244 HyGain Quad Antenna

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Input impedance (nominal)…………………52 ohms

Forward gain… 10 meters -8.7 dB; 15 meters -8.5 dB;
20 meters -8.3 dB
Front-to-back ratio …………………… 25 to 35 dB
depending on electrical height

Maximum power input ……………….. 1 kw AM, 4 kw

P.E.P VSWR at resonance ................ 1.5:1 or better
Lightning protection .................... DC ground

This two-element, tri-band quad operates on 10, 15,

and 20 meters. The choice to two band settings:
phone and CW, presents low VSWR across each
segment with broadband characteristics.

Heavy swaged aluminum tubing speraders offer

strength and durability, and are free of pattern
distortion effects. The spreaders are broken at
strategic electrical points with high impact-cycolac
insulators and are completely free of "RF" and pattern
di t ti ff t
The Driven Element is at DC ground to eliminate
static noise and to provide lightning protection.
Separate pretuned gamma matches offer isolation.
The closed loop feature decreases static build-up.
Study the manual and familiarize yourself with the
Taper swaged tubing and vertix-feed combine to illustrations. Check the parts against the parts list.
provide mechanical stability. The cast aluminum tilt-
head boom gives strength and offers a choice of mast NOTE: When unpacking your antenna, check the
diameters. inside of all tubing for parts (clamps, insulators,
smaller tubing etc.). To conserve space, these smaller
The preset speader arms are drilled for easy articles are sometimes put inside the larger pieces.
assembly. You only need to measure the element
NOTE: All tubing supplied with the Hy-Quad is
designed to telescope together. It is held in place with
two #10 x 3/8" self-tapping screws. All tubing lengths
One transmission line feeds all three bands. RG-8/au are predrilled for your convenience. For optimum
offers minimum cable loss and full legal power operation, all element-to-wire dimensions should be
capabilities. If your cable run is less than 60 feet and followed by ± 1/8".
power doesn't exceed 200 watts use RG-58/au.
The size of this antenna requires consideration as to
how you are going to get it to the top of your tower.
The tilt-head boom-to-mast bracket (see Figure 35)
facilitates assembly of the antenna in halves. There
are two installation methods:
Decide the best height for your installation. Height
above the ground determines the angle of radiation
(the lower the angle, the greater the range). Method 1 - Completely assemble the antenna on the
ground and hoist it into position as shown in Figure 1.
For best results, install the Hy-Quad at least 45 feet
above the ground and 8 to 10 feet above your tower Method 2 - Assemble the antenna on the ground in
or rotator. halves, then hoist each half up the tower and attach
to the boom-to-mast bracket on the tower.
The site should be clear of any objects of a large,
conductive mass which tend to shift antenna The best method is to assemble the antenna in halves
resonance, affect the VSWR, and distort the radiation. on the ground. When this is done the reflector and
driven element spreaders must be in the same plane.
NOTE: To prolong the life of this product in or around Attach the boom to the boom-to-mast bracket and
coastal areas, it is recommended that all hardware be assemble the sperader arm to boom bracket on the
encapsulated with a silicone rubber compound such boom. MAKE SURE THE DRIVEN ELEMENT AND
as Dow-Corning silastic rubber or GE silicone seal to REFLECTOR BRACKETS ARE IN THE SAME PLANE. Now
prevent atmospheric deterioration. separate the antenna in halves and complete the
e. Driven Element Spreader Arm Assembly Horizontal
f. Assembly of Spreader Arms to Boom Sections
g. Compression Clamp
Assembly h. Element Assembly
i. Phone By-Pass
Wires j. Element
k. Gamma Match
Assembly I. Boom


( ) Both ends of the horizontal spreader arms are

assembled in exactly the same way. For simplicity, the
assembly procedures for only one end will be
1 " 5
( ) Insert the 1 /8" x 48" tube into the 1'/4 x 14' /6"
tube. Align the holes and secure the tubes using #10
x /8" self tapping screws.

( ) Select the spreader arm insulators and attach them

loosely on the end of the 1 1/8" x 48" tube.

