(Eng) Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics 15
(Eng) Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics 15
(Eng) Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics 15
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
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Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents............................................................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5
2. Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies ......................................................................................... 7
2.1 Theory .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Eigen Frequencies in SCIA Engineer ........................................................................................ 9
2.3 Frames ........................................................................................................................................ 25
2.4 Combining mass groups .......................................................................................................... 33
2.5 Slabs ........................................................................................................................................... 43
3. Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load ........................................................................................ 49
3.1 Theory ........................................................................................................................................ 49
3.2 Harmonic Load in SCIA Engineer ............................................................................................ 51
3.3 Resonance ................................................................................................................................. 61
4. Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load .......................................................................................... 73
4.1 Theory ........................................................................................................................................ 73
4.2 Seismic Load in SCIA Engineer ............................................................................................... 76
4.3 Seismic calculation in SCIA Engineer..................................................................................... 83
4.3 Seismic Combinations .............................................................................................................. 96
4.4 Mass in Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 100
4.5 Modal superposition ............................................................................................................... 100
5. Damping ................................................................................................................................ 103
5.1 Theory ...................................................................................................................................... 103
5.2 Damping in SCIA Engineer ..................................................................................................... 105
6. Reduced Analysis Model ..................................................................................................... 128
6.1 Theory ...................................................................................................................................... 128
6.2 IRS Method in SCIA Engineer ................................................................................................ 130
6.3 Accidental eccentricity (Accidental Torsion) ....................................................................... 143
7. Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration .................................................................................. 145
7.1 Theory ...................................................................................................................................... 145
7.2 Karman Vibration in SCIA Engineer ...................................................................................... 148
8. Direct Time Integration ........................................................................................................ 157
8.1 Theory ...................................................................................................................................... 157
8.2 Direct Time Integration in SCIA Engineer ............................................................................. 158
References ................................................................................................................................ 173
Annex A: Earthquake Magnitude ............................................................................................ 174
Annex B: Numerical Damping Values .................................................................................... 175
Annex C: Manual calculations spectral analysis .................................................................. 177
Annex D: Missing mass in modes .......................................................................................... 186
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
1. Introduction
The examples in this manual can be made in a full licensed as well as in a tryout or student version of
SCIA Engineer.
Here follows an overview of the required SCIA Engineer modules / editions, per subject:
Dynamic calculations are not so frequent in civil engineering as static calculations. On the other hand,
they are inevitable in certain projects. Wind effects on high-rise structures, transverse vibration of
towers and chimneys, structures located in seismic regions,…
SCIA Engineer contains specialized modules covering common dynamics-related issues. In this
course, the different aspects of these modules are regarded in detail.
First, the foundation of dynamic calculations is examined: the eigen frequency calculation. Eigen
frequencies form the basis for all types of dynamic analysis.
In the third chapter the eigen frequency calculation is extended with harmonic loads: the influence of
for example vibrations due to machinery, can be calculated using these principles.
Two chapters are devoted to seismic calculations and the influence of damping on the seismic action.
The final chapter of the course discusses the aspects of Vortex Shedding, used for example to
calculate chimneys.
All chapters are illustrated with examples. The relatively easy examples have been purposefully
chosen to provide a clear understanding of what actually happens in the dynamic calculations. To this
end, nearly all calculations have been verified by manual calculations to give a good insight into the
application of the theory in SCIA Engineer.
When the principles are clearly understood, they can be applied to more complex structures without
The project files can be found on the accompanying CD and have been divided into two groups:
- Initial Projects: The project files without the dynamic input, used throughout the course.
- Final Projects: The project files completed with the dynamic calculations, thus representing the final
results at the end of the course.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
In this chapter, the calculation of eigen frequencies in SCIA Engineer is explained in detail.
Eigen frequencies can be required to verify comfort criteria for buildings, to analyze wind-
induced resonance for bridges, to check requirements for sensitive equipment,…
First, the theory behind the calculation is discussed and illustrated with an example. The
procedure is then used for both frame and slab structures. The results of all examples are
compared with manual calculations to provide a clear understanding of the applied principles.
2.1 Theory
To understand what is going on during the dynamic analysis of a complex structure with frames
or finite elements, the free vibration of a SDOF (Single Degree Of Freedom) system is regarded
in detail. A complete overview can be found in reference [1].
A body of mass m is free to move in one direction. A spring of constant stiffness k, which is fixed
at one end, is attached at the other end to the body.
The equation of motion can be written as:
m y(t ) k y(t ) 0 (2.1)
A solution for this differential equation is: y(t ) A cos(w t )
Inserting this in (2.1) gives:
(m 2 k ) A cos( t ) 0 (2.2)
This implies that:
Where is called the natural circular frequency.
The natural period T can be written as:
T (2.4)
The natural frequency (or eigen frequency) f can be written as:
f (2.5)
T 2
For a general, MDOF (Multiple Degree Of Freedom) structure, equation (2.1) can be written in
matrix notation:
M U K U 0 (2.6)
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
U is the vector of corresponding accelerations,
K is the stiffness matrix assembled for the static calculation,
M is the mass matrix assembled during the dynamic calculation.
From this equation it is clear that the calculation model created for a static analysis needs to be
completed with additional data: masses.
The solutions of (2.6) are harmonic functions in time. A possible solution can have the following
U sin (T T0 ) (2.7)
Notice that in this solution a separation of variables is obtained:
- The first part, ( ), is a function of spatial co-ordinates,
- The second part, sin (T T0 ) , is a function of time.
When substituting (2.7) in (2.6), an equation is obtained which is known as the Generalized
Eigenproblem Equation:
K 2 M 0 (2.8)
- An eigenvalue: value i
- An eigenvector: vector i , which is not fully determined. The deformation
shape is known, but the scale factor is unknown.
This scale factor can be chosen in different ways. In the next paragraph this will be explained
An overview of the mathematical (matrix) approach behind the calculation of eigenvalues and
eigenvectors can be found in reference [25].
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
Tj M i 0 , When i j (2.10)
Ti K i i2 (2.11)
The M-matrix (the mass matrix) can be computed in different ways. SCIA Engineer uses the so-
called lumped mass matrix representation of the M-matrix. The lumped mass matrix offers
considerable advantages with respect to memory use and computational effort because in this
case the M-matrix is a diagonal matrix. The masses are thus guided to the nodes of the Finite
Element mesh.
This principle is illustrated on the following figure [28]:
The calculation of eigenmodes and eigen frequencies is thus made on a discretised finite
element model of the structure. This means that instead of a general structure with an infinite
number of degrees of freedom, a calculation model with a finite number of degrees of
freedom is analyzed.
The number of degrees of freedom can generally be determined by a simple multiplication: the
number of mesh nodes is multiplied by the number of possible displacements in the node.
It is important to know that the accuracy of the model is in proportion to the "precision of
discretisation", i.e. to the number of elements of the finite element mesh. This refinement has
almost no practical meaning in static calculations. However, for dynamic and non-linear
analyses, it significantly affects the accuracy of the results.
Consider the following example. A beam on two supports is loaded by its self-weight. By default
(for a static calculation) there is only one finite element for the beam. Taking the above into
account, the mass M of the beam will be guided to the two end nodes of the beam since these
correspond with the mesh nodes of the finite element mesh.
In this case, this means that the entire mass will be located in the supports so no mass can go
into vibration and the dynamic calculation cannot be executed. As indicated, a mesh refinement
is required here to attain results.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The following diagram shows the required steps to perform a Free Vibration calculation:
The required steps from this diagram are illustrated in the following example.
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
Only one static load case is created: the self weight of the beam.
Step 1: Functionality
The first step in the Dynamic calculation is to activate the functionality Dynamics on the
Functionality tab in the Project Data.
When this is done, a new group will appear in the Main menu:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
As indicated in the diagram, a Mass Group is used to group masses in a same way a Load Case
is used to group Loads. When a Mass Group is defined, masses can be inputted.
SCIA Engineer also allows the user to create masses from a static load case.
When for example a roof weight is inputted as line loads, the action “Create masses from load
case” will automatically generate masses from these line loads. It is clear that this provides a
quick input of necessary data. When the option “Keep masses up-to-data with loads” is ticked
on, then the action to create masses will create masses which remain linked to the loads of the
load case. The amount of mass in a ‘linked’ mass is updated each time you click on the action
button “Create masses from load case” or each time you perform a calculation.
- The self-weight of a structure is always taken into account automatically for a dynamic calculation.
Even if there is no mass group linked to self weight. The mass of the self-weight is not displayed.
- When specifying a load case but not using the action ‘Create masses from load case’ nothing will
happen: no masses will be created.
- When creating masses from loads, SCIA Engineer will use the acceleration of gravity specified on the
Loads tab of the Project Data. By default this value is 9,81 m/s².
- The mass is generated only from vertical force components.
- Free loads cannot be converted into masses.
Step 3: Masses
When Mass Groups are created, Masses can be inputted on the structure. SCIA Engineer
allows the input of
- Mass in node
- Point mass on beam
- Line mass on beam
- Surface mass
- Line mass on surface edge
- Point mass on surface edge
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
In this example, a mass of 500 kg will be inputted on the middle node of the beam using Mass
in node.
The parameters Koeff mx, Koeff my and Koeff mz specify how much of the mass will
participate in the vibration according to the global X, Y or Z axis.
This can be used when calculating for example a chimney: when Koeff mx is put on 1 and Koeff
my and Koeff mz are taken 0, then the mass can only vibrate in the global X-direction so only
eigenmodes in that direction will be obtained.
Imx, Imy and Imz specify the moment of inertia around the global X, Y or Z axis. By default a
nodal mass is concentrated so it has no inertia. When the mass represents a large machine, it is
possible to input the moment of inertia of this machine.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The nodal mass of 500 kg is inputted on the middle node of the beam:
- To display masses and mass labels, go to Set View Parameters For All > Loads/Masses.
- Masses are Additional Data, which can be moved/copied to other entities.
The Combination of Mass Groups works in the same way as a linear Load Combination.
A multiplication coefficient can be inputted for each Mass Group. This coefficient can be used
when the mass of a structure changes during its lifetime. Consider for example a water tank.
One Combination of Mass Groups can be created with a coefficient 1,00 to specify a full tank
and another Combination of Mass Groups can be created with a coefficient 0,50 to specify a
tank, which is half-full. In this way, both cases can be calculated in one time. As stated in step 2:
the self-weight is automatically taken into account for each Combination of Mass Groups.
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
For 1D members (beams) the Average number of tiles of 1D element can be augmented. In
general, 5 to 10 tiles are sufficient for a dynamic calculation. When specifying a too high amount,
the calculation will take a long time to complete. For 2D elements (plates & shells) the Average
size of 2D element needs to be altered.
The created mesh elements and mesh nodes are shown with their number:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
By default, the Lanczos method is used. This method is set as default even in older projects
where originally another method was used. In comparison with older methods, the Lanczos
method is faster and more stable.
As explained above, the number of eigen frequencies is dependent of the number of degrees of
freedom of the structure which are on their turn dependent of the discretisation.
In this example, only the mesh node located in the middle of the beam can vibrate vertically.
Therefore only one eigenmode needs to be calculated. The Number of Frequencies can thus
be lowered to 1.
The options “Use IRS (Improved Reduced System) method” requires floors to be defined first, so
this option cannot be used now. “Produce wall eigenmode results (needed for ECtools)” is only
used if you are using the extra program ECtools to analyse seismic effects in masonry.
When the number of frequencies is higher than the amount of degrees of freedom, a message will
appear during the calculation, stating the calculation cannot be executed. The solution is to lower the
number of frequencies to be calculated or to apply a mesh refinement so more degrees of freedom are
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
After performing the calculation, the Results menu shows the option Dynamics Eigen
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
According to this calculation, the natural frequency of the first mode is shown to be 6,31 Hz.
To view the results in more detail, it is possible to look at the Calculation Protocol for the Eigen
Frequency calculation:
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
Now we will go more in detail about the results in the calculation protocol:
Sum of masses
The Sum of masses shows the amount of mass, which can vibrate for this Combination of Mass
Groups (CM1). In this example, this is governed by the mass of 500 kg and the mass of the
Now to find the total mass, we must assign the masses to the mesh nodes and take into account
the vibrations which are possible:
- For node 1:
(¼ of the beam mass goes to the left node)
- For node 2:
(½ of the beam mass goes to the middle node along with the nodal mass in the node)
- For node 3:
(¼ of the beam mass goes to the right node)
As you can see, the sum of masses in the calculation protocol corresponds to the sum of
masses in all mesh nodes, taking into account the degrees of freedom in each node.
It is clear that a denser mesh will provide a more accurate participation of the beam mass.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The Modal Participation Factors show the amount of mass that is vibrating in a specific
eigenmode as a percentage of the total mass. In this example Wzi/Wztot is equal to 1 which
means that 100% of the mass is vibrating in the vertical direction for the first eigenmode. This
means that in the other degrees of freedom, no mass will be displaced in the Z-direction.
The Wyi_R/Wytot_R is equal to 1 means that this first eigenmode the only eigenmode in which
mass can rotate around the global Y-axis.
As a side note, we must indicate that these results will strongly alter once we use a finer mesh.
Since more nodes will add more degrees of freedom and thus more possible eigenmodes.
These factors will be looked upon in more detail during the Seismic calculations.
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
The result is as expected, the inner node is vibrating. A denser mesh will provide a much better
representation of the Eigenmode. It is important to bear in mind that a vibration is in two
directions: in this case the eigenmode is shown moving up, however half a period later it will be
moving down.
Free vibration gives only the conception of structure properties and allows predicting the
behavior of the structure under time varying load conditions. In nature, each body prefers to
remain in a standstill. If forced to move, it prefers the way requiring minimal energy consumption.
These ways of motion are the eigenmodes.
The eigenmodes do not represent the actual deformation of the structure. They only show
deformation that is "natural" for the structure. This is why the magnitudes of calculated
displacements are dimensionless numbers. The numbers provided are orthonormed, i.e. they
have a particular relation to the masses in the structure. The absolute value of the individual
numbers is not important. What matters is their mutual proportion.
The vibration of the structure can be shown through View > New Animation Window.
Activating the option ‘Preset minimal ratio to invert MAX’ will show the actual vibration in both
Using CTRL+Right mouse button, the structure can be rotated in the Animation Window.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Manual Calculation
In order to check the results of SCIA Engineer, the eigen frequency of this structure is calculated
by a manual calculation.
Following reference [1], the circular frequency of a beam on two supports with a mass in the
middle can be calculated as follows:
2 48 (2.7)
= Circular frequency
E = Modulus of Young
I = Moment of inertia of the beam
L = Length of the beam
M = Mass in the middle of the beam
- The manual calculation does not take into account the self-weight of the beam
Since a lower mass will lead to a higher and a higher f.
- The manual calculation does not take into account shear deformation
A lower deformation leads to a higher stiffness k, a higher and a higher f.
