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Unit Page
Topics and Sub-topics
Number Number
Unit I 1.1 Introduction of AI 01
● Concept
● Scope of AI
● Components of AI
● Types of AI
● Application of AI
1.2 Data Visualization 11
● Data types in data visualization
● Scales map of data values in aesthetics
● Use of coordinate system in data visualization
● Use of colors to represent data values
● Representing - Amounts, Distribution, and Proportions
1.3 Data Storytelling 22
● Introduction
● Ineffectiveness of Graphical representation of data
● Explanatory Analysis
○ Who
○ What
○ How
1.4 Concept of machine learning and deep learning. 25
Unit II 2.1 Internet of Things (IoT ) 29
● Definition
● Characteristics of IoT
● Features and Applications of IoT
● Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT
2.1.2 Design of IoT 34
● Physical design of IoT
● Logical design of IoT
2.1.3 IoT Protocols
2.1.4 Sensors and actuators used in IoT 36
2.2 Introduction to 5G Network
 5-G characteristics and application areas.
 NGN architecture: Features, Functional block diagram,
Network components: Media Gateway, Media
Gateway Controller, and Application Server.
 NGN Wireless Technology: Telecom network
Spectrum: Types [licensed and unlicensed],
Mobile Network Evolution (2G to 5G), Comparative
 NGN Core: Features, Multi-Protocol Label Switching
(MPLS): Concepts, Features and Advantages.
Unit III 3.1 Introduction to Blockchain 67
● Backstory of Blockchain
● What is Blockchain?
3.2 Centralize versus Decentralized System 70
3.3 Layers of Blockchain 72
● Application Layer
● Execution Layer
● Semantic Layer
● Propagation Layer
● Consensus Layer
3.4 Importance of Blockchain 74
● Limitations of Centralized Systems
● Blockchain Adoption So Far
3.5 Blockchain Use and Use Cases 75
Unit IV 4.1 Digital forensics 78
● Introduction to digital forensic
● Digital forensics investigation process 80
● Models of Digital Forensic Investigation - 80
o Abstract Digital Forensics Model (ADFM)
o Integrated Digital Investigation Process (IDIP)
o An extended model for cybercrime investigation
4.2 Ethical issues in digital forensic 81
● General ethical norms for investigators
● Unethical norms for investigation
4.3 Digital Evidences 82
● Definition of Digital Evidence
● Best evidence rule
● Original Evidence
4.4 Characteristics of Digital Evidence 85
● Locard’s Exchange Principle
● Digital Stream of bits
4.5 Types of evidence 87
● Illustrative, Electronics, Documented, Explainable,
Substantial, Testimonial
4.6 Challenges in evidence handling 87
● Authentication of evidence
● Chain of custody
● Evidence validation
4.7 Volatile evidence 92
Unit V 5.1 Ethical Hacking 102
● How Hackers Beget Ethical Hackers
● Defining hacker, Malicious users
● Data Privacy and General Data Protection and
5.2 Understanding the need to hack your own systems 112
5.3 Understanding the dangers your systems face 114
● Non Technical attacks
● Network-infrastructure attacks
● Operating-system attacks
● Application and other specialized attacks
5.4 Obeying the Ethical hacking Principles 115
● Working ethically
● Respecting privacy
● Not crashing your systems
5.5 The Ethical Hacking Process 116
● Formulating your plan
● Selecting tools
● Executing the plan
● Evaluating results
● Moving on
5.6 Cyber Security act 120
Unit VI 6.1 Network Hacking 124
Network Infrastructure: 125
● Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
● Scanning-Ports
● Ping sweep
● Scanning SNMP
● Grabbing Banners
● MAC-daddy attack
Wireless LANs: 133
● Wireless Network Attacks
6.2 Operating System Hacking 135
● Introduction of Windows and Linux Vulnerabilities
● Buffer Overflow Attack
● 6.3 Applications Hacking 139
Messaging Systems:
● Vulnerabilities
● E-Mail Attacks- E-Mail Bombs
● Banners
● Best practices for minimizing e-mail security risks
Web Applications:
● Web Vulnerabilities
● Directories Traversal and Countermeasures
● Google Dorking
Database system
● Database Vulnerabilities
● Best practices for minimizing database security risks
Emerging Trends in CO and IT (22618)

Unit-1 Artificial Intelligence

1.1 Introduction of AI
● Concept
● Scope of AI
● Components of AI
● Types of AI
● Application of AI
1.2 Data Visualization
● Data types in data visualization
● Scales map of data values in aesthetics
● Use of coordinate system in data visualization
● Use of colors to represent data values
● Representing - Amounts, Distribution, and Proportions
1.3 Data Storytelling
● Introduction
● Ineffectiveness of Graphical representation of data
● Explanatory Analysis
○ Who
○ What
○ How
1.4 Concept of machine learning and deep learning.

1.1 Introduction of AI
A branch of Computer Science named Artificial Intelligence (AI)pursues creating the
computers / machines as intelligent as human beings. John McCarthy the father of Artificial
Intelligence described AI as, “The science and engineering of making intelligent
machines, especially intelligent computer programs”. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a
branch of science which deals with helping machines find solutions to complex problems
in a more human-like fashion.
Artificial is defined in different approaches by various researchers during its evolution,
such as “Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to make computers do things which at
the moment, people do better.”
There are other possible definitions “like AI is a collection of hard problems which can be
solved by humans and other living things, but for which we don’t have good algorithms for
solving.” e. g., understanding spoken natural language, medical diagnosis, circuit design,
learning, self-adaptation, reasoning, chess playing, proving math theories, etc.

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● Data: Data is defined as symbols that represent properties of objects events and their
● Information: Information is a message that contains relevant meaning, implication, or
input for decision and/or action.
● Knowledge: It is the (1) cognition or recognition (know-what), (2) capacity to
act(know-how), and (3) understanding (know-why) that resides or is contained within
the mind or in the brain.
● Intelligence: It requires ability to sense the environment, to make decisions, and to
control action.

1.1.1 Concept:
Artificial Intelligence is one of the emerging technologies that try to simulate human
reasoning in AI systems The art and science of bringing learning, adaptation and self-
organization to the machine is the art of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is the
ability of a computer program to learn and think. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of
computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and reacts
like humans. AI is built on these three important concepts
Machine learning: When you command your smartphone to call someone, or when you chat
with a customer service chatbot, you are interacting with software that runs on AI. But this
type of software actually is limited to what it has been programmed to do. However, we expect
to soon have systems that can learn new tasks without humans having to guide them. The idea
is to give them a large number of examples for any given chore, and they should be able to
process each one and learn how to do it by the end of the activity.
Deep learning: The machine learning example I provided above is limited by the fact that
humans still need to direct the AI’s development. In deep learning, the goal is for the software
to use what it has learned in one area to solve problems in other areas. For example, a program
that has learned how to distinguish images in a photograph might be able to use this learning
to seek out patterns in complex graphs.
Neural networks: These consist of computer programs that mimic the way the human brain
processes information. They specialize in clustering information and recognizing complex
patterns, giving computers the ability to use more sophisticated processes to analyze data.

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1.1.2 Scope of AI:

The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is to create computer programs that can solve
problems and achieve goals like humans would. There is scope in developing machines in
robotics, computer vision, language detection machine, game playing, expert systems, speech
recognition machine and much more.
The following factors characterize a career in artificial intelligence:
● Automation
● Robotics
● The use of sophisticated computer software
Individuals considering pursuing a career in this field require specific education based on the
foundations of math, technology, logic and engineering perspectives. Apart from these, good
communication skills (written and verbal) are imperative to convey how AI services and tools
will help when employed within industry settings.

AI Approach:
The difference between machine and human intelligence is that the human think / act
rationally compares to machine. Historically, all four approaches to AI have been followed,
each by different people with different methods.

Figure 1.1 AI Approaches

Think Well:
Develop formal models of knowledge representation, reasoning, learning, memory, problem
solving that can be rendered in algorithms. There is often an emphasis on a system that are
provably correct, and guarantee finding an optimal solution.
Act Well:
For a given set of inputs, generate an appropriate output that is not necessarily correct but gets
the job done.
● A heuristic (heuristic rule, heuristic method) is a rule of thumb, strategy, trick,
simplification, or any other kind of device which drastically limits search for solutions
in large problem spaces.
● Heuristics do not guarantee optimal solutions; in fact, they do not guarantee any
solution at all:
● all that can be said for a useful heuristic is that it offers solutions which are good

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enough most of the time

Think like humans:

Cognitive science approach. Focus not just on behavior and I/O but also look at reasoning
process. The Computational model should reflect “how” results were obtained. Provide a new
language for expressing cognitive theories and new mechanisms for evaluating them. GPS
(General Problem Solver): Goal not just to produce humanlike behavior (like ELIZA), but to
produce a sequence of steps of the reasoning process that was similar to the steps followed by
a person in solving the same task.
Act like humans:
Behaviorist approach-Not interested in how you get results, just the similarity to what human
results is.
ELIZA: A program that simulated a psychotherapist interacting with a patient and
successfully passed the Turing Test. It was coded at MIT during 1964-1966 by Joel
Weizenbaum. First script was DOCTOR. The script was a simple collection of syntactic
patterns not unlike regular expressions. Each pattern had an associated reply which might
include bits of the input (after simple transformations (my →your) Weizenbaum was shocked
at reactions: Psychiatrists thought it had potential. People unequivocally anthropomorphized.

1.1.3 Components of AI
The core components and constituents of AI are derived from the concept of logic, cognition
and computation; and the compound components, built-up through core components are
knowledge, reasoning, search, natural language processing, vision etc.
Level Core Compound Coarse components

Induction Proposition
Knowledge Reasoning Knowledge based systems, Heuristic
Logic Tautology Model
Control Search Search Theorem Proving

Temporal Learning
Multi Agent system Co-operation,
Cognition Adaptation Belief Desire Intention
Co-ordination AI Programming
Functional Memory Perception Utterance Natural Language Speech
The core entities are inseparable constituents of AI in that these concepts are fused at atomic
level. The concepts derived from logic are propositional logic, tautology, predicate calculus,
model and temporal logic. The concepts of cognitive science are of two types: one is
functional which includes learning, adaptation and self-organization, and the other is memory
and perception which are physical entities. The physical entities generate some functions to
make the compound components.

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The compound components are made of some combination of the logic and cognition stream.
These are knowledge, reasoning and control generated from constituents of logic such as
predicate calculus, induction and tautology and some from cognition (such as learning and
adaptation). Similarly, belief, desire and intention are models of mental states that are
predominantly based on cognitive components but less on logic. Vision, utterance (vocal) and
expression (written) are combined effect of memory and perceiving organs or body sensors
such as ear, eyes and vocal. The gross level contains the constituents at the third level which
are knowledge-based systems (KBS), heuristic search, automatic theorem proving, multi-
agent systems, Al languages such as PROLOG and LISP, Natural language processing (NLP).
Speech processing and vision are based mainly on the principle of pattern recognition.
AI Dimension: The philosophy of Al in three-dimensional representations consists in logic,
cognition and computation in the x-direction, knowledge, reasoning and interface in the y-
direction. The x-y plane is the foundation of AI. The z-direction consists of correlated systems
of physical origin such as language, vision and perception as shown in Figure.1.2

Figure 1.2 Three-dimensional model of AI

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The First Dimension (Core)

The theory of logic, cognition and computation constitutes the fusion factors for the
formation of one of the foundations on coordinate x-axis. Philosophy from its very
inception of origin covered all the facts, directions and dimensions of human thinking
output. Aristotle's theory of syllogism, Descartes and Kant's critic of pure reasoning and
contribution of many other philosophers made knowledge-based on logic. It was
Charles Babbage and Boole who demonstrated the power of computation logic.
Although the modern philosophers such as Bertrand Russell correlated logic with
mathematics but it was Turing who developed the theory of computation for
mechanization. In the 1960s, Marvin Minsky pushed the logical formalism to integrate
reasoning with knowledge.

Computers has become so popular in a short span of time due to the simple reason that
they adapted and projected the information processing paradigm (IPP) of human beings:
sensing organs as input, mechanical movement organs as output and the central nervous
system (CNS) in brain as control and computing devices, short-term and long-term
memory were not distinguished by computer scientists but, as a whole, it was in
conjunction, termed memory.
In further deepening level, the interaction of stimuli with the stored information to
produce new information requires the process of learning, adaptation and self-
organization. These functionalities in the information processing at a certain level of
abstraction of brain activities demonstrate a state of mind which exhibits certain specific
behavior to qualify as intelligence. Computational models were developed and
incorporated in machines which mimicked the functionalities of human origin. The
creation of such traits of human beings in the computing devices and processes
originated the concept of intelligence in machine as virtual mechanism. These virtual
machines were termed in due course of time artificial intelligent machines.

The theory of computation developed by Turing-finite state automation—was a turning
point in mathematical model to logical computational. Chomsky's linguistic
computational theory generated a model for syntactic analysis through a regular

The Second Dimension

The second dimension contains knowledge, reasoning and interface which are the
components of knowledge-based system (KBS). Knowledge can be logical; it may be
processed as information which is subject to further computation. This means that any
item on the y-axis is correlated with any item on the x-axis to make the foundation of
any item on the z-axis. Knowledge and reasoning are difficult to prioritize, which occurs
first: whether knowledge is formed first and then reasoning is performed or as reasoning
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is present, knowledge is formed. Interface is a means of communication between one

domain to another. Here, it connotes a different concept then the user's interface. The
formation of a permeable membrane or transparent solid structure between two domains
of different permittivity is termed interface. For example, in the industrial domain, the
robot is an interface. A robot exhibits all traits of human intelligence in its course of
action to perform mechanical work. In the KBS, the user's interface is an example of
the interface between computing machine and the user. Similarly, a program is an
interface between the machine and the user. The interface may be between human and
human, i.e. experts in one domain to experts in another domain. Human-to- machine is
program and machine-to-machine is hardware. These interfaces are in the context of
computation and AI methodology.

The Third Dimension

The third dimension leads to the orbital or peripheral entities, which are built on the
foundation of x-y plane and revolve around these for development. The entities include
an information system. NLP, for example, is formed on the basis of the linguistic
computation theory of Chomsky and concepts of interface and knowledge on y-
direction. Similarly, vision has its basis on some computational model such as
clustering, pattern recognition computing models and image processing algorithms on
the x-direction and knowledge of the domain on the y-direction.
The third dimension is basically the application domain. Here, if the entities are near
the origin, more and more concepts are required from the x-y plane. For example,
consider information and automation, these are far away from entities on z-direction,
but contain some of the concepts of cognition and computation model respectively on
x-direction and concepts of knowledge (data), reasoning and interface on the y-
In general, any quantity in any dimension is correlated with some entities on the other
dimension. The implementation of the logical formalism was accelerated by the rapid
growth in electronic technology, in general and multiprocessing parallelism in

1.1.4 Types of AI
Artificial Intelligence can be divided in various types, there are mainly two types of
main categorization which are based on capabilities and based on functionally of AI.
Following is flow diagram which explain the types of AI.

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Figure 1.3 Types of AI

Types of AI

AI type-1: Based on Capabilities

1. Weak AI or Narrow AI:
● Narrow AI is a type of AI which is able to perform a dedicated task with
intelligence. The most common and currently available AI is Narrow AI in the
world of Artificial Intelligence.
● Narrow AI cannot perform beyond its field or limitations, as it is only trained for
one specific task. Hence it is also termed as weak AI. Narrow AI can fail in
unpredictable ways if it goes beyond its limits.
● Apple Siri is a good example of Narrow AI, but it operates with a limited pre-
defined range of functions.
● IBM's Watson supercomputer also comes under Narrow AI, as it uses an Expert
system approach combined with Machine learning and natural language
● Some Examples of Narrow AI are playing chess, purchasing suggestions on e-
commerce site, self-driving cars, speech recognition, and image recognition.
2. General AI:
● General AI is a type of intelligence which could perform any intellectual task
with efficiency like a human.
● The idea behind the general AI to make such a system which could be smarter
and think like a human by its own.
● Currently, there is no such system exist which could come under general AI and
can perform any task as perfect as a human.
● The worldwide researchers are now focused on developing machines with
General AI.
● As systems with general AI are still under research, and it will take lots of efforts
and time to develop such systems.
3. Super AI:
● Super AI is a level of Intelligence of Systems at which machines could surpass
human intelligence, and can perform any task better than human with cognitive
properties. It is an outcome of general AI.
● Some key characteristics of strong AI include capability include the ability to
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think, to reason, solve the puzzle, make judgments, plan, learn, and communicate
by its own.
● Super AI is still a hypothetical concept of Artificial Intelligence. Development
of such systems in real is still world changing task.

Artificial Intelligence type-2: Based on functionality

1. Reactive Machines
● Purely reactive machines are the most basic types of Artificial Intelligence.
● Such AI systems do not store memories or past experiences for future actions.
● These machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per possible
best action.
● IBM's Deep Blue system is an example of reactive machines.
● Google's AlphaGo is also an example of reactive machines.
● Limited Memory
● Limited memory machines can store past experiences or some data for a short
period of time.
● These machines can use stored data for a limited time period only.
● Self-driving cars are one of the best examples of Limited Memory systems.
These cars can store recent speed of nearby cars, the distance of other cars, speed
limit, and other information to navigate the road.

2. Theory of Mind
● Theory of Mind AI should understand the human emotions, people, beliefs, and
be able to interact socially like humans.
● This type of AI machines are still not developed, but researchers are making
lots of efforts and improvement for developing such AI machines.

3. Self-Awareness
● Self-awareness AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence. These machines will
be super intelligent, and will have their own consciousness, sentiments, and self-
● These machines will be smarter than human mind.
● Self-Awareness AI does not exist in reality still and it is a hypothetical concept.

1.1.5 Application of AI
AI has been dominant in various fields such as −
● Gaming: AI plays crucial role in strategic games such as chess, poker, tic-tac-
toe, etc., where machine can think of large number of possible positions based on
heuristic knowledge.
● Natural Language Processing: It is possible to interact with the computer that
understands natural language spoken by humans.
● Expert Systems: There are some applications which integrate machine,

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software, and special information to impart reasoning and advising. They provide
explanation and advice to the users.
● Vision Systems: These systems understand, interpret, and comprehend visual
input on the computer. For example,
• A spying aeroplane takes photographs, which are used to figure out spatial
information or map of the areas.
• Doctors use clinical expert system to diagnose the patient.
• Police use computer software that can recognize the face of criminal with the
stored portrait made by forensic artist.
● Speech Recognition: Some intelligent systems are capable of hearing and
comprehending the language in terms of sentences and their meanings while a
human talks to it. It can handle different accents, slang words, noise in the
background, change in human’s noise due to cold, etc.
● Handwriting Recognition: The handwriting recognition software reads the text
written on paper by a pen or on screen by a stylus. It can recognize the shapes of
the letters and convert it into editable text.
● Intelligent Robots: Robots are able to perform the tasks given by a human.
They have sensors to detect physical data from the real world such as light, heat,
temperature, movement, sound, bump, and pressure. They have efficient
processors, multiple sensors and huge memory, to exhibit intelligence. In addition,
they are capable of learning from their mistakes and they can adapt to the new

1.2 Data Visualization

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1.2.1 Introduction –
Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. By
using visual elements like charts, graphs, and maps, data visualization tools
provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in
data. It also provides an excellent way to present data to non-technical audiences
without confusion. The first and foremost objective of data visualization is to
convey data correctly. Whenever we visualize data, we take data values and
convert them in a systematic and logical way into the visual elements that make
up the final graphic. Even though there are many different types of data
visualizations, and on first glance a scatterplot, a pie chart, and a heatmap don’t
seem to have much in common, all these visualizations can be described with a
common language that captures how data values are turned into blobs of ink on
paper or colored pixels on a screen. The key insight is the following: all data
visualizations map data values into quantifiable features of the resulting graphic.
We refer to these features as aesthetics.
1.2.2 Data types in data visualization –
When we consider types of data in data visualization, we consider various types
of data in use as well as aesthetics too. Aesthetics describe every aspect of a given
graphical element. For example, in Figure 1.4 -
A critical component of every graphical element is of course its position, which
describes where the element is located. In standard 2D graphics, we describe
positions by an x and y value, but other coordinate systems and one- or three-
dimensional visualizations are possible. Next, all graphical elements have a shape,
a size, and a color. Even if we are preparing a black-and-white drawing, graphical
elements need to have a color to be visible: for example, black if the background
is white or white if the background is black. Finally, to the extent we are using
lines to visualize data, these lines may have different widths or dash–dot patterns.
There are many other aesthetics may encountered in a data visualization. For
example, if we want to display text, we may have to specify font family, font face,
and font size, and if graphical objects overlap, we may have to specify whether
they are partially transparent.

Figure 1.4 Commonly used aesthetics in data visualization: position, shape, size,
color, line width, line type. Some of these aesthetics can represent both continuous
and discrete data (position, size, line width, color), while others can usually only

All aesthetics are categorized into two groups:

(1) Those that can represent continuous data and
(2) those that cannot represent continuous data.
Continuous data values are values for which arbitrarily fine intermediates exist.
For example, time duration is a continuous value. Between any two durations, say
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50 seconds and 51 seconds, there are arbitrarily many intermediates, such as 50.5
seconds, 50.51 seconds, 50.50001 seconds, and so on. By contrast, number of
persons in a room is a discrete value. A room can hold 5 persons or 6, but not 5.5.
For the examples in Figure 1.4, position, size, color, and line width can represent
continuous data, but shape and line type can usually only represent discrete data.
Next, we’ll consider the types of data we may want to represent in our
visualization. You may think of data as numbers, but numerical values are only
two out of several types of data we may encounter. In addition to continuous and
discrete numerical values, data can come in the form of discrete categories, in the
form of dates or times, and as text (Table 1.1). When data is numerical, we also
call it quantitative and when it is categorical, we call it qualitative. Variables
holding qualitative data are factors, and the different categories are called levels.
The levels of a factor are most commonly without order (as in the example of dog,
cat, fish in Table 1.1 given below, but factors can also be ordered, when there is
an intrinsic order among the levels of the factor (as in the example of good, fair,
poor in Table 1.1).
Table 1.1 Types of variables encountered in Data Visualization Scenario

Types of Appropriate
Example Description
Variables Scale
Quantitative/ 1.3, 5.7, 83, Arbitrary numerical values. These
numerical 1.5 × Continuous can be integers, rational numbers, or
continuous 10–2 real numbers.
Numbers in discrete units. These are
Quantitative/ most commonly but not necessarily
numerical integers. For example, the numbers
discrete 1, 2, 3, 4 Discrete 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 could also be treated as
discrete if intermediate values cannot
exist in the given dataset.
Categories without order. These are
discrete and unique
dog, cat, fish Discrete categories that have no inherent
order. These variables are also called
Categories with order. These are
Qualitative/ discrete and unique
categorical good, fair, categories with an order. For
ordered Discrete example, “fair” always lies between
“good” and “poor.” These variables
are also called ordered factors.
Continuous Specific days and/or times. Also,
Jan. 5 2018, or
Date or time generic dates, such as July 4 or Dec.
Discrete 25 (without year).

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The quick
brown fox None, or Free-form text. Can be treated as
jumps over discrete categorical if needed.
the lazy dog.

Let’s consider an example, the below Table 1.2 shows the first few rows of a dataset
providing the daily temperature normal (aver‐ age daily temperatures over a 30-year
window) for four US locations. This table contains five variables: month, day,
location, station ID, and temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit). Month is an ordered
factor, day is a discrete numerical value, location is an unordered factor, station ID
is similarly an unordered factor, and temperature is a continuous numerical value.

Table 1.2 First 8 rows of a dataset listing daily temperature normal for four weather stations

Month Day Location Section ID
Jan 1 Chicago 25.6
Jan 1 San Diego 55.2
Jan 1 Houston 53.9
Death USC0004231
Jan 1 51.0
Valley 9
Jan 2 Chicago 25.5
Jan 2 San Diego 55.3
Jan 2 Houston 53.8
Death USC0004231
Jan 2 51.2
Valley 9
Data source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

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Figure 1.5 The data representation of the above-mentioned example

Figure 1.6 Monthly normal mean temperatures for the same example
1.2.3 Use of coordinate system in Data Visualization
To make any sort of data visualization, we need to define position scales, which
deter‐ mine where in graphic different data values are located. We cannot visualize
data without placing different data points at different locations, even if we just arrange
them next to each other along a line. For regular 2D visualizations, two numbers are
required to uniquely specify a point, and therefore we need two position scales. These
two scales are usually but not necessarily the x and y axes of the plot. We also have to
specify the relative geometric arrangement of these scales. Conventionally, the x axis
runs horizontally and the y axis vertically, but we could choose other arrangements.
For example, we could have the y axis run at an acute angle relative to the x axis, or
we could have one axis run in a circle and the other run radially. The combination of
a set of position scales and their relative geometric arrangement is called a coordinate
● Cartesian coordinates –
The most widely used coordinate system for data visualization is the 2D Cartesian
coordinate system, where each location is uniquely specified by an x and a y value.
The x and y axes run orthogonally to each other, and data values are placed in an even
spacing along both axes. The two axes are continuous position scales, and they can
represent both positive and negative real numbers. To fully specify the coordinate
system, we need to specify the range of numbers each axis covers. Any data values
between these axis limits are placed at the appropriate respective location in the plot.
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Any data values outside the axis limits are discarded.

Figure 1.7 Cartesian coordinate system's sample example

Figure 1.8 Daily temperature normals for Huston using different aspect ratio

A Cartesian coordinate system can have two axes representing two different units. This
situation arises quite commonly whenever we’re mapping two different types of
variables to x and y. For example, consider below image, if we plot temperature versus
days of the year. The y axis of is measured in degrees Fahrenheit, with a grid line every
at 20 degrees, and the x axis is measured in months, with a grid line at the first of every
third month. Whenever the two axes are measured in different units, we can stretch or
compress one relative to the other and maintain a valid visualization of the data. Which
version is preferable may depend on the story we want to convey. A tall and narrow
figure emphasizes change along the y axis and a short and wide figure does the opposite.
Ideally, we want to choose an aspect ratio that ensures that any important differences in
position are noticeable.
● Nonlinear Axes –
In a Cartesian coordinate system, the grid lines along an axis are spaced evenly both in
data units and in the resulting visualization. We refer to the position scales in these
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coordinate systems as linear. While linear scales generally provide an accurate

representation of the data, there are scenarios where nonlinear scales are preferred. In a
nonlinear scale, even spacing in data units corresponds to uneven spacing in the
visualization, or conversely even spacing in the visualization corresponds to uneven
spacing in data units. The most commonly used nonlinear scale is the logarithmic scale,
or log scale for short. Log scales are linear in multiplication, such that a unit step on the
scale corresponds to multiplication with a fixed value. To create a log scale, we need to
log- transform the data values while exponentiating the numbers that are shown along
the axis grid lines. This process is demonstrated in Figure 3-4, which shows the numbers
1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, and 100 placed on linear and log scales. The numbers 3.16 and 31.6
may seem like strange choices, but they were selected because they are exactly half‐
way between 1 and 10 and between 10 and 100 on a log scale.

Figure 1.9 Representation of Linear and logarithmic scales

● Coordinate systems with curved axes –
All the coordinate systems we have encountered so far have used two straight axes
positioned at a right angle to each other, even if the axes themselves established a
nonlinear mapping from data values to positions. There are other coordinate systems,
however, where the axes themselves are curved. In particular, in the polar coordinate
system, we specify positions via an angle and a radial distance from the origin, and
therefore the angle axis is circular. Polar coordinates can be useful for data of a periodic
nature, such that data values at one end of the scale can be logically joined to data values
at the other end. For example, consider the days in a year. December 31st is the last day
of the year, but it is also one day before the first day of the year. If we want to show
how some quantity varies over the year, it can be appropriate to use polar coordinates
with the angle coordinate specifying each day. Let’s apply this concept to the
temperature normals. Because temperature normals are average temperatures that are
not tied to any specific year, Dec. 31st can be thought of as 366 days later than Jan. 1st
(temperature normals include Feb. 29th) and also 1 day earlier.

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By plotting the temperature normals in a polar coordinate system, we emphasize this

cyclical property they have. The polar version highlights how similar the temperatures

are in Death Valley, Houston, and San Diego from late fall to early spring. In the
Cartesian coordinate system, this fact is obscured because the temperature values in late
December and in early January are shown in opposite parts of the figure and therefore
don’t form a single visual unit.

Figure 1. 10 Representation of data on curved axes

1.2.4 Use of colors to represent data values
There are three fundamental use cases for color in data visualizations:
i. to distinguish groups of data from each other,
ii. to represent data values, and
iii. to highlight.
The types of colors we use and the way in which we use them are quite different for
these three cases.
i. Color as a tool to distinguish –
We frequently use color as a means to distinguish discrete items or groups that do
not have an intrinsic order, such as different countries on a map or different
manufactures of a certain product. In this case, we use a qualitative color scale.

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Such a scale contains a finite set of specific colors that are chosen to look clearly
distinct from each other while also being equivalent to each other. The second
condition requires that no one color should stand out relative to the others. Also,
the colors should not create the impression of an order, as would be the case with
a sequence of colors that get successively lighter. Such colors would create an
apparent order among the items being colored, which by definition have no order.
Many appropriate qualitative color scales are readily available. Figure 4-1 shows
three representative examples. In particular, the ColorBrewer project provides a
nice selection of qualitative color scales, including both fairly light and fairly dark
colors [Brewer 2017].

Figure 1.11. Example qualitative color scales. The Okabe Ito scale is the default scale
used throughout this book [Okabe and Ito 2008]. The ColorBrewer Dark2 scale is
provided by the ColorBrewer project [Brewer 2017]. The ggplot2 hue scale is the
default qualitative scale in the widely used plotting software ggplot2.

Figure 1.12 Representing data using various colors to distinguish regions

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ii. Color as a tool to represent data values –

Color can also be used to represent quantitative data values, such as income,
temperature, or speed. In this case, we use a sequential color scale. Such a scale contains
a sequence of colors that clearly indicate which values are larger or smaller than which
other ones, and how distant two specific values are from each other. The second point
implies that the color scale needs to be perceived to vary uniformly across its entire
range. Sequential scales can be based on a single hue (e.g., from dark blue to light blue)
or on multiple hues (e.g., from dark red to light yellow). Multihued scales tend to follow
color gradients that can be seen in the natural world, such as dark red, green, or blue to
light yellow, or dark purple to light green. The reverse (e.g., dark yellow to light blue)
looks unnatural and doesn’t make a useful sequential scale.

Figure 1.13. Example sequential color scales. The ColorBrewer Blues scale is a monochro‐
matic scale that varies from dark to light blue. The Heat and Viridis scales are multihue
scales that vary from dark red to light yellow and from dark blue via green to light yel‐
low, respectively.
iii. Color as a tool to highlight –
Color can also be an effective tool to highlight specific elements in the data. There may
be specific categories or values in the dataset that carry key information about the story
we want to tell, and we can strengthen the story by emphasizing the relevant figure
elements to the reader. An easy way to achieve this emphasis is to color these figure
elements in a color or set of colors that vividly stand out against the rest of the figure.
This effect can be achieved with accent color scales, which are color scales that contain
both a set of subdued colors and a matching set of stronger, darker, and/or more
saturated colors.

