Calton Magazine

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Entertainment at heart 1 NOVEMBER 2016 P25 Vat Incl vol.






The very first OF MUSIC
Know Your History STREET CORNER

MAUN Relationships

Young King in his Prime BROWN


Leader of the new school

FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: [email protected]

Win Buy a copy of calton magazine and stand a chance to win BREAD TOASTER and NGAMI FEST T-SHIRTS
Twitter for Music Promotion
EDITORIAL TEAM INSIDE THE ISSUE Making a Living in Music is Possible
Lets finish off on a positive note. Not everyone working in music will be
looking at a life of swimming pools and movie stars, but making a living
EDIROR IN CHIEFBRIGHT KETSHEGILE in music isnt as crazy as your mom might tell you it is. From labels to
distribution to promotion to booking to manufacturing and more - there
are lots of music related jobs that allow you to pay the bills. Patience
and hard work are a must, but you can get there.


lonely planet Botswana


All thanks to God, to my family, friends
and those who helped me make my
dream come true. To advertise on Calton

I decided to share this Message by His Excellency LT.
General Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama to the people of
Botswana. Thank You!
BOIPELEGO Email:caltonmagazine .CD AND DVD SLEEVES
1. Ke tla simolola ka go leboga Dikgosi-kgolo tsa mafatshe, botautona le
baeteledipele ba mebuso le baemedi ba mafatshe kemo nokeng le thot- 10 STREET CORNER Po box 1053 Maun .FUNERAL PROGRAMMES
loetso ya lona ka go nna teng le go ipela le rona gompieno. Se ke sesupo sa
tshwaragano, e rotlhe re e lebogelang.
2. Batswana betsho, dingwaga tse di masome matlhano tse di fetileng, mo 14 ONNEX-YOUNG KING Call: +267 74541870 .LOGO DESIGNS
letsatsing la Labotlhano jaaka gompieno, Lwetse a le masome a mararo ka
1966, Bomme le Borre ba lefatshe leno ba ne ba supa maitlamo le tebelope-
le fa ba simolodisa lefatshe la Botswana. 14 COMPETITION
3. Ka maitlamo a bone a go lwela lefatshe leno, le e leng mpho ya Modimo,
ba ne ba betla tsela e e neng e se motlhofo.
20 DREAM VILLE 2 bedroomed house for
4. Fa go lebilwe se lefatshe leno le atlegileng mo go sone, ba le bantsi ga ba
kake ba dumela seemo sa nako eo sa itsholelo, sepolotiki le dikgwetlho tse sale in Maun with elec- FOR MORE INFO CONTACT
chaba ya fatshe leno ene e lebagane natso.
5. Ka nako eo, lefatshe leno ene ele lengwe la a a lesome lefatshe ka BC MEDIA
bophara a a neng humanegile go gaisa. Go ne go sena dikago le khumo e tricity, water system 40 by
! EMAIL: [email protected]
lefatshe leno le neng le ka e supa. Batho ka bontsi ba ne ba sa itse go bala le
go kwala mme go ne go nale palo e e kwa tlase ga masome a supa ya batho
ba ba neng ba weditse dithuto tsa dikole tse dikgolwane tsa secondary. 40 . Certificate only CELL : +267 75060211
6. Baitseanape ba mafatshe ba ne ba dumela gore lefatshe leno le tlaa
ikaega ka dithuso tsa mafatshe. E re ka jaana le ne le dikaganyeditswe ke
mebuso e e neng e gatelela batho, ene e dumela gore lefatshe leno ga lena
For more info call +267
go ya gope fela ka lene le tsere tsela ya tsamaiso ya puso ya batho ka batho.
Le fa go ntse jalo, ba le bantsi ba ne ba sirwa ke lehuma le ba neng ba le
bona ka matlho mme ba seka ba lemoga se chaba ya Botswana e humileng
ka sone.
Page 2
Page 27
The Basics Still Matter

These days, there is so much attention placed on this app and that app or this social
networking tool or the other for musicians. These things may have a place, but they
are secondary to the basics. Writing good songs and playing shows still form the foun-
dation of any good music career. You can make it in music without the special soft-
ware or this, that and the other, but you can't make it without the music and the
shows. At least not for long.
Further, no one has ever said, "I'm not that into the music, but wow, I really love this
group's thoughts on social networking and music promo. When are they playing?"
Now, that is not to say that you shouldn't educate yourself about the issues facing the
industry or that you shouldn't actively be involved in shaping the direction your cho-
sen industry should take. It IS to say, however, that a good song is more powerful that
a blog, a blog comment, a headline, a new software program or new social network-
DATE OF BIRTH :12-01-1990
ing website. If you're a musician, your priority should be your music, every time. To
that end....
Social Networking is Not Going to Save Your Musical Life

Social networking CAN be handy tool in connecting with your fans and keeping them
on board and interested. It can also be a huge distraction if you don't give it the right
place on your list of priorities. Now, I know you can think of a lot of musicians who
have gotten something going on a social networking site. Go ahead, see how many MAGAZINE & BRIGHT CALTON
you can list....ok, now what percentage of the total number of musicians who are on MEDIA
the net does your list represents? Exactly.

