Mammal Species of The World A Taxonomic and Geogra
Mammal Species of The World A Taxonomic and Geogra
Mammal Species of The World A Taxonomic and Geogra
42 7,703
2 authors, including:
Sergio Solari
University of Antioquia
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sergio Solari on 29 October 2015.
to 29 orders plus 1 infraorder, 1 superfamily, and 10 family previous and current editions of the list, as seen in the Primates
accounts. This work resulted from contributions of 26 authors, (e.g., Cebidae), Carnivora (e.g., Viverridae and Felidae), and
fewer than 10 of them living outside the United States. The Rodentia (e.g., Muridae).
format of accounts in this edition is similar to the previous We identify 28 newly described genera in 6 orders, including
volume, with the order Rodentia deserving a more detailed the following: Didelphimorphia: Hyladelphys Voss, Lunde, and
revision through subordinal division. Given the positive Simmons, and Tlacuatzin Voss and Jansa; Dasyuromorphia:
reviews received for the 2nd edition (Corbet and Hill 1994; Micromurexia, Murexechinus, Paramurexia, and Phascomur-
Patterson 1994), this arrangement seems to be well accepted by exia, all by Van Dyck; Primates: Pseudopotto Schwartz; Car-
the scientific community. Under this format, each author has nivora: Neovison Baryshnikov and Abramov; Artiodactyla:
freedom to organize their correspondent section in terms of Pseudoryx Dung, Giao, Chinh, Tuoc, Arctander, and MacKinnon;
systematic and taxonomic decisions, following minimal Rodentia: Monticolomys Carleton and Goodman, Voalavo
requirements (e.g., geographic distribution, common names, Carleton and Goodman, Amphinectomys Malygin, Brucepatter-
conservation status, and identification of synonyms) set by the sonius Hershkovitz, Handleyomys Voss, Gómez-Laverde, and
editors. Pacheco, Juliomys Gonzales, Lundomys Voss and Carleton,
The scope and aim of the work are defined in the Microakodontomys Hershkovitz, Noronhomys Carleton and
Introduction: ‘‘. . . this work is primarily a checklist at the Olson, Pearsonomys Patterson, Salinomys Braun and Mares,
species level . . . ,’’ and pointing to expected differences of Tapecomys Anderson and Yates, Mammelomys Menzies,
opinion in regard to definition of species limits. Table 1, Pithecheirops Emmons, Sommeromys Musser and Durden,
labeled as Comparison of Genera and Species since the Second Pipanacoctomys and Salinoctomys Mares, Braun, Barquez,
Edition, is extremely useful as an overview of the diversity and Diaz, Cuscomys Emmons, and Callistomys Emmons and
recognized in this edition. It is not as ‘‘comparative’’ as the Vucetich. Neotropical rodents account for 14 of 19 new genera in
corresponding table of the 2nd edition because table 1 does not that region.
include the number of genera and species in the previous Other taxonomic changes include an increase of 17
edition, just the number of newly described species since the recognized families (153 versus 136). Most of these changes
2nd edition. However, to determine how many species, genera, are due to the systematic and taxonomic rearrangement of sev-
families, or orders have been added in this edition is not eral groups, a particular case represented by the Carnivora, but
difficult (see our Appendix I). also in Peramelemorphia, Diprotodontia, Pilosa, Scandentia,
For the 787 species added since the 2nd edition (5,416 Chiroptera, Primates, Cetacea, Lagomorpha, and Rodentia (see
versus 4,629), the number of actual newly described species is Appendix I). Five additional orders appear in this edition,
260 (or 33% of the newly added species). This rate is a sign of former Xenarthra is now Pilosa and Cingulata, and Insectivora
the elevation of old synonym and subspecies names by was split into Afrosoricida, Erinaceomorpha, and Soricomor-
recognition of taxonomic discontinuities within previously pha, mostly following McKenna and Bell (1997). Xenarthra
thought natural species (e.g., Patterson 1996, 2000). Appendix I and Insectivora are no longer recognized as valid ordinal
shows how these 260 newly described species are distributed names.
