Test Code
Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200
1. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (questions). Each item comprises four responses
(answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case
you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider
the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
2. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet (OMR sheet)
provided. Read the directions in the Answer Sheet.
This test is part of Rau’s IAS Test series for Preliminary Exam 20 22
Direction for the following 4 (four) items: (a) Europeans slaughtered the Mayans and
Read the following four passages and answer others to establish their cultural
the items that follow. Your answers to these superiority.
items should be based on the passages only. (b) Europeans used the traditional
knowledge of indigenous people to
Passage–1 exploit them.
Insurance companies keep propagating that (c) Knowledge of indigenous people got lost
installation of antitheft devices reduces the risk as they were forced to adopt newer set
automobile theft. However, data released by of occupations.
police shows that the automobiles which are
(d) Indigenous people were incorrect to
equipped with antitheft devices are more likely
accept superiority of Europeans and
to be stolen in comparison to those which are
follow their lead.
not equipped with any antitheft device.
1. What is the most logical conclusion that
can be made from the passage given Four major traits of academic imperialism are
above? worth noting. First, it is marked by exploitation,
(a) Expensive cars are stolen more often where the subjugator wants to dominate and
than the cheap cars. monopolize resources and people, both
physically and mentally. The second trait is the
(b) Thieves steel those cars which have
antitheft devices installed in them. ideological rationalization for this subjugation,
where the subjugator constructs myths and
(c) Antitheft devices do not work as a
ideologies of superiority and invincibility, in
deterrent to the automobile thieves.
order to justify their dominance. Third is the
(d) Antitheft devices are primarily installed
condition of tutelage where the subjugator
in those areas where automobile theft is
determines and exacts from the subjugated
group and regards themselves as a ‘protector’ or
as a group who are more civilized than the rest.
Finally, the subjugated groups can only assume
The Mayans too were slaughtered, decimated a junior and secondary role, and conformity and
and enslaved by European invaders and their
submission are expected of them.
domestic descendants. Like the Amazonian
peoples, they had to take shelter, isolate
themselves and resist, sometimes with weapons, 3. With reference to above passage following
in so-called ‘safe havens’. Capitalist, colonial assumptions have been made:
and neocolonial processes forced all these 1. The objective of academic imperialism
indigenous peoples to regroup as to improve the quality of academics.
horticulturalists, subsistence farmers or 2. The objective of academic imperialism
suburban and rural proletarians, in a rapid is to establish superiority of subjugator.
process of forced adaption and involution that
3. Academic imperialism also protects the
obliterated the technological achievements of
knowledge of the subjugated group.
their ancestors over millennia, reducing them to
Which of the assumptions are valid?
practicing an impoverished parody of their own
civilization. (a) Only 1 and 2
(b) Only 2 and 3
2. Which of the following is the most logical (c) Only 1 and 3
and rational inference that can be made (d) All of the above
from the passage given above?
Passage–4 7. Consider the two statements and the
Dignity is sometimes discussed by legal scholars question:
as underpinning human rights, although the Statement 1: The average age of A, B and
concept itself is admittedly a slippery one. The D is 20 years
term ‘dignity’ resists a universalizing description Statement 2: The average age of C and D
and is often understood in association with is 25 years.
relational terms like ‘respect’, ‘self-worth’ and
Questions: The total of the present ages of
more problematic ones such as ‘position’,
A, B, C and D is 96 years. What is B’s
‘standing’ and ‘honour’. In multilingual India, it
present age?
is unlikely that we will hear the English term
dignity used uniformly, carrying the same Which of the following is correct with
meaning in courts, debates or in petitions, respect to statements and question?
protests and campaign messages. (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
4. Which one of the following statements best (c) Both 1 and 2
reflects the crux of the passage given (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) It is difficult to give one universal
8. There are two groups of students. In group
definition of the term dignity.
A, there are 50 students and oldest
(b) The definition of dignity can only be
student of the group is 16 and youngest is
understood through relational terms.
12 years old. In the group B, there are 25
(c) It is difficult to define the term dignity
students and their average age is 10 years.
because of multilingual nature of India.
5 Students from group B are transferred to
(d) Court is best body to give definition to group A.
the term dignity.
Consider the following statements:
1. Average age of group A will definitely
5. In a building of 200 homes, 120 homes are
occupied by owners and rest by the
tenants. Further, there are 150 cars 2. Average age of group A will definitely
parked by the residents of the building. If increase.
there is at the maximum only one car Which of the statements given above is are
available for each home, then what is the correct?
minimum number of cars parked by the (a) 1 only
home owners living there? (b) 2 only
(a) 50 (c) Both 1 and 2
(b) 70
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) 70 or more
(d) 70 or less
9. Consider the two statements and the
6. A bag contains one rupee, 50p, 25p coins
Statement-1: Priyanka is ranked 10th from
in the ratio 5 : 3 : 2. If the total amount is
the top and 31st from the bottom among
those who made it to the final round of
Find the total number of coins?
Miss India Contest.
(a) 100
Statement-2: 7 girls did not participate in
(b) 80
the competition and 7 failed in the
(c) 120 previous round.
(d) 50 Question: How many girls participated in
the contest?
Which of the following is correct with (c) Cold war has laid the foundation of
respect to statements and question? wars that we see in the world today.
(a) Statement 1 alone is sufficient to (d) Cause of wars have changed in the
answer the question. post-cold war period and they have
(b) Statement 2 alone is sufficient to become more inwards.
answer the question
(c) Both statement 1 and 2 are required to
answer the question
The IPCC shows how, through comprehensive
(d) Both statement 1 and 2 together cannot
answer the question. demand-side strategies, carbon dioxide and
non-carbon GHG emissions globally can be
reduced by 40–70 per cent compared to the
10. If the letters of English Alphabet are
2050 emissions projection. What this implies is
written in reverse starting from Z and
ending with A, then which alphabet is at that the burden on supply-side mitigation can
the 8th position from the bottom? be reduced by 40-70 per cent. This can be
(a) H achieved through reduced food waste, following
(b) S sustainable healthy dietary choices that
(c) T acknowledge nutritional needs, adaptive heating
and cooling choices for thermal comfort,
(d) I
climate-friendly dressing culture, integration of
renewable energy in buildings, shifting to
Direction for the following 4 (four) items:
electric light-duty vehicles, and to walking,
Read the following four passages and answer
the items that follow. Your answers to these cycling, shared and public transit, sustainable
items should be based on the passages only. consumption by intensive use of longer-lived
repairable products, compact city design and
Passage-3 14. With reference to the above passage, which
Equity and equality, both the concepts have of the statement(s) given below is/are
fairness as a basis, but through different means.
