Aggregate Paper
Aggregate Paper
Aggregate Paper
1 14
1 author:
Mohmd Sarireh
Tafila Technical University Sabatical Leave in Aqaba University of Technology
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Mohmd Sarireh1
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tafila Technical University, Tafila, 66110, Jordan
e-mail: [email protected]
Round valley aggregate RVA is a natural source of aggregate that is found in Tafila in Jordan. For current research,
RVA from Al-Hasa valley was considered for testing with crushed limestone aggregate (CLA) from Karak and
Tafila sources. 39 samples were collected through the valley at the joint with the lake of Al-Tanour Dam in Tafila.
Samples of RVA and CLA were tested and concrete mix at 15, 20, and 25 MPa. ANOVA analysis was conducted to
test means’ differences in aggregate and concrete properties. Results showed that RVVA has no significant differ-
ence in means’ properties. While RVA has significant differences when with CLA from Karak and Tafila. Results
of ANOVA showed that there is a significant difference in the properties of fresh and hardened concrete for 15 and
25 MPa concrete grades. While significant difference is neglected for 20 MPa concrete grade. Consequently, RVA
can be used for concrete mix as CLA.
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
The current study aims to test the use of RVA Table 1. Chemical properties of ordinary Portland ce-
as a local construction material in concrete and ment [11, 13]
construction industry through the elaboration of Chemical requirements
RVA properties according considering the spe- Min. Max.
cific size gradation that can suit different uses Ignition loss 0.89 1.94
[9]. A comparable methodology for testing RVA Insoluble residue 0.49 1.7
and CLA is employed using ANOVA analysis for MgO 1.83 3.83
SO3 2.67 3.5
properties of aggregate and concrete mix. Specif-
Chloride content 0.01 0.03
ic gravity, absorption, abrasion, in addition to the
CaO 60.89 64.9
fresh and hardened properties of concrete on 15,
SiO2 17.81 20.77
20, and 25 MPa grades.
Al2O3 4.12 6.02
One-way ANOVA analysis can be employed
Fe2O3 2.97 5.44
with the purpose of comparing means of popu- K2O 0.6 1.02
lation of several independent groups or samples. Free lime 0.75 2.56
Statistical parameters such level of significance
alpha(α), degree of freedom, means standard de-
viations, and size of groups or samples are essen- Table 2. Physical properties of ordinary Portland ce-
tial information in ANOVA test or analysis [10]. ment [13]
Physical requirements
Min. Max.
Fineness (Blaine) (cm /g)
4188 5020
Soundness (expansion) (mm) 1.5 2.5
Initial setting time (min) 120 180
According to [11], ordinary Portland cement
type I (OPC-I) is used in normal applications for Aggregate
concrete production. Lafarge Cement Coopera-
tion Factory in Tafila at South of Jordan produces Since aggregate composes about 75% of con-
cement and concrete for different uses and appli- crete volume, aggregate affects the properties of
cations. The hydraulic (OPC-I) cement produced concrete [16]. The shape of aggregate affects con-
by pulverizing clinker primarily consisting of crete workability in fresh stage and compressive
hydraulic calcium silicates, and containing one strength in hardened stage and finally durability
or more types of calcium sulphate as an inter- of concrete [2]. Elongation flatness factors, shape
ground addition. Also, blended cement refers to factor, sphericity, and roundness are factors affect
other materials which may be added or blended in mostly concrete properties. The behavior of fresh
the production of hydraulic cement. [12] uses the concrete is measured by slump test and density
term for a hydraulic cement consisting of Portland of concrete. In addition to water and cement con-
cement and other appropriate of inorganic materi- tents that affect concrete strength also [17].
