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Preparedness of Dammam primary
health care centers to deal with
emergency cases
Sanaa S. M. Alsaad, Salma H. S. Abu‑Grain, Dalia Y. M. El‑Kheir1
10.4103/jfcm.JFCM_5_17 OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to assess the availability of human and nonhuman
resources for emergency medical services (EMSs) at the primary health care (PHC) level.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross‑sectional study with mixed research methods (quantitative
and qualitative) was carried out in governmental PHC centers in Dammam, Eastern Province of Saudi
Arabia, between September 2014 and January 2015. Using systematic random sampling technique,
13 out of 26 PHC centers were included in the study. The study consisted of two main parts: The
first involved the completion of an observational checklist to assess the availability and adequacy
of human and nonhuman resources (workforce, emergency infrastructure, equipment, drugs and
supporting facilities). The second part involved face‑to‑face interviews with key informants of nurses
from the emergency room (ER) in the sampled centers.
RESULTS: Analysis of the checklist showed that the total number of physicians “actually” present
ranged from 2 to 8 per center and nurses actually present were 4–11 whereas the officially assigned
number was 3–12 physicians and 8–17 nurses per center. Only 2 out of 13 (15.4%) centers had a
place reserved for EMS in each male and female section. Only 4 (30.8%) PHC centers had a male
ER located on the ground floor, near the entrance, and with a separate ramp. None of the centers
had the emergency drugs such as  metergotamine, calcium chloride, and naloxone. Regarding ER
equipment, none of the studied centers had cervical collars, mouth gags, or a tracheostomy sets.
Only one (7.6%) center had a functioning fully equipped ambulance. Five (38.46%) centers were
equipped with electrocardiogram and X‑ray machines. In the interviews, the informants confirmed
the deficiencies identified in the checklist.
CONCLUSION: Resources for EMS at Dammam PHC centers were deficient in infrastructure and
supporting facilities.
Check list, emergency services, human and nonhuman resources, primary health care center

Qatif Primary Health Introduction Saudi Arabia (KSA).[2,3] In KSA, the Ministry

Care Centers, Ministry of of Health (MOH) offers health services

Health, 1Department of
rimary health care (PHC) was defined by at three levels: primary, secondary, and
Family and Community
Medicine, College the World Health Organization (WHO) tertiary. PHC centers provide primary care
of Medicine, Imam in 1978 as essential health care based on services including promotive, preventive,
Abdulrahman Bin Faisal practical, scientifically sound, and socially curative (including emergency services) and
University, Dammam,
acceptable methods and technology made rehabilitative services and refer only those
Saudi Arabia
universally accessible to all individuals cases that require more advanced care to
Address for in the community.[1] In accordance with public hospitals, which provide secondary
correspondence: the Alma‑Ata declaration,[1] the need of and tertiary levels of care.[4]
Dr. Sanaa Sadiq M. PHC development was recognized by
Qatif Primary Health health‑care authorities in the Kingdom of Medical emergency is defined as a serious,
Care Centers, Ministry of unexpected, and often dangerous situation
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Health, Eastern Province, Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which
P. O. Box 11568, allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, How to cite this article: Alsaad SS, Abu-Grain SH,
Al Dhahran 31311, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under El-Kheir DY. Preparedness of Dammam primary
Saudi Arabia. the identical terms.
health care centers to deal with emergency cases.
E‑mail: salsaad4@ J Fam Community Med 2017;24:181-8.
moh.gov.sa For reprints contact: [email protected]