1. Victimization of women is equality
If a full-grown adult and a child are trying to
prevalent whether women come from
reach out to something kept at a certain height.
rich or poor strata.
While the adult can simply lift the hand to touch
2. Covid-19 pandemic has increased
it, the child would need the assistance of a victimization of women.
pedestal to reach that level. Treating them both
Choose the correct answer using the code
equal by not providing the pedestal to the child given below:
is what equality emphasises upon. Equity is (a) 1 only
giving equal opportunity to the child as well (b) 2 only
through an aid which will help attain the (c) Both 1 and 2
desired height. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
13. Which of the following is the most logical Read the following information and answer
and rational inference that can be made the following question/s:
from the passage given above? The principal of a school wants to select a team
(a) If the state has to justice to all the of five members for the annual function. The
members are to be selected from five shortlisted
citizens, it must go beyond the regular
teachers (A, B, C, D and E) and four short listed
definition of equality. students (P, Q, R and S). Some conditions for
(b) Equality cannot be interpreted as a selection of the committee members are given
stand-alone concept and state has a below:
right to do that to ensure development. (i) A and S have to be together
(c) The idea of equality can be (ii) P cannot be put with R
implemented only when other (iii) D and Q cannot go together
fundamental rights are given first to the (iv) C and E have to be selected
citizens. (v) R cannot be selected with B
(d) Equality as an idea is not possible and
there are differences between 15. If two members of the committee are
individuals and it will continue. students and D is one of the members of
the committee, who are the other
committee members?
Passage-4 (a) B, C, P and Q.
Every day, women around the world face (b) A, B, S and P
violence at multiple levels– sexual, emotional (c) C, E, P and S
and psychological and these victims of abuse (d) None of the above
come from every strata of the society–rich or
poor, and from every age group–old or young. 16. In case A and C are members, who are the
The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has other members who cannot be selected for
increased the risk of women who were already the committee?
living in vulnerable situations before the (a) B, E and S
emergence of the pandemic. Reports from (b) E, S and P
various corners of the world have shown that (c) E, P and Q
violence on women has intensified during this (d) None of the above
pandemic, adding to their plight.
17. In case A and C are members, who are the Direction for the following 4 (four) items:
other members who cannot be selected for Read the following four passages and answer
the committee? the items that follow. Your answers to these
(a) B, E and S items should be based on the passages only.
(b) E, S and P
(c) E, P and Q Passage-1
The recent emphasis on revolutionised
(d) None of the above
democracy seeking increased accountability
from the government has brought into focus its
18. Following is a matrix of certain entries. The need and importance in Governance and
entries follow certain trend row wise. governmental functioning. Accountability
Choose the missing entry (?) accordingly. mechanisms–in functioning of the State–has
5Z 10Y 5X been engaging attention of the civil society,
academicians and lawmakers in general and
8Y 10X 2Z
international financial institutions and donors
9X 10Z ? in particular. It is in this context that
(a) 3Y accountability institutions assume importance
and form the core of any good governance
(b) 1Y
mechanism helping in bridging the gap between
(c) 7Z
the stakeholders and the decision makers.
(d) 5X
firmly rooted in development issues such as 23. Which of the following best reflects the
providing basic necessities to its people—food, central idea of the passage given above?
clothing and shelter as also building institutions (a) Law is the most important tool for the
for preserving the hard-earned freedom State and for ensuring governance.
(b) Law is tool to influence the behaviour of
22. Which of the following statements best people as well organization.
reflects the most critical inference that
(c) Law has significant impact of social and
can be made from the passage given
economic policies.
(d) Law is an important tool for helping the
(a) In the initial phase, countries didn’t
institutions to evolve and perform
use the GATT in boosting their
(b) Initially, newly independent countries
focussed on development and protected Passage-4
their freedom. India, with a population of over 1.3 billion, has
(c) GATT was not conceptualized to solve seen tremendous growth in the past two
the problems that the countries were decades. Gross Domestic Product has increased
facing. 4.5 times and per capita consumption has
(d) GATT was designed to extend the increased 3 times. Similarly, food grain
interests the USA and other countries production has increased almost 2 times.
of the western world. However, despite phenomenal industrial and
economic growth and while India produces
Passage-3 sufficient food to feed its population, according
Law is a powerful instrument for change. Law to Food and Agriculture Organization of the
and legal institutions are important tools for United Nations (FAO) estimates in The State of
improving functioning of institutions, enhancing Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2020
growth, social and economic development and report, 189.2 million people, that is 14% of the
delivering justice in society. It is the means population, are undernourished in India. The
through which policies are codified and problem of hunger is complex, and different
implemented, and power is allocated and terms are used to describe its various forms.
contested. Law, in combination with other social
and political strategies, can be used as a device 24. Which of the following statements best
to promote transparency, accountability, and reflects the most critical inference that
openness in the system. In modern states, law can be made from the passage given
serves three critical governance roles. First, it is
through law and legal institutions that states
(a) Problem of hunger cannot be solved
seek to order the behaviour of individuals and
only by increasing production or by
organisations; so that economic and social
increasing per capita income.
policies are converted into outcomes. Second,
law defines the structure of government by (b) The problem of hunger can be solved by
ordering power – that is, establishing and giving free food grains to the
distributing authority and power among population.
government actors and between the state and (c) There is wastage in the process of
citizens. And third, law also serves to order production, storage and transport for
contestation by providing the substantive and the food grains.
procedural tools needed to promote (d) There is hunger in India as the
accountability, resolve disputes peacefully, and
population of India is very high.
change the rules
25. A statement followed by conclusion-I and that he turned right and walked 18 m and
conclusion-II is given below. You have to finally he turned left to and walked 48 m.
take the statement to be true even if seems What is the total distance travelled by
to be at variance from the commonly Ankush in south direction during the
known facts. Read all conclusions and entire journey?
then decide which of the following (a) 22 m
conclusion(s) logically follow/follows from
(b) 36 m
the statement, disregarding the commonly
(c) 40 m
known facts.