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Figure 4-7. Example accent color scales, each with four base colors and three accent col‐ ors.
Accent color scales can be derived in several different ways: (top) we can take an existing color
scale (e.g., the Okabe Ito scale) and lighten and/or partially desaturate some colors while
darkening others; (middle) we can take gray values and pair them with colors; (bottom) we can
use an existing accent color scale (e.g., the one from the ColorBrewer project).

1.2.5 Representing - Amounts, Distribution, and Proportions

Commonly used plots and charts to visualize different types of data -
i. Amounts

The most common approach to visualizing amounts (i.e., numerical values shown for
some set of categories) is using bars, either vertically or horizontally. However, instead
of using bars, we can also place dots at the location where the corresponding bar would

If there are two or more sets of categories for which we want to show amounts, we can
group or stack the bars. We can also map the categories onto the x and y axes and
show amounts by color, via a heatmap.

ii. Distributions

Histograms and density plots provide the most intuitive visualizations of a distribution,
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but both require arbitrary parameter choices and can be misleading. Cumulative
densities and quantile-quantile (q-q) plots always represent the data faithfully but can
be more difficult to interpret.

Boxplots, violin plots, strip charts, and since plots are useful when we want to visualize
many distributions at once and/or if we are primarily interested in overall shifts among
the distributions. Stacked histograms and overlapping densities allow a more in-depth
com‐ parison of a smaller number of distributions, though stacked histograms can be
difficult to interpret and are best avoided. Ridgeline plots can be a useful alternative to
violin plots and are often useful when visualizing very large numbers of distributions
or changes in distributions over.

iii. Proportions

Proportions can be visualized as pie charts, side-by-side bars, or stacked bars. As for
amounts, when we visualize proportions with bars, the bars can be arranged either
vertically or horizontally. Pie charts emphasize that the individual parts add up to a
whole and highlight simple fractions. However, the individual pieces are more easily
compared in side-by-side bars. Stacked bars look awkward for a single set of
proportions, but can be useful when comparing multiple sets of proportions.
When visualizing multiple sets of proportions or changes in proportions across
conditions, pie charts tend to be space-inefficient and often obscure relationships.
Grouped bars work well as long as the number of conditions compared is moderate, and
stacked bars can work for large numbers of conditions. Stacked densities are appropriate
when the proportions change along a continuous variable.

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When proportions are specified according to multiple grouping variables, mosaic plots,
tree maps, or parallel sets are useful visualization approaches. Mosaic plots assume that
every level of one grouping variable can be combined with every level of another
grouping variable, whereas tree maps do not make such an assumption. Tree maps work
well even if the subdivisions of one group are entirely distinct from the subdivisions of
another. Parallel sets work better than either mosaic plots or tree maps when there are
more than two grouping variables.
1.3 Data Storytelling
1.3.1 Introduction
Data storytelling is a methodology for communicating information, tailored to a specific
audience, with a compelling narrative. It is the last ten feet of your data analysis and
arguably the most important aspect. Data storytelling is the concept of building a
compelling narrative based on complex data and analytics that help tell your story and
influence and inform a particular audience.
● The benefits of data storytelling
✔ Adding value to your data and insights.
✔ Interpreting complex information and highlighting essential key points for the
✔ Providing a human touch to your data.
✔ Offering value to your audience and industry.
✔ Building credibility as an industry and topic thought leader.
1.3.2. Ineffectiveness of Graphical representation of data
Data visualization plays a significant role in determining how receptive your audience
is to receiving complex information. Data visualization helps transform boundless
amounts of data into something simpler and digestible. Here, you can supply the visuals
needed to support your story. Effective data visualizations can help:
● Reveal patterns, trends, and findings from an unbiased viewpoint.
● Provide context, interpret results, and articulate insights.
● Streamline data so your audience can process information.
● Improve audience engagement.

1.3.3. The three key elements of data storytelling

Through a structured approach, data storytelling and data visualization work together
to communicate your insights through three essential elements: narrative, visuals, and
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data. As you create your data story, it is important to combine the following three
elements to write a well-rounded anecdote of your theory and the resulting actions you’d
like to see from users.
1. Build your narrative
As you tell your story, you need to use your data as supporting pillars to your insights.
Help your audience understand your point of view by distilling complex information
into informative insights. Your narrative and context are what will drive the linear
nature of your data storytelling.
2. Use visuals to enlighten
Visuals can help educate the audience on your theory. When you connect the visual
assets (charts, graphs, etc.) to your narrative, you engage the audience with otherwise
hidden insights that provide the fundamental data to support your theory. Instead of
presenting a single data insight to support your theory, it helps to show multiple pieces
of data, both granular and high level, so that the audience can truly appreciate your
3. Show data to support
Humans are not naturally attracted to analytics, especially analytics that lack
contextualization using augmented analytics. Your narrative offers enlightenment,
supported by tangible data. Context and critique are integral to the full interpretation of
your narrative. Using business analytic tools to provide key insights and understanding
to your narrative can help provide the much-needed context throughout your data story.

By combining the three elements above, your data story is sure to create an emotional
response in your audience. Emotion plays a significant role in decision-making. And by
linking the emotional context and hard data in your data storytelling, you’re able to
influence others. When these three key elements are successfully integrated, you have
created a data story that can influence people and drive change.

1.3.4. Explanatory Analysis

Exploratory analysis is what you do to understand the data and figure out what might
be noteworthy or interesting to highlight to others. When it comes to explanatory
analysis, there are a few things to think about and be extremely clear on before
visualizing any data or creating content. First, to whom are you communicating? It is
important to have a good understanding of who your audience is and how they perceive
you. This can help you to identify common ground that will help you ensure they hear
your message. Second, what do you want your audience to know or do? You should be
clear how you want your audience to act and take into account how you will
communicate to them and the overall tone that you want to set for your communication.
It’s only after you can concisely answer these first two questions that you’re ready to
move forward with the third: How can you use data to help make your point? Who -

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o Your audience - The more specific you can be about who your audience is, the
better position you will be in for successful communication. Avoid general
audiences, such as “internal and external stakeholders” or “anyone who might be
interested”—by trying to communicate to too many different people with disparate
needs at once, you put yourself in a position where you can’t communicate to any
one of them as effectively as you could if you narrowed your target audience.
Sometimes this means creating different communications for different audiences.
Identifying the decision maker is one way of narrowing your audience. The more
you know about your audience, the better positioned you’ll be to understand how
to resonate with them and form a communication that will meet their needs and
o You - It’s also helpful to think about the relationship that you have with your
audience and how you expect that they will perceive you. Will you be encountering
each other for the first time through this communication, or do you have an
established relationship? Do they already trust you as an expert, or do you need to
work to establish credibility? These are important considerations when it comes to
determining how to structure your communication and whether and when to use
data, and may impact the order and flow of the overall story you aim to tell. What -
o Action - What do you need your audience to know or do? This is the point where
you think through how to make what you communicate relevant for your audience
and form a clear understanding of why they should care about what you say. You
should always want your audience to know or do something. If you can’t concisely
articulate that, you should revisit whether you need to communicate in the first place.
o Mechanism - How will you communicate to your audience? The method you will
use to communicate to your audience has implications on a number of factors,
including the amount of control you will have over how the audience takes in the
information and the level of detail that needs to be explicit. We can think of the
communication mechanism along a continuum, with live presentation at the left and
a written document or email at the right, as shown in Figure 1.1. Consider the level
of control you have over how the information is consumed as well as the amount of
detail needed at either end of the spectrum. How -
Finally—and only after we can clearly articulate who our audience is and what we
need them to know or do—we can turn to the data and ask the question: What data is
available that will help make my point? Data becomes supporting evidence of the
story you will build and tell.
1.4 Concept of machine learning and deep learning
1.4.1 Machine Learning:
● Machine learning is a branch of science that deals with programming the systems
in such a way that they automatically learn and improve with experience. Here, learning
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means recognizing and understanding the input data and making wise decisions based
on the supplied data.
● It is very difficult to cater to all the decisions based on all possible inputs. To
tackle this problem, algorithms are developed. These algorithms build knowledge from
specific data and past experience with the principles of statistics, probability theory,
logic, combinatorial optimization, search, reinforcement learning, and control theory.
The developed algorithms form the basis of various applications such as:
● Vision processing
● Language processing
● Forecasting (e.g., stock market trends)
● Pattern recognition
● Games
● Data mining
● Expert systems
● Robotics
Machine learning is a vast area and it is quite beyond the scope of this tutorial to cover
all its features. There are several ways to implement machine learning techniques,
however the most commonly used ones are supervised and unsupervised learning.
1.4.2. Supervised Learning: Supervised learning deals with learning a function from
available training data. A supervised learning algorithm analyzes the training data and
produces an inferred function, which can be used for mapping new examples. Common
examples of supervised learning include:
● classifying e-mails as spam,
● labeling webpages based on their content, and
● voice recognition.
There are many supervised learning algorithms such as neural networks, Support Vector
Machines (SVMs), and Naive Bayes classifiers. Mahout implements Naive Bayes
1.4.3. Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised learning makes sense of unlabeled data
without having any predefined dataset for its training. Unsupervised learning is an
extremely powerful tool for analyzing available data and look for patterns and trends.
It is most commonly used for clustering similar input into logical groups. Common
approaches to unsupervised learning include:
● k-means
● self-organizing maps, and
● hierarchical clustering

1.4.4. Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning where concerned algorithms are
inspired by the structure and function of the brain called artificial neural networks.
All the value today of deep learning is through supervised learning or learning from
labelled data and algorithms.
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Each algorithm in deep learning goes through the same process. It includes a hierarchy
of nonlinear transformation of input that can be used to generate a statistical model as
output. Consider the following steps that define the Machine Learning process
● Identifies relevant data sets and prepares them for analysis.
● Chooses the type of algorithm to use
● Builds an analytical model based on the algorithm used.
● Trains the model on test data sets, revising it as needed.
● Runs the model to generate test scores.
Deep learning has evolved hand-in-hand with the digital era, which has brought about
an explosion of data in all forms and from every region of the world. This data, known
simply as big data, is drawn from sources like social media, internet search engines, e-
commerce platforms, and online cinemas, among others. This enormous amount of data
is readily accessible and can be shared through fintech applications like cloud
However, the data, which normally is unstructured, is so vast that it could take decades
for humans to comprehend it and extract relevant information. Companies realize the
incredible potential that can result from unraveling this wealth of information and are
increasingly adapting to AI systems for automated support.

1.4.5. Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning

● Computer vision which is used for facial recognition and attendance mark
through fingerprints or vehicle identification through number plate.
● Information Retrieval from search engines like text search for image search.
● Automated email marketing with specified target identification.
● Medical diagnosis of cancer tumors or anomaly identification of any chronic
● Natural language processing for applications like photo tagging. The best
example to explain this scenario is used in Facebook.
● Online Advertising.

● https://www.tutorialspoint.com/artificial_intelligence/artificial_intelligence
_overview. htm
● https://www.javatpoint.com/introduction-to-artificial-intelligence
● https://www.tutorialspoint.com/tensorflow/tensorflow_machine_learning_d
eep_learni ng.htm
● Story telling with data by Cole Nissbuamer Knafilc – Wiley Publication -
ISBN 9781119002253
● Fundamentals of Data Visualization, A primer on making informative and
compelling figures by Claus O Wilke - O’Reilly Publication – March 2019

Sample Multiple Choice Questions

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1. is a branch of Science which deals with

helping machines find solutions to complex problems in a
more human-like fashion
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Internet of Things
c. Embedded System
d. Cyber Security
2. In the goal is for the software to use what it
has learned in one area to solve problems in other areas.
a. Machine learning
b. Deep learning
c. Neural networks
d. None of these
3. Computer programs that mimic the way the human brain
processes information is called as
a. Machine learning
b. Deep learning
c. Neural networks
d. None of these
4. The core components and constituents of AI are derived from
a. concept of logic
b. cognition
c. computation
d. All of above

5. ______ is the graphical representation of information and data.

a. Data visualization
b. Data Analytics
c. Data mapping
d. Data storytelling
6. ____ type of variables is used to represent whole integers
a. Numerical continuous
b. Numerical discrete
c. Categorical ordered
d. Numerical integers
7. Sequential color scale is used when ______.
a. colors are used to distinguish discrete items.
b. colors are used to represent data values.
c. colors are used to highlight.
d. colors are used to represent descriptive data
8. In data storytelling, internal and external stakeholders are ____ .
a. Targeted audience
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b. General audience
c. Specific audience
d. Data specific audience

9. ____________ is a methodology for communicating information, tailored to

a specific audience, with a compelling narrative.
a. Data visualization
b. Data storytelling
c. Data mining
d. Data Analysis
10. Chomsky's linguistic computational theory generated a
model for syntactic analysis through
a. regular grammar
b. regular expression
c. regular word
d. none of these`
11. These machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per
possible best action
a. Reactive Machines
b. Limited Memory
c. Theory of Mind
d. Self-Awareness

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Unit-2 Internet of Things

2.1 Internet of Things (IoT )
● Definition
● Characteristics of IoT
● Features of IoT
● Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT
2.1.2 Design of IoT
● Physical design of IoT
● Logical design of IoT
2.1.3 IoT Protocols
2.1.4 Sensors and actuators used in IoT
2.2 Introduction to 5G Network
● 5-G characteristics and application areas.
● NGN architecture: Features, Functional block diagram, Network components:
Media Gateway, Media Gateway Controller, and Application Server.
● NGN Wireless Technology: Telecom network Spectrum: Types [licensed
and unlicensed], Mobile Network Evolution (2G to 5G), Comparative features,
● NGN Core: Features, Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS): Concepts,
Features and Advantages.

2.1 Internet of Things (IoT )

IoT Definition:
● The internet of things (IoT) is a computing concept that describes the idea of
everyday physical objects being connected to the internet and being able to
identify themselves to other devices.
● Internet of Things (IoT) refers to physical and virtual objects that have unique
identities and are connected to the internet to facilitate intelligent applications
that make energy, logistics, industrial control, retail, agriculture and many other
domains "smarter".
● Internet of things (IoT) is a new revolution in which endpoints connected to the
internet and driven by the advancements in sensor networks, mobile devices,
wireless communications, networking and cloud technologies.
Characteristics of IoT:
● Dynamic & Self-Adapting:IoT devices and systems may have the capability to
dynamically adapt with the changing contexts and take actions based on their
operating conditions, user's context, or sensed environment. For example, the
surveillance cameras can adapt their modes (to normal or infra-red night modes)
based on whether it is day or night.
● Self-Configuring:IoT devices may have self-configuring capability, allowing a
large number of devices to work together to provide certain functionality (such
as weather monitoring).

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● Interoperable Communication Protocols:IoT devices may support a number

of interoperable communication protocols and can communicate with other
devices and also with the infrastructure.
● Unique Identity: Each IoT device has a unique identity and a unique identifier
(such as an IP address or a URI). IoT device interfaces allow users to query the
devices, monitor their status, and control them remotely, in association with the
control, configuration and managementinfrastructure.
● Integrated into Information Network: IoT devices are usually integrated into
the information network that allows them to communicate and exchange data
with other devices and systems.
● Enormous scale: The number of devices that need to be managed and that
communicate with each other will be at least an order of magnitude larger than
the devices connected to the current Internet.
Features of IoT:
● Connectivity: Connectivity refers to establish a proper connection between all
the things of IoT to IoT platform it may be server or cloud.
● Analyzing: After connecting all the relevant things, it comes to real-time
analyzing the data collected and use them to build effective business intelligence.
● Integrating: IoT integrating the various models to improve the user experience
as well.
● Artificial Intelligence: IoT makes things smart and enhances life through the
use of data.
● Sensing: The sensor devices used in IoT technologies detect and measure any
change in the environment and report on their status.
● Active Engagement: IoT makes the connected technology, product, or services
to active engagement between each other.
● Endpoint Management: It is important to be the endpoint management of all
the IoT system otherwise; it makes the complete failure of the system.
Applications of IoTs
a. Home Automation:
● Smart Lighting: helps in saving energy by adapting the lighting to the ambient
conditions and switching on/off or diming the light when needed.
● Smart Appliances: make the management easier and also provide status
information to the users remotely.
● Intrusion Detection: use security cameras and sensors (PIR sensors and door
sensors) to detect intrusion and raise alerts. Alerts can be in the form of SMS or
email sent to the user.
● Smoke/Gas Detectors: Smoke detectors are installed in homes and buildings to
detect smoke that is typically an early sign of fire. Alerts raised by smoke
detectors can be in the form of signals to a fire alarm system. Gas detectors can
detect the presence of harmful gases such as CO, LPG etc.,
b. Cities:
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● Smart Parking: make the search for parking space easier and convenient for
drivers. Smart parking are powered by IoT systems that detect the no. of empty
parking slots and send information over internet to smart application back ends.
● Smart Lighting: for roads, parks and buildings can help in saving energy.
● Smart Roads: Equipped with sensors can provide information on driving
condition, travel time estimating and alert in case of poor driving conditions,
traffic condition and accidents.
● Structural Health Monitoring: uses a network of sensors to monitor the
vibration levels in the structures such as bridges and buildings.
● Surveillance: The video feeds from surveillance cameras can be aggregated in
cloud based scalable storage solution.
● Emergency Response:IoT systems for fire detection, gas and water leakage
detection can help in generating alerts and minimizing their effects on the critical
c. Environment:
● Weather Monitoring: Systems collect data from a no. of sensors attached and
send the data to cloud based applications and storage back ends. The data
collected in cloud can then be analyzed and visualized by cloud based
● Air Pollution Monitoring: System can monitor emission of harmful gases
(CO2, CO, NO, NO2 etc.,) by factories and automobiles using gaseous and
meteorological sensors. The collected data can be analyzed to make informed
decisions on pollutions control approaches.
● Noise Pollution Monitoring: Due to growing urban development, noise levels
in cities have increased and even become alarmingly high in some cities. IoT
based noise pollution monitoring systems use a no. of noise monitoring systems
that are deployed at different places in a city. The data on noise levels from the
station is collected on servers or in the cloud. The collected data is then
aggregated to generate noise maps.
● Forest Fire Detection: Forest fire can cause damage to natural resources,
property and human life. Early detection of forest fire can help in minimizing
● River Flood Detection: River floods can cause damage to natural and human
resources and human life. Early warnings of floods can be given by monitoring
the water level and flow rate. IoT based river flood monitoring system uses a no.
of sensor nodes that monitor the water level and flow rate sensors.

d. Retail:
● Inventory Management: IoT systems enable remote monitoring of inventory
using data collected by RFID readers.
● Smart Payments: Solutions such as contact-less payments powered by
technologies such as Near Field Communication(NFC) and Bluetooth.
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● Smart Vending Machines: Sensors in a smart vending machines monitors its

operations and send the data to cloud which can be used for predictive
e. Logistics:
● Route generation & scheduling:IoT based system backed by cloud can provide
first response to the route generation queries and can be scaled upto serve a large
transportation network.
● Fleet Tracking: Use GPS to track locations of vehicles in real-time.
● Shipment Monitoring: IoT based shipment monitoring systems use sensors
such as temp, humidity, to monitor the conditions and send data to cloud, where
it can be analyzed to detect food spoilage.
● Remote Vehicle Diagnostics: Systems use on-board IoT devices for collecting
data on Vehicle operation’s (speed, RPMetc.,) and status of various vehicle sub
f. Agriculture:
● Smart Irrigation: to determine moisture amount in soil.
● Green House Control: to improve productivity.
g. Industry:
● Machine diagnosis and prognosis
● Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

h. Health and Life Style:

● Health & Fitness Monitoring
● Wearable Electronics

Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT:

a. Advantages of IoT
● Efficient resource utilization: If we know the functionality and the way that
how each device work we definitely increase the efficient resource utilization as
well as monitor natural resources.
● Minimize human effort: As the devices of IoT interact and communicate with
each other and do lot of task for us, then they minimize the human effort.
● Save time: As it reduces the human effort then it definitely saves out time. Time
is the primary factor which can save through IoT platform.
● Improve security: Now, if we have a system that all these things are
interconnected then we can make the system more secure and efficient.
● Reduced Waste: IoT makes areas of improvement clear. Current analytics give
us superficial insight, but IoT provides real-world information leading to more
effective management of resources.
● Enhanced Data Collection: Modern data collection suffers from its limitations
and its design for passive use. IoT breaks it out of those spaces, and places it

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exactly where humans really want to go to analyze our world. It allows an

accurate picture of everything.

b. Disadvantages of IoT
● Security: As the IoT systems are interconnected and communicate over
networks. The system offers little control despite any security measures, and it
can be lead the various kinds of network attacks.
● Privacy: Even without the active participation on the user, the IoT system
provides substantial personal data in maximum detail.
● Complexity: The designing, developing, and maintaining and enabling the
large technology to IoT system is quite complicated.
● Flexibility: Many are concerned about the flexibility of an IoT system to
integrate easily with another. They worry about finding themselves with several
conflicting or locked systems.
● Compliance: IoT, like any other technology in the realm of business, must
comply with regulations. Its complexity makes the issue of compliance seem
incredibly challenging when many consider standard software compliance a

2.1.2 Design of IoT

a. Physical design of IoT:
● The "Things" in IoT usually refers to IoT devices which have unique identities
and can perform remote sensing, actuating and monitoring capabilities.
● IoT devices can exchange data with other connected devices and applications
(directly or indirectly), or collect data from other devices and process the data
either locally or send the data to centralized servers or cloud-based application
back-ends for processing the data, or perform some tasks locally and other tasks
within the IoT infrastructure, based on temporal and space constraints (i.e.,
memory, processing capabilities, communication latencies and speeds, and

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Fig 2.1 Generic Bock Diagram of an IoT Device

● An IoT device may consist of several interfaces for connections to other devices,
both wired and wireless. These include (i) I/O interfaces for sensors, (ii)
interfaces for Internet connectivity, (iii) memory and storage interfaces and (iv)
audio/video interfaces as shown in Fig.2.1
● An IoT device can collect various types of data from the on-board or attached
sensors, such as temperature, humidity, light intensity. The sensed data can be
communicated either to other devices or cloud-based servers/storage.
● IoT devices can be connected to actuators that allow them to interact with other
physical entities (including non-IoT devices and systems) in the vicinity of the
device. For example, a relay switch connected to an IoT device can turn an
appliance on/off based on the commands sent to the IoT device over the Internet.
● IoT devices can also be of varied types, for instance, wearable sensors, smart
watches, LED lights, automobiles and industrial machines.
● Almost all IoT devices generate data in some form or the other which when
processed by data analytics systems leads to useful information to guide further
actions locally or remotely.
● For instance, sensor data generated by a soil moisture monitoring device in a
garden, when processed can help in determining the optimum watering

b. Logical design of IoT:

Logical design of an IoT system refers to an abstract representation of the entities and
processes without going into the low-level specifics of the implementation.

IoT functional blocks:

An IoT system comprises of a number of functional blocks that provide the system the
capabilities for identification, sensing, actuation, communication, and management as
shown in Figure 2.2.

Fig. 2.2 Fundamental block of IoT

● Device: An IoT system comprises of devices that provide sensing, actuation,

monitoring and control functions.

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● Communication: The communication block handles the communication for the

IoT system.
● Services: An IoT system uses various types of IoT services such as services for
device monitoring, device control services, data publishing services and services
for device discovery.
● Management: Management functional block provides various functions to
govern the IoT system.
● Security: Security functional block secures the IoT system and by providing
functions such as authentication, authorization, message and content integrity,
and data security.
● Application: IoT applications provide an interface that the users can use to
control and monitor various aspects of the IoT system. Applications also allow
users to view the system status and view or analyze the processed data.
2.1.3 IoT Protocols
● Following Figure 2.3 shows different IoT protocols.

Fig. 2.3 IoT Protocols

a. Link Layer Protocols:
● Link layer protocols determine how the data is physically sent over the network's
physical layer or medium e.g., copper wire, coaxial cable, or a radio wave.
● Link layer determines how the packets are coded and signaled by the hardware
device over the medium to which the host is attached (such as a coaxial cable).
1. 802.3-Ethernet: IEEE 802.3 is a collection of wired Ethernet standards for the
link layer. For example, 802.3 is the standard for 10BASE5 Ethernet that uses
coaxial cable as a shared medium, 802.3.i is the standard for 10BASE-T Ethernet
over copper twisted-pair connections, 802.3.j is the standard for 10BASE-F
Ethernet over fiber optic connections, 802.3ae is the standard for 10 Gbit/s
Ethernet over fiber, and so on.
2. 802.11- WiFi: IEEE 802.11 is a collection of wireless local area network
(WLAN) communication standards, including extensive description of the link
layer. 802.11a operates in the 5 GHz band, 802.11b and 802.11g operate in the
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2.4 GHz band, 802.11n operates in the 2.4/5 GHz bands, 802.11ac operates in
the 5 GHz band and 802.11ad operates in the 60 GHz band. These standards
provide data rates from 1 Mb/s to upto 6.75 Gb/s.
3. 802.16-WiMax: IEEE 802.16 is a collection of wireless broadband standards,
including extensive descriptions for the link layer (also called WiMax).
WiMaxstandards provide data rates from 1.5 Mb/s to 1 Gb/s. The recent update
(802.16m) provides data rates of 100 Mbit/s for mobile stations and 1 Gbit/s for
fixed stations.
4. 802.15.4-LR-WPAN: IEEE 802.15.4 is a collection of standards for low-rate
wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs). These standards form the basis
of specifications for high level communication protocols such as ZigBee. LR-
WPAN standards provide data rates from 40 Kb/s 250 Kb/s. These standards
provide low-cost and low-speed communication for power constrained devices.
5. 2G/3G/4G - Mobile Communication: There are different generations of
mobilecommunication standards including second generation (2G including
GSM and CDMA), third generation (3G - including UMTS and CDMA2000)
and fourth generation (4G - including LTE). IoT devices based on these
standards can communicate over cellular networks. Data rates for these standards
range from 9.6 Kb/s (for 2G) to upto 100 Mb/s (for 4G) and are available from
the 3GPP websites.
b. Network/Internet Layer Protocols:
The network layers are responsible for sending of IP datagrams from the source network
to the destination network. This layer performs the host addressing and packet routing.
The datagrams contain the source and destination addresses which are used to route
them from the source to destination across multiple networks. Host identification is
done using hierarchical IP addressing schemes such as IPv4 or IPv6.
1. IPv4: Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the most deployed Internet protocol
that is used to identify the devices on a network using a hierarchical addressing
scheme. IPv4 uses a 32-bit address scheme that allows total of 232 or
4,294,967,296 addresses. IPv4 has been succeeded by IPv6. The IP protocols
establish connections on packet networks, but do not guarantee delivery of
packets. Guaranteed delivery and data integrity are handled by the upper layer
protocols (such as TCP).
2. IPv6: Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the newest version of Internet
protocol and successor to IPv4, IPv6 uses 128-bit address scheme that allows
total of 2128 or 3.4 x 1038 addresses.
3. 6LOWPAN: 6LOWPAN (IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area
Networks) brings IP protocol to the low-power devices which have limited
processing capability. 6LOWPAN operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range and
provides data transfer rates of 250 Kb/s. 6LOWPAN works with the 802.15.4
link layer protocol and defines compression mechanisms for IPv6 datagrams
over IEEE 802.15.4-based networks.
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c. Transport Layer Protocols:

The Transport layer protocols provide end-to-end message transfer capability
independent of the underlying network. The message transfer capability can be set up
on connections, either using handshakes (as in TCP) or without
handshakes/acknowledgements (as in UDP). The transport layer provides functions
such as error control, segmentation, flow control and congestion control.
1. TCP: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the most widely used transport
layer protocol, that is used by web browsers (along with HTTP, HTTPS
application layer protocols), email programs (SMTP application layer protocol)
and file transfer (FTP). TCP is a connection oriented and stateful protocol. TCP
ensures reliable transmission of packets in-order and also provides error
detection capability so that duplicate packets can be discarded and lost packets
are retransmitted.
2. UDP: User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless protocol. UDP is
useful for time-sensitive applications that have very small data units to exchange
and do not want the overhead of connection setup. UDP is a transaction oriented
and stateless protocol. UDP does not provide guaranteed delivery, ordering of
messages and duplicate elimination. Higher levels of protocols can ensure
reliable delivery or ensuring connections created are reliable.
d. Application Layer Protocols:
Application layer protocols define how the applications interface with the lower layer
protocols to send the data over the network. The application data, typically in files, is
encoded by the application layer protocol and encapsulated in the transport layer
protocol which provides connection or transaction oriented communication over the
network. Port numbers are used for application addressing (for example port 80 for
HTTP, port 22 for SSH, etc.). Application layer protocols enable process-to-process
connections using ports.
1. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the application layer protocol
that forms the foundation of the World Wide Web (WWW). HTTP includes
etc. The protocol follows a request-response model where a client sends requests
to a server using the HTTP commands. HTTP is a stateless protocol and each
HTTP request is independent of the other requests. An HTTP client can be a
browser or an application running on the client (e.g., an application running on
an IoT device, a mobile application or other software). HTTP protocol uses
Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) to identify HTTP resources.
2. CoAP: Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is an application layer
protocol for machine-to-machine (M2M) applications, meant for constrained
environments with constrained devices and constrained networks. Like HTTP,
COAP is a web transfer protocol and uses a request-response model, however it
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runs on top of UDP instead of TCP. COAP uses a client-server architecture

where clients communicate with servers using connectionless datagrams. COAP
is designed to easily interface with HTTP. Like HTTP, COAP supports methods
such as GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. COAP draft specifications are
available on IEFT Constrained environments (CORE) Working Group website.
3. WebSocket: WebSocket protocol allows full-duplex communication over a
single socket connection for sending messages between client and server.
WebSocket is based on TCP and allows streams of messages to be sent back and
forth between the client and server while keeping the TCP connection open. The
client can be a browser, a mobile application or an IoT device.
4. MQTT: Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a light-weight
messaging protocol based on the publish-subscribe model. MQTT uses a client-
server architecture where the client (such as an IoT device) connects to the server
(also called MQTT Broker) and publishes messages to topics on the server. The
broker forwards the messages to the clients subscribed to topics. MQTT is well
suited for constrained environments where the devices have limited processing
and memory resources and the network bandwidth is low.
5. XMPP: Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is a protocol for
real-time communication and streaming XML data between network entities.
XMPP powers wide range of applications including messaging, presence, data
syndication, gaming, multi-party chat and voice/video calls. XMPP allows
sending small chunks of XML data from one network entity to another in near
real-time. XMPP is a decentralized protocol and uses a client-server architecture.
XMPP supports both client-to-server and server-to-server communication paths.
In the context of IoT, XMPP allows real-time communication between IoT
6. DDS: Data Distribution Service (DDS) is a data-centric middleware standard for
device-to-device or machine-to-machine communication. DDS uses a publish-
subscribe model where publishers (e.g. devices that generate data) create topics
to which subscribers (e.g., devices that want to consume data) can subscribe.
Publisher is an object responsible for data distribution and the subscriber is
responsible for receiving published data. DDS provides quality-of-service (QoS)
control and configurable reliability.
7. AMQP: Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open application
layer protocol for business messaging. AMQP supports both point-to-point and
publisher/subscriber models, routing and queuing. AMQP brokers receive
messages from publishers (e.g., devices or applications that generate data) and
route them over connections to consumers (applications that process data).
Publishers publish the messages to exchanges which then distribute message
copies to queues. Messages are either delivered by the broker to the consumers
which have subscribed to the queues or the consumers can pull the messages
from the queues.
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2.1.4 Sensors and actuators used in IoT

● Sensors: A sensor is an electronic instrument that is able to measure the physical
quantity and generate a considerate output. These output of the sensors are
usually in the form of electrical signals. Sensors are placed as such they can
directly interact with the environment to sense the input energy with the help of
sensing element. This sensed energy is converted into a more suitable form by a
transduction element. There are various types of sensors such as position,
temperature, pressure, speed sensors, but fundamentally there are two types –
analog and digital. The different types come under these two basic types. A
digital sensor is incorporated with an Analog-to-digital converter while analog
sensor does not have any ADC.
● Actuators: An actuator is a device that alters the physical quantity as it can
cause a mechanical component to move after getting some input from the sensor.
In other words, it receives control input (generally in the form of the electrical
signal) and generates a change in the physical system through producing force,
heat, motion, etcetera. An actuator can be interpreted with the example of the
stepper motor, where an electrical pulse drives the motor. Each time a pulse
given in the input accordingly motor rotates in a predefined amount. A stepper
motor is suitable for the applications where the position of the object has to be
controlled precisely, for example, robotic arm.

a. Sensors used in IoT

1. Temperature sensors: These devices measure the amount of heat energy
generated from an object or surrounding area. They find application in air-
conditioners, refrigerators and similar devices used for environmental control.
They are also used in manufacturing processes, agriculture and health
industry.Temperature sensors include thermocouples, thermistors, resistor
temperature detectors (RTDs) and integrated circuits (ICs) as shown in Figure

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Fig. 2.4 Temperature Sensors

2. Humidity sensors: The amount of water vapour in air, or humidity, can affect
human comfort as well as many manufacturing processes in industries. So
monitoring humidity level is important. Most commonly used units for humidity
measurement are relative humidity (RH), dew/frost point (D/F PT) and parts per
million (PPM) as shown in Figure 2.5.

