ELT 5 - (Group 3) Lesson Plan Real SS

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Lesson plan: Social Networking Sites


 Daleska Reyes
 Gianella Diestra
 Jorge de la fuente
 Hansel Trinidad
 José Montes de Oca
 Kevin Aguilar

Class: B1 General English Level: Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate Length: 15 minutes per teacher

Class description
We expect to have approximately 15 students in this class who study English at Britanico, most of
them might be at the level that corresponds this lesson; however, some more advanced or lower
level students are welcomed to participate as well. Therefore, we need to be ready for everyone.

Main aim
Make the students talk about the different branches of Social Networking Sites, Students will talk
about how important they are nowadays. Finally, the students will be involved in many different
activities which will retrieve their vocabulary, activate their language and make them have a great
time with the teachers’ creativity.

Timetable fit
In the last few lessons, the students have learned important vocabulary related to jobs and
workplaces. Also, grammar such as: The present perfect with for and since and relevant language
functions like: Expressing and responding to opinions. In the next lessons, we are going to study
Gramma and speaking: Used to and would and lastly, important general collocations which will be
contextualise in an article.

1 Power Points 2 Envelopes 3 Cards and pictures 4 Cameras and tripods

Anticipated problems
1. Malfunction of the projector
2 Some students might not be very creative and might not have ideas.

Possible solutions
1. Consider an unplugged version of the activities
2. The teachers goes around the class and ask questions to the students to help with their ideas.

Additional possibilities
1. Regarding Hansel’s activity, in the case that there are only people of the same gender, the
teacher will change the main activity “The Dating game” for “The Friendly match”.
(See Appendix 4.4)
Stage/stage aim Description Interaction/ timing
JORGE’S ACTIVITY 1. Teacher presents the topic T – SS/2 minutes
with a question.
Step 1 (1,2) 2. Then, teacher elicits
Step 2 (3,4) 3. Teacher conducts drills Whole class/1 minute
(names of social media)
4. Teacher actives the
student’s prior knowledge
(ask for others).
Step 3 (5,6,7) 5. Teacher makes a question: SS – SS/5 minutes
Could social media sites be
used for studying of jobs?
6. Teacher models the activity
7. Also, elicit answer form the
Step 4 (8, 9, 10) 8. Teacher makes another SS – SS/5 minutes
question: How could you
earn money with social
networking sites?
Step 5 (11, 12) 9. Elicit answers.
10. Model the activity.
11. Rate Sarah’s devices from 1 SS – SS/1 minute
to 5.
12. Finally, I elicit answers.
GIANELLA’S ACTIVITY 1. Introduce myself quickly T - SS/1 minute
and ask students if they use
social networking sites in a
good way.
2. To engage I show them six T – SS/4 minutes
pictures about advantages
of using social networking
Introduce the topic: sites (See Appendix 2.1).
Advantages of using social First, I conduct drills and
networking sites. then make them to match
For speaking: discussions in the picture with the correct
pairs. phrase. Then elicit answer.
Main activity: The teacher 3. Then, make the students to SS – SS/5minutes
introduces the activity called work in pairs and play a
“Have you ever..?” game called ‘Have you
ever’ (See Appendix 2.2).
Present the activity, give
instructions and a
demonstration of how to
do the activity. They will
have to answer if they have
ever done one of the
mention phrases. Give
them 2 minutes to do the
4. Finally, after they have
finished, ask for volunteers
to share their answers. SS – SS/2 minutes
JOSE’S ACTIVITY 1. Introduce myself quickly T – SS/1 minute
and create rapport with
our students.
2. Ask them to work in pairs T – SS/2 minutes
and discuss about what can
they see in the picture and
make them talk about their
3. Elicit ideas about the topic
SS – SS /5 minutes
and make them talk about
-Introduce the topic:
how the use of social
Disadvantages of using social
networking sites networking sites can
become a problem to their
life if they use them in a
bad way, using pictures.
4. Finally, I will set up and
activity where students SS – SS/5 minutes
have to be honest and talk
about their situation with
the use of networking sites
and evaluate if the other
person make a bad use of
them, I will do
demonstration so students
have a clear idea of what
they have to do.
HANSEL’S ACTIVITY 1. Teacher makes the T – SS/1 minute
introduction of the lesson
using Tinder (Dating Apps)
2. To engage the students, SS – SS/3 minutes
the teacher makes them
work in pairs and discuss
two important questions
Introduce Tinder as the most (See Appendix 4.1) Then,
famous Dating app. teacher elicits from the
For speaking: Dialogues, students how Tinder works
discussions in pairs and groups. and what happens when
Main activity: Teacher two people like each other.
simulates an activity called ‘The 3. Now that the students SS – SS/4 minutes
Dating Game’ know how ‘Matches’
happen, teacher makes the
students discuss what
qualities they look for in a
person. Teacher shows
some suggestions (See
Appendix 4.2)
4. Finally, teacher sets up the SS – SS/5 minutes
main activity: ‘The Dating
Game’. The students will
be working in groups of
three and they will be given
an envelope with some
dating question which they
will have to ask each other
(See Appendix 4.3)
DALESKA’S ACTIVITY 1. Introduce myself quickly T-SS/1 minute
and ask students if they
like social networking sites
2. To engage the students, I T-SS/2 minutes
show them pictures of
influencers and make
them to guess who they
are (See appendix 5.1)
Then, elicit answers.
Introduce the topic: Influencers SS-SS/2 minutes
3. Ask them to work in pairs
Teacher talks about what
and answer some
influencers are
For speaking: discussions in questions: Why do you
pairs and groups like them? and Why did
Main activity: The teacher they become famous.
introduces the activity called Then elicit answers
‘Becoming an influencer’ 4. Ask them to work in pairs SS-SS/3 minutes
and answer two questions
related to the topic (See
appendix 5.2) Then, I ask
for volunteers to share
their ideas.
5. Finally, I will set up the SS – SS/5 minutes
main activity: ‘Becoming
an influencer’. The
students will be working in
pairs and they will create
their own page or channel
to be an influencer (see
appendix 5.3) with the
help of some cards (see
appendix 5.4)
RAFAEL’S ACTIVITY 1. Introduce myself politely T – SS / 2 minutes
and ask a question.
2. To engage the students, I SS – SS / 2 minutes
Talk about a specific branch of will ask two questions and
Social Networking Sites make them discuss in pairs.
(Youtube) 3. Give the answers and show SS – SS / 3 minutes
Teacher will use videos and them a video of the
realia to engage the students. previous exercise.
For the main activity, teacher 4. Show one extra question SS – SS / 2 minutes
will make the students create and play another video.
their own Youtube account. 5. Finally, I will give simple T – SS / 5 minutes
instructions for the activity,
change their seats in
groups of three and after
the activity listen to their
different opinions.
Jorge’s appendices:

 Step 5. Rate Sarah’s advices from 1 to 5

Gianella’s appendices:

Appendix 2.1

Appendix 2.2
Jose’s appendices:
Appendix 3.1

Appendix 3.2

Appendix 3.3
Appendix 3.4

Appendix 3.5
Hansel’s appendices:
Appendix 4.1

Appendix 4.2

Appendix 4.3

Appendix 4.4
(Additional possibility)

Daleska’s appendices:

Appendix 5.1

Appendix 5.2

Appendix 5.3
Rafael’s appendices:
(Realia) Camera

1. Mee at the zoo


2. My own project

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