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
These two assumptions can also be implemented in the calculation model of SCIA Engineer:
- In order not to take the self-weight into account, the volumetric mass of S235 can be set
to 1 kg/m³ in the Material Library:
- To neglect the shear deformation, activate this option through Calculation, Mesh >
Solver Setup:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
To obtain a correct and precise result, the mesh must also be refined. By refining the mesh to 10
finite elements. This can be done through Calculation, Mesh > Mesh Setup:
Now when the calculation is performed again, the following results are obtained:
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
2.3 Frames
In this paragraph, the Free Vibration calculation is illustrated for frame structures. The principles
of the theory are applied in detail and verified by means of manual calculations.
Step 2: Masses
When the Mass Group is created, the line masses of 500 kg/m can be inputted on the roof and
floor beams of the frame.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
To render the display of masses, go to Set View Parameters For All > Miscellaneous > Drawing style
for Model + Loads
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
The Average number of tiles of 1D element is set to 10 to obtain a good distribution of the line
masses and the mass of the members.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
As stated in the previous example, using Deformation of Nodes, the Deformed Mesh can be
shown to view the eigenmodes:
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
The Calculation Protocol for the Eigen Frequency calculation shows the following:
The Sum of masses shows the amount of mass, which can vibrate for this Mass combination. In
this example, this is governed by the line masses of 500 kg/m and the mass of the members.
This value can be calculated as follows:
- The members are of type HEA 240 with cross-section A= 0,00768 m²
- The volumetric mass of S235 is 7850 kg/m³
- The total length of the members is 4 x 4m + 2 x 5m = 26m
However, as stated in 2.2 the masses are guided to the mesh nodes. The Finite Element Mesh
was refined to 10 1D elements per member.
This implies that for the two lower columns, half the mass of a 1D element is guided to a support
and does not take part in the free vibration.
- The length of the columns is 4m
- The length of a 1D element is 4m / 10 = 0,4m
- The length of half a 1D element is 0,4m / 2 = 0,2m
The total length of the members taken into account for the mass is
26m – 0,2m – 0,2m = 25,6m
Total member mass = 0,00768 m² x 25,6 m x 7850 kg/m³ = 1543,37 kg
This mass is added to the line masses of 500 kg/m
Vibrating Mass = 2 x 500 kg/m x 5m + 1543,37 kg = 6543,37 kg
The Modal Participation Factors show the amount of mass that is vibrating in a specific
eigenmode as a percentage of the total mass.
- For Eigenmode 1: 86% of the total mass is vibrating in the X-direction
- For Eigenmode 2: 11% of the total mass is vibrating in the X-direction
- For Eigenmode 3: 16% of the total mass is vibrating in the Z-direction
- For Eigenmode 4: 54% of the total mass is vibrating in the Z-direction
The lower row shows the total percentage when these four modes are combined: 97% is taken
into account for the X-direction and 69% for the Z-direction.
These factors will be looked upon in more detail during the Seismic calculations in Chapter 4.
For a seismic calculation, it is required that sufficient eigenmodes are included in the calculation
so that at least 90% of the total mass is being taken into account [7].
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Manual Calculation
In order to check the results of SCIA Engineer, the lowest eigen frequency, or natural frequency
of this structure is calculated by a manual calculation.
The method used here is described in the literature as Rayleigh’s Energy Method. [1], [13].
In this method, the structure is idealized as a cantilever beam with lumped masses at each floor
The structure is then loaded with a set of linearly increasing horizontal loads on each floor
level. Due to this loading, the structure will deform and thus the rigidity of the system is known.
The eigen frequency of the structure can then be approximately calculated as follows:
1 F d i i
f i 1
2 n
i 1
i d i
n = Number of floors
Fi = Horizontal force acting on floor level i
di = Horizontal deformation of floor level i
Mi = Idealized mass of floor level i
The analogy between this formula and can clearly be seen.
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
The mass of the lower part of the structure is idealized to the support of the cantilever so it takes
no part in the vibration.
The mass M1 can be calculated as follows:
0,00768 m² x (5 + 4 + 4) m x 7850 kg/m³ + 500 kg/m x 5m = 3283,74 kg
The mass M2 can be calculated as follows:
0,00768 m² x (5 + 4) m x 7850 kg/m³ + 500 kg/m x 5m = 3042,59 kg
In order to calculate the horizontal deformations di of each floor level due to a linearly increasing
load Fi, a static load case is calculated with SCIA Engineer consisting of loads of 100 kN and
200 kN. The following results are obtained for the nodal deformations:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
F1 = 100 kN = 100000 N
F2 = 200 kN = 200000 N
d1 = 95,79 mm = 0,09579 m
d2 = 199,58 mm = 0,19958 m
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
The combination coefficient E,i takes into account the likelihood of the variable loads not being
present over the entire structure during the occurrence of an earthquake.
For example, if a first mass group MG1 represents the mass of permanent loads and a second
mass group MG2 represents the mass of a variable load case with a Category B imposed load
and independently occupied storeys, then is taken as 0,5 and 2,i as 0,3.
This gives a value of 0,15 for .
The Combination of Mass Groups CM1 can then be formulated as 1,00 MG1 + 0,15 MG2.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 1: Functionality
The first step in the Dynamic calculation is to activate the functionality Dynamics on the
Functionality tab in the Project Data.
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
For the Mass Group MG1, the load case LC2 is chosen: the weight of the floors and roof. Using
the option “Keep masses up-to-date with loads” and then the action “Create masses from
load case” automatically generates masses from the already inputted loads which remain linked
to the loads.
In the same way, the Mass Group MG2 is created in which masses are automatically created
from load case LC3: the imposed load.
- As stated in the first example: When creating masses from loads, SCIA Engineer will use the
acceleration of gravity specified on the Loads tab of the Project Data. By default it is 9,81 m/s².
- In versions previous to SCIA Engineer 2013, the mass will always remain unchanged after any
modification or removal of the original force. If the mass is supposed to correspond to the modified
force, it is necessary to remove the mass and to create it once more.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 3: Masses
In the Masses menu, the contents of both Mass Groups can be visualized.
- Mass Group MG1:
25000 N
Floor mass: m 2548,4 kg
9,81m m
10000 N
Roof mass: m 1019,4 kg
9,81m 2 m
- Mass Group MG2:
15000 N
Mass of imposed load:
m 1529,1 kg
9,81 m m
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
For this example, with a Category B imposed load and independently occupied storeys, is
taken as 0,5 and 2,i as 0,3. This gives a value of 0,15 for .
The Combination of Mass Groups CM1 can then be formulated as 1,00 MG1 + 0,15 MG2.
The Average number of tiles of 1D element is set to 10 to obtain a good distribution of the line
masses and the mass of the members.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 7: Calculation
The Free Vibration calculation can now be executed through Calculation, Mesh > Calculation.
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The Calculation Protocol for the Eigen Frequency calculation shows the following:
- According to the Bill of Material, the self-weight of the frame is 40500 kg.
However, for the four lower columns, half the mass of a 1D element is guided to a support and
does not take part in the free vibration.
- The length of the columns is 4m
- Since 10 1D elements per member were used, the length of a 1D element is 4m / 10 =
- The length of half a 1D element is 0,4m / 2 = 0,2m
- The columns have a cross-section of 0,135 m² and a volumetric mass of 2500 kg/m³
The mass of the columns not taken into account is:
However only 15% was taken into account => 0,15 x 82568,7 kg = 12385,31 kg
Vibrating mass= 40230 kg + 137614,68 kg + 18348,66 kg + 12385,31 kg
= 208578,65 kg
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
Manual Calculation
In order to check the results of SCIA Engineer, the lowest eigen frequency of this structure is
calculated by means of the Rayleigh Method.
As specified in the previous example, the frame is idealized as a cantilever:
In order to calculate the horizontal deformations di of each floor level due to a linearly increasing
load Fi, a static load case is calculated with SCIA Engineer consisting of loads of 100 kN, 200
kN, 300 kN and 400 kN. The following results are obtained for the nodal deformations:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
F1 = 100 kN = 100000 N
F2 = 200 kN = 200000 N
F3 = 300 kN = 300000 N
F4 = 400 kN = 400000 N
d1 = 33,07 mm = 0,03307 m
d2 = 77,92 mm = 0,07792 m
d3 = 115,88 mm = 0,11588 m
d4 = 151,71 mm = 0,15171 m
f 1,27 Hz
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
2.5 Slabs
The last paragraph of this chapter illustrates the procedure for the Free Vibration calculation of
slabs. The applied method is entirely the same as for frames. This is shown in the following
Step 1: Functionality
The first step in the Dynamic calculation is to activate the functionality Dynamics on the
Functionality tab in the Project Data.
Since the Free Vibration calculation will be executed for the self-weight of the slab, no additional
masses need to be inputted.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
The same way as for frames, the Eigenmodes can be visualized through Deformation of nodes
now under 2D Members. The Deformed structure for value Uz shows the following:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
- Viewing 2D Members > Deformation of nodes > Deformed Mesh shows the deformation of both
2D and 1D elements. This allows seeing the complete eigenmode for a structure containing both
element types i.e. General XYZ projects.
- To generate all eigenmodes quickly, the document can be used: The picture of one eigenmode can
be set as a nested table for the Combinations of Mass Groups:
The Calculation Protocol for the Eigen Frequency calculation shows that the following Sum of
masses is accounted for:
Free Vibration: Eigen Frequencies
Manual Calculation
In order to check the results of SCIA Engineer, the eigen frequencies of the slab are calculated
by a manual calculation.
The method used here is described in reference [14] In this reference; the eigen frequency of a
multi-span slab is expressed in terms of a non-dimensional parameter .
L2 h
2 D
= Circular frequency
L = Distance between the two simply supported external edges
= Density of the slab material
h = Slab thickness
Eh 3
D = flexural rigidity of the slab
12 1 2 (2.11)
E = Modulus of Young
= Poisson’s Ratio
Using these parameters in formula (2.10), the circular frequencies can be calculated:
Mode 1: = 41,99 rad/s => f = 6,68 Hz
Mode 2: = 59,34 rad/s => f = 9,45 Hz
Mode 3: = 121,66 rad/s => f = 19,36 Hz
Mode 4: = 132 rad/s => f = 21,01 Hz
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
In this chapter, the forced vibration calculation is examined. More specifically, the structure will now be
loaded with an external harmonic load, which will cause the structure to vibrate.
A forced vibration calculation can be required to check the response of a building near a railroad or
major traffic lane, to check vibrations due to machinery, to verify structural integrity of a floor loaded by
an aerobics class,…
As in the previous chapter, first the theory will be discussed. The theory will then be illustrated by
examples, which will again be verified by manual calculations.
3.1 Theory
To understand what is going on during the dynamic analysis of a complex structure with frames or finite
elements, the forced vibration of a SDOF (Single Degree Of Freedom) system is regarded in detail. A
complete overview can be found in reference [1].
A body of mass m can move in one direction. A spring of constant stiffness k, which is fixed at one
end, is attached at the other end to the body. The mass is also subjected to damping with a damping
capacity c. An external time dependant force F(t) is applied to the mass.
The equation of motion can be written as:
m y(t ) c y(t ) k y(t ) F (t ) (3.1)
When the acting force on this system is a harmonic load, equation (3.1) can be rewritten as follows:
m y(t ) c y(t ) k y(t ) F sin( t ) (3.2)
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
r The frequency ratio (3.8)
The angle signifies that the displacement vector lags the force vector, that is, the motion occurs after
the application of the force. A and B are constants which are determined from the initial displacement
and velocity.
The first term of equation (3.3) is called the Transient motion. The second term is called the Steady-
state motion. Both terms are illustrated on the following figure:
The amplitude of the transient response decreases exponentially ( e ). Therefore, in most practical
applications, this term is neglected and the total response y(t) can be considered as equal to the
steady-state response (after a few periods of the applied load).
Equation (3.3) can then be written in a more convenient form:
Y 1
YS (1 r 2 ) 2 (2r ) 2
Y is known as the Dynamic Magnification factor, because YS is the static deflection of the system
under a steady force F and Y is the dynamic amplitude.
The importance of mechanical vibration arises mainly from the large values of Y experienced in
practice when the frequency ratio r has a value near unity: this means that a small harmonic force can
produce a large amplitude of vibration. This phenomenon is known as resonance. In this case, the
dynamic amplitude does not reach an infinite value but a limiting value of
2 .
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
The logarithmic decrement is related to the damping ratio by the following formula:
1 2
The damping ratio and the logarithmic decrement are looked upon in more detail in Chapter 5.
Harmonic Loads in SCIA Engineer are always defined as nodal forces i.e. a nodal load or a nodal
moment. More than one node of the structure can be loaded in a load case, but the frequency of all
solicitations is equal to the forcing frequency specified for that load case.
As specified in the theory, the static results are multiplied by the dynamic magnification factor. The
dynamic calculation is thus transformed to an equivalent static calculation. Therefore, a Linear
Calculation needs to be executed. During this calculation, the Free Vibration Calculation will also be
performed since this data is needed for the result of the Harmonic Load.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The following diagram shows the required steps to perform a Forced Vibration calculation:
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
One static load case is created: the self-weight of the beam. However, in order not to take the self-
weight into account for the dynamic calculation, the volumetric mass of S235 can be set to 1 kg/m³ in
the Material Library. This will render it easier to check the results through a manual calculation.
The mass of 200 kg is vibrating with a frequency of 5 Hz. The damping ratio of the system is taken as
Step 1: Functionality
The first step in the Dynamic calculation is to activate the functionality Dynamics on the Functionality
tab in the Project Data.
Step 3: Masses
After the Mass Group has been created; the mass of 200 kg can be inputted in the middle of the beam.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The damping ratio was given to be 5%. Applying formula (3.11), the logarithmic decrement can be
2 2 0,05
1 2 1 0,05
This formula can also be inserted in the value field. It is not necessary to do a manual calculation to
insert only the result in SCIA Engineer.
The forcing frequency of the harmonic load is 5 Hz. This must be inserted in the Frequency [Hz] field.
The last option, Mass Combi shows which Mass Combination (mass matrix) will be used for the
calculation of the harmonic load case.
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
Step 6: Load
The parameters of the load case have been defined, what is left is inputting the amplitude of the load.
The mass was 200 kg.
This corresponds to a load of 1,962 kN using 9,81 m/s² for the acceleration of gravity.
This load can be inputted through Load > Point Force > In Node
As specified in the theory, more than one harmonic load can be inputted in the same harmonic load case
however the harmonic parameters like damping and forcing frequency are defined on the level of the load
case. This implies that, for example, when several harmonic loads are vibrating with different frequencies,
different load cases have to be created.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 9: Calculation
All steps have been executed so the Linear Calculation can be started through Calculation, Mesh >
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
It is however very important so keep in mind that this is a vibration: half a period later the deformation
is to the upper side of the beam instead of the lower side.
The moment diagram for the harmonic load would give the next diagram:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
This diagram is completely analogous to the moment diagram which one finds for a simple point load.
However, when performing dynamic calculations, one must always take into account both directions of
the loading since the load vibrates in both directions.
In SCIA Engineer, this double sided deformation can easily be checked by creating combinations of
type code or envelope. In these combinations, the dynamic load cases will be accounted for with both
a positive and a negative combination coefficient and thus both sides of the vibration amplitude are
taken into account.