among families. More than 85% of these are small mammals; From orders to genera, the basic taxonomic arrangement
more than 44% are neotropical, with almost 50 species being follows that of McKenna and Bell (1997), with recent
sigmodontine rodents. This is significant not because there are modifications representing the conclusions of corresponding
more unrecognized species in the Sigmodontinae or in the authors (expressed as hypotheses of relationships) added and
neotropical region (Patterson 2001), but it indicates that more noted in the text. Similarly, taxonomic and distributional
research was concentrated in this group or area, and we should comments are provided by each author. These comments
expect similar growth when other taxa and other regions are include references published before 2003, plus a few more
studied as intensively. recent ones accessible to authors during the final review
The number of recognized genera also increased; the 1,229 process. As expected, taxonomic works (especially at such
listed genera (versus 1,135 in the 1993 edition) represent an a large scale) are always susceptible to new findings and
addition of 94 genera. Most changes result from taxonomic publications that make the process of updating a never-ending
revisions of the respective groups, including: 2 Didelphidae, 5 job. In this edition, phylogenetic sequence is generally used for
Dasyuridae, 2 Peramelidae, 1 Pseudocheiridae, 1 Dasypodidae, families or subfamilies. However, genera, subgenera, and
2 Chrysochloridae, 3 Erinaceidae, 3 Soricidae, 1 Cynocepha- species are alphabetically listed.
lidae, 6 Phyllostomidae, 2 Natalidae, 13 Vespertilionidae, 4
Molossidae, 1 Lemuridae, 1 Cheirogaleidae, 1 Lorisidae, 3
Cercopithecidae, 3 Hylobatidae, 3 Phocidae, 3 Cervidae, 5 WHAT IS NEW IN THIS EDITION?
Bovidae, 1 Sciuridae, 1 Geomyidae, 1 Dipodidae, 1 Gliridae, 1 1. Font size and type is larger and easier to read.
Erethizontidae, 1 Caviidae, 2 Octodontidae, 1 Abrocomidae, 2. Common names are added for each species, and also are
and 1 Echimyidae. Extreme change occurred in some orders, indexed at the end of 2nd volume. Previously, these were in
and these are reflected in the number of genera recognized by a separate book (Wilson and Cole 2000).
3. Conservation status is added for each species, in most cases available to them. Changes in the diversity of some genera
including status according the World Conservation Union are quite remarkable, as exemplified by changes in the
(IUCN), Convention on International Trade in Endangered numbers of species from the 2nd to the 3rd edition: Cryptotis
Species (CITES), and the United States Endangered Species (14 to 30), Sorex (70 to 77), Hipposideros (53 to 67), Myotis
Act as of February 2004. (84 to 103), Callithrix (9 to 21), Callicebus (13 to 28),
4. Synonyms include currently recognized subspecies; some Cercopithecus (18 to 25), Rattus (56 to 66), Oryzomys (36 to
authors indicate them by using boldface type. As a rule, 43), Thomasomys (25 to 36), Ctenomys (38 to 60), Ochotona
synonyms for these subspecies follow those bold-typed (25 to 30), or the impressive Crocidura (151 to 172, the most
names. diverse mammal genus). In some cases, diversity within
5. Authority and date for each synonym are included. a genus is reduced as a result of comprehensive studies of
6. No appendices are included in this edition, although intraspecific variation or by splitting polyphyletic genera, as
something similar to appendix I of the 2nd edition would occurs in Eptesicus (32 to 23), Pipistrellus (50 to 31), Gazella
be welcome, as the International Commission on Zoological (16 to 10), or Proechimys (32 to 25). Whenever relevant to
Nomenclature continues ruling over many complex taxo- these current estimates of diversity, detailed morphological,
nomic issues. However, many of the relevant data are karyotypic, and genetic data are provided. However, some-
already included in individual comments. times this results in difficulty to cross reference taxa when no
7. A list of museum acronyms or abbreviations is provided, indication is made to their treatment in the previous edition
which is necessary because some authors make reference to (Wilson and Reeder 1993).
specific specimens in their taxonomic accounts. From
a preliminary review, it is only used by Musser and HOW MUCH CHANGE CAN WE EXPECT
Carleton in their section on muroid rodents. These authors FOR A NEXT EDITION?
