Aashto M247-2009

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‘Standard Spe ication for Glass Beads Used in Pavement Markings AASHTO Designation: M 247-09 1. SCOPE 44 This specification covers glass beads to be dropped or sprayed upon pavement markings so as to produce a reflectorized pavement marking. 12 Types: 424 Type 0—shall be known as uniform gradation. 12.2. Type shall be known asa standard gradation, 123. Types 2, 3, 4. and $—shall be known as modified gradations 13 Coatings 434 Flotation —Any of the above gradation types may be obtained with oleophobie properties atthe request ofthe purchaser (Note 1), 13.2. Moisture Resistance—Any of the above types may be obtained with hydrophobic properties ifso specified by the purchaser. 133. Adherence—Any of the above types may be obtained with an adhesion costing is so specified by the purchaser. Note 1—Any of the above types of beads may be specified with a combination of two ofthe above coatings. Dual coated beads must test positive forthe presence of both specified properties 14 ‘The values stated in ST units are to be regarded as the standard, 15 This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and eguipment. This standard does ‘not purport to address all ofthe safety concerns associated vith its use. Ie is the responsibility of the user ofthis standard to consult and establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior o use 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 24 ASTM Standards 1m D75, Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates, 1m D1214, Test Method of Sieve Analysis of Gilass Spheres TSac M2a7-1 ‘AASHTO 1 2009 bythe Americar Asseeaton of State Highway and Transporation Ofc, All nights reserved. Duplication isa violation of applicable aw 2.2, 23 D155, Test Method for Roundness of Glass Spheres 1D 1213, Test Method for Crushing Resistance of Glass Spheres E 105, Standard Practice for Probability Sampling of Materials E 1617, Standard Practice for Reporting Particle Size Characterization Data E 1994, Standard Practice for Use of Proves Oriented AOQL and LTPD Sampling Plans Federal Standards: Federal Standard No. 40, CFR 261.24, Table 1 Maximum Coneentration of Contaminants for the Toxicity Characteristic Other Standards: m ANSWASQZ.4 and Z1,9, Sampling Procedure and Tables for Inspection by Attributes 34. 32 4, 4A. Table 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. ‘The beads shall be transparent, clcan, colorless glass, smooth and spherically shaped, free from milkiness, pits, or excessive air bubbles and conform to the following specific requirements. The glass beads must not exhibit a characteristic of toxicity, relative to heavy metals, when tested in accordance with EPA 40 CFR 261.24, SPECIFIC PROPERTIES Gradation—The beads shall meet the gradation requirements for type as given in Table | Gradation of Glass Beads Sieve Des ation Mass Percent Passing Standard, mm ‘AltemateNo, TypeO Type! Type? Type3 Type @ 25 200 Lo 140 Lis Lop so ono 1.400 43s 0.300 aso 0.480 ‘ 0 100 b too 9S-100 “ 95-100 80-95 6 10 1080-98140 in 0 Os 0 95-100 90-100 02 as x» 10-75-95 sas 0 90-100 15-45 so S07 18S OS “0 os os 100 os 42 43, 44, Roundness—The glass beads shall have a minimum of 70 percent true spheres. Refractive Index—The glass beads shall have a refractive index of 1.50-1,55, Coatings: Flotation, Flow, Moisture Resistance, and Adherence —When tested in accordance with Section 5.3, the presence of the purchaser specified coatings will be unambiguous. Beads will flow properly when tested in accordance with the procedure in Section 5.3.1 unless they are specified to bbe moisture resistant, in which ease the procedure in Section 5.3.2 will be followed. 45. The beads shall be dry and free of lumps and clusters. BA. 52 52.4 522, 523. 53. 534 53.1.1 53.2 53.2.1 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING The sampling shall be random in the following rattos—AS kg, (100 Ib) of sample (in full bags) per 4535 ky (10000 Ib) shipped. Upon arrival material shall be reduced in a sample spliter to a size of approximately | kg (2 Ibs) Alternatively, Statistical Process Control Methods following ASTM E 105 and E 1994, and D 75 or ANSI/ASQ Z.1.4 and Z1.9 may be used to monitor the quality of the product so that it meets the requirement of the applicable detail specification. The supplier shall state in a Declaration of Conformity the sampling plans and test methods used. ‘The following requirements shall be tested with the following test methods: Gradation—ASTM D 1214, Alternatively a mechanical, optical or instrumental method with traceable standards is acceptable provided that it correlates to acceptable results obtained using ASTM D 1214, or documentation showing correlation to the referee method referenced in ASTM. D 1214, and follows ASTM E 1617. In the event of nonconformity ASTM D 1214 “Hand Sieve" will be the referee method. Roundness—ASTM D 1155, Alternatively a mechanical, optical, or instrumental method with traceable standards is acceptable provided that it correlates to acceptable results obtained using ASTM D 1155, or documentation showing correlation to the referee method referenced. in ASTM. 1155, and follows ASTM E 1617. In the event of nonconformity ASTM D 1155, Procedure B, will be the referee method. Refractive Index shall be tested by a liquid immersion method (Becke Line Method or equal) at a temperature of 25 = $°C (77 + 9°F). Coatings Tests: Flow Characteristies Test—Referee Method A 100.2 sample of beads is placed in a Coming 3140 erystallizing dish (or equivalent), 100-mm. diameter by 50-mm depth, Place the dish in a Coming 3080 Desiccator (or equivalent) 250-mm inside diameter by 330-mm overall height and 130-mm chamber depth, which shall be filled with a sulfurie acid-water solution having a specific gravity of 1.10 (approximately 94 percent humidity) to a point 25.4 mm below the top of a size $ Coors 60003 Desiccator Plate (or equivatent). The sample shall remain in the covered Desiccator at 25 + $*C for four hours. Remove the sample from the Desiccator and transfer the beads to a metal pan. The beads