In this example, a combination of type Envelope - ultimate is created which contains only the
harmonic load case.
The vibration effect is correctly taken into account: both sides of the vibration are visible. This is also
shown in the Combination Key of the Document; which shows the two generated Linear
combinations from the Envelope combination (Local Extremes):
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
Manual Calculation
1962 N 6000mm
max 0,54095mm
192 210.000 N 2 19430000mm
The rigidity k of this system can then be calculated:
F 1962 N
k 3626,93 N 3626933,33 N
max 0,54095mm mm m
k 3626933,33 N
m 134,67 rad
m 200kg
f 21,43 Hz
This result corresponds exactly to the result calculated by SCIA Engineer.
Now the eigen frequency is known, the results of the harmonic load can be verified.
The harmonic load had a forcing frequency of 5 Hz, which corresponds to a circular frequency of
31,416 rad/s.
This implies that the static results need to be multiplied by 1,0572 to obtain the dynamic results.
The static deformation was calculated as max 0,54095mm
Dynamic deformation = 1,0572 x 0,54095 mm = 0,5719 mm
In the same way the moment in the middle of the beam can be calculated.
Using default engineering tables [11], the maximum static moment in the middle of a beam with length
L, clamped at both sides and loaded with a load F in the middle is given as:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
FL 1,962kN 6m
M 1,4715kNm
8 8
Dynamic moment = 1,0572 x 1,4715 kNm = 1,556 kNm
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
3.3 Resonance
As specified in the theory, resonance occurs when the frequency ratio r has a value near unity. In this
case, large values for the Dynamic Amplification factor are obtained.
To illustrate this, the calculation of the Dynamic Amplification Factor is repeated for different frequency
ratios and different damping percentages. The results are given in the following table:
Amplitude-Frequency Response
6 Damping 5%
Dynamic Magnification Factor
Damping 8%
Damping 10%
4 Damping 15%
Damping 25%
Damping 50%
0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency Ratio
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
First of all, the resonance phenomenon is clearly visible. When the frequency ratio equals unity, the
Dynamic Magnification factor becomes very large indicating that a small harmonic load can produce a
large amplitude of vibration.
Second, the influence of the damping ratio on the system response in resonance is significant.
With a damping ratio of 5%, the magnification factor is about 10; with a damping ratio of 50%, the
magnification factor is reduced to 1.
To see the response in function of the frequency, we can create several load cases with other
excitation frequency. You can easily do this by copying the existing load case and changing the
excitation frequency. This is shown in the next example.
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
By asking the result for the class of the load cases 5-30 Hz,
we can see clearly the effect of resonance if the excitation
frequency is near the eigenfrequency.
In SCIA Engineer, the logarithmic decrement is limited between 0,0001 and 10. The lower limit corresponds to
a damping ratio 0,0016%. Zero damping is impossible since this would lead to an infinite response (division
by zero) in resonance.
The upper limit corresponds to a damping ratio 85%. For structural vibrations, this is an extreme value,
which, in nearly all cases, will never be attained. Damping will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
Another common application of a harmonic load is a structure loaded with a plunger system or a motor.
Both the reciprocating effect of the plunger and the rotating unbalance of the motor produce an exciting
force of the inertia type on the system.
For an unbalanced body of mass mr, at an effective radius e, rotating at an angular speed , the
exciting force F can be written as [1]:
F mr e 2 (3.13)
An electric motor with a mass of 500 kg is mounted on a simply supported beam with overhang. The
beam has a cross-section type HEA 240 and is manufactured in S235 according to EC-EN. The beam
has a length of 4m and the overhang is 3m.
The motor has an unbalance of 0,6 kgm. The damping ratio of the system is taken as 10%.
The motor can operate at speeds of 800, 1000 and 1200 rpm. For each of these speeds, the amplitude
of forced vibration needs to be calculated to check, for example, if the vibrations induced by the motor
are acceptable.
One static load case is created: the self-weight of the beam. However, in order not to take the self-
weight into account for the dynamic calculation, the volumetric mass of S235 can be set to 1 kg/m³ in
the Material Library. This will render it easier to check the results through a manual calculation.
A node has been added to the middle of the overhang to specify the location of the motor.
Step 1: Functionality
The first step in the Dynamic calculation is to activate the functionality Dynamics on the Functionality
tab in the Project Data.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 3: Masses
After the Mass Group has been created; the 500 kg mass of the motor can be inputted in the middle of
the overhang.
The forcing frequency is different for each load case and can be calculated from the given speeds:
2 rad 1min
800 800 rpm 83,78 rad
s f800 13,33 Hz
1rev 60 s
2 rad 1min
1000 1000 rpm 104,72 rad
s f1000 16,67 Hz
1rev 60 s
2 rad 1min
1200 1200 rpm 125,66 rad
s f1200 20,00 Hz
1rev 60 s
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
F800 mr e 800 0,6 kgm 83,78 rad
4211,03 N 4,21kN
F1000 mr e 1000 0,6 kgm 104,72 rad
6579,74 N 6,58 kN
F1200 mr e 1200 0,6 kgm 125,66 rad
9474,82 N 9,47 kN
The loads are inputted through Load > Point Force > In Node
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
Step 9: Calculation
All steps have been executed so the Linear Calculation can be started through
Calculation, Mesh > Calculation.
The nodal deformations for the harmonic loads at the location of the motor are the following:
At 800 rpm:
At 1000 rpm:
At 1200 rpm:
As stated in the previous example, it is important to keep in mind that the signs are not relevant since a
vibration occurs on both sides of the equilibrium position.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Manual Calculation
In order to check the results of SCIA Engineer, a manual calculation is performed [15].
First, the calculated eigen frequency is checked using formula (2.3)
Using default engineering tables [11], the maximum static deformation of a simply supported beam with
length L, an overhang with length a and loaded with a load F at the end of the overhang is given as:
Fa 2 L a
max (3.14)
Where: L = 4m = 4000 mm
a = 1,5m = 1500 mm
E = 210000 N/mm²
I = 77600000 mm
3 210000 N 77600000mm4
k mm ² 3950,55 N 3950545,45 N
(1500mm) 2 4000mm 1500mm mm m
k 3950545,45 N
m 88,89 rad
m 500kg
f 14,15 Hz
This result corresponds exactly to the result calculated by SCIA Engineer.
Applying formula (3.8) the frequency ratios can be calculated for each motor speed:
800 83,78 s 0,9425
88,89 rad
s 1,1781
r1000 1000
88,89 rad
s 1,4137
r1200 1200
88,89 rad
Forced Vibration: Harmonic Load
The frequency ratios can then be used in formula (3.9) to calculate the Dynamic Magnification Factors.
When also applying formula (3.4) the Dynamic Amplitude can be calculated for each speed:
3950545,45 N
Y800 k m 4,86mm
(1 r800 ) (2r800 ) 2
2 2
1 0,9425 2 0,9425 0,10
2 2 2
6579,74 N
3950545,45 N
Y1000 k m 3,67mm
(1 r1000 ) (2r1000 ) 2
2 2
1 1,1781 2 1,1781 0,10
2 2 2
9474,82 N
3950545,45 N
Y1200 k m 2,31mm
(1 r1200 ) (2r1200 )
2 2 2
1 1,4137 2 1,4137 0,10
2 2 2
Forced Vibration Amplitude [mm]
0 500 1000 1500 2000
The main feature to notice is the decrease in vibration amplitude when the forcing frequency increases
due to moving away from resonance. [15]
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
4.1 Theory
Analogous to the previous chapters, before examining the dynamic analysis of a complex structure, the
Seismic analysis of a SDOF (Single Degree Of Freedom) system is regarded in detail. A complete
overview can be found in references [2], [3].
Generally, this paragraph deals with the analysis of structures that are submitted to a harmonic ground
motion. The most important harmonic ground motions are earthquakes (seismic loads), but this
calculation method can also be applied to the analysis of underground or surface explosions and
vibrations generated by heavy traffic or machinery.
The following figure illustrates the displacement of a system that is submitted to a ground motion:
Since the inertia force is related to the total displacement (y) of the mass and the damping and spring
reactions are related to the relative displacements (u) of the mass.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
This equation can be compared with equation (3.2) of the previous chapter. As a conclusion, the
ground motion can also be replaced by an external harmonic force with amplitude:
F m Yg 2
But an earthquake will be a combination of many of harmonic load acting on different frequencies
simultaneously. The load represented in these harmonic loads is the acceleration of the structure
multiplied with the mass of the structure. The frequencies of these harmonic loads are the frequencies
on which this acceleration occurs in the earthquake.
The combination of all the accelerations over the different frequencies in the earthquake will be given
by a response spectrum. A response spectrum is therefore nothing more than a list of accelerations
and the frequencies on which they occur.
Response Spectra
When a structure has to be designed for earthquakes, in most cases spectral analysis is used because
the earthquake loading is often described as a response spectrum.
This response spectrum can either be a displacement, velocity or acceleration spectrum.
The relation of an earthquake (given by an acceleration time-history) and the corresponding
displacement response spectrum is given by [16]:
S d ( , ) y g ( ) e (T ) sin( (T )) d (4.5)
Where: y g ( ) is the ground acceleration in function of time
is the damping factor
T is the period 2
Instead of the displacement response spectrum Sd, also the velocity response spectrum Sv or the
acceleration response spectrum Sa can be used. These three spectra are related by :
Sa Sv 2 Sd (4.6)
In Eurocode 8 [7] the earthquake motion at a given point on the surface is represented by an elastic
ground acceleration response spectrum or “Elastic Response Spectrum Se” This spectrum is
illustrated in the following figure:
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
A commonly used way of describing an earthquake magnitude is the so-called Richter scale. Annex A
gives a relation between the magnitude on the Richter scale and the Peak Ground Acceleration.
Spectral Analysis
For MDOF (Multiple Degree Of Freedom) systems, equation (4.4) can be written in matrix notation as a
set of coupled differential equations:
M U C U K U M 1 Y g (4.7)
The matrix {1} is used to indicate the direction of the earthquake. E.g. for a two-dimensional structure
(three degrees of freedom) with an earthquake that acts in the x-direction, the matrix is a sequence like
The resulting set of coupled differential equations is reduced to a set of uncoupled differential equation
by a transformation U = Z.Q, where Z is a subset of (the eigenvectors) and Q is a vector, which is
M Z Q C Z Q K Z Q M 1 Y g ; or
Z T M Z Q Z T C Z Q Z T K Z Q Z T M 1 Y g
This can be simplified to a set of uncoupled differential equations:
Q C * Q 2 Q Z T M 1 Y g (4.8)
Where C is a diagonal matrix containing terms like 2 i i .
Since U = Z.Q:
U j ,max Z Z T M 1 S d ( j , j ) ; or
U j ,max Z S d ( j , j ) (4.11)
Where Z M 1 is known as the modal participation factor.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
As specified in the theory, Eurocode 8 [7] specifies an Elastic Response Spectrum Se. For design
purposes, this spectrum is reduced to a Design Spectrum Sd. This Design Spectrum is dependent on
several parameters: the Ground Type, the Ground Acceleration, the Behavior Factor and the
When defining a spectrum in SCIA Engineer, the spectrum can be defined either by combinations of
Frequencies & accelerations, or Periods & accelerations, or by simply inputting the parameters that
define this spectrum according to Eurocode 8. If the user wishes to compose the spectrum based on
the parameters in Eurocode 8, then he will have the next input window:
For a detailed description of these parameters, reference is made to Eurocode 8 [7]. The following is a
brief overview for understanding the input needed for SCIA Engineer.
- Damping: The Design Spectra of Eurocode 8 are defined for a damping ratio of 5%. If the
structure has another damping ratio, the spectrum has to be adapted with a damping correction
factor . This will be looked upon in more detail in Chapter 5.
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
The importance factor is derived from the return period of the seismic action and the
importance of the structure. An importance factor equal to 1,0 is assigned to the
reference return period.
The peak ground acceleration (PGA) agR can be found from the seismic zones in
which a country is divided. By definition, the seismic hazard within each zone is
assumed to be constant. The hazard is described by a single parameter: the peak
ground acceleration (PGA) agR. The following figure illustrates the division in seismic
zones for the map of Belgium [9]:
- Behavior Factor (EN1998, To avoid explicit inelastic structural analysis in design, the
capacity of the structure to dissipate energy, mainly through ductile behavior of its elements, is
taken into account by performing an elastic analysis based on a response spectrum reduced
with respect to the elastic one. This reduction is accomplished by introducing the behavior factor
For the vertical component of the seismic action a behavior factor q up to 1,5 should
generally be adopted for all materials and structural systems. The adoption of values of
q greater than 1,5 in the vertical direction should be justified through proper analysis.
The values of the behavior factor q, which also account for the influence of the viscous
damping being different from 5%, are given for various materials and structural systems
according to the relevant ductility classes in the various Parts of EN 1998. The value of
the behavior factor q may be different in different horizontal directions of the structure,
although the ductility classification shall be the same in all directions.
- Beta: The lower bound factor ( ) for the horizontal design spectrum. The recommended value
for ( ) is 0,2 but can be overruled by the relevant national annex.
If you plot the spectrum as acceleration to frequency, then the most left value would be
the lower bound factor multiplied with the ground acceleration.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
S, Tb, Tc, Td manually?: If you set this to ‘No’, then the values to compose the spectrum are
calculated automatically from the other properties in this window.
Ground Type: The Ground Type is dependent on the soil characteristics and is specified by
letters A to E.
- Type of spectrum: If the earthquakes that contribute most to the seismic hazard defined for the
site for the purpose of probabilistic hazard assessment have a surface-wave magnitude, Ms, not
greater than 5,5, it is recommended that the Type 2 spectrum is adopted. A simple formula to
find the surface wave magnitude from the Richter magnitude scale ([29]) is:
- Direction: If the spectrum is applied in X or Y direction, then this must be set to ‘Horizontal’. If
the spectrum is to be applied in the Z direction, then this property must be set to ‘Vertical’.
Calculation Protocol
In the calculation protocol of SCIA Engineer the intermediate results that were determined while
calculating the global effect of a spectral loading can be found.
This paragraph describes the formulas that have been used to determine those intermediate results.
Mass matrix [M ] D
Mass vector {m} [M ] D {1}
Natural circular ( j )
frequency of mode
shape j
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
{ k }T {m}
Participation factor k ,( j ) { k }T {m}
M ( j)
Effective mass M k ,ef ,( j ) k2,( j ) M ( j ) k2,( j )
M k ,ef ,( j )
Participation mass Lk ,( j )
ratio M k ,tot
th Sa,k ,( j ) k ,( j )
Mode coefficient in k Gk ,( j )
direction (2j )
(2j )
{u} ( j ) G( j ) { } ( j )
{u k } ( j ) Gk ,( j ) {k } ( j )
{u} ( j ) (2j ) G( j ) { } ( j )
{uk }( j ) (2j ) Gk ,( j ) { k }( j ) S a,k ,( j ) k ,( j ) { k }( j )
Lateral force in node i Fi ,k ,( j ) mi ,k ,( j ) Sa,k ,( j ) k ,( j ) i ,k ,( j )
for direction k
Fk ,( j ) Fi ,k ,( j ) {uk }T( j ) {m} S a ,k ,( j ) k ,( j ) { k }T( j ) {m}
Shear force in direction i
k Fk ,( j ) Sa,k ,( j ) k2,( j )
Overturning moment in M i ,k ,( j ) mi ,k Sa,k ,( j ) k ,( j ) i ,k ,( j ) zi
node i for direction k
M k , ( j ) M i , k , ( j ) mi , k Sa , k ,( j ) k ,( j ) i , k ,( j ) zi
Overturning moment in i i
The calculation of these parameters will be illustrated with an example further in this chapter.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The modal combination methods that are used in SCIA Engineer are:
1. SRSS-method (Square Root of Sum of Squares)
Rtot R
j 1
( j)
R( j ) : The response of mode j
R(i ) , R( j ) : The response of mode i and j
i, j : Modal Cross Correlation coefficients.