Fig. 2.5 Humidity Sensor

3. Motion sensors: Motion sensors are not only used for security purposes but also
in automatic door controls, automatic parking systems, automated sinks,
automated toilet flushers, hand dryers, energy management systems, etc. You
use these sensors in the IoT and monitor them from your smartphone or
computer. HC-SR501 passive infrared (PIR) sensor is a popular motion sensor
for hobby projects as shown in Figure 2.6.

Fig. 2.6 Motion Sensor

4. Gas sensors: These sensors are used to detect toxic gases shown in Fig.2.7. The
sensing technologies most commonly used are electrochemical, photo-ionisation
and semiconductor. With technical advancements and new specifications, there
are a multitude of gas sensors available to help extend the wired and wireless
connectivity deployed in IoT applications.

Fig. 2.7 Gas Sensor

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5. Smoke sensors: Smoke detectors have been in use in homes and industries for
quite a long time as shown in Fig 2.8. With the advent of the IoT, their
application has become more convenient and user-friendly. Furthermore, adding
a wireless connection to smoke detectors enables additional features that increase
safety and convenience.

Fig. 2.8 Smoke Sensor

6. Pressure sensors: These sensors are used in IoT systems to monitor systems and
devices that are driven by pressure signals. When the pressure range is beyond
the threshold level, the device alerts the user about the problems that should be
fixed. For example, BMP180 shown in Fig. 2.9 is a popular digital pressure
sensor for use in mobile phones, PDAs, GPS navigation devices and outdoor
equipment. Pressure sensors are also used in smart vehicles and aircrafts to
determine force and altitude, respectively. In vehicle, tyre pressure monitoring
system (TPMS) is used to alert the driver when tyre pressure is too low and could
create unsafe driving conditions.

Fig. 2.9: Pressure Sensor

7. Image sensors: These sensors are found in digital cameras, medical imaging
systems, night-vision equipment, thermal imaging devices, radars, sonars, media
house and biometric systems as shown in Fig. 2.10. In the retail industry, these
sensors are used to monitor customers visiting the store through IoT network. In
offices and corporate buildings, they are used to monitor employees and various
activities through IoT networks.

Fig. 2.10 Image Sensor

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8. Accelerometer sensors: These sensors are used in smartphones, vehicles,

aircrafts and other applications to detect orientation of an object, shake, tap, tilt,
motion, positioning, shock or vibration as shown in Fig.2.11. Different types of
accelerometers include Hall-effect accelerometers, capacitive accelerometers
and piezoelectric accelerometers.

Fig. 2.11 Accelerator Sensors

9. IR sensors: These sensors can measure the heat emitted by objects as shown in
Fig. 2.12. They are used in various IoT projects including healthcare to monitor
blood flow and blood pressure, smartphones to use as remote control and other
functions, wearable devices to detect amount of light, thermometers to monitor
temperature and blind-spot detection in vehicles.

Fig. 2.12 IR Sensor

10. Proximity sensors: These sensors detect the presence or absence of a nearby
object without any physical contact. Different types of proximity sensors are
inductive, capacitive, photoelectric, ultrasonic and magnetic as shown in
Fig.2.13. These are mostly used in object counters, process monitoring and

IR Proximity Inductive Capacitive Reed Switch

Sensor proximity sensor Sensor
Fig.2.13: Proximity Sensors
b. Actuators used in IoT

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1. Servo motors: A Servo is a small device that incorporates a two wire DC motor
as shown in Fig.2.14, a gear train, a potentiometer, an integrated circuit, and a
shaft (output spine). The shaft can be positioned to specific angular positions by
sending the servo a coded signal. Of the three wires that stick out from the
servo casing, one is for power, one is for ground, and one is a control input line.
It uses the position-sensing device to determine the rotational position of the
shaft, so it knows which way the motor must turn to move the shaft to the
commanded position.

Fig. 2.14 Servo Motor

2. Stepper Motor: Stepper motors as shown in Fig.2.15 are DC motors that move
in discrete steps. They have multiple coils that are organized in groups called
“phases”. By energizing each phase in sequence, the motor will rotate, one step
at a time. With a computer controlled stepping, you can achieve very precise
positioning and/or speed control.

Fig. 2.15 Stepper Motor

3. DC motors: Direct Current (DC) motor as shown in Fig.2.16 is the most

common actuator used in electronics projects. They are simple, cheap, and easy
to use. DC motors convert electrical into mechanical energy. They consist of
permanent magnets and loops of wire inside. When current is applied, the wire
loops generate a magnetic field, which reacts against the outside field of the static

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Fig. 2.16 DC Motor

4. Linear Actuator: A linear actuator as shown in Fig. 2.17 is an actuator that

creates motion in a straight line, in contrast to the circular motion of a
conventional electric motor. Linear actuators are used in machine tools and
industrial machinery, in computer peripherals such as disk drives and printers, in
valves and dampers, and in many other places where linear motion is required.

Fig. 2.17 Linear Actuator

5. Relay: A relay is an electrically operated switch as shown in Fig.2.18. Many

relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate a switch, but other operating
principles are also used, such as solid-state relays. The advantage of relays is that
it takes a relatively small amount of power to operate the relay coil, but the relay
itself can be used to control motors, heaters, lamps or AC circuits which
themselves can draw a lot more electrical power.

Fig. 2.18 Relay

6. Solenoid: A solenoid as shown in Fig.2.19 is simply a specially designed
electromagnet. Solenoids are inexpensive, and their use is primarily limited to
on-off applications such as latching, locking, and triggering. They are frequently
used in home appliances (e.g. washing machine valves), office equipment (e.g.
copy machines), automobiles (e.g. door latches and the starter solenoid), pinball
machines (e.g., plungers and bumpers), and factory automation.

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Fig. 2.19 Solenoid

2.2 Introduction to 5G Network

Mobile networks having a history of 40-year history which is parallels with the
Internet’s, have undergone significant change. The first two generations i.e. 1G and 2G
supports voice and text. Then 3G defining the transition to broadband access, supporting
data rates with hundreds of kilobits-per-second. Now a day, the industry is at 4G
supporting data rates with the few megabits-per-second and now transitioning to 5G,
with the increase in data rates.
5G is the 5th generation mobile network which is a new global wireless standard
after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G is a new kind of network that is designed to
connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and
5G wireless technology is used to deliver higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds,
ultra-low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and
a more uniform user experience to more users. Higher performance and improved
efficiency empower new user experiences and connects new industries.
a. Characteristics of 5G
● High Data Transfer speed is a comprehensive upgrade of upload and download
speed and the download speed is theoretically more than 10 times higher than
that of 4G. A data transfer rate of up to 10Gbps which is 10 to 100 times better
than the 4G networks
● Low latency is a great improvement in the feedback speed of the network. Low
latency of 1 millisecond will be used in remote control, games and the Internet
of Things.
● Massive devices are the Internet of Things. Compared with traditional 4G
networks, 5G networks can accommodate more devices.
● Broadband 1000 times faster per unit area
● Availability of 99.999%
● Reduction of 90% in the energy consumption of the network
● Up to 10 years of battery life on low-power IoT (Internet of Things) devices

b. Application areas of 5G Network

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1. High-speed mobile network:

● Can support up to 10 to 20 GBPS of data download speed which is equivalent to
a fiber-optic and internet connection accessed wirelessly.
● Voice and high-speed data can be simultaneously transferred efficiently in 5G.
● Due to low latency of 5G technology, it is significant for autonomous driving
and mission-critical applications.
● The small cell concept used in 5G will have multiple advantages of better cell
coverage, maximum data transfer, low power consumption, cloud access
network, etc.…
2. Entertainment and multimedia
● High-speed streaming of 4K videos and crystal clear audio clarity.
● Live events streaming via a wireless network with high definition.
● HD TV channels can be accessed on mobile devices without any interruptions.
● Augmented reality and virtual reality with HD video with low latency.
● HD virtual reality games.
3. Internet of Things that Connecting everything
● Internet of Things will connect every object, appliance, sensor, device, and
application to the Internet.
● IoT applications will collect huge amounts of data from millions of devices and
sensors. It requires an efficient network for data collection, processing,
transmission, control, and real-time analytics.
● 5G is the most efficient technology for the Internet of Things due to its flexibility,
unused spectrum availability, and low-cost solutions for deployment.
● IoT can benefit from 5G networks in many areas like:
i. Smart Home
● 5G wireless network will be utilized by smart appliances which can be
configured and accessed from remote locations, closed-circuit cameras will
provide high-quality real-time video for security purposes.

ii. Logistics and shipping

● The logistics and shipping industry can be use smart 5G technology for goods
tracking, fleet management, centralized database management, staff scheduling,
and real-time delivery tracking and reporting.
(i) Efficient use of RFID tags
(ii) Accelerated packing and labeling
(iii) Use of smart tracking devices for accurate monitoring of temperature, shock,
light exposure, humidity, etc…
(iv) Realtime GPS location tracking and reporting
(v) Efficient monitoring minimizes theft risk and misplacing of items
(vi) Realtime delivery tracking and reporting
(vii) Self-driving cars and drones for future goods delivery

iii. Smart cities

● Smart city applications like traffic management, Instant weather update, local
area broadcasting, energy management, smart power grid, smart lighting of the
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street, water resource management, crowd management, emergency response,

etc. can use a reliable 5G wireless network for its functioning.
iv. Industrial IoT
● Future industries can be used 5G technology for efficient automation of
equipment, predictive maintenance, safety, process tracking, smart packing,
shipping, logistics, and energy management.
● Smart sensor technology compromises unlimited solutions for industrial IoT for
smarter, safe, cost-effective, and energy-efficient industrial operations.
v. Smart farming
● 5G technology can be used for agriculture and smart farming in the future. Using
smart RFID sensors and GPS technology, farmers can track the location of
livestock and manage them easily. Smart sensors can be used for irrigation
control, access control, and energy management.
vi. Fleet management
● Many companies are using smart tracking devices for fleet management, 5G
technology will provide much better solutions for location tracking and fleet
vii. Healthcare and mission-critical applications
5G technology can support
● Medical practitioners to perform advanced medical procedures with a reliable
wireless network connected to another side of the globe.
● Connected classrooms will help students to attend seminars and important
● People with chronic medical conditions will benefit from smart devices and real-
time monitoring.
● Doctors can connect with patients from anywhere anytime and advise them when
● Scientists are working on smart medical devices which can perform remote
● Smart medical devices like wearables will continuously monitor a patient’s
condition and activate alerts during emergencies using which hospitals and
ambulance services will get alerts during critical situations and they can take
necessary steps to speed up diagnosis and treatment.
● Patients with special needs can be tracked using special tags and precise location
tracking devices.
● Healthcare databases can be accessed from any location collected data analysis
can be used for research and improvement of treatments.
● Medical practitioners will be able to share large files like an MRI report which
is often larger than 1GB size within seconds using a 5G network.

viii. Autonomous Driving

● In the future, cars can communicate with smart traffic signs, surrounding objects,
and other vehicles on the road where every millisecond is important for self-
driving vehicles, decision has to be made in split second to avoid collision and
make sure passenger safety.

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ix. Drone Operation

● Drones can be used for multiple operations ranging from entertainment, video
capturing, medical and emergency access, smart delivery solutions, security,
surveillance, etc using 5G network which provide strong support with high-speed
wireless internet connectivity for drone operation in a wide range of applications.
● During emergencies like natural calamities, humans have limited access to many
areas where drones can reach out and collect useful information.
x. Security and surveillance
● 5G wireless technology can be used for security and surveillance due to its higher
bandwidth and unlicensed spectrum.
4. Satellite Internet
● Satellite internet technology with High-speed 5G network connectivity offers
connectivity in urban and rural areas across the globe with the help of a
constellation of thousands of small satellites.

c. Introduction to NGN (Next Generation Network)

Next Generation Network (NGN) is a new concept and becoming more and more
important for future telecommunication networks. Next Generation Network (NGN) is
a packet-based network able to provide telecommunication services and able to make
use of multiple broadband, Quality of service (QoS)-enabled transport technologies. It
supports mobility. In NGN service related functions are independent from underlying
transport-related technologies. It enables unfettered access for users to networks and to
competing service providers. It supports generalized mobility which will allow
consistent and ubiquitous provision of services to users.
The general idea behind the NGN is that one network transports all information and
services (voice, data, and all sorts of media such as video) by encapsulating these into
IP packets, similar to those used on the Internet NGNs are commonly built around the
Internet, and therefore the term all IP is also sometimes used to describe the
transformation of formerly telephone-centric networks toward NGN.
d. NGN Features:
1) NGN Support for a wide range of converged services between fixed/mobile and
ability to deliver a wide variety of services including voice, video, audio and visual
data, via session and interactive based services in unicast, multicast and broadcast
2) NGN provides End-to-end QoS (Quality of Service): The NGN aims to provide high
quality broadband communication by controlling the quality of service (QoS) on end
to end basis.
The NGN support a wide range of QoS enabled services as it define:
a) Bearer service QoS classes;
b) QoS control mechanisms;
c) QoS control functional architecture;
d) QoS control/signaling.

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3) NGN provides end-to-end Packet-based Transfer (machine-to-machine, human-to-

human, human-to-machine) with Broadband capabilities approx. > 2Mbps
4) Technologies used at access and transport are broadband in nature. 3G WCDMA, 4
G LTE Advance is used at wireless access whereas FTTH, xDSL technology used
at wire line access
5) MPLS use at transport technology
6) Separation of control functions (routing of payload) among bearer (payload: voice,
data) capabilities, call/session
7) Decoupling of service provision: One of the main characteristics of NGN is the
decoupling of services and transport, allowing them to be offered separately and to
evolve independently. Therefore, in the NGN architectures, there shall be a clear
separation between the functions for the services and the functions for the transport.
NGN allows the provisioning of both existing and new services independently of
the network and the access type used.
8) The separation is represented by two distinct blocks or stratum of functionality. The
transport functions reside in the transport stratum and the service functions related
to applications reside in the service stratum as shown in Fig. 2.20

Fig. 2.20: Separation of services from transport in NGN

[Courtesy: (T-REC-Y.2011-200410-I!!PDF-E%20ITU-T Y.2001]
9) Interworking with legacy (old) networks via open interfaces: Many services have to
be operated across a hybrid combination of NGN and non NGN technologies. In
such cases interworking between NGNs of different operators and between NGN
and existing networks such as PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), ISDN
(Integrated Services Digital Network) and GSM (Global System for Mobile
communications) is provided by means of gateways.
10) NGN Provides Generalized mobility is the ability for the user or other mobile
entities to communicate and access services irrespective of changes of the location
(anywhere in world) or technical environment. (technology independent)
11) Unrestricted access by users to different service providers, User can access services
of different service providers along with own service provider.
12) Variety of identification schemes: Since the NGN consists of interconnected
heterogeneous networks, using heterogeneous user access and heterogeneous user
devices and that the NGN should provide a seamless capability, independent of
access method and network, the NGN should address Numbering, Naming and
Addressing. NGN can identify different naming and numbering scheme such as:
telephone scheme, IPV4, IPV6, E.164, Enum
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13) NGN compliant with all regulatory requirements, for example concerning
emergency communications, security, privacy, lawful interception, etc.
14) Reliability: To improve reliability, every communication device is highly reliable.
Provision of redundant configuration for communication circuits and equipment’s
is maintained
15) NGN is Layered Architecture having four layers:
a) Access Layer
b) Transport /Core Layer
c) Control Layer
d) Service Layer

e. NGN Architecture
Fig. 2.21 shows the functional block diagram of the NGN architecture. The NGN
functional architecture supports the UNI, NNI, ANI and SNI reference points. The NGN
architecture supports the delivery of multimedia services and content delivery services,
including video streaming and broadcasting. An aim of the NGN is to serve as aPSTN
and ISDN replacement. The NGN architecture defines a Network-Network Interface
(NNI), User-Network Interface (UNI), and an Application Network Interface (ANI).
The NGN functions are divided into:
● Service stratum (layer) functions
● Transport stratum (layer) functions.
To provide services, several functions in both the service stratum and the transport
stratum are needed. The delivery of services/applications to the end-user is provided by
utilizing the application support functions and service support functions, and related
control functions.

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Fig 2.21 NGN Architecture

i. Transport stratum functions

The transport stratum functions include transport functions and transport control
1) Transport functions: The transport functions provide the connectivity for all
components and physically separated functions within the NGN. These functions
provide support for unicast and/or multicast transfer of media information, as well
as the transfer of control and management information. Transport functions include
access network functions, edge functions, core transport functions, and gateway
2) Transport control functions: The transport control functions include resource and
admission control functions, network attachment control functions as well as
mobility management and control functions.
3) Access network functions: The access network functions take care of end-user’s
access to the network as well as collecting and aggregating the traffic coming from
these accesses towards the core network. These functions also perform QoS control
mechanisms dealing directly with user traffic, including buffer management,
queuing and scheduling, packet filtering, traffic classification, marking, policing,
and shaping. In addition, the access network provides support for mobility. The
access network includes access-technology dependent functions, e.g., for W-CDMA
technology and xDSL access.
Depending on the technology used for accessing NGN services, the access network
includes functions related to:
a) Cable access;
b) xDSL access;

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c) Wireless access (e.g., [b-IEEE 802.11] and [b-IEEE 802.16] technologies and
3G RAN access)
d) Optical access.
4) Gateway functions: The gateway functions provide capabilities to interwork with
end-user functions and/or other networks, including other types of NGN and many
existing networks, such as the PSTN/ISDN, the public Internet, and so forth.
Gateway functions can be controlled either directly from the service control
functions or through the transport control functions
5) Resource and admission control functions (RACF): Within the NGN
architecture, the resource and admission control functions (RACF) act as the
arbitrator between service control functions and transport functions for QoS. The
RACF provides an abstract view of transport network infrastructure to service
control functions (SCF) and makes service stratum functions agnostic to the details
of transport facilities, such as network topology, connectivity, resource utilization
and QoS mechanisms/technology.
6) Network attachment control functions (NACF): The network attachment control
functions (NACF) provide registration at the access level and initialization of end-
user functions for accessing NGN services. They also announce the contact point
of NGN functions in the service stratum to the end user.
The NACF provides the following functionalities:
a. Dynamic provisioning of IP addresses and other user equipment configuration
b. By endorsement of the user, auto-discovery of user equipment capabilities and
other parameters.
c. Authentication of end user and network at the IP layer (and possibly other
layers). Regarding the authentication, mutual authentication between the end
user and the network attachment is performed.
d. Authorization of network access, based on user profiles.
e. Access network configuration, based on user profiles.
ii. Service stratum functions
Functional grouping in the service stratum includes:
a) The service control and content delivery functions including service user profile
b) The application support functions and service support functions.
1) Service control functions (SCF): The service control functions (SCF) include
resource control, registration and authentication- authorization functions at the
service level for both mediated and non-mediated services. They can also include
functions for controlling media resources, i.e., specialized resources and
gateways at the service-signaling level.
2) Content delivery functions (CDF): The content delivery functions (CDF)
receive content from the application support functions and service support
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functions, store, process, and deliver it to the end-user functions using the
capabilities of the transport functions, under control of the service control
3) Application support functions and service support functions (ASF&SSF):
The application support functions and service support functions (ASF&SSF)
include functions such as the gateway, registration, authentication and
authorization functions at the application level. These functions are available to
the "applications" and "end-user" functional groups. Through the UNI, the
application support functions and service support functions provide reference
points to the end-user functions. Application interactions with the application
support functions and service support functions are handled through the ANI
reference point.
4) End-user functions: No assumptions are made about the diverse end-user
interfaces and end-user networks that may be connected to the NGN access
network. End-user equipment may be either mobile or fixed.
5) Management functions: These functions provide the capabilities to manage the
NGN in order to provide NGN services with the expected quality, security, and
reliability. All the NGN components are centralized controlled.

f. NGN Network components

Components of NGN Network is shown in Fig. 2.22

Fig. 2.22: NGN Network Components [TEC]

1) Media Gateway Controller (MGC): Media gateway controllers are also known as
Soft switches and Call controllers, Wireless Call Server or Call Agents. The MGC
is located in the service provider's network in control layer and provides call logic
and call control functions, typically maintaining call state for every call in the
network. Many MGCs interact with application servers to supply services that are
not directly hosted on MGCs.
2) Media Gateway: Media Gateways are located in access layer of NGN. Media
Gateway performs following functionality:
i. Access gateway (AG)
ii. Trunk Media gateway (TMG)
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iii. Signaling gateway (SG)

iv. Border Gateway (BGW)/ Session Border Controller(SBC)
3) Access gateway (AG): The AG is located in the service provider's network. It
supports the line side interface to the core IP network for use by phones, devices,
and PBXs. This element provides functions such as media conversion (circuit to
Packet, Packet to circuit) and echo control.
4) Trunk Media gateway (TMG): The TMG supports a trunk side interface to the
PSTN and/or IP routed flows in the packet network. It supports functions such as
packetisation, echo control etc.
5) Signaling gateway (SG): The SG provides the signaling interface between the
VoIP network and the PSTN signaling network. It terminates SS7 links and
provides Message Transport Part (MTP) Level 1 and Level 2 functionality. Each
SG communicates with its associated CA to support the end-to-end signaling for
6) Border Gateway (BGW)/ Session Border Controller (SBC): It is deployed at the
edge and core of a service provider's network to control signaling and media streams
as they enter and exit the network.
i The “edge” is any IP-IP network border such as between a service provider
and a customer or between a service provider and an enterprise network.
ii The “core” is any IP-IP network border such as those between two service
SBC provides functions such as security, denial of Service attacks, overload control,
Network Address Translation and Firewall Traversal, Lawful Interception, Quality
of Service (QoS) management, Protocol Translation, call accounting etc.
7) Access network (AN): The access network provides connectivity between the
customer premises equipment and the access gateways in the service provider's
network. There are various access methods:
i TDM direct access,
ii Switched TDM,
iii Broadband access (cable, DSL),
iv IP managed Internet service, etc.
8) IP core network: The primary function of the IP core network is to provide routing
and transport of IP packets. The IP core also has the added value of architecturally
isolating the gateways, and their associated access networks, from the MGC and
associated service intelligence.
9) Media Server: The Media Server is located in the service provider's network and
uses a control protocol such as H.248 or SIP, under the control of the MGC or
application server, to provide announcements and tones, and collect user
10) Application Server: The Application Server is located in the service provider’s
network and provides the service logic and execution for one or more applications

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or services that are not directly hosted on the MGC. Typically, the MGC routes
calls to the appropriated AS for features the MGC does not support.

g. NGN Wireless Technology

1. Telecom network Spectrum - Licensed and Unlicensed Radio Bands
The radio spectrum is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum with frequencies
from 30 hertz to 300 GHz. Electromagnetic waves in this frequency range, called radio
waves, are widely used in modern technology, particularly in telecommunication. Radio
Spectrum, in general, can be categorized into two types, licensed radio bands and
unlicensed radio bands.
i. Licensed radio bands-To use this radio bands, a license must be obtained from
a government agency. This requirement is true of all users of these radio
spectrums. A few of the uses of licensed radio bands are are given in Table 2.1:

Table 2.1: Licensed Radio Bands

Sr.No Type Frequency Range
1 AM Broadcast 1.711MHz-30.0 MHz
a. Short Wave 520MHz – 1610 MHz
b. Medium Wave 148.5KHz-283.5KHz
c. Long Wave
2 FM Broadcast 87.5 MHz-108.0 MHz
3 Cellular Phone 840 MHz, 900 MHz

ii. Unlicensed radio bands: Unlicensed radio bands have been allocated to certain
users by the government or any individual can use it, but to be able to use and
broadcast on these bands, you do not need to have a license; you only need to
create compliant devices that are to be used. Regulations exist around these
bands. Some of the types of unlicensed radio bands are given in Table 2.2:

Table 2.2: Unlicensed Radio Bands

Sr.No Type Frequency
1 Industrial, Scientific, Medical [ISM] 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz,
Includes several Medical monitors and Industrial devices. 5 GHz.
2 Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) 5GHz Band
Defines specifications for the use of wireless devices such
as WLAN access points and routers

Standard Bodies: IEEE 802.11 networks have several choices of wireless bands that
are available to them to use, without the requirement to lease the frequencies from the
government. Following groups and standards bodies have helped to develop standards
so that all users can be good neighbors with others who use those radio bands.
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Table 2.3: Standard Organization Bodies

S Abbreviation Full Form Function
1 FCC Federal Communications Manages and sets standards with regard
Commission to the spectrum use
2 IEEE Institute of Electrical and A leading standards organization which
Electronics Engineers publishes standards that are adopted
across industries
3 ETSI European Another standards organization that has
Telecommunications contributed many worldwide standards
Standards Institute
4 ITU-R International With the FCC, defines how WLANs
Telecommunication should operate from a regulatory
Union, Radio perspective, such as operating
communication Sector frequencies, antenna gain, and
transmission power
5 WLANA WLAN Association Provides information resources related to
WLANs with regard to industry trends
and usage.
6 WPC The Wireless Planning National Radio Regulatory Authority
and Coordination responsible for Frequency Spectrum
Management, including licensing and
caters for the needs of all wireless users
(Government and Private) in the India. It
exercises the statutory functions of the
Central Government and issues licenses
to establish, maintain and operate
wireless stations

h. Mobile Network Evolution (1G to 5G):

In the last few decades, Mobile Wireless Communication networks have experienced a
remarkable change. The mobile wireless Generation (G) generally refers to a change in
the nature of the system, speed, technology, frequency, data capacity, latency etc. Each
generation have some standards, different capacities, new techniques and new features
which differentiate it from the previous one.
1. The first generation (1G) mobile wireless communication network was analog used
for voice calls only.
2. The second generation (2G) is a digital technology and supports text messaging.
3. The third generation (3G) mobile technology provided higher data transmission rate,
increased capacity and provide multimedia support.

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4. The fourth generation (4G) integrates 3G with fixed internet to support wireless
mobile internet, which is an evolution to mobile technology and it overcome the
limitations of 3G. It also increases the bandwidth and reduces the cost of resources.
5. 5G stands for 5th Generation Mobile technology and is going to be a new revolution
in mobile market which has changed the means to use cell phones within very high
bandwidth. User never experienced ever before such high value technology which
includes all type of advance features and 5G technology will be most powerful and
in huge demand in near future.
i. 1G – First generation mobile communication system
The first generation of mobile network was deployed in Japan by Nippon Telephone
and Telegraph company (NTT) in Tokyo during 1979. In the beginning of 1980s, it
gained popularity in the US, Finland, UK and Europe. This system used analogue
signals and it had many disadvantages due to technology limitations.

Most popular 1G system during 1980s

● Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS)

● Nordic Mobile Phone System (NMTS)
● Total Access Communication System (TACS)
● European Total Access Communication System (ETACS)

Key features (technology) of 1G system

● Frequency 800 MHz and 900 MHz

● Bandwidth: 10 MHz (666 duplex channels with bandwidth of 30 KHz)
● Technology: Analogue switching
● Modulation: Frequency Modulation (FM)
● Mode of service: voice only
● Access technique: Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)

Disadvantages of 1G system

● Poor voice quality due to interference

● Poor battery life
● Large sized mobile phones (not convenient to carry)
● Less security (calls could be decoded using an FM demodulator)
● Limited number of users and cell coverage
● Roaming was not possible between similar systems
ii. 2G – Second generation communication system GSM
Second generation of mobile communication system introduced a new digital
technology for wireless transmission also known as Global System for Mobile
communication (GSM). GSM technology became the base standard for further
development in wireless standards later. This standard was capable of supporting up to
14.4 to 64kbps (maximum) data rate which is sufficient for SMS and email services.
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Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system developed by Qualcomm also

introduced and implemented in the mid-1990s. CDMA has more features than GSM in
terms of spectral efficiency, number of users and data rate.

Key features of 2G system

● Digital system (switching)

● SMS services is possible
● Roaming is possible
● Enhanced security
● Encrypted voice transmission
● First internet at lower data rate

Disadvantages of 2G system
● Low data rate
● Limited mobility
● Less features on mobile devices
● Limited number of users and hardware capability
iii. 3G – Third generation communication system
Third generation mobile communication started with the introduction of UMTS –
Universal Mobile Terrestrial / Telecommunication Systems. UMTS has the data rate of
384kbps and it support video calling for the first time on mobile devices.
After the introduction of 3G mobile communication system, smart phones became
popular across the globe. Specific applications were developed for smartphones which
handles multimedia chat, email, video calling, games, social media and healthcare.