(d) 48 m
Statement: Some apples are oranges.
Some oranges are mangoes. All mangoes
are strawberries. 29. Integers are listed from 100 to 200. In how
Conclusion-I: Certainly some oranges are many integers is the sum of digits is 5?
strawberries (a) 2
Conclusion-II: Some apples may not be (b) 3
mangoes. (c) 4
Which of the following is correct? (d) 5
(a) Only Conclusion-I
(b) Only Conclusion-II 30. Ankush walked 50 m towards north then
(c) Both conclusion-I and conclusion-II turned left and walked 68 m. He then
(d) Neither conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II turned to south and walked 22 m then he
took a left turn and walked 44 m. After
that he turned right and walked 18 m and
26. A monkey climbs a slippery pole 12 m
finally he turned left to and walked 48 m.
high. It rises 1 meter in every one minute
What is shortest distance between
and slips 1/2 meter in every next minute.
starting and end point and in which
Find how soon it will reach the top?
direction is Ankush from the starting
(a) 45 min
(b) 44 min
(a) 30m, Northeast
(c) 46 min
(b) 25m, Northwest
(d) 48 min
(c) 26m, Southwest
(d) 26 m, Northeast
27. Six persons L, M,N,O,P and Q, each having
different scores, M scored less than only O.
Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
L scored more than N and Q but less than
Read the following information and answer the
P. Q did not score the lowest. How many
following question/s:
persons scored more than Q?
In a school the periodical examinations are held
(a) One
every second month. In a session during April
(b) Two
2001 - March 2002, a student of Class IX
(c) Three appeared for each of the periodical exams. The
(d) More than three aggregate marks obtained by him in each
periodical exam are represented in the line-
28. Ankush ran 50 m towards north then he graph given below.
turned left and walked 68 m. He then Marks Obtained by student in Six Periodical
turned to south and walked 22 m then he Held in Every Two Months During the Year in
took a left turn and walked 44 m. After the Session 2001 - 2002.
Maximum Total Marks in each Periodical Exam (a) 1
= 500 (b) 2
(c) 0
(d) Cannot be determined.
33. What is the percentage of marks obtained 38. Four horses are tethered at 4 corners of a
by the student in the periodical exams of square field of side 70 metres so that they
August 01 and Oct, 01 taken together? just cannot reach one another. The area
(a) 73.25% left ungrazed by the horses is:
(b) 75.5% (a) 1050 sq.m
(c) 77% (b) 3850 sq.m
(d) 78.75% (c) 950 sq.m
(d) 1075 sq.m
34. What are the average marks obtained by
the student in all the periodical exams 39. A bag contains some cards numbered from
during the last session? 1 to 100. A card is drawn at random. What
(a) 373 is the probability that the card is a
(b) 379 multiple of seven?
(c) 381 (a) 7/50
(d) 385 (b) 1/7
(c) 3/14
35. If 21497 is divided by 10 then what will be (d) 7/35
40. On nth day, n persons work, (where n = 1, 1. Family planning is necessary for
2, 3, …..) means, on first day, only one country to ensure human dignity and
person works; on second day 2 persons also ethical behaviour.
work, and so on like this. If the work is 2. In the current scenario women do not
completed in 25 days, how many days it get enough voice in terms of family
takes to complete the same work by a team planning and related issues.
of 25 people, if they work regularly?
Choose the correct answer using the code
(a) 9
given below:
(b) 13
(a) Only 1
(c) 12
(b) Only 2
(d) 15
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Direction for the following 3 (three) items:
Read the following three passages and answer
the items that follow. Your answers to these Passage- 2
items should be based on the passages only. India has successfully eliminated diseases like
small pox, guineaworm, neonatal tetanus and
Passage-1 polio, and effectively controlled many
Discussions on repositioning family planning communicable diseases like leprosy, malaria,
need to be strongly grounded in the principles of filariasis, kalaazar and progressing well towards
human rights (that respect the dignity of human ending tuberculosis by 2025. Deaths due to
lives) and ethics (that offer a normative basis for infectious and communicable diseases have also
ensuring that rights are not violated). been significantly reduced. The challenge is to
Unfortunately, understanding of the policy and overcome the growing incidence of
programmatic implications of these two noncommunicable and lifestyle diseases like
perspectives remains poor. The inclusion of the cancer, diabetes, chronic kidney diseases,
key principles of a rights-based approach viz cardiovascular diseases, chronic lung diseases
accountability, participation, transparency, and mental health disorders etc., as well as to
empowerment, sustainability, and non- achieve the universal health coverage with
discrimination into all family planning strategies indigenous, affordable and cost-effective
will ensure that ‘people’ are at the center of it innovations.
all. A rights-based approach in the context of
Maternal and Child Health will not only provide
42. Which of the following statements best
a conceptual framework but will also contribute
reflects the most critical inference that can
directly to the achievement of the health-related
be made from the passage given above?
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) i.e.
reducing child mortality (MDG 4) and improving (a) The causes of disease that we know
maternal health (MDG 5). Ultimately, women today will change significantly in the
should be able to exercise their right to coming decades.
participate in decision-making processes, (b) The menace of disease and their
including those affecting their sexual and treatment of going to be much bigger
reproductive health, family planning, than what we have seen.
contraception, pregnancy, childbirth, and in (c) Lifestyle and non-communicable
addressing unsafe abortion.
diseases will be more hard to eliminate.