8 i j i r j r 2
i , j
1 r 2 2
4i j r 1 r 2 4 i2 j2 r 2
i , j : Damping ratio for mode i and j.
This method is based on both modal frequency and modal damping. The CQC-method thus requires
the input of additional data: a Damping Spectrum to define the damping ratio for each mode.
In many cases however, there is no procedure to calculate the damping ratio for the higher modes.
Most of the time, the same damping ratio is then used for all modes [17].
3. MAX-method
Rtot R(2jMAX ) R(2j )
j 1
R( j ) : The response of mode j
R( j MAX ) : The maximum response of all modes
Eurocode 8 [7] prescribes the SRSS-method. However this method may only be applied if all relevant
modal responses are independent of each other. This is met if the period of mode j is smaller or equal
to 90% of the period of mode i.
If modal responses are not independent of each other a more accurate procedure like the CQC-
method needs to be used.
The following numerical example shows this difference between SRSS and CQC.
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
The structure has the following natural frequencies for the first 5 modes:
Mode 1: f = 13,87 Hz
Mode 2: f = 13,93 Hz
Mode 3: f = 43,99 Hz
Mode 4: f = 44,19 Hz
Mode 5: f = 54,42 Hz
It is clear that modes 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 are very closely spaced. It is typical for most three-dimensional
building structures that they are designed to resist earthquakes from both directions equally. Therefore
the similar eigenmodes in X and Y-direction have almost the same natural frequencies.
Because of the small mass eccentricity, which is normal in real structures, the fundamental mode
shape has x, y, as well as torsion components. Therefore, the model represents a very common three-
dimensional building system.
The building was subjected to one component of the Taft 1952 earthquake. An exact time history
analysis using all 12 modes and a response spectrum analysis were conducted. The maximum modal
base shears in the four frames for the first five modes are shown in the figure below.
To obtain the Global Response, these modal responses are combined using both the SRSS-method
and the CQC-method as well as a sum of the Absolute Values.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Now the maximum total base shears using different methods are compared.
- The time history base shears are exact.
- The SRSS method produces base shears that under-estimate the exact values in the direction
of the loads by approximately 30 percent and overestimate the base shears normal to the loads
by a factor of 10.
- The sum of the absolute values grossly over-estimates all results.
- The CQC-method produces very realistic values that are close to the exact time history solution.
In this example, the SRSS-method overestimates the Base Shear by a factor of 10.
For the CQC-method, the following Modal Cross Correlation coefficients i,j are used with a damping
ratio i,j of 5%.
Mode 1 2 3 4 5
1 1,000 0,998 0,006 0,006 0,004
2 0,998 1,000 0,006 0,006 0,004
3 0,006 0,006 1,000 0,998 0,180
4 0,006 0,006 0,998 1,000 0,186
5 0,004 0,004 0,180 0,186 1,000
It is of importance to note the existence of the relatively large off-diagonal terms that indicate which
modes are coupled.
If one notes the signs of the modal base shears shown one the previous page, it is apparent how the
application of the CQC method allows the sum of the base shears in the direction of the external
motion to be added directly. In addition, the sum of the base shears, normal to the external motion,
tend to cancel.
The ability of the CQC-method to recognize the relative sign of the terms in the modal response is the
key to the elimination of errors in the SRSS-method.
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
The following diagram shows the required steps to perform a Spectral Analysis calculation:
As specified in the theory, the dynamic calculation is transformed to an equivalent static calculation.
Therefore, a Linear Calculation needs to be executed. During this calculation, the Free Vibration
Calculation will also be performed since this data is needed for the Seismic results.
The diagram is illustrated in the following examples.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
One static load case is created: the self-weight of the structure. However, in order not to take the self-
weight into account for the dynamic calculation, the volumetric mass of S235 can be set to 1 kg/m³ in
the Material Library. This will render it easier to check the results through a manual calculation.
The structure will be subjected to an earthquake in X-direction according to Eurocode 8, using a
Design Response Spectrum for Ground Type B with a behavior factor of 2. The coefficient of
acceleration is 0,35.
Step 1: Functionality
The first step in the Dynamic calculation is to activate the functionality Dynamics on the Functionality
tab in the Project Data. In order to execute a Seismic calculation, also the Seismic functionality needs
to be activated:
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
Step 3: Masses
After the Mass Group has been created; the 500 kg masses can be inputted on each
storey level:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Now the parameters for the seismic load case will become visible. These parameters will now be
explained (going from top to bottom).
Direction X, Y, Z: You must tick on a direction to apply a spectrum in this global direction.
We advise to use 1 direction per load case, and to combine the different load cases in a
seismic load combination.
o After ticking on ‘X’, you will see the different spectrums which are already composed in
the project. You can tick on the three points on the line “Response spectrum X” to go
to the list with spectrums, and then choose “New” to create a new spectrum.
o It is also possible that there is no spectrum in the project yet. Then after ticking on ‘X’,
the software will automatically open the list with spectrums and click on “New” for you.
The next window will pop up. Choose “Input type = Eurocode” and tick on “Code
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
o In ‘Code parameters’ the spectrum will be defined (for more details, go to p.76).
The coefficient of acceleration ag is 0,35 (see input).
Note that ag is automatically calculated after changing coeff accel. ag.
The behavior factor q is 2,0 (see input).
The subsoil type is type B (see input).
We use spectrum type 2 (default).
The spectrum is used in X (and Y) direction, so the Horizontal direction.
o After changing the parameters, click on ‘OK’ until you get back to the load case.
Factor X, Y, Z: This is used to modify the accelerations in the spectrum without changing the
spectrum parameters. We advise to set this to 1.
Acceleration factor: This factor is multiplied with the factor X, Y, Z (all of them). This factor
should be set to 1 since the acceleration factor is already used in the parameters of the
Overturning: This parameter is used when the supports of the structure are above ground
level. By default, this value equals 0.
Accidental eccentricity: Most of the seismic codes require that structures are checked for
torsion due to mass eccentricity including an additional eccentricity, which is the “accidental
eccentricity”. Please note, that “accidental eccentricity” may be used only together with the
reduced model analysis. We will explain the reduced model analysis and accidental
eccentricity later on.
Type of superposition: Here the type of modal superposition can be chosen. In this example,
the SRSS method is used. The use of the CQC method will be illustrated later on.
o SRSS: Square Root of the Sum of Squares. Because of the square root in the
formulas of the modal combination methods, the results are always positive.
R R(1)
o Max: Modified SRSS (method not included or described in Eurocode 8)
Rtot R(2jMAX ) R(2j )
j 1
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The options under Multiple Eigen Shapes can be used to avoid the errors in the SRSS-method for closely
spaced modes. As specified in the theory however, it is advised to use the CQC-method in such cases.
Unify eigenshapes: This option can be used in the seismic analysis in the case of the method
SRSS. Classical the following formula is used for SRSS:
R R(1)
If the option unify eigenshapes is checked, then the following condition is verified:
If the check is fulfilled and mode (i) and (j) are multipl, then the superposition will be modified:
R R(1)
( R(2) R(3) )2 R(4)
Mass in analysis: The user has to verify if 90% of the total mass is included in de modal
masses. This will be checked later on in the calculation protocol. If the number of total
participating mass is under 90%, the number of eigen frequencies has to be increased.
To avoid this check, it is possible to choose missing mass in modes or residual mode.
Signed results Predominant mode: The user can select the mode shape which will be
used to define the sign. If automatic is chosen as mode shape, the mode shape with the
biggest mass participation is used (sum of direction X, Y and Z). This option can be used for
example for shear walls.
This result only makes sense if this single eigenmode is clearly the most dominant for that
spectrum, and all other modes have almost no significance for that spectrum. But since this
option manipulates the results, we advise you not to use it, unless you have a very good
knowledge of SCIA Engineer and of seismic calculations.
The options under Multiple Eigen Shapes can be used to avoid the errors in the SRSS-method for closely
spaced modes. As specified in the theory however, it is advised to use the CQC-method in such cases
(as advised in Eurocode 8, article
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
To conclude, the complete set of parameters in the load case will be shown in the image below.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
To check if the number of eigenmodes is sufficient, the calculation protocol for the Eigen frequency
calculation must be checked. To check the calculation protocol, the Modal Analysis has to be done first
(under Calculation, Mesh > Calculation).
As specified in the first example of this course, the Modal Participation Factors show the amount of
mass that is vibrating in a specific eigenmode as a percentage of the total mass.
For the first Eigenmode, 73% of the total mass is vibrating. For the second Eigenmode, 22% is
vibrating. In total, these two Eigenmodes account for about 94% of the total mass.
According to Eurocode 8 [7] the sum of the effective modal masses for the modes taken into account
must amount to at least 90% of the total mass of the structure.
This criterion is fulfilled which indicates the two Eigen modes are sufficient for this example.
But it is important to see that the number of eigenmodes taken into account is only sufficient in the X-
direction to evaluate a dynamic load working in the X-direction. If the total would be under 90%, the
number of eigenmodes in the solver setup would have to be augmented and the calculation protocol
for the Eigen Frequency would have to be checked again.
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
Using Displacement of Nodes, the Deformed Structure can be shown to view the eigenmodes:
Eigenmode 1: Eigenmode 2:
There is a separate part Dynamics where the eigen frequencies can be checked:
The deformations caused by the seismic load case can also be checked under Seismic detailed.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The details of the seismic calculation can be found in the Calculation Protocol (Linear Calculation):
The Damping ratio shows the manually inputted damping ratio for the respective Eigenmodes.
It is important to keep in mind that the Seismic Spectra of Eurocode 8 have been calculated with a
damping ratio of 5% as specified in the theory. When a damping ratio is manually inputted, the spectra
need to be adapted. This is done through the Damping Coefficient.
The last line in the table shows the global response. This response was obtained by means of the
SRSS-method for combining the modal responses.
The formulas for these parameters have been shown in the theory and a manual check can be found in
annex C.
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
Using the button behind CQC, a damping spectrum can be inputted. Since for this example a
constant damping ratio will be used for all eigenmodes, the ratio of 2% is inputted starting from
frequency 0 Hz to 100 Hz
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
This damping spectrum will be used for the calculation of the Modal Cross Correlation coefficients of
the CQC-method and will also be used to calculate the Damping Coefficient for each mode as
specified in the previous example.
When the spectrum has been inputted, the Linear Calculation can be re-run.
The following results are obtained through the Calculation protocol of the Linear Calculation:
The results show that for each mode, the Damping Ratio is equal to 2%.
As specified in the theory, the Seismic Spectra of Eurocode 8 have been defined using a Damping
Ratio of 5%. Since now another value is used for the damping, the spectrum needs to be corrected
using a Damping Coefficient .
The lower limit of 0,55 for the Damping Coefficient indicates that Damping Ratio’s higher than
28.06% have no further influence on the seismic spectrum.
For the exact application of in the formulas of the seismic design spectra, reference is made to
Eurocode 8 [7].
In this example, the damping ratio of 2% causes the following Damping Coefficient:
5 2
This indicates that the spectral accelerations will be augmented by 20% due to the fact that less
damping is present in the structure. The spectral accelerations of the previous example can thus be
multiplied by :
With these new spectral accelerations, the calculation of the Base Shear, Overturning Moment,… can
be repeated.
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
Manual Calculation
In this paragraph, the application of the CQC-method is illustrated for the global response of the Base
Mode 1: (1) = 3,3027 rad/s F(1) = 0,8951 kN
Mode 2: (2) = 21,6256 rad/s F(2) = 1,9258 kN
Using a spreadsheet, the Modal Cross Correlation coefficients i,j are calculated with a damping ratio
i,j of 2%.
Mode 1 2
1 1 0,0003065
2 0,0003065 1
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Where Ed :
EEdx 0,3EEdy 0,3EEdz
0,3EEdx EEdy 0,3EEdz
0,3EEdx 0,3EEdy EEdz
So, these load cases include respectively the seismic spectra in the directions X, Y and Z.
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
For example:
Please note that a different Eurocode must be generated for the vertical direction. In SCIA Engineer, a
load case must be made for component of the earthquake in the X-direction, another for the Y-
direction, and another for the Z-direction.
Please make sure that the ‘factor’ just underneath the spectrum is not set to ‘zero’, since the
accelerations in the seismic spectrum will be multiplied with this value.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Next, we have to assign a type of load group to the seismic load case.
First of all, the relation between load cases in the same group has to be defined. The three seismic
spectra have to appear always in the same combination. So, the option ‘together’ will be chosen here.
Next, the type of load has to be selected: for this, the special type ‘seismic’ has been implemented.
After the creation of seismic load cases, the combinations can be made. For this purpose, a new type
of combinations was implemented: namely the Seismic combination according to the EC-EN.
To use this special type of combination, the seismic load cases must have a load group with properties
‘seismic’ and ‘together’ assigned to it. Also no active coefficients can be used.
This combination will automatically look at the seismic load cases with both a positive and a negative
coefficient, and will automatically make one of the seismic load cases the primary load case and the
others secondary load cases.
If we would not yet take into account that the coefficients can be both positive and negative, then an
example would be:
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
In the case of the EC-EN, we have to make two sets of combinations, one for the deformations and
one for the internal forces. This means that we would have in total 6 EN-Seismic load cases. For
internal forces, the load cases have to be introduced as described above. For deformation results, we
must create 3 new load cases, which have a behavior factor q equal to 1.0.
If we consider our example with a q factor of 1.5, we would have to copy the existing seismic load
cases, and give the new load cases new spectra with a behavior factor q set to 1,0.
Then all you have to do, is make a new seismic combination with the new load cases.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The mass which has not been taken into account (for example, if the effective modal mass is 90%,
then there is 10% not taken into account), can be treated in 3 possible different ways in SCIA Engineer:
The used method is set in each seismic load case and is again displayed in the linear calculation
protocol. Let’s take as example that the effective modal mass in a direction is 90%. Then how can the
other 10% be treated?
- Participation mass only: In this case, the 10% would be ignored. We would only take into
account 90% of the mass of the structure to calculate the effects of an earthquake.