als. Lafarge cement has the chemical analysis that Coarse and fine CLA were chosen to be trans-
is shown in Table 1. ferred from local crusher-plants in Tafila and
Physical properties such as fineness of cement, Karak at South of Jordan. Coarse and fine RVA
soundness or expansion, and initial setting time of were chosen from Al-Hasa valley at the point
cement are presented in Table 2 for Lafarge ce- of intersection Al-Hasa valley with the lake of
ment that was used in concrete production. Tanour Dam at Tafila. CLA and RVA were sepa-
rated to the coarse size of (19–10 mm) size ([18]
Mixing water and [19]. Medium size of CLA and RVA also se-
lected from the same source of local surface min-
Mixing water is the tap water that is usually ing plants in Karak and Tafila with the size of
used in concrete mix depending on w/c ratio for (10–4.75 mm) [20]. Natural fine sand was used in
specific concrete strength [14]. There is a relation all concrete mixes of size gradation of (2.36–0.3
between the 28-day compressive strength and w/c mm) [21]. Sieve analysis for coarse and medium
ratio that is highly affect the compressive strength aggregate and fine sand is covered by [22]. Con-
of concrete [15]. crete mix design and analysis were conducted in
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
order to find the appropriate ratio of mixing materi- content, and aggregate properties and its grada-
als of water, cement, and aggregate [23] and [24]. tion for CLA and RVA. Concrete properties were
Table 3 presents the approximate concrete mix tested on fresh-phase and on hardened phase at
proportions in concrete mix design on 15, 20, and 7-, 14-, and 28-day [26] and [27]. Representatives
25 MPa. Specific gravity was considered to calcu- of 39 samples of fine and coarse RVA were test-
late the volumes of aggregate of CLA and RVA. ed for specific gravity, abrasion, and absorption.
Then samples of CLA and RVA were tested and
Methods compared using ANOVA analysis technique con-
sidering the three sources as levels of treatment
Current research bases on testing the physical [28]. ANOVA analysis can be applied success-
and mechanical properties of aggregate samples fully to predict differences in means of processes,
that were collected to produce concrete mix. CLA operations, and products depending on levels of
was collected from local crusher-plants in Tafila treatment [29] and [30].
and Karak, and RVA was collected from AL-Hasa
valley at the joint with the lake of Tanour Dam
at Tafila. Aggregate tests included specific grav- RESULTS
ity, fineness modulus, absorption, and abrasion.
Concrete tests included slump, density, com- Tests of fine aggregates
pressive strength, tensile strength, and modulus
of rupture. Means, standard deviations, and sum Dry specific gravity
of squared errors were calculated in order to use Table 4 presents dry density values of fine
ANOVA analysis test to evaluate the significance RVA that were collected from left, middle, and
difference in means between properties of ag- right sides of valley through 13 stations in a to-
gregate and concrete samples. ANOVA test for tal number of 39 samples. Results showed means,
independent measures is designed to compare standard deviation, and required parameters to
the means of three or more independent samples conduct ANOVA analysis. Results of ANOVA
(treatments). The analysis can be successfully showed that samples of fine RVA are uniform, and
employed to test the effect of treatment on prop- there is no difference in dry specific gravity and
erties of aggregate and concrete mix consider- the samples are representative.
ing CLA from Tafila and Karak, and RVA. The ANOVA analysis was applied to test differ-
15, 20, and 25 MPa grades of concrete mix were ences in the results of dry specific gravity of fine
designed on the appropriate w/c ratio, cement aggregate samples (RVA, CLA from Karak and
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
Tafila), they are significantly different depending the 13 stations (39 samples) that extended on the
on their means, standard deviation considering right, middle, and left sides of the valley. ANOVA
significance level α = 0.05. Each type of aggre- analysis showed that the means of samples have
gate can be used significantly in concrete mix no significant differences and all samples are rep-
production. So, the null hypothesis Ho that speci- resentative to be used as fine RVA in concrete mix.
fies (µ1 = µ2 = µ3) is rejected, and the alternate Also, differences between means of RVA and
hypothesis Ha (µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3) is accepted. Results CLA were tested and results showed that consid-
are shown in Table 5. ering significance level α = 0.05, each type of ag-
gregate can be used significantly in concrete mix
Saturated surface dry specific gravity production. The null hypothesis H0 (µ1 = µ2 =
Table 6 presents the statistical parameters of µ3) is rejected, and the alternate hypothesis Ha
saturated surface dry (SSD) specific gravity of (µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3) is accepted. Results are presented
fine RVA, 39 samples were collected from the in Table 9.
valley for 13 stations on right, middle, and left
sides of the valley. ANOVA analysis showed that Tests of coarse aggregate
there is no significant difference between SSD
specific gravity of the fine RVA. Dry specific gravity
By applying ANOVA analysis to test differ- Table 10 presents data and test for dry spe-
ences in SSD specific gravity of fine RVA and cific gravity of coarse RVA that were collected
CLA for Karak and Tafila, considering signifi- from the valley. Coarse aggregates were col-
cance level α = 0.05, the null hypothesis H0 (µ1 = lected and taken from aggregate passes 3/4”
µ2 = µ3) is rejected, and the alternate hypothesis sieve size and retains on 3/8” sieve size. Results
H1 (µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3) is accepted. Table 7 presents showed that there is no significant difference be-
the statistical parameters for the three groups. tween means of samples collected and all sam-
ples are representative for coarse RVA to be used
Apparent specific gravity in concrete mix.