Key features of 3G system

● Higher data rate

● Video calling
● Enhanced security, more number of users and coverage
● Mobile app support
● Multimedia message support
● Location tracking and maps
● Better web browsing
● TV streaming
● High quality 3D games

Disadvantages of 3G systems
● Expensive spectrum licenses
● Costly infrastructure, equipment and implementation
● Higher bandwidth requirements to support higher data rate
● Costly mobile devices

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● Compatibility with older generation 2G system and frequency bands

iv. 4G – Fourth generation communication system

4G systems are enhanced version of 3G networks developed by IEEE, offers higher data
rate and capable to handle more advanced multimedia services. LTE and LTE advanced
wireless technology used in 4th generation systems. Furthermore, it has compatibility
with previous version thus easier deployment and upgrade of LTE and LTE advanced
networks are possible.
Simultaneous transmission of voice and data is possible with LTE system which
significantly improve data rate. All services including voice services can be transmitted
over IP packets. Complex modulation schemes and carrier aggregation is used to
multiply uplink / downlink capacity.
Wireless transmission technologies like WiMax are introduced in 4G system to enhance
data rate and network performance.

Key features of 4G system

● Higher data rate up to 1Gbps
● Improved security and mobility
● Reduced latency for mission critical applications
● High definition video streaming and gaming
● Voice over LTE network VoLTE

Disadvantages of 4G system
● Expensive hardware and infrastructure
● Costly spectrum in most countries, frequency bands are too expensive.
● High end mobile devices compatible with 4G technology required, which is
● Wide deployment and upgrade is time consuming

v. 5G – Fifth generation communication system

5G network is using advanced technologies to deliver ultra-fast internet and multimedia
experience for customers. Existing LTE advanced networks will transform into
supercharged 5G networks in future.
In earlier deployments, 5G network will function in non-standalone mode and
standalone mode. In non-standalone mode both LTE spectrum and 5G-NR spectrum
will be used together. Control signaling will be connected to LTE core network in non-
standalone mode.

Key features of 5G technology

● Ultra-fast mobile internet up to 10Gbps
● Low latency in milliseconds significant for mission critical applications
● Total cost deduction for data
● Higher security and reliable network

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● Uses technologies like small cells, beam forming to improve efficiency

● Forward compatibility network offers further enhancements in future
● Cloud based infrastructure offers power efficiency, easy maintenance and
upgrade of hardware

Table 2.4: Comparison of All Generations of Mobile Technologies:

Technology 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G
Start/ Soon (probably by
1970-80 1990-2004 2004-10 2010-12
Development 2020)
Data bandwidth 2 Kbps 64 Kbps 2 Mbps 1 Gbps More than 1 Gbps
CDMA-2000, Wi max, Wi-
Technology Analog Digital WWW
Core network PSTN PSTN Packet Network Internet Internet
Circuit Packet (except
Switching Circuit All Packet All Packet
Packet Air interference)
integration of Dynamic integration of
Phone calls and access, access, variable devices
Analog Messaging, data. variable with air interference.
phone calls
Primary service phone Integrated high Devices. All High speed, High
calls quality audio, IP service capacity and provide
video and data (including large broadcasting of
voice data in Gbps

Better coverage and no
Secure, broadband
Key Mobility Better Internet Dropped calls ,much
Mass Internet
differentiator experience lower latency, Better
adoption , lower

NGN Core
MPLS (Multi-protocol label switching) is used at core transport layer in NGN network.
MPLS provides faster switching, propagation delay is less.
a. MPLS Concept
In NGN, a packet of a connectionless network layer protocol travels from one router to the
next, each router makes an independent forwarding decision for that packet. That is, each
router analyzes the packets header, and each router runs a network layer routing algorithm.
Each router independently chooses a next hop for the packet, based on its analysis of the
packet's header and the results of running the routing algorithm.
Packet headers contain considerably more information than is needed simply to choose the next
hop. Choosing the next hop can therefore be thought of as the composition of two functions.
i. The first function partitions the entire set of possible packets into a set of Forwarding
Equivalence Classes (FECs).
ii. The second maps each FEC to a next hop.

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b. MPLS Basics
1) Labels: A label is a short, fixed length, locally significant identifier which is used to identify
a FEC. The label which is put on a particular packet represents the Forwarding Equivalence
Class to which that packet is assigned. Most commonly, a packet is assigned to a FEC based
on its network layer destination address. Each IP destination network has a different label
which has local significance. Label for a destination network changes in each hop.
2) Label Switch Router: A label switch router (LSR) is a router that supports MPLS. It is
capable of understanding MPLS labels and of receiving and transmitting a labeled packet
on a data link. Three kinds of LSRs exist in an MPLS network:

Fig. 2.23 MPLS Architecture

a. Provider Edge [PE] Router/Ingress LSRs: Ingress LSRs receive a packet that is not
labeled yet, insert a label (stack) in front of the packet, and send it on a data link.
b. Provider Edge [PE] Router/Egress LSRs: Egress LSRs receive labeled packets,
remove the label(s), and send them on a data link. Ingress and egress LSRs are edge
c. Core Edge [CE] Router/Intermediate LSRs: Intermediate LSRs receive an incoming
labeled packet, perform an operation on it, switch the packet, and send the packet on
the correct data link.
d. Upstream and Downstream LSRs:
An LSR can do the three operations: PUSH/adding labels, POP/remove labels, or
SWAP/interchanging labels.
i. It must be able to pop one or more labels (remove one or more labels from the top
of the label stack) before switching the packet out.
ii. An LSR must also be able to push one or more labels onto the received packet.
iii. If the received packet is already labeled, the LSR pushes one or more labels onto the
label stack and switches out the packet.
iv. If the packet is not labeled yet, the LSR creates a label stack and pushes it onto the
packet. An LSR must also be able to swap a label. This simply means that when a
labeled packet is received, the top label of the label stack is swapped with a new
label and the packet is switched on the outgoing data link.
v. An LSR that pushes labels onto a packet that was not labeled yet is called an
imposing LSR because it is the first LSR to impose labels onto the packet.
vi. One that is doing imposition is ingress LSR. An LSR that removes all labels from
the labeled packet before switching out the packet is a disposing LSR.
vii. One that does disposition is an egress LSR.
e. Label Switch path:A label switched path (LSP) is a sequence of LSRs that switch a
labeled packet through an MPLS network or part of an MPLS network. Basically, the
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LSP is the path through the MPLS network or a part of it that packets take. The first LSR
of an LSP is the ingress LSR for that LSP, whereas the last LSR of the LSP is the egress
LSR. All the LSRs in between the ingress and egress LSRs are the intermediate LSRs.
LSP is unidirectional. The flow of labeled packets in the other direction right to left
between the same edge LSRs would be another LSP.
MPLS Features:
1 QoS enabled MPLS transport network will provide real time and data transport
2 MPLS increases operator revenue.
3 MPLS offers high transport efficiency by using hybrid technology (packetswitching
and circuit switching)
4 MPLS offers high reliability and operational simplicity.
5 MPLS provide control and deterministic usage of network resources, end-to-end control
to engineer network paths and to efficiently utilize network resources.
6 In MPLS network management is simple
7 It ensures smooth interworking of the packet transport network with other
existing/legacy packet networks.
8 MPLS header length is of 32 bits, in which label length is 20 bits, 3 bits for service
quality and 8bits for Timeto live (no of hops in network) and 1 bit for stacking the

MPLS Advantages
1. Consistent Network Performance: The MPLS allows different Class of Service
classifications to be applied to packets, to help ensure that data loss (packet loss),
transmission delays (latency) and variations in transmission delay (jitter) are kept
without appropriate limits.
2. Obscures Network Complexity: MPLS can effectively hide the underlying
complexity of the network from devices and users that don't need to know about it.
3. Reduced Network Congestion: The MPLS can support Traffic Engineering having
many uses, including the re-routing of comparatively delay-tolerant traffic to slower,
circuitous, under-utilised routes, freeing up capacity on quicker (lower-latency)
overcrowded paths.
4. Increased Uptime: MPLS is that it has the potential to increase uptime as Fast Reroute
that enables traffic to be switched to an alternative path very rapidly
5. Scalability: According to the needs, the MPLS can be scaled up and down
6. Efficiency: MPLS offers much higher quality connections without packet loss and jitter
using it along with VoIP may lead to increased efficiency
7. Reliability: Since MPLS uses labels for forwarding packets, it can be assured that the
packets will be delivered to the right destination.

● https://data-flair.training/blogs/iot-applications/
● https://kainjan1.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/chapter-1_iot.pdf
● https://www.tutorialspoint.com/internet_of_things/internet_of_things_tutorial.p
● https://www.iare.ac.in/sites/default/files/lecture_notes/IOT%20LECTURE%20

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● https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/insights/us/articles/iot-primer-iot-
● https://techdifferences.com/difference-between-sensors-and-actuators.html
● https://electronicsforu.com/technology-trends/tech-focus/iot-sensors
● https://iotbytes.wordpress.com/basic-iot-actuators/
● https://www.rfpage.com/evolution-of-wireless-technologies-1g-to-5g-in-
mobile-communication /#:~:text=In%20order%20to%20support%20higher
● https://www.itu.int/rec/dologin_pub.asp?lang=e&id=T-RECY.2012-200609-
● https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4dfd/40cc3a386573ee861c5329ab4
● www.tec.gov.in
● www.trai.gov.in
Sample Multiple Choice Questions:
1. IoT stands for
a. Internet of Technology
b. Intranet of Things
c. Internet of Things
d. Information of Things
2. Which is not the Feature of IoT
a. Connectivity
b. Self-Configuring
c. Endpoint Management
d. Artificial Intelligence
3. Devices that transforms electrical signals into physical movements.
a. Sensors
b. Actuators
c. Switches
d. display
4. IPv4 uses a ______address scheme.
a. 8-bit
b. 16-bit
c. 32-bit
d. 64 bit
5. Data Distribution Service (DDS) is a _______standard for device-to-device or
machine-to-machine communication
a. data-centric middleware
b. data-centric hardware
c. data-centric Software
d. None of above

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6. The ____________provide the connectivity for all components and physically

separated functions within the NGN
a. Transport functions
b. Access network functions
c. Gateway functions
d. Resource and admission control functions (RACF)
7. The _________ take care of end-user’s access to the network as well as
collecting and aggregating the traffic coming from these accesses towards the
core network.
a. Transport functions
b. Access network functions
c. Gateway functions
d. Resource and admission control functions (RACF)
8. __________ functions also perform QoS control mechanisms dealing directly
with user traffic, including buffer management, queuing and scheduling, packet
filtering, traffic classification, marking, policing, and shaping.
a. Transport functions
b. Access network functions
c. Gateway functions
d. Resource and admission control functions (RACF)
9. The __________ provide capabilities to interwork with end-user functions
and/or other networks, including other types of NGN and many existing
networks, such as the PSTN/ISDN, the public Internet, and so forth.
a. Transport functions
b. Access network functions
c. Gateway functions
d. Resource and admission control functions (RACF)

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Unit-3 Blockchain Technology

3.1 Introduction to Blockchain
● Backstory of Blockchain
● What is Blockchain?
3.2 Centralize versus Decentralized System
3.3 Layers of Blockchain
● Application Layer
● Execution Layer
● Semantic Layer
● Propagation Layer
● Consensus Layer
3.4 Importance of Blockchain
● Limitations of Centralized Systems
● Blockchain Adoption So Far
3.5 Blockchain Use and Use Cases

3.1 Introduction to Blockchain

Backstory of Blockchain
When the Internet was made available to the public using the World Wide Web
(WWW) in the early 1990s, it was supposed to be more open and P2P peer-to- peer
because it was built atop the open and decentralized TCP/IP.
The blockchain technology was defined in 1991 by the research scientist Stuart Haber
and W. Scott Stornetta. They wanted to introduce a computationally practical key for
time-stamping digital documents so that they could not be backdated or tampered by
any one. They develop a system using the concept of cryptographically secured chain
of blocks to store the time-stamped documents.
● 1991: In 1991, researcher scientists named Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta
introduce Blockchain Technology and required some Computational Practical
Solution for time-stamping the digital documents so that they couldn’t be tempered
or misdated. Hence both scientists together developed a system using Cryptography
where, the time-stamped documents are stored in a Chain of Blocks.
● 1992: Iin 1992, Merkle Trees established a legal corporation by using a system
developed by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta with additional features. Hence,
Blockchain Technology became efficient to store several documents to be collected
into one block. Merkle used a Secured Chain of Blocks that stores multiple data
records in a sequence.
● 2000: In the year 2000, Stefan Konst published theory of cryptographic secured
chains, plus ideas for implementation.
● 2004: In the year 2004, Cryptographic activist Hal Finney presented a system for
digital cash known as “Reusable Proof of Work” which was the game-changer in
the history of Blockchain and Cryptography. This System helps to solve the Double
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Spending Problem by keeping the ownership of tokens registered on a trusted

● 2008: In the year 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto conceptualized the concept of
“Distributed Blockchain” called as “A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System”.
Satoshi Nakamoto modified the model of Merkle Tree and developed a system
which is more secure and contains the secure history of data exchange. This System
follows a peer-to-peer network of time stamping and became so useful that
Blockchain become the backbone of Cryptography.
● 2009: In the year 2009, the evolution of Blockchain is steady and promising and
required in various fields. Blockchain technology is so secure that the following
surprising news will give proof of that. James Howells was an IT worker in the
United Kingdom, started mining bitcoins which are part of Blockchain in 2009 and
stopped this in 2013. He spends $17,000 on it and after he stopped he sells the parts
of his laptop on eBay and keep the drive with him so that when he needs to work
again on bitcoin he will utilize it but while cleaning his house in 2013, he thrashed
his drive with garbage and now his bitcoins cost nearly $127 million. This money
now remains unclaimed in the Bitcoin system.
● 2014: The year 2014 is marked as the turning point for blockchain technology.
Blockchain technology is separated from the currency and Blockchain 2.0 is born.
Financial institutions and other industries started shifting their focus from digital
currency to the development of blockchain technologies.
● 2015: In 2015, Ethereum Frontier Network was launched, thus enabling developers
to write smart contracts and dApps that could be deployed to a live network. In the
same year, the Linux Foundation launched the Hyperledger project.
● 2016: The word Blockchain is accepted as a single word instead of two different
concepts as they were in Nakamoto’s original paper. The same year, a bug in the
Ethereum DAO code was exploited resulting in a hard fork of the Ethereum
Network. The Bitfinex bitcoin exchange was hacked resulting in 120,000 bitcoins
being stolen.
● 2017: In the year 2017, Japan recognized Bitcoin as a legal currency. Block.one
company introduced the EOS blockchain operating system which was designed to
support commercial decentralized applications.
● 2018: Bitcoin turned 10 in the year 2018. The bitcoin value continued to drop,
reaching the value of $3,800 at the end of the year. Online platforms like Google,
Twitter, and Facebook banned the advertising of cryptocurrencies.
● 2019: In the year 2019, Ethereum network transactions exceeded 1 million per day.
Amazon announced the general availability of the Amazon Managed Blockchain
service on AWS.
● 2020: Stablecoins were in demand as they promised more stability than traditional
cryptocurrencies. The same year Ethereum launched Beacon Chain in preparation
for Ethereum 2.0.

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What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is a common, unchallengeable digital ledger that allows the process
of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. Where an asset may
be tangible such as a house, car, cash, land or intangible such as intellectual property,
patents, copyrights, branding. Virtually everything of value can be tracked and traded
on a blockchain network, decreasing risk and cutting costs for all involved.
Business runs on information can says better where faster it’s received and the
more accurate it is. Blockchain is perfect which provides immediate, shared and
completely transparent information stored on an immutable digital ledger that can be
accessed only by permissioned network members. A blockchain network can track
orders, payments, accounts, production etc. Hence members share a single view of the
fact, other can see all details of a transaction end to end, giving greater sureness, as well
as new efficiencies and opportunities.
● Blockchain is a peer-to-peer system of transacting values with no trusted third parties
in between.
● It is a shared, decentralized, and open ledger of transactions. This ledger database is
replicated across a large number of nodes.
● This ledger database is an append-only database and cannot be changed or altered. It
means that every entry is a permanent entry. Any new entry on it gets reflected on all
copies of the databases hosted on different nodes.
● There is no need for trusted third parties to serve as intermediaries to verify, secure,
and settle the
● transactions.
● It is another layer on top of the Internet and can coexist with other Internet
● Just the way TCP/IP was designed to achieve an open system, blockchain technology
was designed to enable true decentralization. In an effort to do so, the creators of
Bitcoin open-sourced it so it could inspire many decentralized applications.
A typical blockchain may look as shown in Figure 3.1.

Fig. 3.1 The blockchain data structure

The genesis block is the first block in any blockchain referred as Block 0 and
there is no previous block for reference. The Genesis Block has previous hash value set
to 0 to indicate no data was processed before the Genesis Block. The hash of genesis
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block is added to all new transactions in a new block and used to create its unique hash.
This process is repeated until all the new blocks are added to a blockchain.

Every node on the blockchain network has an identical copy of the blockchain
shown in Figure 3.1, where every block is a list of transactions. There are two major
parts in every block. The “header” part pointer links back to the previous block in the
chain and every block header contains the hash of the previous block so that no one can
modify any transaction in the previous block. The other part of a block contents the
validated list of transactions, their amounts, timestamp, the addresses of the parties
involved, and some another details.

3.2 Centralize versus Decentralized System

Blockchain is designed to be decentralized design, instead of the centralized

design. Whether a system is centralized or decentralized, it can still be distributed. A
centralized distributed system is one in which there is a master node also sometime
called as server responsible for breaking down the tasks or data and distribute the load
across nodes. On the other hand, a decentralized distributed system is one where there
is no “master” node as such and yet the computation may be distributed. Blockchain is
one such example.
Centralized System
Figure 3.2 shows representation of a centralized system.

Fig.3.2 Centralized System

A centralized system has a centralized control with all administrative rights and are easy
to design, maintain, enforce trust, and administrate, but suffer from many intrinsic
limitations, as given below:
1. A centralized system has a central point of failure; hence they are less stable.
2. A centralized system is more vulnerable to attack and hence less secured.
3. Centralization of power may lead to unethical operations.
4. Most of the time, scalability is difficult.
Decentralized System

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Figure 3.3 shows representation of a decentralized system.

Fig.3.3 Decentralized System

A decentralized system does not have a centralized control and every node has equal
authority. Such systems are difficult to design, maintain, govern, or impose trust. But,
decentralized system do not suffer from the limitations of conventional centralized
systems. Decentralized systems offer the following advantages:
1. A decentralized system is more stable and fault tolerant as they do not have a
central point of failure.
2. Attack resistant, as no central point to easily attack and hence more secured
3. Symmetric system with equal right to all nodes, so less scope of unethical
operations and usually independent in nature

A distributed system may also be decentralized system, for example, blockchain. But,
the task is not subdivided and delegated to nodes unlike common distributed systems,
because there is no master that in blockchain. A typical decentralized and distributed
system is efficiently a peer-to-peer system as shown in Figure 3.3.

Fig.3.3 A decentralized and peer-to-peer system

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3.3 Layers of Blockchain

Blockchain have a collection of distributed nodes where immutable transactions are
repeated again and again. The blockchain technology is made of a layered architecture
where all these layers are present on all the nodes as shown in Figure 3.5.

Fig.3.5 Layers of Blockchain

1. Application Layer
In the application layer, you can find smart contracts, decentralized applications
(DApps), user interfaces (UIs), and chain code, which is the fifth layer of the blockchain
layers. Hence, this layer consists of services and application programming interfaces
(APIs), client-side programming constructs, scripting, development frameworks that
offer other apps with access to the blockchain network. Application Layer acts as the
front end tool of the blockchain and is basically what a user would typically encounter
when operating within a blockchain network.
2. Execution Layer
The Execution Layer execute the instructions of application in the Application Layer
on all the nodes in a blockchain network. The instructions could be simple instructions
or a set of multiple instructions in the form of a smart contract. In either case, a program
or a script desires to be executed to confirm the correct execution of the transaction. All
the nodes in a blockchain network have to execute the programs or scripts
autonomously. Deterministic execution of programs or scripts on the same set of inputs
and conditions always produces the same output on all the nodes, which helps to avoid
3. Semantic Layer
Semantic Layer layer also called as logical layer of blockchain layer and deals in
validation of the transactions done in the blockchain network and also validating the
blocks being created in the network. When a transaction initiated by a node, the set of
instruction are executed on the execution layer and validated by the semantic layer.
Semantic layer is also accountable for the linking of the blocks created in the network.
Each block in the blockchain contains the hash of the earlier block except the Start block
and this linking of block needs to be defined on Semantic layer.
4. Propagation Layer

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A propagation layer is used in the peer-to-peer communications between the nodes that
allow them to discover each other and get synchronized with another node in a network.
When a transaction is done, then gets broadcasted to all other nodes in the network.
Also, when a node advises a block, it is immediately get broadcast in the entire network
so that other nodes can use this newly created block and work on it. Hence, the
propagation of the block or a transaction in the network is defined in this layer and
confirms the stability of the complete network. In the asynchronous Internet network,
there are often latency issues for transaction or block propagation. However, depending
upon the network capacity or bandwidth, the propagation may occur instantly or it may
take a longer.
5. Consensus Layer
Consensus layer is the first layer for most of the blockchain systems and main purpose
is to make sure that all the nodes must get approve on a common state of the shared
ledger. Consensus layer also deals with the safety and security of the blockchain. There
are many consensus algorithms which can be applied for generation of cryptocurrencies
like Bitcoin and Ethereum, they use proof-of-work mechanism to select a node
randomly out of various nodes present on the network that can propose a new block.
Once a new block is created, the block is propagated to all the other nodes to check if
the new block is valid or not with the transactions in it and based on the consensus from
all other nodes the new block gets added on to the blockchain.

3.4 Importance of Blockchain

1. Blockchain helps in the verification and traceability of multistep transactions
needing verification and traceability.
2. Blockchain can provide secure transactions, reduce compliance costs, and speed
up data transfer processing.
3. Blockchain technology can help contract management and audit the origin of a
4. Blockchain can be used in voting platforms and managing titles and deeds.
5. The transactions are done instantly and transparently, as the ledger is updated
6. As Blockchain is a decentralized system, no intermediary fee is required
7. In Blockchain, the authenticity of a transaction is verified and confirmed by
8. Blockchain is an immutable public digital ledger, which means when a
transaction is recorded, it cannot be modified
Limitations of Centralized Systems
1. Trust issues
2. Security issue
3. Privacy issue i.e. data sale privacy is being undermined
4. Cost and time factor for transactions
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5. Can’t scale up vertically after a certain limit.

6. Bottlenecks can appear when the traffic spikes.

Advantages of decentralized systems over centralized systems:

1. Elimination of intermediaries
2. Easier and genuine verification of transactions
3. Increased security with lower cost
4. Greater transparency
5. Decentralized and immutable
Blockchain Adoption So Far
1. Blockchain came along with Bitcoin, a digital cryptocurrency, in 2009 via a
simple mailing list.
2. Some companies started with various flavors of blockchain offerings such as
Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc.
3. Microsoft and IBM came up with SaaS (Software as a Service) offerings on their
Azure and Bluemix cloud platforms, respectively.
4. Various start-ups and established companies took blockchain initiatives that
motivated on solving some of the business problems that were not easily solved
5. Financial market, media and entertainment, energy trading, prediction markets,
retail chains, loyalty rewards systems, insurance, logistics and supply chains,
medical records, government and military applications have adopted Blockchain
3.5 Blockchain Uses and Use Cases
Now, we will see some of the initiatives that are already being taken across industries
such as finance, insurance, banking, healthcare, government, supply chains, IoT
(Internet of Things), and media & entertainment. Some of the existing use cases are
given below.
1. Any type of property or asset may be physical or digital, for example laptops,
mobile phones, diamonds, automobiles, real estate, e-registrations, digital files,
etc. can be registered on blockchain. Blockchain technology can enable these
asset transactions from one person to another, maintain the transaction log, and
check validity or ownerships. Also, notary services, proof of existence, tailored
insurance schemes use cases can be developed.
2. Many financial use cases being developed on blockchain for example cross-
border payments, share trading, loyalty and rewards system, Know Your
Customer (KYC) among banks, etc. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is one of the
most trending use cases and is the greatest way of crowdsourcing nowadays by
using cryptocurrency as digital assets which is very easy to buy and trade.
3. Blockchain can be used to allow “The Wisdom of Crowds” to take the lead and
shape businesses, economies, and various other national phenomena by using
collective wisdom. Financial and economic forecasts based on the wisdom of
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crowds, decentralized prediction markets, decentralized voting, as well as stocks

trading can be possible on blockchain.
4. The process of determining music royalties has always been complicated. The
Internet-enabled music streaming services facilitated higher market penetration,
but made the royalty determination more complex and can be addressed by
blockchain by maintaining a public ledger of music rights ownership information
as well as authorised distribution of media content.
5. In IoT –Internet of things, with billions of IoT devices everywhere and many
more to join the pool. A whole bunch of different makes, models, and
communication protocols makes it difficult to have a centralized system to
control the devices and provide a common data exchange platform. This is also
an area where blockchain can be used to build a decentralized peer-to- peer
system for the IoT devices to communicate with each other. ADEPT
(Autonomous Decentralized Peer-To-Peer Telemetry) is a joint initiative from
IBM and Samsung that has developed a platform that uses elements of the
Bitcoin’s underlying design to build a distributed network of devices—a
decentralized IOT. ADEPT uses three protocols: BitTorrent for file sharing,
Ethereum for smart contracts, and TeleHash for peer-to-peer messaging in the
platform. The IOTA foundation is another such initiative.
6. In the government sectors as well, blockchain has gained momentum. There are
use cases where technical decentralization is necessary, but politically should be
governed by governments: land registration, vehicle registration and
management, e-Voting, etc. are some of the active use cases. Supply chains are
another area where there are some great use cases of blockchain. Supply chains
have always been prone to disputes across the globe, as it was always difficult to
maintain transparency in these systems.
● https://www.horizen.io/blockchain-academy/technology/advanced/blockchain-
● https://www.ibm.com/in-en/topics/what-is-blockchain
● https://www.javatpoint.com/blockchain-tutorial
Sample Multiple Choice Questions.
1. What does P2P stand for?
a. Password to Password
b. Peer to Peer
c. Product to Product
d. Private Key to Public Key
2. What is a blockchain?
a. A Currency
b. A centralized ledger
c. A type of cryptocurrency
d. A distributed ledger on a peer to peer network
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3. Who first proposed a blockchain-like protocol?

a. David Chaum
b. Dave Bayer
c. W. Scott Stornetta
d. Stefan Konst
4. Blockchain is a peer-to-peer _____________ distributed ledger technology that
makes the records of any digital asset transparent and unchangeable.
a. Secure
b. Popular
c. Demanding
d. Decentralized
5. What is a node?
a. A Blockchain
b. An exchange
c. A type of cryptocurrency
d. A computer on a Blockchain network
6. Who created Bitcoin?
a. Elon Musk
b. Warren Buffett
c. Satoshi Nakamoto
d. Mark Zuckerberg
7. A blockchain is a type of?
a. Database
b. Object
c. Table
d. View
8. What are the benefits of blockchain technology?
a. Security & Speed
b. No hidden fees
c. Fraud control & Access levels
d. All of the Above
9. What is a dApp?
a. A type of Cryptocurrency
b. A condiment
c. A type of blockchain
d. A decentralized application
10. What is a genesis block?
a. The first block of a Blockchain
b. A famous block that hardcoded a hash of the Book of Genesis onto the
c. The first block after each block halving
d. The 2nd transaction of a Blockchain
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Unit-4 Digital Evidences

4.1 Digital forensics
● Introduction to digital forensic
● Digital forensics investigation process
● Models of Digital Forensic Investigation –
o Abstract Digital Forensics Model (ADFM)
o Integrated Digital Investigation Process (IDIP)
o An extended model for cybercrime investigation
4.2 Ethical issues in digital forensic
● General ethical norms for investigators
● Unethical norms for investigation
4.3 Digital Evidences
● Definition of Digital Evidence
● Best Evidence Rule
● Original Evidence
4.4 Characteristics of Digital Evidence
● Locard’s Exchange Principle
● Digital Stream of bits
4.5 Types of Evidence : Illustrative, Electronics, Documented, Explainable, Substantial,
4.6 Challenges in evidence handling
o Authentication of evidence
o Chain of custody
o Evidence validation
4.7 Volatile evidence

4.1 Digital Forensics

4.1.1 Introduction to Digital Forensics
Forensics science is a well-established science that pays vital role in criminal justice
systems. It is applied to both criminal and civil action. Digital forensics sometimes
known as digital forensic science, is a branch of forensic science encompassing the
recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices, often in relation to
computer crime.
Digital forensics includes the identification, recovery, investigation, validation, and
presentation of facts regarding digital evidence found on computers or similar digital
storage media devices.
4.1.2 History of Forensic
1. Field of pc forensics began in 1980s when personal computers became a viable
possibility for the buyer.
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2. In 1984, an associate Federal Bureau of Investigation program was created,

which was referred to as magnet media program.
3. It is currently referred to as Computer Analysis and Response Team (CART).
4. Michael Anderson, the Father of Computer Forensics, came into limelight during
this period.
5. International Organization on Computer Evidence (IOCE) was formed in 1995.
6. In 1997, the great countries declared that law enforcement personnel should be
trained and equipped to deal with sophisticated crimes.
7. In 1998, INTERPOL Forensic Science symposium was apprehended.
8. In 1999, the FBI CART case load goes beyond 2000 case examining, 17
terabytes of information.
9. In 2000, the first FBI Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory was recognized.
10. In 2003, the FBI CART case load exceeds 6500 cases, examining 782 terabytes
of information.

4.1.3 Rule of Digital Forensics

While performing digital forensics investigation, the investigator should follow the
given rules:
Rule 1. An examination should never be performed on the original media.
Rule 2. A copy is made onto forensically sterile media. New media should
always be used if available.
Rule 3. The copy of the evidence must be an exact, bit-by-bit copy.
(Sometimes referred to as a bit-stream copy).
Rule 4. The computer and the data on it must be protected during the acquisition
of the media to ensure that the data is not modified.
Rule 5. The examination must be conducted in such a way as to prevent any
modification of the evidence.
Rule 6. The chain of custody of all evidence must be clearly maintained to
provide an audit log of whom might have accessed the evidence and at what time.
4.1.4 Definition of Digital Forensics
Digital forensics is a series of steps to uncover and analyze electronic data through
scientific method. Major goal of the process is to duplicate original data and preserve
original evidence and then performing the series of investigation by collecting,
identifying and validating digital information for the purpose of restructuring past
4.1.5 Digital Forensic Investigation
Digital forensic investigation (DFI) is a special type of investigation where the scientific
procedures and techniques used will be allowed to view the result- digital evidence- to
be admissible in a court of law.
4.1.6 Goal of Digital Forensic Investigation:

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The main objective of computer forensic investigation is to examine digital evidences

and to ensure that they have not been tampered in any manner. To achieve this goal
investigation must be able to handle all below obstacles:
1. Handle and locate a certain amount of valid data from a large amount of files
stored in the computer system.
2. It is viable that the information has been deleted, in such a situation searching
inside the file is worthless.
3. If the files are secured by some passwords, investigators must find a way to read
the protected data in an unauthorized manner.
4. Data may be stored in damaged device but the investigator searches the data in
working devices.
5. Major obstacle is that each and every case is different. Identifying the techniques
and tools will take a long time.
6. The digital data found should be protected from being modified. It is very tedious
to prove that data under examination is unaltered.
7. Common procedures for investigation and standard techniques for collecting and
preserving digital evidence are desired.
4.1.7 Models of Digital Forensics:
I. Abstract Digital Forensic Model (ADFM)
Reith, Carr, Gunsh proposed the Abstract Digital Forensic model in 2002.