© 2017 Journal of Family and Community Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 181
Alsaad, et al.: Preparedness for emergency cases

requiring immediate action.[5] It is recognized worldwide The study was carried out from  September 2014-January
that the goal of an effective emergency medical 2015. Thirteen out of the 26 PHC centers in Dammam
system (EMS) is to provide universal emergency care to were selected by systematic random sampling as follows;
those in need with rapid assessment, timely provision of all 26 centers were ordered in a descending manner
appropriate interventions, and rapid transportation to according to the size of their catchment population. Then,
the nearest suitable medical institution by the best means all PHC centers corresponding to the odd order numbers
possible to enhance survival, control morbidity, and in this list were selected and included in the study for an
prevent disability. Consequently, emergency services assessment of their EMS delivery.[30]
need to be well planned and supported at all levels:
national, provincial, and community.[6‑11] Data collection was done using two main tools: the first tool
was the completion of an observational checklist to assess
However, overutilization of the hospital emergency the availability and adequacy of human and nonhuman
room (ER) services by nonurgent patients or resources. The second involved one‑on‑one interviews
inappropriate referrals results in a waste of resources, with key informants of ER nurses in the sampled centers.
increased pressure on ER staff, and a delay in the care
of patients needing urgent attention as reported by The observational checklist was developed after
many national [12-14] and international studies. [8,9,15‑21] reviewing the Saudi MOH quality assurance manual,[29]
Establishment and utilization of emergency services at the Saudi essential drug list at PHC level,[31] and the Saudi
the PHC level have been recommended by numerous Ministry of PHC manual[32] in addition to some aspects
studies as a means of decreasing the load on hospital of emergency services’ requirements for Central Board
ER.[8,9,12‑21] The question is whether PHC centers have Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions standards for
well‑organized emergency services. Much international PHC centers.[7] The list finally comprised of five sections
research[10,22‑28] has consistently reported the lack of such as A, B, C, D, and E which examined workforce,
preparedness of EMS in PHC centers in terms of available emergency infrastructure, equipment, drugs, and
emergency drugs, equipment, and supporting facilities. supporting facilities, respectively.

In KSA, a huge country with many regions and outlying This checklist was pretested in a pilot study conducted in
PHC services, some variation in the organization of care two PHC centers in Dammam other than those included
in the numerous PHC centers is expected. Therefore, it in the study and one PHC in Al‑Qatif (10% of the total
is essential to assess the services in each of these PHC calculated study sample), 1 month before the start of
centers and ensure that there is uniformity in the quality data collection. The completeness and applicability of the
and standard of service. To the authors’ knowledge, only observational checklist were checked and modifications
one national study has been published that assessed the made accordingly. The finalized observational checklist
preparedness of PHC centers to deal with emergency was completed by the authors after consulting the head
cases. This study was conducted in 2003 in Asir in all nurse responsible for each of the units assessed in the 13
thirty PHC centers of Abha district, both rural and sampled health centers.
urban, which revealed some deficiencies mainly in
infrastructure and support facilities in the emergency PHC ER nurses were invited to participate in one‑on‑one
services.[14] semi‑structured interviews and focus group discussions
from 7 out of 13 PHC centers. The interviews conducted
Emergency medical services (EMSs) in all PHC centers were audio recorded with participants’ permission
should be organized well enough to provide optimal and transcribed verbatim; field notes were taken for
care for patients in a safe, appropriate, efficient, and those who did not want to be recorded. All transcribed
compassionate manner.[7,14,29] To the authors’ knowledge, interviews were rechecked for accuracy by a research
the EMS at the PHC level in Dammam city, Eastern Region advisor. Translation from Arabic to English was done
of Saudi Arabia, has not been evaluated. The aim of the by the researchers and a reverse translation into Arabic
current study was to assess the preparedness of EMS in was done by an external assistant.
PHC centers in Dammam in terms of the suitability of
the design of the infrastructure, adequacy of workforce, ER nurses were invited to participate until there was
emergency drugs, equipment, and support facilities. data saturation. A total of 17 nurses from 7 different
PHC centers were interviewed; six nurses were included
Materials and Methods in one‑on‑one semi‑structured interviews, whereas the
remaining 11 nurses participated in 3 focus groups
A cross‑sectional study using both quantitative and comprising 3–5 nurses. An ER nurse was the key
qualitative methods was conducted in MOH PHC informant in all interviews conducted. All participants
centers in Dammam, Eastern Province, KSA. who refused to be audio recorded, were Saudi, so field
182 Journal of Family and Community Medicine - Volume 24, Issue 3, September‑December 2017
Alsaad, et al.: Preparedness for emergency cases