Table 8 presents the statistical calculations By applying ANOVA analysis on the three
for the apparent specific gravity of fine RVA for groups of coarse aggregate samples (RVA, CLA /
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
Table 8. Statistical data and calculation for apparent specific gravity of fine RVA
Statistical parameters Right Mid Left Total
N 13 13 13 39
Σx 34.442 34.290 34.578 103.310
Mean 2.649 2.638 2.660 2.649
Σx2 91.292 90.457 92.178 273.927
Standard Deviation 0.060 0.032 0.031 0.083
Results details
Source SS df MS
Between treatments 0.003 2 0.002 F=0.222
Within treatment 0.26 36 0.007
Total 0.263 38
* The f-ratio value is 0.222. The p-value is 0.802. The result is not significant at p < 0.05.
Table 10. Statistical data and calculation for dry specific gravity of coarse RVA
Statistical parameters Right Mid Left Total
N 13 13 13 39
Σx 29.657 29.525 30.427 89.609
Mean 2.281 2.271 2.341 2.298
Σx2 67.742 67.067 71.606 206.415
Standard Deviation 0.084 0.032 0.181 0.118
Results details
Source SS df MS
Between treatments 0.037 2 0.018 F=1.346
Within treatment 0.488 36 0.014
Total 0.525 38
* The f-ratio value is 1.346. The p-value is 0.273. The result is not significant at p < 0.05.
Karak, and CLA /Tafila) as presented in Table 11, valley. Results showed that samples’ means are
they are significantly different depending on their not significantly difference and all RVA are simi-
means, standard deviation, and size of samples lar and representative to be used in concrete mix
considering significance level α = 0.05. Each type production.
of aggregate can be used significantly in concrete Table 13 showed ANOVA analysis on the
mix production. So, the null hypothesis H0 (µ1 = three groups of coarse aggregate samples (RVA,
µ2 = µ3) is rejected, and the alternate hypothesis CLA /Karak, and CLA /Tafila). they are signifi-
Ha (µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3) is accepted. cantly different in means considering significance
level α = 0.05. Each type of aggregate can be use
Saturated surface dry specific gravity significantly in concrete mix production. The null
Table 12 presents the SSD specific grav- hypothesis H0 (µ1 = µ2 = µ3) is rejected, and the
ity of coarse RVA that were collected from the alternate hypothesis Ha (µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3) is accepted.
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
Table 12. Statistical data and calculation for SSD specific gravity of coarse RVA
Statistical parameters Right Mid Left Total
N 13 13 13 39
Σx 30.558 30.412 31.274 92.244
Mean 2.351 2.339 2.406 2.365
Σx2 71.918 71.156 75.652 218.725
Standard Deviation 0.083 0.031 0.186 0.119
Results details
Source SS df MS
Between treatments 0.033 2 0.016 F=1.157
Within treatment 0.509 36 0.014
Total 0.542 38
* The f-ratio value is 1.157. The p-value is 0.326. The result is not significant at p < 0.05.
Apparent specific gravity samples from the 13 stations that extend from
right, middle, left sides of the valley. Results
Table 14 presents the apparent specific gravity
showed that fineness modulus has no differ-
of coarse RVA that were collected from the valley
among 13 stations of overall 39 samples. Results ence between means of samples for RVA valley
showed that there is no difference between means aggregate.
of samples. So, samples of RVA are representa- ANOVA analysis conducted on the three
tive to be used in concrete mix. groups of coarse aggregate samples (RVA, CLA
By applying ANOVA analysis on the three /Karak, and CLA /Tafila), they are significantly
groups of coarse aggregate samples (RVA, CLA / different considering significance level α = 0.05.
Karak, and CLA /Tafila), they are significantly dif- So, the null hypothesis Ho (µ1 = µ2 = µ3) is re-
ferent considering significance level α=0.05. So, jected, and the alternate hypothesis Ha (µ1 ≠ µ2
the null hypothesis Ho (µ1 = µ2 = µ3) is rejected, ≠ µ3) is accepted. Table 17 showed statistical pa-
and the alternate hypothesis Ha (µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3) is rameters for ANOVA testing.
accepted. Table 15 showed the required results.
