RM Paper May 2022

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[This quecstion paper contains 8 printed pages.

Your Roll No...

Sr. No. of Question Paper: 3637

Unique Paper Code 62273426

Name of the Paper Research Methodology (Skill

Enhancement Course-ll)

Name of the Course B.A. (Prog.) Econonuics-


Semester IV

Duration: 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75

(or as per DU rules)

Instructions for Candidates

. Write your RollI No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.

2. The question paper consists of nine questions. Answer

any five questions.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4 Answers may be written either in English or Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the


T fay fad

3637 2 3637 3
2 that is used in
(b) Explain the concept of stratum

3. stratified sampling. When should stratified random

sampling be used? (8+7)

. ( a )Explain participant observation as a method for

primary data collection. What is Hawthorne
effect? How does it affect quality of research
outcomes? fsy?

(b) Explain in detail the difference between concept

3 (a) Discuss the ethical considerations a researcher
and a variable with examples.
(8+7) has to keep in mind concerning research


(b) What difficulties are faced by the researcher

in selection and formulation of a research

problem? (8+7)

(3r) hu frar ufA7 sAfarT ufu

2 (a) fe?
Explain the three phases and the operational steps
in the research process.

3637 4 3637 5
5. (a) Show with the help of any example how a table
can be used for data presentation. Explain clearly
the different parts of the table.

4. (a) While reviewing literature a researcher came (b) What is a panel data study? Explain the usefulness
across a research report that was very rich in of this study design with (8+7)
an example.
terms of its analysis, but missing the bibliography
section. In the context of the given situation

explain the importance of referencing and citation

in using the literature while writing your research fferi

(b) What are the key differences between primary

and secondary data? (8+7)

6. (a) Explain the significance of editing data in

the context of data processing in quantitative

(b) What considerations should be kept in mind while

qHATEÀI writing the research report? How can developing
a draft outline help? (8+7)

3637 6 3637 1

the considerations to be kept in mind

(b) What are

while formulating questions when using a

questionnaire for primary data collection?


7 (a) "Construction of a hypothesis is an integral part

of a research study". Do you agree with the

(b) Suppose you want to conduct a study on the impact

of migration on the family. How will you write'a
research proposal for the study? (8+7)
9. Write 'short notes on any two of the following

(a) Research design and its functions

(b) Qualitative and quantitative approaches to


(c) Snowball sampling

(d) Reliability of a research instrument
8. (a) Briefly explain with examples the use of any two
graphs in communicating and displaying analysed


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