Dont neglect the other parts of your music career in favor of being active DID YOU KNOW? BRIGHT
on social networking sites. Ever. Also, dont ever pay anyone to teach you KETSHEGILE WAS ONCE BOY SIMBAS
how to use social networking sites effectively. There is no magic formula. MANAGER
None. The best way to be successful on these sites is to be yourself and fig-
ure out what feels right to you. You dont need to pay someone to tell you
how thats done, no matter how much some people may tell you that you do.
Its not rocket science. Just jump in. Youll get it. If you need some advice
about what works and what doesnt, there are more free resources dedicat-
ed to offering advice on this kind of stuff than you could hope to read in a
Page 3
lifetime. See, I even have a few myself:



. Where do you think our country lacks?

_Employment opportunities are limited, a large number of students graduate every year but few employment oppor-

tunities are created by our government is
_Absence of Innovative and young leaders in decision making and leadership committees, most of the people current-
ly involved are elders who dont always appreciate the use of technology and its advantages in our modern world
say time thus the need for young leaders

waits no man, and no one knows What do you think about the growing number of foreign investments in Botswana?
this more than RAPPER-SLASH TV
PERSONALITY Kago STAxXx The government of Botswana alone is unable to cater for its whole population. There are a lot of unemployed people.
The growth of foreign investments in Botswana serves to benefit the people as a lot of employment opportunities are
Segole, its nearly 7 years now po-
created. Investments made by these countries also helps the drive to Botswana being more developed
sitioning himself in Botswanas mu-
sic scene, STAxXx released two . Should the government bail out failing companies?
project. His latest EP product of my
past. Yes the government should help companies which are failing. In order to increase locally owned companies in the
country and also to motivate other Batswana to be self employed the government can help with finance, skills or
...When I think of the amount of money whatever necessary for that company to thrive. Sometimes a company fails because of a little hiccup when itse could
I've spent printing CDs and getting music have been successful and made a difference thus the government should help
Its dope joints like colds night
videos on tapes for TV only to have none of
my shit played, really sucks! And not any and regardless that proves hes . In a society that is so driven by money, do think people often sacrifice their health in order to gain financial wealth
more for me than for my fans!!! Like, HOW the leader of the new school, he and success?
ARE THESE RADIO STATIONS AND TV hasn't abounded the culture like
SHOWS DENYING MY FANS THE MUSIC I this new karts who be trapping Most people especially d youth sacrifice their health in order to gain financial wealth and success.. looking at the un-
PUT OUT FOR THEM????? He says . employment rates in our country, it is not uncommon to find ladies prostituting in order to support their families. Or
and dubbin. But Like any other the lady will get financial assistance from an older wealthy man in exchange for sexual favors. Some employers also
But its true though, radio station young person in Botswana Kago exploit individuals who come to look for work. For example a young lady will be told that for her to be employed she

dont play local content especially has been through heart break, must give the employer sexual favors. She will end up doing that because of she is desperate to find a job

hip-hop music. Theres no denying disappointment, depression but

. Facebook has grown exponentially in the past few years. How has it impacted your life?
that STAxXx is one of the best lyri- he didn't let them bring him
cist in Bots, Co signed by one of down rather it helped him to be Facebook has affected my life both negatively and positively.. Negatively: we get a lot of cyber bullying from Facebook
the greats Ozi F teddy but he has more creative with his art. users.. people post sensitive issues that can emotionally drain one or family members

proven to be a power house going

STAxXx continue to share with us his Positively: we expand business and work connections through Facebook.. always in touch with the world and local
toe to toe with chub heightz on frustration on how radio station and TV current affairs
cold nights. station don't his music.
Page 4 1 March 2017 CALTON MAGAZINE