( ) Select the tube measuring 1 1/8" x 10" and insert it

into the spreader arm insulator.

The assembly sequence will be described in the

following order: CAUTION

The 10" piece of 1 /8" tube must be inserted to a

a. Reflector Spreader Arm Assembly Horizontal
b. Reflector Spreader Arm Assembly Vertical depth that allows a 2" space between it and the
48" length of 1 /8" tube. Once this 2"spacing
c. Driven Element Spreader Arm Assembly Top
Vertical d. Driven Element Spreader Arm Assembly dimension is assured, securely tighten the
1 3
Bottom Vertical insulator sections together using the /4" x /4"
This concludes the assembly of half the horizontal
reflector spreader arm. The other half is assembled in
exactly the same way.


( ) Select a 1'/4" x 14'5/6' tube and a 1'/8" x 48" tube.

Do not interchange the ends. The hole diameters are
different and the small holes must be inside the large
tubes. Align the holes and secure the tubes using #10
lf t i
( ) Select the 1 " x 365/8" tubes and slip the end with
the smaller drilled holes into the 1'/8" x 48" tubes. Align
the holes and secure using #10 x 3/8" self tapping

( ) Select the %e" x 24" tubes and slip the unswaged

end into the 1 " x 365/8" tubes. Align the holes and
secure with #10 x 3/8" self tapping screws.

( ) Select the 5/8" x 41'5/2' tubes and slip the drilled

end into the %8" x 24" tubes. Align the holes and secure
using the #10 x 3/8" self tapping screws.

Driven Element

Top Vertical Spreader Arm

Refer to Figure 4. Select a 1'/4" x 14'5/,6" tube and a 1'

/8"x 48" tube. Slip the 1'/8" x 48" tube into the end of
the 1'/4" tube. Align the holes and secure using the
( ) Next, select the 1 " x 365/8" tube, which is drilled for
attachment of a tombstone insulator, and insert into
the 1'/8" x 48" tube. Align the holes and secure using
#10 x 3/8" self tapping screws.

( ) Select the %e" x 24" tube and insert into the 1 " x
365/8" tube. Align the holes and secure using #10 x 3/8"

( ) Next, select the 5/8" x 353/4" tube, which is also

drilled for attachment of the tombstone insulator, and
insert into the %8" x 24" tube. Turn the tube so the
holes line up. The hole for the tombstone insulator in
this 5/8" tube must line up with the tombstone insulator
hole in the 1 " x 365/8" tube.

( ) This completes assembly instructions on the top

driven element assembly. This should now be marked
( ) Select a 1 " x 323/4" tube and slip the end with the "Top DE" and set aside for future use.
smaller drilled holes into the 10" piece of 1 1/8" tube.
Align the holes and secure using the #10 x 3/8" self Bottom Vertical Spreader Arm
tapping screws.
( ) First, select the 1'/4" x 14'5/,6" tube and a 1'/8" x 48"
( ) Select the %e" x24" tube and slip the end with tube, Insert the drilled end of 1'/8" diameter tube into
smaller holes into the 1 " x 323/4" tube. Align the holes the drilled end of the 1'/4" diameter tube. Align the
and secure using #10 x 3/6" self tapping screws. h l d b i th #10 lf t i
( ) Select the 1 " x 365/8" tube and insert the drilled
5 3
( ) Select the /8" x 32 /8" tube and slip the drilled end end into the 11/8" tube. Align the holes and fasten
into the %e" x 24" tube. Align the holes and secure securely, using the #10 x 3/e" self tapping screws.
using the #10 x 3/8" self tapping screws. Align the holes and fasten securely.
( ) Select the 78" x 24" tube and insert it into the 1 " x
36 5/8" tube. Align the holes and secure using #10 x /8"
5 3
( ) Finally, select the /8" x 35 /4" tube and insert in the
78 tube. Again, align the holes and fasten securely
using the same type hardware as before.

( ) Mark this spreader arm assembly "Lower DE" and

set aside for future use.