- Missing mass in modes: In this case, the missing mass would be divided over the calculated
modes. Which means the 10% would be distributed over the eigenmodes which make up for the
90% which we did find. This is done according to their weight. So for the calculation of internal
forces and deformations, the masses in the calculated modes would be increased by 100%/90%
= 1,111…
- Residual mode: In this case, a ‘fictual’ mode corresponding to the combination of all missing
modes can be calculated. But since these missing modes are over different natural frequencies,
the last found frequency will also be the natural frequency of this mode. In the calculation, the
forces in this mode will be calculated in the same way as in the other modes.
The response spectrum method uses a modal superposition of the relevant eigenmodes of the structure. The
methods which are used for modal superposition are the ones described at the beginning of the chapter:
These methods have the advantage of very easily providing design values of all results (displacements,
internal forces…) but only part of the information is available:
min and max values of any result can be determined
the actual sign of a result cannot be defined
the concomitance of separate results cannot be defined
The loss of concomitance and sign of results is an issue typically when computing resulting forces in shear
walls: it is not possible to compute a resultant from internal forces after modal superposition, as typically all
raw results are positive.
Computing resultant forces in one of those shear walls would typically give near-zero moments and
extremely overestimated axial forces.
Spectral Analysis: Seismic Load
In SCIA Engineer 2013 and higher, an automatic method can be used since using signed results
(described below) is only a workaround to obtain usable resulting forces.
The rigorous method for computation of resultants in the context of the response spectrum method can be
summarized as follows:
compute the local internal forces for each eigenmode
compute the resultant force for each eigenmode separately
apply the modal superposition to the obtained modal resultant values
When proceeding so, no result signature is necessary to obtain correct values of resulting forces. Moreover
there are cases where the method described in the previous paragraph gives overestimated results of most
result components and can therefore only be seen as an approximation. The method described here is
clearly more accurate.
Since version 2013, this option is enabled by default for new projects in SCIA Engineer. For old
projects, you have to open the Solver > Setup and activate it:
To obtain usable values of resulting forces, a possibility is the so-called “signed results” method.
It consists of applying some signature scheme to raw results of the modal superposition. A classical
approach uses the sign of the most significant eigenmode.
It is however very important to know that this method will only give good result if there is 1 and only 1
eigenmode of great importance in that respective direction (compared to the other eigenmodes).
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Applying this to shear walls, it is possible to “sign” the internal forces, making them suitable for computation
of resulting forces.
You can sign results in SCIA Engineer by selecting a signature mode manually or a default mode determined
by the program. If the Automatic is chosen, the mode shape with the biggest mass participation is used (sum
of direction X, Y and Z):
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
5. Damping
In the previous chapters, the influence of damping on the dynamic response of a structure was shown.
Especially in the vicinity of resonance the effect of damping was significant.
In this chapter, damping will be looked upon in more detail. First the theory will be explained after
which the input of non-uniform damping in SCIA Engineer is regarded.
By means of the examples of the previous chapter, the influence of damping on the seismic response
is illustrated. The chapter is finished with a 3D structure, which takes into account material damping of
the different elements.
5.1 Theory
Damping can have different causes. The component that is always present is structural damping.
Structural damping is caused by hysteresis in the material: the transfer of small amounts of energy into
warmth for each vibration cycle possibly increased by friction between internal parts.
Other causes can be the foundation soil of the building and aerodynamic damping due to the diversion
of energy by the air [22]. In many cases, damping is increased by adding artificial dampers to the
In the same way as for the previous chapters, first the theory is examined. A complete overview can be
found in reference [1].
A body of mass m can move in one direction. A spring of constant stiffness k, which is fixed at one
end, is attached at the other end to the body. The mass is also subjected to damping with a damping
capacity c.
x A e st (5.2)
M s 2 A e st C s A e st K A e st 0
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
n (5.6)
The possible solutions for equation (5.4) are:
s n n 2 n2 (5.7)
It is clear that the response of the system depends on the numerical value of the radical. Therefore the
following three possibilities need to be examined:
n n
n n (5.8)
n n
The condition C 2 K M Cc is called critical damping. In this case, the displaced body
is restored to equilibrium in the shortest possible time, without oscillation.
The ratio is called the damping ratio or the relative damping.
Therefore, when assuming n n , equation (5.5) can be written as:
C 2 n M (5.10)
When looking at the conditions 1 and 1 , it can be shown that there is no harmonic
solution. Only the condition 1 gives a harmonic solution.
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
A convenient way to determine the damping in a system was shown to be the logarithmic decrement
, which is the natural logarithm of the ratio of any two successive amplitudes in the same direction.
X1 2
ln (5.13)
X 11 1 2
As shown above, the circular frequency is reduced by the damping action to obtain the damped circular
frequency. However, in many systems this reduction is likely to be small because very small values of
are common; for example, in most engineering structures is rarely greater than 0,02. Even if = 0,2;
D=0,98 n
Annex B gives some references for numerical values of the damping ratio.
With: Ci = The damping matrix for the ith substructure in the global coordinate
N = The number of substructures being assembled.
With: i and i = Proportional damping coefficients for the ith part of the structure.
Mi = Mass matrix for the i part of the structure in the global coordinate
Ki = Stiffness matrix for the i part of the structure in the global coordinate
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Formulas for these proportional damping coefficients can be found in reference [19].
Examples can be found in reference [20].
Stiffness-Weighted Damping
For structures or structural systems that consist of major substructures or components with different
damping characteristics, composite modal damping values can be calculated using the elastic energy
of the structure [8], [21]:
i Ei
j i 1
With: j = Damping ratio of the considered eigenmode.
E = Elastic energy of the structure, associated with the modal displacement of the
considered eigenmode.
N = The number of all substructures.
i th
= Damping ratio for the i substructure.
Ei = Elastic energy for the i substructure, associated with the modal
displacement of the considered eigenmode.
This formula may be used as long as the resulting damping values are less than 20% of critical. If
values in excess of 20% are computed, further justification is required.
As specified, in SCIA Engineer on each element a damping ratio can be inputted. For this ratio, also
the damping of the material can be used from which the element is manufactured.
When no damping ratio is inputted on an element, a default value will be used since all elements need
a damping ratio before the above formulas can be applied. The input of this default will be shown in the
Analogous to the input of other objects in SCIA Engineer, Damping on elements will be grouped in a
Damping Group. In turn, this Group can be assigned to a Combination of Mass Groups.
Support Damping
Additional to the damping of 1D and 2D elements, SCIA ENGINEER allows the input of a damper on a
flexible nodal support. The modal damping ratio j is calculated by the following formula:
s , j Cs s , j
j Alpha s (5.18)
4 j
With: j = The circular frequency of mode j
s, j = The modal displacement in support node s for mode j
Cs = The damping constant for the support
Alpha = A user defined parameter (> 0)
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
The total modal damping ratio can then be calculated as the summation of equations (5.17) and (5.18).
As specified, on all 1D and 2D elements a damping ratio has to be defined. This is not the case with
supports, not every support needs to have a damping value.
The following diagram shows how non-proportional damping is inputted in SCIA Engineer:
Input Dampers
The use of dampers and the calculation of the composite damping ratio will be illustrated in the
following examples.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The beam is loaded by a line mass of 500 kg/m. The left column has a damping ratio of 12%, the right
column a damping ratio of 3%.
One static load case is created: the self-weight of the beam. However, in order not to take the self-
weight into account for the dynamic calculation, the volumetric mass of C30/37 can be set to 1e-10
kg/m³ in the Material Library. This low value is chosen to avoid any influence by the rigid beam.
The steps of the Free Vibration calculation are followed and extended with the input of damping.
Step 1: Functionality
The first step in the Dynamic calculation is to activate the functionalities Dynamics and Non-
Proportional Damping on the Functionality tab in the Project Data.
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Step 3: Damping
Before creating a Combination of Mass Groups, the dampers are inputted.
As specified in the theory, on each element a damping ratio needs to be inputted. When no damper is
specified, a default value will be taken. In the properties of the Damping Group, this default can be set
as either:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
- Global default: The logarithmic decrement specified in the Damper Setup will be used
- Material default: The logarithmic decrement of the material will be used
On the left column, a Relative damping of 0,12 is inputted, on the right column a Relative damping of
As a final step, the general parameters can be checked through Damper Setup:
The Base value specifies the default value when a Damping Group of type Global default is chosen
and no damper is inputted on an element.
The Alpha factor is used in the damping calculation for supports as specified in the theory.
When the composite modal damping ratio is calculated, the value is checked with the Maximal modal
damping value inputted here. If the calculated value is higher than the maximal value, the maximal
value is used. In this example, the maximal value is set to 0,2 in accordance with the remark for
formula (5.17)
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 7: Calculation
All steps have been executed so the Free Vibration calculation can be started through Calculation,
Mesh > Calculation.
The following results are obtained through the Calculation Protocol for the Eigen Frequency
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Manual Calculation
k1 mm 15999,8976 N
(5000mm)3 mm
12 32000 N 2 1250500000mm
k2 mm 3841,536 N
(5000mm)3 mm
Both columns act in parallel since each column will displace the same amount due to the fact the beam
is rigid. The beam itself does not bend so it does not contribute to the stiffness.
ktot k1 k2 15999,8976 N 3841,536 N 19841,4336 N
mm mm mm
The vibrating mass is calculated as:
500 kg 5m 2500kg
k 19841433,6 N
m 89,087 rad
m 2500kg s
f 14,1787 Hz
These results correspond exactly to the results obtained by SCIA Engineer.
Next, the stiffness-weighted damping ratio is calculated. The first column has a damping ratio of 12%,
the second column a damping ratio of 3%.
Using the elastic energy principle of formula (5.16) the modal damping ratio can be calculated as
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 1: Functionality
The first step to take into account the damping is to activate the functionality Non-Proportional
Damping on the Functionality tab in the Project Data.
Since a damper will be inputted on all elements, the choice of the default damping type is not relevant.
Step 3: Dampers
After the creation of a Damping Group, Dampers can be inputted. A relative damping of 12%, 3% and
8% is inputted on the three columns starting from the base of the structure:
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
The non-proportional damping has now been inputted so the Linear Calculation can be re-done to
see the Seismic results.
The following results are obtained through the Calculation protocol of the Linear Calculation:
For both eigenmodes the Composite Modal Damping Ratio is calculated using equation (5.17).
As specified in the previous chapter, this Damping Ratio will be used to calculate the Damping
Coefficient, which influences the spectral accelerations. Using equation (4.13):
1 0,8176
5 9,96
2 0,9087
5 7,11
As expected, since the modal damping ratios are higher than the default 5% used in the acceleration
spectrum, they will have a positive effect thus lowering the response of the structure.
More specifically, for the first eigenmode only 81,7% of the spectral acceleration will be taken into
account and for the second eigenmode 90,8%.
The spectral accelerations of the original example without damping can thus be multiplied by :
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 1: Functionality
The first step to take into account the damping is to activate the functionality Non-Proportional
Damping on the Functionality tab in the Project Data.
Since a damper will be inputted on all elements, the choice of the default damping type is not relevant.
Step 3: Dampers
After the creation of a Damping Group, Dampers can be inputted. A relative damping of 2%, 5% and
2% is inputted on the three columns starting from the base of the structure:
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
The non-proportional damping has now been inputted so the Linear Calculation can be re-done to
see the Seismic results.
The following results are obtained through the Calculation protocol of the Linear Calculation:
In the original example, a Damping Spectrum with a constant damping ratio of 2% was used. Due to
the inputted dampers, the calculated Composite Modal Damping Ratios of 2,64% and 3,30% are now
Using equation (4.13) the Damping Coefficients can be calculated:
1 1,1432
5 2,65
2 1,0976
5 3,30
As was the case in the original example, the damping ratios are lower than the default 5% used in the
acceleration spectrum, they will have a negative effect thus augmenting the response of the structure.
Since the calculated damping ratios are higher than the original 2%, the response will be less when
compared to the original example.
Second, the calculated Composite Modal Damping Ratios will be used for the calculation of the Modal
Cross Correlation Coefficients of the CQC-method.
This will be illustrated in a manual calculation.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Manual Calculation
In this paragraph, the application of the CQC-method using the calculated Composite Modal Damping
Ratios is illustrated for the global response of the Base Shear.
Mode 1: (1) = 3,3007 rad/s F(1) = 0,2701 kN
Mode 2: (2) = 21,5192 rad/s F(2) = 0,1629 kN
Using a spreadsheet, the Modal Cross Correlation Coefficients i,j are calculated with a damping ratio
i,j of 2,64% for the first eigenmode and 3,30% for the second eigenmode.
Mode 1 2
1 1 0,00055202
2 0,00055202 1
Rtot R
i 1 j 1
(i ) i , j R( j )
The difference between these Correlation Coefficients and the original is very small which was to be
expected since the calculated damping ratios are close to the original 2%.
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The diagonals are hinged in both directions. The column bases are also hinged though the anchors
are spaced such that the rotation around the Z-axis is taken as fixed.
The steel members of the depot have following cross-sections:
- Columns: IPE 300
- Floor Beams: HEA 200
- Roof Beams: IPE 160
- Diagonals: L(ARC) 40x40x4
The structure will be subjected to an earthquake loading in both X, Y and Z direction, using a Design
Response Spectrum according to Eurocode 8 for Ground Type A with a behavior factor of 1,5. This
means that the spectrum for the internal forces will be divided by this value. The acceleration
coefficient is 0,50.
For the dynamic calculation, the structural damping of the depot is taken into account. More
specifically, a logarithmic decrement of 0,025 is used for steel and 0,056 for concrete [22].
Step 1: Functionality
The first step in the Seismic calculation is to activate the functionalities Dynamics and Seismic on the
Functionality tab in the Project Data. In order to take the structural damping into account, the
functionality Non-Proportional Damping is also activated.
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Using the action automatically generates masses from the already inputted
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Since, in this example, the structural damping of the steel and concrete is taken into account, the Type
of default damping is set to Material default. This way, when no damper is inputted on an element, the
default damping value of the material will be used.
The damping values can be specified in the Material Library:
For the concrete, a logarithmic decrement of 0,056 is inputted, for the steel a value of 0,025.
As specified in formula (2.9) all gravity loads appearing in the following combination of actions need to be
taken into account for an eigenmode calculation:
k E ,i Qk ,i
For this example, with a Category E imposed load, is taken as 1,0 and 2,i as 0,8. This gives a value
of 0,8 for E,i
Since the Self-Weight is automatically taken into account, the Combination of Mass Groups CM1 can
be formulated as 0,80 MG1
As a final step, the Damping Group is assigned to the Combination of Mass Groups.
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The Coefficient of Acceleration is set to 0,5. As Type of evaluation the CQC-method is used.
In exactly the same way, the Seismic load cases in the Y and Z-direction are defined:
- For the load case Seismic Z a new spectrum has to be defined with type vertical.
- 3 other EN-Seismic load cases have to be defined, the first 3 are for internal forces and 3 new
(with q-behavior factor set to 1) for deformation. Each group of load cases has to get a load
group with type “seismic” & “together” and they must be placed in separate combinations.
According to Eurocode 8 [7] the action effects due to the combination of the horizontal components of
the seismic action may be computed using both of the two following combinations:
EEdx " "0,3EEdy " "0,3EEdz
0,3EEdx " " EEdy " "0,3EEdz
0,3EEdx " "0,3EEdy " " EEdz
"" = Implies “to be combined with”.