(d) Humanity will continuously suffer from
41. With reference to the above passage, one problem or another.
following assumptions have been made:
Passage-3 during a day (24 hour interval) will all four
We are in the midst of a significant of them drink water simultaneously?
transformation regarding the way we make (a) 12
products, thanks to the digitisation of (b) 8
manufacturing. This transition is so compelling
that it is being called Industry 4.0 to represent (c) 4
the fourth revolution that has occurred in (d) 6
manufacturing. Industry 4.0 is signalling a
change in the traditional manufacturing 46. The mean of five numbers is 21. The mean
landscape. Also known as the Fourth Industrial
of first three number in 18 and other two
Revolution, Industry 4.0 encompasses three
numbers are 3x + 5 and 5x – 2. What is the
technological trends driving this transformation:
connectivity, intelligence and flexible value of x?
automation. This automation creates a (a) 9
manufacturing system whereby the machines in (b) 8
factories are augmented with wireless (c) 7
connectivity and sensors to monitor and
visualise an entire production process and make (d) 6
autonomous decisions
47. M is the father of N who is the son of V.
43. With reference to the above passage, Consider the following statements:
following assumptions have been made: 1. P is the brother of V.
1. The idea of manufacturing is going to
2. The daughter of N is the granddaughter
be very different from what we have
of V.
understood so far.
2. The focus of manufacturing is to In order to know the relation of M to P,
become automated and helps in which of the statement/statements is/are
customization through intelligence. necessary?
Choose the correct answer using the code (a) Only (1)
given below: (b) Only (2)
(a) 1 only (c) Either (1) or (2)
(b) 2 only (d) Both (1) and (2)
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
48. A sells an article at a loss of 10%. If A had
sold it for Rs. 30 more, he would have
44. In our atmosphere, there is nitrogen, which gained 5%. Find the C.P. of the article?
is 78 percent, oxygen 21 percent. Argon,
carbon dioxide (CO2), and many other (a) Rs. 200
gases are also present in much lower (b) Rs. 250
amounts; each makes up less than 1% of (c) Rs. 300
the atmosphere's mixture of gases. If these (d) Rs. 350
gases are represented in pie-chart, what
will be the central angle (approx.) of the
sector representing gases other than 49. 4 litres of a 20% solution of alcohol in
nitrogen? water is mixed with 6 litres of an 80%
(a) 25 degrees solution of alcohol in water. What is the
(b) 80 degrees strength of alcohol in the resulting
(c) 20 degrees mixture?
(d) 90 degrees (a) 50%
(b) 52%
45. Four persons drink water after every (c) 56%
8minutes, 10 minutes, 12 minutes, and 18 (d) 60%
minutes respectively. How many times
RAUSIAS-TS22E1049 10
50. In what ratio must rice at Rs. 9.30 per kg Passage-2
be mixed with rice at Rs. 10.80 per kg so People might experience symptoms of conditions
that the mixture be worth Rs. 10 per kg? that qualify as disabilities, but they do not
realise that they are experiencing something
(a) 7 : 8
more than just normal variation. For example, a
(b) 8 : 7 student who has a learning disability might
(c) 31 : 36 experience high levels of frustration and poor
(d) 36 : 31 performance in school, but parents and teachers
assume that he or she is a low achiever.
Someone who recently developed a hearing
Direction for the following 2 (two) items: impairment might ask people to repeat
Read the following two passages and answer the sentences or to speak louder, but does not
items that follow. Your answers to these items connect that experience to having a disability.
should be based on the passages only. That person might just avoid social settings and
conversations or get frustrated thinking the
environment was making hearing difficult.
Education has been seen as a core necessity of 52. Which of the following statements best
individuals, social groups, nations and human reflect the rational, plausible and
society. The modern world views it as a basic practical implications that can be derived
human right. Since the formation of the Indian from the passage given above?
Republic, most landmark committees or 1. People should be educated to
commissions on education have unequivocally understand disabilities so that right
underscored the idea of education for all. Many action can be taken.
crucial concerns of contemporary education find 2. People should be given a choice to excel
in the area of their choice rather than
mention in earlier policy documents too. Yet, a
pressurising them.
study of previous reports and policies makes it
3. Society as such should be more
amply clear that the educational journey of our
accommodative for people with
country has been quite uneven, and many disabilities.
genuine aspirations have remained unrealised 4. Some people with disabilities might not
even after seven decades of Independence. get opportunities to excel.
Choose the correct answer from the code
51. With reference to the above passage, given below:
following assumptions have been made: (a) 2 and 3 only
1. There is a gap between the policy (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
document and what has been (c) 1, 2 and 3 only
implemented on the ground. (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
RAUSIAS-TS22E1049 11
54. Look at this series: 14, 28, 20, 40, 32, 64, (a) 30
... What number should come next? (b) 105
(a) 52 (c) 210
(b) 56 (d) 15C
(c) 96
(d) 128 60. A vessel contains 40 litres of milk and a
milkman delivers 10 litres to the first
55. How many squares are there in a chess house, and adds an equal quantity of
board? water. He does exactly the same at the
(a) 64 second and third house. What is the ratio
(b) 204 of milk and water, when he has finished
(c) 4096 delivering at the third house?
(d) 1296 (a) 27 : 37
(b) 26 : 38
56. Four-digit numbers are formed using the (c) 1 : 4
digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 in all possible ways (d) 27 : 64
without repetition. How many of them are
exactly divisible by 25? Direction for the following 2 (two) items:
(a) 20 Read the following two passages and answer the
(b) 35 items that follow. Your answers to these items
(c) 40 should be based on the passages only.