shall flow without stoppage when poured slowly through a standard glass funnel (Corning 6120 or equivalent), 127-mm diameter, 102-mm stem length, and I1-mm stem inside diameter (Note 2), Note 2—The test operations should be performed immediately on removal of the beads from the Desiccator. Moisture Resistant Coating Test—Referee Method A 100-g sample of beads is placed in a 600-ml. beaker. With the beaker held at about a 45 degree angle, 100 mL. of distilled water is slowly added to the beaker. The water is carefully poured down the side ofthe tilted beaker. The beads are to remain undisturbed. The beaker is allowed to stand, undisturbed, for five minutes. At the end of the standing time, the water is carefully poured from the beaker. It may be necessary to slightly rotate the beaker to avoid trapping pockets of water. TS-4c M 247-3 ‘AASHTO {© 2009 bythe American Association of State Highway and Transprtation Officials All ights reserved. Duplication is violation of apliable lw 5.3.3. 53.34 53.4, 53.41 53.42 53.5, 53.54 Holding the beaker at the “pour angle,” the beads are transferred to a clean, dry 600-mL beaker. A thin, even layer of beads may: coat the inside of the original beaker. The second beaker is allowed to stand, undisturbed, for five minutes, At the end of the standing time, the beads are slowly Poured! into a standard glass Funnel (Coming 6120 or equivalent), 127 mam in diameter, 102-mm stem length and I1-mm stem inside diameter. The beads should flow through the funnel stem without stopping. Slight initial agitation to start the flow of beads through the funnel is permissible Flotation Test—Referee Method Determine the mass of approximately 1 to the nearest 0.0005 g, evenly distribute beads into a clean standard 100-mm glass Petri dish previously weighed to the nearest 0.0005 g. The dish is vibrated slightly to attain as near as possible a monolayer af beads. Xylene, C.P. Grade, is introduced at one side of the dish at arate of 10 to 15 mL per minute from a burette until 30 mL. has been added. The floating beads are then carefully drawn off by suction through a suitably constricted delivery tube connected to a receiving flask, Excess xylene is drawn off so that no remaining beads are lost and the dish dried in an oven at 110-+ 5°C. The dish is weighed and the percentage of floating beads ealeulated Adherence Coating Oven Test—Referee Method Prepare a solution by weighing 0.2 grams of dansyl chloride and dissolving in 25 ml of acetone (See Note 3). This solution can be used for several tests during the day, but must be kept reffigerated in a closed dark container between uses. Make a fresh solution daily. Warning—Dansyl chloride is hazardous. Do not allow skin contact or touch the beads after testing Note 3—Dansyl chloride tests for the presence of amino fianetional groups which are present in most common adhesion coatings. Ifthe supplier is using alternate adhesion chemistry. a comparable simple test must be supplied. Dansyl chloride will oxidize on prolonged contact with sir and light, Solutions should be stored in a dark, brown glass jar. Fresh solutions are a pale, yellow green. Unusable stale solutions are yellow brown, Weigh 10 grams of beads and place in aluminum trays. Saturate the glass bead sample with the ddansyl chloride solution using an eyedropper. Dry the beads in an oven at 60°C (140°F) for 15 minutes. Beads will be yellow and agglomerated. Rinse the beads by placing them in the funnel containing new filter paper and pouring 100 ml of acetone over them. Use suction during the step. Remove the beads from the funnel, and again place in aluminum trays. Dry the beads in the oven until free flowing. Place the beadls an glass filter paper and inspect them under ultra-violet light. Inspection must be in a dark room. A yellow green fluorescence will be observed if adherence coating present, (See Notes 3 and 4). [Fall beads have a yellow green fluorescence with the oven test, the beads are properly coated with adherence coating, If some or no beads have a yellow green fluorescence then this is cause for rejection, Note 4—Fluorescence is proportional to the intensity ofthe incident UV light. Longwave UV lamps designed for quality control, industrial inspection, and nondestructive testing are typically 100W. Portable lamps with 6 or 8W bulbs will show much less fluorescence on the same samples Longwave UV bulbs emit at 365 nm wavelength. Shortwave UV lamps, 254 or 302 nm, and low- \att penlight lamps are not sufficient for this test. Alternative Flotation Test—As Permitted by Purchasing Agency A.15 to 20 g sample of beads is placed in a 60 mL. (2 07.) aluminum weighing dish, 57-mm inside diameter by 16-mm depth. The filled dish should be placed on a flat surface and shaken lightly so that the beads present a flat surface. Carefully place small drops of hexadecane [approximately TS-4c M247-4 ‘AASHTO (© 2009 by the American Association of State Highway and Transporation Officials ‘Allright reserved. Duplication sa Vilation of applicable aw 536, 53. 5374 537.2, 5 mm (0.187 in.) in diameter of 0.05 mL. volume] on the test beads in three locations so that the drops are not touching. The dish should be left flat and the drops should be putin the center of the dish, Do not touch the beads with the dropper tip. A positive test for the presence of coating ‘occurs if all three drops applied shaw clear well rounded appearance with high contact angle, ice the test liquid beads up. A negative test for coating shows the loss of contact angle of the drop, ice if wetting of the beads as evidenced by a darkening of the surface or sinking of the drop into the surface or bead interface occurs within 2 min + 10 Alternative Moisture Resistance Test—As Permitted by Purchasing Agency ‘The above Altemative Flotation test in Section 5.3.6 is performed with three distilled water drops instead of hexadecane, Alternative Aelherence Test—As Permitted by Purchasing Agency ‘The test in 5.3.4 is performed with the following exceptions. One eyedropper full (1.0 ml of 0.02 wt% dansy] chloride (S-

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