Absorption of coarse RVA
Fineness modulus of RVA Table 18 presents the statistical calculations
Table 16 presents the statistical calculations for the absorption of the coarse RVA for the 13
for the fineness modulus of the RVA for the 39 stations that extend from the right bank to the
Table 14. Statistical data and calculation for apparent specific gravity of coarse RVA
Statistical parameters Right Mid Left Total
N 13 13 13 39
Σx 31.893 31.549 32.620 96.062
Mean 2.453 2.427 2.509 2.463
Σx2 78.343 76.604 82.391 237.338
Standard Deviation 0.092 0.056 0.212 0.138
Results Details
Source SS df MS
Between treatments 0.046 2 0.023 F=1.222
Within treatment 0.678 36 0.019
Total 0.724 38
* The f-ratio value is 1.222. The p-value is 0.307. The result is not significant at p < 0.05.
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
Table 16. Statistical data and calculation for the fineness modulus of RVA
Statistical parameters Right Mid Left Total
N 13 13 13 39
Σx 75.679 73.922 75.884 225.485
Mean 5.822 5.686 5.837 5.782
Σx2 440.863 421.792 443.047 1305.701
Standard Deviation 0.157 0.348 0.090 0.231
Results Details
Source SS df MS
Between treatments 0.179 2 0.091 F=1.745
Within treatment 1.847 36 0.051
Total 2.026 38
* The f-ratio value is 1.222. The p-value is 1.892. The result is not significant at p < 0.05.
mid of the valley and the left bank of the valley. rejected, and the alternate hypothesis Ha (µ1 ≠
ANOVA analysis showed that samples’ means of µ2 ≠ µ3) is accepted. Table 19 showed the con-
absorption for rounded and crushed aggregate are ducted results.
not significantly different and can be used in con- ANOVA analysis was conducted on the ab-
crete mix as representative sample. sorption of the three groups of fine aggregate
Also, ANOVA analysis as conducted on the samples (VA, CLA /Karak, and CLA /Tafila),
three groups of coarse aggregate samples (RVA, they are significantly different considering sig-
CLA /Karak, and CLA /Tafila) to test the absorp- nificance level α=0.05. So, the null hypothesis Ho
tion of coarse aggregate, they are significantly (µ1 = µ2 = µ3) is rejected, and the alternative hy-
different considering significance level α=0.05. pothesis Ha (µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3) is accepted. Table 20
So, the null hypothesis Ho (µ1 = µ2 = µ3) is showed the conducted results.
Table 18. Statistical data and calculation for the absorption of coarse RVA
Statistical parameters Right Mid Left Total
N 13 13 13 39
Σx 0.373 0.394 0.375 1.142
Mean 0.029 0.030 0.029 0.029
Σx2 0.011 0.013 0.0113 0.035
Standard Deviation 0.005 0.009 0.006 0.007
Results details
Source SS df MS
Between treatments 0.000 2 0.000 F=0.233
Within treatment 0.002 36 0.000
Total 0.002 38
* The f-ratio value is 0.233. The p-value is 0.794. The result is not significant at p < 0.05.
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
Table 22. Abrasion value of Coarse RVA and CLA statistical parameters
RVA Std. N Karak CLA Std. N Tafila CLA Std. N
18.5 3.7 13 27 3.4 11 29 4.1 11
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
Table 23. Slump value of concrete mix produced using RVA and CLA, statistical parameters
RVA Std. N Karak CLA Std. N Tafila CLA Std. N
15 MPa
180 3.21 6 152 3,16 6 150 2.65 6
20 MPa
165 3.2 6 144 3.35 6 145 2.07 6
25 MPa
173 6.025 6 155 3.74 6 156 4.09 6
* For RVA and CLA at 15 MPa, the f-ratio value is 19.023. The p-value is 0.0024. The result is significant at p < 0.05.
* For RVA and CLA at 20 MPa, the f-ratio value is 77.055. The p-value is 0.000022. The result is significant at p < 0.05.
* For RVA and CLA at 25 MPa, the f-ratio value is 70.335. The p-value is 0.000031. The result is significant at p < 0.05.
and results showed that the difference is sig- the concrete grades. Difference according to the
nificant for the concrete grades 15 and 25 MPa. effect of age of concrete is significant for all con-
While, difference is not significant for results on crete grades.
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 282–293
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