(d) 120
57. Consider the following statements: Ancient India had both ‘writing’ and ‘speech’
1. Prime number can be even number as and the basic distinction between them defined
well. their functions too. Writing which is alienated
2. Average of five consecutive natural from the writer or the author survives him and
numbers is equal to the third number. therefore is meant for the consumption of the
Which of the statements given above is/are posterity. Speech, on the other hand, which
correct? being a living part of the speaker’s personality is
(a) 1 only meant in order to communicate with a live
audience. We have poetic works which are
(b) 2 only
‘written’ and those which are ‘orally transcribed’.
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
61. Which of the following best reflects the
central idea of the passage given above?
58. A river 2m deep and 45 m wide is flowing
(a) Development of language is dependent
at the rate of 3 km per hour. Find the
on the culture of that social group.
volume of water that runs into the sea per
minute. (b) Western civilization focussed more on
removing bias by emphasizing on
(a) 3000
(b) 4500
(c) In Indian culture, emphasis is on
(c) 6000
writing as well as speech for idea
(d) 1500 transmission.
(d) Oral system of communication is more
59. In a party of 15 persons, every person suitable for transmission of ideas in
shakes hands with every other person. Indian culture.
What is the total number of handshakes?
RAUSIAS-TS22E1049 12
Passage-2 hours. How long will the son take to do the
For nearly seventy years, we have been same job, if he worked alone on the job?
witnessing the conduct of successful elections, (a) 20 hours
peaceful changes of Government at the Centre
(b) 120 hours
and in the States, exercising freedom of
(c) 24 hours
expression, movement and religion by the people
of the country. However, unfortunately, people (d) None of these
of the country, more often than not, experience
rampant inequalities, injustice or non-fulfilment 65. A businessman makes a profit of 20% on
of social expectations as assured in the Indian selling 355 books, all at the same price.
Constitution. Therefore, the original concept,
Had he sold 570 more books, and all the
public perception and philosophy behind the
925 books at the price that is 2/3 of the
term “Democracy” has been degraded because of
previous price; what would be his loss or
the misuse, abuse and misinterpretation of the
same to fulfil ulterior motives of the vested gain?
interests. (a) 20% loss
(b) 13.33% Loss
62. With reference to above passage, the (c) 6.67% loss
following assumptions have been made: (d) 331/3 % loss
1. Democracy as an institution has
weakened from the time India became
66. Sohan purchased 360 eggs at the rate of
75 paisa each. On this, he paid Rs 15 as
2. Democracy in India is degraded by the
Octroi, Rs 15 as transport and Rs 5 as
political decision makers and
corruption prevailing in the system. additional charges. He kept 10 eggs for
Choose the correct answer from the code himself. At what price should he offer 14
given below: eggs to get a profit of Rs 70 on the total
(a) 1 only sales?
RAUSIAS-TS22E1049 13
68. Which one of the following combinations is (b) We cannot expect growth to happen in
possible in the seating arrangements? economy without primarily focussing
(a) Ritesh Govind Anish Anil Pawan on infrastructure.
(b) Pawan Amit Ranjeet Rajesh Anish (c) Government’s investment in
(c) Pawan Ritesh Anish Anil Govind infrastructure is reaped by private
(c) Pawan Rajesh Anish Amit Ranjeet sector to trigger growth.
(d) Infrastructure is the best sector to
69. In order to ensure a proper seating invest for any economy.
arrangement, Govind should sit between
(a) Anil and Rajesh Passage-2
(b) Ritesh and Pawan The enduring legacy of the State is defined by
(c) Anish and Anil numerous factors including political capital and
(d) Rajesh and Amit will, administration and policing as well as hard
and soft power. Of these, the State defines its
role through the most important tool at its
70. Which one of the following can be seated
next to Rajesh? disposal - formal institutions. They reflect the
approach of the State towards understanding
(a) Pawan only
and solving the socio-economic development
(b) Ranjeet only
challenges of the time. One such institution
(c) Ritesh only
which exemplified India’s approach to
(d) Any of the above development in the post-independence era was
the Planning Commission. In 2015, this mantle
Direction for the following 4 (four) items: was passed onto the NITI Aayog. However, the
Read the following four passages and answer mandate and approach of the two institutions,
the items that follow. Your answers to these with the same overarching goal of developing
items should be based on the passages only. India, could not be more different
RAUSIAS-TS22E1049 14
Passage-3 74. Which of the following is the most logical
The pandemic has interestingly reconnected as and rational inference that can be made
well as alienated the world in a strange manner. from the passage given above?
People are stuck wherever they are, and nations 1. Water stress/scarcity is primarily a
are trying to help each other in form of vaccines, man-made problem and it can be
equipment, and aid. The enemy, this time, is
solved by consolidated efforts of
common for the entire humanity. Given the way,
it is unpredictable, unforgiving, and mutating,
there is no other way to come out of this 2. Sustainable development goals will
enormous situation unless equity, equality, and solve the issue of water stress as it has
collective will is demonstrated by the moral and legal force.
governments and nations across the world. 3. People’s involvement in the water
management planning will make plans
73. Which of the following is the most logical more practical and executable.
and rational inference that can be made Select the best answer using the code given
from the passage given above? below:
1. Most of the nations were caught off (a) 1 and 2 Only
guard by the consequences of the
(b) 2 and 3 Only
(c) 3 Only
2. Humanity has not seen more
catastrophic occurrence than the (d) None of the above
3. Countries cannot fight the pandemic in Directions for the following 5 (five) items:
isolation and they need to collaborate. Read the following information and answer the
Choose the correct answer from the code following question/s:
given below:
The following pie-chart shows the sources of
(a) 1 and 2 only funds to be collected by the National Highways
(b) 1 and 3 Only Authority of India (NHAI) for its Phase II
(c) 2 and 3 Only projects. Study the pie-chart and answers the
(d) 1, 2 and 3 question that follow.
Sources of funds to be arranged by NHAI for
Passage-4 Phase II projects (in crores Rs.)
Water stress is being experienced across the
world with increased spells of drought,
desertification, and inequitable access to water.
Assured availability of potable water is vital for
human development. Sustainable Development
Goal-6, of ensuring access to water and
sanitation for all, involves reaching to people
who lack basic services and improving
accessibility. For water management to be
sustainable, it has to be planned with a people-
centric strategy that encourages and ensures
their participation.