notes were taken by the authors instead. Each interview one (7.69%) PHC center, sodium HCO3 and anti‑snake
lasted between 30 and 60 min. in two (15.38%) centers, antiscorpion in three (23.07%)
centers, and activated charcoal and rabies vaccine
Approval was obtained from the Research Committee of in four (30.76%) centers. In contrast, the following
the Saudi Board of Family Medicine, the MOH, the medical medications were available in all centers: adrenaline
directors of all participating PHC centers and participating injection, antihistamine injection, dextrose, furosemide,
nurses before the start of data collection. The purpose of hydrocortisone injection, hyoscine, metoclopramide,
the study was explained to all participants, who were normal saline, and Ventolin. All existing medications
also given the chance to ask questions on the purpose were available in sufficient amounts and as stated by
and conduct of the study and analysis of its results. the ER nurse, were stored appropriately and regularly
Participants were also assured of the confidentiality of checked for expiration dates [Table 3].
the collected information and informed that participation
was completely voluntary. The participants were asked With regard to emergency equipment, none of the centers
for their “verbal” informed consent. had cervical collars, mouth gags, and tracheostomy sets.
The emergency equipment least available was the splint,
All 13 checklists were screened for the completion of which was found in only one (7.69%) center, urinary
information before analysis. All gathered information catheter in four (30.76%) centers, and nasogastric tubes
was kept strictly confidential. Collected data were and oral airways in eight (61.53%) centers. However,
entered into a personal computer, managed, coded, and the following equipment were available in all centers:
analyzed using  SPSS (Released 2007, SPSS for Windows, ambu bags, cannulas, forceps, intravascular (IV) stand,
Version 16.0. Chicago, SPSS Inc.) software package; nebulizer, needle holders, oxygen (O 2) cylinders,
p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. O 2 masks, scissors, suction apparatus, and suture
materials [Table 4].
For the qualitative data, the authors generated a
conceptual framework by which the data were Only two (15.38%) centers had well‑equipped ambulances
labeled and sorted. This process involved identifying and only one of them was functioning. Five (38.46%)
the recurring themes and concepts in the interview centers had electrocardiogram (ECG) machines; however,
transcripts and group discussions. Subsequently, a list of only one center had a trained operator. Seven (53.84%)
main themes and subthemes was applied systematically PHC centers had X‑ray machines, five (71.42%) of which
to the whole data set. were functioning and there were four trained operators.

Results Table 1: Primary health‑care center workforce

Workforce Male Female Minimum Maximum Median Total
The total number of “officially” assigned physicians Physicians
per PHC center ranged from 3 to 12 physicians with a Assigned no 31 44 3 12 5 75
Actually 16 33 2 8 4 49
median of 5, whereas the “physicians actually present”
during the data collection ranged from 2 to 8 physicians
per center with a median of 4, and with a female‑to‑male Assigned no 24 126 8 17 11 150
ratio of 2:1. However, the number of “officially” assigned Actually 13 87 1 11 8 100
nurses ranged from 8 to 17 nurses per PHC center with present
a median of 11, whereas those actually present during
the study period were 4–11 with a median of 8, with a
Table 2: Emergency medical services infrastructure at
female‑to‑male ratio of 7:1 [Table 1]. the studied primary health‑care centers (n=13)
Infrastructure design Availability*
Only 2 out of 13 (15.4%) centers had a place reserved for
Male Side Female Side
EMS in every male and female section. Only four (30.8%) N (%) N (%)
PHC centers had a male ER located on the ground Specific area for EMS 2 (15.4) 2 (15.4)
floor with a separate ramp, near the entrance. All PHC ER located on the ground floor 4 (30.8) 13 (100)
centers handled emergency cases as a priority in a timely ER located near the entrance 4 (30.8) 12 (92.3)
manner. All PHC centers had only one bed in the ER with PHC center has a ramp and separate 4 (30.8) 9 (69.2)
separate drug cabinets for emergency services [Table 2]. entrance
Separate emergency drug cabinets 13 (100) 13 (100)
Some emergency drugs (metrogemine, calcium Registry devoted to emergency cases 13 (100) 13 (100)
chloride, and naloxone) were not available in any of the Number of beds available in ER 1 1
*Availability was assessed in the full sample of PHC centers (100%).
PHC centers studied. The medications least available EMS=emergency medical service, PHC=Primary health care,
were anti‑tetanus serum which was available only in ER=Emergency room

