Shakhashiri 1980
Shakhashiri 1980
Shakhashiri 1980
adit+ by '
Denisan University
Granville. Ohio 43023
This dramatic demonstration should be performed only by
individuals who understand the fire hazard and reactivity of
organosodium reagents. Under hot or extremely humid con-
cess resembles Ziegler-Natta catalysis (4).
a l f l n catalyst
lH>c=C CHI
ditions the catalyst could ignite in air or ignite the butadi- trans-1,C
ene-pentane solution. A carbon dioxide f i r e extinguisher
must be available. The predominance of 1,4-polymerization has been sug-
Pentane is a highly flammable and volatile liquid (b.p. gested as evidence for a free radical propagation mechanism.
36'C). Pentane can cause severe exolosions when ex~0Sed I t has heen proposed (4) that complexes such as
to heat, sparks, o r flame. Avoid inhiation of pentane vapors CH,-CH-CH, CH,-CH-CH,
- concentration Dentane
- toxic. I n hieh
since thev are sliehtlv I I
is a narcotic.
1.3-hutadiene ( b . ~ -. 5 W may be irritating to skin and
mucous membr&s and is a narcotic in high concen-
are formed and that adsorbed monomer displaces the aUyl
Disposal anion from the comolex to form an ion oair which then reacts
Since pentane is trapped in the product, the polymer should to form a radical pa'ir.
he kept away from flames. Pentane evaporates after several [CHI-CH-2CH-CHaaF-[CH2=CH=CH2]
hours and the shrunken polymer may be discarded. .CH2-CH=CH-CH,-Na+ +.CH,-CH=CHI
The empty screw capped bottle may he rinsed carefully
with water and discarded. The radical anion initiates polymerization which continues
until combination with an ally1 radical occurs. This does not
Discussion occur very readily hecause the allyl radical is bound to the
catalyst surface (4), and hence very high molecular weights
We have performed this demonstration over 100 times are obtained.
without a single accident. I t is a dramatic demonstration
which, along with other demonstrations, serves the purpose CHs CH, + CH,R CHI
of discussing polymers, their methods of preparation, their II
properties, and their uses. Polymer chemistry should become CH CH
an important aspect of general chemistry courses because of
+ R- CH
CH + ~'CH
its own richness and because of the importance of polymers + +
in our daily lives. We urge that this and other related dem- // / / //
6%H -CH, -CH, 6%H,
onstrations he used to focus attention on polymer chemistry
and to increase the students' knowledge and awareness of R- I 1
chemical systems. We discourage its use only as a magic 'Na+
Alfin catalysts are a class of heterogeneous catalysts which
cause rapid polymerization of hutadiene, isoprene, and other
~a+~l--Na+-oR .
monomers resulting in polymers with very high molecular CH,-CH,-CH=CH-CH,R
weights (1-2 million or higher). The alfin catalyst used in this I
demonstration is a solid surface catalyst developed by A. A.
Morton (1,2,3) and co-workers a t M.I.T. I t is produced by
reacting amyl chloride with sodium, which is then reacted with 1I
CH and so on
isopropyl alcohol. The resulting mixture contains amyl sodi-
um, sodium isopropoxide, and sodium chloride. Propylene is
added to produce ally1 sodium from amyl sodium. The fol-
lowing sequence (4) shows the necessary stoichiometry
1.5 CsHllCl 3 Na - 1.5 CsHllNa 1.5 NaCl
Others have proposed an ionic mechanism for polymer-
ization with the alfin catalyst. Discussion of the ionic hy-
potheses may he found in the references cited, particularly in
The sodium isopn~poxide-allylaodiumcombination gives the Reich and Schindler (7).
highest polymer yields. The role of the sodium chloride is not
clear, although it could be acting as a support for the cata- Literature Cited
(1) MoMn, Avery A., Mwat,E., Leteinger, R. L., J Amen Chem. Sac, 69,950 (1947).
lyst. (2) Morton,AwryA.. Welehcr,R.P.,CoEns.F.,Penner.S.E..Comhi.RD.,
J A W . Chen.
The catalyst is the mixture of the three sodium compounds;
allyl sodium, sodium isopropoxide, and sodium chloride. All (3) ~ o m o s & ~ a & R:, and Campbell, Tod W. '"Preparative MeUlada of Polymer
Chemistry," SecondEdition. lntemienee, New York,1968. pp. 305307.
of these are essential constituents. The name, alfin, was taken (41 Stevens. Mdmlm P., "Polymer Chemia~y:An Intmduction:' Addilon-Wnley Pub-
from the fact that analcohol and an olefin are involved in the lishing Company, Inc., Reading, Massachwtta, 1915, pp. 179-180.
(5) Morton.AveryA. andlanpher.E.J.. J . Polymer Seiencea. 44.233(1960) andrrf.mneea
preparation of the reagent.
The alfin catalyst is believed (5,6)to adsorb and orient the
monomer prior to the chain-growth process. Surface effects
presumably influence the stereochemistry (4), and the poly-
Volume 57, Number 10, October 1980 1 739