Horizontal Spreader Arm Assembly

The last spreader arm assembly is the horizontal arms

of the driven element. These too will be assembled in
halves. Both halves are identical, therefore, assembly

" 5 Figure 5. Spreader Arms Grouped and Labeled

( ) Select the 1'/4 x 14' /,6" tube and 1'/8" x 48" tube.
Insert the end of the 11/8" x 48"tube into the drilled end NOTE: To aid in this part of the assembly, a 3" dia. x 3'
of the 1'/4" x 14' /,6" tube. Align the holes and fasten length of pipe can be driven in the ground about 1 foot.
securely using the #10 x 3/8" self tapping screw. This will hold each boom section in a near vertical
position while the spreader arms are assembled.
( ) Select the spreader arm insulators and attach
loosely on the end of the 1 /8" x 48" tube. ( ) Select the eight spreader element brackets and
3 "
loosely assemble using '/4-20 x /4 bolts, nuts, and
( ) Select the tube measuring 11/8" x 14" and insert into lockwashers, '/4"-20 x V anchor bolts and square nuts,
the spreader arm insulator. as shown in Figure 6.

CAUTION ( ) Select a 2" x 4778" of tubing and stick the end with
1 the /16" dia. hole into the piece of 3" pipe driven in the
The 14" piece of 1 /8" tube must be inserted to a ground previously. This is one half of the boom.
depth leaving a 2" space between it and the 48"
length of 1 /8" tube. Once this 2" spacing
dimension is assured, securely tighten the
1 3
insulator sections together, using the /4" x /4"

( ) Select the 1" x 28 /4" tube and slip the end with the
smaller holes into the 14" piece of 1'/8" tube. Align the
holes and secure using #10 x /8" self tapping screws.

( ) Select the 78" x 24" tube and slip the end with the
smaller drilled holes into the 1 " x 28 /4" tube. Align the
holes and secure using #10 x /8" self tapping screws.
5 3
( ) Select the /8" x 28 /8" tube and slip the drilled end
into the 78 x 24" tube. Align the holes and secure
using #10 x 3/a" self tapping screws.

( )This completes the assembly of half the horizontal

driven element spreader arm. The other half is
assembled in exactly the same way.

Figure 6. Boom-to-spreader Arm Assembly

Assembly of Spreader Arms To Boom Sections:
( ) Place two pair of loosely assembled spreader
( ) At this point, 8 spreader arms should be properly element brackets in position on the end of the boom as
labeled and grouped together as to Reflector or Driven shown in Figure 7. Place the 2" caplugs on the ends of
Element (four in each group) as shown in Figure 5. the boom.
( ) Select the remaining 2" x 47% 8" boom section and
insert the drilled end into the pipe as done before.

( ) Select the last 2 pair of loosely assembled boom-

tospreader arm brackets and assemble them on the
opposite and of the boom, as shown in Figure 7. Leave
just enough room for the 2" caplug to be inserted on
the end of the boom tube as shown.

( ) Insert the four remaining spreader arm insulators

into the ends of each pair of brackets.

( ) From the group of driven element spreader arms,

select the one marked Driven Element Top and the
one marked Driven Element Bottom.

Figure 7. Boom-to-spreader Arm Bracket Assembly ( ) Insert these into each end of the spreader arm
insulators on the bracket farthest from the top end of
( ) Select 4 spreader arm insulators and insert one into the boom.
the end of each bracket, as shown above.
( ) Turn the driven element top spreader arm so that
NOTE: This will be the reflector end of the boom. when the boom section is standing vertical the extra
holes in the 1 " and 5/ 8" tubes of this spreader arm
( ) From the group of reflector spreader arms assembly are pointing straight up.
assembled earlier, take the two marked horizontal
and slip them into the two spreader arm insulators in NOTE: To avoid problems later in the assembly, be
the brackets farthest from the end of the boom See sure that all the tubes bottom out against the insulator.