Rihanna and Chris Brown went through a rather

messy breakup way back in 2013. Since Rihanna's
status has changed to 'single' ex- boyfriend Chris has Its like, f++k being dope or having a hot song Lets support our own, put jeal-
that people fuck with. Fuck properly packaging ousy aside and help our young
left no stones unturned to woo her back Batswana achieve their dreams.
my music for submission. All these "f++k yours" CALTON MAGAZINE SALUTE
Rumours suggests that finally Rihanna has answered to
Chris thought that Drake was never a man to my face! Nna ha ke sa itse gore gatwe ke STAxXx FOR STANDING ON
the rapper's tries and thinking about reconciliation. As
enough for Rihanna. He believes Drake is not reng! What do I tell this people that's bumping WHAT HE BELIEVES IN AND NOT
per Movie News Guide, deep inside, Rihanna still has up their numbers and rating or whatever, hop- AFRAID TO SPEAK ABOUT IT.
edgy enough and deep inside he is just a boring
feelings for Chris. ing to hear a STAxXx song, day in and day out?!
mama's boy. DOUBLE CROWN!!! WE SALUTE!!
During their break up ordeal it was reported that Maan... smh. I really thought I was over this shit.
INQUISITR states that Drake has mentioned that
Chris's violent nature towards Rihanna was reason the
the reason behind his feud with Chris Brown is I wish there was more I could do! Mum was By Bright Ketshegile
couple drifted from each other. But according to Radar
because Chris is very insecure of Drake. "His never a fan of me being in the rap game cos I
Online, Chris is a changed man now.
insecurities are the fact that I make better music was really young when I wanted to get into it.
Sources revealed that the Rihanna and Chris are now
than him, that I'm more popping than him and She always warned me about drugs and girls
talking every day again and have met up a few times.
that at one point in life the woman that he loves and worried about me being sucked into the
"He's moodier and more serious, but he's much softer
fell into my lap," Drake said. lifestyle... I promised her to always keep a level
and a borderline feminist these days."
Capital Xtra has said that both Rihanna and head. I made her listen to my music and I told
Drake were in Abu Dhabi recently and they her all my dreams and ambitions!
According to Hollywood Life, a source exclusively
made sure not to bump into each other at all.
I tell my story, I share my heartache and pain,
reported that Chris was confident that he will always my dreams, my fears, my desires, my frustra-
Chris was allegedly accused of using gang signs
tion and anger through this music. Not for glori-
STAxXx music
be still on RI's mind. And he still loves her dearly.
to intimidate Drake recently. It was reported
Even during her relationship with Drake, Chris knew fication or to be understood, but to inspire... To
that RiRi was more disappointed in Chris than To find out more about STAxXx s music
that it will not last long. inspire young girl or the young boy sitting at visit his Facebook page, twitter and
Drake as she has nothing to do with Drake.
Drake and Chris' rivalry over Rihanna is definitely home with a dream as crazy, to the rest of the instagram
With Rihanna still caring about Chris' well being
legendary. Both men were never shy to throw shade world, as mine! FOR BOOKINGS :Contact: 74002650/
and talking to him almost every day, rumours of
at each other whenever they get the opportunity. You aren't the only one. And it isn't impossible [email protected]
them being on the verge of reconciliation is rife.
to achieve! He says.
Page 4 1 March 2017 CALTON MAGAZINE Page 5 1 March 2016 CALTON

anymore. But they're there. Walk down FOR THOSE WHO DONT KNOW,WHO

any street and you will find them. The

Apollo D is a rapper, TV producer and TV presenter
from Mathangwane Botswana I have been writing 1. Bangu- Hani mu bone 2.

Apollo D ft Samba- Swabisa

and recording music my whole life. Born in Francis-

mothers who work, the fathers who strive,

Satan 3. Kundalini- Ditlo
town and grew up in Jwaneng. bowa strong 4. Licky ft.
HOW HAS YOUR MUSIC BEEN RE- BanT- about that life 5.

the children who overcome. They aren't

CEIVED ALL THIS YEARS? Abby- Mama told me
my music is loved by many people not only

larger than life, but they are larger than

in Botswana. I've had the opportunity to
tour outside Botswana
their own lives. Their names aren't fa- music is really just our feelings, experiences
and thoughts over a rhythm that people

mous, but their virtues are. Hard work. can relate to


Common sense. An unshakable belief in ARTISTS

build yourself in all aspects of your life...

themselves. If you're for a hero, look DID YOU

your education, family , as well as the craft
of music KNOW?
ATIs song
around. Sablif was
inspired by
Biblical Vees song
Merrill Lynch and wise REVIEWS
man quotes.

Precious heavenly Father, thank you CHARLIE
for the wonderful blessing of praying in the NINE
In 2015 Refiloe Pholo popularly
known as Cassper Nyovest filled up
Its been a minute since Chub
Name of Jesus, and the confidence of knowing MIND the dome. A huge local venue which
currently accommodates up to 20
Heights' first album necessary 000 people-to its full capacity. Mak-
that your ears are open to hear and answer menow Heightz is kinda
Since his first A local rap artist Macc released
hit with Wiz ing him the only south African hip his second single #holdmy
noise but Khalifa see hop artist to achieve that, Now in liquor from his coming mix-tape
today, as I pray. I rejoice to know that you've
back, heor-recently released a
you again,
Puth is back
with his
2016 the Doc shebeleza hit maker
wants to make history again. A few
entitled Love & Pain. Its a feel
good song mixed with a little bit

dained me to receive answers to my prayers, thus which is

months back Cassper launched his
single namolaluba debut nine
track mind #FillUpOrlandoStadium campaign
of American trap style mostly
suitable for clubs. He Hinted that
currently doing great on radio. album. This With single's like which will take place in less that 30
I see the result of my prayers in my life and the album is an
he will also be shooting a music
one call away, see days, featuring family tree artists as video soon.
Chub took a different direction well as featured artist on his album.
R&B adven- you again Charlie SONG : HOLD MY LIQUOR
lives of my beloved ones, in the name ofwithJesus,
this one. DOPE!!!!
ture that
incorporates Puth is on a right
The Stadium accommodates 40 000
people to its full capacity.
track. Worth your
funk and a By Bright Calton Media
lot of soul. money
By Bright Calton Media