go into details seen nowhere else in this edition, listing Recently, Baker and Bradley (2006) suggested that although
individual specimen vouchers to support taxonomic and catalogs and species lists are not uniform in terms of the species
systematic decisions. It is remarkable that many of Musser concept they apply, the biological species concept as an
and Carleton’s conclusions on higher taxonomy of rodents extension of morphological differences between taxa is the
have been confirmed by subsequent analyses of genetic prevailing view. They argued that a strict application of
(Jansa and Weksler 2004; Steppan et al. 2004) or monophyly, as based on genetic data, and genetic isolation
morphological data in a larger data set (Jenkins et al. (rather than reproductive isolation) should demonstrate that
2005). Praise for them! current diversity is underestimated. If their predictions are
8. The editors saved considerable space and created a much valid, a future edition of the Mammal Species of the World
more user friendly index by listing the species level should have an increase of almost 40% in the number of
alphabetically referenced to each genus, but removing a list species. As taxonomic and geographic sampling increase, most
of species in each genus (as in the previous edition). of the potential changes will be those produced by the
recognition of species-level taxa now listed as synonyms or
subspecies. The editors (p. xix) recognize the significant impact
WHAT ARE THE REASONS FOR THOSE MAJOR of molecular techniques, and anticipate continued changes to
TAXONOMIC CHANGES? the present arrangement.
Genetic data are playing a major role in the understanding of A paper by Weksler et al. (2006), introducing 10 new
biological diversity, and this is evident in the recognition of generic names from a review of rats of the genus Oryzomys,
new taxa at every level. Although many of the newly described and recent research on the bat genus Carollia (Baker et al.
genera represent new species so distinct in terms of mor- 2002; Hoffmann and Baker 2003; Solari and Baker 2006), are
phology that they are granted generic level (e.g., Cuscomys examples of this trend. The power of DNA sequence data to
Emmons, 1999), when genetic evidence ‘‘breaks down’’ document monophyly and paraphyly, and the resulting un-
a nonmonophyletic taxon (e.g., Tonatia; see Lee et al. 2002) derstanding of morphological and karyotypic variation in
the result is usually the recognition of full generic status for a phylogenetic framework is an immediate product of the
names previously considered junior synonyms or subgenera interface of genetics and the systematic arrangement in Wilson
(i.e., Lophostoma d’ Orbigny, 1836). If no name is suitable to and Reeder’s volume.
represent the new grouping, then a new name is proposed (e.g.,
Tlacuatzin Voss and Jansa, 2003). The monophyly criterion,
as demonstrated by 1 or 2 sets of evidence (one of them WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF THESE REARRANGEMENTS
usually DNA sequences analyses), is becoming more important IN THE ‘‘REAL WORLD’’?
and this is noticeable in the new arrangement proposed for Changes in this edition were used to reorganize the
many taxa. collection of mammals housed in the National Sciences
Comments clearly reflect the experience and dedication of Research Laboratory, Museum of Texas Tech University, and
the authors, but also the larger amount of information the same is happening in other collections of mammals (e.g.,
June 2007 BOOK REVIEWS 827
Species diversity as recognized in the 3rd edition of Mammal Species of the World (MSW), compared to its equivalent in the 2nd edition. The
difference (Diff.) in number of species, and the actual number of newly described species (Descr.) are listed. Extreme changes in some groups (see
the text) hinder straightforward comparisons.
MSW 1993 No. spp. MSW 2005 No. spp. Diff. Descr.