( ) From the same group, take the two spreader arms ( ) Select the two remaining spreader arms marked
marked top and bottom reflector and insert them into Driven Element Horizontal.
the other pair of brackets assembled closest to the
boom end. ( ) Insert these into the spreader arm insulators
located in the pair of brackets closest to the end cap.
" 3
( ) Tighten the ' /4 x /4" bolts securely.

( ) Adjust the spreader arms to 90° apart by slowly

turning the boom-to-spreader arm brackets, then
tightening the ' /4 x 3/8" anchor screws located on each

( ) This completes the driven element half of the


NOTE: Make sure the horizontal spreaders are

parallel with the /s" diameter hole in the opposite end
of the 2" boom tube.

Compression Clamp Assembly

(See Figures 10, 11, and 12)
Figure 8. Boom-to-spreader Arm Bracket
Driven Element
NOTE: The spreader arm bracket containing the
horizontal spreader arms should be parallel with the NOTE: Compression clamps should only be hand
/,5" diameter hole in the opposite end of the 2" boom
( ) Slip the two 1 / 8" compression clamps, item 28,
( ) Remove this assembly from the pipe and prepare over the ends of the horizonal element spreader tubes
to assemble the driven element spreader arms on the and assemble them in their proper position on the 1 / 8"
other 2" x 4 7% 8" boom section. diameter tubes.
( ) Install the six 1" compression clamps, item 29. Slip
three of them over the bottom vertical driven element
spreader arm as shown in Figure 9. Slip one over the
top end of the vertical spreader arm as shown and
slip one over each end of the driven element
horizontal spreader arm as shown in Figure 9.

( ) For proper assembly of the middle 1 " compression

clamp on the middle of the bottom driven element
tube, refer to Figure 24, Gamma Match Detail.

( ) Select two %a" compression clamps, item 30, and

slip one on the end of each vertical driven element
spreader arm and loosely attach them on the %a"
tubing at the dimensions called for in Figure 9.

( ) Next, select five of the "/16" compression clamps

and place them on each spreader arm at the locations
shown'in Figure 9.

NOTE: The /8" tube of the bottom vertical driven
element spreader arm takes two "/16" compression
clamps as shown.

( ) This completes the basic assembly of the

compression clamps on the driven element half of the
antenna. Remove this half from the pipe and lay it to
one side.

( ) Insert the reflector half of the antenna in the pipe

and prepare to assemble the compression clamps as
shown in Figure 13.

( ) Select seven 1 " compression clamps and

hardware. Slip two clamps on each end of the
horizontal reflector spreader arms, two clamps on the
bottom vertical reflector spreader arms and one clamp
on the top vertical reflector spreader arm.

( ) Loosely assemble these clamps at the location

given in Figure 13.

( ) Select three 7/8 " compression clamps and

hardware. Slip two clamps over the bottom vertical
reflector spreader arms and one clamp over the top
vertical reflector spreader arm.

( ) Move them to the proper dimensions shown in

Figure 13 and fasten loosely.

( ) Select five' /,s" compression clamps and hardware

and slip two clamps on the end of the bottom vertical
reflector spreader arm as shown in Figure 13.

( ) Slip one clamp on each of the other reflector

spreader arms. Fasten all five compression clamps
loosely at the locations shown in Figure 13.
1. Measurements are made from the center of 3. Length of the loop must be maintained at 9". All
compression clamps and the center of hole in other bypass wire dimensions are found in detailed
insulators. Tolerances are not specific: antenna assembly illustrations. Keep all dimensions accurate.
performance depends on assembly.
4. Add 1 1/2' to this dimension for overall length of wire
2. Add 2112' to this dimension for overall length of the to allow for wrapping and bypass loop.
wire to allow for wrapping and bypass loops.

Figure 14. Measurements For Antenna Stringing

IMPORTANT NOTE: Dimensions of jumper wires are critical. All

measurements must be accurate.
The most difficult part of the antenna assembly
is the stringing of the element wire. Take extra The element wire shrinks in cold weather, DO NOT
time to plan the remaining steps. Figure 14 overtighten it during assembly.
gives the lengths and spacings of the elements.
With these measurements and a thorough NOTE: To prevent tangling, do not cut all wires ties
holding the large roll of wire. Improvise a spool or
General Assembly Outline some other means of containment and pull off only as
much wire as needed for each piece. Do not use pliers
The general outline of steps is listed below. Follow the to pull or wrap the wire. Any nicks weaken the wire.
detailed instructions for assembly.