Page 6 Page 23
Over the years Botswana music has tremen- Maun (pronounced mau-UUnn) was originally called Maung.
dously grown into a career in music, at first This name was derived from Setswana suffix for location added
music in bots wasn't considered profitable it
was just something that you would do on the to a corrupted form of Seyei word kau, meaning short reeds.
side especially hip hop. Ever since rap started The name was further slaughtered when the final g was left off
grooming in SA Batswana started supporting
their own and even going to the shows. due to misspelling by early Europeans settlers.
Its karts like Frost, Ban-T, Melo, Young black, In about 1795, Chief Mathiba of the bangwato tribe declared his
chrome, EPIC, SASA Klaas, Licky, ATI, Drama-
boi, STAxXx, Chub heightz, Faded Gang just to son Khama I to be the successor rather than Tawana, who was
mention a few who had brought more energy the eldest son of his favourite wife and, therefore , the rightful
& quality into bots music not to take anything
from old karts, they have contributed to the heir to the throne. Tawana objected strongly and the resulting
growth of this industry. Without them we wont quarrel escalated to the point of warfare, and the tribe polarised
be where we are right now.
into separate camps. Feeling betrayed by both his family and
Dramaboi-Township the people, Tawana and his followers headed north-west con-
quering, enslaving, assimilating and intermarrying with other
Music 2
Drama is back with a BANG!
groups on the way. With their numbers augmented by Yei,
His delivery, the content Mbukush, and Gologa people as well as San slaves, the Ba-
and production shows the
growth Wamakeishane as a
tawana people settled in the Kgwebe Hills east of lake Ngami
man and as an artist. The and established themselves as the regions dominant force. In
album consist of a lil bit of
African sound, township
around 1824 they resettled at Toteng.
and American trap. Worth In 1883, the Batawana suffered devastating raids by Ndebele
your money, support local king, Lobengula. His marauding warriors captured some Ba-
tawana people into the delta, then followed confidently, posed
Its been a minute since Chub
for a decisive second attack. The Batawana ,however, were fa-
Heights' first album necessary
noise but now Heightz is kinda
miliar with delta and struck back with vengeance, forcing an
back, he recently released a Ndebele retreat. Defeated, the Ndebele returned to Bulawayo
single namolaluba which is ( in Zimbabwe) and the victorious Batawana went back to
currently doing great on radio. Toteng.
Chub took a different direction In 1915, the Batawana capital was again moved-this time to
with this one. DOPE!!!! Maun.
Source-lonely planet Botswana

Page 22 Page 7
Choosing any career path is a big deal, but deciding to take a shot at the music industry is
an especially major step. Working in music is more than just a 9 to 5 job - it requires a lot of
commitment, often for not a lot of compensation or recognition. It doesn't help that there
is so much misinformation about there about how to get into the music industry and what

to do once you're there. So, here we have a few home truths about the music business.
Some are for musicians, some are for people on the business side of things, and some are
for everyone. Some are encouraging, and some fall into the category of reality check. They
all, however, are pretty important to understand.

Knowing A Lot about Music Does Not Mean You Know A Lot about The Music Business
I hate to start out on a negative note, but this one is a really big one to get out of the way
up front - and I say this because this is a lesson I myself had to learn the hard way. Having
the pub music quiz on lockdown, going to tons of shows, being able to rattle off a list of
labels - these sorts of things don't automatically make you able to book the shows, run the
labels and so on. There are practicalities - financial and otherwise - in the music business
that are simply not apparent until you actually have to, say, make sure the manufacturing
is on schedule and the review is really going to be published when promised.
Even if you understand the relationship between labels, distributors and retail or what
have you, you don't really "get it" until you "get it" - and that won't be until you experience
the process from the inside rather than experiencing it as a fan. The two worlds are VERY
Don't get me wrong.
Loving music and knowing a lot about it is required if you want to do well in the music in-
dustry (well, not really REQUIRED ). However, don't enter the music industry with the idea
that a lifetime of music nerd-Dom has made you a music business expert. Not only will you
annoy people, but you'll also be dead wrong and miss out on the chance of really learning
what makes things tick.
Reviews Don't Translate into Sales
At least, not always. Getting reviewed all over the place may be good for getting your name
out there, but even if you can point to 50 reviews that all say your album is the pinnacle of
music making and no one should even try to record again because it's so impossible to
beat, the percentage of people who run out and buy your record based on those reviews is
going to be surprisingly small. Radio play is much more effective at selling music than print

Page 8
Page 21
Reviews are really only part of the picture. You can use them to generate interest from labels and
to get shows and so on. But even if you get reviewed in all of the top publications and sites for
your genre of music, don't assume it's time to go out shopping for the fancy new car. If you don't
work to leverage those reviews into something else, they'll just be a minor blimp on the screen.