Mammalia 4,629 Mammalia 5,416 787 260
MonotremataTachyglossidae 2 MonotremataTachyglossidae 4 2 1
MonotremataOrnithorhynchidae 1 MonotremataOrnithorhynchidae 1 0
DidelphimorphiaDidelphidae 63 DidelphimorphiaDidelphidae 87 24 2
PaucituberculataCaenolestidae 5 PaucituberculataCaenolestidae 6 1 1
MicrobiotheriaMicrobiotheriidae 1 MicrobiotheriaMicrobiotheriidae 1 0
NotoryctemorphiaNotoryctidae 2 NotoryctemorphiaNotoryctidae 2 0
DasyuromorphiaThylacinidae 1 DasyuromorphiaThylacinidae 1 0
DasyuromorphiaMyrmecobiidae 1 DasyuromorphiaMyrmecobiidae 1 0
DasyuromorphiaDasyuridae 61 DasyuromorphiaDasyuridae 69 8 5
PeramelemorphiaPeramelidae — PeramelemorphiaThylacomyidae 2 2
PeramelemorphiaPeramelidae — PeramelemorphiaChaeropodidae 1 1
PeramelemorphiaPeramelidae þ Peroryctidae 21 PeramelemorphiaPeramelidae 18 3
DiprotodontiaPhascolarctidae 1 DiprotodontiaPhascolarctidae 1 0
DiprotodontiaVombatidae 3 DiprotodontiaVombatidae 3 0
DiprotodontiaBurramyidae 5 DiprotodontiaBurramyidae 5 0
DiprotodontiaPhalangeridae 18 DiprotodontiaPhalangeridae 27 9 3
DiprotodontiaPseudocheiridae 14 DiprotodontiaPseudocheiridae 17 3
DiprotodontiaPetauridae 10 DiprotodontiaPetauridae 11 1
DiprotodontiaTarsipedidae 1 DiprotodontiaTarsipedidae 1 0
DiprotodontiaAcrobatidae 2 DiprotodontiaAcrobatidae 2 0
DiprotodontiaPotoroidae — DiprotodontiaHypsiprymnodontidae 1 1
DiprotodontiaPotoroidae 9 DiprotodontiaPotoroidae 10 1
DiprotodontiaMacropodidae 54 DiprotodontiaMacropodidae 65 11 6
InsectivoraTenrecidae 24 AfrosoricidaTenrecidae 30 6 5
InsectivoraChrysochloridae 18 AfrosoricidaChrysochloridae 21 3 1
MacroscelideaMacroscelididae 15 MacroscelideaMacroscelididae 15 0
TubulidentataOrycteropodidae 1 TubulidentataOrycteropodidae 1 0
HyracoideaProcaviidae 6 HyracoideaProcaviidae 4 2
ProboscideaElephantidae 2 ProboscideaElephantidae 3 1
SireniaDugongidae 2 SireniaDugongidae 2 0
SireniaTrichechidae 3 SireniaTrichechidae 3 0
XenarthraDasypodidae 20 CingulataDasypodidae 21 1 1
XenarthraBradypodidae 3 PilosaBradypodidae 4 1 1
XenarthraMegalonychidae 2 PilosaMegalonychidae 2 0
XenarthraMyrmecophagidae — PilosaCyclopedidae 1 1
XenarthraMyrmecophagidae 4 PilosaMyrmecophagidae 3 1
ScandentiaTupaiidae 19 ScandentiaTupaiidae 19 0
ScandentiaTupaiidae — ScandentiaPtilocercidae 1 1
DermopteraCynocephalidae 2 DermopteraCynocephalidae 2 0
PrimatesCheirogaleidae 7 PrimatesCheirogaleidae 21 14 6
PrimatesLemuridae 10 PrimatesLemuridae 19 9
PrimatesMegaladapidae 7 PrimatesLepilemuridae 8 1
PrimatesIndriidae 5 PrimatesIndriidae 11 6 1
PrimatesDaubentoniidae 1 PrimatesDaubentoniidae 1 0
PrimatesLoridae 6 PrimatesLorisidae 9 3 1
PrimatesGalagonidae 11 PrimatesGalagidae 19 8 1
PrimatesTarsiidae 5 PrimatesTarsiidae 7 2
PrimatesCebidae þ Callitrichidae 84 PrimatesCebidae 56 28 8
PrimatesCebidae — PrimatesAotidae 8 8
PrimatesCebidae — PrimatesPitheciidae 40 40 3
PrimatesCebidae — PrimatesAtelidae 24 24
PrimatesCercopithecidae 81 PrimatesCercopithecidae 132 51 4
PrimatesHylobatidae 11 PrimatesHylobatidae 14 3
PrimatesHominidae 5 PrimatesHominidae 7 2
RodentiaAplodontiidae 1 RodentiaAplodontiidae 1 0
RodentiaSciuridae 273 RodentiaSciuridae 278 5
RodentiaMyoxidae 26 RodentiaGliridae 28 2 1
RodentiaCastoridae 2 RodentiaCastoridae 2 0
RodentiaHeteromyidae 59 RodentiaHeteromyidae 60 1 2
June 2007 BOOK REVIEWS 829
APPENDIX I.—Continued.
