Impacto Humano Lontra Felina 2019 Chile
Impacto Humano Lontra Felina 2019 Chile
Impacto Humano Lontra Felina 2019 Chile
Research Article
ABSTRACT. The marine otter (Lontra felina) inhabits almost the entire coast of Chile. Its population density
and its response to several anthropic threats are almost unknown. The objective of this study was to analyze and
compare the patterns of habitat use, the frequency of sightings, and behavior of the marine otter in two coastal
areas of the Valparaíso Region: Cachagua and Quintay. Twenty simultaneous visits to these localities were
made, 10 in summer and 10 in fall. The observation area of each locality was divided into quadrants parallel to
the coast to evaluate the marine otter habitat use. We evaluated the number of sightings, the type of behavior
(displacement, diving, or feeding) and the duration. The number of sightings was significantly higher in Quintay.
There was significantly more displacement in Quintay than in Cachagua during the summer. However, the time
spent by the otters in the three behaviors was similar between seasons in Quintay. Moreover, the displacement
and diving were less frequent in Cachagua during summer. The results suggest that the marine otter can adapt
to changes in the conditions of its surroundings caused by humans.
Keywords: Lontra felina; marine otter; habitat; endangered species; anthropic impacts; Chile
Corresponding editor: Jorge Urbán
2 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
uses the Chilean rocky intertidal zone, which has Quintay (33°11’S, 71°42’W) (Fig. 1). We made a total
natural crevices used as dens and feeding areas. The of 20 simultaneous visits to these two localities, 10 in
availability of dens appears to be a critical factor in summer (January and February 2015) and 10 in fall
habitat selection and the presence of this species in (May and June 2015). The observation site in Cachagua
given sectors (Castilla & Bahamondes, 1979; Castilla, was situated north of the town, in a rocky area next to a
1982; Cabello, 1983). coastal walking road with high tourist flow in summer
Threats to marine otter populations have increased months, but low tourist flow in fall months. The
in recent years in Chile, which in turn has increased observation point for Quintay was north of the fishing
their isolation (Medina-Vogel et al., 2008; Vianna et village; it is a semi-protected rocky zone away from
al., 2010; Valqui, 2012). When humans are present, human activities during the entire year (Fig. 1).
marine otters remain away from their dens during the
day; they are observed near fissures and places difficult Data collection
to access by humans and away from the coast (Badilla In each visit, direct observations were made by two
& George-Nascimento, 2009). The marine otter, researchers separated by a distance of approximately
currently classified as endangered by the International
150 m. Observations took place from 09:00 to 18:00 h.
Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (Valqui
& Rheingantz, 2015), and the information about this Every five minutes each observer scanned the study
species is still insufficient in Chile. Therefore, it is area for one minute, using the methodology proposed
critical to evaluate how this species is impacted by and by Medina-Voguel et al. (2006). The observation area
how it responds to the continual increase in the use of was divided into unequal quadrants parallel to the coast
the coast in Chile. (Fig. 1) extending 100 m into the ocean, with a visual
The Valparaíso Region in the central part of Chile cover of approximately 350 m. These quadrants were
is an important distribution area for L. felina. It is also georeferenced, and we counted the number of sightings
a region with heavy use of the coast, due both to the in each of them. With this information the habitat use
construction of houses and industries and to the of L. felina was evaluated, representing the data using
massive influx of tourists, especially in summer Google Earth satellite images and using the QGIS
months. This impact may be reflected in a) decreased (version 2.18) program to graph this variable.
presence of the marine otter (a lower number of A sighting event was recorded every time an animal
sightings), b) changes in its behavior, spending more or a group of animals was seen (Badilla & George-
time in displacement and doing less feeding, and c) Nascimento, 2009). The time and the quadrant in which
differences in habitat use, spending more time away the individual or group was located, as well as the
from the coast. In contrast, in areas with less anthropic
intervention and/or outside of the summer season more behavior and its duration were recorded for each
animals are expected to be observed along the coast, sighting. Different behaviors from a same individual
with more time dedicated to feeding in sectors near the were registered separately. Observed behaviors were
coast. assigned to a) feeding, b) diving, and c) displacement,
The objective of this study is to analyze and following the criteria used in previous studies (Castilla
compare the patterns of habitat use, sightings and & Bahamondes, 1979; Badilla & George-Nascimento,
behavior of the marine otter in two coastal areas of the 2009; González-Pérez & Cubero-Pardo, 2010) and field
Valparaíso Region, Cachagua and Quintay, which have experience (Table 1).
different characteristics of anthropic activity. We
predict, that: 1) the impact of human activities on the Statistical analysis
coast will negatively affect the presence of marine The variables number of sightings and time in each
otters; 2) they will dedicate more time to displacement behavior were analyzed. The number of sightings was
and less time to feeding in the Cachagua sector (high analyzed independently for localities and seasons,
human presence), especially in summer months; and 3) using 2×2 contingency tables. The three behaviors were
in Quintay (low human presence) there will not be analyzed independently for localities and seasons,
temporal changes in the number of sightings and/or in
using factorial ANOVA or the Kruskal-Wallis test, de-
the time marine otters allocate to different behaviors.
pending upon whether the data did or did not fulfill the
parametric assumptions of normality and homos-
MATERIAL AND METHODS cedasticity (Zar, 1996). The duration of each behavior
was standardized using the number of sightings in each
Study zone locality. Statistical analyses were performed with
This study was performed in two localities of the Statistica 7 (StatSoft, Inc., 2004), considering P < 0.05
Valparaíso Region: Cachagua (32°35’S, 71°27’W) and as significant.