1. Attach all insulators to the compression clamp

screws. Detailed Assembly Instructions

2. String the element wires. ( ) Mount the element insulator hangers, item 68, on
the element tubes. The locations for the driven
3. Attach all jumper wires, i.e. phone bypass, driven element spreader arms are noted in Figure 15. Their
element bypass etc. as shown in the detailed typical mounting is shown in Figures 16, 17, 21, 22,
drawings, Figure 16 through Figure 34. and 23. Refer to Figure 34 for more detail.
( ) Squeeze the hanger ends together so the
insulators won't come off.

( ) Assemble the ten and fifteen meter driven element

upper insulators as shown in Figure 18, 19 and 20,
and attach to the top driven element spreader arm.

( ) Fasten the compression clamps securely at the

dimensions shown in Figure 13.
NOTE: These figures are only to be used for proper ( ) Use the same procedure on the bottom half of the
assembly of the hangers and insulators on the 10 Meter driven element wire and splice the two
various compression clamps and should not be used halves together with a Western Union Splice (Figure
at this time for attaching element wire. This phase of 21), making sure the splicing loop length is 9". Clip
assembly will be explained later. off all excess wire when the antenna is completely
strung. Use this procedure at all the remaining points
within the antenna.
( ) Refer to Figure 24 for attaching hardware to the
bottom driven element spreader arm.
( ) Connect the fifteen meter wire on the driven
Stringing Element element spreader arms as shown in Figures 18, 22
and 24. The jumper wire in Figure 18 presents wire
slippage, tie it as short as possible.
( ) Cut two lengths of wire to the dimensions given in
Figure 14. String them individually from the left
spreader arm through the insulators on the top ( ) Connect the ten meter wire on the driven element
spreader arm, and down to the right spreader arm. spreader arms as shown in Figure 19, 23 and 24.
Refer to these figures and Figure 14 for aid in this
part of the assembly. The jumper wire in Figure 19
NOTE: Cut the wires 2'-6" longer than specified to
presents wire slippage - tie it as short as possible.
allow for loops and wrapping at each end but mark
the specified lengths with tape.

( ) All remaining wires on the driven element can be

strung in halves. This is done by adding the
dimensions together, cutting the wire and then
stringing. Example: Driven Element, 10 Meter.
Combining the two dimensions shown in Figure 14
(left spreader-to-top spreader and right spreader-to-
top spreader) you have 16' 3". Add 2'6" to this
dimension for excess to be used for the loops and
wrapping at each end
( ) Beginning with the 20 meter wire on the left
spreader insulator, Figure 21, wrap and tie the wire
through the insulator leaving enough wire for
splicing. The loop length with splice must be 9". Run
the wire through the insulator on the top spreader
arm, Figure 16, and connect it to the insulator on the
right spreader arm as shown in Figure 21, only
reversed. Your lengths must correspond to the
dimensions shown in Figure 14
1. Same general arrangement as in Detail "A". 2. Use a
flat washer on each side of wire. 3. Center conductor of
coax connects to 10 meter gamma match, braid
connects to compression clamp screws.
( ) Cut the wire as was done with the driven element.
Use Figure 14 as a guide. Double the dimension and
add 2'6". Cut the wire. When stringing and attaching
the 20 meter element wire, refer to Figures 26, 28, and
33. Note that Figure 26 shows the left horizontal
spreader arm attachment. The right horizontal
spreader arm attaches to the element wire the same
as the left. Therefore, Figure 26 will be used as a
guide for both horizontal connections of the 20 meter

( ) The 15 meter wire should be cut by referring to

Figure 14 for the dimensions, then doubling the
length, add 2' 6" for loops and splices, and cut.