MSW 1993 No. spp. MSW 2005 No. spp. Diff. Descr.
RodentiaGeomyidae 35 RodentiaGeomyidae 40 5
RodentiaDipodidae 51 RodentiaDipodidae 51 0
RodentiaMuridae — RodentiaPlatacanthomyidae 2 2
RodentiaMuridae — RodentiaSpalacidae 36 36 4
RodentiaMuridae — RodentiaCalomyscidae 8 8
RodentiaMuridae — RodentiaNesomyidae 61 61 6
RodentiaMuridae — RodentiaCricetidae 681 681 52
RodentiaMuridae 1,326 RodentiaMuridae 730 596 33
RodentiaAnomaluridae 7 RodentiaAnomaluridae 7 0
RodentiaPedetidae 1 RodentiaPedetidae 2 1
RodentiaCtenodactylidae 5 RodentiaCtenodactylidae 5 0
RodentiaBathyergidae 12 RodentiaBathyergidae 16 4 2
RodentiaHystricidae 11 RodentiaHystricidae 11 0
RodentiaPetromuridae 1 RodentiaPetromuridae 1 0
RodentiaThryonomyidae 2 RodentiaThryonomyidae 2 0
RodentiaErethizontidae 12 RodentiaErethizontidae 16 4 2
RodentiaChinchillidae 6 RodentiaChinchillidae 7 1
RodentiaDinomyidae 1 RodentiaDinomyidae 1 0
RodentiaCaviidae þ Hydrochaeridae 15 RodentiaCaviidae 18 3 2
RodentiaDasyproctidae 13 RodentiaDasyproctidae 13 0
RodentiaAgoutidae 2 RodentiaCuniculidae 2 0
RodentiaCtenomyidae 38 RodentiaCtenomyidae 60 22 5
RodentiaOctodontidae 9 RodentiaOctodontidae 13 4 3
RodentiaAbrocomidae 3 RodentiaAbrocomidae 10 7 2
RodentiaEchimyidae 78 RodentiaEchimyidae 90 12 13
RodentiaMyocastoridae 1 RodentiaMyocastoridae 1 0
RodentiaCapromyidae 20 RodentiaCapromyidae 20 0
RodentiaHeptaxodontidae 5 RodentiaHeptaxodontidae 4 1
LagomorphaOchotonidae 26 LagomorphaOchotonidae 30 4 2
LagomorphaOchotonidae — LagomorphaProlagidae 1 1
LagomorphaLeporidae 54 LagomorphaLeporidae 61 7 3
InsectivoraErinaceidae 21 ErinaceomorphaErinaceidae 24 3 1
InsectivoraNesophontidae 8 SoricomorphaNesophontidae 9 1
InsectivoraSolenodontidae 3 SoricomorphaSolenodontidae 4 1 1
InsectivoraSoricidae 312 SoricomorphaSoricidae 376 64 17
InsectivoraTalpidae 42 SoricomorphaTalpidae 39 3
ChiropteraPteropodidae 166 ChiropteraPteropodidae 186 20 6
ChiropteraRhinolophidae 130 ChiropteraRhinolophidae 77 53 4
ChiropteraRhinolophidae — ChiropteraHipposideridae 81 81 7
ChiropteraMegadermatidae 5 ChiropteraMegadermatidae 5 0
ChiropteraRhinopomatidae 3 ChiropteraRhinopomatidae 4 1
ChiropteraCraseonycteridae 1 ChiropteraCraseonycteridae 1 0
ChiropteraEmballonuridae 47 ChiropteraEmballonuridae 51 4 2
ChiropteraNycteridae 12 ChiropteraNycteridae 16 4
ChiropteraMyzopodidae 1 ChiropteraMyzopodidae 1 0
ChiropteraMystacinidae 2 ChiropteraMystacinidae 2 0