Approach Strategy






Returning Evidence

Fig.4.1: Abstract Digital Forensic Model (ADFM)

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● Phases of ADFM model are as follows:

1. Identification –it recognizes an incident from indicators and determines its type.
2. Preparation –it involves the preparation of tools, techniques, search warrants
and monitoring authorization and management support
3. Approach strategy –formulating procedures and approach to use in order to
maximize the collection of untainted evidence while minimizing the impact to
the victim
4. Preservation–it involves the isolation, securing and preserving the state of
physical and digital evidence
5. Collection –This is to record the physical scene and duplicate digital evidence
using standardized and accepted procedures
6. Examination –An in-depth systematic search of evidence relating to the
suspected crime. This focuses on identifying and locating potential evidence.
7. Analysis –This determines importance and probative value to the case of the
examined product
8. Presentation -Summary and explanation of conclusion
9. Returning Evidence –Physical and digital property returned to proper owner

II. Integrated Digital Investigation Process (IDIP)

DFPM along with5 groups and 17 phases are proposed by Carrier and Safford.
DFPM is named the Integrated Digital Investigation Process (IDIP). The groups are
indexed as shown in following Figure 2.3.

Readiness Deployment Crime Review


Fig. 4.2: An Integrated Digital Investigation Process

● The phases of IDIP are as follows:
1. Readiness phase The goal of this phase is to ensure that the operations and
infrastructure are able to fully support an investigation. It includes two phases:
- Operations Readiness phase
- Infrastructure Readiness phase
2. Deployment phase The purpose is to provide a mechanism for an incident to be
detected and confirmed. It includes two phases:

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● Detection and Notification phase; where the incident is detected and then
appropriate people notified.
● Confirmation and Authorization phase; which confirms the incident and
obtains authorization for legal approval to carry out a search warrant.

3. Physical Crime Investigation phase The goal of these phases is to collect and
analyze the physical evidence and reconstruct the actions that took place during
the incident.
It includes six phases:
● Preservation phase; which seeks to preserve the crime scene so that evidence can
be later identified and collected by personnel trained in digital evidence
● Survey phase; that requires an investigator to walk through the physical crime
scene and identify pieces of physical evidence.
● Documentation phase; which involves taking photographs, sketches, and videos
of the crime scene and the physical evidence. The goal is to capture as much
information as possible so that the layout and important details of the crime scene
are preserved and recorded.
● Search and collection phase; that entails an in-depth search and collection of the
scene is performed so that additional physical evidence is identified and hence
paving way for a digital crime investigation to begin
● Reconstruction phase; which involves organizing the results from the analysis
done and using them to develop a theory for the incident.
● Presentation phase; that presents the physical and digital evidence to a court or
corporate management.

4. Digital Crime Investigation phaseThe goal is to collect and analyze the digital
evidence that was obtained from the physical investigation phase and through
any other future means. It includes similar phases as the Physical Investigation
phases, although the primary focus is on the digital evidence. The six phases are:
● Preservation phase; which preserves the digital crime scene so that evidence
can later be synchronized and analyzed for further evidence.
● Survey phase; whereby the investigator transfers the relevant data from a
venue out of physical or administrative control of the investigator to a
controlled location.
● Documentation phase; which involves properly documenting the digital
evidence when it is found. This information is helpful in the presentation
● Search and collection phase; whereby an in-depth analysis of the digital
evidence is performed. Software tools are used to reveal hidden, deleted,
swapped and corrupted files that were used including the dates, duration, log

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file etc. Low-level time lining is performed to trace a user’s activities and
● Reconstruction phase; which includes putting the pieces of a digital puzzle
together, and developing investigative hypotheses.
● Presentation phase; that involves presenting the digital evidence that was
found to the physical investigative team.
It is noteworthy that this DFPM facilitates concurrent execution of physical and
digital investigation.
5. Review phase this entails a review of the whole investigation and identifies areas
of improvement. The IDIP model does well at illustrating the forensic process,
and also conforms to the cyber terrorism capabilities which require a digital
investigation to address issues of data protection, data acquisition, imaging,
extraction, interrogation, ingestion/normalization, analysis and reporting. It also
highlights the reconstruction of the events that led to the incident and emphasizes
reviewing the whole task, hence ultimately building a mechanism for quicker
forensic examinations.
III. An Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigation (EMCI)

The DFPM proposed by S. O. Ciardhuain- an Extended Model of Cybercrime

Investigation (EMCI) - is more likely the most comprehensive till date.
● Phases of EMCI: The EMCI follows the waterfall model as every activity
occurs in sequence. The sequence of examine, hypothesis, present, and
prove/defend are bound to be repeated as the evidence heap increases during the
1. Awareness is the phase during which the investigators are informed that a crime
has taken place; the crime is reported to some authority. An intrusion detection
system may also trigger such awareness.
2. Authorization is the stage where the nature of investigation has been identified
and the unplanned authorization may be required to proceed and the
authorization is obtained internally or externally.
3. Planning is impacted by information from which and outside the organization
that will affect the investigation. Internal factors are the organization policies,
procedures, and former investigative knowledge while outside factors consist of
legal and other requirements not known by the investigators.

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Storage of
Awareness Evidence

Authorization Examination
of evidence

Planning Hypothesis

of hypothesis

Search for
identify evidence Proof/
Defense of
of information
of Evidence

Figure 4.3: An Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigation

4.2 Ethical issues in Digital Forensic
Ethics in the digital forensic field can be defined as a set of moral principles that regulate
the use of computers. Ethical decision making in digital forensic work comprises of one
or more of the following:
1. Honesty towards the investigation
2. Prudence means carefully handling the digital evidences
3. Compliance with the law and professional norms.
4.2.1 General ethical norms for investigator
Investigator should satisfy the following points:
1. Should contribute to the society and human being
2. Should avoid harm to others
3. Should be honest and trustworthy
4. Should be fair and take action not to discriminate
5. Should honor property rights, including copyrights and patents
6. Should give proper credit to intellectual property
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7. Should respect the privacy of others

8. Should honor confidentiality
4.2.2 Unethical norms for Digital Forensic Investigation
Investigator should not:
1. Uphold any relevant evidence
2. Declare any confidential matters or knowledge
3. Express an opinion on the guilt or innocence belonging to any party
4. Engage or involve in any kind of unethical or illegal conduct
5. Deliberately or knowingly undertake an assignment beyond him or her capability
6. Distort or falsify education, training, credentials
7. Display bias or prejudice in findings or observation
8. Exceed or outpace authorization in conducting examination
4.3 Digital Evidences:
The field of computer security includes events that provide a successful courtroom
experience, which are both worthwhile and satisfactory. Investigation of a computer
security incident leads to legal proceeding, such as court proceeding, where the digital
evidence and documents obtained are likely used as exhibits in the trial.
To meet the requirements of the judging body and to withstand or face any challenges,
it is essential to follow the evidence-handling procedure. Also, it is necessary to ensure
that the evidence-handling procedures chosen are not difficult to implement at your
organization as this can sometimes become an overhead for an organization.
While investigating a computer security incident, we are sometimes unsure and
indecisive whether an item(viz. a chip, floppy disk, etc)should be considered as an
evidence or an attachment or an addendum.
Digital devices are everywhere in today’s world, helping people communicate locally
and globally with ease. Most people immediately think of computers, cell phones and
the Internet as the only sources for digital evidence, but any piece of technology that
processes information can be used in a criminal way. For example, hand-held games
can carry encoded messages between criminals and even newer household appliances,
such as a refrigerator with a built-in TV, could be used to store, view and share illegal
images. The important thing to know is that responders need to be able to recognize and
properly seize potential digital evidence.
4.3.1 Digital Evidences: (Electronic evidence)
● Evidence: Any information that can be confident or trusted and can prove
something related to a case in trial that is, indicating that a certain substance or
condition is present.
● Relevant Evidence: An information which has a positive impact on the action
occurred, such as the information supporting an incident.

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● Digital Evidence: Digital evidence is any information or data that can be

confident or trusted and can prove something related to a case trial, that is,
indicating that a certain substance or condition is present. It is safe to use to use
such information as evidence during an investigation.

Digital evidence or Electronic evidence is any probative information stored or

transmitted in digital form that a party to a court case may use at trial. Before accepting
digital evidence a court will determine if the evidence is relevant, whether it is authentic,
if it is hearsay and whether a copy is acceptable or the original is required.
Digital evidence is also defined as information and data of value to an investigation that
is stored on, received or transmitted by an electronic device. This evidence can be
acquired when electronic devices are seized and secured for examination. Digital
● Is latent (hidden), like fingerprints or DNA evidence
● Crosses jurisdictional borders quickly and easily
● Can be altered, damaged or destroyed with little effort
● Can be time sensitive

There are many sources of digital evidence; the topic is divided into three major forensic
categories of devices where evidence can be found: Internet-based, stand-alone
computers or devices, and mobile devices. These areas tend to have different evidence-
gathering processes, tools and concerns, and different types of crimes tend to lend
themselves to one device or the other.
Some of the popular electronic devices which are potential digital evidence are: HDD,
CD/DVD media, backup tapes, USB drive, biometric scanner, digital camera, smart
phone, smart card, PDA, etc.

4.3.2 Forms of digital evidence: Text message, emails, pictures, videos and internet
searches are the most common types of Digital evidences.
The digital evidence is used to establish a credible link between the attacker,
victim, and the crime scene. Some of the information stored in the victim’s system can
be potential digital evidence, such as IP address, system log-in & remote log-in details,
browsing history, log files, emails, images, etc.

Digital Evidences may be in the form:

● Email Messages (may be deleted one also)
● Office file
● Deleted files of all kinds
● Encrypted file
● Compressed files
● Temp files
● Recycle Bin
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● Web History
● Cache files
● Cookies
● Registry
● Unallocated Space
● Slack Space
● Web/E-Mail server access Logs
● Domain access Logs

4.3.3 Best Evidence Rule:

The original or true writing or recording must be confessed in court to prove its contents
without any expectations. An original copy of the document is considered as superior
One of the rules states that if evidence is readable by sight or reflects the data accurately,
such as any printout or data stored in a computer or similar devices or any other output,
it is considered as "original".
It states that multiple copies of electronic files may be a part of the "original" or
equivalent to the "original". The collected electronic evidence is mostly transferred to
different media. Hence, many computer security professionals are dependent on this
Best Evidence: The most complete copy or a copy which includes all necessary parts
of evidence, which is closely related to the original evidence.
Example-A client has a copy of the original evidence media.
The "Best Evidence Rule" says that an original writing must be offered as evidence
unless it is unavailable, in which case other evidence, like copies, notes, or other
testimony can be used. Since the rules concerning evidence on a computer are fairly
reasonable (what you can see on the monitor is what the computer contains, computer
printouts are best evidence) computer records and records obtained from a computer are
best evidence.
4.3.4 Original Evidence:
The procedure adopted to deal with a situation or case takes it outside the control of the
client/victim. A case with proper diligence or a case with persistence work will end up
in a judicial proceeding, and we will handle the evidences accordingly.
For this purpose original evidence as the truth or real (original) copy of the evidence
media which is given by victim/client.
We define best incidence as the most complete copy, which includes all the necessary
parts of the evidence that are closely related to the original evidence. It is also called as
duplication of the evidence media. There should be an evidence protector which will
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store either the best evidence or original evidence for every investigation in the evidence
4.4 Characteristics of Digital Evidence:
Characteristics of digital evidences can help and challenge investigators during an
investigation.The main goals in any investigation are to follow the trails that offenders
leave during the commission of a crime and to tie perpetrators to the victims and crime
scenes. Although witnesses may identify a suspect, tangible evidence of an individual’s
involvement is usually more compelling and reliable. Forensic analysts are employed
to uncover compelling links between the offender, victim, and crime scene.

4.4.1 Locard’s Exchange Principle:

According to Edmond Locard’s principle, when two items make contact, there will be
an interchange. The Locard principle is often cited in forensic sciences and is relevant
in digital forensics investigations.
When an incident takes place, a criminal will leave a hint evidence at the scene and
remove a hint evidence from the scene. This alteration is known as the Locard exchange
principle. Many methods have been suggested in conventional forensic sciences to
strongly prosecute criminals. Techniques used consists of blood analysis, DNA
matching and fingerprint verification. These techniques are used to certify the existence
of a suspected person at a physical scene. Based on this principle, Culley suggests that
where there is communication with a computer system, clues will be left.
According to Locard’s Exchange Principle, contact between two items will result in
an exchange. This principle applies to any contact at a crime scene, including between
an offender and victim, between a person with a weapon, and between people and the
crime scene itself. In short, there will always be evidence of the interaction, although in
some cases it may not be detected easily (note that absence of evidence is not evidence
of absence). This transfer occurs in both the physical and digital realms and can provide
links between them as depicted in Figure 1. In the physical world, an offender might
inadvertently leave fingerprints or hair at the scene and take a fiber from the scene. For
instance, in a homicide case the offender may attempt to misdirect investigators by
creating a suicide note on the victim’s computer, and in the process leave fingerprints
on the keyboard. With one such piece of evidence, investigators can demonstrate the
strong possibility that the offender was at the crime scene. With two pieces of evidence
the link between the offender and crime scene becomes stronger and easier to
demonstrate. Digital evidence can reveal communications between suspects and the
victim, online activities at key times, and other information that provides a digital
dimension to the investigation.

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Figure 4.4:
Evidence transfer in the physical and digital dimensions helps investigators
establish connections between victims, offenders, and crime scenes.
In computer intrusions, the attackers will leave multiple traces of their presence
throughout the environment, including in the fi le systems, registry, system logs, and
network-level logs. Furthermore, the attackers could transfer elements of the crime
scene back with them, such as stolen user passwords or PII in a file or database. Such
evidence can be useful to link an individual to an intrusion.
In an e-mail harassment case, the act of sending threatening messages via a Web-
based e-mail service such as Hotmail can leave a number of traces. The Web browser
used to send messages will store fi les, links, and other information on the sender’s hard
drive along with date-time–related information. Therefore, forensic analysts may find
an abundance of information relating to the sent message on the offender’s hard drive,
including the original message contents. Additionally, investigators may be able to
obtain related information from Hotmail, including Web server access logs, IP
addresses, and possibly the entire message in the sent mail folder of the offender’s e-
mail account.

4.4.2 Digital Stream of Bits :

Cohen refers to digital evidence as a bag of bits, which in turn can be arranged in arrays
to display the information. The information in continuous bits will rarely make scene
and tools are needed to show these structures logically so that it is readable.
The circumstance in which digital evidence are found also helps the investigator during
the inspection. Metadata is used to portray data more specifically and is helpful in
determining the background of digital evidence.
4.5 Types of Evidences:
There are many types of Evidences, each with their own specific or unique
characteristics. Some major types of evidences are :

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1. Illustrative evidence:Illustrative evidence is also called as demonstrative evidence.

It is generally a representation of an object which is a common form of proof. For
example , photographs , videos , sound recordings , X-rays , maps , drawing , graphs ,
charts , simulations , sculptors , and models.
2. Electronic Evidence:Electronic evidence is nothing but digital evidence. As we
know, the use of digital evidence in trials has greatly increased .The evidences or proof
that can be obtained from the electronic source is called the digital evidence.(viz. Email
, hard drives etc.)
3. Documented Evidence:Documented evidence is same as demonstrative evidence.
However, in documentary evidence , the proof is presented in writing (Viz. Contracts ,
wills , invoices etc.).
4. Explainable Evidence:This type of evidence is typically used in criminal cases in
which it supports the dependent, either partially or totally removing their guilt in the
case.It is also referred to as exculpatory.
5.Substantial Evidence: A proof that is introduced in the form of a physical object,
whether whole or in part, is referred to as substantial evidence. It is also called physical
evidence. Such evidence might consist of dried blood, fingerprint, and DNA samples,
casts of footprints or tries at the scene of crime.
6. Testimonial:It is the kind of evidence spoken by the spectator under the oath , or
written evidence given under the oath by an official declaration that is affidavit. This is
the common forms of evidence in the system.
4.6 Challenges in Evidence handling:
While responding to a computer security incident, a failure to adequately document is
one of the most common mistakes made by computer security professional’s .Analytical
data might never be collected, critical data may be lost or data's origin or meaning may
become unknown. As there are many evidences collected based on technical complexity
is the fact that the properly retrieved evidence requires a paper trial.
Such documentations give an impression of having a certain quality against the natural
instincts of the technical practical knowledge of individuals, who often investigate
computer security incidents.
The challenges faced in the evidence handling must be properly understood by all the
investigators. They should also understand how to meet these challenges. Therefore, it
is essential for every organization to have formal evidence handling procedures that
support computer security investigation. The most difficult task for an evidence handler
is to substantiate the collected evidence at the judicial proceedings. Maintaining the
chain of custody is also necessary. You must have both power and skill to validate your

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4.6.1 Authentication of Evidence:

The laws of many state jurisdictions define data as Written Works and Record keeping.
Before introducing them as evidence, documents and recorded material must be
The evidence that are collected by any person/investigator should be collected using
authenticate methods and techniques because during court proceedings these will
become major evidences to prove the crime. In other words, for providing a piece of
evidence of the testimony, it is necessary to have an authenticated evidence by a
spectator who has a personal knowledge to its origin.
For an evidence to be admissible, it is necessary that it should be authenticated,
otherwise the information cannot be presented to judging only. The matter of record is
that the evidence collected by any person should meet the demand of authentication.
The evidence collected must have some sort of internal documentation that records the
manner of collected information.
4.6.2 Chain of Custody:

What Is the Chain of Custody in Computer Forensics?

The chain of custody in digital forensics can also be referred to as the forensic link, the
paper trail, or the chronological documentation of electronic evidence. It indicates the
collection, sequence of control, transfer, and analysis. It also documents each person
who handled the evidence, the date/time it was collected or transferred, and the purpose
for the transfer.

Why Is It Important to Maintain the Chain of Custody?

It is important to maintain the chain of custody to preserve the integrity of the evidence
and prevent it from contamination, which can alter the state of the evidence. If not
preserved, the evidence presented in court might be challenged and ruled inadmissible.

Importance to the Examiner:

Suppose that, as the examiner, you obtain metadata for a piece of evidence. However,
you are unable to extract meaningful information from it. The fact that there is no
meaningful information within the metadata does not mean that the evidence is
insufficient. The chain of custody in this case helps show where the possible evidence
might lie, where it came from, who created it, and the type of equipment that was
used. That way, if you want to create an exemplar, you can get that equipment, create
the exemplar, and compare it to the evidence to confirm the evidence properties.

Importance to the Court:

It is possible to have the evidence presented in court dismissed if there is a missing link
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in the chain of custody. It is therefore important to ensure that a wholesome and

meaningful chain of custody is presented along with the evidence at the court.

What Is the Procedure to Establish the Chain of Custody?

In order to ensure that the chain of custody is as authentic as possible, a series of steps
must be followed. It is important to note that, the more information a forensic expert
obtains concerning the evidence at hand, the more authentic is the created chain of
custody. Due to this, it is important to obtain administrator information about the
evidence: for instance, the administrative log, date and file info, and who accessed the
files. You should ensure the following procedure is followed according to the chain of
custody for electronic evidence:
● Save the original materials: You should always work on copies of the digital
evidence as opposed to the original. This ensures that you are able to compare
your work products to the original that you preserved unmodified.
● Take photos of physical evidence: Photos of physical (electronic) evidence
establish the chain of custody and make it more authentic.
● Take screenshots of digital evidence content: In cases where the evidence is
intangible, taking screenshots is an effective way of establishing the chain of
● Document date, time, and any other information of receipt. Recording the
timestamps of whoever has had the evidence allows investigators to build a
reliable timeline of where the evidence was prior to being obtained. In the event
that there is a hole in the timeline, further investigation may be necessary.
● Inject a bit-for-bit clone of digital evidence content into our forensic
computers. This ensures that we obtain a complete duplicate of the digital
evidence in question.
● Perform a hash test analysis to further authenticate the working clone.
Performing a hash test ensures that the data we obtain from the previous bit-by-
bit copy procedure is not corrupt and reflects the true nature of the original
evidence. If this is not the case, then the forensic analysis may be flawed and
may result in problems, thus rendering the copy non-authentic.
The procedure of the chain of custody might be different. depending on the
jurisdiction in which the evidence resides; however, the steps are largely identical to the
ones outlined above.

What Considerations Are Involved with Digital Evidence?

A couple of considerations are involved when dealing with digital evidence. We shall
take a look at the most common and discuss globally accepted best practices.
1. Never work with the original evidence to develop procedures: The biggest
consideration with digital evidence is that the forensic expert has to make a
complete copy of the evidence for forensic analysis. This cannot be overlooked
because, when errors are made to working copies or comparisons are required, it
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will be necessary to compare the original and copies.

2. Use clean collecting media: It is important to ensure that the examiner’s storage
device is forensically clean when acquiring the evidence. This prevents the
original copies from damage. Think of a situation where the examiner’s data
evidence collecting media is infected by malware. If the malware escapes into
the machine being examined, all of the evidence can become compromised.
3. Document any extra scope: During the course of an examination, information
of evidentiary value may be found that is beyond the scope of the current legal
authority. It is recommended that this information be documented and brought
to the attention of the case agent because the information may be needed to obtain
additional search authorities. A comprehensive report must contain the following
● Identity of the reporting agency
● Case identifier or submission number
● Case investigator
● Identity of the submitter
● Date of receipt
● Date of report
● Descriptive list of items submitted for examination, including serial
number, make, and model
● Identity and signature of the examiner
● Brief description of steps taken during examination, such as string
searches, graphics image searches, and recovering erased files
● Results/conclusions
4. Consider safety of personnel at the scene. It is advisable to always ensure the
scene is properly secured before and during the search. In some cases, the
examiner may only have the opportunity to do the following while onsite:
● Identify the number and type of computers.
● Determine if a network is present.
● Interview the system administrator and users.
● Identify and document the types and volume of media, including
removable media.
● Document the location from which the media was removed.
● Identify offsite storage areas and/or remote computing locations.
● Identify proprietary software.
● Determine the operating system in question.
The considerations above need to be taken into account when dealing with digital
evidence due to the fragile nature of the task at hand.

Chain of custody prevents evidence from being tainted; it thus establishes

trustworthiness of items brought into evidence. The U.S. legal system wants the

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proponent of evidence to be able to demonstrate an unbroken chain of custody for items

he wants to have admitted.

Often, there is a stipulation,for example, when there is an agreement between the

parties or a concession by the opponent of the evidence that allows it to be admitted
without requiring testimony to prove the foundational elements. The purpose of
stipulation is to move the trial quickly forward, without pondering idle questions.

If there is a break in the chain of custody brought to the attention of the court,
then the court has to decide whether the breach is so severe as to meet exclusion of the
item from trial. Alternatively, the court can decide that the Trier (trial judge or jury)
need to decide the value of the evidence. To prevent a breach, a forensic investigation
should follow a written policy, so that necessary deviations of the policy can be argued.
The policy itself should take all reasonable (or arguably reasonable) precautions against

For example, assume that a PDA is seized from a suspected drug dealer. In the
case of an PDA, there is no hard drive image to mirror, that is, the examination will
have to be done on the powered-on original. The PDA can lose data, for example by
disconnecting it from its battery. On seizure, the device should not be switched on. If it
is seized switched on, it should be switched off in order to preserve battery power. It
needs to be put into an evidence bag that does not allow access to the PDA without
breaking the seal (no clear plastic bag!). The evidence needs to be tagged with all
pertinent data, including the serial number of the PDA and the circumstances of the
seizure. The PDA should never be returned to the accused at the scene, because the
device can lose data if reset. To maintain the data in the PDA, it needs to be kept in a
continuously charged mode. It should only be used to extract evidence by a competent
person who can testify in court. As long as the PDA could be evidence, it needs to be
kept in an evidence locker, with check-out logs, so that it can be determined who had
access to the PDA at any time.

4.6.3 Evidence Validation: The challenge is to ensure that providing or obtaining the
data that you have collected is similar to the data provided or presented in court. Several
years pass between the collection of evidence and the production of evidence at a
judiciary proceeding, which is very common. To meet the challenge of validation, it is
necessary to ensure that the original media matches the forensic duplication by using
MD5 hashes. The evidence for every file is nothing but the MD5 hash values that are
generated for every file that contributes to the case.
The verify function within the Encase application can be used while duplicating
a hard drive with Encase. To perform a forensic duplication using dd , you must record
MD5 hash for both the original evidence media and binary files or the files which
compose the forensic duplication.

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Note: Evidence collection calculated by MD5 after 6 months may not be helpful.MD5
hashes should be performed when the evidence is obtained.
4.7 Volatile Evidence: Not all the evidence on a system is going to last very long. Some
evidence is residing in storage that requires a consistent power supply; other evidence
may be stored in information that is continuously changing. When collecting evidence,
you should always try to proceed from the most volatile to the least. Of course, you
should still take the individual circumstances into account—you shouldn’t waste time
extracting information from an unimportant/unaffected machine’s main memory when
an important or affected machine’s secondary memory hasn’t been examined.
You need to respond to the target system at the console during the collection of
volatile data rather than access it over the network. This way the possibility of the
attacker monitoring your responses is eliminated, ensuring that you are running trust
commands. If you are creating a forensic duplication of the targeted system, you should
focus on obtaining the volatile system data before shutting down the system.
To determine what evidence to collect first, you should draw up an Order of
Volatility—a list of evidence sources ordered by relative volatility. An example an
Order of Volatility would be:

1. Registers and cache

2. Routing tables
3. Arp cache
4. Process table
5. Kernel statistics and modules
6. Main memory
7. Temporary file systems
8. Secondary memory
9. Router configuration
10. Network topology

Note: Once you have collected the raw data from volatile sources you may be able to
shutdown the system.{Matthew Braid, “Collecting Electronic Evidence After A System
Compromise,” Australian Computer Emergency Response Team}

Registers, Cache: The contents of CPU cache and registers are extremely volatile,
since they are changing all of the time. Literally, nanoseconds make the difference here.
An examiner needs to get to the cache and register immediately and extract that
evidence before it is lost.

Routing Table, ARP Cache, Process Table, Kernel Statistics, Memory: Some of
these items, like the routing table and the process table, have data located on network
devices. In other words, that data can change quickly while the system is in operation,
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so evidence must be gathered quickly. Also, kernel statistics are moving back and forth
between cache and main memory, which make them highly volatile. Finally, the
information located on random access memory (RAM) can be lost if there is a power
spike or if power goes out. Clearly, that information must be obtained quickly.

Temporary File Systems: Even though the contents of temporary file systems have the
potential to become an important part of future legal proceedings, the volatility concern
is not as high here. Temporary file systems usually stick around for awhile.

Disk: Even though we think that the data we place on a disk will be around forever, that
is not always the case (see the SSD Forensic Analysis post from June 21). However, the
likelihood that data on a disk cannot be extracted is very low.

Remote Logging and Monitoring Data that is Relevant to the System in Question:
The potential for remote logging and monitoring data to change is much higher than
data on a hard drive, but the information is not as vital. So, even though the volatility of
the data is higher here, we still want that hard drive data first.

Physical Configuration, Network Topology, and Archival Media: Here we have

items that are either not that vital in terms of the data or are not at all volatile. The
physical configuration and network topology is information that could help an
investigation, but is likely not going to have a tremendous impact. Finally, archived data
is usually going to be located on a DVD or tape, so it isn’t going anywhere anytime
soon. It is great digital evidence to gather, but it is not volatile.

Case Studies :

Case-1: Credit Card Fraud

State : Tamil Nadu
City : Chennai
Sections of Law : Section of Law: 66 of Information Technology Act

2000 & 120(B), 420,467,468,471 IPC.

The assistant manager (the complainant) with the fraud control unit of a large business
process outsourcing (BPO) organization filed a complaint alleging that two of its
employees had conspired with a credit card holder to manipulate the credit limit and as
a result cheated the company of INR 0.72 million.

The BPO facility had about 350 employees. Their primary function was to issue the
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bank's credit cards as well as attend to customer and merchant queries. Each employee
was assigned to a specific task and was only allowed to access the computer system for
that specific task. The employees were not allowed to make any changes in the credit-
card holder's account unless they received specific approvals.

Each of the employees was given a unique individual password. In case they entered an
incorrect password three consecutive times then their password would get blocked and
they would be issued a temporary password.

The company suspected that its employees conspired with the son (holding an add-on
card) of one of the credit card holders. The modus operandi suspected by the client is
as follows.

The BPO employee deliberately keyed in the wrong password three consecutive times
(so that his password would get blocked) and obtained a temporary password to access
the computer system. He manually reversed the transactions of the card so that it
appeared that payment for the transaction has taken place. The suspect also changed the
credit card holder's address so that the statement of account would never be delivered
to the primary card holder.

Investigation: A procedure to find the Digital Evidence

The investigating team visited the premises of the BPO and conducted detailed
examination of various persons to understand the computer system used. They learnt
that in certain situations the system allowed the user to increase the financial limits
placed on a credit card. The system also allowed the user to change the customer's
address, blocking and unblocking of the address, authorisations for cash transactions

The team analysed the attendance register which showed that the accused was present
at all the times when the fraudulent entries had been entered in the system. They also
analysed the system logs that showed that the accuser's ID had been used to make the
changes in the system.

The team also visited the merchant establishments from where some of the transactions
had taken place. The owners of these establishments identified the holder of the add-on

Current status:The BPO was informed of the security lapse in the software utilised.
Armed with this evidence the investigating team arrested all the accused and recovered,
on their confession, six mobile phones, costly imported wrist watches, jewels, electronic
items, leather accessories, credit cards, all worth INR 0. 3 million and cash INR 25000.

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The investigating team informed the company of the security lapses in their software so
that instances like this could be avoided in the future.

This case won the second runner-up position for the India Cyber Cop Award, for its
investigating officer Mr S. Balu, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Crime, Chennai
Police. The case was remarkable for the excellent understanding displayed by the
investigating team, of the business processes and its use in collecting digital evidence.

Case-2: Hosting Obscene Profiles

State : Tamil Nadu
City : Chennai
Sections of Law : 67 of Information Technology

Act 2000 469, 509 of the Indian Penal code

Background:The complainant stated that some unknown person had created an e-mail
ID using her name and had used this ID to post messages on five Web pages describing
her as a call-girl along with her contact numbers.
As a result she started receiving a lot of offending calls from men.