You Can Still Make Money Selling Your Music

DREAMVILLES Now, here's a controversial one. There is a big debate going on in the music industry about free

GOLDEN CHILD music, and some people believe that all music must be free and that the only way to make mon-
ey is merch and live shows. That's a little extreme. Yes, music sales are decreasing. Yes, free mu-

sic is available. The fact remains that your fans want you to keep making music and they are will-
ing to pay you for your services so you can keep it up. The trick is striking the right balance be-
tween enticing your fans with free goodies and offering them the chance to buy quality music at
a fair price in the format that they want.
There's no blanket answer here for what will work for you. Trends in terms of releases and re-
lease formats are different in different genres of music. If your fans want vinyl, save up your pen-
nies and give it to them. If they're all digital, all the time, then give it to them. If they want CDs,
give them to them. (And yes, people still buy CDs. Really.) You have to know your fan base. It
might take some trial and error to find out what works. The one thing you can do, however, is
dismiss the idea that your music is nothing but a promotional item created to sell t-shirts, coffee
mugs and concert tickets.

A Record Label May Be Able to Help You

Since the music industry is in flux, there are a lot of people out there promoting the extremes,
like the idea that record labels have nothing to offer musicians, period. Although there are more
tools and avenues than ever for a musician to release their own music and manage their own
career, that doesnt mean it is the right choice across the board. Not every record label is run by
frothing morons who want to steal your money. The vast majority of labels are run by music lov-
ers who want to make sure people hear your songs and who handle some of the business side of
things that may be tough for you to do yourself.
Some musicians really like taking care of the business side of their careers, and they really have a
knack for it. Others simply want to be able to focus on the creative part. Thats where a record
label can help. Labels also bring a wealth of knowledge of the business, contacts it takes years to
build up and a budget you may not be able to swing by yourself. The DIY route is perfect for some
musicians. The idea that it is for everyone is ludicrous. You need to filter out the background
noise and decide which route is the one for you.

see page 26 and 27

Page 9
Page 20

Cristiano Ronaldo has won the 2016
(22/02/17) Ballon d'Or
1.Jwaneng Galaxy 17>>35pts
A metaphorical word used when trust is betrayed. It is common among lovers but it can be used in other forms of 2.Township Rollers 16>>34pts
relationships. 3.Orapa United 16>>29pts
4.Extension Gunners 17>>25pts
5.BDF XI 17>>24pts
*CASES* 6.Black Forest 17>>24pts
7.Mochudi Centre Chiefs 16>>23pts
1.You finally meet someone with all the key qualities you look for in a partner. You started dating and decided to 8.Gaborone United 17>>23pts
help shape the life of this person. You funded this persons education, provided this persons needs and whatever 9.Police XI 17>>22pts
this person asks you give. Without any reason, this person tells you to move on. Apparently, this person is dating 10.Security Systems 17>>21pts
another person way back in school. 11.Gilport Lions 15>>19pts
2. You have been in a relationship for 3 years. Somebody you love and cherish. However, you just discovered that 12.Sankoyo Bush Bucks 16>>18pts
your best friend is having a baby with this person. 13.Miscellaneous 16>>15pts
3. There is only one person is really trust and can give your life to. You tell this friend of yours everything about _____________________________
you and what goes on in your life. You discovered that everything youve told this so-called best friend including ______
your deep secrets are all out there. 14.Nico United 16>>15pts
4. You find someone whom you believe deeply in your heart that this person is different from the others. You 15.Green Lovers 17>>12pts
give all of your heart to this person. You trust this person to the core. You sacrifice almost everything just to make 16.Mahalapye United Hotspurs
the person happy..... and you discovered that this person is dating another person. 17>>12pts
5. When this person was nobody, you were there for the person. You DID all you could to make this person hap-
py. Years after, situation changed and this person became successful but unfortunately tells you.... it's over be-
cause I want to move with somebody of my class.
6.Your partner and his/her the cousin are very close and like spending time together. The truth is revealed that
the cousin isnt a cousin but a lover.
BROKEN HEART is a bitter experience, a situation that can drive some people insane. A situation that can #DebswanaFDS WEEK-14 FIXTURES
change a person's perception of life and about a particular gender. A situation that can turn good people to bad
people. A situation that can kill a person directly or indirectly by being knocked down by vehicle or lose control 25-02-2016 (Saturday)
while driving all because of being upset minded. A situation that can make you fail your exams or make mistakes Letlapeng SC vs. Matebejane @ Siga Ground
in your presentations or work report. Mogoditshane Fighters vs. Modipane United @ Fighters Ground
*DON'T DATE SOMEBODY YOU DON'T LOVE* and if later on you realise you don't want the relationship anymore, Mochudi Rovers vs. Notwane @ Mochudi
the right thing to do is to let the person know of it than for you to START dating to be sadly and painfully discov- Lesirane City vs. Skoon Boys @ Lesirane Ground
ered by the person. Black Peril vs. UF Santos @ Tlokweng VDC
Those who open their heart to you and treat you nice ARE NOT FOOLS. They are people who understands the Prisons XI vs. Sharps Electrical @ SSG Ground
rudiments of LOVE. NB: Kick-Off is 16:00 Hrs. All Games