ChiropteraPhyllostomidae 141 ChiropteraPhyllostomidae 160 19 9
ChiropteraMormoopidae 8 ChiropteraMormoopidae 10 2
ChiropteraNoctilionidae 2 ChiropteraNoctilionidae 2 0
ChiropteraFuripteridae 2 ChiropteraFuripteridae 2 0
ChiropteraThyropteridae 2 ChiropteraThyropteridae 3 1 1
ChiropteraNatalidae 5 ChiropteraNatalidae 8 3
ChiropteraMolossidae 80 ChiropteraMolossidae 100 20 2
ChiropteraVespertilionidae 318 ChiropteraVespertilionidae 407 89 18
PholidotaManidae 7 PholidotaManidae 8 1
CarnivoraFelidae 36 CarnivoraFelidae 40 4
CarnivoraViverridae 34 CarnivoraViverridae 35 1 1
CarnivoraViverridae — CarnivoraEupleridae 8 8
CarnivoraViverridae — CarnivoraNandiniidae 1 1
CarnivoraHerpestidae 37 CarnivoraHerpestidae 33 4
CarnivoraHyaenidae 4 CarnivoraHyaenidae 4 0
CarnivoraCanidae 34 CarnivoraCanidae 35 1
CarnivoraUrsidae 9 CarnivoraUrsidae 8 1
CarnivoraUrsidae — CarnivoraAiluridae 1 1
APPENDIX I.—Continued.
MSW 1993 No. spp. MSW 2005 No. spp. Diff. Descr.
CarnivoraOtariidae 14 CarnivoraOtariidae 16 2
CarnivoraOdobenidae 1 CarnivoraOdobenidae 1 0
CarnivoraPhocidae 19 CarnivoraPhocidae 19 0
CarnivoraMustelidae 65 CarnivoraMustelidae 59 6
CarnivoraMustelidae CarnivoraMephitidae 12 12
CarnivoraProcyonidae 18 CarnivoraProcyonidae 14 4
PerissodactylaEquidae 9 PerissodactylaEquidae 8 1
PerissodactylaTapiridae 4 PerissodactylaTapiridae 4 0
PerissodactylaRhinocerotidae 5 PerissodactylaRhinocerotidae 5 0
ArtiodactylaSuidae 16 ArtiodactylaSuidae 19 3 1
ArtiodactylaTayassuidae 3 ArtiodactylaTayassuidae 3 0
ArtiodactylaHippopotamidae 4 ArtiodactylaHippopotamidae 2 2
ArtiodactylaCamelidae 6 ArtiodactylaCamelidae 4 2
ArtiodactylaTragulidae 4 ArtiodactylaTragulidae 8 4
ArtiodactylaMoschidae 4 ArtiodactylaMoschidae 7 3
ArtiodactylaCervidae 43 ArtiodactylaCervidae 51 8 5
ArtiodactylaAntilocapridae 1 ArtiodactylaAntilocapridae 1 0 2
ArtiodactylaGiraffidae 2 ArtiodactylaGiraffidae 2 0
ArtiodactylaBovidae 137 ArtiodactylaBovidae 143 6
CetaceaBalaenidae 3 CetaceaBalaenidae 4 1
CetaceaBalaenopteridae 6 CetaceaBalaenopteridae 7 1
CetaceaEschrichtiidae 1 CetaceaEschrichtiidae 1 0
CetaceaNeobalaenidae 1 CetaceaNeobalaenidae 1 0
CetaceaDelphinidae 32 CetaceaDelphinidae 34 2
CetaceaMonodontidae 2 CetaceaMonodontidae 2 0
CetaceaPhocoenidae 6 CetaceaPhocoenidae 6 0
CetaceaPhyseteridae 3 CetaceaPhyseteridae 3 0
CetaceaPlatanistidae 5 CetaceaPlatanistidae 2 3
CetaceaPlatanistidae — CetaceaIniidae 3 3
CetaceaZiphiidae 19 CetaceaZiphiidae 21 2 1