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Name Danang Hastomi Class/Semester IX-D/II
School SMP Negeri 13 Banjarmasin Subjects English/Bahasa Inggris
Number of
Time 1x10 Minutes 35 Students
 Have the vocabularies of
adjectives to describe
Initial Learning
animals. Problem-Based Learning
Competence Model
 Understanding the use of
Simple Present Tense.
Approach & Scientific Approach
Day/Date Monday, February 27th, 2023
Method Guessing Game
Listening - Speaking
 Religious
Profil Pelajar Subject Describing Particular
 Cooperative
Pancasila Domains Animals of South
 Critical Thinking
Facilities & Pictures and Student
Phase D
Infrastructures Worksheets (LKPD)
 Set Induction and Closure (marked by colour of blue)
Micro Skills
 Classroom Management (marked by colour of yellow)
 Guiding Small Discussion (marked by colour of green)

At the end of phase D, students use spoken and written texts and visuals in
English to interact and communicate in a more diverse and deeper context
formal and informal situation, various types of texts such as narrative,
description, procedure, special text (short message, advertisement) and
original text become the main reference in learning English in this phase.
Students use English for discuss and convey wishes/feelings.
Understanding their attention to written texts is growing and inference skills
begin to appear when understanding implicit information. They produce
written and visual texts in structured English with more vocabulary diverse.
They understand the goals and pay attention when produce written and
visual texts in English.
By the end of Phase D, students use English to interact and exchange ideas,
experiences, interests, opinions and views with teachers, peers and others
Element/Domain in an increasing variety of familiar formal and informal contexts. With some
Objective repetition and rewording, they comprehend the main ideas and relevant
details of discussions or presentations on a variety of general interest topics.
They engage in discussion such as giving opinions, making comparisons
and stating preferences. They explain and clarify their answers using basic
sentence structure and verb tenses.
Students are able to speak English in simple sentence structures and verbs
to interact and exchange ideas, opinions and views with peers in the class
in the context of describing the particular animals of South Kalimantan by
doing a Guessing Game with an achievement of 70% of the assessment
Descriptive Text
 Definition:
Descriptive text is a kind of text that describes a person, place, thing or
animal clearly and specifically.
 Social Function:
The purpose of descriptive text is to describe something in a specific
 Generic Structure of Descriptive Text:
o Identification: contains about the introduction of a person, place,
Learning animal or object will be described.
Materials o Description: contains a description of something such as animal,
things, place or person by describing its features, forms, colors, or
anything related to what the writer describes.
 Language Features:
o Vocabularies and common terms related with the object.
o Using simple present tense.
o Using adjectives to describe the features of the object such as wild,
tame, cute, small, big, etc.
 Topic:
Description about particular animals of South Kalimantan that can
foster behavior contained in learning objective.
Students are able to speak English in simple sentence structures and verbs
to interact with peers in class in the context of describing the particular
animals of South Kalimantan by doing a Guessing Game.
 Do you know the endemic animals of South Kalimantan?
 Have you ever seen one in real life?
 Could you tell me the characteristics of it?
 Teacher’s Manual: English for Nusantara (2022) by Ika Lestari, dkk.
Bibliography  Guru.kemendikbud.go.id
 Wikipedia of Fauna in Borneo

Alternative to This lesson can be used in Special Needs Schools by making adjustments
Other Schools to student worksheets and learning materials.
The teacher prepares pictures and Student Worksheets (LKPD).
Teaching Description Time
Activities Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Allocation
1) Orientation
 Teacher greets the students  Students respond to the
using English to create teacher’s greeting.
English Environment. “Good morning, sir.”
“Hello, good morning “We are fine, thank
class.” you and you?”
“How are you today?”
“I am very well.”

 Teacher asks the students to  Students respond by

pray along together before praying along together
starting the learning with the teacher.
activities. “Yes, sir.”
“Let’s pray together
before we start our class.”

 Teacher checks the students’  Students respond to the

attendance. attendance checking.
“Who is absent today?” “No one, sir” or
“Excellent!” “Tommy is absent,
Pre- sir.”
2) Apperception 2’ minutes
 Teacher asks questions to  Students respond to the
activate students’ teacher’s questions.
background knowledge.
“What have you learned, “Descriptive text, sir.”
“Could you tell me the “To describe anything
social function of being described, sir.”
descriptive text?”
“Do you still remember “It consists of
the generic structure of identification and
descriptive text?” description, sir.”

 Teacher asks questions that  Students respond to the

are related to what will be teacher’s questions.
“Do you know the endemic “Yes, sir.”
animals of South
Kalimantan?” “Yes, sir.” Or “No,
“Have you ever seen one in sir.”
real life?”
“Could you tell me the “It lives in jungle, sir.”
characteristics of it?”