( ) Refer to Figures 27 and 29 for connecting the top

half of the 15 meter wire

( ) Refer to Figures 27 and 32 for connecting the

bottom half of the 15 meter wire. Again, the left and
right horizontal connections are identical as shown in
Figure 27, and referred to the Figure 25. The loop
length with splice must be 9", as shown in Figure 34.

( ) Connect the wires using a Western Union splice, as

done before. The lengths must correspond to the
dimensions shown in Figure 14.

( ) Refer to Figures 27 and 30 for connecting the top

half of the 10 meter wire to the reflector spreader

( ) Figure 27 and 31 give detailed instructions as to

the proper connection of the bottom half of the
spreader arms to 10 meter element wire.

( ) Connect the ends with the Western Union splice.

Keep the 9" loop dimension accurate. Referto Figure

Phone By-Pass Wires

For operation on the phone frequencies, the phone

bypass wires should be installed exactly as shown in
Figures 16 and 19 and in Figures 31, 32 and 33.

Element Tension

( ) Driven Element: Tension the driven element by

loosening the compression clamps on the top, right
and left spreader arms and moving the clamps out
toward the ends of the arms.

( ) Tension and remove the kinks from the wires, but

NOTE: When stringing the wires, do not wrap the wire do not over tension them. There should be some slack
around the compression clamp screws. Pass the in the wire to prevent the spreader arms from bowing.
wires by the screws and wrap around the hanger.
Remember the wire wrapped on the hanger is shorted ( ) Reflector: Tension the reflector by loosening the
compression clamp screws on the top and bottom
( ) Refer to Figure 25 for a general diagram of how spreader arms and moving the clamps out toward the
wire should look on the reflector half of the antenna. - ends of the arms. The wire should not be wrapped
14 around these screws. Pull the wires taut, move the
clamps out, secure the clamp and tighten the nuts.
( ) Moving the compression clamps out on the Gamma Match Assembly
spreader arms will create an error when compared to
the dimensions in Figures 9 and 13. These are ( ) Select the gamma match clamps and hardware
approximate positioning dimensions and may not and install them on the gamma matches. See Figure
meet at the end of the antenna assembly. The critical
dimensions are the lengths of the element loops, as ( ) Attach the gamma matches to the element wires.
shown in Figure 14. When you have the correct spacings on the gamma
spacing clamps, crimp the clips to the element wires to
( ) Upon completion of the assembly, each leg of the insure a good electrical connection. The wire clips
antenna loop should be accurate to within ±1/4" (Figure should be snug but not too tight or the element wires
14) and '/z of the element loop should be within +/- may be cut.
1/2". Example: 10 Meter, Driven Element. Each
dimensions of 8' 1 1/2" to within ±1/4" and 16' 3" to ( ) Select the two gamma rods (9, 10) and install on
the gamma match insulators.
NOTE: If you want best performance for the phone
sections of the amateur bands, the element by-pass
wires should be installed now. See the detailed
Assembly of the Boom

( ) Select the cast aluminum brackets, boom-to- ( ) Select the two boom sections and slip the drilled
bracket clamp, and the casting-to-boom bracket and end into the boom-to-mast bracket. Line up the holes.
assemble loosely. Attach the boom sections to the brackets using the
two /,5'"-18 x 2 1/2" bolts, nuts and lockwasher
provided. Do not tighten them now. The bracket must
be loose to facilitate mounting the antenna on the


( ) There are two styles of 5/8" caplugs. Insert these ( ) Run the coax feedline up the mast, across the
caplugs on the end of each stringer element now. The boom, down the driven element spreader arm and
caplugs with the holes in the end must be placed on attach to the 10 meter (top connection) gamma
the stringer element that points down when the match as shown in Figure 24.
antenna is in its erected position. This insures proper
drainage of any moisture that may accumulate in ( ) Recheck all mechanical connections for tightness.
these tubes. The two inch caplugs can now be Seal the coax connections with Dow Corning silicone
inserted on the ends of the boom. rubber (Silastic), GE RTV compound, or some similar

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