Investigation: A procedure to find the Digital Evidence

After the complainant heard about the Web pages with her contact details, she created
a username to access and view these pages.

Using the same log-in details, the investigating team accessed the Web pages where
these profiles were uploaded. The message had been posted on five groups, one of which
was a public group. The investigating team obtained the access logs of the public group
and the message to identify the IP addresses used to post the message. Two IP addresses
were identified.

The ISP was identified with the help of publicly available Internet sites. A request was
made to the ISPs to provide the details of the computer with the IP addresses at the time
the messages were posted. They provided the names and addresses of two cyber cafes
located in Mumbai to the police.

The investigating team scrutinised the registers maintained by the cyber cafes and found
that in one case the complainant's name had been signed into the register.

The team also cross-examined the complainant in great detail. During one of the
meetings she revealed that she had refused a former college mate who had proposed

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In view of the above the former college mate became the prime suspect. Using this
information the investigating team, with the help of Mumbai police, arrested the suspect
and seized a mobile phone from him. After the forensic examination of the SIM card
and the phone, it was observed that phone had the complainant’s telephone number that
was posted on the internet. The owner of the cyber cafes also identified the suspect as
the one who had visited the cyber cafes.

Based on the facts available with the police and the sustained interrogation the suspect
confessed to the crime.

Current status:The suspect was convicted of the crime and sentenced to two years of
imprisonment as well as a fine.

Case - 3: Illegal money transfer

State : Maharashtra
City : Pune
Sections of Law : 467,468, 471, 379,419, 420, 34 of IPC & 66 of IT ACT
Background: The accused in the case were working in a BPO, that was handling the
business of a multinational bank. The accused, during the course of their work had
obtained the personal identification numbers (PIN) and other confidential information
of the bank’s customers. Using these the accused and their accomplices, through
different cyber cafes, transferred huge sums of money from the accounts of different
customers to fake accounts.

Investigation: A procedure to find the Digital Evidence

On receiving the complaint the entire business process of the complainant firm was
studied and a systems analysis was conducted to establish the possible source of the
data theft.

The investigators were successful in arresting two people as they laid a trap in a local
bank where the accused had fake accounts for illegally transferring money.

During the investigation the system server logs of the BPO were collected. The IP
addresses were traced to the Internet service provider and ultimately to the cyber cafes
through which illegal transfers were made.

The registers maintained in cyber cafes and the owners of cyber cafes assisted in
identifying the other accused in the case. The e-mail IDs and phone call print outs were
also procured and studied to establish the identity of the accused. The e-mail accounts

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of the arrested accused were scanned which revealed vital information to identify the
other accused. Some e-mail accounts of the accused contained swift codes, which were
required for internet money transfer.

All the 17 accused in the case were arrested in a short span of time. The charge sheet
was submitted in the court within the stipulated time. In the entire wire transfer scam,
an amount to the tune of about INR 19 million was transferred, out of this INR 9 million
was blocked in transit due to timely intimation by police, INR 2 million was held in
balance in one of the bank accounts opened by the accused which was frozen. In
addition the police recovered cash, ornaments, vehicles and other articles amounting to
INR 3 million.

During the investigation the investigating officer learned the process of wire transfer,
the banking procedures and weakness in the system. The investigating officer suggested
measures to rectify the weakness in the present security systems of the call centre. This
has helped the local BPO industry in taking appropriate security measures.

Current status: Pending trial in the court.

This case won the India Cyber Cop Award, for its investigating officer Mr Sanjay
Jadhav, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Crime, Pune Police. The panel of judges felt
that this case was the most significant one for the Indian IT industry during 2005 and
was investigated in a professional manner, with substantial portion of the swindled
funds being immobilised, a large number of persons were arrested and the case was sent
to the court for trial within 90 days.

Case-4: Fake Travel Agent

State : Maharashtra
City : Mumbai
Sections of : 420, 465, 467, 468, 471, 34 of IPC r/w 143 of Indian
Law Railway Act 1989.

Background: The accused in this case was posing to be a genuine railway ticket agent
and had been purchasing tickets online by using stolen credit cards of non residents.
The accused created fraudulent electronic records/ profiles, which he used to carry out
the transactions.The tickets so purchased were sold for cash to other passengers. Such
events occurred for a period of about four months.
The online ticket booking service provider took notice of this and lodged a complaint
with the cyber crime investigation cell.
Investigation: A procedure to find the Digital Evidence

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The service provider gave the IP addresses, which were used for the fraudulent online
bookings, to the investigating team. IP addresses were traced to cyber cafes in two
The investigating team visited the cyber cafŽs but was not able to get the desired logs
as they were not maintained by the cyber cafŽ owners. The investigating team was able
to short list the persons present at cyber cafes when the bookings were made. The
respective owners of the cyber cafes were able to identify two persons who would
regularly book railway tickets.
The investigating team then examined the passengers who had travelled on these tickets.
They stated that they had received the tickets from the accused and identified the
delivery boy who delivered the tickets to them. On the basis of this evidence the
investigating team arrested two persons who were identified in an identification parade.

Current status:The charge sheet has been submitted in the court.

Case-5: Creating Fake Profile

State : Andhra Pradesh
City : Hyderabad
Sections of : 67 Information Technology Act 2000 507, 509 of the
Law Indian Penal Code

Background:The complainant received an obscene e-mail from an unknown e-mail ID.

The complainant also noticed that obscene profiles along with photographs of his
daughter had been uploaded on matrimonial sites.

Investigation: A procedure to find the Digital Evidence

The investigating officer examined and recorded the statements of the complainant and
his daughter. The complainant stated that his daughter was divorced and her husband
had developed a grudge against them due to the failure of the marriage.

The investigating officer took the original e-mail from the complainant and extracted
the IP address of the same. From the IP address he could ascertain the Internet service

The IP address was traced to a cable Internet service provider in the city area of
Hyderabad. The said IP address was allotted to the former husband sometime back and
his house was traced with the help of the staff of ISP.

A search warrant was obtained and the house of the accused was searched. During the
search operation, a desktop computer and a handicam were seized from the premises. A
forensic IT specialist assisted the investigation officer in recovering e-mails (which
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were sent to the complainant), using a specialised disk search tool as well as
photographs (which had been posted on the Internet) from the computer and the
handicam respectively. The seized computer and the handicam were sent to the forensic
security laboratory for further analysis.

The experts of the forensic security laboratory analysed the material and issued a report
stating that: the hard disk of the seized computer contained text that was identical to
that of the obscene e-mail; the computer had been used to access the matrimonial
websites on which the obscene profiles were posted; the computer had been used to
access the e-mail account that was used to send the obscene e-mail; the handicam seized
from the accused contained images identical to the ones posted on the matrimonial
Websites. Based on the report of the FSL it was clearly established that the accused had:
created a fictitious e-mail ID and had sent the obscene e-mail to the complainant; posted
the profiles of the victim along with her photographs on the matrimonial sites.

Current status:Based on the material and oral evidence, a charge sheet has been filed
against the accused and the case is currently pending for trial.


1. http://www.forensicsciencesimplified.org/digital/
2. http://www.forensicsciencesimplified.org/digital/
3. https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2007/07/20/the-rules-for-computer-
forensics/ as on 28 August 2019
4. Digital Evidence and Computer Crime, Third Edition © 2011 Eoghan Casey.
Published by Elsevier Inc.
5. www.cse.scu.edu/~tschwarz/COEN252_13/LN/legalissues.html

Sample Multiple Choice Questions

1. Digital forensics is all of them except:

a) Extraction of computer data
b) Preservation of computer data
c) Interpretation of computer data
d) Manipulation of computer data
2. IDIP stands for
a) Integrated Digital Investigation Process
b) Integrated Data Investigation Process
c) Integrated Digital Investigator Process
d) Independent Digital Investigator Process

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3. The digital evidence are used to establish a credible link between____

a. Attacker and victim and the crime scene
b. Attacker and the crime scene
c. victim and the crime scene
d. Attacker and Information
4. Digital evidences must follow the requirements of the ______________.
a. Ideal Evidence rule
b. Best Evidence Rule
c. Exchange Rule
d. All of the mentioned
5. From the two given statements 1 and 2 , select the correct options from a-d.
1): Original media can be used to carry out digital investigation process.
2): By default, every part of the victim’s computer is considered unreliable.
a. a and b both are true
b. a is true and b is false
c. a and b both are false
d. a is false and b is true

6. The evidences or proof that can be obtained from the electronic source is called
a. digital evidence
b. demonstrative evidence
c. Explainable Evidence
d. substantial evidence
7. Which of the following is not a type of volatile evidence?
a. Routing Tables
b. Main Memory
c. Log files
d. Cached Data

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Unit-5 Basics of Hacking

5.1 Ethical Hacking
● How Hackers Beget Ethical Hackers
● Defining hacker, Malicious users
● Data Privacy and General Data Protection and Regulation(GDPR)
5.2 Understanding the need to hack your own systems
5.3 Understanding the dangers your systems face
● Nontechnical attacks
● Network-infrastructure attacks
● Operating-system attacks
● Application and other specialized attacks
5.4 Obeying the Ethical hacking Principles
● Working ethically
● Respecting privacy
● Not crashing your systems
5.5 The Ethical hacking Process
● Formulating your plan
● Selecting tools
● Executing the plan
● Evaluating results
● Moving on
5.6 Cyber Security act

5.1 Ethical Hacking

Hacking developed alongside "Phone Phreaking", a term referred to exploration of the
phone network without authorization, and there has often been overlap between both
technology and participants.
Ethical hacking is the science of testing computers and network for security
vulnerabilities and plugging the holes found before the unauthorized people get a
chance to exploit them.

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Social Engineering Cycle Social Engineering Counter Measures

Fig. 5.1 Social Engineering Cycle and Counter Measures

● Gather Information: This is the first stage, the learns as much as he can about
the intended victim. The information is gathered from company websites, other
publications and sometimes by talking to the users of the target system.
● Plan Attack: The attackers outline how he/she intends to execute the attack
● Acquire Tools: These include computer programs that an attacker will use when
launching the attack.
● Attack: Exploit the weaknesses in the target system.
● Use acquired knowledge: Information gathered during the social engineering
tactics such as pet names, birthdates of the organization founders, etc. is used in
attacks such as password guessing.
Most techniques employed by social engineers involve manipulating human biases.
To counter such techniques, an organization can;
✔ To counter the familiarity exploit
✔ To counter intimidating circumstances attacks
✔ To counter phishing techniques
✔ To counter tailgating attacks
✔ To counter human curiosity
✔ To counter techniques that exploit human greed
● Social engineering is the art of exploiting the human elements to gain access to
un-authorized resources.
● Social engineers use a number of techniques to fool the users into revealing
sensitive information.
● Organizations must have security policies that have social engineering
Hacker’s attitude:
A hacker-cracker separation gives more emphasis to a range of different categories,
such as white hat (ethical hacking), grey hat, black hat and script kiddies. The term
cracker refers to black hat hackers, or more generally hackers with unlawful

Hackers are problem solvers. They get extract from understanding a problem and
sorting out a solution. Their motivation to meet challenges is internal. Hackers do what
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they do because it’s extremely satisfying to solve puzzles and fix the up-until-now
unfixable. The pleasure derived is both intellectual and practical. But one doesn’t have
to be a geek to be a hacker. Being a hacker is a mind-set. In Raymond’s
dissertation, “How to Become a Hacker”, he describes the fundamentals of a hacker
These are very same principles apply to being innovative which are explained as below:
The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved.
Innovation happens because hackers like to solve the problem rather than complaining.
If one happen to find these problems fascinating and exciting, then it won’t even feel
like hard work.
No Problem should ever have to be solved twice.
Hackers are perfectionists for clarifying the problem before they start generating ideas.
It’s easy to jump to solutions, but sometimes that means wrong problems are solved. A
little bit of accuracy on the front end of a problem solving process means one tackles
the right and real problem, so one only have to do it once.
Boredom and drudgery(more and more work) are evil.
The best way to lose touch with innovation is to become too repetitive. Innovation
requires constant and vigilant creativity. It may not be broken enough to fix, but there’s
no reason not to squeeze it and cut boredom off at the pass.
Freedom is good.
Hackers need freedom to work upon their ideas.
Attitude is no substitute for competence.
They are open-minded and they see problems as interesting opportunities. Innovators
are seeking to understand a problem more deeply, puzzling at how an unworkable idea
might become workable, increasing their skill set so that they are better problem solvers
and can better execute their ideas.
Hackers are the innovators of the Internet. Overall hackers are who have got that
relentless, curious, problem-solving attitude.

Computer Hacking:
Computer Hackers have been in existence for more than a century. Originally,
"hacker" did not carry the negative implications. In the late 1950s and early 1960s,
computers were much different than the desktop or laptop systems most people are
familiar with. In those days, most companies and universities used mainframe
computers: giant, slow-moving hunks of metal locked away in temperature-controlled
glass cages. It cost thousands of dollars to maintain and operate those machines, and
programmers had to fight for access time.
Because of the time and money involved, computer programmers began looking for
ways to get the most out of the machines. The best and brightest of those programmers
created what they called "hacks" - shortcuts that would modify and improve the
performance of a computer's operating system or applications and allow more tasks
to be completed in a shorter time.
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Still, for all the negative things hackers have done, they provide a necessary (and even
valuable) service, which is elaborated on after a brief timeline in the history of
computer hacking

5.1.1 How Hackers Beget Ethical Hackers:

Hacker is a word that has two meanings:
✔ Traditionally, a hacker is someone who likes to tamper with software or
electronic systems. Hackers enjoy exploring and learning how computer
systems operate. They love discovering new ways to work electronically.
✔ Recently, hacker has taken on a new meaning — someone who maliciously
breaks into systems for personal gain. Technically, these criminals are
crackers (criminal hackers). Crackers break into (crack) systems with
malicious intent. They are out for personal gain: fame, profit, and even
revenge. They modify, delete, and steal critical information, often making
other people miserable.
The good-guy (white-hat) hackers don’t like being in the same category as the bad-
guy (black-hat) hackers. Whatever the case, most people give hacker a negative
meaning. Many malicious hackers claim that they don’t cause damage but instead are
selflessly helping others. In other words, many malicious hackers are electronic
Hackers go for almost any system they think they can compromise. Some prefer
prestigious, well-protected systems, but hacking into anyone’s system increases their
status in hacker circles.
If one need protection from hacker troubles; one has to become as savvy as the guys
trying to attack systems. A true security assessment professional possesses the skills,
mind-set, and tools of a hacker but is also trustworthy. He or she performs the hacks
as security tests against systems based on how hackers might work.

● Ethical hacker’s attitude encompasses formal and methodical penetration

testing, white hat hacking, and vulnerability testing ,which involves the same
tools, tricks, and techniques that criminal hackers use, but with one major
difference: Ethical hacking is performed with the target’s permission in a
professional setting.
The intent of ethical hacking is to discover vulnerabilities from a malicious attacker’s
viewpoint to better secure systems. Ethical hacking is part of an overall information
risk management program that allows for on-going security improvements. Ethical
hacking can also ensure that vendors’ claims about the security of their products are

● Ethical hacking versus auditing

Many people confuse security testing via the ethical hacking approach with security
auditing, but there are big differences, namely in the objectives.
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Security auditing involves comparing a company’s security policies (or compliance

requirements) to what’s actually taking place. The intent of security auditing is to
validate that security controls exist using a risk-based approach.
Auditing often involves reviewing business processes and, in many cases, might not
be very technical. Security audits are usually based on checklists.
Equally, security assessments based around ethical hacking focus on vulnerabilities
that can be exploited. This testing approach validates that security controls do
not exist or are incompetent at best.
Ethical hacking can be both highly technical and nontechnical, and although one can
use a formal methodology, it tends to be a bit less structured than formal auditing.

● Policy considerations
If it is chosen to make ethical hacking an important part of business’s information risk
management program, one really need to have a documented security testing policy.
Such a policy outlines who’s doing the testing, the general type of testing that is
performed, and how often the testing takes place.

● What is Hacking?
Hacking is identifying weakness in computer systems or networks to exploit its
weaknesses to gain access.

● Example of Hacking:
Computers have become mandatory to run successful businesses. It is not enough to
have isolated computers systems; they need to be networked to facilitate
communication with external businesses.
✔ Using password cracking algorithm to gain access to a system.
✔ This exposes them to the outside world and hacking. Hacking means using
computers to commit fraudulent acts such as fraud, privacy invasion, stealing
corporate/personal data, etc.
✔ Cybercrimes cost many organizations millions of dollars every year.
Businesses need to protect themselves against such attacks.

Ethical Hacking is identifying weakness in computer systems and/or computer

networks and coming up with countermeasures that protect the weaknesses.
Ethical hacking is a branch of information security or information assurance which
tests an organization's information systems against a variety of attacks. Ethical
hackers are also sometimes known as White Hats.
Many people are confused when the terms "Ethical" and "Hacking" are used together.
Usually the term "hacker" has a negative connotation due to media reports using
incorrect terminology.

Ethical hackers must abide by the following rules:

✔ Get written permission from the owner of the computer system and/or
computer network before hacking.
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✔ Protect the privacy of the organization been hacked.

✔ Transparently report all the identified weaknesses in the computer system to
the organization.
✔ Inform hardware and software vendors of the identified weaknesses.

Ethical hacking
✔ Refers to the act of locating weaknesses and vulnerabilities of computer and
information systems by duplicating the intent and actions of malicious hackers.
✔ Known as penetration testing, intrusion testing or red teaming.
An ethical hacker is a security professional who applies their hacking skills for
defensive purposes on behalf of the owners of information systems.
By conducting penetration tests, an ethical hacker looks to answer the following four
basic questions:
1. What information/locations/systems can an attacker gain access?
2. What can an attacker see on the target?
3. What can an attacker do with available information?
4. Does anyone at the target system notice the attempts?
An ethical hacker operates with the knowledge and permission of the organization for
which they are trying to defend. In some cases, the organization will neglect to inform
their information security team of the activities that will be carried out by an ethical
hacker in an attempt to test the effectiveness of the information security team. This is
referred to as a double-blind environment. In order to operate effectively and legally,
an ethical hacker must be informed of the assets that should be protected, potential
threat sources, and the extent to which the organization will support an ethical hacker's

5.1.2 Defining hacker, Malicious users:

Definition of Hacker: A Hacker is a person who finds and exploits the weakness in
computer systems and/or networks to gain access. Hackers are usually skilled
computer programmers with knowledge of computer security.
An Ethical Hacker, also known as a whitehat hacker, or simply a whitehat, is a
security professional who applies their hacking skills for defensive purposes on behalf
of the owners of information systems.
Nowadays, certified ethical hackers are among the most sought after
informationsecurity employees in large organizations such
as Wipro, Infosys, IBM, Airtel and Reliance among others.

What Is a Malicious User?

Malicious users (or internal attackers) try to compromise computers and sensitive
information from the inside as authorized and “trusted” users. Malicious users go for
systems they believe they can compromise for fraudulent gains or revenge.
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✔ Malicious attackers are, generally known as both, hackers and malicious users.
✔ Malicious user means a rogue employee, contractor, intern, or other user who
abuses his or her trusted privileges .It is a common term in security circles.

Users search through critical database systems to collect sensitive information, e-mail
confidential client information to the competition or elsewhere to the cloud, or delete
sensitive files from servers that they probably do not have access.
There’s also the occasional ignorant insider whose intent is not malicious but who
still causes security problems by moving, deleting, or corrupting sensitive
information. Even an innocent “fat-finger” on the keyboard can have terrible
consequences in the business world.

Malicious users are often the worst enemies of IT and information security
professionals because they know exactly where to go to get the goods and don’t need
to be computer savvy to compromise sensitive information. These users have the
access they need and the management trusts them, often without question. In short
they take the undue advantage of the trust of the management.
Hackers are classified according to the intent of their actions.
The following list classifies hackers according to their intent.

Symbol Description

Ethical Hacker (White hat): A hacker who

gains access to systems with a view to fix the
identified weaknesses.
They may also perform
penetration Testing and vulnerability

Cracker (Black hat): A hacker who gains

unauthorized access to computer systems for
personal gain.
The intent is usually to steal corporate data,
violate privacy rights, transfer funds from
bank accounts etc.

Grey hat: A hacker who is in between

ethical and black hat hackers. He/she breaks
into computer systems without authority with
a view to identify weaknesses and reveal
them to the system owner.

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Symbol Description

Script kiddies: A non-skilled person who

gains access to computer systems using
already made tools.

Hacktivist: A hacker who use hacking to

send social, religious, and political, etc.
messages. This is usually done by hijacking
websites and leaving the message on the
hijacked website.

Phreaker: A hacker who identifies and

exploits weaknesses in telephones instead of

Figure 5.2: classification of hackers according to their intent

Why Ethical Hacking?

● Information is one of the most valuable assets of an organization. Keeping
information secured can protect an organization’s image and save an
organization a lot of money.
● Hacking can lead to loss of business for organizations that deal in finance such
as PayPal. Ethical hacking puts them a step ahead of the cyber criminals who
would otherwise lead to loss of business.

Legality of Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking is legal if the hacker abides by the rules stipulated as above.
The International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) provides a
certification program that tests individual’s skills. Those who pass the examination
are awarded with certificates. The certificates are supposed to be renewed after some

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Figure 5.3: Penetration Testing Stages

5.1.3 Data Privacy and General Data Protection and Regulation (GDPR):

5.1.1 Data Privacy:

Data privacy is a guideline for how data should be collected or handled, based on its
sensitivity and importance. Data privacy is typically applied to personal health
information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII). This includes financial
information, medical records, social security or ID numbers, names, birthdates, and
contact information.
Data privacy concerns apply to all sensitive information that organizations handle,
including that of customers, shareholders, and employees. Often, this information plays
a vital role in business operations, development, and finances.
Data privacy helps ensure that sensitive data is only accessible to approved parties. It
prevents criminals from being able to maliciously use data and helps ensure that
organizations meet regulatory requirements.

5.1.2 Data Protection:

Data protection is a set of strategies and processes you can use to secure the privacy,
availability, and integrity of your data. It is sometimes also called data security.
A data protection strategy is vital for any organization that collects, handles, or stores
sensitive data. A successful strategy can help prevent data loss, theft, or corruption and
can help minimize damage caused in the event of a breach or disaster.

Data privacy defines who has access to data, while data protection provides tools and
policies to actually restrict access to the data.

5.1.3 Data Protection Principles:

Data protection principles help protect data and make it available under any
circumstances. It covers operational data backup and business continuity/disaster
recovery (BCDR) and involves implementing aspects of data management and data
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Here are key data management aspects relevant to data protection:

● Data availability—ensuring users can access and use the data required to perform
business even when this data is lost or damaged.
● Data lifecycle management—involves automating the transmission of critical data to
offline and online storage.
● Information lifecycle management—involves the valuation, cataloging, and protection
of information assets from various sources, including facility outages and disruptions,
application and user errors, machine failure, and malware and virus attacks.

5.1.4 GDPR:
The GDPR is a legal standard that protects the personal data of European Union (EU)
citizens and affects any organization that stores or processes their personal data, even if
it does not have a business presence in the EU.
Because there are hundreds of millions of European Internet users, the standard affects
almost every company that collects data from customers or prospects over the Internet.
GDPR non-compliance carries severe sanctions, with fines up to 4% of annual revenue
or €20 million.
GDPR legislators aimed to define data privacy as a basic human right, and standardize
the protection of personal data while putting data subjects in control of the use and
retention of their data.

There are two primary roles in the GDPR: the GDPR Data Controller is an entity that
collects or processes personal data for its own purposes, and a GDPR Data
Processor is an entity that holds or processes this type of data on behalf of another

Finally, the Data Protection Officer is a role appointed by an organization to monitor

how personal data is processed and ensure compliance of the GDPR.

What is personal data according to the GDPR?

“Personal data”, according to the legal definition of the GDPR legislation, is any
information about an identified or identifiable person, known as a data subject.

Personal data includes any information that can be used, alone or in combination with
other information, to identify someone.

This includes: name, address, ID or passport number, financial info, cultural details, IP
addresses, or medical data used by healthcare professionals or institutions.

Other special data you may not process or store: Race or ethnicity, sexual
orientation, religious beliefs, political beliefs of memberships, health data (unless the
explicit concern is granted or there is substantial public interest).

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5.1.5 GDPR data privacy rights:

The GDPR aims to protect the following rights of data subjects with respect to their
personal data.
Data subjects have the following basic rights under the GDPR:

● Collecting data from children — requires parental consent until children are between
13-16 years old.
● Data portability and access — data subjects must be able to access their data as stored
by the Data Controller, know-how and why it is being processed, and where it is being
● Correcting and objecting to data — data subjects should be able to correct incorrect
or incomplete data, and data controllers must notify all data recipients of the change.
They should also be able to object to the use of their data, and Data Controllers must
comply unless they have a legitimate interest that overrides the data subject’s interest.
● Right to erasure — data subjects can ask data controllers to “forget” their personal
data. Organizations may be permitted to retain the data, for example, if they need it to
comply with a legal obligation or if it is in the public interest, for example in the case
of scientific or historical research.
● Automated decision-making — data subjects have the right to know that they were
subject to an automated decision based on their private information, and can request
that the automated decision is reviewed by a person, or contest the automated decision.
● Notification of breaches — if personal data under the responsibility of a data controller
is exposed to unauthorized parties, the controller must notify the Data Protection
Authority in the relevant EU country within 72 hours, and in some cases also needs to
inform individual data subjects.
● Transferring data outside the EU — if personal data is transferred outside the EU,
the data controller should ensure there are equivalent measures to protect the data and
the rights of data subjects.

5.1.6 Data Protection Technologies and Practices to Protect Your Data:

When it comes to protecting your data, there are many storage and management options
you can choose from. Solutions can help you restrict access, monitor activity, and
respond to threats. Here are some of the most commonly used practices and

1. Data discovery—a first step in data protection, this involves discovering which
data sets exist in the organization, which of them are business critical and which
contains sensitive data that might be subject to compliance regulations.
2. Data loss prevention (DLP)—a set of strategies and tools that you can use to
prevent data from being stolen, lost, or accidentally deleted. Data loss prevention
solutions often include several tools to protect against and recover from data loss.
3. Storage with built-in data protection—modern storage equipment provides
built-in disk clustering and redundancy.
4. Backup—creates copies of data and stores them separately, making it possible
to restore the data later in case of loss or modification. Backups are a critical
strategy for ensuring business continuity when original data is lost, destroyed, or
damaged, either accidentally or maliciously.
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5. Snapshots—a snapshot is similar to a backup, but it is a complete image of a

protected system, including data and system files. A snapshot can be used to
restore an entire system to a specific point in time.
6. Replication—a technique for copying data on an ongoing basis from a protected
system to another location. This provides a living, up-to-date copy of the data,
allowing not only recovery but also immediate failover to the copy if the primary
system goes down.
7. Firewalls—utilities that enable you to monitor and filter network traffic. You
can use firewalls to ensure that only authorized users are allowed to access or
transfer data.
8. Authentication and authorization—controls that help you verify credentials
and assure that user privileges are applied correctly. These measures are typically
used as part of an identity and access management (IAM) solution and in
combination with role-based access controls (RBAC).
9. Encryption—alters data content according to an algorithm that can only be
reversed with the right encryption key. Encryption protects your data from
unauthorized access even if data is stolen by making it unreadable.
10. Endpoint protection—protects gateways to your network, including ports,
routers, and connected devices. Endpoint protection software typically enables
you to monitor your network perimeter and to filter traffic as needed.
11. Data erasure—limits liability by deleting data that is no longer needed. This can
be done after data is processed and analyzed or periodically when data is no
longer relevant. Erasing unnecessary data is a requirement of many compliance
regulations, such as GDPR.
12. Disaster recovery—a set of practices and technologies that determine how an
organization deals with a disaster, such as a cyber attack, natural disaster, or
large-scale equipment failure. The disaster recovery process typically involves
setting up a remote disaster recovery site with copies of protected systems, and
switching operations to those systems in case of disaster.

5.2 Understanding the need to hack your own systems:

To catch a thief, think like a thief. That’s the basis for ethical hacking.
The law of averages works against security. With the increased numbers and
expanding knowledge of hackers combined with the growing number of system
vulnerabilities and other unknowns, the time will come when all computer systems
are hacked or compromised in some way. Protecting your systems from the bad guys
and not just the generic vulnerabilities that everyone knows about is absolutely
critical. When the hacker tricks are known, one can see how vulnerable the systems
Hacking targets on weak security practices and undisclosed vulnerabilities. Firewalls,
encryption, and virtual private networks (VPNs) can create a false feeling of safety.
These security systems often focus on high-level vulnerabilities, such as viruses and
traffic through a firewall, without affecting how hackers work. Attacking your own
systems to discover vulnerabilities is a step to making them more secure.

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This is the only proven method of greatly hardening your systems from attack. If
weaknesses are not identified, it’s a matter of time before the vulnerabilities are

As hackers expand their knowledge, one should also gain the required knowledge of
it. You must think like them to protect your systems from them. As the ethical hacker,
one must know activities hackers carry out and how to stop their efforts. One should
know what to look for and how to use that information to spoil hackers’ efforts.
One cannot protect the systems from everything. The only protection against
everything is to unplug computer systems and lock them away so no one can touch
them , not even you.
That’s not the best approach to information security. What’s important is to protect
your systems from known vulnerabilities and common hacker attacks. It’s impossible
to support all possible vulnerabilities on all systems. One can’t plan for all possible
attacks, especially the ones that are currently unknown.
However, the more combinations you try — the more you test whole systems instead
of individual units ,the better your chances of discovering vulnerabilities that affect
everything as a whole.
Building the Foundation for Ethical Hacking:
One should not forget about insider threats from malicious employees. One’s overall
goals as an ethical hacker should be as follows:
✔ Hack your systems in a non-destructive fashion.
✔ Enumerate vulnerabilities and, if necessary, prove to upper management that
vulnerabilities exist.
✔ Apply results to remove vulnerabilities and better secure your systems.

5.3 Understanding the dangers your systems face

Systems are generally under fire from hackers around the world. It’s another to
understand specific attacks against your systems that are possible.
There are some well-known attacks. Many information-security vulnerabilities
aren’t critical by themselves. However, exploiting several vulnerabilities at the same
time can take its toll.
For example, a default Windows OS configuration, a weak SQL Server administrator
password, and a server hosted on a wireless network may not be major security
concerns separately. But exploiting all three of these vulnerabilities at the same time
can be a serious issue as:
● Nontechnical attacks
● Network-infrastructure attacks
● Operating-system attacks
● Application and other specialized attacks

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5.3.1 Nontechnical attacks:

Exploits that involve manipulating people or end users and even yourself are the
greatest vulnerability within any computer or network infrastructure. Humans are
trusting by nature, which can lead to social-engineering exploits. Social engineering
is defined as the exploitation of the trusting nature of human beings to gain
information for malicious purposes.
Other common and effective attacks against information systems are physical.
Hackers break into buildings, computer rooms, or other areas containing critical
information or property. Physical attacks can include dumpster diving (searching
through trash cans and dumpsters for intellectual property, passwords, network
diagrams, and other information).