3) Motivation
 Teacher gives motivation by  Students respond to the
showing two pictures of two teacher’s questions.
difference animals and asks
about it.
“What do you see in the “Monkey, sir.”
pictures?” “Orangutan, sir.”


“Could you tell me the “2 different animals.”

differences of them?”
“Great! What are the “It likes banana.”
characteristics of the
animal you see in the first
“Good! What are the “It’s endangered
characteristics of the species.”
animal you see in the
second picture?”
“Nice! Thank you.”
“From what we have “Learn about animal,
discussed, do you know sir.”
what are we going to do

 Teacher tells about the

lesson objectives.
“Okay students, today we
are going to do a Guessing
Game in which you will be
divided into several
groups. Each group will be
given a picture of
particular animal of South
Kalimantan. Then, each
group will have a
discussion to find out the
identification and
description of the animal
in the picture. By doing
this, you are able to speak
English in simple sentence
structures and verbs to
interact and exchange
ideas, opinions and views
with peers in the class in
the context of describing
the particular animals of
South Kalimantan.

(Students receive information about

competence, material, purpose,
benefits, and lessons which will be
implemented.) Refer to the
learning objectives and the
learning activities.
4) Observing
 Teacher gives explanations
about how the Guessing
Game works.
“Okay, students. I will
now explain to you about
how The Guessing Game
“You will be divided into
several groups consist of 6’ minutes
seven members. Each
group will be given a
picture of the particular
animal of South
Kalimantan and a
worksheet. Do not show or
tell the other groups of the
animal in the picture given
to you. Then, do a
discussion with your
group, find out the
characteristics of the
animal and record it in the
worksheet given to you.”
“I will give you two minute
to do it. After you done,
each group will have to
guess the animal in the
picture of the other
“To do so, a group will be
the guesser and the other
will be the guessed. The
guessed group have to
state five clues related with
the characteristics of the
animal in their picture.
Each member of the group
will state one clue. Then,
the guesser group will
have to figure out the
name of the animal based
on the clues given.”
“If the guesser group
could not figure out the
animal with five clues
given to them, then they
will have chance to ask
three questions for more
clues related with the
characteristics of the
“Make sure to record the
clues that contain the
characteristics of the
animal in the worksheet
given to you.”

5) Questioning  Students ask

 Teacher gives the students questions related
opportunity to ask questions with the topic
about his/her explanation. discussed.
“Okay students, do you “No, sir.” Or “I do,
have any questions about sir.”
the explanation?”
“Good question!”
“Thank you. Any other

6) Exploring
 Teacher set the rules of the  Students agree to
game with the students. make rules of the
“Before we start to do the class with the
game, I woould like to set teacher.
the rules of how the game
“After we agree about the
rules, we may proceed the
“Please raise your hand
when you about to give
questions or opinions.”
“Therefore I can hear you
“Do you agree?”
“Thank you.”

 Teacher divides the students

into several groups consist
of five members to do the
Guessing Game.
“Now it is time for you to
do the Guessing Game.”
“Please start to count from
one to seven repeatedly.”

7) Associating
 Teacher distributes the  Students in groups
pictures and student do the following
worksheets. (see appendix V activities that are
and VI) explained by the
“Distribute the pictures teacher.
and students worksheets to
all groups.”
“Do not show your picture
to the other group.”

 Teacher observes the

students’ activities in
important of formative
 Teacher helps the students
who have difficulties in
doing group discussion.
“You may ask me
questions if you find any
difficulties in doing the

8) Communicating  Students
 Teacher guides the communicate their
interaction of the students in group discussion
the class. with the help of
“Who would like to be a teacher’s guidance.
guesser group or guessed
“Raise your hand!”

 Teachers provide
opportunities for students to
present the results of
worksheets discussions from
their groups.
“Please state your 5 clues
for the guessed group.”
“Thank you.”

 The teacher and other

groups provide responses to
the results of discussion.
“For the guesser group,
what do you think is the
“Thank you for you

 The teacher provides

reinforcement and rewards
related to student work.
“Give applause for the
guesser group.”
“Good job!”
9) Concluding
 Students conclude the lesson
with the teacher.
“Okay students, what have
we learned today?”
“What are the particular
animals of South
“Do you still remember
the characteristics of

10) Reflection
 Students reflect on the
activities that have been
carried out.
“What do you think about
the lesson today?”
“If it is difficult, in which
“If it is not difficult, what
make it so?”
2’ minutes
Activities 11) Follow Up
 Teacher gives follow-up
activities (enrichment or
“Students who have good
performances are given
enrichment to
independently identify and
describe one spesific
particular animal of South
“Students who have poor
performances are given
remedial activity to record
their descriptions of
animal had discussed with
their group.”