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Table 3: Emergency drugs available at the studied Table 4: Emergency equipment available at the
primary health‑care centers (n=13) studied primary health‑care centers (n=13)
Drug* Available** Equipment* Available**
N (%) N (%)
Adrenaline injection 13 (100) Ambu bag 13 (100)
Antihistaminic injection 13 (100) Cannulas 13 (100)
Dextrose 13 (100) Forceps 13 (100)
Furosemide 13 (100) IV stand 13 (100)
Hydrocortisone injection 13 (100) Nebulizer 13 (100)
Hyoscine 13 (100) Needle holder 13 (100)
Metoclopramide 13 (100) O2 cylinder 13 (100)
Normal saline 13 (100) Oxygen mask 13 (100)
Ventolin 13 (100) Scissors 13 (100)
Tetanus toxoid 12 (92.30) Suction apparatus 13 (100)
Activated charcoal 4 (30.76) Suture materials 13 (100)
Rabies vaccine 4 (30.76) Autoclave 12 (92.30)
Antiscorpion 3 (23.07) Blades 12 (92.30)
Anti‑snake 2 (15.38) Dressing drum 12 (92.30)
Sodium HCO3 injection 2 (15.38) Dressing table 12 (92.30)
Anti‑tetanic serum 1 (7.69) Side lamp with stand 11 (84.61)
Naloxone HCl injection 0 Dressing trays 9 (69.23)
Calcium chloride injection 0 Airways 8 (61.53)
Metergotamine 0 Nasogastric tubes 8 (61.53)
*All existing medications were available in sufficient amounts and were Urinary catheter 4 (30.76)
stored appropriately and regularly checked for expiration date as stated by
Splints 1 (7.69)
emergency room nurse, **Availability was assessed in the full sample of PHC
centers (100%). PHC=Primary health care Cervical collar 0
Mouth gag 0
Eight (61.53%) centers had functioning ultrasound Tracheostomy set 0
*All available emergency equipment were in good order apart from; scissors,
machines, which were used only for regular follow‑up of forceps which were rusty in 2 out 13 (15.3%) PHC centers, **Availability
antenatal care cases. There were no laboratory facilities in was assessed in the full sample of PHC centers (100%). IV=Intravascular,
PHC=Primary health care
any of the centers. Instead, there was a blood collection
unit in all centers, operational for only 2 h/day for blood
sample collection [Table 5]. Our results show that the total number of physicians
per PHC center who were actually present during data
There was no specially assigned nurse to cover the collection ranged from 2 to 8 physicians with a median
ER. Nurses rotated between different clinics such as of 4, and the number of nurses was 4–11 with a median
vaccination clinic, maternity clinic, acute care clinic, and of 8. Shortage of staff was one of the main issues raised
chronic care clinic. When participants were asked about the by the interviewees. The large number of patients and
emergency services in their PHC centers, some explained the shortage of health‑care staff negatively affect the
the role of emergency services in PHC center thus “…here physicians’ attitude and the quality of care provided
to the patients “…the physicians here see an average
physicians apply suture material for cut wound patients,
of 50–70 patients daily…and cannot spend 30 min to
use a nebulizer, and order intravenous (IV) fluid for those
apply sutures to one patient while many patients wait…”
who need it…” Interviewee # 15. Other interviewees said
Interviewee # 9. This in turn affects the level of patients’
that they would deal with emergency cases since they
satisfaction for the quality of care provided.
believed they were important. “…Emergency service is
essential and is required almost every day…” Interviewee Although these workforce figures were less than the
# 1. Most participants believed that PHC emergency actual physician/nurse numbers allocated per PHC
services were not running well and attributed this to both center by the Saudi MOH, they are still better than
structural (nonhuman) factors and workforce (human what was found in the Asir study on thirty PHC
factors) [Table 6]. centers in 2003, which reported much lower physician
numbers (ranging from 1 to 6) as well as the number of
Discussion nurses (ranging from 1 to 10).[14]