5.3.2 Network-infrastructure attacks:

Hacker attacks against network infrastructures can be easy, because many networks
can be reached from anywhere in the world via the Internet.
Here are some examples of network-infrastructure attacks:
✔ Connecting into a network through a rogue modem attached to a computer
behind a firewall
✔ Exploiting weaknesses in network transport mechanisms, such as TCP/IP and
✔ Flooding a network with too many requests, creating a Denial of Service (DoS)
for legitimate requests
✔ Installing a network analyzer on a network and capturing every packet that
travels across it, revealing confidential information in clear text
✔ Piggybacking onto a network through an insecure wireless configuration.

5.3.3 Operating-system attacks Hacking

Operating Systems (OSs) is a preferred method of the bad guys(hackers). Operating
systems comprise a large portion of hacker attacks simply because every computer
has one and so many well-known exploits can be used against them.
Occasionally, some operating systems that are more secure out of the box, such as
Novell NetWare and the flavor’s of BSD UNIX are attacked, and vulnerabilities turn
But hackers prefer attacking operating systems like Windows and Linux because they
are widely used and better known for their vulnerabilities.
Here are some examples of attacks on operating systems:
✔ Exploiting specific protocol implementations
✔ Attacking built-in authentication systems
✔ Breaking file-system security
✔ Cracking passwords and encryption mechanisms

5.3.4 Application and other specialized attacks:

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Applications take a lot of hits by hackers. Programs such as e-mail server

software and Web applications often are beaten down:
✔ Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) applications are frequently attacked because most firewalls and other
security mechanisms are configured to allow full access to these programs
from the Internet.
✔ Malicious software (malware) includes viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and
spyware. Malware clogs networks and takes down systems.
✔ Spam (junk e-mail) is wreaking havoc on system availability and storage
space. And it can carry malware. Ethical hacking helps reveal such attacks
against computer systems.
5.4 Obeying the Ethical Hacking Commandments:
Every ethical hacker must abide by a few basic commandments. If not, bad things
can happen.
5.4.1 Working ethically:
The word ethical in this context can be defined as working with high professional
morals and principles. While performing ethical hacking tests against own systems or
for someone who has hired for, everything one need to do as an ethical hacker must
be above board and must support the company’s goals. No hidden agendas are
allowed. Trustworthiness is the ultimate principle. The misuse of information is
absolutely forbidden. That’s what the bad guys or hackers do.

5.4.2 Respecting privacy:

Treat the information gathered with the greatest respect. All information obtained
during testing from Web-application log files to clear-text passwords must be kept
private. This information shall not be used to watch into confidential corporate
information or private lives. If you sense or feel that someone should know there’s a
problem, consider sharing that information with the appropriate manager.
Involve others in process. This is a “watch the watcher” system that can build trust
and support ethical hacking projects.

5.4.3 Not crashing your systems:

One of the biggest mistakes seen when people try to hack their own systems is
inadvertently crashing their systems. The main reason for this is poor planning. These
testers have not read the documentation or misunderstand the usage and power of the
security tools and techniques.
DoS-Denial of Service conditions on the systems are easily created when testing.
Running too many tests too quickly on a system causes many system lockups. Things
should not be rushed and assumed that a network or specific host can handle the
beating that network scanners and vulnerability assessment tools can be useless.
Many security-assessment tools can control how many tests are performed on a
system at the same time. These tools are especially handy if one needs to run the tests

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on production systems during regular business hours. One can even create an account
or system lockout condition by social engineering, changing a password, not realizing
that doing so might create a system lockout condition.

5.5 The Ethical Hacking Process:

Like practically any IT or security project, ethical hacking needs to be planned in
advance. Strategic and tactical issues in the ethical hacking process should be
determined and agreed upon. Planning is important for any amount of testing from a
simple password-cracking test to an all-out penetration test on a Web application.

5.5.1 Formulating your plan:

Approval for ethical hacking is essential. What is being done should be known and
visible at least to the decision makers. Obtaining sponsorship of the project is the first
step. This could be the manager, an executive, a customer, or even the boss. Someone
is needed to back up and sign off on the plan. Otherwise, testing may be called off
unexpectedly if someone claims they never authorized one to perform the tests.
The authorization can be as simple as an internal memo from the senior-most person
or boss if one is performing these tests on own systems. If the testing is for a customer,
one should have a signed contract in place, stating the customer’s support and
authorization. Get written approval on this sponsorship as soon as possible to ensure
that none of the time or effort is wasted. This documentation works as a proof as what
one is doing when someone asks or demands.
A detailed plan is needed, but that doesn’t mean that it needs volumes of testing
procedures. One slip can crash your systems.

A well-defined scope includes the following information:

✔ Specific systems to be tested
✔ Risks that are involved
✔ When the tests are performed and your overall timeline
✔ How the tests are performed
✔ How much knowledge of the systems you have before you start testing
✔ What is done when a major vulnerability is discovered
✔ The specific deliverables — this includes security-assessment reports and a
higher-level report outlining the general vulnerabilities to be addressed, along
with countermeasures that should be implemented.
✔ When selecting systems to test, start with the most critical or vulnerable
systems. For instance, one can test computer passwords or attempt social
engineering attacks before drilling down into more detailed systems.
What if one is assessing the firewall or Web application, and one takes it
down? This can cause system unavailability, which can reduce system
performance or employee productivity. Even worse, it could cause loss of data
integrity, loss of data, and bad publicity.

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Handle social-engineering and denial-of-service attacks carefully. Determine

how they can affect the systems you’re testing and entire organization.
Determining when the tests are performed is something that one must think
long and hard about. Do the tester test during normal business hours? How
about late at night or early in the morning so that production systems aren’t
affected? Involve others to make sure they approve tester’s timing.
The best approach is an unlimited attack, wherein any type of test is possible.
The hackers aren’t hacking the systems within a limited scope. Some
exceptions to this approach are performing DoS, social engineering, and
physical-security tests.

One should not stop with one security hole. This can lead to a false sense of
security. One should keep going to see what else he/she can discover. It’s not
like to keep hacking until the end of time or until one crash all his/ her systems.
Simply pursue the path he/she is going down until he//she can’t hack it any
One of the goals may be to perform the tests without being detected.
For example, one may be performing his/her tests on remote systems or on a
remote office, and he/she doesn’t want the users to be aware of what they are
doing. Otherwise, the users may be on to him/her and be on their best
Extensive knowledge of the systems is not needed for testing . Just a basic
understanding is required to protect the tested systems.
Understanding the systems which are being tested shouldn’t be difficult if one
is hacking his/her own in-house systems. If hacking a customer’s systems, one
may have to dig deeper. In fact, Most people are scared of these assessments.
Base the type of test one will perform on his/her organization’s or customer’s

5.5.2 Selecting tools:

If one don’t have the right tools for ethical hacking, to accomplish the task is
effectively difficult. just using the right tools doesn’t mean that all
vulnerabilities will be discovered.
Know the personal and technical limitations.
Many security-assessment tools generate false positives and negatives
(incorrectly identifying vulnerabilities). Some tools may miss vulnerabilities.
Many tools focus on specific tests, but no one tool can test for everything. This
is why a set of specific tools are required that can call on for the task at hand.
The more are the tools , the easier ethical hacking efforts are.
Make sure the right tool is being used for the task :
● To crack passwords, one needs a cracking tool such as LC4, John the Ripper,
or pwdump.

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A general port scanner, such as SuperScan, may not crack passwords.

● For an in-depth analysis of a Web application, a Web-application assessment
tool (such as Whisker or WebInspect) is more appropriate than a network
analyzer (such as Ethereal).
When selecting the right security tool for the task, ask around. Get advice from
the colleagues and from other people online. A simple Groups search on
Google (www.google.com) or perusal of security portals, such as
SecurityFocus.com, SearchSecurity.com, and ITsecurity.com, often produces
great feedback from other security experts.
Some of the widely used commercial, freeware, and open-source security
● Nmap
● EtherPeek
● SuperScan
● QualysGuard
● WebInspect
● LC4 (formerly called L0phtcrack)
● LANguard Network Security Scanner
● Network Stumbler
● ToneLoc
Here are some other popular tools:
● Internet Scanner
● Ethereal
● Nessus
● Nikto
● Kismet
● THC-Scan
The capabilities of many security and hacking tools are often misunderstood.
This misunderstanding has shed negative light on some excellent tools, such
as SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analysing Networks) and Nmap
(Network mapper).
Some of these tools are complex. Whichever tools are being used, one should
be familiarized with them before starting to use them.

Here are ways to do that:

✔ Read the readme and/or online help files for tools.
✔ Study the user’s guide for commercial tools.
✔ Consider formal classroom training from the security-tool vendor or
another third-party training provider, if available.
✔ One should Look for these characteristics in tools for ethical hacking:
✔ Adequate documentation.

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✔ Detailed reports on the discovered vulnerabilities, including how they

may be exploited and fixed.
✔ Updates and support when needed.
✔ High-level reports that can be presented to managers or non-techie
✔ These features can save time and effort when writing the report.
5.5.3 Executing the plan:
Ethical hacking can take persistence. Time and patience are important. One
should be careful when performing ethical hacking tests. A hacker in network
or a seemingly gentle employee looking over one’s shoulder may watch what’s
going on. This person could use this information against tester.
It’s not practical to make sure that no hackers are on one’s systems before
starting. Just one has to make sure to keep everything as quiet and private as
possible. This is especially critical when transmitting and storing own test
results. If possible, one should encrypt these e-mails and files using Pretty
Good Privacy (PGP) or something similar. At a minimum, password-protect
In an investigation mission, attach as much information as possible about the
organization and systems, which is what malicious hackers do.
Start with a broad view and narrow down the focus:
1. Search the Internet for own organization’s name, computer and network
system names, and the IP addresses.
Google is a great place to start for this.
2. Narrow the scope, targeting the specific systems to be tested or being
Whether physical-security structures or Web applications, a casual
assessment can turn up much information about the systems.
3. Further narrow down focus with a more critical eye. Perform actual scans
other detailed tests on the systems.
4. Perform the attacks, if that’s what one choose to do.
5.5.4 Evaluating results:
Assess the results to see what has been uncovered, assuming that the
vulnerabilities haven’t been made obvious before now. This is where
knowledge counts. Evaluating the results and correlating the specific
vulnerabilities discovered is a skill that gets better with experience. One will
end up knowing his/her own systems as well as anyone else. This makes the
evaluation process much simpler moving forward.
Submit a formal report to upper management or to the customer, outlining
results. Keep these other parties in the loop to show that efforts and their money
are well spent.
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5.5.5 Moving on:

When finished with ethical hacking tests, one still need to implement his/her
analysis and recommendations to make sure that the systems are secure.
New security vulnerabilities continually appear. Information systems
constantly change and become more complex. New hacker exploits and
security vulnerabilities are regularly uncovered. Security tests are a snapshot
of the security posture of the systems.
At any time, everything can change, especially after software upgrades, adding
computer systems, or applying patches. Plan to test regularly (for example,
once a week or once a month).

5.6 Cyber Security act:

Cyber law Act 2000:
The Act provides a legal framework for electronic governance by giving recognition
to electronic records and digital signatures. It also defines cyber crimes and prescribes
penalties for them. The Act directed the formation of a Controller of Certifying
Authorities to regulate the issuance of digital signatures.


A major amendment was made in 2008. It introduced Section 66A which penalized
sending "offensive messages". It also introduced Section 69, which gave authorities the
power of "interception or monitoring or decryption of any information through any
computer resource". Additionally, it introduced provisions addressing
- pornography, child porn, cyber terrorism and voyeurism. The amendment was passed
on 22 December 2008 without any debate in Lok Sabha. The next day it was passed by
the Rajya Sabha. It was signed into law by President Pratibha Patil, on 5 February 2009.
List of offences and the corresponding penalties

Section Offence Penalty

Tampering with computer source Imprisonment up to three years,
documents or/and with fine up to ₹200,000
Imprisonment up to three years,
66 Hacking with computer system
or/and with fine up to ₹500,000
Receiving stolen computer or Imprisonment up to three years,
communication device or/and with fine up to ₹100,000
Imprisonment up to three years,
66C Using password of another person
or/and with fine up to ₹100,000
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Imprisonment up to three years,

66D Cheating using computer resource
or/and with fine up to ₹100,000
Imprisonment up to three years,
66E Publishing private images of others
or/and with fine up to ₹200,000
66F Acts of cyberterrorism Imprisonment up to life.
Publishing information which Imprisonment up to five years,
is obscene in electronic form. or/and with fine up to ₹1,000,000
Publishing images containing sexual Imprisonment up to seven years,
acts or/and with fine up to ₹1,000,000
Imprisonment up to three years,
67C Failure to maintain records
or/and with fine.
Imprisonment up to 2 years, or/and
68 Failure/refusal to comply with orders
with fine up to ₹100,000
Imprisonment up to seven years and
69 Failure/refusal to decrypt data
possible fine.
Securing access or attempting to secure Imprisonment up to ten years, or/and
access to a protected system with fine.
Imprisonment up to 2 years, or/and
71 Misrepresentation
with fine up to ₹100,000
Imprisonment up to 2 years, or/and
72 Breach of confidentiality and privacy
with fine up to ₹100,000
Disclosure of information in breach of Imprisonment up to 3 years, or/and
lawful contract with fine up to ₹500,000
Publishing electronic signature Imprisonment up to 2 years, or/and
certificate false in certain particulars with fine up to ₹100,000
Imprisonment up to 2 years, or/and
74 Publication for fraudulent purpose
with fine up to ₹100,000

● https://www.dynamicchiropractic.com/mpacms/dc/article.php?id=18078)
● Hacking For Dummies, 5th Edition By Kevin Beaver
● http://cdn.ttgtmedia.com/searchNetworking/downloads/hacking_for_dummie
● http://wiki.cas.mcmaster.ca/index.php/Ethical_Hacking
● https://www.dummies.com/programming/networking/what-is-a-malicious-
● https://www.guru99.com/what-is-hacking-an-introduction.html#2
● http://cdn.ttgtmedia.com/searchNetworking/downloads/hacking_for_dummie
● 2600 — The Hacker Quarterly magazine (www.2600.com)
● (IN)SECURE Magazine (www.net-security.org/insecuremag.php)

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● Hackin9 (http://hakin9.org)
● PHRACK (www.phrack.org/archives/)
● https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/hacking-for-dummies/
● https://www.quora.com/What-knowledge-is-required-to-become-an-ethical-

Sample Multiple Choice Questions:

1) Ethical Hacking is also known as______
a. Black Hat hacking
b. White hat hacking
c. Encrypting
d. None of these

2) Tool/s used by ethical hackers ______

a. Scanner
b. Decoder
c. Proxy
d. All of these

3) Vulnerability scanning in Ethical hacking finds________

a. Strengths
b. Weakness
c. Strengths & Weakness
d. None of these

4) Ethical hacking will allow to________ all the massive security breaches.
a. remove
b. measure
c. reject
d. None of these

5) Sequential steps hackers uses are: __, ___, __, __

A) Maintaining Access
B) Reconnaissance
C) Scanning
D) Gaining Access
a. B, C, D, A
b. B, A, C, D
c. A, B, C, D
d. D, C, B, A
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6) The Information Technology Act 2000 is an Act of Indian Parliament notified

a. 27th October 2000
b. 15th December 2000
c. 17th November 2000
d. 17th October 2000

7) The offense “Receiving stolen computer or communication device” comes under

____ of Cyber security Act 2000.
a. 66B
b. 67A
c. 66E
d. 66C
8) _______is similar to a backup, but it is a complete image of a protected system,
including data and system files.
a. Replication
b. Backup
c. Snapshots
9) Data subjects can ask data controllers to “forget” their personal data is _______.
a. Right to erasure
b. Automated decision making
c. Transferring data outside the EU
d. Right to Control

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Unit-6 Types of Hacking

6.1 Network Hacking
● Network Infrastructure
● Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
● Scanning-Ports
● Ping sweeping
● Scanning SNMP
● Grabbing Banners
● MAC-daddy attack
Wireless LANs:
● Wireless Network Attacks
6.2 Operating System Hacking
● Introduction of Windows and LinuxVulnerabilities
● Buffer Overflow Attack
6.3 Applications Hacking
Messaging Systems
● Vulnerabilities
● E-Mail Attacks- E-Mail Bombs,
● Banners
● Best practices for minimizing e-mail security risks
Web Applications:
● Web Vulnerabilities
● Directories Traversal and Countermeasures
● Google Dorking
Database system
● Database Vulnerabilities
● Best practices for minimizing database security risks

6.1 Network Hacking:

● Network is one of the most fundamental communications systems in your
organization. Network consists of such devices as routers, firewalls, and even
generic hosts (including servers and workstations) that you must assess as part
of the ethical hacking process.
● There are thousands of possible network vulnerabilities, equally as many tools,
and even more testing techniques. We don’t need to test our network for every
possible vulnerability, using every tool available.
● We can eliminate many well-known network vulnerabilities by simply patch-
ing your network hosts with the latest vendor software and firmware patches.
We can eliminate many other vulnerabilities by following some security best
practices on our network.

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6.1.1 Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities:

● Network infrastructure vulnerabilities are the foundation for all technical
security issues in your information systems. These lower-level vulnerabilities
affect everything running on your network. That’s why you need to test for them
and eliminate them whenever possible.
● Your focus for ethical hacking tests on your network infrastructure should be to
find weaknesses that others can see in your network so you can quantify your
level of exposure.
● Many issues are related to the security of your network infrastructure. Some
issues are more technical and require you to use various tools to assess them
properly. You can assess others with a good pair of eyes and some logical
thinking. Some issues are easy to see from outside the network, and others are
easier to detect from inside your network
● Network infrastructure security involves assessing such areas as
✔ Where such devices as a firewall or IDS (intrusion detection system) are
placed on the network and how they are configured
✔ What hackers see when they perform port scans and how they can exploit
vulnerabilities in your network hosts
✔ Network design, such as Internet connections, remote-access capabilities,
layered defenses, and placement of hosts on the network
✔ Interaction of installed security devices
✔ Protocols in use
✔ Commonly attacked ports that are unprotected
✔ Network host configuration
✔ Network monitoring and maintenance
● If any of these network security issues is exploited, such things can happen:
✔ A DoS attack can take down your Internet connection or even your entire
✔ A hacker using a network analyzer can steal confidential information in e-
mails and files being transferred.
✔ Backdoors into your network can be set up.
✔ Specific hosts can be attacked by exploiting local vulnerabilities across the
● Always remember to do the following:
✔ Test your systems from both the outside in and the inside out.
✔ Obtain permission from partner networks that are connected to your
network to check for vulnerabilities on their ends that can affect your network’s
security, such as open ports and lack of a firewall or a misconfigured router.

6.1.2 Network Testing and port Scanning tools:

● Sam Spade for Windows for network queries from DNS lookups to trace routes
● SuperScan for ping sweeps and port scanning

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● NetScanTools Pro for dozens of network security-assessment functions,

including ping sweeps, port scanning, and SMTP relay testing
● Nmap or NMapWin as a happy-clicky-GUI front end for host-port probing and
operating-system fingerprinting
● Netcat the most versatile security tool for such security checks as port scanning
and firewall testing
● WildPacketsEtherPeek for network analysis.

6.1.3 Scanning-Ports:
● A port scanner is a software tool that basically scans the network to see who’s
there. Port scanners provide basic views of how the network is laid out. They can
help identify unauthorized hosts or applications and network host configuration
errors that can cause serious security vulnerabilities.
● The big-picture view from port scanners often uncovers security issues that may
otherwise go unnoticed. Port scanners are easy to use and can test systems
regardless of what operating systems and applications they’re running. The tests
can be performed very quickly without having to touch individual network hosts,
which would be a real pain otherwise.
● Port-scan tests take time. The length of time depends on the number of hosts you
have, the number of ports you scan, the tools you use, and the speed of your
network links. Also, perform the same tests with different utilities to see whether
you get different results. Not all tools find the same open ports and
vulnerabilities. This is unfortunate, but it’s a reality of ethical hacking tests.
● If your results don’t match after you run the tests using different tools, you may
want to explore the issue further. If something doesn’t look right such as a
strange set of open ports it probably isn’t. Test it again; if you’re in doubt, use
another tool for a different perspective.
● As an ethical hacker, you should scan all 65,535 UDP and 65,535 TCP ports on
each network host that’s found by your scanner. If you find questionable ports,
look for documentation that the application is known and authorized. For speed
and simplicity, you can scan commonly hacked ports.

Nos. Service Protocols
7 Echo TCP, UDP
19 Chargen TCP, UDP
20 FTP data (File Transfer Protocol) TCP
21 FTP control TCP

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23 Telnet TCP
25 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) TCP
37 Daytime TCP, UDP
53 DNS (Domain Name System) UDP
69 TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) UDP
79 Finger TCP, UDP
80 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) TCP
110 POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) TCP
111 SUN RPC (remote procedure calls) TCP, UDP
RPC/DCE end point mapper for Microsoft
135 networks TCP, UDP
138, NetBIOS over TCP/IP TCP, UDP
161 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) TCP, UDP
220 IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) TCP
513, Berkeley r commands (such as rsh, rexec, and
514 rlogin) TCP
1214 Kazaa and Morpheus TCP, UDP
1433 Microsoft SQL Server TCP, UDP
1434 Microsoft SQL Monitor TCP, UDP
3389 Windows Terminal Server TCP
5632 pcAnywhere TCP
6347 Gnutella TCP, UDP

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12631, NetBus
27444 Trinoo UDP
27665 Trinoo TCP
31335 Trinoo UDP
31337 Back Orifice UDP
34555 Trinoo UDP

Table 5.: Commonly hacked ports

Countermeasures (Port Scanning)
● You can implement various countermeasures to typical port scanning.
✔ Traffic restriction
- Enable only the traffic you need to access internal hosts preferably as far as
possible from the hosts you’re trying to protect. You apply these rules in two
places: External router for inbound traffic & Firewall for outbound traffic .
- Configure firewalls to look for potentially malicious behavior over time (such as
the number of packets received in a certain period of time), and have rules in
place to cut off attacks if a certain threshold is reached, such as 100 port scans in
one minute. Most firewalls, IDSs, andIDPs detect port scanning and cut it off in
real time.
✔ Gathering network information
- NetScanTools Pro is a great tool for general network information, such as the -
number of unique IP addresses, NetBIOS names, and MAC addresses found.
- The following report is an example of the NetScanner (network scanner) output
of NetScanTools Pro 2000:
- Scan completion time = Sat, 7 Feb 2004 14:11:08
- Start IP address:
- End IP address:
- Number of target IP addresses: 254
- Number of IP addresses responding to pings: 13
- Number of IP addresses sent pings: 254
- Number of intermediate routers responding to pings: 0
- Number of successful NetBIOS queries: 13
- Number of IP addresses sent NetBIOS queries: 254
- Number of MAC addresses obtained by NetBIOS queries: 13
- Number of successful Subnet Mask queries: 0
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- Number of IP addresses sent Subnet Mask queries: 254

- Number of successful Whois queries: 254
✔ Traffic denial
- Deny ICMP traffic to specific hosts you’re trying to protect. Most hosts don’t
need to have ICMP enabled especially inbound ICMP requests unless it’s needed
for a network management system that monitors hosts using this protocol.
- You can break applications on your network, so make sure that you analyze
what’s going on, and understand how applications and protocols are working,
before you disable such network traffic as ICMP.

6.1.4 Ping sweeping:

● Port sweeping is regarded by certain systems experts to be different from port
● They point out that port scanning is executed through the searching of a single
host for open ports. However, they state that port sweeping is executed through
the searching of multiple hosts in order to target just one specific open port.
● While Port scanning and sweeping have legitimate uses with regard to network
management, unfortunately, they are used almost as frequently for the purpose
of criminal activity.

A Serious Threat
● Any times there are open ports on one's personal computer, there is potential for
the loss of data, the occurrence of a virus, and at times, even complete system
● It is essential for one to protect his or her virtual files, as new security risks
concerning personal computers are discovered every day.
● Computer protection should be the number one priority for those who use
personal computers.
● Port scanning is considered a serious threat to one's PC, as it can occur without
producing any outward signs to the owner that anything dangerous is taking

Firewall Protection
- Protection from port scanning is often achieved through the use of a firewall. A
firewall monitors incoming and outgoing connections through one's personal
- One technique used by firewall technology is the opening of all the ports at one
time. This action stops port scans from returning any ports. This has worked in
many situations in the past, however, most experts agree it is best to have all
open ports investigated individually.
- Another approach is to filter all port scans going to one's computer. An individual
can also choose to port scan his or her own system, which enables one to see the
personal computer through the eyes of a hacker.

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- Firewalls are the best protection one can invest in with regard to port scanning.
Firewalls deny outside access to an individual's personal computer. With this
type of protection, a personal computer is essentially hidden from unwelcome
visitors and is also protected from a variety of other hacking techniques. With
firewall software, an individual is assured that his or her sensitive and personal
information remains protected.
● A ping sweep of all your network subnets and hosts is a good way to find out
which hosts are alive and kicking on the network.
● A ping sweep is when you ping a range of addresses using Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP) packets.
● Dozens of Nmap command-line options exist, which can be overwhelming when
you just want to do a basic scan.
● You can just enter nmap on the command line to see all the options available.
● These command-line options can be used for an Nmap ping sweep:
- sP tells Nmap to perform a ping scan.
- ntells Nmap to not perform name resolution. You may want to omit this if you
want to resolve hostnames to see which systems are responding. Name resolution
may take slightly longer, though.
- -T 4 option tells Nmap to perform an aggressive (faster) scan.
- tells Nmap to scan the entire 192.168.1.x subnet.

6.1.5 SNMP( Simple Network Management Protocol) scanning:

● Networks are the of every business. Even in small or enterprise-level businesses,
the loss of productivity during a network outage can result in hefty damages.
● Network monitoring helps you anticipate potential outages and address network
problems proactively. This helps in maintaining a congestion-free
network that keeps your business up and running.
● A network monitoring software helps you to monitor the performance of any IP-
based device and helps businesses remotely visualize their system performance
and monitor network services, bandwidth utilization, switches, routers and traffic

Vulnerabilities (SNMP)
- The problem is that most network hosts run SNMP that isn’t hardened or
patched to prevent known security vulnerabilities. The majority of network
devices have SNMP enabled and don’t even need it.
- If SNMP is compromised, a hacker can gather such network information as
ARP tables and TCP connections to attack your systems. If SNMP shows up in
port scans, you can bet that a hacker will try to compromise the system.
● Countermeasures (SNMP)
- Preventing SNMP attacks can be as simple as A-B-C:
- Always disable SNMP on hosts if you’re not using it period.
- Block the SNMP port (UDP port 161) at the network perimeter.
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- Change the default SNMP community string from public to another value
that’s more difficult to guess. This makes SNMP harder to hack.

6.1.6 Banner grabbing:

● Banner grabbing is the act of capturing the information provided by banners,
configurable text-based welcome screens from network hosts that generally
display system information. Banners are intended for network administration
● Banner grabbing is often used for white hathacking endeavors like vulnerability
analysis and penetration testing as well as gray hat activities and black
hat hacking. Banner screens can be accessed through Telnet at the command
prompt on the target system’s IP address.
● Other tools for banner grabbing include Nmap, Netcat and SuperScan.
A login screen, often associated with the banner, is intended for administrative
use but can also provide access to a hacker. Meanwhile, the banner data can yield
information about vulnerable software and services running on the host system.
● For the sake of security, if banners are not a requirement of business or other
software on a host system, the services that provide them may be disabled
altogether. Banners can also be customized to present disinformation or even a
warning message for hackers
● Banners are the welcome screens that divulge software version numbers and
other host information to a network host. This banner information may identify
the operating system, the version number, and the specific service packs, so
hackers know possible vulnerabilities. You can grab banners by using either
plain old telnet or Netcat.
● Telnet
✔ You can telnet to hosts on the default telnet port (TCP port 23) to see whether
you’re presented with a login prompt or any other information.
✔ Just enter the following line at the command prompt in Windows or UNIX:
✔ telnet ip_address
● Netcat
✔ Netcat can grab banner information from routers and other network hosts, such
as a wireless access point or managed Ethernet switch.
● Countermeasures (Banner Grabbing)
✔ The following steps can reduce the chance of banner-grabbing attacks:
- If there is no business need for services that offer banner information, disable
those unused services on the network host.
- If there is no business need for the default banners, or if you can customize the
banners displayed, configure the network host’s application or operating system
to either disable the banners or remove information from the banners that could
give an attacker a leg up.

6.1.7 The MAC-daddy attack:

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● Hackers can use ARP Protocol that is running on the network to make their
systems seem as your system or another allowed host on your network.
● A too much number of ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests can be a
sign of an ARP poisoning or spoofing attack on your network. Anyone can run
a program, such as dsniff tool or Cain & Abel tool, can modify the ARP tables,
which are responsible for saving IP addresses to media access control (MAC)
address mappings on network hosts.
● That makes the victim machines to think they require to forward traffic to the
hacker’s computer rather than to the correct destination machine when
communicating on the network. And this is a type of man-in-the-middle (MITM)
attacks. Spoofed ARP responses can be sent to a switch, which returns the switch
to broadcast mode and basically turns it into a hub. When this happens, a hacker
can sniff every packet going through the switch and capture anything and
everything from the network.
ARP spoofing
✔ An excessive amount of ARP requests can be a sign of an ARP poisoning
attack (or ARP spoofing) on your network.
✔ What happens is that a client running a program such as the UNIX-based
dsniff or the UNIX- and DOS/Windows-based ettercap can change the
ARP tables the tables that store IP addresses to media access control
(MAC) mappings on network hosts.
✔ This causes the victim computers to think they need to send traffic to the
attacker’s computer, rather than the true destination computer, when
communicating on the network. This is often referred to as a Man-in-the-
Middle (MITM) attack.
MAC-address spoofing
✔ MAC-address spoofing tricks the switch into thinking you (actually, your
computer) are someone else. You simply change your MAC address and
masquerade as another user
✔ You can use this trick to test such access control systems as your IDS,
fire-wall, and even operating-system login controls that check for specific
MAC addresses.