RAUSIAS-TS22E1049 15
75. Near about 20% of the funds are to be (c) Rs. 5401 crores
arranged through: (d) Rs. 5316 crores
(a) SPVS
(b) External Assistance 78. The central angle corresponding to Market
(c) Annuity Borrowing is
(d) Market Borrowing (a) 52º
(b) 137.8º
76. If NHAI could receive a total of Rs. 9695 (c) 187.2º
crores as External Assistance, by what (d) 192.4º
percent (approximately) should it increase
the Market Borrowing to arrange for the
79. The approximate ratio of the funds to be
shortage of funds?
arranged through Toll and that through
(a) 4.5% Market Borrowing is
(b) 7.5% (a) 2 : 9
(c) 6% (b) 1 : 6
(d) 8% (c) 3 : 11
(d) 2 : 5
77. If the toll is to be collected through an
outsourced agency by allowing a maximum
80. What is value of X in the sequence
10% commission, how much amount
383 394 407 414 419 X
should be permitted to be collected by the
outsourced agency, so that the project is (a) 429
supported with Rs. 4910 crores? (b) 446
(a) Rs. 6213 crores (c) 452
(b) Rs. 5827 crores (d) 438
RAUSIAS-TS22E1049 16
Answers &
3. Answer: (b)
6. Answer: (a)
Statements 2 and 3 can be the
Let us suppose that number of coins are
assumptions. Statement 1 can’t be
5x, 3x and 2x respectively.
assumptions. To understand this, imagine
can the assumption of India’s colonization Then total money will be 5x × 1 + 3x × 1/2
by British can be to improve the quality of + 2x × 1/4 = 70
live(s) of Indians or (in) India. Statements 2 28x/4 = 70 x = 10
and 3 can be the assumptions. So, the total number of coins will be = (5x +
3x + 2x) = 10x = 10 × 10 = 100
7. Answer: (d) 11. Answer: (d)
Explanation: Explanation:
We can calculate the age of C by statement-1 Options (a) and (b) are incorrect as political
ambitions/differences are not the primary
96 – (20×3) = 36 ….. (1)
reasons of war in today’s world. Option (c)
We can calculate the age of D using
is incorrect as there is no reference of cold
statements 1 and 2. war laying foundation for wars. Option (d)
D = 50 – 36 = 14 ….. (2) is the best choice as it rightly
But there is no information to find the communicates the critical message of the
weights of 1 and 2 separately. So, the passage.
question cannot be answered using
statements 1 and 2. So, correct answer is 12. Answer: (a)
option (d). Explanation:
In the passage, author has highlighted
what kind of changes individuals can do to
8. Answer: (d)
ensure that our dependence (and emission)
of carbon dioxide and GHGs has reduced. It
Since, we have only the average age of implies that the critical message of the
group B students, we cannot say definitely passage is that individuals can help in
that the average of age of the group of 5 reducing global warming by changing their
students is higher than the 12 (age of behaviour and consumption. Hence, option
youngest boy in Group A) or lower. So, we (a) is the best choice. Option (b) is incorrect
cannot say for sure whether the average as we cannot say that consumerist
behaviour is the primary reason. Moreover,
age of group A will increase or decrease.
it is not the critical message. Option (c) is
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
incorrect as we cannot say that the effect of
climate change cannot be reversed. Option
9. Answer: (c) (d) is incorrect as it far-fetched. There is no
Explanation: reference of role of states in the passage.
From the statement 1, we can deduce the
number of participants in the final. 13. Answer: (b)
10 + 31 – 1 = 40 ….. (1) Explanation:
From statement 2, we can identify the Option (a) is incorrect as it talks about
expanding the definition of equality. The
number of participants who couldn’t move
author highlights that we need to see
to the final round.
equality along with other ideals which may
7 + 7 = 14 ensure equality in true sense. So, option (a)
So, both the statements are required to is limited and hence, it is wrong. Option (b)
answer the question. Hence, option c is is the best option as it captures the essence
correct. of the idea the author wants to put forward.
Option (c) has the same problem as
highlighted in option (a). It goes much
10. Answer: (a)
beyond the idea of equality and focusses on
Explanation: other fundamental rights. Option (d) is very
You can assume that the letters are not extreme as it says equality is not possible.
reversed then which letter is at the 8th This is beyond the scope of the passage as
position from the top. The letter is A, B , C, author has not given up hope that equality
D, E, F, G, H. So, the answer is H. is not possible.
14. Answer: (b) = 20% of 100x = 20x
Explanation: Distance covered by Train
Statement 1 is incorrect as the passage 5
= × 50% of (100x – 20x)
highlights that there is victimization of 53
women across the strata but we cannot 5
= × 40 x = 25x
conclude regarding equality or non-equality 8
of its prevalence. Distance covered by Cab
Statement-2 is correct as it clearly 3 3
= × 50% of (100x – 20x) = × 40 x
mentioned in the passage 53 8
= 15x
15. Answer: (d) Distance covered on feet
Explanation: = 100x – 20x – 25x – 15x = 40x
From (d), both (c) and (e) have to be Total distance covered by Bike and Taxi
selected, but (a) and (b) do not satisfy (d). = 20x + 15x = 35x = 126 km (Given)
(c) does not satisfy (a). Answer is (d).
Note: No team can be formed with the Length of journey = 100 × = 360 km
given condition.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
and second, it did solve the problems of 26. Answer: (a)
some countries. Option (d) is incorrect as it Explanation:
is beyond the scope of the passage given. Let’s first find the time taken by the
So, option (b) is the best answer. monkey to climb 11 m. In 2 minutes, the
monkey climbs 0.5 m.
