful preparation of the specimen.
› Examine more than one tissue sample.
› Double check calculations to ensure reliability.
A researcher is examining a crop which maybe exposed to a recent bacterial endemic. The
bacteria are thought to invade the epidermis of the leaves within the crop.
a) Describe a method the researcher could use to prepare the epidermis for inspection under
a light microscope. (4)
c) In preparing the slide for the light microscope, what 2 actions could the researcher take to
minimise contamination of the slide? Explain your reasoning for each. (4)
e) Under 40x magnification, the bacterium found within the epidermis measures 100mm in
his plan drawing. What is the actual size of the bacterium in micrometers? (2)
f) With a 10x eyepiece lens and 4x objective lens, the stage graticule covers 20 EPU on the
eyepiece graticule. How much distance does 1 EPU represent? (2)
g) Across several slides, the bacteria appear to take on different shapes. They are all of the
same stain – what explanation would clarify the different shapes observed? (2)
h) Suggest an error in the procedure the scientist could have made, to explain different
measurements in cell size across the slides. (1)
The disease that vaccinerators are attempting to target is a bacterial disease known as
meningitis. The vaccine causes damage to the plasma membrane of bacterial cells. The first
stage of this damage causes bumps to appear in the cell membrane.
b) Suggest, with a reason, what sort of microscope should be used to monitor the first stage
of vaccine action. (2)
› Add a drop of the solution you prepared to the center of a clean slide.
› To add pollen, use a low power microscope and knock pollen off the anthers of a flower
using a mounted needle.
› Observe under the microscope to note when pollen tubes start to grow,
this usually occurs after about 15 – 30 minutes depending on the used
plant species.
› At this point, use the eye piece and stage graticules to record the
pollen tube length every 3 minutes for half an hour.
› Repeat the same process with other slides using pollen from the same
anther and the same culture medium but with a range of different
sucrose concentrations.