244 HyGain Quad Antenna
244 HyGain Quad Antenna
244 HyGain Quad Antenna
Driven Element
( ) Select the %e" x 24" tube and insert into the 1 " x
365/8" tube. Align the holes and secure using #10 x 3/8"
CAUTION ( ) Select a 2" x 4778" of tubing and stick the end with
1 the /16" dia. hole into the piece of 3" pipe driven in the
The 14" piece of 1 /8" tube must be inserted to a ground previously. This is one half of the boom.
depth leaving a 2" space between it and the 48"
length of 1 /8" tube. Once this 2" spacing
dimension is assured, securely tighten the
1 3
insulator sections together, using the /4" x /4"
( ) Select the 1" x 28 /4" tube and slip the end with the
smaller holes into the 14" piece of 1'/8" tube. Align the
holes and secure using #10 x /8" self tapping screws.
( ) Select the 78" x 24" tube and slip the end with the
smaller drilled holes into the 1 " x 28 /4" tube. Align the
holes and secure using #10 x /8" self tapping screws.
5 3
( ) Select the /8" x 28 /8" tube and slip the drilled end
into the 78 x 24" tube. Align the holes and secure
using #10 x 3/a" self tapping screws.
Figure 7. Boom-to-spreader Arm Bracket Assembly ( ) Insert these into each end of the spreader arm
insulators on the bracket farthest from the top end of
( ) Select 4 spreader arm insulators and insert one into the boom.
the end of each bracket, as shown above.
( ) Turn the driven element top spreader arm so that
NOTE: This will be the reflector end of the boom. when the boom section is standing vertical the extra
holes in the 1 " and 5/ 8" tubes of this spreader arm
( ) From the group of reflector spreader arms assembly are pointing straight up.
assembled earlier, take the two marked horizontal
and slip them into the two spreader arm insulators in NOTE: To avoid problems later in the assembly, be
the brackets farthest from the end of the boom See sure that all the tubes bottom out against the insulator.
( ) From the same group, take the two spreader arms ( ) Select the two remaining spreader arms marked
marked top and bottom reflector and insert them into Driven Element Horizontal.
the other pair of brackets assembled closest to the
boom end. ( ) Insert these into the spreader arm insulators
located in the pair of brackets closest to the end cap.
" 3
( ) Tighten the ' /4 x /4" bolts securely.
NOTE: The /8" tube of the bottom vertical driven
element spreader arm takes two "/16" compression
clamps as shown.
2. String the element wires. ( ) Mount the element insulator hangers, item 68, on
the element tubes. The locations for the driven
3. Attach all jumper wires, i.e. phone bypass, driven element spreader arms are noted in Figure 15. Their
element bypass etc. as shown in the detailed typical mounting is shown in Figures 16, 17, 21, 22,
drawings, Figure 16 through Figure 34. and 23. Refer to Figure 34 for more detail.
( ) Squeeze the hanger ends together so the
insulators won't come off.
Element Tension
( ) Select the cast aluminum brackets, boom-to- ( ) Select the two boom sections and slip the drilled
bracket clamp, and the casting-to-boom bracket and end into the boom-to-mast bracket. Line up the holes.
assemble loosely. Attach the boom sections to the brackets using the
two /,5'"-18 x 2 1/2" bolts, nuts and lockwasher
provided. Do not tighten them now. The bracket must
be loose to facilitate mounting the antenna on the
( ) There are two styles of 5/8" caplugs. Insert these ( ) Run the coax feedline up the mast, across the
caplugs on the end of each stringer element now. The boom, down the driven element spreader arm and
caplugs with the holes in the end must be placed on attach to the 10 meter (top connection) gamma
the stringer element that points down when the match as shown in Figure 24.
antenna is in its erected position. This insures proper
drainage of any moisture that may accumulate in ( ) Recheck all mechanical connections for tightness.
these tubes. The two inch caplugs can now be Seal the coax connections with Dow Corning silicone
inserted on the ends of the boom. rubber (Silastic), GE RTV compound, or some similar