Reading Electronic Schematics, by David Herres
Reading Electronic Schematics, by David Herres
Reading Electronic Schematics, by David Herres
by David Herres
In electronic equipment, there has been a models of clarity and convey the intended
continuous move toward more complexity and information efficiently and without ambiguity,
increased miniaturization. These trends make while others are muddled and disorganized.
troubleshooting and diagnosis ever more
difficult. For an elevator motion controller in a
public building, the stakes are high, because any Manufacturers generally supply three types
outage, even for an hour., can equate to great (with subtypes) of diagrams as part of the
expense. Additionally, there are health and safety documentation that accompanies electronic
issues that intensify the scenario. Consider a equipment. Besides schematics, there are
bank of elevators in a healthcare facility pictorial and block diagrams.
paralyzed by the failure of a single discrete
component soldered in place on one of many
Pictorial diagrams consist of photographs or
circuit boards.
Repair technicians can open enclosures and
drawings to scale, showing the components as Value: 1
they are physically situated on the chassis or
visually inspect their contents, often in vain. contact
circuit board. These graphics are very helpful
Sometimes, a burnt device, wire or termination
will reveal the point
after a repair has been made in successfully hour
getting everything back together without (0.1 CEU)
of failure, but more
damage. In electronics, there is often a
often, the circuitry
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♦ How electronic schematic
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doubt, the greatest Education is
and repair
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♦ Some of the principal
working through such in the following
schematic symbols
enigmas is the states: AL, AR, FL,
♦ The importance of pictorial
schematic diagram. In GA, IL, IN, KY, MD,
and block diagrams
♦ What to look for in a a job interview, the MO, MS, MT, OK, PA,
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♦ Typical schematics for various asked, “Can you read Please check for
types of electronic equipment schematics?” The specific course veri-
answer is not always fication of approval
clear-cut: some at www.elevator-
schematics are Figure 1: A pictorial representation of a VFD
Another diagram usually included in the manufacturer’s
documentation is the block diagram. Here, individual components Figure 3: Schematic symbols for electronic components
and circuit wiring are not depicted. Instead, major stages in the
electronic equipment are shown with single lines indicating power a way as to avoid having inductance. Currently, most resistors
and information flow among stages. This type of diagram provides consist of carbon and other materials combined so as to have the
an excellent overview of the equipment and is immensely helpful required resistance, though wire-wound resistors are still used in
as a first approach in failure assessment and diagnosis. high-precision applications. When current flows through a resistor,
Since the invention of the superheterodyne radio receiver the voltage is dropped, and the excess electrical energy is
(Figure 2) in the early 20th century, this design has dominated dissipated in the form of heat. The dissipated heat is proportional
radio communications, and it is used in television (TV), as well. to the square of the amount of current times the resistance, which
An oscillator, tuned in synchronization with the radio-frequency is expressed as I2R. Engineers speak of I2R loss in any device or
(RF) filter that selects broadcasts from a range of frequencies, conductor that has resistance.
supplies electrical energy that beats in the mixer with the RF The schematic symbol for a diode has an anode and cathode,
signal, dropping it down to a more manageable intermediate and it is evident from looking at the symbol that current will flow
frequency. This signal is subsequently amplified, demodulated and in one direction when it is forward biased, but not in the other
again amplified in audio stages and, finally, fed to the speaker. direction when it is reverse biased. The schematic symbol for an
Schematic inductor clearly conveys the idea of a coil of wire. An air-core
inductor is shown. If one or more lines are added parallel to the
By far, the most helpful single item in the manufacturer’s
documentation is the schematic diagram, accompanied by a parts windings, the device has an iron core. The symbol for a capacitor is
list. This may consist of a single page or many pages, often spiral also quite intuitive. The two parallel plates are shown with leads
bound so that it will lay flat on the workbench. When a schematic affixed, and there is a gap between them corresponding to the
diagram, because of size and complexity, fills multiple pages, each dielectric layer. A real-world capacitor may be rolled to form a
page will have terminations that show interconnections. This may cylinder, but the symbol conveys the idea schematically.
seem to be a source of confusion, but it is actually reasonably user The symbols for digital gates become increasingly intuitive with
friendly, because each page contains information relating to exposure. Notice that a gate may have one or more inputs but
specific functions, so the focus is often limited to a single page. always a single output. The round circle at the output denotes the
A schematic diagram, as opposed to a pictorial diagram, does input is inverted in the device. The concave line at the input shows
not picture the components as they actually appear. Instead, the device is an OR digital logic gate or one of its derivatives.
symbols, conforming to national and closely related international Figure 4 shows input power (typically standard 120-VAC house
standards, are used. These symbols are wonderfully intuitive, current) on the left and unfiltered pulsating DC output on the
expressing not the way the components look, but how they work. right. Four diodes are arranged to provide full-wave rectification
Consider, for example, the schematic symbols for resistor, without need for a center wrap. The symbol for the resistor is a
capacitor and inductor. variant. The schematic shows correct polarization for the two pairs
The schematic symbol for a resistor is based on a time when the of diodes. A power transformer invariably has an iron core, as
component was formed from a long wire segment wrapped in such shown.
Figure 5 shows a regenerative receiver, an early type of radio
that followed the crystal set and preceded the superheterodyne. It
is still built by students as an educational project, and its output is
more than sufficient to drive headphones. Enhanced gain is
Electronic schematics are at once challenging, yet user friendly
for the technician who cares to use them. Without schematics and
other documentation, the task at hand is far more difficult, and the
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