Page 10
Page 19
Break ups happen in different ways and forms. For some people, they will walk straight to you and tell you in the
TO WIN BREAD TOASTER AND NGAMI FEST MERCHANDISE face that it's over. Others will call for a meeting at a neutral ground and discuss the break up. Some also call it off
in the heat of argument or fight.
The dangerous one is the silent type where the person decides to break up through signs for the other person to


read in between the lines and understand that it's over.
Here are some of the signs to look out for:

1. Level of communication drops. He or she doesn't call you like before anymore. You try to call and the person
feels reluctant in picking your calls. When he or she picks excuse is given. His or her answers are just to put you
off and end the conversation.
Enter today and you could win one of the 10 bread toasters and Ngami fest t-shirts.
He or she can be online for hours without a simple hi or hello to you but will chat others. Your messages are not
2. Suddenly the person becomes the most busiest person on earth. He or she is no more able to make time for
you because busyness. Even presidents who have a whole nation to think about make time for their family.
Answer the following questions, fill in your
3. Unnecessary fight galore. He or she will pick a fight out of everything you say or do simply to frustrate you so
Details and send to CALTON/NGAMI FEST,
you give up. At this point in the relationship there will be fights and misunderstandings throughout. As soon as
PO BOX 1053 MAUN,BOTSWANA to reach us by April 12 2017.
an issue is resolved another one surfaces.
4. Some few people will give you the biggest clue by making you hear or see that they are interested in some-
Questions body else indirectly. They will be talking on phone with one particular person even in your presence. They
wouldn't mind making some moves in your presence so you see for yourself. This type of sign is used to get the
1.IN WHICH YEAR DID BOTSWANA CELEBRATE 5O person pissed off or to make the person feel jealous.
YEARS? 5. People around you get to know things about your partner and you only hear it from them but not from your
. partner. It's like you don't exist to him anymore.
2.FOR WHICH ALBUM DID J COLE WENT PLATINUM 6. He or she doesn't care about you, what you do or how you feel anymore. The love is gone or expired. When
WITHOUT A FEATURE? you try to fix things he or she gets upset instead.
7. The person does not make any effort to resolve whatever differences exist between you two. You call for a
discussion on what is happening to the relationship and he or she will brush it off or play the busy card. You

make every effort to make things work but stiiiillllll.

8. He or she is comfortable using other people's pictures as do or profile pictures or screen saver but not you or
5.WHO IS THE Minister of Infrastructure, Science & at least not anymore. Even if you push the person to do it, he or she may put your picture there and tell those
Technology who will ask that you are just a friend or you are sick or it's your birthday. So if you really want to put the person
.. to test on this, then the picture must go with a status that defines your status.
6. 9. You wouldn't be the only person to be avoided but all your close friends especially those who care about you
will all be avoided. If the person is known to your parents he or she will equally avoid them so when the break
up finally happens they wouldn't feel so sorry or answer questions they don't want to.
NAME CELL NO. 10. If it's a sexual relationship then the sex will be taken out of the relationship either gradually or suddenly with
so many excuses. Hugging or kissing self becomes a problem and if the hug, kiss or sex happens, you can always
tell the difference...You can feel you are not wanted. In the case of sex, the person lies down like a log of wood.
The kiss is like kissing a statue and the hug is like hugging a tree.

NB: Don't just look at one sign and stand on it to break up. Give the relationship your best shot and if the person doesn't make any effort before calling it off.

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Ngami Cultural Festival CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

After a group
of young people grouped
them together and came

up with a brilliant idea to
host a cultural festival in
Ngami hence Ngami cul-
tural festival. They were
endorsed mostly by social
media having interview
Its been a long time coming but finally we are
Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama has definitely filled
after interview. It came as
a shock when we heard
here celebrating 50 years independence of free his fathers shoes, President Khama is definitely
that Ngami festival is can-
celled. We managed to created education, political stabililty,freedom of speech,
peace and security, As a child of Motswana you
motho wa batho .He believes that every single
talk to one of the organis-
ers Mr Bright Ketshegile. more must proud to be able to wake up in the morning
without worrying about getting killed or losing
person in this country deserves to take part and
celebrate the success of this lovely land.BOTS50

jobs family members due to war.