12) Closing
 Teacher ends the lesson by
saying Alhamdulillah and
“Thank you very much for
your kind attention, keep
study at home, have a nice
day and good bye.”

Formative assessment is carried out by doing observation throughout the
process in identifying student skills listening and conveying information.
Summative assessment is carried out to make a conclusion regarding the
Summative extent to which students have mastered the criteria achievement of learning
objectives. This can be done with the Students Worksheets.

Enrichment and Remedial

Students who have good performances are given enrichment to
Enrichment independently identify and describe one spesific particular animal of South
Students who have poor performances are given remedial activity to record
their descriptions of animal had discussed with their group.

 Is learning activity going according to plan?
 Are students able to follow the learning activity well?
Teacher  Are students happy and enthusiatic in participating the learning activity?
 What difficulties experienced when carrying out the learning activity?
 What steps need to be taken to improve the process?
 Which part do you think was the most difficult of this lesson?
 What will you do to improve your learning outcomes?
 If you were asked to give 1 - 5 stars, how many stars would it be you give
to the effort you do?


Behavior Religious, Cooperative, Critical Thinking (see appendix II)

Knowledge Students Worksheets (see appendix III)
Skill/Performance Assessment of Presentation and Performance (see appendix IV)


See next pages

Motivation (pictures of animals)
 Picture 1

 Picture 2
Assessment of Behavior Competence
No. Name Score Grade
Religious Cooperative Critical Thinking

 Religious
1. Students do not participate in praying before teaching and learning activities.
2. Students participate in praying before teaching and learning activities when asked to.
3. Students are praying before teaching and learning activities by themselves.
 Cooperative
1. Students poorly participate in group discussion.
2. Students fairly participate in group discussion.
3. Students actively participate in group discussion.
 Critical Thinking
1. Students are not able to give perspective in the assignment given to them.
2. Students are able to give perspective from common source.
3. Students are able to give new perspective from their own.

 Score:
Total score acquired divided by the number of indicators then got multiplied by 100.
For example, 8 : 9 = 0.88 x 100 = 88
 Grade:
o 75,01 – 100,00= Excellent (A)
o 50,01 – 75,00 = Good (B)
o 25,01 – 50,00 = Fair (C)
o 00,00 – 25,00 = Poor (D)
 The format above can be changed according to the aspect of behavior that you want to

Assessment of Knowledge Competence

Students Worksheets

 Look at the following picture given to you carefully.
 Discuss it with your group to find out the name of the animal and 5 clues of specific
information in regard with its characteristics.
 Record the result of your discussion in the following students’ worksheets.

Students Worksheets
Group :
Name :

 Name of Animal (Identification) :

 5 Clues of Animal (Description) :

Assessment of Skills Competence

Criteria Descriptions Score

 Easy to understand and has clear meaning. 3
Pronounciation  Can be understood with more effort of concentration. 2
 Hard to understand and often asked to repeat. 1
 Using appropriate vocabularies and expressions.
 Using few vocabularies and expressions that are not appropriate.
Vocabulary 2
 Using vocabularies and expressions that are difficult to be
 Clearly describe the animal. 3
Understanding  Limited understanding of the animal being described. 2
 The description of the animal cannot be understood. 1

 Score:
Total score acquired divided by the number of indicators then got multiplied by 100.
For example, 8 : 9 = 0.88 x 100 = 88
 Grade:
o 75,01 – 100,00= Excellent (A)
o 50,01 – 75,00 = Good (B)
o 25,01 – 50,00 = Fair (C)
o 00,00 – 25,00 = Poor (D)
 The format above can be changed according to the aspect of behavior that you want to
Pictures of Particular Animals of South Kalimantan for Guessing Game.
 Picture 1 – Proboscis Monkey (Bekantan)

 Picture 2 – Sun Bear (Beruang Madu)

 Picture 3 – Bornean Clouded Leopard (Macan Dahan Kalimantan)

 Picture 4 – False Gharial (Buaya Sepit/Senyulong)

 Picture 5 – Hornbill (Burung Rangkong/Enggang/Julang/Kangkareng)
Students Worksheet for Guessing Game (LKPD)
example of picture 1

 Look at the following picture given to you carefully.
 Discuss it with your group to find out the name of the animal and 5 clues of specific
information in regard with its characteristics.
 Record the result of your discussion in the following students’ worksheets.

Students Worksheets
Group :
Name :

 Name of Animal (Identification) :

 5 Clues of Animal (Description) :

Enrichment and Remedial

 Enrichment
Please describe one specific of particular animal in South Kalimantan.

Name :
Class :

 Remedial
Record your description of the animal that had been discussed with your group and send it to the
teacher through whatsapp (WA).

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