Impact of human activity patterns on the marine otter (Lontra felina) in central Chile 1243
Figure 1. Geographic location of a) Cachagua and b) Quintay study sites in the Valparaíso Region, central zone of Chile.
Yellow lines indicate the quadrants, and the blue circles the observation points.
Table 2. Comparison of the time recorded for the three Table 3. Duration of the behaviors of Lontra felina in the
behaviors in Cachagua and Quintay of Lontra felina in studied localities and seasons.
different seasons.
Displacement Diving Feeding
Locality Season
Summer Fall (s) (s) (s)
χ2 P χ2 P Summer 9,711 1,810 1,330
Displacement 13.33 0.0003 0.44 0.50 Fall 13,035 7,339 2,337
Diving 4.86 0.02 5.93 0.01 Summer 2,772 777 1,732
Feeding 0.03 0.85 0.76 0.38 Fall 5,778 1,041 577
similar between seasons in Quintay, while in Cachagua process and leave the dens more frequently in this
they dedicated significantly more time to displacement season, which in turn increases the number of sightings.
and diving in fall (Table 3). It is important to note that other environmental and/or
Marine otters did not use all the quadrants equally. anthropogenic factors may affect marine otter
In Cachagua, more marine otters were seen in quadrant populations, such as the size of waves and the number
G in summer (17%), and in quadrant E in fall (16.4%) of tourists (Barbosa et al., 2001). However these factors
(Fig. 3), while in Quintay there were more sightings in were not considered in this study.
quadrant F both in summer (31.5%) and fall (48.9%)
(Fig. 4). Also contrary to our expectation, the number of
sightings between seasons was different in Cachagua,
DISCUSSION with more sightings in summer. Lontra. felina spends
more than 80% of the day hidden in caves, preferably
This study provides new information on the relative within or near its burrow. Thus the number of
abundance and behavior of L. felina in the central area individuals may be underestimated (Medina-Voguel et
of Chile. Its relevance resides in the fact that the marine al., 2006, 2007). However, one consequence of the
otter is one of the marine mammals with the greatest increase in the number of tourists is the presence of
conservation problems both in Chile and in the world domestic animals, including rats, that may disturb their
(Valqui & Rheingantz, 2015). This study is an addition dens (Apaza et al., 2003; Medina-Vogel et al., 2008;
to other Chilean studies on the distribution and Vianna et al., 2010; Mangel et al., 2011), making the
abundance of this species (Cabello, 1983; Rozzi & otters more visible when they leave their hiding places.
Torres-Mura, 1990; Sielfeld & Castilla, 1999),
It should be mentioned that the study area is in front of
particularly in a region poorly evaluated. It also adds to
Cachagua Island National Monument (between Bahía
studies of the marine otter’s characteristics and habitat
de Quintero and Cachagua), which has the highest
selection (Sielfeld, 1990; Ebensperger & Castilla,
1992; Medina-Vogel et al., 2006, 2007), and behavior density of chungungos in the area (Figueroa et al.,
and diet (Castilla & Bahamondes, 1979; Castilla, 1982; 2016). This island is administered by the National
Ostfeld et al., 1989; Sielfeld, 1990; Ebensperger & Forestry Corporation (CONAF), which prohibits the
Castilla, 1992; Medina, 1995; Villegas et al., 2007; presence of people on the island. Along with its
Badilla & George-Nascimento, 2009; Córdova et al., topography, this makes it an ideal place for the animals
2009; Mangel et al., 2011; Córdova & Rau, 2016). to stay when animals are bothered by the tourists, a
As expected, the results showed a significantly condition that may account for the increased number of
higher number of sightings in Quintay. Lontra. felina sightings (CONAF, 2017).
uses areas with strong wave exposure (Sielfeld, 1990; There was more displacement in Quintay than in
Sielfeld & Castilla, 1999), such as in Cachagua. Cachagua during summer. This could be related to the
However, its distribution does not appear to be location of the feeding areas in both sectors. Field
exclusively restricted to exposed zones. They can also observations indicated that most displacements in
use more restricted areas (Delgado-Rodríguez et al., Quintay appeared to be in quadrants away from the
2006) such as Quintay, which has beneficial conditions coast in search of food (Fig. 4, quadrant C-D), whereas
for chungungo permanence. the feeding zones in Cachagua are closer to the coast
Contrary to our prediction, there were differences in (Fig. 4, quadrant E-G). There were frequent observa-
the number of sightings between seasons in Quintay, tions of adults returning to their burrows from feeding
with the number of sightings increasing during fall. zones with prey in their mouths, which is coincident
Based on field observations, this may be related to the with the fact that adults were recorded together with
presence of offspring in the area, who are in a learning their offspring in both seasons in Quintay.
Impact of human activity patterns on the marine otter (Lontra felina) in central Chile 126
Figure 3. Proportion of sightings of Lontra felina in the different quadrants of observation in Cachagua. The colors indicate
the spaces most used by the animals in a) summer and b) fall.
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