This are some of the things that we Batswa-
was formed in somewhat so that people can decide
how they want to celebrate this historic moment.
Ngami cultural organisers na should be thankful for and also not for- Certain amounts were distributed among the cities
getting our forefathers for paving the way
Masego Mr. Ketshegile thank you for meeting with us on short notice
for us, its time for us to look back from and villages across the country.
I know you are a busy man. where we come from. When British granted I believe where ever our forefathers are, i
Ketshegile-No problem go leboga nna us our freedom we had nothing but over the know they are proud,
Masego So lets get straight to it, Ngami festival, tell us about it, its years we have build a great country. PLA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mission and visions
Ketshegile-Thank you sego, uh! Ngami Cultural Festival is Mauns event
that draws together tourists, local people, youth, community organiza-
tions, media and visitors from all over Botswana on a first annual basis Hello my Name is Moses Jedidiah First of all i would like to I feel really honored to be a Motswana.
to celebrate the communitys richness, diversity and heritage. Its indeed a great blessing to me from
Muwanguzi a Ugandan. I had the thank for God our Great
God, our country is peaceful and the
Therefore our mission is to:
pleasure to visit Botswana few leaders, Our President Dr citizens are very awesome.
Create a festival that attracts a large number of visitors from Maun and
weeks ago and I loved everything Khama i salute u Sir contin- Since the preparations for Bot50 this year,
beyond, becomes established as the communitys international event I've been feeling the vibe for the celebra-
the Government offers to its citi- ue with the great work an d
and leaves a legacy for the community. Moreover we aim at providing tions.
a platform for the government, sponsors, partners and the media to zens. I had been hosted to speak at the love for your people. I am soooo happy!! Words cannot express
interact directly with the Maun people as well as tourists to Botswana a youth training camp. I checked in Batswana Lets learn to ap- how I am feeling.
from the rest of Africa and abroad thereby achieve marketing, commu- here to say thank you! And I have preciate please!!! Le lona la I think a lot of money has been used for
the celebrations but there is always a
nications and corporate citizenship objectives. missed being part of your inde- itse gore ga nko go lekana
way out of financial problems. Lets keep
pendence celebrations! gotlhe but our country is praying, stay peaceful, stay united and be
Ngami cultural organisers trying . proud. Halala Bot50

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Masego- whos idea was it to host a cultural festival?

BECHUANALAND Ketshegile-Me , I came up with this idea about a year ago. I own a
media company called Bright Calton media here in Maun and I
Ketshegile-Am still trying to figure out myself
because I went through training ,they said
-THE VERY FIRST was doing a lot of business proposal for customers and I came
across a Hindi festival in India and I was so inspired by how they
before they can give me money I had to go