EEdx = Represents the action effects due to the application of the seismic action along the
chosen horizontal axis x of the structure.
EEdy = Represents the action effects due to the application of the same seismic action along
the orthogonal horizontal axis y of the structure.
EEdz = Represents the action effects due to the application of the same seismic action along
the orthogonal vertical axis z of the structure.
First of all, this implies that all Load cases must always be considered together in a combination. In
SCIA Engineer this can be done by putting both Seismic Load cases in a Load Group with relation
The EC1 – load type will not be used in this example. In the new EC-EN it is possible to specify the
load type as Seismic.
Next, the combination for the Seismic calculation can be inputted. According to Eurocode 8 [7] this
combination is the following:
Gk P AEd 2,i Qk ,i (5.22)
Where Aed signifies the accidental action, in this case the combined seismic action.
In SCIA Engineer, the ‘EN-seismic’ type can be used for this purpose.
To fulfill the conditions of the Eurocode, 6 load combinations of this type are created:
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
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The Calculation Protocol for the Eigen Frequency calculation shows the following:
It can be seen that for both horizontal directions more than 90% of the total mass is taken into account
in these five modes so it is concluded that sufficient Eigenmodes have been calculated.
Through Deformation of nodes under 2D Members, the Deformed Mesh can be used to visualize
the first four Eigenmodes:
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
The Calculation Protocol for the Linear calculation shows the results of the seismic calculation:
For each Eigenmode the Composite Damping Ratio has been calculated using the structural
damping of the steel and concrete.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
6.1 Theory
The actual tendency in FE structural analysis is using full 3D modelization of the considered structure.
SCIA Engineer obeys that rule as structures are usually modeled in 3D using beam and shell elements,
including buildings.
Once a detailed 3D model is ready for statical analysis of a structure, it is natural to use it also for
dynamic analysis and, more specifically, for seismic design. A typical issue of full 3D model is, that
seismic design regards mostly the global behavior of the structure whence the full mesh of the
structure provides a lot of information about local behaviors. When performing the modal analysis, the
full mesh finds all local and global vibration modes, but the local modes are irrelevant for the overall
seismic response of the structure. It appears hence logical to use a different, reduced mesh for the
dynamic analysis, which ignores these local modes.
There are well known matrix condensation techniques (Guyan Reduction, also known as static
condensation) which allow the user to obtain a reduced system in a very efficient way, but those
methods are not well suited for dynamic analysis. An Improved Reduced System (IRS) method has
been developed which takes into account not only the stiffness matrix of the system, but also the mass
matrix during the condensation process. That method proved to give excellent results for dynamic
analysis, with both modal analysis and direct time integration methods.
The algorithm implemented in SCIA Engineer uses the IRS method and consists of 3 steps:
1. The IRS method is used for condensing the mesh of the analysis model.
2. The modal analysis is performed using the reduced mesh, which has typically 1’000 times less
degrees of freedom than the original full mesh. This makes the calculation of eigenvalues massively
faster on large structures and also avoids unwanted local modes. The latter is particularly interesting
for seismic analysis.
3. The results of the reduced system are expanded to the original full mesh, allowing for output of
detailed results in the entire structure.
Full 3D Storey-based input Condensed model & Expand back to full mesh for
dynamic analysis result input
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
1. Elimination of irrelevant, local bending vibration modes in the slabs: local modes in all
structural elements are implicitly removed, due to the elimination of unwanted degrees of freedom.
Of course, adding more reduction nodes would allow for more detailed analysis of local modes, but it
is particularly interesting for seismic analysis to keep in the reduced model only the nodes that are
strictly necessary to reproduce the typical seismic behavior of a building. Ultimately, it is up to the
user to choose the reduction points in such a way that the wanted eigenmodes are obtained.
2. Reduction of computation time: the computation time is reduced, due to the drastic reduction of
the number of degrees of freedom; actually, the reduction is even more important than with
diaphragms, as supporting members are also condensed.
3. Easy handling of mass eccentricities for each deck: the IRS analysis uses a full mass matrix,
which allows for exact implementation of mass eccentricity in each node of the reduced system.
Remark: The elimination of unwanted frame effects from the structural behavior (considering deck
slabs as diaphragms) is not addressed by the IRS analysis in itself, as it does not modify the
mechanical behavior of the structure. However, as unwanted local bending modes are implicitly
removed from the reduced system, so-called flexible diaphragms may be easily simulated by
significantly reducing the bending stiffness of deck slabs. Not only does that allow obtaining classical
diaphragm behavior by means of a very low bending stiffness, but also intermediate behavior where
the bending stiffness is less drastically reduced and frame effects are therefore reduced, but not
completely removed.
The condensed model is obtained from Reduction nodes. R-nodes are placed in each storey, at the specified
level, in the middle of the structure (all R-nodes are located on the same vertical axis).
During the analysis, the reduced model is automatically generated from the full mesh of the structure. Each
node of the full mesh is mapped to the closest R-node. In a typical building configuration, this means that
each R-node will receive the stiffness, loads and masses from the corresponding deck slab, from the top half
of the supporting members below the slab and from the bottom half of the supporting members above the
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Unlike the classical modal analysis, which typically uses a lumped mass matrix (only diagonal terms
are non-zero), the reduced system uses a full mass matrix , with non-zero values out of the diagonal.
This means that mass eccentricities can be taken into account easily by the reduced system. The very
small size of the reduced system allows using the full mass matrix.
Therefore the reduction points – or so-called R-nodes – that will constitute the reduced model do not
need to be located in a particular position, such as the mass center of each storey. As the structure
may have to be calculated several times with various distributions of the masses, the mass center of
each storey is likely to be slightly different depending on the selected mass combination. Thanks to the
use of a full mass matrix, the same R-nodes may be used in all cases.
During the analysis, the reduced model is computed automatically from the full mesh. Each node of the
full mesh is mapped to the closest R-node of the reduced model.
To make an IRS calculation, you have first to perform all the steps as described in detail for seismic
calculation in previous chapters. As a reminder, those steps are:
Before doing the linear analysis, the additional steps you have to execute in order to make an IRS
calculation are:
1. You have to enable the reduced model analysis in the project. This can be done via Setup menu >
2. Define the building storeys. The Reduction nodes will be calculated from the storey data. In SCIA
Engineer 2013, each storey is reduced into one R node.
To introduce the building storeys, go to Main menu > Line grid and storeys > Storeys:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The storey manager where you can input the levels opens:
With the default settings, the deck slab of each storey is located at the bottom of the storey, and so is
the corresponding R-node. It is recommended to keep it that way. This can be seen from the storey
3. Once the linear calculation has been executed, results are available. There are fundamentally two
types of results available after an IRS analysis:
The results of the reduced model are automatically expanded to the original mesh and are
accessible through standard output. This will not be detailed here as it is the same as what
has been explained in the previous chapters.
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Some dedicated results, coming directly from the reduced model, are available in the new
result service Results menu > Storeys > Summary Storey Results. This typically gives
information about the masses, displacements and accelerations at each storey in the reduced
Other results can be displayed via Results menu > Storeys > Detailed Storey Results: this
menu can be used to display results from the full mesh analysis. It may be used for results
from any linear analysis, with or without dynamic analysis, with or without IRS analysis. It
provides results in all supporting members, with easy selection of members per storey. Walls
and columns may be represented on the same drawing. Typical provided results are: internal
forces, resultants per wall or per storey…
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Create mass groups. For this example we are going to consider 3 mass groups related to 3 static
predefined load cases : self weight, Dead Load (DL) and Live Load (LL).
Create a combination of mass groups
Define a seismic spectrum. Let’s consider a seismic spectrum with the following parameters:
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Create the seismic load cases in X and Y direction in the Load cases menu:
Refine the mesh. For this example, we set the mesh as follow:
Chose the number of frequencies which have to be calculated (Setup > Solver). We chose 10
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The levels are shown graphically. If you select a storey level, you can adapt its properties from the
Properties window:
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
You can check if the supporting members of the building are properly allocated to storeys using the ‘Filtered
Allocation of Entities’ property.
Optionally, R-nodes may be placed at any level in each storey. The storey property “level of reduction point”
allows selecting the exact height of the reduction point for each storey separately. 0 corresponds to the
bottom of the storey, 1 to the top of the storey.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Storey Data :
Storey data displays for each storey the total mass and the coordinates of the mass center. It is only
available with mass combinations
Displacements & Accelerations are available for eigenmodes and seismic load cases. The values of
displacement & acceleration components are given at the mass center of each storey.
Results for mass combinations are raw, normalized results from modal analysis, without effect of response
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Results for seismic load cases are values after modal superposition.
Using the option ‘Additional values’ in the properties windows you can display more components:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Typical provided results are: internal forces, resultants per wall or per storey…
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
The accidental eccentricity accounts for inaccuracies in the distribution of masses in the structure. Design
codes usually take it into account as an additional eccentricity that is defined as a fraction of the size of the
In the Eurocode 8, the accidental eccentricity for a given floor is defined as 5% of the width of the floor
perpendicularly to the direction of the acting seismic action.
In SCIA Engineer, using the IRS condensed model allows introducing accidental eccentricity easily, since the
condensed model uses only one R-node per storey. The accidental eccentricity may be taken into account
either as real mass eccentricity or as additional torsion actions (simplified method according to the design
However, SCIA Engineer uses the simplified method using additional torsion moment.
Accidental eccentricity is added through static loading (acc. EN 1998-1
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Once the accidental eccentricity is selected, a new AE load case and also a new load group are
automatically created:
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
In this final chapter, the transverse vibration of cylindrical structures due to wind is examined.
First the theory is explained in which reference is made to the Harmonic load since Vortex shedding is
a special case of harmonic loading.
The theory is then illustrated by an example of a steel chimney for which the results are again verified
by a manual calculation.
7.1 Theory
One of the most important mechanisms for wind-induced oscillations is the formation of vortices
(concentrations of rotating fluid particles) in the wake flow behind certain types of structures such as
chimneys, towers, suspended pipelines,…
At a certain (critical) wind velocity, the flow lines do not follow the contours of the body, but break away
at some points, thus the vortices are formed [27].
These vortices are shed alternately from opposite sides of the structure and give rise to a fluctuating
load perpendicular to the wind direction. The following figure illustrates the vortex shedding for flow
past a circular cylinder. The created pattern is often referred to as the Karman vortex trail [2]:
When a vortex is formed on one side of the structure, the wind velocity increases on the other side.
This results in a pressure difference on the opposite sides and the structure is subjected to a lateral
force away from the side where the vortex is formed. As the vortices are shed at the critical wind
velocity alternately first from one side then the other, a harmonically varying lateral load with the same
frequency as the frequency of the vortex shedding is formed [23].
The frequency of the vortex shedding f v is given by:
S v
fv (6.1)
S = Non-dimensional constant referred to as the Strouhal Number
For a cylinder this is taken as 0,2.
d = Width of the body loaded by the wind [m]
For a cylinder this equals the outer-diameter.
v = The mean velocity of the wind flow [m/s]
The manner in which vortices are formed is a function of the Reynolds number Re, which is given by
Re 0,687 v d 105 (6.2)
In general large Reynolds numbers mean turbulent flow. The Reynolds number characterizes three
major regions:
For chimneys with circular cross section the flow is either in the supercritical or transcritical range for
wind velocities of practical interest.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
If the vortex shedding frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the structure (resonance) quite
large across-wind amplitudes of vibration will result unless sufficient damping is present. This principle
was already discussed in Chapter 3.
In this case, formula (6.1) can be rewritten to calculate the critical wind velocity at which resonance
vcrit 5 d f (6.3)
With: f = Natural frequency of the structure
The across-wind forces per unit length caused by the vortex shedding can be approximated by the
following formula: [2]
PL t Ct t
d vcrit
With: = Air density taken as 1,25 kg/m³
Ct t = A lift coefficient that fluctuates in a harmonic or random manner
and depends of the Reynolds number. The following figure shows
this relation when Ct is proportional to the mode shape [24].
If the vortex shedding is taken as harmonic, equation (6.4) can be written as:
(z ) = Modal shape at height z
H = Total height of the structure
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
M m( z ){ ( z )}2 dz (6.9)
m(z) = The mass per unit height
When combining formulas (6.7) and (6.8) the maximum response of a SDOF system subjected to a
harmonic excitation may be written as:
PL 1
Y (6.10)
M 2
It follows that when the vortex shedding occurs with the same frequency as the natural frequency of the
structure, the maximal amplitude is given by:
1 H
d vcrit
Ct ( z ){ ( z )}dz
Y 2
2 m( z ){ ( z )}2 dz
When it is assumed that the mass per unit height is constant and that the lift coefficient is proportional
to the mode shape, formula (6.11) can be simplified to the following:
d 3 Ct
Y (6.12)
16 2 S 2 m
This equation may be used as a first estimate of likely response of the structure.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The following diagram shows the required steps to perform a Vortex Shedding calculation:
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Step 1: Functionality
The first step in the Karman Vibration calculation is to activate the
functionality Dynamics on the Functionality tab in the Project Data.
Actually, this mass group doesn’t contain anything, since the self-weight is automatically taken into
account. But to do dynamic calculation, at least one Mass Group needs to be defined.
In this mass group, we are going to place some additional masses. This will be added to the mass
coming from the self weight (which is always and automatically taken into account).
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 3: Masses
After the Mass Group has been created; the distributed mass of 55 kg/m can be inputted on all
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
- The option ‘Select eigenshape’ can be used to manually specify for which eigenmode the
Vortex shedding needs to be calculated. When this option is left to ‘Automatic’, SCIA Engineer
determines the representative mode automatically (which is the one with the biggest modal
participation factor in the relevant direction)
Since the wind direction is set along the global X-axis, the representative mode will be a mode
shape along the global Y-axis.
This load can be inputted through Load > Point Force > Karman Load
As no specific measures were taken to prevent vortex shedding and since the
chimney was inputted as 30 members, each node is assigned a length of 1m.
Additional nodes are made at 0,25m from the base and top. These nodes also
get Karman loads assigned to them of 0,50m.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Step 8: The last step before launching the calculation is setting the amount of eigenmodes to be
calculated. The default value in Calculation, Mesh > Solver Setup is 4. This is sufficient for this
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
The Calculation Protocol for the Eigen Frequency calculation shows the following:
The details of the Karman Vibration calculation can be found in the Calculation Protocol for the
Linear calculation:
As expected, the Vortex shedding was analyzed for the second eigenmode, the mode with largest
mass participation in the Y-direction.
The Maximum and Reduced loads are intermediate results used to calculate the across-wind forces
according to [24].
The maximum horizontal translation for the second eigenmode can be found through Deformation of
Nodes (note that the value has no relevance, the direction however is very important):
In the same way, the total deflection of the top of the chimney caused by the Karman Vibration can be
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
It is clear that this large translation at the top will cause considerable stresses at the base of the
As specified in Chapter 3, a combination of type Envelope can take into account both sides of the
vibration amplitude since a vibration is always in both directions.