Countermeasures(MAC-daddy attack)
✔ A few countermeasures on your network can minimize the effects of a
hacker attack against ARP and MAC addresses on your network.
- You can prevent MAC-address spoofing if your switches can enable port security
to prevent automatic changes to the switch MAC address tables.
- No realistic countermeasures for ARP poisoning exist. The only way to prevent
ARP poisoning is to create and maintain static ARP entries in your switches for
every host on the network. This is definitely something that no network
administrator has time to do.
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✔ You can detect these two types of hacks through either an IDS or a stand-
alone MAC address monitoring utility.
✔ Arp watch is a UNIX-based program alerts you via e-mail if it detects
changes in MAC addresses associated with specific IP addresses on the

6.1.8 Wireless LAN:

● A wireless LAN (or WLAN) is one in which a mobile user can connect to a
local area network (LAN) through a wireless (radio) connection.
The IEEE 802.11 group of standards specify the technologies for wireless
LANs 802.11 standards used the Ethernet Protocol and CSMA/CA (carrier
sense multiple access with collision avoidance) for path sharing and include an
encryption method, the Wired Equivalent Privacy algorithm.
● Implications of Wireless Network Vulnerabilities
✔ WLANs are very susceptible to hacker attacks even more so than wired
networks are.
✔ They have vulnerabilities that can allow a hacker to bring your network to its
knees and allow your information to be gleaned right out of thin air.
✔ If a hacker comprises your WLAN, you can experience the following
1. Loss of network access, including e-mail, Web, and other services that
can cause business downtime
2. .Loss of confidential information, including passwords, customer
data, intellectual property, and more.
3. Legal liabilities associated with unauthorized users
● Most of the wireless vulnerabilities are in the 802.11 protocol and within
wireless access points the central hub like devices that allow wireless clients to
connect to the network. Wireless clients have some vulnerability as well.
● Various fixes have come along in recent years to address these vulnerabilities,
but most of these fixes have not been applied or are not enabled by default.
● You may also have employees installing rogue WLAN equipment on your
network without your knowledge; this is the most serious threat to your wireless
security and a difficult one to fight off. Even when WLANs are hardened and
all the latest patches have been applied, you still may have some serious security
problems, such as DoS and man-in-the-middle attacks (like you have on wired
networks), that will likely be around for a while.
● Common Wireless Threats
- There are a number of main threats that exist to wireless LANS, these include:
✔ Rogue Access Points/Ad-Hoc Networks
✔ Denial of Service
✔ Configuration Problems (Mis Configurations/Incomplete Configurations)

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✔ Passive Capturing

Wireless Network Attacks

● Wi-Fi networks can be vulnerable to a variety of different attacks. Because of
this, it’s important to be aware of them so you can take the necessary steps to
prevent and reduce their impact.
● Different kinds of attacks are Encrypted traffic, Rogue networks, Physical
security problems, Vulnerable wireless workstations, Default configuration

✔ Encrypted traffic
- Wireless traffic can be captured directly out of the airwaves, making this
communications medium susceptible to malicious eavesdropping.
- Unless the traffic is encrypted, it’s sent and received in clear text just like on a
standard wired network.
- On top of that, the 802.11 encryption protocol, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP),
has its own weakness that allows hackers to crack the encryption keys and
decrypt the captured traffic.
✔ Rogue networks
- Watch out for unauthorized Access Points and wireless clients attached to your
network that are running in ad-hoc mode.
- Using NetStumbler or your client manager software, you can test for Access
Points that don’t belong on your network.
- You can also use the network monitoring features in a WLAN analyzer such as
- Walk around your building or campus to perform this test to see what you can
- Physically look for devices that don’t belong a well-placed Access Point or
WLAN client that’s turned off won’t show up in your network analysis tools.
- Search near the outskirts of the building or near any publicly accessible areas.
- Scope out boardrooms and the offices of upper level managers for any
unauthorized devices. These are places that are typically off limits but often are
used as locations for hackers to set up rogue Access Points.

✔ Physical-security problems
- Various physical-security vulnerabilities can result in physical theft, the
reconfiguration of wireless devices, and the capturing of confidential
- You should look for the security vulnerabilities when testing your systems such
as Access Points mounted on the outside of a building and accessible to the
public,Poorly mounted antennas or the wrong types of antennas that broadcast
too strong a signal and that are accessible to the public.
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- You can view the signal strength in NetStumbler or your wireless client manager.
✔ Vulnerable wireless workstations
- Wireless workstations have tons of security vulnerabilities from weak passwords
to unpatched security holes to the storage of WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy)
keys locally.
- One serious vulnerability is for wireless clients using the Orinoco wireless card.
- The Orinoco Client Manager software stores encrypted WEP keys in the
Windows Registry even for multiple networks.
✔ Default configuration settings
- Similar to wireless workstations, wireless Access Points have many known
- The most common ones are default SSIDs (Service Set IDentifier) and admin
passwords. The more specific ones occur only on certain hardware and software
versions that are posted in vulnerability databases and vendor Web sites.
- The one vulnerability that stands out above all others is that certain Access
Poinits, including Linksys, D-Link, and more, are susceptible to a vulnerability
that exposes any WEP key(s), MAC(Media Access Control) address filters, and
even the admin password! All that hackers have to do to exploit this is to send a
broadcast packet on UDP port 27155 with a string of gstsearch.

6.2 Operating system Hacking:

● An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the software
and the computer hardware. It is an integrated set of specialized programs used
to manage overall resources and operations of the computer. It is specialized
software that controls and monitors the execution of all other programs that
reside in the computer, including application programs and other system
software. Many Operating systems are available now days.
● Many security flaws in the headlines aren’t new. They’re variants of
vulnerabilities that have been around for a long time in UNIX and Linux, such
as the Remote Procedure Call vulnerabilities that the Blaster worm used.
● You’ve heard the saying “the more things change, the more they stay the
same.” That applies here, too.
● Most Windows attacks are prevented if the patches were properly applied. Thus,
poor security management is often the real reason.

6.2.1 Windows:
✔ The Microsoft Windows OS is the most widely used OS in the world.
✔ It’s also the most widely hacked, because Microsoft doesn’t care as much
about security as other OS vendors? The answer is no.Numerous security
mistakes were unnoticed especially in the Windows NT days but because
Microsoft products are so pervasive throughout networks. Microsoft is the
easiest vendor to pick on, and often its Microsoft products that end up in the

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crosshairs of hackers. This is the same reason for many vulnerability alerts
on Microsoft products. The one positive about hackers is that they’re driving
the requirement for better security!
✔ There are variants of vulnerabilities that have been around for a long time in
UNIX and Linux, such as the RPC vulnerabilities that the Blaster worm used.
Most Windows attacks are prevented if the patches were properly applied.
Thus, poor security management is often the real reason Windows attacks are
- Much vulnerability have been published for windows operating system.
- Some of the common vulnerabilities found in all versions of windows are:
DoS, Remote Code Execution, Memory Corruption, Overflow, Sql
Injection, XSS, Http Response Splitting, Directory Traversal, Bypass
something Gain Information /Privileges, CSRF File Inclusion etc.
- The maximum number of vulnerabilities detected were of Gaining
Privileges by which the confidentiality and integrity was highly impacted.

● Windows Vulnerabilities
✔ Due to the ease of use of Windows, many organizations have moved to
the Microsoft platform for their networking needs.
✔ Many businesses especially the small to medium sized ones depend solely
on the Windows OS for network usage.
✔ Many large organizations run critical servers such as Web servers and
database servers on the Windows platform.
✔ If security vulnerabilities aren’t addressed and managed properly, they
can bring a network or an entire organization to its knees.
✔ When Windows and other Microsoft software are attacked especially by
a widespread Internet-based worm or virus hundreds of thousands of
organizations and millions of computers are affected.
✔ Many well-known attacks against Windows can lead to
- Leakage of confidential information, including files being copied and credit card
numbers being stolen
- Passwords being cracked and used to carry out other attacks
- Systems taken completely offline by DoS attacks
- Entire databases being corrupted or deleted when insecure Windows-based
systems are attacked, serious things can happen to a tremendous number of
computers around the world.
- Autoplay feature came in Windows XP. This feature checks removable media/
devices then identifies and launches appropriate application based on its
contents. This feature is useful for authentic users but is a gateway for an
- Clipboard vulnerability can allow attacker to get access to the sensitive clipboard
data. In windows clipboard is common for all applications. This may lead to
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access and modification in the clipboard of all applications in the operating

- MS-Windows stores its configuration settings and options in a hierarchical
database which is known as windows Registry. Registry is used for low level
operating system settings and for settings of applications running on the
6.2.2 LINUX:
✔ It is the latest flavor of UNIX that has really taken off in corporate
✔ It is the competitor Operating System for Microsoft.
✔ A common misunderstanding is that Windows is the most insecure
operating system. However, Linux and most of its sister variants of UNIX
are prone to the same security vulnerabilities as any other operating
✔ Hackers are attacking Linux because of its popularity and growing usage
in today’s network environment, because some versions of Linux are free.
✔ Many organizations are installing Linux for their Web servers and e-mail
servers in expectations of saving money.
✔ Linux has grown in popularity for other reasons, including the following:
- Ample resources available, including books, Web sites, and consultant expertise.
- Perception that Linux is more secure than Windows.
- Unlikeliness that Linux will get hit with as many viruses (not necessarily worms)
as Windows and its applications do. This is an area where Linux excels when it
comes to security, but it probably won’t stay that way.
- Increased buy-in from other UNIX vendors, including IBM and Sun Micro
- Growing ease of use.

● Linux Vulnerabilities
✔ Vulnerabilities and hacker attacks against Linux are affecting a growing
number of organizations especially e-commerce companies and ISPs that
rely on Linux for many of their systems.
✔ When Linux systems are hacked, the victim organizations can experience
the same side effects as if they were running Windows, including:
- Leakage of confidential intellectual property and customer
- Passwords being cracked
- Systems taken completely offline by DoS attacks
- Corrupted or deleted databases

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6.2.3 Buffer Overflow Attack:

A buffer is a temporary area for data storage. When more data (than was originally
allocated to be stored) gets placed by a program or system process, the extra data
overflows. It causes some of that data to leak out into other buffers, which can corrupt
or overwrite whatever data they were holding.
In a buffer-overflow attack, the extra data sometimes holds specific instructions for
actions intended by a hacker or malicious user; for example, the data could trigger a
response that damages files, changes data or unveils private information.
Attacker would use a buffer-overflow exploit to take advantage of a program that is
waiting on a user’s input.
Every program contains a buffer, but an attacker can follow one of two methods to take
it over and begin an attack.
A buffer overflow attack can be:
● Stack-based. Your attacker sends data to a program, and that transmission is
stored in a too-small stack buffer. Your hacker could choose a "push" function
and store new items on the top of the stack. Or the hacker could choose a "pop"
function and remove the top item and replace it. That means the hacker has
officially inserted malicious code and taken control.
● Heap-based. Your hacker corrupts data within the heap, and that code change
forces your system to overwrite important data.

Countermeasure & Prevention:

Hackers have been leaning on buffers for years, but new opportunities for their work
are appearing. For example, experts say connected devices (including Internet-of-
Things elements like refrigerators and doorbells) could be susceptible to these attacks.

Protect your company by following these common-sense steps:

● Use new operating systems. It's time to throw out legacy programs with expired
support systems. Newer code comes with more protections.
● Watch the language. Programs written in COBOL, Python, and Java are likely
safer than others.
● Add space. Some programs allow for executable space protections. When
enabled, a hacker can't execute code inserted via an overflow attack.
● Lean on developers. System administrators often complain that
developers ignore their bug reports. Be persistent. When you spot a problem
leading to a buffer overflow, keep talking about it until someone fixes it.
● Apply your patches. When developers do find out about buffer overflow
problems, they fix them with code.
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6.3 Applications Hacking:

6.3.1 Messaging System:
Messaging systems are those e-mail and instant messaging (IM) applications that we
depend on are often hacked within a network. Why? Because messaging software both
at the server and client level is vulnerable because network administrators forget about
securing these systems, believe that antivirus software is all that’s needed to keep
trouble away, and ignore the existing security vulnerabilities.

● Messaging system Vulnerabilities

✔ E-mail and instant-messaging applications are hacking targets on your
✔ In fact, e-mail systems are some of the most targeted.
✔ A ton of vulnerabilities are inherent in messaging systems.
✔ The following factors can create weaknesses:
- Security is rarely integrated into software development.
- Convenience and usability often outweigh the need for security.
- Many of the messaging protocols were not designed with security in
- Especially those developed several decades ago, when security wasn’t
nearly the issue it is today.
✔ Many hacker attacks against messaging systems are just minor nuisances. Others
can inflict serious harm on your information and your organization’s reputation.
The hacker attacks against messaging systems include these:
- Transmitting malware
- Crashing servers
- Obtaining remote control of workstations
- Capturing and modifying confidential information as it travels across the
- Perusing e-mails in e-mail databases on servers and workstations
- Perusing instant-messaging log files on workstation hard drives
- Gathering messaging trend information, via log files or a network
analyzer, that can tip off the hacker about conversations between people
and organizations
- Gathering internal network configuration information, such as hostname
and IP addresses
✔ Hacker attacks like these can lead to such problems as lost business,
unauthorized and potentially illegal disclosure of confidential information
and loss of information.
Email Attacks
● Many people rely on the Internet for many of their professional, social and
personal activities. But there are also people, who attempt to damage our

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Internet-connected computers, violate our privacy and render inoperable the

Internet services.
● Email is a universal service used by number of people worldwide. As one of the
most popular services, email has become a major vulnerability to users and
● The following e-mail attacks use the most common e-mail security
vulnerabilities. Some of these attacks require the basic hacking methodologies,
gathering public information, scanning and enumerating your systems, and
attacking. Others can be carried out by sending e-mails or capturing network
● Different email attacks are email bomb, banner etc.

● Email Bombs
✔ E-mail bombs can crash a server and provide unauthorized administrator
✔ They attack by creating DoS conditions against your e-mail software and
even your network and Internet connection by taking up so much bandwidth
and requiring so much storage space.
✔ An email bomb is a form of Internet abuse which is perpetrated through the
sending of massive volumes of email to a specific email address with the
goal of overflowing the mailbox and overwhelming the mail server hosting
the address, making it into some form of denial of service attack.
✔ An email bomb is also known as a letter bomb.
✔ Different email bomb attacks are as attachment overloading attack,
connection attack, autoresponder attack.

1. Attachment Overloading Attack

- An attacker can create an attachment-overloading attack by sending
hundreds or thousands of e-mails with very large attachments.
- Attachment overloading attacks may have a couple of different goals
- The whole e-mail server may be targeted for a complete interruption of
service with these failures like storage overload and bandwidth blocking.
a. Storage overload
- Multiple large messages can quickly fill the total storage capacity of an e-mail
server. If the messages aren’t automatically deleted by the server or manually
deleted by individual user accounts, the server will be unable to receive new
- This can create a serious DoS problem for your e-mail system, either crashing
it or requiring you take your system offline to clean up the junk that has
accumulated. E.g. 100MB file attachment sent ten times to 80 users can take
80GB of storage space.

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b. Bandwidth blocking
- An attacker can crash your e-mail service or bring it to a crawl by filling the
incoming Internet connection with junk. Even if your system automatically
identifies and discards obvious attachment attacks, the bogus messages eat
resources and delay processing of valid messages

Countermeasures (Attachment-Overloading Attack)

These countermeasures can help prevent attachment-overloading attacks:
- Limit the size of either e-mails or e-mail attachments. Check for this option
in e-mail server configuration options, e-mail content filtering, and e-mail
clients. This is the best protection against attachment overloading.
- Limit each user’s space on the server. This denies large attachments from
being written to disk. Limit message sizes for inbound and even outbound
messages if you want to prevent a user from launching this attack inside your

2. Connection Attack
✔ A hacker can send a huge amount of e-mails simultaneously to addresses on
your network.
✔ These connection attacks can cause the server to give up on servicing any
inbound or outbound TCP requests.
✔ This can lead to a complete server lockup or a crash, often resulting in a
condition where the attacker is allowed administrator or root access to the
✔ This attack is often carried out as spam attack.

Countermeasures (Connection Attacks)

✔ Many e-mail servers allow you to limit the number of resources used for inbound
✔ It can be impossible to completely stop an unlimited amount of inbound requests.
✔ However, you can minimize the impact of the attack. This setting limits the
amount of server processor time, which can help prevent a DoS attack.
✔ Even in large companies, there’s no reason that thousands of inbound e-mail
deliveries should be necessary within a short time period.

3. Autoresponders Attack
✔ This is an interesting attack to find two or more users on the same or different e-
mail systems that have autoresponder configured.
✔ Autoresponder is that annoying automatic e-mail response you often get back
from random users when you’re subscribing to a mailing list.
✔ A message goes to the mailing list of subscribers and then users have their e-mail
configured to automatically respond back, saying they’re out of the office or, on
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✔ An autoresponder attack is a pretty easy hack.

✔ Many unsuspecting users and e-mail administrators never know what hit them!
✔ The hacker sends each of the two (or more) users an e-mail from the other simply
by masquerading as that
✔ This attack can create a never-ending loop that bounces thousands of messages
back and forth between users.
✔ This can create a DoS condition by filling either the user’s individual disk space
quota on the e-mail server or the e-mail server’s entire disk space.

Countermeasures (Autoresponder attack)

✔ The best countermeasure for an autoresponder attack is to make policy that no
one sets up an autoresponder message.
✔ Prevent e-mail attacks as far considering perimeter of your network.
✔ The more traffic or malicious behavior you keep off, your e-mail servers and
clients are better.
● Banners
✔ One of the first orders of business for a hacker when hacking an e-mail server
is performing a basic banner grab to see whether he can tell what e-mail server
Software is running
✔ This is one of the most critical tests to find out what the World knows about
your SMTP, POP3, and IMAP servers.
✔ Gathering Information
- when a basic telnet connection is made on port 25 (SMTP) banner displayed
on an e-mail server.
- To do this, at a command prompt, Simply enter telnet IP or hostname.
- From that we get what e-mail software type and version of the server is
running. This information can give hackers some ideas about possible
attacks, especially if they search a vulnerability database for known
vulnerabilities of that software version.
- If you’ve changed your default SMTP banner, don’t think that no one can
figure out the version.
- One Linux-based tool called smtpscan determines e-mail server version
information based on how the server responds to malformed SMTP requests.

Countermeasures (Banners)
There is not a 100 percent secure way of disguising banner information.
Following are some banner security tips for SMTP, POP3, and IMAP servers:
- Change your default banners to cover up the information.
- Make sure that you’re always running the latest software patches.
- Harden your server as much as possible by using well-known best practices

General Best Practices for minimizing email security risk

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The following countermeasure helps to keep email messages as secure as possible:

✔ Use of right software can neutralize many threats such as - Use malware
protection software on the e-mail server better, Apply the latest operating
system and e-mail application security patches consistently.
✔ Use of encrypted messages or messaging system.
✔ Put your e-mail server behind a firewall, preferably in a DMZ that’s on a
different network segment from the Internet and from your internal LAN.
✔ Disable unused protocols and services on your e-mail server.
✔ Run your e-mail server on a dedicated server, if possible, to help keep
hackers out of other servers and information if the server is hacked.
✔ Log all transactions with the server in case you need to investigate malicious
use in the future.
✔ If your server doesn’t need e-mail services running (SMTP, POP3, and
IMAP) disable them immediately.
✔ Email monitoring can detect and block messages sent from compromised
✔ Email filtering can block certain types of attachments that are known to carry
malicious content.
✔ Secure email client configurations can also reduce the risk of malicious
✔ Checking to see if the email address of a questionable message matches the
reply-to email address.
✔ Verifying that URLs in an email go to legitimate websites.
6.3.2 Web Applications:
● Web applications, like e-mail are common hacker targets because they are
everywhere and often open for anyone to poke around in.
● Basic Web sites used for marketing, contact information, document downloads
and so on are a common target for hackers especially the script-kiddie’s types to
● However, for criminal hackers, Web sites that store valuable information, like
credit-card and Social Security numbers, are especially attractive.
● Why are Web applications so vulnerable? The general consent is they’re
vulnerable because of poor software development and testing practices. Sound
familiar? It should, because this is the same problem that affects operating
systems and practically all computer systems.
● This is the side effect of relying on software compilers to perform error checking,
lack of user demand for higher-quality software and emphasizing time-to-market
instead of security and stability.

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● Web application Vulnerabilities

✔ Hacker attacks against insecure Web applications via Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP) make up the majority of all Internet-related attacks.
✔ Most of these attacks can be carried out even if the HTTP traffic is encrypted
(via HTTPS or HTTP over SSL) because the communications medium has
nothing to do with these attacks.
✔ The security vulnerabilities actually lie within either the Web applications
themselves or the Web server and browser software that the applications run on
and communicate with.
✔ Many attacks against Web applications are just minor nuisances or may not affect
confidential information or system availability.
✔ However, some attacks can cause destruction on your systems. Whether the Web
attack is against a basic brochure ware site or against the company’s most critical
customer server, these attacks can hurt your organization.
✔ Some other web application security vulnerabilities are as follows
SQL Injection
- Injection is a security vulnerability that allows an attacker to alter
backend SQL statements by manipulating the user supplied data.
- Injection occurs when the user input is sent to an interpreter as part of command
or query and trick the interpreter into executing unintended commands and
gives access to unauthorized data.
Cross site scripting
- Cross Site Scripting is also shortly known as XSS.
- XSS vulnerabilities target scripts embedded in a page that are executed on the
client side i.e. user browser rather than at the server side. These flaws can occur
when the application takes untrusted data and send it to the web browser
without proper validation.
- Attackers can use XSS to execute malicious scripts on the users in this case
victim browsers. Since the browser cannot know if the script is trusty or not,
the script will be executed, and the attacker can hijack session cookies, deface
websites, or redirect the user to an unwanted and malicious websites.
- XSS is an attack which allows the attacker to execute the scripts on the victim's
Security Misconfiguration
- Security Configuration must be defined and deployed for the application,
frameworks, application server, web server, database server, and platform. If
these are properly configured, an attacker can have unauthorized access to
sensitive data or functionality.
- Sometimes such flaws result in complete system compromise. Keeping the
software up to date is also good security.

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Directory Traversals
✔ A directory traversal is a really basic attack, but it can turn up interesting
information about a Web site.
✔ This attack is basically browsing a site and looking for clues about the server’s
directory structure.
✔ Properly controlling access to web content is crucial for running a secure web
✔ Directory traversal or Path Traversal is an HTTP attack which allows attackers
to access restricted directories and execute commands outside of the web
server’s root directory.
✔ Web servers provide two main levels of security mechanisms

Access Control Lists (ACLs)

- An Access Control List is used in the authorization process.
- It is a list which the web server’s administrator uses to indicate which users or
groups are able to access, modify or execute particular files on the server, as
well as other access rights

Root directory
- The root directory is the top-most directory on the server file System.
- User access is confined to the root directory, meaning users are unable to access
directories or files outside of the root
Countermeasures (Directory Traversal Attack)
✔ There are two main countermeasures to having files compromised via
Malicious directory traversals:
o Don’t store old, sensitive, or otherwise nonpublic files on your Web
- The only files that should be in your /htdocs or Document Root folder are those
that are needed for the site to function properly.
- These files should not contain confidential information that you don’t want the
world to see.
o Ensure that your Web server is properly configured to allow public
access only to those directories that are needed for the site to function.
- Minimum necessary privileges are key here, so provide access only to the
bare-minimum files and directories needed for the Web application to
perform properly.
Google Dorking:
Google dorking is a hacking technique that makes use of Google's advanced
search services to locate valuable data or hard-to-find content. Google dorking
is also known as "Google hacking."

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At the surface level, Google dorking involves using specific modifiers to search
data. For example, instead of searching the entire Web, users can click on tags
like "image" or "site" to collect images or find information about a specific site.
Users can utilize other commands like "filetype" and "datarange" to get other
specific search results.

Although benign types of Google dorking simply use the resources that are
available from Google, some forms of it are concerning to regulators and security
specialists because they could indicate hacking or cyber attack reconnaissance.
Hackers and other cyber-criminals can use these types of Google Dorking to
obtain unauthorized data or to exploit security vulnerabilities in websites, which
is why this term is gaining a negative connotation from the security community.
Understanding Google Dorks and How Hackers Use Them:
The idea of using Google as a hacking tool or platform certainly isn’t novel, and hackers
have been leveraging this incredibly popular search engine for years. Google Dorks had
their roots in 2002 when a man named Johnny Long started using custom queries to
search for elements of certain websites that he could leverage in an attack. At its core,
that’s what Google Dorks are – a way to use the search engine to pinpoint websites that
have certain flaws, vulnerabilities, and sensitive information that can be taken
advantage of. As a side note, some people refer to Google Dorks as Google Hacking
(they’re more or less synonymous terms).

Google Dorking is a technique used by hackers to find the information exposed

accidentally to the internet. For example, log files with usernames and passwords or
cameras, etc. It is done mostly by using the queries to go after a specific target gradually.
We start with collecting as much data as we can using general queries, and then we can
go specific by using complex queries.

Google Dorks can uncover great information such as email addresses and lists, login
credentials, sensitive files, website vulnerabilities, and even financial information (e.g.,
Payment card data).

Google Dorks Operators:

Just like in simple math equations, programming code, and other types of algorithms,
Google Dorks has several operators, some of the most common are:

● intitle – This allows a hacker to search for pages with specific text in their HTML
title. So intitle: “login page” will help a hacker scour the web for login pages.
● allintitle – Similar to the previous operator, but only returns results for pages that
meet all of the keyword criteria.

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● inurl – Allows a hacker to search for pages based on the text contained in the URL
(i.e., “login.php”).
● allinurl – Similar to the previous operator, but only returns matches for URLs that
meet all the matching criteria.
● filetype – Helps a hacker narrow down search results to specific files such as PHP,
PDF, or TXT file types.
● ext – Very similar to filetype, but this looks for files based on their file extension.
● intext – This operator searches the entire content of a given page for keywords
supplied by the hacker.
● allintext – Similar to the previous operator but requires a page to match all of the
given keywords.
● site – Limits the scope of a query to a single website.

6.3.3 Database System Vulnerabilities:

✔ Database management systems are nearly as complex as the operating systems
on which they reside.
✔ As a security professional, there is need to assess and manage any potential
security problems.
✔ Following are the Vulnerabilities in database management systems
⮚ Loose access permissions. Like applications and operating systems,
database management systems have schemes of access controls that are
often designed far too loosely, which permits more access to critical and
sensitive information than is appropriate. This can also include failures
to implement cryptography as an access control when appropriate.
⮚ Excessive retention of sensitive data. Keeping sensitive data longer
than necessary increases the impact of a security breach.
⮚ Aggregation of personally identifiable information. The practice
known as aggregation of data about citizens is a potentially risky
undertaking that can result in an organization possessing sensitive
personal information. Sometimes, this happens when an organization
deposits historic data from various sources into a data warehouse, where
this disparate sensitive data is brought together for the first time. The
result is a gold mine or a time bomb, depending on how you look at it.

Best practices for minimizing database security risks

✔ While some attackers still focus on denial of service attacks, cyber criminals
often target the database because that is where the money is.
✔ The databases that power web sites hold a great deal of profitable information
for someone looking to steal credit card information or personal identities.
✔ Database security on its own is an extremely in-depth topic that could never be
covered in the course of one article; however there are a few best practices that

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can help even the smallest of businesses secure their database enough to make
an attacker move on to an easier target.

Separate the Database and Web Servers

- Keep the database server separate from the web server.
- When installing most web software, the database is created for you. To make
things easy, this database is created on the same server where the application
itself is being installed, the web server. Unfortunately, this makes access to the
data all too easy for an attacker to access.
- If they are able to crack the administrator account for the web server, the data is
readily available to them.
- Instead, a database should reside on a separate database server located behind a
firewall, not in the DMZ (Demiltarized Zone) with the web server. While this
makes for a more complicated setup, the security benefits are well worth the
Encrypt Stored Files
- Encrypt stored files.
- White Hat security estimates that 83 percent of all web sites are vulnerable to at
least one form of attack.
- The stored files of a web application often contain information about the
databases the software needs to connect to.
- This information, if stored in plain text like many default installations do,
provide the keys an attacker needs to access sensitive data.

Encrypt Your Backups Too

- Encrypt back-up files.
- Not all data theft happens as a result of an outside attack. Sometimes, it’s the
people we trust most that are the attackers.

Use a WAF
- Employ web application firewalls.
- The misconception here might be that protecting the web server has nothing to
do with the database.
- Nothing could be further from the truth. In addition to protecting a site against
cross-site scripting vulnerabilities and web site vandalism, a good application
firewall can thwart SQL injection attacks as well.
- By preventing the injection of SQL queries by an attacker, the firewall can help
keep sensitive information stored in the database away from prying eyes.

Keep Patches Current

- Keep patches current. This is one area where administrators often come up short.

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- Web sites that are rich with third-party applications, widgets, components and
various other plug-ins and add-ons can easily find themselves a target to an
exploit that should have been patched.

Minimize Use of 3rd Party Apps

- Keep third-party applications to a minimum.
- We all want our web site to be filled with interactive widgets and sidebars filled
with cool content, but any app that pulls from the database is a potential threat.
- Many of these applications are created by hobbyists or programmers who
discontinue support for them.
Don't Use a Shared Server
- Avoid using a shared web server if your database holds sensitive information.
- While it may be easier, and cheaper, to host your site with a hosting provider you
are essentially placing the security of your information in the hands of someone
- If you have no other choice, make sure to review their security policies and speak
with them about what their responsibilities are should your data become

Enable Security Controls

- Enable security controls on your database.
- While most databases nowadays will enable security controls by default, it never
hurts for you to go through and make sure you check the security controls to see
if this was done.
- Keep in mind that securing your database means you have to shift your focus
from web developer to database administrator. In small businesses, this may
mean added responsibilities and additional buy in from management.
- However, getting everyone on the same page when it comes to security can make
a difference between preventing an attack and responding to an attack.


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1. Hacking for Dummies (5th Edition), Kevin Beaver CISSP, Wiley Publishing
ISBN: 978-81-265-6554-2
2. CISSP for Dummies(5th Edition),Lawrence C. Miller, Peter H. Gregory, ISBN:
3. http://www.applicure.com/blog/database-security-best-practice
4. https://thecybersecurityplace.com/database-hacking-its-prevention
5. https://www.valencynetworks.com/blogs/cyber-attacks-explained-database-
6. https://www.acunetix.com/websitesecurity/directory-traversal
7. https://www.veracode.com/security/directory-traversal
8. https://www.hackingloops.com/google-dorks

Sample Multiple Choice Questions:

1. SNMP stands for
a. Simple Network Messaging Protocol
b. Simple Network Mailing Protocol
c. Simple Network Management Protocol
d. Simple Network Master Protocol

2. Which of the following tool is used for Network Testing and port Scanning
a. NetCat
b. SuperScan
c. NetScan
d. All of Above
3. Banner grabbing is often used for
a. White Hat Hacking
b. Black Hat Hacking
c. Gray Hat Hacking
d. Script Kiddies

4. An attacker can create an……………………attack by sending hundreds or

thousands of e-mails with very large attachments.
a. Connection Attack
b. Auto responder Attack
c. Attachment Overloading Attack
d. All of the above

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5) “allintitle “ Google dork operator returns

a. results for pages that meet all of the keyword criteria
b. pages with specific text in their HTML title
c. matches for URLs that meet all the matching criteria
d. specific files containing title

6) __________ is a technique used by hackers to find the information exposed

accidentally to the internet.
a. Buffer overflow
b. Google Dorking
c. Google Shadow

7) In _____, your hacker corrupts data within the ____, and that code change forces
your system to overwrite important data.
a. Stack Based, heap
b. Stack Based, stack
c. Heap-based, heap
d. Heap-based, stack

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