The current study revealed that emergency services WHO studies have shown that countries with
at PHC centers in Dammam city were not adequately fewer than 23 physicians, nurses, and midwives per
prepared to deal with emergencies. 10,000 population generally fail to achieve adequate

184 Journal of Family and Community Medicine - Volume 24, Issue 3, September‑December 2017
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coverage rates for selected PHC interventions. [33] revealed in the current study are much lower [Table 1].
However, worldwide average number of physician is Data from health statistics annual book (2012) showed
13.9 per 10,000 population with a range of 0.1 in Tanzania that the ratio of health workforce in MOH centers per
to 60 in Niue island.[34] 10,000 population was 2.4–3.8 physicians and 4–7 nurses.
Moreover, there are 1.9 nurses for every physician
Although MOH, KSA published on its electronic employed at PHC centers of the MOH in the KSA, in
webpage in 2011 that 24.4 physicians and 47 nurses were comparison to 1.3 nurses for every physician in the
available for every 10,000 population,[35] the numbers Eastern Mediterranean region and 1.8 nurses for every
physician globally.[36]
Table 5: Primary health‑care center supporting
facilities (n=13) With regard to the infrastructure of the sampled PHC
Supporting facilityAvailable*, Functioning, Available trained centers, this study found that all PHC centers had
N* (%) N* (%) operators one couch in the ER and drug cabinets for emergency
N* (%)
services. Only 2 out of 13 PHC centers had a place
Laboratory** 0 0 0
reserved for emergency services for male and female
Ultrasound*** 8 (61.53) 6 (75.00) 2 (33.33)
sections. Several interviewees confirmed that their
X‑ray 7 (53.84) 5 (38.46) 4 (80.00)
PHC infrastructure was not adequate for emergency
ECG machine 5 (38.46) 5 (100) 1 (20.00)
Equipped ambulances 2 (15.38) 1 (50.00) 1 (100)
care. These findings can be explained by the fact that
Hot‑air oven 0 0 0
only four PHC centers were in purpose‑built buildings
*Availability was assessed in the full sample of PHC centers (100%), whereas the rest were in rented accommodation with
**Laboratory room in all the visited PHC centers is a sample collection room the male sections on the upper floor with no elevators
that is used for blood extraction only and functioned for 2 h/day, ***Ultrasound
in all the visited PHC centers is dedicated to regular antenatal care only.
and far from the entrance. There were deficiencies here
PHC=Primary health care, ECG: Electrocardiogram also as compared locally to the facility reported by study