BEGINNING still value and treasure their culture, thats when I decided Ngami
need this.
through managerial course and I passed but
they kept on saying we will call you don't wor-
Masego-So you are the man behind Ngami festival! ry even today they still saying the same thing.
Ketshegile-Ee mma Masego-Thats a mystery indeed
The first signs of Batswana nationalist Transfer of power , and Khama was elected president Masego- so after you came up with this idea to make a cultural Ketshegile-Indeed ..
thinking occurred in the 1940s and by when general elections were held in 1965. On 30 Sep- festival what happened next?
Masego-I heard you were fighting amongst
the 1950s and early 1960s political tember 1966, the country now called the republic of Ketshegile uh! I ...Made a proposal and sent it to all big compa-
changes were spreading across Africa Botswana was granted independence by the British. yourself, thats why you cancelled the festival,
nies in Botswana for sponsorship got contacted by 1 company and
and many colonies were gaining inde- Khama was certainly no revolutionary. He guaranteed wanted to sponsor me. Thats when I gathered most people I can is that true?
pendence . University graduates re- continued freehold over land held by white ranchers trust to help me with this project. Ketshegile-I wont say we were fighting its
turned from south Africa with political and adopted a strictly neutral stance ( at least until the more of a disagreement between colleagues
Masego Oh ok ! So what happened to the sponsorship because
ideals, and although Botswana had no end of his presidency) towards south Africa and Rhode-
you never once said anything about it in your interviews. and you must remember this is a big project
real economic base, Batswana political sia .the reason being of course was Botswana s eco-
Ketshegile Thats a mystery
parties started to surface and promote nomic dependence on the giant to the south , e.g. Bot- we were all under pressure, I can definitely say
the idea of independence . Following the swana was very reliant upon south African food imports, Masego A mystery, how is that?
theres no bad blood between us . At first I was
Sharpeville massacre in 1960, south Afri- and the wages of Batswana mine workers in south Africa bit more ambitious selfish at some time but I
can refugees Motsamai Mpho , of the formed an important part of Botswana income . Never-
African national Congress (ANC), and theless , Khama refused to exchange ambassadors with got used to the idea of having my friends as
Phillip Matante , a Johannesburg preach- south Africa and officially disapproved of apartheid in business partners. The reason why Ngami
er affiliated with the pan-African con- international circles. Cultural Festival is cancelled is lack of funds.
gress , joined with KT Motsete, a teacher Masego-What now, you call it quits ?
from Malawi, to form the Bechuanaland Happily, Botswana's independence coincided with the
peoples party . Its immediate goal was discovery of diamonds, which fast-tracked Botswana ;s Ketshegile-We not quitting anything this is just 1962 , Seretse Khama economic development and ensured political stability. a little setback I mean we still looking for spon-
and kanye famer Ketumile Masire , Sir seretse Khama died in 1980 (not long after Zimba- sors so hopefully next year we will be able to
formed Bechuanaland democratic party bwean independence) , but his party continues to com- make it happen. This festival is not about us
(BDP) . The BDP formulated a schedule mand a substantial majority in the Botswana parliament .
for independence , drawing on support but rather about Ngami people, we could have
Sir Ketumile Masire , who succeeded Khama as presi-
from local chiefs such as Bathoen II of the dent , followed the path laid down by his predecessor , created more jobs in Maun but there's always
bangwaketse , and Trational Batswana . and the government generally followed cautiously pro- next year.
The BDP also called for the transfer of the western policies. Masego-Mr. Ketshegile thank you again for
capital into Botswana (i.e. from Mafikeng The 1994 election result again indicated that most Bat-
to Gaborone ) and a new non-racial con- being with us today and explaining to us why
swana were content with the status quo; the BDP won a
stitution. landslide victory for sixth successive time. On 31 march Ngami festival cancelled.
The British gratefully accepted BDPs 1998 , Masire took voluntary retirement and was re- Ketshegile Pleasure is all mine Sego.
peaceful plan for placed by the vice president, Festus Mogae. The BDP
again won the election in 1999, but probably only due
The Festival combines an entertainment pro-
to the fragmentation of the opposition parties.
gramme including music, dance and drama,
with an exhibition of arts and craft, an outdoor
area for food and drink vendors selling tradi-
tional as well as branded fare, a youth zone.
Our vision for the Ngami Cultural Festival is for
it to contribute to the long term development
of Mauns economy and community and in so
doing achieve international recognition both
for Maun and the event.

Page 16 Page 13



Who would you like to collaborate with?

Am about to collaborate with ATI but i would really like to Collaborate with
Onneile Molebatsi also known as ONNEX is a 19 Dramaboi

year old rapper from Maun,Botswana.Onneile has

In what ways has your newest music changed from when you first started?
been writing rhymes ever since he was young, he
released his first single entitled KE A GANA
which made noise in the hood and it didn't take time
eventually HT heard the song and fell in love with
PRIME Nowadays i can flow in both slow and fast beat...unlike wen i started i
preferred fast beat. I guess i grew up as an artist because even my delivery
now is much better and the content too.
it.Later he hooked up with him and WHAT YOU
GONNA DO was released, his delivery and energy What are the main inspirations for the lyrics you write?
on the song proved one thing; that we are witness-
I usually write about hood life, the way were grew up ,being young and
ing a Young King in his Prime. Calton magazine re-
black running wild up in the streets.
cently caught up with....!
What would be your dream venue in which to perform?

Where did you grow up?

Live in GiCC hall

I grew up in Maun
How many single have you released so far ?

You look so Young, so how old are you? I have released 5 singles..

19 Years old Onnex - kea gana ( produced by sir hip hop) Tonic ec records

Musically, what are your biggest influences and who are your favourite musicians?
Onnex ft. HT Tautona - what u gonna do ( produced by yung fella) Rimzy
Bra i am hustling hard mostly alone , so i would say my biggest influences right Productions Onnex - shake shake ( produced and mastered by Rimzy)
now will be HT . I mostly listen to local artists
Onnex FT propain - Forgive me ( Produced by G more) Cyber sonic studio
What do you think of the music scene in Botswana?

Onnex FT Rafkid - No key (Produced by sir Hip hop) Tonic ec Records

Its wide Open i mean everybody can make it in Bots ... Apart from the fact that the
promoters are reaping most of BW artist ,we performing around the country but
we aint getting paid. Are u working on a mix tape or album?

Am working on an 18 track Album Titled *OVERDOSE* which will be

How would you describe your own style?
dropping next year January 24 on my birthday

Well am just punching through any trap beat with a combination of both Setswana
and English....

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