An envelope combination is created for the chimney to evaluate the stresses at the base:
The Member Stresses for the lower member of the chimney give the following normal stresses for the
A stress range of 207,3 MPa will lead to significant fatigue problems after even a low amount of cycles.
This is one of the most reported types of failures due to Vortex shedding.
A solution to this problem is the fitting of a helix type rib to prevent the correlation of the vortices (and
thus lower the chimney-length which must be taken into account for the Von Karman effect). The
disadvantage of such a rib is that it increases the drag force [2].
Since the Vortex shedding is a state of resonance, the amplitude is damping dependent as explained
in Chapter 3. Another solution is thus to increase the damping by installing a tuned mass damper
system [23].
Vortex Shedding: Karman Vibration
Manual Calculation
In order to check the results obtained with SCIA Engineer, a manual calculation is performed.
First of all, the fundamental natural frequency of the chimney is approximated by the following formula
given in Eurocode 1 [4]:
l d Ws
f (6.13)
heff2 Wt
l = 1000 for steel chimneys
d = Diameter of the chimney at the top [m]
heff = Total height of the chimney for a prismatic cantilever structure [m]
W s = Weight of the structural elements which add to the stiffness of the
chimney, in this case only the self-weight of the chimney.
W t = Total weight of the chimney, thus including the additional weight.
The critical wind velocity is between the upper and lower limit of 5 m/s and 20 m/s thus vortex
shedding is likely to occur.
Using formula (6.2) the Reynolds number Re is calculated:
Re 0,687 v d 105 0,687 7,10 1,2 105 585356,98
8 to the results calculated by SCIA Engineer.
These intermediate results correspond
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
As an approximation of the response at the top of the chimney, equation (6.12) can be used:
d 3 Ct
16 2 S 2 m
With: = 1,25 kg/m³
S = 0,2
m = 176,6 kg/m + 55 kg/m
= 0,003979 for a logarithmic decrement of 0,025
1,251,23 0,5686
Y 0,21099m 210,99mm
16 2 0,22 (176,6 55) 0,003979
Direct Time Integration
8.1 Theory
The title may be misleading because normally in the literature, this name is used for a dynamic
computation without modal superposition. In SCIA Engineer, the eigenmodes are determined first and
are used to uncouple the equilibrium equations into a set of m uncoupled second order differential
equations which are solved one by one by direct time integration. The uncoupling is based on the
properties given by equations
Tj M i 0 , When i j
Tj M i 1 , When i j
Ti K i i2
y=Q (7.1)
Where is the matrix of eigenvectors (n*n) and Q is a vector which is time dependent.
M Q (7.2)
When the equation is pre-multiplied with and the above equations are taken into account, one obtains:
T C Q ² Q T F
Q (7.3)
This set of equations is still coupled because of the damping term. If however C-orthogonality is assumed
(this means that .C. reduces to only diagonal terms), then the equations are uncoupled and can be
solved separately. The global results are obtained by superposition of the individual results (7.1) is also
the exact solution if the assumption of C-orthogonality holds. If however, only a few eigenvectors (m<n)
are used in instead of all the eigenvectors, then the system of equations and the superposition of the
solutions gives a solution y which is an approximation of the exact solution.
In SCIA Engineer, C-orthogonality is assumed and it is also assumed that all modal damping factors are
constant. This means that:
T C 2 i ij (7.4)
The value of is one of the input data and is called damping factor.
The number of eigenvectors that is taken into account is also specified by the user. This value is equal to
the number of eigenvectors computed in the eigenvalue computation.
The method used to solve each uncoupled second order differential equation is the Newmark-method.
This method is unconditionally stable but the accuracy depends on the time step. This time step has to be
given by the user. However, to help him in his choice, a value determined by the program will be used if
the user does not specify a value. This proposed value is computed as: 0.01 T
Where T smallest period of all the modes which have to be taken into account
This proposed value guarantees accuracy better than 1% over each period of integration of this highest
mode. In most cases, a larger time step can be used because the contribution of this last mode is small.
This brings us to the question about the number of modes that should be used. When the time dependent
terms on the left hand side of equation (7.3) are neglected, the solution for qj (a term of Q) is:
q j 1 / 2j jT F (7.5)
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
This indicates that the lowest eigenmodes (j small) will contribute more than the highest modes (j
large), if dynamic terms are neglected. This can give a first idea on how many modes to use.
A second criterion is the periodicity of F. Any mode which coincides with the loading frequency should be
taken into account.
Modal weight is a third criterion that can be used. If you add all modal weights in a particular direction
together and divides this result by 9.81*sum of nodal masses in the same direction, you obtain a value
smaller than 1. If this value is close to 1, it means that the higher modes will not contribute anymore. If, on
the contrary, the value is smaller than 0.9, one can doubt about the value of a subsequent modal
The following diagram shows the different steps which have to be performed for the time history
Activate the functionalities -Dynamics
-General dynamics
Direct Time Integration
The plate has a dimension of 6x6m and the thickness is 300 mm. The plate will be calculated
according to the EC-EN and is made of concrete grade C30/37. The four corners are supported by
hinged supports.
Three load cases are introduced:
- Self weight
- Permanent surface load: -4kN/m^2
- Variable point load: Blast of -11 kN
Step 1: Functionality
Go to ‘Project>functionality’ and check the options:
Dynamics and General dynamics
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Direct Time Integration
For the load group, the user can choose a special case, namely Accidental.
Next, the specification has to be selected and the type General dynamics has to be chosen for a time
history calculation.
For this, we need some extra parameters:
- Total time: The total time of the dynamic analysis
- Integration step: When ‘Auto’ is checked, then 1/100 of the smallest period is taken.
When ‘Auto’ isn’t checked, then the user is allowed to select an integration step
- Output step: Step for generating the load cases. The value need to be bigger or equal at the
integration step.
- Log Decrement: Damping defined as logarithmic decrement
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
A point force of -11kN is input in the middle of the plate. The user has the option to attribute the
dynamic function DLF1 to this load.
When the calculation is finished, new load cases are created which present the influence of the blast
on the structure on each output step (the output time must always be smaller than ‘Total time’, so in
this example, we used 1,51s as total time to get an output at 1,50s):
Direct Time Integration
To find the most extreme result, these load cases can be input in a Result class.
Step 9: Results
The eigen frequencies are shown in the results menu:
Other results, like for example deformations, can be regarded for the different output steps:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Direct Time Integration
Or we can ask the result for the class which has been generated for the load cases.
If you choose refresh, then you can see Uz for each 0,3 seconds in the selected node.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
If we would set the output step to 0,01s in the dynamics load case, then you would get 150 load cases.
And as a result, the “deformation in nodes” graph would give more detailed representation:
Direct Time Integration
The beam has a length of 20m and a section HEA200. The beam will be calculated according to the
EC-EN and is made of steel S235. The edges are supported by hinged supports.
Two load cases are introduced:
- Self weight
- Variable dynamic load: Point loads of -100 kN on every 2m over the beam
Step 1: Functionality
Go to ‘Project>functionality’ and check the options: Dynamics and General dynamics
Two types of functions can be input, namely a base and/or modal function. If both are introduced, the
user can choose if these functions have to be multiplied or summarized.
4 types of functions can be chosen: constant, linear, parabolic or sinusoidal.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Each function will be attributed to a different point load (see step 6).
DLF1 to the first point load from the left. DLF2 to the second point load from the left. And so on...
These 9 load functions will be used to simulate the effect of a point load moving from left to right over a
time period is simulated. On each point (every 2m) the point load stays for a time of 0.20sec. So it
takes 2 seconds for the point load to cross the whole beam.
For the load group, the user can choose a special case, namely Accidental.
Next, the specification has to be selected and the type General dynamics has to be chosen for a time
history calculation. After chosing general dynamics, some extra parameters have to be defined.
- Integration step: When ‘Auto’ is checked, then 1/100 of the smallest period is taken.
When ‘Auto’ isn’t checked, then the user is allowed to select an integration step value.
- Output step [s]: The step is used to determine on which points in time results must be
generated. These will be saved in new generated load cases.
- Log Decrement: Damping defined as logarithmic decrement
Direct Time Integration
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
To find the most extreme result, these load cases are automatically input in a result class:
Direct Time Integration
Step 9: Results
Other results, like for example deformations, can be regarded for the different output steps:
- After 1 seconds:
- After 2 seconds:
- The result class shows the envelope of all possible results over time:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
It is also possible to see the result in a certain point for all load cases in one picture. By this it is
possible to see the result over the time.
Consider for instance the vertical displacement of the middle node N6.
The deformation of the middle node in function of the time is shown in the result preview.
This result clearly represents the vibration of the middle point over time.
[1] Beards F., Structural Vibration: Analysis and Damping, Arnold, London, 1996.
[2] H. Buchholdt, Structural Dynamics for Engineers, Thomas Telford Publications, 1997.
[3] Chopra A., Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001.
[4] Eurocode 1: Basis of design and actions on structures, Part 2-4: Actions on structures -
Wind actions, ENV 1991-2-4, 1995.
[5] Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-9: Fatigue Strength of Steel Structures, ENV
1993-1-9: 2002.
[6] Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Part 1-1: General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings, ENV 1998-1-1, 1994.
[7] Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Part 1: General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings, EN 1998-1, 2004.
[8] Eurocode 8: Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures, Part 6: Towers,
masts and chimneys, Annex B, ENV 1998-6, 2003.
[9] Eurocode 8: National Application Document for Belgium, NBN-ENV 1998-1-1, 2002 NAD.
[10] Murray M., Allen D., Ungar E., Floor Vibrations due to Human Activity, AISC, 2003.
[11] Leijendeckers P.P.H., Fortuin J.B., Van Herwijnen F., Leegwater H., Polytechnisch
zakboekje (Polytechnic pocket notebook), 48 druk, Koninklijke PBNA, 1998 (in Dutch).
[12] Ghali A., Neville A.M., Structural Analysis: A unified classical and matrix approach,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1990.
[13] EPFL-ENAC-SGC, Génie Parasismique, Quotient de Rayleigh (Rayleigh Quotient), Suisse,
2004 (in French).
[14] Xiang Y., Wei G.W., Exact Solutions for Vibration of Multi-span Rectangular Mindlin Plates,
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Vol.125, ASME, 2002.
[15] Whalen T.M., Course CE573: Structural Dynamics, Problem 3.10, Purdue University,
Indiana, 2004.
[16] SCIA Group NV, ESA-Prima Win: Dynamics – Theoretical Background, Herk-de-Stad, 2002.
[17] U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Design - Seimic Design Provisions for
Roller Compacted Concrete Dams, EP 1110-2-12, 1995.
[18] Wilson E., Three-Dimensional Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures, CSI, Berkley,
[19] ASCE4-98, Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures and Commentary, 2000.
[20] Chowdhury I., Dasgupta S., Computation of Rayleigh Damping Coefficients for Large
Systems, EJGE, 2003.
[21] NF P 06-013, PS92: Les Règles de la construction Parasismique (Rules for Seismic
Structures), 1995 (in French).
[22] Vandepitte D., Berekening van Constructies (Calculation of Structures), Story-Scientia,
Gent, 1979 (in Dutch). www.berekeningvanconstructies.be
[23] Transvik P., Alpsten G., Dynamic Behaviour under Wind Loading of a 90m Steel Chimney,
Report S-01041, 2002.
[24] Czech Standard CSN 73 0035: Actions on Structures, 1986 (in Czech).
[25] Vandewalle J., Cools R., Lineaire Algebra en Analytische Meetkunde (Linear Algebra and
Analytical Geometry), Garant, Leuven, 1998 (in Dutch).
[26] Toratti T., Seismic Design of Timber Structures, Tekes, 2001.
[27] Billah Y., Scanlan R., Resonance, Tacoma Narrows bridge failure, and undergraduate
physics textbooks, Am. J. Phys. 59 (2), American Association of Physics Teachers, 1991.
[28] Lee I., AE514: Finite Element Methods in Structural Dynamics, Aero elasticity and Structural
Dynamics Lab., Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Kaist, 2001.
[29] Vladimír T., Reinhard M., Local magnitude, surface wave magnitude and seismic energy,
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 1991.
[30] Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut, Beoordeling van de constructieve veiligheid van een
gebouw bij nieuwbouw, verbouw en afkeuren – Grondslagen voor aardbevinstbelastingen:
geïnduceerde grondslagen.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
B. Other values for damping are suggested by EC1 - Part 2-4 (ENV 1991-2-4:1995 Annex C):
The fundamental logarithmic decrement d is given by:
d ds da dd
d s : Fundamental structural damping,
d a : Fundamental aero dynamical damping
d d : Fundamental damping due to special devices
ds a1 n1 b1
ds min
E.g.: for a steel building with first frequency of 3Hz, the logarithmic decrement is:
0.045 x 3 + 0 = 0.135 (> 0.05)
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The reference project is not completely the same as the one described in example 4-2. The differences
will be shown first before starting the manual calculation.
The properties which have been used in the seismic load case can be seen here:
A different acceleration factor has been used. This reduces the accelerations given by the spectrum.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The solver also has not been changed to neglect shear deformations.
As shown in the Deformation of Nodes, the normalized modal shapes for both modes were the
0,039111 0,020233
0,020803 0,030451
0,006128 0,025755
0 0
Effective mass: M k , ef , ( j ) k , ( j )
M x, ef , ( 2) 17,984 323,42
M k ,ef ,( j )
Participation mass ratio: Lk ,( j )
M k ,tot
Lx , (1) 0,7269
500 500 500
Lx , ( 2) 0,2156
500 500 500
These results correspond to the results obtained by SCIA Engineer. They can be found in SCIA
Engineer in the Calculation protocol (Eigen frequency).
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The spectral acceleration Sax for both modes is calculated using the defined seismic spectrum.
The spectrum for Ground Type B with a Behavior Factor q = 2 gives the following values for Sd(T)/
Sa,k ,( j ) k ,( j )
Mode coefficient: Gk ,( j )
(2j )
0,2019 33,021
Gx , (1) 0,6119
0,4380 17,984
Gx , ( 2) 0,0170
These results correspond to the results obtained by SCIA Engineer.
The necessary intermediate results are calculated so the response of each mode can now be obtained.
First, for each mode, the lateral force in each node can be calculated. These lateral forces can then be
used to calculate the base shear and overturning moment.
Mode 1:
Lateral force in node i: Fi , k , ( j ) mi , k , ( j ) Sa , k , ( j ) k , ( j ) i , k , ( j )
In this mode, all lateral forces in the nodes are oriented the same way. The lateral loads in the nodes are in
this case oriented in the negative X-direction so the Base Shear Force is oriented in the positive X-direction.
The lateral loads in the nodes thus produce a negative Overturning Moment around the Y-axis. An example of
this principle can be found in reference [26].
However, as stated in the previous chapters, the signs have no absolute importance since vibration amplitudes
always occur on both sides of the equilibrium position.