So, for 11 m, monkey needs. (11/0.5) × 2 =
23. Answer: (d)
44 Minutes. In the next one minute, the
Explanation: monkey will reach the top and hence, we
Option (a) is incorrect as we cannot infer will not calculate the time to slip again.
that law is the most important. Option (b) Hence, correct answer is option (a).
and (c) are mentioned in the passage but
they are not the central idea of the passage. 27. Answer: (d)
Option (d) is the best statement and it Explanation:
captures the essence of passage correctly. According to the information given above, O
then turned to south and walked 22 m 32. Answer: (b)
then he took a left turn and walked 44 m. Explanation:
After that he turned right and walked 18 m Here it is clear from the graph that the
and finally he turned left to and walked 48 student obtained 360, 365, 370, 385, 400
m. and 405 marks in periodical exams held in
Using the above information we can draw a Apr 01, Jun 01, Aug 01, Oct 01, Dec 01
and Feb 02 respectively.
following figure:
Required percentage
= 100 % = 112.5%
(405 400)
For Feb 02 = 100 % = 1.25% 36. Answer: (b)
Clearly, highest percentage increase in
Only two instruments = x + y + z = 70
marks is in Oct 01.
a + b = 200 – (80 + 70 + 20) = 30
Hence, option (b).
41. Answer: (c)
Both statement 1 and 2 are assumptions.
In the first part of the passage, it has been
highlighted that the dignity of individual
and ethics both are important in ensuring
family planning. In the last part the need to
giving the right to women is also
46. Answer: (d) line “Since the formation of the Indian
Explanation: Republic, most landmark committees or
Sum of all 5 numbers = 5 × 21 = 105 commissions on education have
unequivocally underscored the idea of
Sum of first 3 numbers = 3 × 18 = 54
education for all. Many crucial concerns of
54 + 3x + 5 + 5x - 2 = 105
contemporary education find mention in
x=6 earlier policy documents too”. However,
Hence, option (d). statement-2 is out of context of the
passage. There is no indication that local
47. Answer: (a) participation was present or absent from
Explanation: policy making.
M is the father of N and N is the son of V.
Hence, V is the mother of N. 52. Answer: (d)
From (1), P is the brother of V Explanation:
Therefore, M is the brother-in-law of P The passage highlights the problems faced
because V is the wife of M. by the people with disabilities because of
From (2), the daughter of N, is the lack of understanding about them in the
granddaughter of V. From this we do not society. Statements 1, 2 and 3 are
get any relation of M to P. suggested rational actions that can be
suggested for handling this problem.
48. Answer: (a) Statement 4 is an implication of the lack of
understanding. Hence, correct answer is
option (d).
15 % of CP = Rs 30 (as 10% of CP is Loss
and 5 % will be Gain)
100 % of CP = (30/15) × 100 = 200 53. Answer: (a)
Answer is (a). Explanation:
The middle two places can be filled in 5
49. Answer: (c) ways and 4 ways respectively
Explanation: The extreme two places can be filled in 17
and 16 ways respectively
Resultant Strength = (4 × 20 + 6 × 80)/ (4 +
6) = (80 + 480)/10 = 560/10 = 56% Total number of ways = 17 × 5 × 4 × 16 =
Option (c). 5440
Hence, option (a).
50. Answer: (b)
Explanation: 54. Answer: (b)
N1 : N2 = (A2-Aw) : (Aw - A1) Explanation:
Aw =10 This is an alternating multiplication and
A1 = 9.3 subtracting series: First, multiply by 2 and
A2 =10.8 then subtract 8.
(10.8 - 10) : (10 - 9.3) = 0.8 : 0.7 = 8 : 7
Option (b). 55. Answer: (b)
51. Answer: (a) 1. 1 × 1 squares - 8 squares across the
Explanation: width and 8 squares along the length =
Statement-1 is definitely an assumption 8 × 8 = 64
from the passage as it is highlighted in the 2. 2 × 2 squares - with the size of the
square increasing by 1 square the
number of squares across the width will number is also 3. It is true for every case. It
be down to 7 and the ones along the can be seen as follows as well.
length will also be down to 7. So, there Let the middle number is x. So, the
are 7 × 7 = 49 (2 × 2) squares. numbers can be
3. 3 × 3 squares - 6 squares across the x – 2, x – 1, x, x + 1 and x + 2. Here again
width and 6 along the length = 6 × 6 the results will the same.
= 36 (3 × 3) squares.
4. 4 × 4 squares - 5 squares across the 58. Answer: (b)
width and 5 along the length = 5 × 5
= 25 (4 × 4) squares.
Area of cross section of water flowing to the
5. 5 × 5 squares - 4 squares across the
sea = 2 m × 45 m = 90 m²
width and 4 along the length = 4 × 4
Volume of the water flowing per hour to the
= 16 (5 × 5) squares.
sea (Q) = Area × Velocity of flow
6. 6 × 6 squares - 3 squares across the
Q = 90 m² × (3 × 1000 m) per hour
width and 3 along the length = 3 × 3
= 9 (6 × 6) squares. Q = 270,000 /hr.
7. 7 × 7 squares - 2 squares across the Q = 4500 /min
width and 2 along the length = 2 × 2 Hence, option (b).
= 4 (7 × 7) squares.
8. 8 × 8 squares - 1 square across the 59. Answer: (d)
width and 1 along the length = 1 × 1
= 1 (8 × 8) square.
Total number of handshakes = selection of
If you figured that the number of squares is
2 persons out of 15 = 15C2
the summation of squares of natural
Hence, option (d).
numbers up to 8, you could have used the
formula n(n+1)(2n+1)/6, where n = 8.
60. Answer: (a)
passage. Option (b) cannot be the central 66. Answer: (c)
idea as it focuses on western civilizations’ Explanation:
focus. Option (c) is the correct answer as it Total Cost of 360 eggs
captures the essence of the passage
= (75/100) × 360 + 15 + 15 + 5 = 305
This cost has to recovered from 360 - 10
= 350 eggs.