Table 6: Opinion of emergency room nurses regarding the status of and factors affecting primary health‑care
emergency services*
Theme Supporting quotes
Human factors
Patient numbers and shortage of “…Sometimes the same nurse is responsible for several stations, e.g., taking the vital signs, applying
health care staff wound dressings, and applying nebulizer…” Interviewee # 5
Lack of experience “…The physicians here are not exposed to many emergency cases, so they usually refer them because
they are not confident to deal with those cases…” Interviewee # 4
Negative physicians’ attitude in “…In our PHC center, female physicians refuse to suture wounds. They have referred their patients
dealing with emergency cases immediately to the hospital emergency department for the last 10 years, but male physicians do perform
suturing when needed…” Interviewee # 2
Quality of care and patients “…What annoys me the most is that some physicians refuse to suture simple cut wounds …some of our
safety patients are poor and cannot afford private transportation to the hospital, so they leave the wounds to
heal spontaneously … I have seen them come back with an ugly scar” Interviewee # 2
Nonhuman factors
Lack of supporting environment, “First of all, our PHC center is in a rented building and not suitable for emergency cases…” Interviewee # 8
PHC center building status
Lack of patient privacy “… Here, there is no patient’ privacy… because the ER room serves as vital sign station and dressing
room with no patient screen to ensure the privacy.” Interviewee # 7
Insufficient number of emergency “…Most of the time the couch is occupied by another patient whose vital signs are being checked, so it
couches is not readily available for emergency care…” Interviewee # 3
“…Although we have IV line setup, we do not give IV fluid here because it takes a long time and we do
not want to take up the only available bed we have…” Interviewee # 13
Lack of emergency equipment “…We do not have an emergency bag in our center. Once there was a fire in the nearby school. They
asked for our help… at that time we realized the importance of the presence of emergency bag in our
center…” Interviewee # 6
“…There are no special tubes here to do airway suctioning… I used to bring them from the hospital
myself, I got tired and stopped…” interviewee #10
Suitability of the tools and lack of “…Our autoclave is not working well… even if the physicians are willing to do suturing, most of the
proper sterilization needed tools are rusty…” interviewee #10, 3
“…The sterilization done here is not 100%. most of our patients are diabetic and need special wound
care to avoid infection…” interviewee #5
Inadequate supporting equipment ”…Our X‑ray machine is not working now and even when it was working the operator is not available …
(X‑ray, US, lab screening) however, the quality of the X‑ray is poor…” interviewee #7
*Nurses’ comments are reported here as themes and subthemes. The quotes are in the participants’ own words translated from Arabic into English. PHC=Primary
health care, ER=Emergency room, IV=Intravenous

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in Abha district (city of Asir) where 28 out of 30 centers in Riyadh corresponded with specified standards in
were in specially designed buildings and a registry terms of availability and quality showed that, in two out
system for emergency services. In addition, EMS was of three PHC centers, emergency service was one of the
located on the ground floor, close to the entrance, with clinical areas most underequipped.[38] Other international
a ramp. They had separate drug cabinets in 90%, 43.3%, studies done in south east Queensland, Australia,[22] the
23.3%, and 76.7% of the centers, respectively.[14] USA,[24] and Ottawa, Canada[26] support the previous
The findings of the qualitative study further reflect the
effect of the building type and the infrastructure on the The American Academy of Family physicians published
quality of care provided. The small number of clinics an article in 2007 regarding the Medical Emergency
jeopardize patients’ privacy as stated by a number of Preparedness in Office Practice. It recommended that
interviewees: “…The ER is not specially designated for the choice of emergency medications and equipment
emergency cases… we take vital signs for the rest of PHC should reflect the spectrum of anticipated emergencies
patients in the same room…” Interviewee # 12. in a practice’s patient population, the skills of the
practitioners, and the distance to the nearest emergency
Formalized in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human department.[23]
Rights recognizes “the inherent dignity” as part of the
human rights, and in accordance with that, the WHO Furthermore, the present study showed substantial
stated that patient privacy and confidentiality of their deficiencies in PHC support facilities namely, X‑ray
medical information is a fundamental component of machines, ECG machines, and well‑equipped functioning
the rights of the patient. The patient is human, and his ambulances which were available in only 53.84%, 38.4%,
dignity has to be respected both in sickness and in health. and 15.3% of our sampled centers, respectively. Although
This is even more important in emergencies where it may all visited centers had laboratory facilities (sample
be crucial to expose patients’ bodies to make a proper collection room), they were operational for only 2 h/day.
assessment of their condition.[37] However, there was no laboratory for sample analysis
in any of the centers, so the specimens had to be sent
Regarding emergency drugs, almost all essential to the districts’ central laboratory for analysis. This
drugs were available in all PHC centers. Notably, took 3–21 days, depending on the type of the analysis
however, calcium chloride was not available in any of the required, for return to the appropriate health centers.
studied PHC centers. Calcium chloride is used to treat These findings were consistent with those of the Asir
arrhythmias secondary to hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia, study, which showed a major deficiency in support
or hypermagnesemia, but since there were neither crash facilities. There only 26.6% of the PHC centers had
carts (ECG machines) nor laboratory facilities to diagnose or X‑ray machines, 53.3% had laboratory facilities, and
follow such cases, its use here was limited. The medications 23.3% had equipped ambulances.[14] Our key informants
that were least available were anti‑tetanus serum, sodium also confirmed these findings “…we do not have ECG
bicarbonate, anti‑snake vaccine, antiscorpion vaccine, machines here…” Interviewee # 11
activated charcoal, and rabies vaccine. The unavailability
of these serums and vaccines are due to the present Several national[14,38] and international studies[27,28] on the
national policy of referring cases requiring the use of these preparedness of PHC centers in terms of the availability
medications to specialized PHC centers. These findings of emergency drugs, equipment, and supporting facilities
were at variance with the Asir study findings where have reported that PHC centers were ill‑prepared to
antiscorpion vaccine and tetanus toxoid were available in deal with emergencies. One extensive review done
all centers for the simple reason that study covered rural through MEDLINE search on American family
parts of Abha district where cases requiring the use of these medicine, pediatric, dental, and dermatological articles
medications were frequently encountered.[14] published between January 1980 and December 2001,
found that family medicine clinics were frequently
None of the surveyed centers had any of the following poorly equipped and inadequately prepared to deal
emergency equipment: cervical collars, mouth gags, with medical emergencies.[25]
and tracheostomy sets. The least available were splints,
urinary catheters, nasogastric tubes, and oral airways. Evaluation of preparedness for medical emergencies
However, most centers had other emergency equipment. has been done in a variety of clinics all over the world.
In 2014, 250 dental graduates in India were asked about
The deficiencies encountered here were in agreement preparedness of their clinics in terms of emergency
with similar deficiencies reported by other studies. On a drugs and equipment available The responses revealed
national level, a study done by Muneera H. Al‑Osimy to an alarming inability of dental clinics to deal with
assess the extent to which the resources in PHC centers such situations.[39] Similar results were found in other
186 Journal of Family and Community Medicine - Volume 24, Issue 3, September‑December 2017
Alsaad, et al.: Preparedness for emergency cases