Mode 2:
Lateral force in node i: Fi , k , ( j ) mi , k , ( j ) Sa , k , ( j ) k , ( j ) i , k , ( j )
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Overturning Moment: M k ,( j ) M i, k ,( j )
To obtain the global response, the modal responses need to be combined. In this example the SRSS-
method was used:
Fx F F 0,2201kN 0,1417 kN 0,2618 kN
x , (1)
x , ( 2)
2 2 2
These results correspond exactly to the results obtained by SCIA Engineer. We will show them again:
As specified in the theory, these same principles can now be used to calculate the displacements and
accelerations for each mode. These modal responses can then be combined again to obtain the global
displacements and accelerations of the structure.
Mode 1:
Displacement in node i: ui , k , ( j ) Gk , ( j ) i , k , ( j )
u4, x, (1) 0,6119 0,039111 0,02393 m 23,93 mm
u3, x,(1) 0,6119 0,020803 0,01273 m 12,73 mm
u2, x,(1) 0,6119 0,006128 0,00375 m 3,75 mm
u1, x , (1) 0 mm
i ,k ,( j ) ( j ) Gk ,( j ) i ,k ,( j )
Acceleration in node i: u
Mode 2:
Displacement in node i: ui , k , ( j ) Gk , ( j ) i , k , ( j )
u4, x, ( 2) 0,0170 (0,020233) 0,00034 m -0,34 mm
u3, x,( 2) 0,0170 0,030451 0,00052 m 0,52 mm
u2, x, ( 2) 0,0170 0,025755 0,00044 m 0,44 mm
u1, x , ( 2) 0 mm
i ,k ,( j ) ( j ) Gk ,( j ) i ,k ,( j )
Acceleration in node i: u
To obtain the global response, the modal responses need to be combined. In this example the SRSS-
method was used:
u4, x u 4, x , (1) u
4, x , ( 2 )
23,932 0,342 23,93 mm
u3, x u 3, x , (1) u
3, x , ( 2 )
12,732 0,522 12,74 mm
u2, x u 2, x , (1) u
2, x , ( 2 )
3,752 0,442 3,78 mm
u1, x 0 mm
a4, x a 4, x , (1) a
4, x , ( 2 ) 260,73 159,28 305,53 mm/s²
2 2 2
a3, x a 3, x , (1) a
3, x , ( 2 ) 138,68 239,72 276,94 mm/s²
2 2 2
a2, x a 2, x , (1) a
2, x , ( 2 ) 40,85 202,75 206,82 mm/s²
2 2 2
a1, x 0 mm/s²
In SCIA Engineer, a specific result menu Seismic Detailed was designed to view these modal
displacements and accelerations.
In the Properties Window, the options for viewing the modal results can be set:
The results for each mode and the summarized results are shown on the next pages for both the
displacement and the accelerations.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 1
Mode 2
When comparing the results of the manual calculation and those obtained by SCIA Engineer, it is clear
that both calculations correspond.
As specified in the theory, when using the CQC-method, a damping spectrum needs to be defined. To
illustrate this, the above example is calculated again, but now using the CQC-method for the modal
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The mass which has not been taken into account (for example, if the effective modal mass is 90%,
then there is 10% not taken into account), can be treated in 3 possible different ways in SCIA Engineer:
The used method is set in each seismic load case and is again displayed in the linear calculation
protocol. Let’s take as example that the effective modal mass in a direction is 90%. Then how can the
other 10% be treated?
- Participation mass only: In this case, the 10% would be ignored. We would only take into
account 90% of the mass of the structure to calculate the effects of an earthquake.
- Missing mass in modes: In this case, the missing mass would be divided over the calculated
modes. Which means the 10% would be distributed over the eigenmodes which make up for the
90% which we did find. This is done according to their weight. So for the calculation of internal
forces and deformations, the masses in the calculated modes would be increased by 100%/90%
= 1,111…
- Residual mode: In this case, a ‘fictual’ mode corresponding to the combination of all missing
modes can be calculated. But since these missing modes are over different natural frequencies,
the last found frequency will also be the natural frequency of this mode. In the calculation, the
forces in this mode will be calculated in the same way as in the other modes.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The masses of the participating nodes (N2, N4, N5 and N7) are needed. The mass is attributed to the
end nodes of each member.
x,(1) 0,001267 647 0,000778 647 0,001265 788 0,000777 1538 3,514
Lx ,(1) 0, 0034
3618, 75
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Fk ,( j ) Fi ,k ,( j )l
Fx ,(1) 0, 4399kN
The sum of the moments for each node gives the overturning moment in base:
The moments for each separate mode are combined with the SRSS-method.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Next, the displacements are inputted on the structure by means of a load case, namely translation of
For these load cases the following internal forces are computed:
These values correspond with the internal forces for the seismic load case in the project.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
After verifying the results in ‘Spectral_analysis_participation mass only.esa’ for the seismic load case,
we can conclude that these values of the manual calculation correspond to the calculated values.
Simply, in this case 70%, 20% and 90% masses are added.
This principle is explained on the previous example.
Instead of the option ‘participation mass only’ the option ‘missing mass in modes’ is checked.
As a result of the previous example, the values of the effective masses are:
After comparing the real masses and the effective masses in each direction, one can conclude that
there are ‘missing’ masses in the vibration analysis.
Take for instance the masses in direction X:
M miss =3618,75kg 416,95kg 3201,80kg
M miss 3201,80kg
Rmiss 7,679
M eff 416,95kg
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
To take the missing mass into account in the calculation, this participation factor is included in the
formula for the mode coefficient G:
With Sa_cutoff: acceleration of ‘cut off’ frequency in direction k (i.e. last calculated frequency).
For mode 1 in direction X:
2 3,514 2 6,8
Gx ,(1) 0,124
166, 4
From now on, the same procedure can be followed as in the normal method. The formula for the
lateral force in each node is:
FN 2, x ,(1)
646,875 1, 23 (12, 67) 166, 4 167, 7 N
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Analogous to the previous example, these displacements for each mode are transformed to 2 real load
cases. For these load cases the internal forces are analyzed:
Calculation of the normal force for member B1 according to the principle of SRSS:
This corresponds to the results for the seismic load case in SCIA Engineer:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The difference with regard to the previous method is that the missing mass is taken in the seismic
analysis as an extra mode which represents the weight of the missing mass. The modal result of this
mode is computed by a static equivalent load case.
The effective masses are calculated for each separate node. In the other method, the effective mass
was determined for each direction in each mode. Now, this parameter will be calculated for each
different node in direction X,Y and Z for each mode. Later, this missing mass will be taken into account
by means of an extra load case.
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
The missing mass is the difference between the total mass for each node minus the effective mass:
Missing mass N2,x 646,9 176,8 470kg
mass x mass y mass z
[kg] [kg] [kg]
N2 470,0 49,8 646,6
N4 639,5 49,8 647,0
N5 572,3 126,4 652,9
N7 1520,0 246,8 1537,5
Out of these missing masses, load cases are generated. This by the formula:
Load casei ,k Missing massi ,k Sk ,(cutoff )
Fx Fy Fz
[kN] [kg] [kg]
N2 0,940 0,100 1,293
N4 1,279 0,100 1,294
N5 1,145 0,253 1,306
N7 3,040 0,494 3,075
summ 6,4036 0,9457 6,9681
The cut-off acceleration is the acceleration of the cut-off frequency, this is the last calculated frequency.
2m 3,514kg1/2
Gx ,(1) s2 0, 042m kg 1/2
166, 4 2
(j) G_x G_y G_z G
[m*kg^0.5] [m*kg^0.5] [m*kg^0.5] [m*kg^0.5]
1 -0,042 0,673 0,122 0,752
2 0,178 -0,034 0,050 0,194
mode 1
node F_x(1) F_y(1) F_z(1)
[N] [N] [N]
2 -102,6 1227,3 3,4
4 -63,0 1227,3 -2,9
5 -124,7 1541,8 1271,1
7 -149,6 3010,0 0,2
summ -439,9 7006,3 1271,8
mode 2
node F_x(1) F_y(1) F_z(1)
[N] [N] [N]
2 379,1 -558,3 -0,3
4 12,2 -558,3 0,6
5 461,4 321,6 245,8
7 29,0 627,8 -0,1
summ 881,7 -167,1 246,1
Fk ,( j ) Fi ,k ,( j )l
The height zi is equal to the height of the concerning node minus the overturning height. In this case,
the overturning height is equal to zero.
mode 1
node M_x(1) M_y(1)
[Nm] [Nm]
2 -6136,4 513,1
4 -6136,4 315,1
5 -7709,0 623,6
7 -15049,9 747,9
mode 2
node M_x(2) M_y(2)
[Nm] [Nm]
2 2791,4 -1895,4
4 2791,4 -60,8
5 -1608,1 -2307,1
7 -3139,2 -145,2
In this case, an extra overturning moment is calculated for the residual load case:
M N 2, y ,(1) 0,94kN (5m 0m) 4,7 Nm
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
mode R
node M_x(1) M_y(1)
[Nm] [Nm]
2 0,0 -4,7
4 0,0 -6,4
5 0,0 -5,7
7 0,0 -15,2
For each mode the sum of the overturning moments are taken, afterwards the results are combined
with the SRSS method:
mode 1
node ux uy uz
[mm] [mm] [mm]
2 -0,95 11,40 0,03
4 -0,59 11,40 -0,03
5 -0,95 11,77 9,70
7 -0,58 11,77 0,00
mode 2
node ux uy uz
[mm] [mm] [mm]
2 2,60 -3,82 0,00
4 0,08 -3,82 0,00
5 2,59 1,81 1,38
7 0,08 1,81 0,00
To calculate the deformations for mode R, the load cases - generated out of the missing masses - are
inputted as real load cases on the nodes of the structure. This gives the following table:
2. Deformation of nodes
Linear calculation, Extreme : Node
Selection : All
Load cases : LC3
Node Case Ux Uy Uz
[mm] [mm] [mm]
N1 LC3 0 0 0
N2 LC3 4,14 4,91 0,03
N3 LC3 0 0 0
N4 LC3 1,46 4,91 0
N5 LC3 4,14 8,25 6,74
N6 LC3 0 0 0
N7 LC3 1,45 8,25 0
The deformations for each mode (namely mode 1, mode 2 and mode R) are combined with the SRSS-
node ux uy uz
[mm] [mm] [mm]
2 4,98 12,99 0,04
4 1,58 12,99 0,03
5 4,98 14,48 11,89
7 1,57 14,48 0,00
mode 1
node ax ay az
[mm/sec2] [mm/sec2] [mm/sec2]
2 -158,6 1897,2 5,3
4 -97,4 1897,2 -4,5
5 -158,4 1957,8 1614,2
7 -97,3 1957,7 0,1
mode 2
node ax ay az
[mm/sec2] [mm/sec2] [mm/sec2]
2 586,0 -863,0 -0,4
4 18,8 -863,0 1,0
5 585,9 408,4 312,1
7 18,9 408,4 0,0
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
In the same way as for the ‘missing mass method’ the calculated deformations are put on the structure
as real load cases. This gives the following internal forces:
Mode 1:
Linear calculation, Extreme : Member, System : Principal
Selection : All
Load cases : LC3
Member Case dx N Vy Vz Mx My Mz
[m] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
B1 LC3 0 4,38 -1,35 0,36 0,01 -0,49 3,44
B1 LC3 5 4,38 -1,35 0,36 0,01 1,29 -3,3
B2 LC3 0 -3,73 -1,35 -0,04 0,01 0,12 3,44
B2 LC3 5 -3,73 -1,35 -0,04 0,01 -0,06 -3,3
B3 LC3 0 0,62 -4,32 -0,78 0,28 6,54 18,85
B3 LC3 5 0,62 -4,32 -0,78 0,28 2,65 -2,73
B4 LC3 0 0 0,35 0,08 -4,43 -1,48 -0,4
B4 LC3 3 0 0,35 0,08 -4,43 -1,24 0,63
B5 LC3 0 0 -0,12 -1,19 1,48 2,69 0,35
B5 LC3 6 0 -0,12 -1,19 1,48 -4,43 -0,4
B6 LC3 0 0 -0,12 0,54 1,49 -1,46 0,33
B6 LC3 6 0 -0,12 0,54 1,49 1,78 -0,36
B7 LC3 0 0 0,23 -3,19 -1,4 4,78 -0,35
B7 LC3 3 0 0,23 -3,19 -1,4 -4,8 0,34
Mode 2:
Linear calculation, Extreme : Member, System : Principal
Selection : All
Load cases : LC4
Member Case dx N Vy Vz Mx My Mz
[m] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
B1 LC4 0 -0,27 0,46 0,36 -0,15 -0,88 -1,17
B1 LC4 5 -0,27 0,46 0,36 -0,15 0,94 1,15
B2 LC4 0 0,59 0,46 0,01 -0,16 -0,03 -1,17
B2 LC4 5 0,59 0,46 0,01 -0,16 0,04 1,15
B3 LC4 0 -0,08 -0,77 0,49 -2,26 -1,52 3,07
B3 LC4 5 -0,08 -0,77 0,49 -2,26 0,94 -0,76
B4 LC4 0 0 -0,55 -0,08 -0,91 -0,25 -0,12
B4 LC4 3 0 -0,55 -0,08 -0,91 -0,5 -1,78
B5 LC4 0 0 -0,05 -0,33 0,25 1,04 0,2
B5 LC4 6 0 -0,05 -0,33 0,25 -0,91 -0,12
B6 LC4 0 0 -0,13 0,01 0,26 -0,06 0,31
B6 LC4 6 0 -0,13 0,01 0,26 -0,03 -0,48
B7 LC4 0 0 0,06 0,6 -0,1 -0,9 -0,05
B7 LC4 3 0 0,06 0,6 -0,1 0,89 0,14
Mode R:
Mode 1:
Linear calculation, Extreme : Node
Selection : All
Load cases : LC3
Support Case Rx Ry Rz Mx My Mz
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Sn1/N1 LC3 -0,36 -1,35 -4,38 3,44 -0,49 0,01
Sn2/N6 LC3 0,78 -4,32 -0,62 18,85 6,54 0,28
Sn3/N3 LC3 0,04 -1,35 3,73 3,44 0,12 0,01
Mode 2:
Linear calculation, Extreme : Node
Selection : All
Load cases : LC4
Support Case Rx Ry Rz Mx My Mz
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Sn1/N1 LC4 -0,36 0,46 0,27 -1,17 -0,88 -0,15
Sn2/N6 LC4 -0,49 -0,77 0,08 3,07 -1,52 -2,26
Sn3/N3 LC4 -0,01 0,46 -0,59 -1,17 -0,03 -0,16
Mode R:
Advanced Professional Training - Dynamics
Summarized by SRSS:
Support Case Rx Ry Rz Mx My Mz
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Sn1/N1 LC2 0,97 1,54 6,10 3,92 2,07 0,20
Sn2/N6 LC2 5,86 5,36 2,87 23,27 23,41 3,24
Sn3/N3 LC2 0,25 1,54 3,78 3,92 0,57 0,22
In case of CQC, we don’t assume any correlation with the other modes (i.e. absolute value is added)
The cut-off frequency is the frequency of the latest modes in the analysis. It is the responsibility of the
user to select the correct number of modes. This can be done in the Setup > Solver.