62. Answer: (b)
Total Selling Price = 305 + 70 = 375
SP of each egg = 375/350 = 15/14
The passage talks about the degradation of
philosophy, perception and original SP of 14 eggs = Rs 15.
concept. But it is silent about democracy as Answer is (c).
an institution. Hence, statement 1 cannot
be the assumption. Statement-2 is correct 67. Answer: (d)
as it is mentioned in last few lines of the
In the second and third statements, the
common code is '9a' and the common word
63. Answer: (c) is 'not'.
So, '9a' means 'not'.
A’s one day’s work = 1/(T + 5)
In the first and second statements, the
B’s one day’s work = 1/(T + 45) common codes are '7c' and '3a' and the
(A + B)’s combined one day’s work = 1/T common words are 'is' and 'Eternal'.
1/(T + 5) + 1/(T + 45) = 1/T So, in the second statement, '8b' means
Solving, T = 15 days 'enmity'.
Hence, option (c). Directions for the following 3 (three)
64. Answer: (b) Read the following information and answer
Explanation: the following question/s:
If the man takes 60 hours to complete the Eight technicians (Pawan, Ritesh, Anish,
work, then he will finish 1/60th of the work Govind, Anil, Rajesh, Amit, Ranjeet) are
in 1 hour. selected for excellence awards for their
Let us assume that his son takes x hours outstanding contributions to technology.
to finish the same work. Besides nurturing their own technology,
If they work together for 1 hour they will two of these technicians, viz., Pawan and
finish 1/60 + 1/x = 1/40th of the work. Anish, also patronize the electronics
Therefore, 1/x = 1/120 industry while two others, viz., Govind and
The son, working alone would take 120 Amit, also patronize the electrical industry.
hours to complete the work. While arranging the seats in linear order, it
Hence, option (b). was decided that the technicians who
patronize other technologies in addition to
their own should not be seated together.
65. Answer: (a)
68. Answer: (c)
Initial SP = 120% of CP.
New SP = (2/3)120% of CP = 80 % of CP.
Here, of the eight persons, Pawan, Anish,
So, Loss % = 20%.
Govind and Amit are the persons, who
Note: The number of books is not relevant.
patronize other technologies in addition to
Answer is (a). their own.
So, no two of these persons are next to effect of the investment in infrastructure.
each other. And similar is the case with the Option (d) is not the correct answer as it is
remaining four persons i.e., Ritesh, Anil, a generalized conclusion. Option (c) is far-
Rajesh and Ranjeet. Hence, they must be in fetched as it brings private sector into
alternate positions. discussion. Option (b) is incorrect as it
Choice (a) is not possible as Anish and states growth is not possible without
Govind are in adjacent positions. investing into the infrastructure.
Choice (b) is not possible as Pawan and
Amit are in adjacent positions. 72. Answer: (d)
Choice (d) is not possible as Anish and Explanation:
Amit are adjacent to each other. All the statements are rational, plausible
Choice (c) is a valid arrangement. and practical implications. Need for change
Answer is (c). is an implication of expectation and
achievement of planning commission.
Statement-2 is highlighted in the
69. Answer: (a)
comparison of the Planning Commission
and the NITI Aayog. Statement-3 is clearly
Here, of the eight persons, Pawan, Anish, mentioned as the objective of the
Govind and Amit are the persons, who government. Statement-4 is also correct as
patronize other technologies in addition to there is no denial about the role of
their own. planning commission.
So, no two of these persons are next to
each other. And similar is the case with the
73. Answer: (b)
remaining four persons i.e., Ritesh, Anil,
Rajesh and Ranjeet. Hence, they must be in
alternate positions. It is clearly mentioned that the pandemic is
unpredictable in nature and hence,
Govind should sit between Anil and Rajesh.
statement-1 can be inferred. Statement-2
Answer is (a).
cannot be inferred as we cannot infer that
pandemic is the most catastrophic.
70. Answer: (a) Statement-3 is something which is clearly
Explanation: suggested in the passage.
Here, of the eight persons, Pawan, Anish,
Govind and Amit are the persons, who 74. Answer: (c)
patronize other technologies in addition to Explanation:
their own.
Statement 1 is incorrect as there is no
So, no two of these persons are next to reference of water scarcity being a mana
each other. And similar is the case with the made problem in the passage. Statement 2
remaining four persons i.e., Ritesh, Anil, is incorrect as there is no reference of
Rajesh and Ranjeet. Hence, they must be in legality of the sustainable development
alternate positions. goals. Statement 3 is the most logical and
Pawan can sit next to Rajesh. rational inference that we can draw.
Answer is (a).
75. Answer: (b)
71. Answer: (a) Explanation:
Explanation: 20% of the total funds to be arranged
Option (a) is the best reflection for the = Rs. (20% of 57600) crores
passage as it clearly highlights the trigger
RAUSIAS-TS22E1049 10
= Rs. 11520 crores 78. Answer: (c)
= Rs. 11486 crores. Explanation:
Rs. 11486 crores is the amount of funds to Central angle corresponding to Market
be arranged through External Assistance. 29952
Borrowing = 360 = 187.2º
76. Answer: (c)
Shortage of funds arranged through 79. Answer: (b)
External Assistance Explanation:
= Rs. (11486 - 9695) crores 4910 1 1
= Rs. 1791 crores. 29952 6.1 6
Increase required in Market Borrowing
= Rs. 1791 crores. 80. Answer: (a)
Percentage increase required Explanation:
1791 Series Pattern Given Series
= 100 % = 5.98% = 6%.
29952 383 383
383 + (8 + 3) = 394 394
77. Answer: (c)
394 + (9 + 4) = 407 407
Amount permitted = (Funds required from 407 + (0 + 7) = 414 414
Toll for projects of Phase II) + (10% of these 414 + (1 + 4) = 419 419
funds) 419 + (1 + 9) = 429 429 ✓
= Rs. 4910 crores + Rs. (10% of 4910)
crores Note: The last two digits of a number are
= Rs. (4910 + 491) crores being added to the same number to get the
next term of the series. Hence, option (a) is
= Rs. 5401 crores.
RAUSIAS-TS22E1049 11
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