studies, in which it was recommended that certain 3. World Health Organization. Country Cooperation Strategy for
basic emergency medications and equipment should be WHO and Saudi Arabia 2012–2016. Contract No: WHO‑EM/
PME/003/E. World Health Organization, Regional Office for the
present in any clinical practice.[39‑41] Eastern Mediterranean; 2013.
4. Almalki M, Fitzgerald G, Clark M. Health care system in Saudi
One of the limitations in our study is that the catchment Arabia: An overview. East Mediterr Health J 2011;17:784‑93.
population was used in the sampling technique instead 5. Simpson J. Oxford Dictionary of English. 3rd ed. United Kingdom:
of the number of patient visits per PHC center. However, Oxford University Press; 2010. Available from: http://www.
dictionary.oed.com/. [Last accessed on 2015 Jul 04].
since the difference between these two figures was not
6. Hirshon JM, Risko N, Calvello EJ, Stewart de Ramirez S,
substantial, the ordering of the PHC center would not Narayan M, Theodosis C, et al. Health systems and services: The
have significantly changed. The other limitation is that role of acute care. Bull World Health Organ 2013;91:386‑8.
we developed our own (de novo) checklist because we 7. Institutions CBAH. Primary Healthcare Standards Ministry of
believed that some vital points were not present in Health; 2011.
the published data.[14] However, we ensured that the 8. Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS). For Primary Health
Centres: Directorate General of Health Services Ministry of Health
checklist fulfilled all requirements of the PHC manual.[32] & Family Welfare Government of India; Revised 2012. Available
Future studies should focus on how and when these from: http://nhm.gov.in/images/pdf/guidelines/iphs/iphs-
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deal with emergencies. 9. David Carson HC, Stern R. Primary Care and Emergency
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10. Klig  JE, O’Malley  PJ. Pediatric office emergencies. Curr Opin
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